Small Wars Journal

Travels with Nick # 6: The Big Picture

Mon, 11/01/2010 - 7:27am
Boccacios is one of the better places to eat and drink in Kabul. It features good steaks and Italian dishes, a large contemporary feeling dining room, and a wait staff of grumpy Uzbek women. Having returned from southern Afghanistan, my meeting at Boccacios is with a mid-level State Department official who has come to blow off some steam about the flaws in US strategy in Afghanistan. He is intelligent and articulate in vetting his frustration.

His argument focused on the following points:

- The core political strategy in Afghanistan is flawed because the constitution focuses power in the central government — in violent contrast with Afghan's history of resistance to government from the center.

- The strategy is further destroyed because Afghan politicians are primarily focused on extracting billions of dollars from the US in the form of assistance and contracts.

- A population-centric COIN strategy thus will fail because even if you successfully clear, hold, and build at the local level (as it is in some areas — see my previous post on Helmand), these local successes will crumble when you try to connect them to the corrupt central government.

He makes an interesting and impassioned case... Similar to arguments I heard from another mid-level State official in RC-East 18 months earlier. That earlier official, Matt Hoh, later resigned over US policy.

I challenged my State Department colleague on his analysis on two fronts. First, those criticisms may be valid but he didn't articulate an alternative approach. What is it? Second, if you assume Pashtunistan is ungovernable, how do you keep conflict, narco-criminality, and Islamic militancy from weakening Afghanistan and Pakistan and empowering al Queda and associated Islamic militant terrorism? His answer was Biden-esque: downsize the mission to counter-terrorism and the narrow goal of disrupting terrorist networks in Pashtunistan. Let Afghanistan be Afghanistan otherwise, whether that means corruption, civil war, or some political evolution to stability.

The hard truth is there is no obvious or easy strategy in Afghanistan. The clarity of 9/11 and the fast toppling of the Taliban and al Queda's sanctuary slowly evolved into an overambitious and under-resourced nation building project. In late fall of 2001, an historic coalition joined American in responding to a particularly clear and horrific attack. After almost a decade of missteps, neglect, and strategic ambiguity, President Obama and his team struggle with damaged credibility and a war-weary coalition and domestic audience. There is no denying the continuing dangers of extremism on both sides of the AfPak border, but the strategic logic and promise of our presence is almost lost.

In many ways, US strategy is now more about leaving as winners than any particular political or military goal. After nine years, our surge efforts will push the needle a bit in Karzai's direction, but AfPak will remain unstable and fraught with extremism for decades. In the next few years, we will transition to a counter-terrorism strategy. Although not stated as such, the strategy now is for a final COIN push to set up that transition with slightly more favorable conditions for the Afghan government and with the scent of victory for the US mission.

Looking at it another way, if we were NOT in Afghanistan today, do any of us think President Obama order up 150,000 troops to bolster a weak and corrupt regime in such a far, desolate, and uncertain place? I don't think so. Rather, the slow transition to counter-terrorism is driven by political credibility — the interest in credibly declaring victory rather than just declaring exit.

And this primary objective of political victory is not a bankrupt sentiment. Demonstration of resolve and leaving with a narrative of victory has important long term strategic value for future credibility. It is in our interest for allies, enemies — and US -- to see American hard power as resolute and unchallengeable and not transient, degradable, or even defeated. The victory narrative strengthens America's ability to deter future challenges to American power and our ability to muster new coalitions for the next fight. And we also carry the honor of giving Afghanistan the best possible chance at a sustainable peace.

Thanks to the many leaders, soldiers, Marines, and civilians who took time to speak with me on my visit to Kabul, Kandahar, and Helmand. We are indebted to your service.

SWJ Editors' Note: Nick Dowling is a small wars policy wonk with experience in OSD, the NSC Staff, NDU, and the contracting sector. He has worked on stability operations for 16 years, most prominently on Bosnia and Kosovo as a Clinton Administration appointee and Iraq and Afghanistan as a DoD contractor. He is currently President of IDS International, a leader in interagency and "soft power" types of support to the US military. He is a graduate of Harvard, got his masters at Georgetown, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

1 November SWJ Roundup

Mon, 11/01/2010 - 7:04am

NATO: Coalition Forces Kill Nearly 100 Afghan Insurgents - Voice of America

Recent Attacks Roil Largely Peaceful Western Afghanistan - Stars and Stripes

Taliban Hold Secret Talks with Afghan President - Associated Press

Afghan Official Says 17 Insurgents Killed in South - Associated Press

Taliban Briefly Overrun East Afghanistan District - Associated Press

Despite Challenges Ahead, War Is Missing From Campaign - Politics Daily

Karzai Protests Russian Agents in Drug Raid - New York Times

Karzai Condemns Russian Involvement in Afghan Drug Bust - Washington Post

Karzai Denounces Drug Raid in Afghanistan - Los Angeles Times

Crime and Punishment, Afghan-Style... - New York Times


U.S. Missile Attack Kills 5 in NW Pakistan - Associated Press

Pakistani Taliban Publicly Flog Men For "Drug Dealing" - Reuters

Yemen / Al Qaeda

Bomb Plot Shows Key Role Played by Intelligence - New York Times

2 Package Bombs were Intended to Detonate 'in Flight - Washington Post

Bombs from Yemen were Made to Blow Up in Flight - Los Angeles Times

Package Bombers Not 'Quite There Yet' - Washington Times

Two in Custody, Yemen Searches for Suspects in Bomb Plot - Voice of America

Bomb Plot Just Narrowly Averted, Officials Say - Associated Press

White House: Bombs Part of Continuing al Qaeda Threat - Washington Times

Dubai Bomb Flew on Passenger Jets - BBC News

U.S. Officials: Bombmaker in Yemen a Key Suspect - Associated Press

Yemeni Officials Free Suspect in Al Qaeda Bomb Plot - Christian Science Monitor

Yemen Frees Student Held Over Parcel Bombs - Reuters


Hostage Case at Baghdad Church Ends in Bloodbath - New York Times

Baghdad Church Hostage Drama Ends in Bloodbath - BBC News

52 Killed In Iraq Church Raid - Reuters

Death Toll From Iraqi Church Siege Rises to 39 - Associated Press

Saudi King Offers Talks to Break Iraq Deadlock - BBC News

Iraq's Shi'ite Politicians Turn Down Saudi Offer - Reuters

Iraqi MPs Get Handsome Pay for Little Work - Associated Press

... Crime and Forgiveness, Iraqi-Style - New York Times


Iranian Official Says Tehran Has Own Agenda for Nuclear Talks - Voice of America

Iran's Supreme Leader Demands Support of Clerics - Los Angeles Times

Ahmadinejad Says Food, Fuel Subsidies will be Slashed - Los Angeles Times

Guard Led 3 American Hikers Across Iran Border - New York Times

United Nations

Iran, Saudi Arabia Expected to Join U.N. Agency on Women - Los Angeles Times


Sharing Secrets at Arm's Length - New York Times opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

What Election Night Could Mean for the Troops - Stars and Stripes

Army Studies Thrill-Seeking Behavior - New York Times

Generation Gap Divides Troops on Gays in Military - Associated Press

United States

GOP Would Review Probe into CIA Actions - Washington Times

Immigration Law Goes Before Appeals Court - Washington Post

Jet Ski Killing Rattles Rustic Texas Border Town - Los Angeles Times

Arizona Beheading Raises Fears of Cartels - Associated Press

Gitmo Former 'Child Soldier' Sentenced to 8 Years - Associated Press

Guantanamo Bay's Youngest Militant Omar Khadr Jailed - BBC News

Guantanamo Canadian to Serve 8 More Years In Prison - Reuters

Clinton Vows to Fight Sexual Slavery - Associated Press

U.S. Plays Conflicted Role in Global Climate Debate - Washington Post

Book Reviews

"The Gun": Arms and the Man - New York Times

"The Gun": The Gun that Made History - Washington Post

"A Skeptic's Case for Nuclear Disarmament": Drop the Weapons - New York Times


Voters in Ivory Coast Choosing New President - Voice of America

After Delays, Citizens Vote for a President in Ivory Coast - New York Times

Ivory Coast Holds Long-delayed 'Reconciliation' Poll - BBC News

Ivory Coast Holds First Election Since War in 2002 - Associated Press

Somali-American Becomes Prime Minister of Somalia - New York Times

Nigerian Leaders Urge Calm after Ethnic Violence Flares - BBC News

Zimbabweans Wrap Up Public Constitution Meetings - Associated Press

Tanzania's President Kikwete Tipped for Election Win - BBC News

Americas and Caribbean

Poised to Lead Brazil, Facing Unfinished Tasks - New York Times

Rousseff is Brazil's First Female President - Washington Post

In a First, Brazil Elects a Woman as President - New York Times

Brazil Elects First Female President - Los Angeles Times

Rousseff Is Elected as Brazil's Next President - Associated Press

Brazil Leader's Chosen Successor Wins Presidency - Reuters

Mexican Drug Cartel Forces Lawyer's Confessions - Washington Post

Mexico Needs More U.S. Help in Drug Wars - Washington Post editorial

Bolivia Eyes Iranian Military Planes, Helicopters - Associated Press

Mexico Police Find Canadian's Car; A Body in Trunk - Associated Press

Honduras Blames Gang in Football Field Massacre - Associated Press

Chavez Orders Takeover of Venezuelan Steel Maker - Associated Press

Cuba Faces Looming Deadline for Prisoner Release - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

Burma, Human Rights Issues Backdrop to Obama Asia Trip - Voice of America

China's Rise Leads Neighbors to Join Forces - New York Times

U.S. Offers Mediation Between China and Japan as Asia Leaders Meet - VOA

U.S. Works to Ease China-Japan Conflict - New York Times

"Rebalancing China" - New York Times editorial

Russian President Signs Nuclear Plant Deal With Vietnam - Voice of America

Russia Leader Visits Disputed Isle, Tokyo Protests - Associated Press

Japan In New Diplomatic Row After Russian Isle Visit - Reuters

Korean Border Shooting Likely An Accident - Reuters

Indonesian Volcano Unleashes New Powerful Eruption - Associated Press

Burma Junta Says Will Keep Power if Voters Abstain - Reuters

Burma Junta Accused of Slowing Down Internet - Associated Press

Clinton Urges Rights Progress in Cambodia - Associated Press

Central Asia

Kyrgyzstan Deals Cloaked in Mystery - Washington Post

Five Parties to Enter New Kyrgyz Parliament - Reuters


Heart of Istanbul Attacked by Suicide Bomber - Voice of America

Suicide Bomber Injures 32 in Istanbul - New York Times

32 Injured in Suicide Bombing in Istanbul - Los Angeles Times

At Least 32 Wounded in Istanbul Suicide Bombing - Associated Press

Istanbul Suicide Attack Highlights Turkey's Struggle - Christian Science Monitor

Spain Without ETA? Basque Group May Be Nearing End - Associated Press

Russian Activists See Change in a Humble Protest - New York Times

Dissent Has its Day in Moscow - Los Angeles Times

2,000 Rally in Moscow, Demand Freedom of Assembly - Associated Press

A Spain Without ETA? - Associated Press

Middle East

Israel's Netanyahu Announces U.S. Visit - Voice of America

Israeli PM to Visit U.S. Next Week - Associated Press

Israel's Overheated Housing Market Rouses Concerns - Los Angeles Times

Saudi Clerics Endorse Ban on Female Cashiers - Associated Press

Yemen Seen Refusing Opposition Poll Delay Request - Reuters

South Asia

India's Growing Wealth Boosts Charitable Giving - Washington Post

India: Land of Many Cell Phones, Fewer Toilets - Associated Press

It's Morning in India - New York Times opinion

31 October SWJ Roundup

Sun, 10/31/2010 - 10:12am

Karzai Protests Russian Agents in Drug Raid - New York Times

Karzai Condemns Russian Involvement in Afghan Drug Bust - Washington Post

Karzai Denounces Drug Raid in Afghanistan - Los Angeles Times

Afghan Official Says 17 Insurgents Killed in South - Associated Press

Crime and Punishment, Afghan-Style... - New York Times


Corrupt Pakistan Launches Anti-Graft Campaign - Reuters

Yemen / Al Qaeda

Cargo Plane Bombs Were Wired to Explode, Officials Say - Los Angeles Times

Obama Walks Fine Political Line on Terror Threat - New York Times

Top U.S. Official: Bomb Plot Has 'Hallmarks' of al-Qaida - VOA

Investigators Link Package Explosives to al-Qaeda - Washington Post

U.S. Sees Complexity of Bombs as Link to Qaeda Group - New York Times

Fractured Yemen Frustrates Efforts to Weaken Al Qaeda - Los Angeles Times

Yemen Seizes Dozens of Suspicious Parcels in Bombing Plot - VOA

Yemeni Arrested, al-Qaida Bomber Eyed in Mail Plot - Associated Press

Saudi Help in Package Plot Is Part of Security Shift - New York Times

U.S. Eyeing Saudi-Born Bombmaker In Parcel Bomb Plot - Reuters

Experts: Passenger Planes Also at Risk From Cargo - Associated Press


Iraq's Shi'ite Politicians Turn Down Saudi Offer - Reuters

Iraqi Gold's Glitter Dims for Dealers Under Siege - Voice of America

... Crime and Forgiveness, Iraqi-Style - New York Times

French Airline Makes Landmark Flight to Baghdad - Associated Press


Ahmadinejad Aide Says Iran Not Ready to Talk Nuclear - Reuters


Sharing Secrets at Arm's Length - New York Times opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

Army Studies Thrill-Seeking Behavior - New York Times

United States

Clinton: U.S. Will Help End Sexual Slavery - Associated Press

State, Nation, Other: Puerto Rico Tries to Decide - Associated Press

Book Reviews

"The Gun": Arms and the Man - New York Times

"The Gun": The Gun that Made History - Washington Post

"A Skeptic's Case for Nuclear Disarmament": Drop the Weapons - New York Times


Pirates Seize Liberian Tanker Near Somalia - Voice of America

Somali Parliament Approves New Prime Minister - Reuters

Weapons Seized In Nigeria Came From Iran - Reuters

Ivory Coast PM: Nation Ready for Election Sunday - Voice of America

Ivory Coast Presidential Vote Begins - Associated Press

Ivory Coast Holds Reconciliation Poll - Reuters

Niger Polls Open for Constitutional Referendum - Associated Press

Tanzanian President Fights for Second Term - Associated Press

Tanzanians Vote Peacefully In Presidential Poll - Reuters

Serengeti Road Plan Lined With Prospect and Fears - New York Times

Americas and Caribbean

Mexican Drug Cartel Forces Lawyer's Confessions - Washington Post

Brazil Set to Vote in Presidential Run-Off - Voice of America

Cardoso vs. Lula: Two Brazilian Presidents Vie - Washington Post

Poised to Lead Brazil and Facing Unfinished Tasks - New York Times

Brazil Seen Electing Rousseff to Extend Lula Legacy - Reuters

14 Killed on Sports Field in Honduras - Reuters

Asia Pacific

Burma, Human Rights Issues Backdrop to Obama Asia Trip - Voice of America

China's Rise Leads Neighbors to Join Forces - New York Times

U.S. Offers Mediation Between China and Japan as Asia Leaders Meet - VOA

U.S. Works to Ease China-Japan Conflict - New York Times

Clinton Proposes China, Japan Join 3-way Talks - Washington Post

Rare Intra-Korean Family Reunions Underway - Voice of America

Koreans Reunite at a Red Cross Gathering - New York Times

Burma's Election Offers No Comfort for Refugees - Associated Press

Australia Has "Grave Reservations" About Burma Elections - Reuters

"Rebalancing China" - New York Times editorial

Central Asia

Kyrgyzstan Deals Cloaked in Mystery - Washington Post


Suicide Bomber Injures 22 in Istanbul - New York Times

At Least 22 Wounded in Istanbul Explosion - Associated Press

Bomb Attack Injures 15 in Istanbul - Reuters

A Spain Without ETA? - Associated Press

British Dismantle IRA Dissidents' Bomb in Beer Keg - Associated Press

Middle East

Tourism Minister Urges Israelis to Boycott Turkey - Associated Press

Israeli Jews at Odds With Liberal Brethren in U.S. - Associated Press

Pro-Government Candidates Win in Bahrain Runoffs - Associated Press

Bahrain Opposition Falls Short Of Majority In Polls - Reuters

South Asia

India: Land of Many Cell Phones, Fewer Toilets - Associated Press

It's Morning in India - New York Times opinion

This Week at War: Karzai Speeds up the Endgame

Sat, 10/30/2010 - 8:53am
Here is the latest edition of my column at Foreign Policy:

Topics include:

1) Karzai speeds up the end-game

2) How to handle a troublesome China

Karzai speeds up the end-game

Afghan President Hamid Karzai took two actions this week that seemed deliberately designed to anger his U.S. sponsors. During a stormy meeting with Gen. David Petraeus, he reaffirmed his previous decision to expel the foreign security contractors which provide security for aid and development projects in the country (Karzai later granted a two-month delay to the shutdown). He then nonchalantly confirmed that he and his staff receive "bags of money," amounting to millions of dollars, on a regular basis from the Iranian government

This one-two punch from Karzai seems specifically designed to undermine Petraeus's counterinsurgency strategy. Non-governmental aid organizations are already planning to shut down developments projects as the security contractor deadline looms; for U.S. officials, these development efforts are a major part of winning over the Afghan population. And Karzai's matter-of-fact acknowledgement of Iran's payoffs seems designed to anger and embarrass officials in Washington and perhaps even undermine U.S. public support for the war effort. By undermining U.S. plans, Karzai's actions may be speeding up the end-game for the U.S. campaign.

According to the New York Times, the meeting between Karzai and Petraeus on Oct. 24 to discuss the security contractors ended abruptly with Karzai storming out of the room. At a news conference the next day, Karzai angrily blamed U.S. government support for the contractors for causing the deaths of Afghan civilians. When then asked about Iranian payments to his chief of staff, Karzai replied, ""They do give us bags of money -- yes, yes, it is done ... We are grateful to the Iranians for this."

U.S. officials have sought to maneuver around the increasingly unreliable Karzai by dealing directly with local Afghan leaders. The president's suspension of the private security contractors is his reaction to this gambit; it will centralize the flow of development assistance through the ministries he and his team control and reduce sources of cash and favors in the Afghan provinces not under Kabul's control.

The establishment of a patronage relationship between Karzai and Tehran is logical for both sides and unsurprising. With the United States inevitably heading for the exit, Karzai has an obvious need to diversify his external support. As a neighboring power, Iran has an interest in obtaining influence within Afghanistan. What was surprising was Karzai's use of this revelation to antagonize U.S. officials and flagrantly flaunt his independence from their plans.

Karzai's seemingly deliberate attempt to speed up the end-game for the U.S. campaign is now increasingly evident. Perhaps he fears U.S. officials will be too successful establishing rivals to him. Or perhaps he fears that the longer the U.S. campaign goes on, the more chaotic conditions will become and the less control he will have over his own fate.

Whatever his reasoning, this week's events were evidence that Karzai is not only preparing for a post-American Afghanistan, he seems to be taking steps to hasten its arrival. One wonders how Karzai's new gambits fit into the U.S. campaign plan and what adjustments to that plan U.S. policymakers might now have to make.

How to handle a troublesome China

According to the New York Times, the Obama administration is giving up on getting much cooperation from China regarding a variety of global problems. "Administration officials speak of an alarming loss of trust and confidence between China and the United States over the past two years, forcing them to scale back hopes of working with the Chinese on major challenges like climate change, nuclear nonproliferation and a new global economic order," the Times reports. If U.S. policymakers no longer expect much voluntary cooperation from China, the next step for these policymakers is to reach for their bags of carrots and sticks in an attempt to guide Chinese behavior in favorable directions. What remains to be seen is whether those carrots and sticks will work on an animal that is already 800 pounds, still growing, and may be feeling restless.

Obama administration officials had hoped that China would match its growing global stature with policies that would help solve some common international security and economic problems. Instead, U.S. officials have apparently concluded that those expectations were unrealistic. Some of China's foreign policy decisions -- such as its continued protection of Kim Jong Il's regime in North Korea, China's trade with Iran's nuclear and military enterprises, and its protection of Burma's regime from a U.N. human rights investigation - show that China's main policy priority is to build up its own strategically useful relationships, at the expense of regional security concerns and human rights. Obama administration officials have apparently concluded that China is opting to extract medium-term advantages from the global security system rather than protect the long-run stability of that system.

According to the Times, the Obama administration's response will be to strengthen its relationships with allies and partners that surround China. Immediately following the November midterm elections in the United States, Obama will tour Japan, Indonesia, India, and South Korea. On Oct. 29, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Hanoi for yet another meeting with East Asian leaders, with numerous other visits in the region (including China) to follow.

If the administration's previous assumptions regarding Chinese good intentions have not panned out, it certainly makes sense to change tactics. But such a change implies greater resistance to Chinese policies and a corresponding greater risk of tension. Obama and his officials will hope to guide Chinese behavior back onto a cooperative course. Displaying to Chinese officials the strength of America's alliances in the region seems to be a major pillar of this new approach. That will require allies and partners who are confident in the U.S. commitment to the region, even in the face of possible brinkmanship.

The Obama administration's new tactics for China will soon get a test. According to Gen. Walter Sharp, the top U.S. commander in South Korea, the USS George Washington carrier strike group will soon return to the Yellow Sea for an exercise with the South Korean navy. In July, the possibility that USS George Washington might appear in the Yellow Sea sparked howls from the Chinese government and media. By providing public notice of the carrier strike group's imminent arrival in the Yellow Sea, the United States is setting up an explicit test of its new approach to China. We will soon see whether China's leaders wish to up the ante.

30 October SWJ Roundup

Sat, 10/30/2010 - 8:40am

Petraeus: NATO Pressure Forcing Taliban to Seek Peace - Voice of America

Russia Joins Drug Raid in Afghanistan - New York Times

U.S.-Afghan Forces, Aided by Russia, Seize Drug Facilities - Los Angeles Times

U.S. and Russian Forces Team Up for Afghan Drug Bust - Associated Press

Petraeus: Iran's Kabul Payments 'Disingenuous' - Voice of America

NATO Helicopter Kills 20 Afghan Insurgents - Associated Press

NATO: 30 Fighters Killed in Afghan Outpost Attack - Associated Press

Forces Target Insurgents in Southeastern Afghanistan - AFPS

Afghan Police Training Edges Ahead as Transition Nears - Reuters

Teleconferencing from War Zone Improves Treatment - Washington Post

Profiles of a Dustoff 57, Medevac Team in Afghanistan - Washington Post

Pentagon Had Command Climate Red Flags - Christian Science Monitor

An Unnecessary War - Foreign Policy opinion

Talking About Talking With the Taliban - CNN Opinion

Petraeus Versus Obama - Foreign Policy opinion


Shrines Step Up Security Against Attacks - Washington Post

Al Qaeda / Yemen

Obama: Explosives Found On U.S.-Bound Cargo Planes - VOA

Obama Says Explosives Were U.S. Bound - New York Times

Obama: Suspicious Packages a 'Credible Terrorist Threat' - Washington Post

Explosives Found in Two U.S.-bound Packages - Los Angeles Times

'Explosives Found' in Yemen Cargo - BBC News

Al Qaeda Suspected as Yemen Hunts Parcel Bombers - Reuters

A Terrorist Test Run? - Christian Science Monitor

Obama: Explosives In U.S.-Bound Parcels From Yemen - Reuters

U.S. Hunts for More Suspicious Packages - New York Times

Yemen Emerges as Base for Qaeda Attacks on U.S. - New York Times

New Concerns About Al Qaeda in Yemen - Christian Science Monitor

Obama Suspects Yemen Al Qaeda Group Behind Plot - Reuters


Baghdad's Shiite Heart Beats Freely as War Ebbs - New York Times

Suicide Bomber in Iraq Kills at Least 26 People - Washington Post

Suicide Bomber Kills 25 at Cafe in Diyala Province - New York Times

Suicide Bomber Kills 21 North of Baghdad - Associated Press

Suicide Bomber Kills 22 In Attack on Iraqi Cafe - Reuters


Iran Agrees to Resume Nuclear Talks - New York Times

Iran Says It Is Ready to Restart Nuclear Talks - Associated Press

E.U.'s Iran Sanctions Avoid Oil, Credit Doubts Linger - Reuters

U.S. Department of Defense

JFCOM Transfers Command - Suffolk News-Herald

Keep Focus on Troops, Mullen Tells Joint Forces Command - AFPS

Joint Forces Command Mission Remains Clear, Odierno Says - AFPS

FBI: Museum Shooter Could be Marine - Washington Post

Gunman Has Grievance With Marines, FBI Says - New York Times

Shooter Targeting USMC Facilities Could be Ex-Marine - Christian Science Monitor

Army Logistics Leaders Review Progress, Way Ahead - AFPS

Air Force School Focuses on Cybersecurity - AFPS

Retired Chaplains: Preserve 'Don't Ask' - Washington Post

United States

Explosives in Cargo Renew Debate on Screening - New York Times

Testimony Ends in Guantanamo 'Child Soldier' Case - Associated Press


Reporter's Notebook: Mogadishu, Somalia - Voice of America

Voters in Rebel-Held Areas Hope Sunday's Election Reunites Ivory Coast - VOA

Niger to Vote on New Constitution After Coup - Associated Press

Angola Urged to Probe Congo Rapes - BBC News

Americas and Caribbean

Mexican Prison Warden Nabbed for Alleged Drug Ties - Associated Press

Protesters Blame U.N. Base for Cholera in Haiti - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

ASEAN, E. Asian Leaders Meet to Discuss Economic, Political Concerns - VOA

Clinton Says U.S. Has a Stake in Asian Security - Associated Press

Clinton Urges Peaceful Outcomes on Maritime Disputes - Reuters

Clinton Proposes China, Japan Join 3-way Talks - Washington Post

China, Japan Ties Strained Over Islands At Summit - Reuters

China and Japan Meet Amid Dispute - Reuters

Russia Denies Island Visit Politically Charged - Reuters

U.S. Urges China to Soothe Tensions - Associated Press

China Gives 'Assurances' on Export of Rare-earth Minerals - Washington Post

Clinton Urged to Confront Vietnam on Human Rights - New York Times

Clinton Urges Vietnam to Improve Human Rights - Associated Press

China's Rise Prompts Vietnam to Strengthen Ties to Others - Washington Post

Medvedev to Sign Nuclear Power Deal In Vietnam - Reuters

Gunfire Exchanged on Korean Border - New York Times

North, South Korea Soldiers Exchange Gunfire at DMZ - Los Angeles Times

Gunshots Fired at Korean Border - Associated Press

After 6 Decades of Separation in Korea, a Meeting - New York Times

U.N.: Less Rain, Aid to Hurt North Koreans - Associated Press

Indonesians Waiting Out Another Disaster - New York Times

Burma: Lawyer 'Optimistic' Over Suu Kyi Appeal - Associated Press


NATO to Reduce Kosovo Force by Spring - Associated Press

NATO to Cut Kosovo Troop Numbers to 5,000 - Reuters

Georgia Arrests 20 Suspected Of Spying For Russia - Reuters

Romania Government Faces New No-Confidence Vote - Reuters

Middle East

Big Rally By Islamic Jihad In Gaza, Joined By Hamas - Reuters

Lebanon: U.N.-Backed Court Criticizes Hezbollah Boycott Call - Reuters

Obama's Task on Egyptian Democracy - Washington Post editorial

South Asia

Obama, Clinton Visit India with Wary Eye on China - Christian Science Monitor

In India, Greed Creeps into Microlending, Critics Say - Washington Post

29 October SWJ Roundup

Fri, 10/29/2010 - 6:53am

Real Test of Kandahar Progress May Be in June - Stars and Stripes

NATO: Kandahar Campaign's Fate Not Clear Until June - Reuters

Elders Could Fuel Stability in Kandahar, General Says - AFPS

Lynn Sees Counterinsurgency Success in Afghan Village - AFPS

Air Strike Targets Haqqani Leader - AFPS

'Crucial' Audit on Afghanistan Contractors - Washington Post

U.S. 'Not Tracking Afghan Spending' - BBC News

NATO Chief Pledges to Uphold Afghan Women's Rights - Reuters

Defense Chief Confirms Afghan Militia in Australia - Associated Press

Afghan Raids Net $60M in Heroin - Washington Times

Russia, U.S. Collaborate in Afghan Drug Raid - Associated Press

The Invisible War - Washington Post opinion

Defining Afghan 'Reconciliation' - Washington Times opinion


U.S. Military Reaches Pakistan Flood Relief Milestone - AFPS

Missile Strike Kills 7 Militants in Pakistan - Associated Press


U.S. Remains Silent on Tarik Aziz Sentence - Los Angeles Times

Iraqi TV Personality Gives Microphone to the Masses - Washington Post

Iraqi Lawmakers Demand Inquiry of Abuse Claims - Associated Press


U.S. Prepares New Offer For Iran Nuclear Talks - Reuters

Iran Offers to Resume Nuclear Talks - Associated Press

Iran Ready For Nuclear Talks After November 10 - Reuters

Finland Grants Asylum to Former Iranian Diplomat - Reuters

U.S. Department of Defense

Inquiry Finds U.S. Official Set Up Spy Ring in S. Asia - New York Times

Commandant Spells Out Priorities for Corps - Marine Corps Times

Commandant Vows to Make Corps Lighter, More Mobile - Stars and Stripes

Commandant Sets Marines on Course for Future - San Diego Union Tribune

Army Service Rifles Getting Significant Upgrades - Stars and Stripes

United States

Intelligence Spending at Record $80.1 Billion - Washington Post

Intel Sharing Reviewed on Mumbai Terrorist - Washington Times

U.S. Continues Aid to Nations That Used Child Soldiers - New York Times

Widow to Gitmo Prisoner: You Are a Murderer - Associated Press

Guantanamo Convict Tells Soldier's Widow: "I'm Sorry" - Reuters

U.N. Seeks Release of Omar Khadr - Associated Press

D.C. Metro Plot Suspect Sought to Fight Troops - Washington Post

Trying KSM - Washington Post opinion

United Kingdom

Defending Secrecy, British Spy Chief Goes Public - New York Times

British Spy Chief Goes Public to Make Case for Secrecy - Los Angeles Times

Britain's Spy Master Goes Public - Washington Times

U.K. Spy Chief Defends Secrecy in 1st Public Speech - Associaed Press

U.K. Spy Boss Defends Secrecy, Nukes Key Threat - Reuters


Somali Militants Grow More Brazen in Attack - Washington Post

Islamist Insurgents Execute Teenagers in Somalia - New York Times

Somali Islamists al-Shabab 'Execute Two Young Women' - BBC News

Southern Sudanese Head South Ahead of Key Vote - Associated Press

ICC Urges Arrest of War Crimes Suspects - Associated Press

U.N. Sends More Peacekeepers to Ivory Coast For Poll - Reuters

Nigeria Rapped for Mass Evictions - BBC News

Nigerian Oil City Evictions to Affect 200k - Associated Press

Guinea Election Hopeful Cancels Tour with Rival - BBC News

Americas and Caribbean

Civilians Falling Victim to Mexico Drug War - New York Times

4 Killed as Gunmen Attack Factory Buses in Ciudad Juarez - Los Angeles Times

A Mexico Massacre in Unfamiliar Place: The Capital - Associated Press

9 Policemen Killed in Ambush in Western Mexico - Associated Press

Eleven Die in Two Mexico Attacks - BBC News

Mexico's Calderon: U.S. Not Doing Enough in Drugs War - BBC News

Argentina Enters New Political Era as Kirchner Dies - Reuters

Argentine Leader Ponders Solo Political Future - Associated Press

Venezuela Business Leaders Attacked at Gunpoint - BBC News

Business Leaders Briefly Kidnapped in Venezuela - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

Clinton: U.S. Committed to 'Getting it Right' in China Relationship - VOA

Clinton Says China is Not an Adversary - New York Times

China Is Said to Resume Shipping Rare Earth Minerals - New York Times

ASEAN to Bring in U.S. as Counterbalance to China - Associated Press

China Crackdown on Dissidents Continues - Washington Post

China Dissidents Under Lockdown as Nobel Tensions Linger - Reuters

Japan And China Leaders to Hold Bilateral Talks - Reuters

China's Rare-earth Power - Washington Post editorial

Vietnam Arrests Bloggers, Sentences Activists - Washington Post

U.S.: North Korean Leadership Transition In Early Stages - Reuters

WFP Chief Says Aid Efforts to North Korea Lacking - Voice of America

Canada to Impose New Sanctions on North Korea - Associated Press

U.S. And Japan Stage Successful Missile-Defense Test - Reuters

Obama Visit to Indonesia Will Include a Speech - New York Times

Indonesia Reviews Disaster Emergency Efforts - Voice of America

Indonesian Tsunami Zone Welcomes Aid Shipments - BBC News

Death Toll From Indonesian Disasters Tops 400 - Associated Press

Elements Slow Aid in Indonesia - New York Times

U.N. Chief: 'Not Too Late' for Burma Elections - Associated Press

Burma Court Hears Suu Kyi Appeal Over Detention - Associated Press

U.N. Secretary-General Says Khmer Rouge Tribunal Plays Vital Role - VOA


Immigration Backlash Troubles Europe - Voice of America

Britain Asks E.U. to Cut Budget, Adding to Discord Within Bloc - New York Times

E.U. Leaders Back Limited Treaty Change - Reuters

New Strikes After French Pension Vote - New York Times

Serbia's E.U. Aspirations Face Long Road Ahead - New York Times

Serbia Raises Reward For Mladic to 10 Million Euros - Reuters

Italy Seeks Stiffer Sentence for Ex-CIA Official - Associated Press

Russian Military Test-Fires 3 Ballistic Missiles - Associated Press

Middle East

No Progress in Peace Talks Following Palestinian Meeting - Voice of America

Palestinians, Egypt Say Mideast Focus Still on Talks - Reuters

Egypt's FM: No Breakthrough in Mideast Talks - Associated Press

Israel Says Nigeria Weapons Were Headed for Gaza Strip - Associated Press

Don't Aid Hariri Tribunal, Hezbollah Warns - New York Times

Hezbollah's Nasrallah Urges Hariri Tribunal Boycott - BBC News

Lebanon: Hezbollah Calls for Boycott of U.N. Tribunal - Associated Press

Hezbollah Calls on Lebanese to Boycott Hariri Court - Reuters

U.N.-Backed Court Criticises Hezbollah Boycott Call - Reuters

Syria Flouts Lebanon Sovereignty, Arms Militants Says U.S. - Reuters

25 Opposition Activists Go on Trial in Bahrain - Washington Times

Security Tight At Bahrain Trial Of Shi'ites - Reuters

Bahrain Detainees Allege Abuses at Coup Plot Trial - Associated Press

Yemen Leader's Hold on Country Growing Tenuous - Associated Press

Kidnapped Swedish Engineer Freed in Yemen - Associated Press

Mideast Impasse - Washington Post opinion

South Asia

Home for Super-Rich Tests India's Values - New York Times

Obama's India Trip - Washington Post opinion

CMC Planning Guidance 2010 (Updated)

Thu, 10/28/2010 - 4:31pm
U.S. Marine Corps Commandant's Planning Guidance 2010

General James F. Amos, 35th Commandant of the Marine Corps, issued his Commandant's Guidance on Wednesday. Of particular interest to the Small Wars Journal community of interest and practice are items concerning consolidating and strengthening Irregular Warfare organizations, improving USMC integration with non-DoD agencies, institutionalizing Red Teaming, operationalizing the Marine Corps Training and Advisory Group, embracing Marine Corps Special Operations Command, developing Marine Corps University into a world class institution, increased officer and enlisted PME, institutionalizing the RAO / FAO program, and emphasis on improving distributed operations capabilities.

U.S. Marine Corps Commandant's Planning Guidance 2010


Commandant Spells Out Priorities for Corps - Marine Corps Times

Commandant Vows to Make Corps Lighter, More Mobile - Stars and Stripes

Commandant Sets Marines on Course for Future - San Diego Union Tribune

28 October SWJ Roundup

Thu, 10/28/2010 - 6:59am

Afghans Blast Pakistan Over Insurgent Fight - Wall Street Journal

Karzai Delays Order to Ban Private Security Companies - New York Times

Karzai Gives Private Security Firms Temporary Reprieve - Washington Post

Karzai Puts Off Deadline for Private Security Companies - Los Angeles Times

Insurgents Lose Momentum in Helmand, NATO General Says - AFPS

Afghan District Holds Lessons as U.S. Makes Gains - Associated Press

Training Brings Counterinsurgency Strategy to Afghans - AFPS

Gorbachev: Victory in Afghanistan Impossible - Voice of America

Gorbachev: NATO Victory in Afghanistan Impossible - BBC News

French Troops May Withdraw from Afghanistan in 2011 - CNN News

Trainers in Afghanistan Work to Develop NCOs - AFPS

Partnered Forces Kill Insurgents in Afghanistan - AFPS

Bomb Attack in Southern Afghanistan Kills 3 Police - Associated Press

In Icy Tip of Afghanistan, War Seems Remote - New York Times

Afghanistan Building Collapse Kills At Least 60 - Voice of America

Small Signs of Progress in Kandahar - Washington Post editorial


Criminal Justice System Proves No Match for Terror Cases - Los Angeles Times

U.S. Missile Strikes in 24 Hours Kill 14 in Pakistan - Associated Press

Third U.S. Missile Attack Pounds NW Pakistan - Associated Press


Attacks Target Iraqi Government Officials Kill 3, Wound Several - CNN News

Russia Appeals to Iraq to Not Execute Aziz - Reuters

Iraq Through Night-vision Goggles - National Post opinion


Obama Set to Offer Stricter Nuclear Deal to Iran - New York Times

U.S. Prepares New Offer For Iran Nuclear Talks - Reuters

New E.U. Rules Let Iran Import, Export Oil, Gas - Washington Post

Iran Vying for Board of U.N. Women - Associated Press


Leaked Reports Prompt Questions About Civilian Casualties - New York Times

U.S. Department of Defense

Military Advocates Don't Want Judges Making DoD Rules - Washington Times

Chairman Notes Persistent Conflict's Long-term Impact - AFPS

U.S. Investigates Nuclear Missile Incident - Voice of America

No Significant Threat From Missile Glitch, Officials Say - AFPS

Pentagon: Computer Blamed for Outage at Nuke Site - Associated Press

Army Announces New Policies on Energy Efficiencies - AFPS

United States

Four House GOP Figures Crucial to Foreign Policy - Washington Post

White House Prepares for Foreign Policy Challenges - Los Angeles Times

Obama Waiver Allows Aid to 4 Countries Using Child Soldiers - Washington Post

U.S. Man Arrested In Bomb Plot to Attack D.C. Subway - Voice of America

Feds Arrest N.Va. Man in D.C. Metro Bomb Plot - Washington Post

Pakistani-born Virginian Held in Metro Terror Plot - Washington Times

Virginia Man Is Charged in Plot on Capital Subway - New York Times

Va. Man Charged in Fake Bomb Plot Against D.C. Subway - Associated Press

European Officials Criticize U.S. Airport Security Methods - New York Times

Tearful Memories at Guantanamo War Crimes Trial - Associated Press

Guantanamo Convict's Victim Recalled as A Hero - Reuters

British Airways Boss Rips U.S. on Security - Washington Times

United Kingdom

Top British Spy to Deliver First Public Speech - New York Times

Britain's Spy Boss Makes First Public Speech - Reuters

MI6 Chief Sir John Sawers Speaks of Torture 'Dilemma' - BBC News

United Nations

The World of Women - Los Angeles Times editorial


New Drive for European Investment in African Agriculture - Voice of America

Sudan President on Safer Ground as Summit Shifted - BBC News

Danish Navy Blows Up Suspected Pirate Boat - Voice of America

Nigeria's Secret Police Intercept Weapons Shipment - BBC News

Questions Raised on Congo Slaughter - Associated Press

Guinea Election Set for November 7 - Associated Press

Key Kenyan Minister Steps Aside - BBC News

'Hotel Rwanda' Manager Accused of Funding Subversion - BBC News

Americas and Caribbean

Gunmen Kill 15 at Carwash, in Latest Mexico Massacre - Los Angeles Times

Gunmen Kill 15 in Mexico; Gang Link Seen - New York Times

15 People Killed in Mexican Car Wash Massacre - Associated Press

Mexican Hitmen Kill 15 In Latest Massacre - Reuters

Mexico: Entire Police Force Quits After Attack on HQ - New York Daily News

Ex-Argentine President Nestor Kirchner Dies - Washington Post

Argentine Ex-Leader Dies; Political Impact Is Murky - New York Times

Ex-Leader's Death Shakes Argentina - Wall Street Journal

Argentina Enters New Political Era as Kirchner Dies - Reuters

Argentine Leader May Soften Policies Post-Kirchner - Reuters

Venezuela to Nationalize U.S.-owned Bottle Manufacturer - Los Angeles Times

NY Philharmonic Renews Effort to Visit Cuba - New York Times

Protest Closes New Cholera Treatment Center in Haiti - New York Times

U.N. Probes Base as Source of Haiti Cholera Outbreak - Associated Press

Path to Haiti Polls Clouded as Cholera Spreads - Reuters

Asia Pacific

Chinese Train with Thai Forces for First Time - Washington Times

Clinton to Press China on Rare Earth - Wall Street Journal

China Vows Not to Use Rare Earths as Leverage - Reuters

Rare Korean Reunions Raise Hopes For Improved Ties - Reuters

Activist Tells of Torture in North Korea Prison - New York Times

Indonesia Responds to Dual Natural Disasters - Voice of America

Indonesia Struggles After Tsunami and Volcano - New York Times

Indonesia Disaster Toll Rises to 341 - Los Angeles Times

Indonesia's Twin Disasters Kill More Than 300 - Reuters

Fears Hundreds More Dead in Indonesia Tsunami - Associated Press

Images Reveal Tsunami Destruction - BBC News

Burma's Top General Will Not Run in Elections, Diplomat Says - Associated Press

U.N. Chief Wants Burma Prisoners Freed - Associated Press

Burma's Suu Kyi "Could Be Freed Next Month" - Reuters

Cambodia: U.N. Chief Appeals for More Khmer Rouge Trials - Associated Press

Cambodian PM Wants U.N. Rights Official Sacked - Reuters


New Bin Laden Tape Threatens France - New York Times

Bin Laden Says Niger Kidnappings Aimed at France - Voice of America

'Bin Laden' in Warning to France After Kidnap in Niger - BBC News

Bin Laden Warns France Over Afghan War, Veil Ban - Associated Press

Bin Laden Blames French "Injustice" For Abductions - Reuters

French Parliament Approves Pension Reform - Voice of America

New France Strike as Protest Ebbs - BBC News

Merkel Pushes E.U. Treaty Change - New York Times

Croatian PM Survives No-Confidence Vote - Associated Press

Middle East

Israeli Nationalists March on Arab Town; Residents Clash with Police -VOA

Israel Clash over Anti-Arab March - BBC News

March in Israel Ends in Clashes In Arab Town - Associated Press

U.S. Condemns Attack on U.N. Investigators in Beirut - Associated Press

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Under Pressure Ahead of Elections - VOA

Dubai Faces Environmental Problems After Growth - New York Times

Bahrain Opens Coup Plot Trial Against Shiites - Associated Press

South Asia

India Signs Nuclear Liability Pact, A U.S. Demand - Reuters