Small Wars Journal

21 January SWJ Roundup

Fri, 01/21/2011 - 8:37am

Afghan Political Crisis Grows, Legislators Defy Karzai - New York Times

Parliament to Defy Karzai's Delay Order - Washington Post

Stavridis Expresses Optimism on Afghanistan - AFPS

Afghanistan Airdrop Levels Reach New Frontier - AFPS

Medics Treating Children with Suspicious Burns - Stars and Stripes

Taliban Order Strict Phone Blackout In Afghan North - Reuters

Bomb Kills 2 Guards Protecting Afghan Official - Associated Press

President Karzai's Latest - New York Times editorial


Setbacks Plague U.S. Aid to Pakistan - Wall Street Journal

Pakistan: Islamic Hard-liners Expanding Grip on Society - Los Angeles Times

Terrorist Leader Blacklisted by U.S. for Mass Murders - Washington Times

Probe Uncovers Problems in Pearl Case - Washington Times

Report Says Militants in Pearl Killing Still at Large - New York Times

Pakistani Tribesmen Rally Against U.S. Drone Strikes - Associated Press


Dozens Killed in Karbala Bombings - Voice of America

Car Bombings Kill Dozens on Pilgrims' Route in Iraq - New York Times

Iraq Suicide Car Bombings Kill 56 - Los Angeles Times

Three Bomb Blasts Kill 50 Shiite Pilgrims in Iraq - Washington Post

Car Bombs Kill 51 in Attack on Iraqi Pilgrims - Associated Press

Iraqi Security Forces Respond to Bomb Attacks - AFPS


Iran Nuclear Talks in Istanbul Start - New York Times

U.S., Allies Press Iran for Action at Talks - Wall Street Journal

Iran Nuclear Talks Under Way in Istanbul - BBC News

Iran and 6 Powers Begin Nuke Talks - Associated Press

Iran Gives No Sign Of Concessions as Nuclear Talks Start - Reuters

Al Qaeda

Bin Laden Threatens France in New Message - Associated Press


Manning's Lawyer Alleges Prison Mistreatment - Washington Post

U.S. Department of Defense

An Answer to Weapons-buying Woes? - Politico

Wilson: Prepare for Tighter Budgets, Force Drawdown - Stars and Stripes

First DOD Language Summit to Set Future Strategy - AFPS

GAO: Gay Ban Cost Military $53,000 Per Dismissal - Stars and Stripes

United States

More Nuke Treaties Remain on Agenda, Official Says - AFPS

Nearly 125 Arrested in Sweeping Mob Roundup - New York Times

Largest-ever Mafia Sweep Makes Nearly 120 Arrests - Washington Post

More Attention Urged for Border Agent's Killing - Los Angeles Times

The 2011 Counterterrorism Calendar - Washington Post

United Kingdom

Blair Testifies Before British Inquiry Into Iraq War - New York Times

Blair: Iraq Legal Advice was 'Provisional' - BBC News

Prominent British Muslim Assails Prejudice - New York Times


Victoria Cross Awarded to Digger for Afghan Action - Daily Telegraph


Ward Charts Africa Command's 2011 Course - AFPS

Blackwater Founder Is Said to Back African Mercenaries - New York Times

Blackwater Founder Trains Somalis - Associated Press

Tunisia's Cabinet Lifts Political Party Ban - Voice of America

Opposition in Tunisia Finds Chance for Rebirth - New York Times

Tunisia: Grievances Leading to Revolution - Washington Post

Tunisia Starts Three Days of Mourning - BBC News

U.S. Cautious in Responding to Tunisian Crisis - Washington Times

Tunisia, After Ben Ali - New York Times editorial

Tunisia Offers Lessons to Repressive Arab Leaders and Citizens - VOA

Al Jazeera TV Makes Waves With Tunisia Coverage - Reuters

Ivory Coast Mediator Warns of Violence, While Continuing Diplomacy - VOA

Gbagbo Orders U.N. Vehicles Searched in Ivory Coast - Associated Press

Nigerian Presidential Candidates Campaign on Economy - VOA

Poll: One-Third of Zimbabwe's Voters Already Dead - Associated Press

S. Korea Rescues Crew and Ship From Somali Pirates - New York Times

S. Korean Forces Storm Hijacked Ship, Free Hostages - Los Angeles Times

South Korea Rescues Samho Jewelry Crew from Pirates - BBC News

S. Korea Rescues Freighter Crew From Pirates - Associated Press


Mexico Shock Verdict Puts Legal Reform on Trial - Associated Press

Mexican Army: Tijuana-Area Drug Trafficker Caught - Associated Press

Haiti: Some See Cash Motive in Duvalier's Return - New York Times

Asia Pacific

U.S. Warning to China Sends Ripples to the Koreas - New York Times

North, South Korea Agree to High-Level Military Talks - Wall Street Journal

South Korea Agrees to High-Level Military Talks with North - VOA

S. Korea Accepts N. Korean Proposal for Defense Talks - Associated Press

Breakthrough After U.S. Warns China on North Korea - Reuters

Hu Wraps Up Trip in Washington - Washington Post

Hu Listens to U.S. Lawmakers' Complaints - Los Angeles Times

Lawmakers Try, Fail to Pin Down Hu - Wall Street Journal

Hu Faces Critics in U.S. Congress - Voice of America

Hu Rapped By Congress, Assures China Is No Threat - Associated Press

China Media Lauds Hu's U.S. Visit as "Masterstroke" - Reuters

Chinese Public in the Dark on Human Rights Admission - Washington Post

Asia Recalibrates Defense to China's Fast Growing Military - VOA

Pushing China, Quietly - Los Angeles Times editorial

Obama's Retreat on Human Rights - Washington Post opinion


NATO Sees Russia as Missile Defense Partner - AFPS

U.N.-appointed Experts to Probe Death of Russian Lawyer - Washington Post

Irish Prime Minister Calls for Early Elections - New York Times

Belarus Leader to Take Office After Flawed Poll - Reuters

Middle East

Hariri Seeks Lebanese Prime Minister's Office Again - Voice of America

Premier Defies Hezbollah as Talks on Lebanon Fail - New York Times

How Justice for Hariri's Killers Could Help M.E. - Washington Post editorial

Tunisia Offers Lessons to Repressive Arab Leaders and Citizens - VOA

Al Jazeera TV Makes Waves With Tunisia Coverage - Reuters

Fayyad Confounds with Plans for Palestinian State - Los Angeles Times

New Israeli Military Chief's Appointment in Peril - Associated Press

French Foreign Minister Gets Hostile Reception in Gaza - BBC News

French FM Accosted in Gaza Strip - Associated Press

South Asia

Red Cross and MSF Accused of Helping India Maoists - BBC News

India Confirms Life Term for Murder of Missionary - Associated Press

Reports: 5 Dead in Bangladesh Gunfight - Associated Press

Desert Storm: 20 Years On (Updated)

Fri, 01/21/2011 - 8:20am

Desert Storm: 20 Years On

'Band of Brothers' Mark Gulf War Anniversary - New York Times

20 Years After Gulf War, Architects Talk of Lessons - USA Today

In '91, Hussein Sought Soviet Help to Head Off U.S. - New York Times

Desert Storm Reunion a Curtain Call on History - Houston Chronicle

The Gulf War in Retrospect - Foreign Policy

20 Years after Desert Storm, No Regrets - Associated Press

The Gulf Gap - Los Angeles Times

20 Years On: Memories of Desert Storm - Guardian

Major General Remembers Start of the Gulf War - BBC News

Speaking of Anniversaries... - Time

The Eve of War: Four Days of Diplomacy - New York Times

The Gulf War - Wikipedia

Operation Desert Storm - The National Security Archive

Persian Gulf War -

Desert Storm -

Operation Desert Storm -

Operation Desert Storm: President George H. W. Bush Announces Beginning of the Ground War

Lebanon and Tunisia Analysis Roundup

Thu, 01/20/2011 - 6:23pm
The linked (with hot links) Lebanon and Tunisia Analysis Roundup is brought to you by the Young Professionals in Foreign Policy's (YPFP) Middle East Discussion Group (MEDG). The YPFP Middle East Discussion Group focuses on political, security, sociological and cultural trends in the contemporary Middle East and North Africa as well as the United States' relationship with and role in the region.

20 January SWJ Roundup

Thu, 01/20/2011 - 6:38am

Karzai Delays Parliament's Inauguration for Election Probe - Washington Post

Karzai Delays Afghan Parliament to Allow More Fraud Probes - Reuters

2 NATO Service Members Killed in Afghan Attacks - Associated Press

Taliban Rejects Report of Leader's Hospitalization - Associated Press

ISAF, Karzai Condemn Insurgent Bomb Attack - AFPS


Study Tracks Pearl Murder Probe - Wall Street Journal

Khalid Sheik Mohammed Killed U.S. Journalist Daniel Pearl - Washington Post

Report Faults Daniel Pearl Murder Investigation - Associated Press


Sadr Return Complicates '11 Iraq Withdrawal Strategy - Associated Press

Bomber Uses Ambulance to Hit Iraqi Police Headquarters - New York Times

At Least 15 Killed in 3rd Straight Day of Suicide Attacks - Washington Post

Car Bomb Kills 3 Near Iraqi Police Headquarters - Associated Press

Last Christians Ponder Leaving a Hometown in Iraq - New York Times

Canada: Man Charged Over Attacks on Soldiers in Iraq - Wall Street Journal

Canadian Man With Conspiracy to Kill Americans in Iraq - Bloomberg


Iran's Nuke Program-How Much Time for Diplomacy? - Associated Press

Powers to Press Defiant Iran In Nuclear Row - Reuters

Clinton: Iran May Face Further U.S. Sanctions - BBC News

Iran Tests Missile in Display Before Nuclear Talks - Associated Press

Q&A: Can Powers Revive Nuclear Fuel Deal With Iran? - Reuters

Al Qaeda

Thou Shalt Steal, al Qaeda Tells Militants - Washington Times


Tracing Islamic History Through Its Scripts - New York Times


DoS Officials: WikiLeaks Revelations Not Damaging' - New York Times

Swiss Banker Re-arrested Over Wikileaks Charges - BBC News

Swiss Arrest Ex-Banker For Giving Data to WikiLeaks - Reuters

U.S. Department of Defense

Military 'Mentors' Quit Over Disclosure Rules - USA Today

Suicides Nearly Double Among Army Guard, Reserves - Stars and Stripes

Mixed Findings on Military Suicides - Washington Post

New Problems Disclosed on 2 Models of F-35 - Air Force Times

Department Begins Project for Vietnam War Veterans - AFPS

Hunter: Military Chiefs Must OK Before Gay Ban Lifted - San Diego Union-Tribune

Need for Savings vs. 21st-Century Threats - Washington Post editorial

United States

U.S. Prepares to Lift Ban on Guantánamo Cases - New York Times

House Vets Panel Leaders Include Just One Vet - Army Times

Court Backs Checks for Federal Contract Workers - Washington Post

For Want of a Strategy - United Press International opinion


Tunisian Protesters Push for Interim Government Ouster - Voice of America

Tunisian Opposition Pushes for Coalition Changes - New York Times

Tunisia Calms as Government Rejects Old Guard - Associated Press

Tunisia Protesters Demand Change, Prisoners Freed - Reuters

Ousted Tunisian Leader Ben Ali's Family 'Arrested' - BBC News

Arab League Chief Says Tunisia's Unrest May Spread - Voice of America

Tunisia Casts Shadow Over Arab Summit Meeting - New York Times

Split from North Sudan Favored by South - Washington Times

Landslide Swells for Southern Sudan Independence - Voice of America

Sudanese Police Clash With Opposition Protesters - Reuters

Mediator Leaves Ivory Coast with No Breakthrough - Voice of America

Ivory Coast Talks Fail, Gbagbo Rejects Mediator - Reuters

U.N. Votes to Add 2,000 Peacekeepers in Ivory Coast - Washington Post

U.N. Adds 2,000 Troops to Ivory Coast Force - Associated Press


Mexico's Sinaloa Gang Grows Empire, Defies Crackdown - Reuters

Suspected Mexican Cartel Operative Dies - Associated Press

U.S. Objects to Bolivia Bid to Legalize Coca - Associated Press

Venezuela-Colombian Soap Opera Story - Associated Press

Aristide Says He Is Ready to Return to Haiti, Too - New York Times

With Baby Doc Back in Haiti, Aristide Calls Next - Associated Press

Theories Abound in Haiti Over Why Baby Doc Came Back - Los Angeles Times

'Baby Doc' Duvalier Sued for Torture in Haiti - BBC News

Haiti's 'Baby Doc' Accused of Crimes Against Humanity - Reuters

U.S. Sees Success in Immigration Program for Haitians - New York Times

Asia Pacific

U.S., China Seek New Balance - Wall Street Journal

Obama Pushes Hu on Rights but Stresses Ties to China - New York Times

Obama Presses Chinese Leader on Rights - Washington Post

Obama, China's Hu Agree to Disagree - Los Angeles Times

Subtle Signs of Progress in U.S.-China Relations - New York Times

Hu Says 'a Lot to be Done' on Human Rights - BBC News

Obama Pushes Hu on China's Currency And Rights - Reuters

U.S., China Affirm Military Ties During Hu Visit to Washington - AFPS

Business Leaders Make Cut at State Dinner With Hu - New York Times

Report: China Largely Restores Aircraft Carrier - Associated Press

Hong Kong Authorities Seize Cocaine Bound for Mainland - New York Times

Obama Makes Hu Look Good on Rights - Washington Post editorial

Hu and Obama's Theater of the Absurd - United Press International opinion

The Rise of Chinese Cheneys - New York Times opinion

Shift in Vietnam's Leadership as Party Boss Apologizes - New York Times

Clinton Pledges Support to Burmese Opposition Leader - Washington Post


Tycoon's Case Hurt Russia, Adviser Says - New York Times

E.U. Confronts Hungary Over Law on News Media - New York Times

Official: E.U. Envoys to Skip Belarus Inauguration - Associated Press

Middle East

U.N.: Middle East Talks Deadlocked - Voice of America

U.S. Diplomacy Suffers a Setback in Lebanon - Associated Press

Saudis Walk Away from Effort to End Lebanon Crisis - Washington Times

Saudi Arabia Ends Lebanon Mediation, Says Country At Risk - Reuters

Hezbollah Stages Coup Drills in Beirut - CNN News

Arab League Chief Says Tunisia's Unrest May Spread - Voice of America

Tunisia Casts Shadow Over Arab Summit Meeting - New York Times

Israeli Human Rights Groups Sound Alarm - Washington Post

U.N. Council Considers Israeli Settlement Issue - Associated Press

Egypt: Economy Key to Mubarak Son Presidency Bid - Associated Press

South Asia

India's Prime Minister Shuffles His Cabinet - New York Times

Sri Lankan President Under Scrutiny for War Crimes - Washington Times

Forget about China's missiles and stealth fighter; worry instead about 'non-kinetic' combat

Wed, 01/19/2011 - 11:16am
What's got the focus of U.S. naval intelligence? Although the first test flight of China's new J-20 fifth-generation stealth fighter made the news last week, and PACOM commander Admiral Robert Willard recently declared that China's DF-21D medium-range anti-ship ballistic missile has now achieved "initial operational capability," those developments are not the most worrisome to Vice Admiral David Dorsett, the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance. What's Dorsett's greatest concern? It is China's capabilities for non-kinetic combat, its potential to "develop capabilities to dominate in the electromagnetic spectrum," which Dorsett asserts could be "game-changing." Dorsett is preparing for warfare on non-kinetic battlefields, where failure would leave traditional kinetic warriors stuck in the barracks and with no way to fight.

Dorsett revealed his views during a press briefing he delivered on January 5, 2011, after photos of the J-20 appeared but before the aircraft had made its first test flight (h/t Information Dissemination). Initial news stories of Dorsett's briefing focused on his confession that the U.S. intelligence community was surprised at the rate at which Chinese weapon developers delivered the J-20 and DF-21D. The actual transcript of the briefing shines new light on the priorities and concerns of the chief of U.S. naval intelligence.

This excerpt from the briefing sums up Dorsett's concerns:

I've been concerned about Chinese game-changing capabilities in non-kinetic vice kinetic. I am concerned about the [anti-ship] ballistic missile. I am concerned about stealth fighter aircraft. But the area and the technology that I'm most concerned about is China's focus and attention on trying to develop capabilities to dominate in the electromagnetic spectrum, to conduct counter-space capabilities, and clearly to conduct cyber activities. That's a greater concern for me than some of the other hardware-driven or kinetic associated capabilities that they're delivering.

Dorsett repeated this message several times during the briefing.

Launching a guided missile, dropping a precision bomb, or even firing a sniper rifle at an enemy soldier is merely the last of a long sequence of actions that involve reliance on access to the electromagnetic spectrum. U.S. military forces use electro-optical, infrared, and signal sensors to gather information about an enemy's positions, capabilities, and order of battle. It then uses radio transmissions, computer networks, and satellite relays to transmit that information for analysis by intelligence specialists armed with computers. Commanders use their computers and numerous communications networks to transmit their operational orders to warfighters who then rely on radio networks, sensors, and satellites to move against the enemy and into a position to do some kinetic shooting. A military force that can deny its opponent access to the electromagnetic spectrum at critical points along that chain of events will obtain a crucial and possibly decisive advantage.

This is already a well-known feature of modern warfare, but it appears that Dorsett felt it important to restate this reality to his audience. In doing so, he made note of his concerns about China's military strategy. Dorsett implied that China is using its capabilities in electrical and computer engineering and space operations to hold at risk the U.S. military's access to the electromagnetic spectrum at vulnerable points along its intelligence-gathering and command and control processes. By Dorsett's reckoning, Chinese planners have developed a strategy that directs their engineering talent at U.S. vulnerabilities and in a way that both avoids and negates U.S. strengths.

Dorsett is a naval officer with responsibility for preparing the Navy for conflict on the sea, air, and space. Do his views on the need to dominate the electromagnetic spectrum have any relevance for the irregular warfare challenges facing the Army and Marine Corps in Afghanistan?

Coalition forces dominate the electromagnetic spectrum in Afghanistan. But this dominance has yet to win the war. Coalition commanders still don't have enough information about the enemy's locations, order of battle, and current operations. The U.S. is attempting to address this shortfall with more, more human collectors on the ground and more overhead reconnaissance in the form of Reaper drones now increasingly equipped with Gorgon imaging units which produce a tsunami of data. This tidal wave of data now exceeds the ability of human analysts to keep up; commanders now need more computers and more pattern recognition software to make use of the data provided by all of the collectors. It remains to be seen whether the essential data commanders need will be inside the tidal wave or whether intelligence analysts will find a way to cope with the flood. In the meantime, the Taliban may at some point find their best investment to be cyberwarfare worms rather than more ammonium nitrate.

We associate modern war with fiery things that go "boom!" But in Dorsett's next war, much if not all of the skirmishes will be in a non-kinetic electromagnetic realm fought by computer worms, electronic jammers, crashes in outer space, and information deception. It will be a strange war, with the traditional warriors waiting for the non-kinetic prelude to end before they can even travel to the battlefield.

19 January SWJ Roundup

Wed, 01/19/2011 - 5:25am

Afghan Attorney General Expects Court to Void Election - New York Times

Afghan Tribunal: Delay Parliament Opening 1 Month - Associated Press

Marines See Stark Improvement in Deadly Helmand Province - Washington Post

Kinder Prison, Swifter Justice for Detainees in Afghanistan - Boston Globe

Afghans, Coalition Broaden Assault on Insurgent Leaders - AFPS

Afghan Blast Kills 13 Civilians - BBC News

Afghan Fuel Shortage Spreads to Kabul - Los Angeles Times


Pakistan Escapes Major Quake Damage - Associated Press

Bomb Kills 1, Wounds 14 in Northwestern Pakistan - Associated Press


Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 50 In Iraq, Wounds 150 - Voice of America

Suicide Blast in Iraq Kills Police Recruits - New York Times

Iraq: Suicide Bomber Kills Dozens in Tikrit - Washington Post

Suicide Bomber Kills Up to 60 Police Recruits In Iraq - Reuters

Iraq's Security Berated After 52 Die in Bombing - Associated Press


Iran Ramps Up Security for Nuclear Scientists - Washington Times

Iran Wants World Powers to Cooperate as Equals - Associated Press

Ahmadinejad, Medvedev Agree to Boost Ties - Agence France-Presse

U.N. Team Examines Seized Iranian Weapons in Nigeria - Associated Press


Executive Suspended for Criticizing E.U. Satellite - New York Times

Swiss Banker Linked to WikiLeaks on Trial Over Secrecy - Reuters


Piracy Reached Record Level in 2010, Monitors Say - New York Times

U.S. Department of Defense

U.S. Veterans Say Petraeus Deserves Fifth Star - Agence France-Presse

Commission to Recommend Lifting Ban on Women in Combat - AFPS

Military Study Finds Benefits in Mental Health Screening - New York Times

United States

FBI Took Long Look at AIPAC Activities - Washington Times

Kennedy Brother-in-law Sargent Shriver Dies - BBC News

Supreme Court Weighs Military Contract Dispute - NPR

Reno-era Policy Kept Jared Loughner Off FBI Gun List - Washington Post

Spokane Bomb Casualties Could Have Been Severe - Los Angeles Times

Sharing the Burden of Peace - New York Times opinion


Unity Government in Tunisia Fractured by Resignations - New York Times

Tunisia: Clashes Erupt as Government Fractures - Washington Post

Tunisian Government Loses 4 Former Opposition Figures - Los Angeles Times

Tunisia's Interim President, PM Quit Ruling Party - Voice of America

Tunisian Ministers Quit; Police Break Up Protest - Associated Press

Tunisia Unity Cabinet to Hold First Meeting Amid Row - BBC News

Tunisia's Interim Government on Shaky Ground - Voice of America

Critics Contend U.S. Should Offer Stronger Support to Tunisians - VOA

Arab Leaders Keep a Wary Eye on Tunisia - New York Times

Arab World: Revolution will be Televised, on Al Jazeera - Los Angeles Times

Tunisia as a Tipping Point - Los Angeles Times editorial

A Night in Tunisia - New York Times opinion

A.U. Envoy Continues Bid to Resolve Ivory Coast Crisis - Voice of America

Peacekeeping Officials: ECOWAS Invasion of Ivory Coast Unlikely - VOA

Russia Delays U.N. Vote on Ivory Coast Troops - Reuters

Ivory Coast: Shooting Erupts, Military Chiefs Meet - Associated Press

Southern Sudan: U.N. Security Council Praises Referendum - BBC News

Nigerian Flashpoint City Jos: Army Shoot-to-kill Orders - BBC News

DR Congo Army Commander 'Led Mass Rape' in Fizi - BBC News


Mexican Crime Leader Arrested - New York Times

Mexico Says Zetas Drug Gang Figure Arrested - Los Angeles Times

Mexico Arrests Zetas Drugs Cartel Suspect Flavio Mendez - BBC News

Mexico Police: Founding Member of Zetas Captured - Associated Press

Mutilated Bodies Found Near Mexico's Richest City - Reuters

Guatemala Extends State of Siege in Violent North - Associated Press

Outgunned Guatemala Army Extends Battle With Drug Gangs - Reuters

U.S. Objects to Bolivian Bid to Make Coca Leaf Licit - Associated Press

Paraguay Leader Tells Police to Shut Down Rebels - Associated Press

Paraguay Grants Refuge to Evo Morales Opponent - Associated Press

Haitian Police Take Ex-Dictator Duvalier to Court - Voice of America

Haiti Detains 'Baby Doc' Duvalier for Questioning - Los Angeles Times

Haiti Charges Ex-leader Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier - BBC News

Former Haitian Dictator Taken Away by Police - New York Times

Haiti: Duvalier Accused of Corruption, Embezzlement - Reuters

Duvalier Faces Possible Trial in Haiti - Associated Press

Haiti Election Officials Downplay OAS Conclusion - Associated Press

Haiti Doesn't Need Baby Doc in its Midst - Washington Post editorial

Asia Pacific

Chinese President Arrives in U.S. for State Visit - Voice of America

Chinese President Arrives for Talks with Obama - Los Angeles Times

China's Leader Has Message of Harmony, Limited Agenda - New York Times

Hu to Encounter Tougher Attitudes by U.S. - Washington Post

U.S. Shifts Focus to Press China for Market Access - New York Times

Report: China Has Restored Aircraft Carrier Ready - Associated Press

Obama's China Moment - Washington Post opinion

Taiwan Stages Missile Tests on Eve of U.S.-China Meeting - New York Times

Filipino Gov't, Rebels Confirm Peace Talks - Associated Press

Vietnam Congress Confirms New Leadership Trio - BBC News


French Minister Dismisses Chinese Role in Spying Case - New York Times

Irish Prime Minister Cowen Wins Confidence Vote - Associated Press

Israel Arrests Man Wanted in Srebrenica Massacre - Associated Press

Middle East

Political Chaos in Lebanon Ravages Economy, Instills Fear - Washington Times

Lebanon Tribunal Prosecutor Speaks on Indictments - Voice of America

U.N. Court: Lebanon Should Avoid Hariri Case Rumors - Associated Press

Lebanon Shows Shift of Influence in Mideast - New York Times

Qatar, Turkey Hold Talks on Lebanon Crisis - Reuters

Arab Leaders Keep a Wary Eye on Tunisia - New York Times

Arab World: Revolution will be Televised, on Al Jazeera - Los Angeles Times

Medvedev Visits West Bank, Lifting Palestinian Spirits - New York Times

Russia's Medvedev Backs Independent Palestine - Reuters

Jordan Opposition Calls for Elected Prime Minister - Associated Press

South Asia

Lauded Abroad, Indian Leader Is Besieged at Home - New York Times

18 January SWJ Roundup

Tue, 01/18/2011 - 4:15am

Plan for Thousands More Afghan Forces Draws Concerns - Washington Post

In Afghanistan, Insurgents Let Bombs Do Fighting - New York Times

Afghan Tax on Foreign Contractors Hits Resistance - New York Times

17 Afghan Civilians Killed by Roadside Bombs in 24 Hours - Los Angeles Times

Afghan Underworld Shows Challenges for Stability - Associated Press


Pakistan's Failure to Hit Militant Sanctuary Has Positive Side - New York Times

Minibus Bombing in NW Pakistan Kills 19 - Associated Press


Final Tour in Iraq: Daily Grind Combines with Goodwill Missions - Washington Post

Northern Iraqi Governor Cuts Baghdad Power - Associated Press

Club, Shops Attacked In Iraq Alcohol Clampdown - Reuters


Iran Drops Woman's Stoning Sentence - New York Times


Pirates Capture 1,181 Hostages at Sea in 2010 - Associated Press


Swiss Banker Spills Secrets to WikiLeaks - Voice of America

Wikileaks Given Data on Swiss Bank Accounts - BBC News

Ex-Swiss Banker Gives Data to WikiLeaks - New York Times

U.S. Department of Defense

Defense Cuts will Shift Money to Repair of Existing Equipment - Washington Post

United States

Despite Vow, Gitmo Still Open - Washington Times

Ghailani's Lawyers Detail Terror Defense Strategy - New York Times

SC Can Curb Abuse of 'State Secrets' Privilege - Washington Post editorial


U.N. Agency Warns of Shortfall in Fight on Hunger - Associated Press


Tunisia Announces New Unity Government - Voice of America

Tunisia Forms National Unity Government Amid Unrest - BBC News

Tunisia Unrest Stirs Passions Across N. African - New York Times

Tunisian Interim PM Unveils National Coalition Government - Washington Post

Tunisia Unveils New Government as Calm Returns - Los Angeles Times

PM Names Unity Government to Quell Tunisia Unrest - Reuters

Tunisia Unity Govt May Not Satisfy Protesters - Associated Press

Gov't: More than 78 Deaths in Tunisian Unrest - Associated Press

Tunisia Copycat Burnings in 3 North African Countries - Reuters

South Sudan Officials Prepare for Referendum Result - Voice of America

Observers Approve South Sudan Independence Vote - Reuters

African Union Mediator Returns to Ivory Coast - Voice of America

Cut Off, Ivory Coast Chief Is Scraping for Cash - New York Times

U.N. Peacekeepers in Ivory Coast Fire Warning Shots - Associated Press

Voter Registration Row Kills Three In Central Nigeria - Reuters

Niger's Deposed President Moved to Prison - Associated Press

Mortars Kill 4 Near Parliament in Somali Capital - Associated Press


8 Slain in Drug Shootout Near Mexico City - Associated Press

Paraguay: Guerrilla Backpack Bomb Injures 5 - Associated Press

Ecuador Moves to Clean Up Courts, Opposition Balks - Reuters

Duvalier Meets With Advisers as Haiti Holds Its Breath - New York Times

Fear and Calls for Justice Follow Return of 'Baby Doc' - Los Angeles Times

Rights Groups Urge Haiti to Bring Duvalier to Justice - Voice of America

Haiti Urged to Arrest Visiting 'Baby Doc' Duvalier - BBC News

Haiti Rumors Fly as Ex-Dictator Stays Mum in Hotel - Associated Press

Send 'Baby Doc' Packing - Los Angeles Times editorial

Asia Pacific

China, U.S. Eager to Put a Happy Face on Relations - Los Angeles Times

U.S. to Take Bolder Tack for Chinese Leader's Visit - New York Times

G.E. Venture Will Share Jet Technology With China - New York Times

U.S., China Clash on Energy, Environment - Associated Press

Survey: Most Chinese See Ties with U.S. Worsening - Associated Press

U.S. Finds its Voice on China and Human Rights - Washington Post editorial

America's Paranoid China Syndrome - Los Angeles Times opinion

Taiwan's Unusually Public Missile Test Fizzles - Associated Press

In Vietnam, Politics Lag While Growth Jumps - New York Times

Vietnam's Communist Party Selects New Leaders - Associated Press


Swiss Lawmakers Angry at Alleged U.S. Spying Program - Associated Press

Cold War Issues Still Part of U.S.-Russia Discussions - Washington Post

Russian Opposition Leader Urges Western Sanctions - Associated Press

Russia's Medvedev Calls For Crackdown on Neo-Nazis - Reuters

Ukraine Probe of Former PM Raises Concern in West - Associated Press

Greece Bombs: Nine Suspected Anarchists in Athens Trial - BBC News

Middle East

Lebanon Delays Talks on New Government - New York Times

U.N. Lebanon Indictment Lodged; Results Sealed - Voice of America

U.N. Prosecutor Files Sealed Indictment in Hariri Tribunal - Washington Post

Hariri Tribunal: U.N. Prosecutor Issues Sealed Indictment - BBC News

First Indictment Filed in Lebanon's Hariri Killing - Associated Press

U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Summoned Amid Tension - Associated Press

Israeli Defense Minister Barak Quits Political Party - Voice of America

Israel's Labor Party Splits; Ehud Barak Forms New Faction - Los Angeles Times

Barak's Break With Party Shakes Up Israeli Politics - New York Times

Israel's Trade Minister Resigns as Labor Splits - Reuters

Netanyahu Says Labour Breakup Strengthens Government - Reuters

Settler Leader: West Bank Annexation 'Not an Option' - Washington Times

Israel Set to Build More Homes on Annexed Land - Reuters

Senior U.N. Relief Official John Ging Leaves Gaza Post - BBC News

Man Sets Himself on Fire Near Egyptian Parliament - Voice of America

South Asia

India to Tear Down Flats at Centre of Graft Scandal - BBC News

Sri Lanka Flood Victims Vent Fury - BBC News

Bangladesh Restricts Acid Sales to Prevent New Attacks - BBC News

17 January SWJ Roundup

Mon, 01/17/2011 - 8:38am

Support Expected for Plan to Beef Up Afghan Forces - New York Times

Afghanistan Push to Tax U.S. Contractors Could Renew Tensions - Washington Post

Afghan Protesters Hurl Eggs, Stones at Iranian Consulate - Washington Post


Air Strikes by Drones Effective in Waziristan - Washington Times

Attacks Down Almost 20 Percent in Pakistan - Associated Press

Explosion in Pakistan Kills at Least 15 - Associated Press


Bomb Kills 1 at Iraqi Militia Headquarters - Associated Press

Iraqi Provincial Official Escapes Assassination - Associated Press

Tensions Remain, 20 Years After Gulf War - CNN News


Iran's Nuclear Program and a New Era of Cyber War - Los Angeles Times

U.S., Israeli Computer Program Slows Iran's Nuclear Ambitions - Voice of America

Paper: Iran Still Trying to Buy Nuclear Technology - Associated Press

Envoys Take Visit to Iran Nuclear Facility - Washington Times

IAEA Envoys Visit Iran's Natanz Enrichment Site - Reuters

Politically Confident, Iran Cuts Subsidies - New York Times

Rights Group Decries 'Execution Binge' in Iran - Associated Press

Iran Suspends Sentence to Hang Woman In Stoning Case - Reuters

Korean Peninsula

S. Korea: Nuclear Push Could Bring North's Collapse - Associated Press

Seoul Looks to U.S.-China Summit to Pressure North - Reuters


U.S. Denies WikiLeaks Spurred Revolt in Tunisia - Associated Press

U.S. Department of Defense

In New Military, Data Overload Can Be Deadly - New York Times

U.S. Military and Facebook are Now Friends - GlobalPost

United States

House Panel Wants Homeland Security Documents - Associated Press


Too Little, Then Too Much in Australia - New York Times

Australia Says Cost Of Floods to Top Other Disasters - Reuters


Sporadic Fighting Continues as Tunisia Tries to Form a New Cabinet - VOA

Authorities Struggle to Restore Order in Tunisia - Washington Post

Military Backs New Leaders in Tunisia - New York Times

Former Tunisia Government Figures Arrested - Los Angeles Times

Tunis Gun Battles Erupt After Ben Ali Aide Arrested - BBC News

Tunisia Forces Fight Presidential Guards Near Palace - Reuters

Gunbattles, Food Shortages Temper Tunisians' Joy - Associated Press

France Seen Wary of Interfering in Tunisia Crisis - New York Times

Report: Algerian Man Dies From Self-Immolation - Associated Press

Arab Leaders to Grapple With New Order Post-Tunisia - Reuters

Vote Counting Begins in Sudan Referendum - Voice of America

In Sudan, Early Results Strongly Lean to Secession - New York Times

S. Sudan Early Returns Show Big Vote for Secession - Associated Press

Observers Approve South Sudan Independence Vote - Reuters

Carter Center: S. Sudan Vote Peaceful and Credible - Associated Press

South Sudan Leader Kiir Urges Forgiveness for Civil War - BBC News

Sudan Opposition Threatens Protests Over Price Hikes - Reuters

Incumbent Ivory Coast Government says Economic Sanctions Will Fail - VOA

Transforming Africa Through Higher Education - New York Times

Congo: An Assassination's Long Shadow - New York Times opinion

Nigeria's Promise, Africa's Hope - New York Times opinion


Mexico: Gang's Terror Felt Far From War on U.S. Border - Associated Press

Venezuela: Chavez Foes Wary Over Calls for Reconciliation - Associated Press

Venezuela Parties Warily Welcome Chavez Olive Branch - Reuters

Brazil Rains Kill More Than 600 as Epidemic Feared - Reuters

A Former Dictator Reappears in Haiti - New York Times

'Baby Doc' Duvalier Returns to Tense Haiti - Los Angeles Times

'Baby Doc' Duvalier Back in Haiti After Long Exile - Associated Press

Cuba Says Travel Changes Not Enough - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

Chinese President Hu Looks for 'Common Ground' with U.S. - Washington Post

China Leader's Limits Come Into Focus as U.S. Visit Nears - New York Times

Hu Highlights Need for U.S.-China Cooperation - Wall Street Journal

U.S. Lowers Expectations on Visit by China's Hu - Washington Times

Southeast Asia Seeks Common Ground on Sea Disputes With China - Reuters

China Tried 376 Defendants In 2010 For Xinjiang Unrest - Reuters

A Message to China - Washington Post opinion

As Vietnam Booms, Communist Party Struggles to Keep Up - Reuters

S. Korea Dispatches Destroyer to Rescue Tanker - Christian Science Monitor


Irish Leader Rejects Push to Resign as Party Chief - New York Times

Irish PM Calls Confidence Motion on Leadership - Reuters

Greek Militants Go on Trial - Associated Press

Middle East

Mideast Leaders to Discuss Lebanese Political Crisis - Voice of America

Hezbollah Defends Bringing Down Lebanon's Government - Washington Post

Hezbollah Vows Defense in Inquiry -New York Times

Hezbollah Defends Actions in Lebanon - Associated Press

Hezbollah Won't Back Hariri Government in Lebanon - BBC News

Hezbollah, Allies Will Not Support Hariri For PM - Reuters

Lebanon Postpones Talks on New Government - Associated Press

Islamists In Jordan Call For End to Authoritarian Rule - Reuters

Israel Considering Major Settlement Project in East Jerusalem - VOA

Plan for 1,400 Apartments in Contested Jerusalem - Associated Press

Palestinians to Turn to Security Council This Week - Associated Press

Israel's Defense Minister Quits Party -Associated Press

Arab Leaders to Grapple With New Order Post-Tunisia - Reuters

Egyptian Man Sets Himself Ablaze in Central Cairo - Associated Press

Egypt Sentences Muslim to Death in Killings of Christians - New York Times

Yemen Convicts Al-Qaida Agent in Frenchman's Death - Associated Press