Small Wars Journal

Lifting the Fog of Peace (Updated)

Wed, 09/29/2010 - 3:14pm
Update: Lifting the Fog of Peace at a special 40% discount when purchased at The University of Michigan Press. To get the discount, enter the code FOG10 when checking out. Great deal on a great book.

To be released this month - Lifting the Fog of Peace: How Americans Learned to Fight Modern War by Dr. Janine Davidson.

Counterinsurgency and stability operations in Iraq and Afghanistan are only the most recent examples of the U.S. Armed Forces fighting insurgents, building infrastructure, enforcing laws, and governing cities. For more than two centuries, these assignments have been a regular part of the military's tasks; yet until recently the lessons learned from the experiences have seldom been formally incorporated into doctrine and training. As a result, each generation of soldiers has had to learn on the job.

Janine Davidson traces the history of the U.S. military's involvement in these complex and frustrating missions. By comparing the historical record to the current era, Davidson assesses the relative influence of organizational culture and processes, institutional structures, military leadership, and political factors on the U.S. military's capacity to learn and to adapt. Pointing to the case of Iraq, she shows that commanders serving today have benefited at the tactical level from institutional changes following the Vietnam War and from the lessons of the 1990s. Davidson concludes by addressing the question of whether or not such military learning, in the absence of enhanced capabilities and capacity in other U.S. government agencies, will be sufficient to meet the complex challenges of the 21st century.

"Lifting the Fog of Peace is a captivating study of an agile and adaptive military evolving through the chaos of the post-9/11 world. In what is certain to be regarded as the definitive analysis of the reshaping of American combat power in the face of a complex and uncertain future, Dr. Janine Davidson firmly establishes herself as a rising intellectual star in government and politics. A thoroughly captivating study of organizational learning and adaptation—a 'must read' for leaders in every field."

---LTG William B. Caldwell, IV, Commanding General, NATO Training Mission - Afghanistan

"In Lifting the Fog of Peace, Dr. Janine Davidson explains how the American military has adapted itself to succeed in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that are the most likely future face of combat. The book is informed by her experience of these wars in the Department of Defense, where she now plays a critical role in continuing the process of learning that has so visibly marked the military's performance in today's wars. Highly recommended."

---Dr. John A. Nagl, President, Center for a New American Security

"Janine Davidson's Lifting the Fog of Peace is a superb, concise, and well-written book that makes important contributions in three areas. It advances our knowledge of organizational learning in the Armed Forces. It also accurately captures the rich post-Vietnam operational and doctrinal history of the Army and the Marine Corps. The simplistic cartoon of dim-witted generals fixated on the Fulda Gap is replaced here by a more accurate version, where engaged senior officers studied the security environment, absorbed important lessons, and began to improve the learning capacity of the military services. Finally, Lifting the Fog of Peace assesses the state of contemporary stability operations and what must be done to further prepare our Armed Forces for modern war on the low end of the spectrum of conflict. It will be a 'must read' on the E-Ring of the Pentagon and in security studies programs across the nation."

---Dr. Joseph J. Collins, Professor, National War College, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Stability Operations

Dr. Janine Davidson, a former Air Force pilot, is a professor of national security at George Mason University, currently serving in the Pentagon as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Plans.

The views presented in this book are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Department of Defense or its Components.

NDU: STAR-TIDES Field Demonstration

Wed, 09/29/2010 - 8:22am
The National Defense University has announced the 4th annual STAR-TIDES Field Demonstration at Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington D.C. from Tuesday, October 5 to Friday, October 8. During this four day event, a wide range of capabilities that could be useful in post-war, post-disaster, or impoverished situations will be demonstrated in an open field environment along with examples from recent support to real-world contingencies. The event will take place during regular business hours, so please join NDU at your convenience for an hour or two, or even all day. Attendance is free and open to the general public. For more information, and to register for the event, please visit the event website.

The focus is on active demonstrations of integrated infrastructures. All activities will be independent of the power grid, and communications will be live. NDU will feature four sections that each include a mix of shelter, water, power, integrated cooking, heating/cooling, lighting, sanitation, and information and communications technologies, provided by a mix of USG, NGOs, and private sector companies. The four sections are: Stabilization and Reconstruction in Afghanistan, Disaster Relief in the U.S., Building Partnership Capacity in Refugee Camp Environment, and Disaster Relief in Tropical Regions (Central America and Western Pacific).

29 September SWJ Roundup

Wed, 09/29/2010 - 7:27am

Karzai Names Panel for Taliban Talks - New York Times

Afghan Government Sets Up 70-Member Peace Council - Associated Press

Afghan 'Peace Council' Draws Fire - Washington Times

NATO: Taliban Contacts Still At Embryonic Stage - Reuters

Karzai Appeals for Peace after Provincial Official's Murder - Washington Post

Karzai Questions NATO Mission in Teary Speech - Los Angeles Times

Petraeus Fights Time, Enemy in Afghanistan - Associated Press

NATO Confirms Senior Al-Qaida Commander Killed - Associated Press

More NATO Trainers Needed in Afghanistan, General Says - AFPS

Petraeus Discusses Future of Afghan Detainees - AFPS

U.S. Senator Wants Afghanistan Funds Inspector Fired - Reuters

Drones as Occupational Hazard for Taliban - New York Times

Obama's Wars

Obama's Wars - Washington Post full coverage

Military Thwarted President Seeking Choice - Washington Post (Pt. 1)

Biden Warned Obama Not to Become 'Locked In' - Washington Post (Pt. 2)

Obama: '... the cancer is in Pakistan' - Washington Post (Pt. 3)

The War Over the War - Washington Post editorial


Generals in Pakistan Push for Shakeup of Government - New York Times

CIA Steps Up Drone Attacks in Pakistan - Washington Post

U.S. Intensifies Drone Strikes in Pakistan - Los Angeles Times

U.S.-Led Forces, Pakistan Discuss Cross-Border Attack - Reuters

Pakistan Warns Against More NATO Raids - Associated Press

NATO Confirms Senior Al-Qaida Commander Killed - Associated Press

Pakistan Probes Reports of Qaida Militant's Death - Associated Press

U.S. Lowers Threshold For Pakistan Drone Strikes - Reuters

White House Condemns Pakistani Woman's Stoning - Washington Times

The Secret War in Pakistan - Washington Times editorial

Who Attacked Umar Cheema? - New York Times editorial

Flood-ravaged Pakistan, No Sign of American Aid - Washington Post opinion


Iraqi Shiite Militia Hints of Iran's Hand in South - Associated Press

U.S. Soldier Accused of Fatally Shooting Fellow Troops - Washington Post

U.S. Soldier Held in Slayings of 2 GIs in Iraq - Associated Press


Suspicions Aroused in Killing of Iranian Doctors - New York Times

Oman Mediators in Iran to Seek Release of 2 U.S. Men - Associated Press

Iran Says No Decision on Woman in Stoning Case - Associated Press

Pioneer Iran Blogger Sentenced to 19 Years Prison - Associated Press

U.S. Department of Defense

Pentagon Officials Say Spending is Bloated - Washington Post

Defense Officials Testify on Cost-saving Measures - AFPS

Webb Accuses Pentagon of 'Stiff-arming' Virginia on JFCOM - Washington Post

Webb: Pentagon Evasive on JFCOM Closing - Associated Press

Supreme Court Enters Legal Fight over Navy Plane - Associated Press


WikiLeaks Spokesman, Leaving Group, Describes Dysfunction - Washington Post

United States

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter Hospitalized - Voice of America


Divided Parliament Opens in Australia - New York Times


Nigerian Legislators Pondering Vote Delay - Voice of America

Another Delay Possible in Guinea Run-Off - Voice of America

Guinea Massacre Victims' Families Unable to Gather - Associated Press

Somali Pirate Chief Faces Death - BBC News

Americas and Caribbean

Hundreds Feared Dead in Mexico Landslide - Voice of America

Mudslide in Mexico Buries Homes - New York Times

Mexican Judge Dismisses Case Against 5 Officers - Associated Press

Chavez Throws Down Gauntlet to Venezuela Opposition - Reuters

Chile Mine Rescue Hopes Raised - BBC News

Castro Recycles '60 Speech - Washington Times

Castro Attacks U.S. While Reading From 50 Year Old Speech - Reuters

Asia Pacific

Koreas to Hold Military Talks, South Says - New York Times

N. Korea Bolsters Kim's Son and Sister - New York Times

North Korean Leader Promotes Son, Sister - Washington Post

North Korea's "First" Family Readies For Succession - Reuters

North Korea Leader's Son Promoted, Seen as Heir - Associated Press

Key Posts for N. Korea Head's Son - BBC News

North Korea Leader's Son Seen Set For Succession - Reuters

Anti-Sub Exercises Send Deterrence Message to North Korea - AFPS

China Softens Tone in Japan Dispute - New York Times

Japan: China Must Resolve Detention of 4 Japanese - Associated Press

Japan Urges Resolution on Nationals Held In China - Reuters

China Warns Nobel Official: Don't Honor Dissident - Associated Press

Vietnam's Economy a Rising Star After Global Slump - Voice of America

Prime Minister Issues Election Warning - Associated Press

Burma: Working for 'Free and Fair' Vote - Associated Press


Bond Sell-offs Fuel Fears of New European Cisis - Washington Post

Al-Qaeda Terrorism Plot Uncovered - BBC News

Terror Plot Uncovered in Europe - Associated Press

Plot to Attack European Cities Foiled - Reuters

Norway Says Three Planned Attack Over Cartoons - New York Times

Police: Norway Terror Plot Targeted Danish Paper - Associated Press

France: Crackdown on Illegal Immigration as Legislation - Washington Post

Dutch Agree Coalition With Anti-Islam Party Support - Reuters

Medvedev Fires Moscow Mayor in Feud - New York Times

Medvedev Fires Moscow's Mayor, Longtime Putin Supporter - Washington Post

Amnesty Says Deported Roma Face Persecution in Kosovo - Voice of America

Middle East

U.S. Envoy Resumes Mideast Mission - Voice of America

U.S. Pressing Israel to Halt West Bank Construction - Associated Press

Netanyahu Says Mideast Peace Talks Must Go On - Reuters

Israeli Foreign Minister Distances Himself From Talks - New York Times

Israel Minister's U.N. Speech Disowned By Netanyahu - Reuters

Israel Controversy Over U.N. Speech - BBC News

Israel Intercepts Gaza Aid Boat Carrying Jewish Activists - Voice of America

Israel Stops Jewish Activists From Entering Gaza - New York Times

Israel Halts Gaza-Bound Boat Without Violence - Associated Press

No Death Sentence for Tycoon in Egypt - New York Times

South Asia

India Braces For Verdict In Charged Religious Property Dispute - VOA

Test of India Verdict Will Lie in Public Reaction - New York Times

India's Capital Locked Down Ahead Of Commonwealth Games - Reuters

Games Turn Glare on Millions Of India's Working Children - Reuters

Gunman in Mumbai Attacks Appeals Death Sentence - Associated Press

Crime Wars: Gangs, Cartels and U.S. National Security

Tue, 09/28/2010 - 5:15pm
The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) released a new report today entitled Crime Wars: Gangs, Cartels and U.S. National Security by Bob Killebrew and Jennifer Bernal.

As illustrated by the unprecedented violence in Mexico, drug trafficking groups have evolved to not only pose significant challenges to that country, but to governments and societies across the Western Hemisphere, including the United States. Crime Wars: Gangs, Cartels and U.S. National Security surveys organized crime throughout the Western Hemisphere, analyzes the challenges it poses for the region and recommends the United States replace the "war on drugs" paradigm with comprehensive domestic and foreign policies to confront the interrelated challenges of drug trafficking and violence ranging from the Andean Ridge to American streets.

The result of a yearlong study by the Center for a New American Security, Crime Wars provides some elements of such a strategy, including recommendations for the U.S. government to: renew political and military outreach to Latin American states; enhance efforts to strengthen state institutions throughout the region; and better attack cartels' financial networks. At the same time, domestic policy should aim to disseminate better intelligence among law enforcement, federally fund additional campaigns to diminish drug demand and safeguard U.S. communities against gang recruitment. Only by dealing with transnational crime in a comprehensive manner will societies in the hemisphere be able to mitigate its impact.

Download the full report here.

28 September SWJ Roundup

Tue, 09/28/2010 - 5:56am

Petraeus Says Taliban Have Reached Out to Karzai - New York Times

Petraeus: Taliban Have Reached Out to Reconcile - Associated Press

Afghan, NATO Forces Launch Anti-Taliban Push in Kandahar - VOA

Afghans And NATO Launch Offensive In Taliban Heartland - Reuters

Kandahar Roulette With a 9-millimeter - New York Times

Afghan Minister Urges New War on Terror Networks - Associated Press

Afghan, Coalition Forces Capture, Kill Insurgents - AFPS

Afghan Poll Body Orders Vote Recounts In 7 Provinces - Reuters

Soldier Describes Murder of Afghan for Sport in Leaked Tape - New York Times

Army Soldier Says Staff Sergeant Plotted Afghans' Killings - Washington Post

Tape Shows Lewis-McChord Soldier Describing Killings - KOMO News

Drug Use Cited in Unit Tied to Civilian Deaths - New York Times

U.S. Sergeant Described as Ringleader in Slaying of Civilians - Los Angeles Times

U.S. Troops Refuse to Testify In Afghan Murder Case - Reuters

Photographic Report From the Taliban Heartland - New York Times

Brother of Afghan Leader Is Subject of Wiretapping - New York Times

Karzai's Brother Says He Will Amend U.S. Tax Returns - Associated Press

Eastern Afghan Official Killed in Bombing - Associated Press

Suicide Bomb Kills Afghan Vice-Governor, Five Others - Reuters

Obama's Wars

Obama's Wars - Washington Post full coverage

Military Thwarted President Seeking Choice - Washington Post (Pt. 1)

Biden Warned Obama Not to Become 'Locked In' - Washington Post (Pt. 2)


CIA Steps Up Drone Attacks in Pakistan to Thwart Taliban - New York Times

Drones Target Terror Plot - Wall Street Journal

NATO Strikes at Taliban in Pakistan - New York Times

Rebuke from Islamabad after NATO Airstrikes - Washington Post

Pakistan Denounces NATO Strikes that Killed 50 Insurgents - Los Angeles Times

Pakistan Say NATO Airstrikes Breach Its Air Space - Associated Press

Pakistan Outraged Over NATO Helicopter Incursion - Reuters

Pakistan Court Orders Government to Probe Graft - Associated Press

Video Shows Taliban Allegedly Stoning Pakistan Woman - Reuters


Insurgent Group in Iraq, Declared Tamed, Roars - New York Times

Iraq Shi'ites Miss Deadline on Government Leader - Reuters

Iraq: US Should Help Break Government Deadlock - Associated Press

Iraqi Who Killed Two U.S. Soldiers was on Suicide Mission - Stars and Stripes

Silenced Slayings on the Rise in Iraq - Associated Press

Kurdish Rebels Deny Iranian Forces Entered Iraq - Associated Press


Iran Struggling to Contain Computer Virus - Washington Post

Speculation on Israeli Involvement in Malware Attack - Los Angeles Times

Iran Dissolves Pro-Reform Parties - Associated Press

Prosecutor: An Adulteress Could in Theory be Stoned - Washington Post

Backing Diplomacy with Force - Washington Times opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

DoD to Split Up Top IT Office - Federal Times

GAO: Regs on Separating Troops for Disorders Not Followed - Stars and Stripes

Pentagon Oversees Destruction of Classified War Memoir - Associated Press

Government Censors Key Terror Information - Washington Times editorial


Spokesman for WikiLeaks Steps Down - New York Times

United States

White House Agrees to Share Covert Operations Information - Washington Post

Administration Seeks Ways to Monitor Internet Comm. - Washington Post

Cyber Storm III Aims to Protect Against Real Thing - Washington Times

U.S. Mounting First Test Of Cyber-Blitz Response Plan - Reuters

IG: FBI Cheated on Test of Rules - Washington Times

FBI Employees Reportedly Cheated on Security Test - Reuters

How to Spot a Terrorist - New York Times opinion

United Kingdom

Britain Condemns Paying Ransom to Militant Groups - Reuters


North Sudan Party Threatens to Reject Referendum - Reuters

Sudanese Get Arms to Fight Rebels - BBC News

Sudan: U.N. Relief at Rwanda Peacekeepers - BBC News

Sudan: Crisis Point Dead Ahead - Washington Times opinion

Somali Sufi Group Backs Out of Government Power-Sharing Deal - VOA

Mystery over 'Helicopter Attack on Somalia's al-Shabab - BBC News

Nigeria: Flood Ruins Crops as Food Remains Scarce - Associated Press

Americas and Caribbean

Venezuelan Socialists Retain Majority, Opposition Gains in Legislature - VOA

Chávez Allies Win Majority, but Foes Make Gains - New York Times

Chavez Fails to Reach Critical Two-thirds Majority - Washington Post

Chavez Opponents Make Gains - Washington Times

Chavez Foes Hail Election Gains - BBC News

Both Sides Hail Victory In Venezuela Election - Reuters

Opposition Hopes to Rein in Chavez After Election - Associated Press

Election Boosts Venezuela's Opposition - Reuters

Chavez: Venezuela Studying Nuclear Energy Program - Associated Press

Mexican Mayor Killed in Town Threatened by Traffickers - Los Angeles Times

Small-Town Mayor Stoned to Death in Western Mexico - Associated Press

Colombia: FARC Pays Tribute to Leader Killed in Air Attack - Associated Press

Colombian Senator Accused of Aiding Rebels Dismissed - Associated Press

Colombia: Senator Banned for 'FARC Links' - BBC News

Military Man to Head Cuba's Biggest Company - Reuters

Asia Pacific

Historic Political Meeting Under Way in N. Korea - Associated Press

North Korea: Kim's Son Promoted to General as Ruling Party Convenes - VOA

Kim's Son Is Elevated Ahead of N. Korea Meeting - New York Times

North Korean Leader Promotes Son to 4-star General - Washington Post

North Korea's Kim Elevates Son - Wall Street Journal

Kim Jong Il's Son Promoted to Four-star General - Los Angeles Times

North Korea Promotes Kim Son to General - Associated Press

North Korean Leader's Son Rises as Likely Successor - Reuters

U.S.: Too Early to Tell What Is Happening In North Korea - Reuters

China, Russia Agree to Strengthen Strategic Partnership - Voice of America

Russia Prepares to Open Oil Pipeline to China - Reuters

No Japan-China Meeting Planned at Europe Summit - Associated Press

China Warns Norway Against Peace Nobel For Dissident - Reuters

China Investigates Extralegal Petitioner Detentions - New York Times

China's Power Plays - Washington Post opinion

Malaysia Calls for Moderation to Fight Extremists - Associated Press

U.N. Head Backs Burma Election Call - BBC News

Independent Burma Publication Claims Cyberattack - New York Times

Nations Warn Burma to Free Prisoners - Associated Press

The Caucasus

Chechnya Coerces Women on Dress, Activists Say - New York Times


France on High Alert for Possible Terrorist Attacks - Washington Post

Germany Takes a Step Toward Ending Its Draft - New York Times

Hague Reassures U.S. Amid Defence Review - Reuters

Russia's President Fires Moscow Mayor - New York Times

Kremlin Fires Iconic Moscow Mayor After 18 Years - Associated Press

Sweden's Greens Won't Back Centre-Right Government - Reuters

Middle East

Diplomats Desperately Try to Save Mideast Talks - New York Times

Mitchell Heads Back to Middle East to Deal With Settlements 'Dilemma' - VOA

U.S. Envoy to Try to Salvage Mideast Peace Talks - Associated Press

Construction in West Bank Settlements Resumes - Washington Post

World Leaders Criticize Israel on West Bank Construction - Los Angeles Times

Israeli Settlement Freeze Ends, Peace Talks In Balance - Reuters

Abbas: No Quick Decision on Peace Talks - Voice of America

Palestinians Weigh Future of Peace Talks - Voice of America

Palestinians Wait on Decision to Quit Peace Talks - Associated Press

U.S. Dismayed By Israel Decision, Mitchell on New Trip - Reuters

U.N. 'Disappointed' at Israeli Settlement Activity - Associated Press

Israel Warship Approaches Gaza-Bound Activist Boat - Associated Press

Poor Diplomacy - Washington Post opinion

Yemeni Cleric Part of Terror Plots - Washington Times

South Asia

India Seeks Eased U.S. Controls on Defense Technologies - Washington Times

India Reopens Schools in Kashmir - New York Times

India's Surveillance Plan Said to Deter Business - New York Times

ISAF Placemat

Tue, 09/28/2010 - 5:12am

The NATO-ISAF Placemat sets out the approximate numbers of forces provided to ISAF by Allied and other contributing nations, the location and lead of Provincial Reconstruction Teams, and the countries responsible for ISAF Regional Commands.

Since February 2009, the Placemat shows the approximate size and location of the Afghan National Army. Since June 2009, the Placemat displays major ISAF units.

China lost the fishing boat standoff

Mon, 09/27/2010 - 4:18pm
The New York Times described the Japanese government's return of the Chinese fishing boat captain last Friday as "a humiliating retreat" and "a significant victory to Chinese leaders." After a two-week standoff, the Japanese government opted not to prosecute Zhan Qixiong for refusing an order to leave Japanese waters and for ramming two Japanese coast guard vessels. It would seem that Chinese diplomatic bluster, the refusal to allow a cargo ship with rare earth metals to sail to Japan, and the capture of four Japanese citizens in China on allegations of espionage was enough to cause Japanese policymakers to buckle. And even though Zhan is home, China is not satisfied. It has demanded from Japan an apology. Japan has refused and has responded with its own demand for compensation to repair its coast guard vessels.

China got its man back. But the greater Japan's supposed humiliation, the greater the defeat for China and its strategic interests in the region.

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan is now being pilloried inside Japan for displaying weakness. Had Kan's LDP critics been in office, the outcome of this affair would very likely have been the same. But that doesn't matter. The political incentives in Japan now favor a harder line against China the next time another such incursion occurs, which is very likely.

Second, other countries in the region have not taken kindly to China's recent elevation of its claims over the South China Sea to the level of "core interest." China's high-decibel screeching at Japan only reinforces the impression among policymakers in the region that China might now be turning into everyone's problem. And if these countries view China as a problem, a collective response may follow -- the last thing China should want.

The fishing boat incident in the Senkakus does not rise to the level of Munich 1938. But the incident's outcome may be one of the last accommodations China gets before policymakers in the region begin contemplating the need for containment.

27 September SWJ Roundup

Mon, 09/27/2010 - 5:14am

American and Afghan Troops Begin Combat for Kandahar - New York Times

U.S., Afghan Forces 'Destroying Taliban Fighting Positions' - Los Angeles Times

British Aid Worker Kidnapped; Push in Kandahar - Associated Press

Military Thwarted Search for Afghanistan Options - Washington Post

IEDs Killing Fewer Troops in Afghanistan - Washington Post

Scores of Taliban Killed in 2 Airstrikes - New York Times

Bombs Kill 3 Foreign Troops in Afghanistan - Voice of America

NATO: Bomb Blast Kills 2 Troops in Afghanistan - Associated Press

Afghan Election Commission Orders Recounts - Associated Press

Massive Afghan Iron Ore Deposit Up For Tender Again - Reuters

British Woman, 3 Afghans Kidnapped in Afghanistan - Voice of America

4 Aid Workers Held in Afghanistan - New York Times

U.S. Soldier Faces Murder Charges From Afghan War - Reuters

Former Australian Troops Charged in Afghan Deaths - Associated Press


NATO Pursues Rebels into Pakistan - BBC News

Pakistan PM Cancels Trips as Govt Speculation Swirls - Reuters

Pakistan Arms Minister Quits - BBC News

Pakistani Minister Resigns After Criticizing Army - Associated Press

U.S. Missile Strike Kills 4 in Pakistan - Voice of America

U.S. Missile Strikes in Pakistan Kill 7 Militants - Voice of America


Iraq Waits for a Government on a Long Vacation - New York Times

Iraq's Awakening Being Stripped of Police Ranks - Washington Post

U.S. Gift for Students in Iraq Offers a Primer on Corruption - New York Times

Fortified Border: Iraq on Guard Against Iran - Associated Press

Four Killed in Iraq Violence - Voice of America


Iran: Computer Malware Attacked, Failed to Harm Nuclear Plant - VOA

Iran Fights Malware Attacking Computers - New York Times

Stuxnet: A Silent Attack, but Not a Subtle One - New York Times

Omanis Arrive in Iran to Aid 2 U.S. Hikers - New York Times

Oman Is Said to Be Talking to Iran on U.S. Prisoners - Associated Press

U.S. Department of Defense

Defense Contractors on Offensive - Washington Post

General Denies Equating Gays, Blacks in Military - Washington Times

Helicopter Dip in Lake Tahoe Is Under Investigation by Navy - Associated Press

United States

U.S. Officials Defend "State Secrets" Claim - Washington Post

WH: Lawsuit for Cleric Would Reveal State Secrets - Associated Press

U.S. Is Working to Ease Wiretaps on the Internet - New York Times

Money Transfers Could Face Anti-terrorism Scrutiny - Washington Post

A Reminder for the FBI - New York Times editorial


Rising Powers Need to Rise Up - Washington Post opinion


4 African Military Chiefs Discuss Fighting Al Qaeda Jointly - Reuters

Somali President Urges International Help to Fight Terrorism - Voice of America

Somalia: Helicopter Attacks al-Shabab-Held Town - Voice of America

Helicopter Attacks Militant Meeting in Somalia - New York Times

U.S. 'Engages' with Somali Regions - BBC News

Obama Presses for Fair Sudan Vote - BBC News

Egypt and Thirsty Neighbors Are at Odds Over Nile - New York Times

Kenya Says West Wasting Money on Anti-Piracy Ships - Associated Press

Nigeria: Nobel Laureate Launches Political Party - Associated Press

Efforts Meant to Help Workers Batter South Africa's Poor - New York Times

Americas and Caribbean

Mexico Not New Colombia When it Comes to Drug Cartels - Los Angeles Times

Mexico Detains Suspected Zetas Leader for Cancun - Associated Press

Mexico Nabs Suspected Drug Lord - BBC News

Mexican Soldiers Capture Suspected Drug Chief - Reuters

Colombian Police Examine FARC Rebels' Laptops - BBC News

Polls Open in Venezuela Legislative Elections - Voice of America

Venezuelans Vote for Legislators - New York Times

Venezuela Vote Seen as Test of Chavez Popularity - Washington Times

Venezuela Awaits Results of National Assembly Elections - Los Angeles Times

Venezuela to Elect New Parliament - BBC News

Venezuela Awaits Results of Congressional Vote - Associated Press

Chavez Opposition Gains in Parliament - Voice of America

Chavez Foes Advance in Election - BBC News

Venezuela Opposition Pegs Back Chavez In Parliament - Reuters

Undecided Voters Likely Key to Venezuelan Legislative Election - VOA

Chavez Likely to Retain Parliament In Venezuelan Vote - Reuters

Political Flavor Infuses Venezuela's New Cafes - New York Times

Venezuela: Chavez Aiming to Keep Control in Legislative Vote - Associated Press

Is Chavez a Threat? - Washington Post opinion

Colombia: Santos Hails FARC 'Turning Point' - BBC News

Chilean Miners Prepare for Rescue - Washington Post

Rescue Cage Arrives at Chile Mine - BBC News

Storm Kills Five, Adds to Homeless Misery In Haiti - Reuters

Storm Shreds Aging Tents in Haiti Earthquake Camps - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

A Historic Moment for N. Korea Watchers - Washington Post

Kim's Heir Apparent Set for Debut in Pyongyang - Washington Times

Delegates Gather in N. Korea for Political Meeting - Associated Press

North Korea Military Appears to Back Kim Succession - Reuters

Interpreting the Meaning Behind North Korea's Tough Talk - Stars and Stripes

Japan Rejects Apologizing to China - New York Times

Japanese Leader Says No Apology to China - Associated Press

Japan Will Ask China to Pay for Crash - New York Times

China Rights Report Cites Improvements, but Also Failings - New York Times

China Imposes a Steep Tariff on U.S. Poultry - New York Times

Rising Power - Washington Post editorial

China's Growing Military Clout and E. Asia's Future - Los Angeles Times opinion

Blaming China Won't Help the Economy - New York Times opinion

Headed Toward a Trade War - Washington Post opinion


USAFE General: Keep U.S. Military Forces in Europe - Stars and Stripes

ETA Willing to Declare Permanent Cease-Fire - Associated Press

Basque Guerrillas Say Ready to Prove Truce Real - Reuters

Middle East

U.S. Tries to Breathe Life Back Into Mideast Talks - New York Times

Sides Work to Save Mideast Peace Talks as Freeze Expires - New York Times

Israel Ends Freeze on West Bank Settlement Construction - Los Angeles Times

Settlements' Deadline Clouds Future of Israeli-Palestinian Peace Efforts - VOA

Israel Seeks Talks as Freeze Ends - BBC News

U.S. Scrambles for Compromise to Keep Peace Talks Going - Los Angeles Times

Palestinian Leader Vows Peace, Urges Settlement End - Reuters

Abbas Says No Peace Without Moratorium on Settlement Construction - VOA

Abbas Says Settlements Block Mideast Peace Deal - Associated Press

Israeli Building Ban Ends - Washington Post

Israeli Settlers to Resume West Bank Construction - Associated Press

Jordanian Queen: Despair Must Not Prevail in Middle East Peace Process - VOA

Jewish Activists Set Sail From Cyprus for Gaza - New York Times

South Asia

Kashmiri Separatist Leader Rejects Indian Plan to End Unrest - VOA

India Makes Major Shift in Policy in Kashmir - New York Times

India to Review Kashmir Deployment to Tackle Unrest - Reuters

India Bids to Ease Kashmir Crisis - BBC News

India: Maoists in Police Hostage Threat - BBC News

India: Snakes and Other Problems Still Plague Commonwealth Games - VOA