Small Wars Journal

4 November SWJ Roundup

Thu, 11/04/2010 - 5:49am

New U.S. Approach to Afghanistan Insurgency - Christian Science Monitor

Helmand Governor: U.S. Improving Security in Sangin - Associated Press

Afghan Governor Sees Better Security - Reuters

Alleged Afghan Elections Irregularities Under Inquiry - Washington Post

Probe Launched Into Afghanistan Election Body - Reuters

U.S. to Spend $511 Million to Expand Kabul Embassy - Associated Press

Insurgents Step Up Attacks on Afghan Forces - Associated Press

3 NATO Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan - Voice of America

Combined Force Kills Insurgents in Helmand Province - AFPS

NATO: Service Member Killed in Eastern Afghanistan - Associated Press

Russia Vows to Help NATO More in Afghan War - Associated Press


Militants' Threats Cow U.S.-aided Pakistan - Washington Times

Pakistani Officials Say U.S. Missile Strikes Kill 11 - Voice of America

U.S. Missile Strikes Kill 13 Militants in Pakistan - Associated Press


U.S. Clandestine War' War in Yemen? - Christian Science Monitor

Yemen's Drive on Al Qaeda Faces Internal Skepticism - New York Times

Yemen Al Qaeda Avoids Mistakes Made in Iraq - Los Angeles Times

Yemen Al Qaeda Warned Tribe Against Helping Govt - Reuters

Atop Yemen Al-Qaida, a Militant Who Vows to Hit U.S. - Associated Press

YouTube Withdraws Cleric's Videos - New York Times

YouTube Yanks Islamic Cleric's Jihad Sermon Videos - Agence France-Presse


Iraqis Have Harsh Words for Security Forces - Christian Science Monitor

In the New Iraq, a Familiar Taste of Misery - New York Times

Iraq Parliament to Meet, Maliki May Form Government - Reuters

Q&A: Is al Qaeda in Iraq Coming Back? - Reuters

Al-Qaida in Iraq Threatens Attacks on Christians - Associated Press


U.S. Designates Anti-government Militant Group as Terrorist - Los Angeles Times

Iran Holds Four 'U.K.-linked Men' for Killings - BBC News

Iran Says Four British-Based "Terrorists" Arrested - Reuters

France: Iran Says No Verdict Yet in Stoning Case - Associated Press

Iran Stoning Woman Not Executed, France Says - BBC News

France Says Iran Woman Will Not Be Hanged Wednesday - Reuters


Obama's Star Fades in Muslim World - Associated Press

U.S. Department of Defense

Secretive Company Lands Jet Fuel Contract - Washington Post

Amos Offers Vision for U.S. Marine Corps' Future at Town Hall - Stars and Stripes

Okinawa Candidates: New Marine Base Not an Option - Stars and Stripes

5th Military Facility Shooting Linked to Same Gun - Washington Post

FBI Links 5 Shootings in Virginia - Associated Press

FBI Links Shootings in Washington D.C. Area - BBC News

United States

House Democrats See Their Defense Experts Tossed Aside - Stars and Stripes

Election Outcome May Complicate Obama's Foreign Policy - Washington Post

Concern over Global Impact of U.S. Elections - Washington Post

Shift in Washington Stirs Economic Jitters Abroad - New York Times

What U.S. Vote Means For G20 Summit - Reuters

9 Vets of Current Wars Win Seats on Capitol Hill - Stars and Stripes

Clinton Urges Lame-Duck Senate Vote on START - Associated Press

U.S. Submits to U.N. Human Rights Review - Associated Press

U.S. Men Charged with Aiding Somalia's al-Shabab - BBC News

Solemn End to Trial for '98 Embassy Attacks - New York Times

United Kingdom

Theresa May Defends U.K.'s Defences Against Terrorism - BBC News

U.K. Identifies Al-Qaida Offshoot as Key New Threat - Associated Press

New Zealand

U.S., New Zealand Mend Ties After Nuclear Dispute - Associated Press


Current President, Former Prime Minister Leading Ivory Coast Vote - VOA

In Tense Ivory Coast, Election Results Indicate Runoff - New York Times

Partial Ivory Coast Election Results Show Tight Race - BBC News

Ivory Coast Heads for Runoff Vote - Associated Press

Ivorian Leader, Rival Level In Poll Results So Far - Reuters

Journalist Held as Darfur Rebels Clash With Government Troops - Reuters

Tanzania's Ruling Party Expects to Win Election - Voice of America

France Orders Rwandan Extradited to World Court - Associated Press

Rwandan Rebel to Face ICC Trial - BBC News

Top Kenyan Politician to Meet ICC Prosecutor - Associated Press

Liberian Leader Dissolves Cabinet - Reuters

Americas and Caribbean

5th U.S. Citizen Killed in Mexico This Week - Associated Press

18 Dead Found in Mexico Mass Grave Shown in Video - Associated Press

Mass Grave Of Drug War Victims Found In Mexico - Reuters

Mexico, U.S.: Massive Tunnel with Rail System Discovered - Los Angeles Times

Mexico, U.S.: Drugs Seized in Tunnel Near Border - New York Times

U.S. Border Cops Find Massive Mexico Drug Tunnel - Reuters

Colombia and Venezuela Press on with 'Brotherly' Ties - BBC News

Colombia Police Raid Drugs Agency - BBC News

Colombia Suspends 7 in Military After Children's Killings - New York Times

Colombia Soldiers Suspended After Three Children Killed - BBC News

Brazil's Lula to Ease Transition And Fight Currency Rally - Reuters

Chavez Allies Back Basque Separatist in Venezuela - Associated Press

Haiti Cholera Deaths Rise Sharply - BBC News

Did U.N. Troops Infect Haiti? - Associated Press

Confusion, Fear as Haiti Camps Evacuate for Storm - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

China Stages Naval Exercises - New York Times

Japan Anti-terrorism Data Leaked on Internet - BBC News

Russia Flexes Muscles Over Island Spat With Japan - Associated Press

Japan Warns Russia Against Visits to Disputed Isles - Reuters

S. Korea Fires Warning Shots at Boat - New York Times

South Korea Fires Warning Shots, Second Incident In Days - Reuters

N. Korean Hacking Increases Ahead of G-20 - Associated Press

U.N. Food Agency Says N. Korea Children Malnourished - Associated Press

U.S., U.N. Deem Burma Vote Illegitimate - Washington Times

Obama Indonesia Trip to Highlight Engagement, Personal Connection - VOA

Huge Volcanic Blast Spurs More Indonesians to Flee - Associated Press

Refugees Moved After Strong Indonesian Eruption - Reuters

Clinton Promotes Human Rights in Papua New Guinea - Associated Press

Malaysian By-Elections to Test Mood Ahead Of Polls - Reuters


Russia And NATO Pledge Warmer Ties At Moscow Talks - Reuters

New Bomb Found as Greece Suspends Mail Deliveries - New York Times

Greece Halts Overseas Air Shipments After Bombs Found - Los Angeles Times

Greece Suspends Foreign Airmail Service After Attacks - BBC News

Greece Suspends Air Freight After Bombs Found - Reuters

Factbox: Greek Urban Guerrilla Groups - Reuters

Germany Wants E.U. to Act on Air Freight Bombs - Reuters

France Arrests Two on Suspicion Of Terror - Reuters

Europe's Dangerous Refusal to Share Air-travel Data - Washington Post editorial

Middle East

Israelis, Palestinians Assess U.S. Election Impact - Voice of America

Obama's Midterm Loss Could Be Netanyahu MidEast Win - Reuters

Clinton Hopeful on Resuming Mideast Peace Talks - Associated Press

Israel Halts 'Dialogue' with U.K. Over War Crimes Law - BBC News

Israel Cuts Off Special Dialogue With Britain - Associated Press

Israel Halts Strategic Talks With U.K. Over Lawsuits - Reuters

Israel Attack Kills a Top Militant in Gaza - New York Times

Israel Military Says Airstrike Kills Gaza Militant - Associated Press

Israeli Strike Kills Gaza Militant - Reuters

Finish Rabin's Work - New York Times opinion

Lebanon Cracks Down on Internet Freedom - New York Times

Lebanon: Hariri Court President Appeals for Acceptance - Associated Press

South Asia

Deadly Violence Flares In Kashmir Days Before Obama India Trip - VOA

Some of the Best Weapons for Counterinsurgents Do Not Shoot

Wed, 11/03/2010 - 7:44pm
Some of the Best Weapons for Counterinsurgents Do Not Shoot by Eric T. Olson, Strategic Studies Institute Letort Papers.

Even under the best circumstances, reconstruction in counterinsurgency is a difficult endeavor. The most critical tasks are numerous and complex. Many participating agencies must undertake missions that fall well out of their existing core competencies or operate in environments that are completely unfamiliar to them. The involvement of multiple agencies who are not accustomed to working together makes coordination difficult. And all this must take place in an environment where an armed, violent foe, who understands the disadvantage to him of a successful reconstruction effort, is determined to go to almost any length to resist progress or destroy what has been accomplished. If the counterinsurgent understands what needs to be accomplished and to what end, and he has a plan and can mount a coordinated effort to execute that plan, reconstruction can indeed then become one of the array of key weapons that do not shoot that are available to the counterinsurgent. Even as a weapon that does not shoot, reconstruction can end up being dangerous to the hunter as well as the hunted. A coordinated, skillfully executed reconstruction program is essential to a manageable security environment and strong national institutions that have the confidence and the support of the people. But reconstruction that is mismanaged, bungled, and obviously ineffectual not only represents a lost opportunity to advance the cause; it also may well put a weapon in the hands of the insurgent.

Some of the Best Weapons for Counterinsurgents Do Not Shoot.

Because everyone will want one of these ...

Wed, 11/03/2010 - 11:06am
Doesn't every infantryman want his own personal unmanned bomber? This article from the Marine Corps Times explains:

The Air Force is working to develop a small unmanned bomber that can fit in a backpack and be deployed by infantry in seconds to annihilate enemy forces. It's a tool that could prove useful for Marines and special operators on the frontlines of the war on terror where critical air support isn't always moments away.


If all goes according to plan, troops on the ground — including Marines — will be able to reach for a teensy aircraft when a grenade launcher simply won't do.

Testing starts in November at Eglin, so it probably won't be in stores by Christmas. No word yet on the munitions put the punch is spec'd to be about that of a round from a grenade launcher.

3 November SWJ Roundup

Wed, 11/03/2010 - 5:03am

Afghan Government Falls Short in Kandahar - Washington Post

Eikenberry Praises Progress, Calls for More Assets - Stars and Stripes

Afghan Candidates Protest at 'Flawed' General Election - BBC News

Afghan Candidates And MPs Call For New Election - Reuters

Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill Insurgents in Nangarhar - AFPS

War is Hell - Los Angeles Times opinion


String of Bombings Kills Scores in Baghdad - Washington Post

Coordinated Bombings Strike Across a Tense Baghdad - New York Times

At Least 113 Killed in Series of Baghdad Attacks - Los Angeles Times

More than 30 Killed in New Baghdad Bomb Attacks - Christian Science Monitor

Dozens Die in Series of Baghdad Blasts - BBC News

Series of Blasts in Baghdad Kills 76 - Associated Press

Bombs Kill Dozens as Iraqi Christians Mourn - Reuters

A Look at Targets of Tuesday's Baghdad Attacks - Associated Press

Iraqi Police Commander Held in Church Attack - Associated Press

Iraq Confirms Bomb-sniffing Devices Don't Work - Washington Post

Audit Questions Tensions in Iraq - Associated Press


No Sign of Iran Altering Nuclear Goals - Los Angeles Times

Iran Unlikely to Accept Nuclear Deal, Envoy Says - Reuters

Iranian Woman to Be Hanged Wednesday - Reuters


Intel Foiled Al Qaeda Plot, DNI Chief Says - Washington Times

Yemen Takes First Legal Action Against Radical Cleric - Voice of America

Yemen: U.S.-born Cleric Radical Charged in Absentia - Washington Post

Internet Helped U.S. Muslim Convert Embrace Extremism - Washington Post

Officials: Terrorists Simulated Bomb Delivery Plot in September - VOA

In Parcel Bomb Plot, 2 Dark Inside Jokes - New York Times

Yemeni Forces Hunt for Al Qaeda Bomb Maker - Los Angeles Times

Yemen Hunts Bomb Suspect as Oil Pipeline Attacked - Reuters

Yemen Begins Trial Of Radical Preacher Wanted By U.S. - Reuters

German Letter Bomb Found After Athens Blasts - New York Times

Embassies Targeted In Wave Of Athens Parcel Bombs - Reuters

Possibly Harmful Parcel at German Leader's Office - Associated Press

Turkey: Suicide Bomber Was PKK Member - Associated Press

Istanbul Governor Says Bomber Separatist From Kurd Area - Reuters

U.S.: Hearing Is Held for Man Accused of Jihadist Ties - New York Times

U.S. Department of Defense

Gunfire Targets 5th Military-related Site Near D.C. - Washington Times

DARPA Effort Speeds Biothreat Response - American Forces Press Service


NATO Sees Threats, Reluctant to Say Who the Enemy Is - New York Times

United States

GOP Captures House, but Not Senate - New York Times

Republicans Capture Control of House - Washington Post

GOP Evicts Democrats from House Majority - Los Angeles Times

Voters Foreclose on Democratic House - Washington Times

U.S. Republicans Win House And Gain In Senate - Reuters

Elections Not Likely to Affect Statecraft - Washington Times

START, Defense Budget Tough Issues Facing Next Congress - Washington Post

What U.S. Vote Means For G20 Summit - Reuters

Clapper: Intel Budget will be Moved from Pentagon Control - Washington Post

United Kingdom

Britain's M16 Operates a Bit Differently than CIA - Washington Post

United Kingdom / France

Q&A: U.K.-French Defence Treaty - BBC News

Factbox: U.K. and France Agree on Military Cooperation - Reuters

Anglo-French Defence Treaty: At a Glance - Daily Telegraph

The "South Atlantic Question" in French-British Plan - BBC News

Britain, France Sign Historic Defense Pacts - Voice of America

France and Britain Sign Defense Agreements - New York Times

France, U.K. Sign Treaties, Unprecedented Military Cooperation - Washington Post

Britain and France Sign Landmark 50-year Defence Deal - The Guardian

France and U.K. Sign Defence Pacts - Financial Times

Leaders Hail U.K.-France Agreement - BBC News

Cameron Hails 'New Chapter' in U.K.-France Military Cooperation - Daily Telegraph

France is the U.K.'s 'Natural Defence Partner' Says Liam Fox - BBC News

France and Britain Forge New Path with Treaty - Christian Science Monitor

U.K., France Move Closer on Defense - Wall Street Journal

British Combat Troops to Come Under French Command - Daily Telegraph

U.K., France to Pool Defense Assets, Share Costs - Associated Press

France, U.K. Agree to Unprecedented Military Cooperation - Reuters

Britain and France to Seal Defence Pact - The Guardian

Britain, France Embark on New Defence Partnership - Sydney Morning Herald

U.K., France to Share Nuclear-Test Facilities, Carriers - Bloomberg

Cameron and Sarkozy to Sign Nuclear Deal - The Times / Australian

U.K., France Boost Military Cooperation - Wall Street Journal

PM and Sarkozy to Unveil New Defence Era - Financial Times

Anglo-French Deal Rewrites Military History - The Independent

Fox: Anglo-French Military Force Makes 'Perfect Sense' - Daily Telegraph

U.K. and France Agree to Joint Nuclear Testing Treaty - BBC News

Will Franco-British Cooperation on Defence Lead to an E.U. Army? - BBC News

What U.K.-France Defence Link Means - BBC News

Closer Alliance with France Good for Britain - Daily Telegraph opinion

French-U.K. Defence Treaty Born of Necessity - BBC News opinion

Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys? Non - Daily Telegraph opinion


Ivorian Army Calls For Calm Ahead Of Poll Results - Reuters

Ivory Coast: First Election Results Released - Associated Press

President, Ex - IMF Official Draw In Ivorian Poll So Far - Reuters

Initial Results Show Approval of Niger's New Constitution - Associated Press

LRA Rebel Fighter Numbers Dwindling, Officials Say - Associated Press

Americas and Caribbean

Mexico Violence Casts Shadow over Day of the Dead - Los Angeles Times

Mexicans Mourn on Day Of The Dead as Drug War Rages - Reuters

Mass Held in Mexico Chapel Built by Drug Lord - Associated Press

Leaders of Colombia, Venezuela Seek Improved Ties - Associated Press

Colombia Probes Agency Holding Seized Drug Assets - Associated Press

Costa Rica Denounces Alleged Nicaraguan Incursion - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

China Rejects U.S. Mediation in Territorial Dispute With Japan - Voice of America

Japan Summons Envoy to Russia Over Islands Dispute - New York Times

Japan Calls Back Moscow Envoy, Summit Door Open - Associated Press

Russia Warns Of More Visits to Disputed Islands - Reuters

S. Korea Fires Warning Shots at Boat - New York Times

S. Korea Fires Warning Shots Toward N. Korean Boat - Associated Press

U.S., U.K. and Australia Warn of Philippine Danger - Reuters

Clinton Praises Moderation in Muslim-Majority Malaysia - Voice of America

Malaysia Promises Fair Trial for Opposition Leader - New York Times

Clinton Visit Signals Renewed Diplomatic Interest in South Pacific - VOA

First Burmese Elections in 20 Years Set for Sunday - Washington Post

Former Burmese Political Prisoners Pessimistic as Election Day Nears - VOA


Russian Police Raid Bank Owned by Kremlin Critic - New York Times

Second Trial Ends for Russian Oil Tycoon - New York Times

Russian Oil Exec.: Embezzlement Trial Much Bigger - Washington Post

Kosovo to Hold Early December 12 Vote After Government Falls - Reuters

Serbia Police Search 3 Sites for Mladic - Associated Press

Middle East

Easing of Gaza Blockade Leaves Many Smugglers Idle - Associated Press

MCA Dinner w/ Dave Kilcullen

Tue, 11/02/2010 - 4:33pm

Hot off the heels of our very enjoyable

night with Dave Kilcullen:

The Marine Corps Association Foundation is hosting its 4th Annual Dinner on


17 November at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, featuring Dr. David Kilcullen, author

of "Counterinsurgency" and "The Accidental Guerrilla" as the speaker. Dr. Kilcullen

has also served as an advisor to Condoleezza Rice and to General David Petraeus,

USA, on counterinsurgency and counterterrorism. A reception kicks off the evening

at 1800 and is followed by dinner at 1900. Cost is $45 for MCA/MCAF members and

$60 for non-members.


here or call 703-640-0174.

U.K. - France: "Unprecedented Military Cooperation" (Updated)

Tue, 11/02/2010 - 2:13pm
News and Opinion (Updated)

Q&A: U.K.-French Defence Treaty - BBC News

Factbox: U.K. and France Agree on Military Cooperation - Reuters

Anglo-French Defence Treaty: At a Glance - Daily Telegraph

The "South Atlantic Question" in French-British Plan - BBC News

Britain, France Sign Historic Defense Pacts - Voice of America

France and Britain Sign Defense Agreements - New York Times

France, U.K. Sign Treaties, Unprecedented Military Cooperation - Washington Post

Britain and France Sign Landmark 50-year Defence Deal - The Guardian

France and U.K. Sign Defence Pacts - Financial Times

Leaders Hail U.K.-France Agreement - BBC News

Cameron Hails 'New Chapter' in U.K.-France Military Cooperation - Daily Telegraph

France is the U.K.'s 'Natural Defence Partner' Says Liam Fox - BBC News

France and Britain Forge New Path with Treaty - Christian Science Monitor

U.K., France Move Closer on Defense - Wall Street Journal

British Combat Troops to Come Under French Command - Daily Telegraph

U.K., France to Pool Defense Assets, Share Costs - Associated Press

France, U.K. Agree to Unprecedented Military Cooperation - Reuters

Britain and France to Seal Defence Pact - The Guardian

Britain, France Embark on New Defence Partnership - Sydney Morning Herald

U.K., France to Share Nuclear-Test Facilities, Carriers - Bloomberg

Cameron and Sarkozy to Sign Nuclear Deal - The Times / Australian

U.K., France Boost Military Cooperation - Wall Street Journal

PM and Sarkozy to Unveil New Defence Era - Financial Times

Anglo-French Deal Rewrites Military History - The Independent

Fox: Anglo-French Military Force Makes 'Perfect Sense' - Daily Telegraph

U.K. and France Agree to Joint Nuclear Testing Treaty - BBC News

Will Franco-British Cooperation on Defence Lead to an E.U. Army? - BBC News

What U.K.-France Defence Link Means - BBC News

Closer Alliance with France Good for Britain - Daily Telegraph opinion

French-U.K. Defence Treaty Born of Necessity - BBC News opinion

Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys? Non - Daily Telegraph opinion

Benefits from U.K-France defense pacts will require trust and deep restructuring

Tue, 11/02/2010 - 12:05pm
The British and French governments will negotiate defense cooperation treaties which will be designed, according to the Guardian newspaper, "to maximise each nation's military capabilities while saving money." The two countries will hope to achieve savings in nuclear weapons testing, aircraft pilot training, aircraft carrier utilization, submarine technologies, unmanned systems, satellite communication, and other areas.

Technology-sharing can provide one side or the other with a beneficial short-cut that it would not otherwise have had. But if the two governments wish to achieve substantial cost savings from cooperation -- which would translate into greater military power than they would otherwise be able to afford -- the two sides will have to agree on how to use specialization and economies of scale to their mutual advantage. This would mean, for example, the British specializing in submarine production with the French specializing in armored vehicle production. But in order to get specialization and economies of scale to work, both sides will have to acquire very high levels of trust in the other. Just as difficult, each side will have to be —to arrange the demise of certain politically-influential but uncompetitive defense industries in order to achieve the benefits of specialization and economies of scale in those capabilities that each does best.

Both governments feel the financial pressure to get more military capability out of increasingly scarce defense funding. Both sides may also feel the need to diversify away from excessive reliance on the United States for security. But the major benefits from this effort at cooperation will take many years to arrive. Each side will have to slay important and influential industries and learn to "trust his life" to the other. Neither will be easy nor will happen any time soon, if ever.

Wikileaks as an Exemplar of Now Media, Part 1

Tue, 11/02/2010 - 8:20am
Wikileaks as an Exemplar of Now Media, Part 1

by Matt Armstrong (Cross-posted at MountainRunner)

This is the first in a series of posts that will explore our world of disappearing boundaries -- from geographic to linguistic to time to organizational -- that create new opportunities and challenges to agenda setting and influence. Wikileaks, as an exemplar non-state actor in this world of "now media," requires analysis beyond the superficial and polarized debate common in today's coverage of both the organization and the material it disseminates. The MountainRunner Institute is working to convene a series of discussions with experts across the spectrum, including (ideally) someone from Wikileaks, to discuss the role and impact of actors like Wikileaks and the evolving informational and human landscape. If you are interested in more information or in participating, email me at

In 1927, H.G. Wells wrote that modern communication "opened up a new world of political processes" where "ideas and phrases can now be given an effectiveness greater than the effectiveness of any personality and stronger than any sectional interest."* Nearly ninety years later, this remains true with both the speed of communication and the consequences of failure far greater than possibly even Wells could have anticipated. Influence has become democratized with nearly anyone potentially capable of setting the agendas of world leaders -- take for example a pastor in Florida or a person with a camera phone capturing the death of a woman in Tehran. So to has disruption become democratized to the point governments no longer need to be involved to severely impact economic, political or military interests. "Sectional interests" once divided by geography, culture, language, nationalism or ideology can be now convened and aligned with great effectiveness as the past barriers often become little more than footnotes.

Today, it is difficult and often impractical to distinguish between news consumer and creator, between mediums of information, or between audiences that have evolved to "stakeholders" and "participants." Technology made "old media" and "new media" now quaint artifacts of a past struggle of segregation based on first platforms and then business models. Instead of "old" and "new", we have Now Media operating across evaporating borders of technology or distance and time, within and across fluid associations and affinities, and flattens (even obliterates) hierarchies while bypassing and even co-opting traditional gatekeepers of information.

Now media is remarkable for not only the speed and persistency of information, but also in the "fragmegration" of the human environment that is at once fragmenting and integrating along new and often multiple lines. Multiple identities and voluntary associations lead to "turnstile allegiances" that may be potentially leveraged by anyone. Consider the motivations of Colleen LaRose, aka JihadJane, and Bradley Manning, the alleged leak (and thus the real "whistle blower", a point I'll return to below) of hundreds of thousands of Defense and State Department documents. Neither LaRose or Manning apparently acted out of ideology (in the traditional sense) or money or because of some other connection that a "loyalty check" or security clearance would have flagged.

The opportunities, threats and challenges of this new environment are represented by Wikileaks. A non-state actor with no territory or assets to seize, bomb or blockade, and no trade to threaten or leverage, Wikileaks manages to have the media and governments leap at every utterance, making Wikileaks one of the most influential organizations in the world right now. When Fox News offered to release Apache gun camera footage for Wikileaks earlier this year, Wikileaks smartly declined, opting instead to distribute the material and thus ensure greater distribution and ownership over the meme.

It claims to be a "non-profit media organization" bringing "important news and information to the public," but any context added to the anonymously received content is not intended to create a more informed public but, in the words of Julian Assange, co-founder and front-man for Wikileaks, to get the "maximum political effect" out of the material. Paul Steiger, the editor-in-chief at ProPublica, a major non-profit U.S. media organization, recently said, "Wikileaks is not the A.P."

So what is Wikileaks? Wikileaks is despised and feared because it has emerged as an agenda-setter, capable of establishing the grammar and vocabulary of topics of its choosing, to the delight of supporters and frustration of its targets. Today, this vocabulary is a touchstone of support and alliance (but not allegiance) with the organization: Wikileaks is a whistle blower if you support their mission or an "independent organization" if not. Glenn Greenwald's lambast of The New York Times for its framing of the reported torture of Iraqi detainees could easily have been an attack on not using "whistle blower" as each of his examples of "appropriate" acknowledgement came from sources that adopted the label while The New York Times did not.

The effort to cast Wikileaks as a whistle blower extends to now-frequent associations and appearances with Daniel Ellsberg. The differences between the two are numerous, not the least of which is Ellsberg sought an outlet and Wikileaks is the outlet that packages and propagates the content for worldwide consumption in a way the media in Ellsberg's day could not.

Wikileaks, and particularly Assange, has adopted a single focus: the U.S. Department of Defense. This new myopia, acquired after the release and "success" of the inflammatory titled and edited "Collateral Murder" video. Now, for example, the only material available on or through, after being offline "for maintenance" for weeks, is the latest product, the "Iraq War Logs." This apparently frustrates core Wikileaks supporters and activists who want Assange to change his tactics and a broader focus of the organization.

For his part, however, Assange, picked a fight with an adversary that is, ironically, proving to be unarmed. The Defense Department has shown it does not know how to deal with Wikileaks. Geoff Morrell, for example, demanded Wikileaks "return" the stolen military documents on Afghanistan and Iraq. While the request to "return" electronic document was likely to help in gauging the extent of the leak, it was mocked by Wikileaks and most observers as being out of touch with the electronic reality. (Not surprisingly, the Armed Forces Press Service article linked above uses "whistle blower" to describe Wikileaks, which should be a taken as a mark of success for Wikileaks.)

The Defense Department is vexed on how to mitigate the threat and damage of Wikileaks. There are several avenues the Defense Department could approach this threat, beyond decrying the release of material as a threat to lives and limb (which Assange has already publically stated is, in his calculation, a fair cost) or that there is nothing new in the material. It also has the platforms -- from podiums to Blogger Roundtables -- and partners -- from the White House to the State Department to think tanks -- to counter accusations, distribute facts and clarifications and to address the implicit, if not explicit, charges by Wikileaks and related communities. The department staffed a "120-person task force" to prepare for the leaks, however except for the occasional denunciation from senior leadership, the only thing heard from the department is silence.

This struggle shows the department remains unprepared for "informatized" warfare, as China calls it. Networks actors (see the picture here) are ignored while focus remains on the primary instigator. If this map (or another simplified map from a different slice in time) were viewed by a combat commander, contingency plans would be developed to engage, isolate or ignore each node (or pocket) or significant activity. For some reason, this remains out of the grasp of the department (and, to be fair, most government agencies).

Part 2 of this series will explore possible opportunities for the Defense Department to bolster its reputation and counter Wikileaks.

2 November SWJ Roundup

Tue, 11/02/2010 - 5:25am

Marines Begin to Hand Over Small Bases to Afghan Army - Washington Post

Afghan Police Unit Defects en Masse to Taliban Side - New York Times

Taliban Fighters Briefly Overrun Afghan District - Los Angeles Times

Afghan Civilian Deaths Caused by Allied Forces Rise - Los Angeles Times

'More Missions, More Contact' for Task Force Shadow - Stars and Stripes

Hamid Karzai Bid to Split Taliban Tribe - Associated Press

Afghan And NATO Troops Seize 24 Tonnes Of Bomb Material - Reuters

Bomb Kills 2 NATO Service Members in Afghanistan - Associated Press

Officials in Afghanistan Provide Details of Operations - AFPS

Training Center Launches Fledgling Afghan Pilots - AFPS

U.S. Military Medics Use Old and New Techniques - Washington Post


Drone Strike, Convoy Attack in Pakistan - Voice of America

U.S. Drone Attack Kills Five 'Militants' in Pakistan - BBC News

Yemen / Al Qaeda

Western Nations Halt Air Cargo From Yemen - New York Times

Air Freight from Yemen and Somalia Banned in U.K. - BBC News

Air-cargo Screening Back on Hill's Radar after Yemeni Plot - Washington Times

Governments Tighten Air Security After Yemen Plot - Reuters

Pentagon Denies Report of Plan for U.S. Military Teams in Yemen - VOA

Yemen's al-Qaida Seeking to Recruit Westerners - Associated Press

Bombs More Lethal than in Dec. 25 Attempt - Washington Post

Earlier Flight May Have Been Dry Run for Plotters - New York Times

Former al-Qaida Followers Foiled Mail Bomb Plot - Voice of America

Bombs Tip-off 'Came from Former al-Qaeda Member' - BBC News

Yemen: Al-Qaida Turncoat Alerted Saudis to Plot - Associated Press

Germany: Bombs Could Have Had 'Significant' Effect - Associated Press

Parcel Bomb Plotters 'Used Dry Run', Say U.S. Officials - BBC News

Officials Suspect Sept. Dry Run for Bomb Plot - Associated Press

U.S. Issues Mail Advisory, Tightens Cargo Scrutiny - Associated Press

U.S. Concerned About Former Gitmo Prisoners in Yemen - Los Angeles Times

How Serious a Threat is Yemen Explosive to Air Travel? - Christian Science Monitor

5 Reasons Hard for Yemen to 'Destroy' AQ Franchise - Christian Science Monitor

Stopping al-Qaeda in Yemen - Washington Post editorial

Disaster Averted - New York Times editorial

Staying Nimble to Fight al-Qaeda's Shifting Threat - Washington Post opinion

How to Keep Terrorism Grounded - New York Times opinion

Saudi Friends and Foes - Washington Times opinion


Death Toll Higher in Baghdad Church Attack - Voice of America

Church Attack Seen as Strike at Iraq's Core - New York Times

Iraqi Survivors Tell of Hiding in Priests' Dressing Room - Los Angeles Times

Iraq Church Raid Ends With 52 Dead - Reuters

Iraq Government Defends Deadly Church Raid - BBC News

Iraqi Christians Mourn After Church Siege Kills 58 - Associated Press

Premonitions of Danger at Baghdad Church Held Hostage - New York Times

Exercise Hones IA Rural Fighting Skills - U.S. Forces-Iraq


Iran Envoy: Atom Bomb Would Be Strategic Mistake - Reuters

Freed U.S. Hiker Blames Iranian Guard for Border Miscue - VOA

Guard Led 3 Americans Across Iran Border, Released Hiker Says - New York Times

Iran Postpones Trial of 2 American Hikers - Washington Post

Iran Postpones Trial of U.S. Hikers Accused of Spying - BBC News

Iran Postpones Start of Trial for 3 Americans - Associated Press

Iranian Lawyer Committed to Winning U.S. Hikers' Freedom - Los Angeles Times

U.S. Department of Defense

Additional Costs Expected for Lockheed's F-35 Fighter - New York Times

Military Policy on Gays to Stand, Pending Appeal - New York Times

Appeals Court Indefinitely Extends Life of Gay Military Policy - Associated Press

United States

The War the Election Forgot - Los Angeles Times

Symbolic Term for Ex-Qaeda Soldier Omar Khadr - New York Times

Judge Questions DOJ Suit Against Ariz. Law - Washington Post

Appeals Court Weighs Immigrant Law - New York Times

United Kingdom / France

U.K., France Move Closer on Defense - Wall Street Journal

British Combat Troops to Come Under French Command - Daily Telegraph

U.K., France to Pool Defense Assets, Share Costs - Associated Press

France, U.K. Agree to Unprecedented Military Cooperation - Reuters

Britain and France to Seal Defence Pact - The Guardian

Britain, France Embark on New Defence Partnership - Sydney Morning Herald

U.K., France to Share Nuclear-Test Facilities, Carriers - Bloomberg

Cameron and Sarkozy to Sign Nuclear Deal - The Times / Australian

PM and Sarkozy to Unveil New Defence Era - Financial Times

Anglo-French Deal Rewrites Military History - The Independent

Fox: Anglo-French Military Force Makes 'Perfect Sense' - Daily Telegraph

U.K. and France Agree to Joint Nuclear Testing Treaty - BBC News

Will Franco-British Cooperation on Defence Lead to an E.U. Army? - BBC News

What U.K.-France Defence Link Means - BBC News

Closer Alliance with France Good for Britain - Daily Telegraph opinion


Vote Counting Underway in Ivory Coast Presidential Election - Voice of America

Ivory Coast Presidential Election: Result Awaited - BBC News

U.N. Calls on Ivory Coast to Accept Poll Results - Associated Press

Tension Mounts In Tanzania Over Delayed Vote Results - Reuters

Suspect in Rwandan Church Massacre Found Guilty - Associated Press

Rwanda Genocide: Kanyarukiga Guilty of Church Massacre - BBC News

Americas and Caribbean

4 U.S. Citizens Killed in Separate Attacks in Mexico - Associated Press

Three Americans Killed in Mexico's Murder Capital - Agence France-Presse

CIA Role Is Faulted in Air Crash Over Peru - New York Times

5 Men Rob Plane From Military at Honduras Airport - Associated Press

Costa Rica Denounces Alleged Nicaraguan Incursion - Associated Press

Cuba Sets Up Framework for Jobs Market, Small-Business - Washington Post

Cuba to Send 3 More Prisoners to Exile in Spain - Associated Press

Cuba to Release Longest-Held Political Prisoner - Reuters

Venezuelan Steel Maker to Challenge State Takeover - Associated Press

Brazil's Rousseff Starts Market-Friendly Transition - Reuters

Uruguay's High Court Annuls Dictatorship's Amnesty - Associated Press

Beleaguered Haiti Braces for Possible Hurricane - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

U.N. Leader Ban Meets With Chinese President Hu - Associated Press

U.N. Chief Attacked Over 'Silence' on China Rights - BBC News

China Census Aims to Chart Shifting Population - New York Times

U.N. Chief Criticized for Failing to Press China - Associated Press

Russia Angers Japan With Visit to Disputed Islands - New York Times

Medvedev Visit Stokes Japan Row - BBC News

Japan Recalls Moscow Envoy Amid Kuril Islands Row - BBC News

Japan Says PM to Meet Russian President Despite Row - Reuters

Vietnam's Cam Ranh Base to Welcome Foreign Navies - Associated Press

Clinton Urges Cambodia to Strike a Balance with China - Washington Post

Hillary Clinton Endorses U.N. Human Rights Office in Cambodia - VOA

Cambodia: Clinton Urges Khmer Rouge Trials - New York Times

Press Freedoms Narrow in Thailand, 'Easy Target' Fights Back - New York Times

Clinton Pushes Tolerance in Malaysia - Associated Press

New Eruption Drives More Indonesians to Shelter - New York Times

East Timor President's Clemency Extends to His Attackers - New York Times

President Obama, Asia is Calling - Washington Post opinion

Central Asia

Final Kyrgyz Election Results Out - BBC News


Parcel Bombs Found in Greece, Addressed to Sarkozy, W. Embassies - VOA

Nicolas Sarkozy 'Among Targets of Greece Parcels Bombs' - BBC News

Greece: Suspects Carried Letter Bomb for Sarkozy - Associated Press

Greece Intercepts Parcel Bomb Addressed to Sarkozy - Reuters

Kurdish PKK Denies Istanbul Bomb, Extends 'Truce' - BBC News

PKK Denies Responsibility For Sunday's Istanbul Bomb - Reuters

Albania to Extradite Murder, Kidnap Suspect to U.S. - Associated Press

Berlusconi Scandal Could Threaten Italy's Government - New York Times

Middle East

Syria Must Wield Influence in Lebanon to Help U.S. Relations - Washington Post

Stability in West Bank Transforms a City of Chaos - New York Times

Israeli Security Head: Terrorists Using Technology - Associated Press

Rights Groups: Israel Abused Palestinian Detainees - Associated Press

Israeli Soldier Sentenced for Shaming Palestinian - Associated Press

South Asia

Indian Politicians Get Homes Meant for War Widows - Associated Press