Small Wars Journal

The Right to Be Right: Civil-Military Relations and the Iraq Surge Decision

Mon, 04/18/2011 - 3:15pm
The Right to Be Right: Civil-Military Relations and the Iraq Surge Decision

International Security, issue 4, volume 35

by Peter D. Feaver, Duke University

Abstract. President George W. Bush's Iraq surge decision in late 2006 is an interest­ing case for civil-military relations theory, in particular, the debate between professional supremacists and civilian supremacists over how much to defer to the military on decisions during war. The professional supremacists argue that the primary problem for civil-military relations during war is ensur­ing the military an adequate voice and keeping civilians from micromanaging and mismanaging matters. Civilian supremacists, in contrast, argue that the primary problem is ensuring that well-informed civilian strategic guidance is authoritatively directing key decisions, even when the military disagrees with that direction. A close reading of the available evidence—both in published ac­counts and in new, not-for-attribution interviews with the key players—shows that the surge decision vindicates neither camp. If President Bush had fol­lowed the professional supremacists, there would have been no surge because his key military commanders were recommending against that option. If Bush had followed the civilian supremacists to the letter, however, there might have been a revolt of the generals, causing the domestic political props under the surge to collapse. Instead, Bush's hybrid approach worked better than either ideal type would have.

Full article is available here.

Counterinsurgency and its Discontents

Mon, 04/18/2011 - 11:29am
Counterinsurgency and Its Discontents:

Assessing the Value of a Divisive Concept

by David Ucko

Abstract. Popularised as a result of the so-called surge in Iraq, the concept of counterinsurgency has since experienced a marked decline, mostly due to the difficulties of implementing its core principles in Afghanistan. Across the United States and Europe, counterinsurgency now seems to be on its way out, as a concept to be studied and as a priority to inform policy.

This article examines the value of retaining counterinsurgency as a concept, along with its associated principles and theory. Much depends on what is expected from this term, which lacks both definition and clear substance. Counterinsurgency provides neither a strategy for military intervention nor a campaign plan for deployed soldiers and will fail if mistaken for more than what it is. Counterinsurgency does offer a collection of insights, which, if used in a manner sensitive to local context, can help in the design and execution of expeditionary campaigns. These insights are often largely commonsensical but have nonetheless played an important role in challenging previously dominant misconceptions about the nature of war and peace, both in Europe and the United States.

The one good reason to abandon the term would be because of its divisive and distorting connotations; the aim then would be to talk more plainly about the nature of war-to-peace transitions. Even so, expunging counterinsurgency from the lexicon will not remove or in any way alleviate the operational challenges most closely associated with it. Thus, whatever happens to this concept, the lessons and associated theory that it has advanced must not be forgotten. Instead, these must be retained to prepare expeditionary actors for future military interventions and, at the same time, to prompt far greater caution whenever such endeavours are planned.

The KoW description and prior discussion can be found here.

The Abstract can be found here.

Full article published by the Berlin-based SWP can be found here.

U.S. Army COIN Center Webcast 22 April

Mon, 04/18/2011 - 10:22am
The U.S. Army COIN Center will be hosting Mr. Haider Mullick, a fellow at the U.S. Joint Special Operations University and the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding. He will present a webcast presentation entitled "Counterinsurgency Challenges in Pakistan and Effects on ISAF-Afghanistan."

Mr. Mullick advises and consults with U.S. government organizations on security, diplomacy, governance and development issues in South Asia. From 2009-2010, he conducted research for General David H. Petraeuson Pakistan's national security policy. Mullick is also the President and Chief Executive Officer of Red Teaming Associates. He is the author of Pakistan's Security Paradox: Countering and Fomenting Insurgencies.

His brief will be 0900-1100 CDT (1000-1200 EDT, 1500 ZULU), Friday, 22 April 2011.

Those interested in attending may view the meeting online at and participate via Defense Connect Online (DCO) as a guest. Remote attendees will be able to ask questions and view the slides through the software.

18 April SWJ Roundup (Updated)

Mon, 04/18/2011 - 8:20am

Attacker Penetrates Afghan Defense Ministry - Washington Post

Soldier Opens Fire at Afghan Defense Ministry - Associated Press

Insurgent Strike Inside Afghan Defence Ministry, 2 Dead - Reuters

Hard-won Gains Shift Landscape in Afghanistan - Washington Post

8 NATO Troops Killed in One Day in Afghanistan - Los Angeles Times

Day of Afghan Attacks Kills 8 NATO Service Members - Associated Press

Impoverished Afghans Shouldering Burden of Health Care - Reuters

'Death Squad' Killings Fail to Get Media, Political Attention - Washington Times

Roadside Bomb Kills 6 Afghan Policemen - Associated Press

U.N.: Afghan Poppy Crop Up in North, Northeast - Associated Press


U.S. Relations With Pakistan Falter Over Drone Strikes - New York Times

U.S. and Pakistan Struggle With 'Unhappy' Alliance - Associated Press

Pakistanis Flee Troubled Areas Near Afghan Border - Associated Press

Libya / Operation Odyssey Dawn

Libyan Rebels Gain Ground in Fight - Wall Street Journal

Gadhafi Forces Pound Rebels in Ajdabiya, Continue Misrata Siege - VOA

Besieged Misurata Weathers Continued Attacks - Washington Post

Fierce Fighting in Key City in West Libya Kills 17 - Associated Press

Gadhafi Lays Siege to West Mountain Towns - Washington Times

In a Medical Tent in Libya, a Grim Procession - New York Times

U.N., Libya Reach Deal on Providing Humanitarian Aid - Associated Press

Cameron: Libya U.N. Resolution Makes Mission 'Difficult' - BBC News

Gaddafi's Son: We Will Deal with Terrorists First - Washington Post

The Libya Stalemate - Washington Post editorial

France Flies, Germany Flops - New York Times opinion


Egypt's Ex-Prime Minister, Ex-Finance Minister to Face Trial - VOA

Egypt Ex-ministers to be Tried - BBC News

Egypt's Ex-Premier Charged With Corruption - Associated Press


Algerian Leader: Morocco Is Our Brother, Not Enemy - Associated Press

6 Algerian Security Forces Die in 2 Attacks - Associated Press


Yemeni Forces Fire on Sana'a Protest, 30 Wounded - Voice of America

Yemeni Opposition Sets Meeting With Gulf Bloc - New York Times

Mass Protests Over Leader's Women Remark - Associated Press

New Clashes Break Out in Yemen, 15 Injured - Reuters


Syrians Protest Despite Assad's Pledge - Voice of America

Syria: Protests Despite Assad Reform Promises - BBC News

In Sometimes Deadly Clashes, Defiant Syrians Protest - New York Times

13 Killed as Protests Continue Despite Assad's Pledges - Washington Post

Assad's Promises Fail to Quell Syrian Protests - Los Angeles Times

3 Killed at Syrian Protest After Assad Vows Reform - Associated Press

Rights Group Says 12 Syrians Killed in Clashes - Associated Press

U.S. Secretly Backed Syrian Opposition Groups - Washington Post

The Gathering Storm in Syria - New York Post opinion


Oman to Spend $2.6 Billion to Satisfy Protest Demands - Reuters


Security Forces Continue Wide, Deep Crackdown - Los Angeles Times

Bahrain Detains Former Champion Athlete - Reuters

7 Bahrain Protesters Face Trial in Military Court - Associated Press

United Arab Emirates

4th Pro-Democracy Activist Detained in UAE - Associated Press


Boehner Visits Iraq, Assures Support for Mission - Reuters

After U.S. Pullback, Iraq Envoys More Vulnerable - Associated Press

Police, Protesters Clash in Northern Iraq, 35 Wounded - Voice of America

Iraqi Police Said to Fire on a Protest, Striking 7 - New York Times

Police Fire on Demonstrators in Iraq; 35 Wounded - Associated Press

Car Bombs Kill 5 at Entrance to Baghdad Green Zone - Reuters

Car Bombs in Central Baghdad Kill 9 - Associated Press

In Iraq, Bottoms Up for Democracy - New York Times


Reports: Iran Intelligence Chief in Political Vise - Associated Press

Iran's Khamenei Rejects Minister's Resignation - Reuters

Iran Sets March 2012 for Parliamentary Election - Associated Press

Saudi Arabia Urges Iran to Protect Its Diplomats - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

2 Palestinian Teens Held in Killing of Israeli Family - New York Times

Fogel Murders: Israel Arrests Two Palestinian Teenagers - BBC News

Hamas Reveals Names of Suspects in Italian's Death - Associated Press

Middle East / North Africa Unrest

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - Associated Press

Al Qaeda Stirs Again - New York Times opinion

Libya's Only a Part of Mideast Equation - Los Angeles Times opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

For Gates' Successor, Obama Needs Budget Expert - Foreign Policy opinion

United States

Justice Department Shelves Upgrade of Communications - Washington Times

Justice Department Challenges Ruling on GPS Use - Washington Times

U.S. Tweaks Aging Nuclear Plants to Get More Power - Los Angeles Times

Guantánamo, on Trial - New York Times editorial


French Colonial Past Casts Shadow Over Africa Policy - New York Times

IMF Cautions in Africa Vote-Heavy Year - Reuters

Nigerian President Takes Wide Lead In Election - Voice of America

Nigeria Election: Goodluck Jonathan 'to Win Outright' - BBC News

Nigerian President Takes Huge Lead in Vote - Associated Press

Ouattara Moves to Restore Security to Ivory Coast - Voice of America

Ivory Coast Warlord Cites Heavy Toll - Associated Press

Ivorian Justice Minister To Probe Gbagbo-Era Crimes - Voice of America

Uganda Detains Opposition Leader Over Protests - Reuters

Soldiers' Unrest Spreads to S. Burkina Faso - Associated Press

Gunmen Kill Six in Attacks on Two Somali Mosques - Reuters


Mexico's Tamaulipas Police Chief Sacked after Killings - BBC News

Top Cop Replaced in Violent Mexico Border State - Associated Press

Mexico: The Hour of the Poet - Salem-News

Reputed Carib Drug Kingpin's Ex-Wife Turns Self In - Associated Press

Fidel Castro Gives Brother Key Vote of Confidence - Associated Press

Cubans Welcome Castro Call to Limit Leaders' Terms - Reuters

Cuban Court Studying Appeal From U.S. Contractor - Reuters

In Peru, Two Weak Choices - Los Angeles Times editorial

Venezuela's Shaky Opposition - Washington Post opinion

Asia Pacific

Clinton: U.S. to Aid Japanese, Push Deal on Korea - Wall Street Journal

In Japan, Clinton Offers Sympathy and Support - Washington Post

Tokyo Utility Lays Out Plan for Its Reactors - New York Times

Fukushima Operator Lays Out Plan to Control Nuclear Plant - VOA

Japan Nuclear Crisis 'Over in Nine Months' - BBC News

Eerie Hush Descends on Japan's Nuclear Zone - Wall Street Journal

U.S., Japan to Create Partnership to Rebuild After Disaster - VOA

Clinton Pledges Continued Cooperation With South Korea - Voice of America

Illicit Church, Evicted, Tries to Buck Beijing - New York Times

Car Bomb Kills 1, Injures 25 in Southern Thailand - Associated Press

Decision Looms for Laos Dam, but Impact Is Unclear - New York Times

Cambodia's Passive Genocide - Washington Post opinion


Moscow Says Islamist Leader Killed in Dagestan - Reuters

Vote in Finland Could Doom Economic Bailout of Portugal - New York Times

Failing Ruble, Long Lines and Bomb Rattle Belarus - New York Times

France Blocks Italian Trains Carrying Migrants - BBC News

Italy: Dominant Berlusconi Unbowed by Trials - Reuters

Serb Opposition Leader Collapses During Hunger Strike - Reuters

South Asia

A Populist Maverick Battles India's Communist Bastion - Reuters

Civilian Deaths in Sri Lanka Maybe Underestimated - Los Angeles Times

Sri Lanka President Calls for U.N. Report Rally - BBC News

SWJ Blocked By RC (SW)? (Updated)

Sun, 04/17/2011 - 1:51pm
We were just sent the screen capture below and guess it begs two questions. Firstly, did RC (SW) block access to Small Wars Journal or is this some type of temporary glitch? Secondly, if SWJ has been intentionally blocked, WTF?

We've also heard reports that other elements of ISAF can no longer access SWJ. Anyone have any intel on this? Thanks.

Update: While we are on the subject (also see jcustis comment below), we have also gotten reports that the Navy/Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) has, at least at times and at certain locations, blocked Small Wars Journal and the Small Wars Council discussion board. This includes CONUS and OCONUS locations. Intel on this would also be appreciated.

Update 2: When it rains it pours. From the comment section below from Andy: "My Air Force Network blocks SWJ as well. They use, IIRC, Blue coat. Like jcustis, no joy getting the site removed from the blacklist. It looks like what they do is categorize websites and then block specific categories. So if the category includes "blog" or "forum" then it gets blocked." Anyone else out there?

Failed States Irrelevant to U.S. National Security

Sun, 04/17/2011 - 10:50am
Why Failed States Shouldn't Be Our Biggest National Security Fear by Stewart Patrick, Washington Post. BLUF: "... preoccupations reflect more hype than analysis. U.S. national security officials would be better served - and would serve all of us better - if they turned their strategic lens toward stronger developing countries, from which transnational threats are more likely to emanate."

17 April SWJ Roundup

Sun, 04/17/2011 - 1:43am

Hard-won Gains Shift Landscape in Afghanistan - Washington Post

Karzai: Afghanistan, Pakistan to Boost Taliban Peace Efforts - VOA

Pakistan PM Gilani Meets Afghanistan's Karzai in Kabul - BBC News

Pakistan Says it Firmly Backs Taliban Peace Talks - Associated Press

Afghanistan and Pakistan Upgrade Peace Efforts - Reuters

Blast Kills 9 at Afghan Base, Including 5 From NATO - New York Times

Soldier Kills 5 NATO Troops and 4 Afghan Comrades - Washington Post

Suicide Bomber Kills 5 NATO Troops, 4 Afghan Soldiers - Los Angeles Times

Suicide Bomber Kills 10, Including Five NATO Troops - Associated Press

Ten Die in Afghanistan Army Base Bomb - BBC News


U.S. and Pakistan Struggle with 'Unhappy' Alliance - Associated Press

Libya / Operation Odyssey Dawn

U.S. and Allies Seek a Refuge for Qaddafi - New York Times

Rebel's Story Links to Taliban, Al Qaeda, NATO - Los Angeles Times

Clashes Reported in Several Libyan Cities - Voice of America

Gaddafi Attack Intensifies in Misrata - BBC News

Gaddafi Presses Siege of Misurata - Washington Post

More Shelling in Rebel-held City in Western Libyan - Associated Press

Chad Denies Officers Fighting Alongside Gaddafi Troops - Reuters

France Flies, Germany Flops - New York Times opinion


As Inmates 23 and 24, Stunned Mubaraks Adjust - New York Times

Court Disbands Mubarak's Party - Washington Post

Mubarak's Former Ruling Party Dissolved by Court - BBC News

After Protests, Tourists Avoid Egypt - Washington Post


Former Ruling Party Backers Rally for Inclusion - VOA

Patience Is Urged on Tunisia Reform - Reuters

Tunisia's Former Ruling Party Members Hold Protest - Associated Press


13 Algerian Soldiers Killed by Militants - Voice of America


Al-Qaida in Yemen Adapts to Evade U.S. - Associated Press

Women Irate at Remarks by President of Yemen - New York Times

Thousands Denounce Leader's Remarks on Women - Associated Press

Yemen Opposition to Meet Gulf Ministers Over Crisis - Reuters


Syrian Leader Says He Will Lift Emergency Law - New York Times

Assad: Emergency Laws 'to End Next Week' - BBC News

Syria to Lift Emergency Law, Leader Says - Associated Press

Technology Spurs Syrians to Action - Washington Post

The Gathering Storm in Syria - New York Post opinion


In Iraq, Bottoms Up for Democracy - New York Times


Iran: Computer Worm Could Have Caused Huge Damage - Associated Press


Bahrain's Opposition Says Rights Lawyer Detained - Associated Press

Bahrain Arrests Prominent Lawyer, Doctors - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Israel Thanks U.S. for Funding Rocket Defense System - Associated Press

Middle East / North Africa Unrest

France Says It Does Not Aim to Topple Arab Leaders - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - Associated Press

U.S. Department of Defense

America in the Hands of a Professional Military - Miller-McCune

Lawmakers Blast Navy over Lejeune Water Contamination - Stars and Stripes

Investigation Launched into San Antonio Repairs - Virginian-Pilot

For Gates' Successor, Obama Needs Budget Expert - Foreign Policy opinion

United States

The Return of America's Missionary Impulse - New York Times

Pastor Who Burned Koran Says He Was Duped - New York Times

FAA to Revamp Air Traffic Controller Scheduling - Washington Post

FAA to Change Air Traffic Controllers' Schedules - New York Times

Bogus Chinese-American Militia Marched in Parades - Associated Press

Guantánamo, on Trial - New York Times editorial


Reports Positive from Nigerian Presidential Vote - Voice of America

Nigerians Vote in Key Presidential Election - BBC News

Nigerians Vote in Presidential Election - New York Times

Early Results Suggest Close Nigerian Election - Reuters

Nigeria Out to Prove Something with Election - Los Angeles Times

Ivory Coast Party Leader: Lay Down Your Arms - Associated Press

Burkina Faso Capital Under Curfew After Army Mutiny - BBC News

Street Clashes Shake Burkina Faso - Associated Press


Mexico Massacre Question: How Did it Happen Twice? - Associated Press

Mexicans Seek Mass Grave Victims at Border Morgue - Reuters

Term Limits Proposed in Cuba Set Stage for New Era - New York Times

Raul Castro Proposes Political Term Limits in Cuba - Associated Press

Cuba Marks 50th Anniversary of Bay of Pigs Invasion - BBC News

In Peru, Two Weak Choices - Los Angeles Times editorial

Asia Pacific

Japan Still Struggling to Control Crippled Nuclear Plant - Voice of America

Levels of Radioactive Materials Rise Near Japanese Plant - Associated Press

Clinton Visits Seoul to Discuss North Korean Denuclearization Talks - VOA

In Seoul, Clinton Quiet on N. Korea - Washington Post

Clinton Discusses Free Trade Efforts in S. Korea - Associated Press

Malaysian Ruling Coalition Wins Key State Election - Voice of America

U.S., Philippines Wrap Up Annual Balikatan Exercise - Stars and Stripes

Indonesia Police Identify Suspect in Mosque Attack - Associated Press


Serbia Anti-government Protesters Demand Early Election - BBC News

Tens of Thousands Rally Against Pro-West Serb Govt - Associated Press

Jailing of Croat General Ignites Anger at E.U. - Associated Press

Belarus Denies Govt Involvement in Subway Blast - Associated Press

Hungarians Protest Austerity Measures - Voice of America

Violence Spikes in Greek Rebel Town - Associated Press

South Asia

U.N. Panel Urges Probe of Alleged Sri Lankan Abuses - Associated Press

Af South: Signs of Progress in Three Districts Signal a Shift

Sun, 04/17/2011 - 12:02am
In Afghanistan's South, Signs of Progress in Three Districts Signal a Shift - Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Washington Post. BLUF: "For the first time since the war began nearly a decade ago, the Taliban is commencing a summer fighting season with less control and influence of territory in the south than it had the previous year."

16 April SWJ Roundup

Sat, 04/16/2011 - 7:21am

Blast Kills 9 at Afghan Base, Including 5 from NATO - New York Times

NATO: Bomb Kills 5 NATO Troops, 4 Afghan Soldiers - Associated Press

Suicide Attack Kills 5 Foreign Soldiers in Afghanistan - Reuters

Suicide Bomber Kills Prominent Afghan Police Chief - Voice of America

Kandahar Police Chief Killed by Suicide Bomber - Washington Post

Blast Kills Police Chief and 2 Officers in Kandahar - New York Times

Taliban Suicide Bomber Kills Kandahar Police Chief - Los Angeles Times

Suicide Bomber Kills Kandahar Police Chief - BBC News

International Security Assistance Force Operational Update - AFPS

Taliban Release Seized Afghan Policemen - BBC News


Spy Summit Fails to Resolve U.S.-Pakistan Differences - Reuters

Top Afghan, Pakistan Officials Hold Talks in Kabul - Associated Press

Slow Government Development Threatens Swat Military Gains - Reuters

Libya / Operation Odyssey Dawn

Libya Rebels Build Parallel State - Wall Street Journal

NATO Running Short on Munitions in Libya - Washington Post

NATO Says Confident of More Planes for Libya Soon - Associated Press

NATO Asks Other Members to Do More in Libya - Voice of America

NATO Summit Fails to Secure New Planes - BBC News

Leaders Describe Path to Peace in Libya - AFPS

Qaddafi Troops Fire Cluster Bombs Into Civilian Areas - New York Times

Gadhafi's Troops Shell Besieged City of Misrata - Washington Post

Gaddafi 'Cluster Bombing Misrata' - BBC News

Libyan Government Forces Launch Rockets on Misrata - Reuters

Gadhafi Forces Attack Rebel City in Western Libya - Associated Press

Life for Residents in Opposition-Held Libya Calm But Anxious - VOA


Mubarak to Move to Military Hospital, Jail - Voice of America

Mubarak to Be Moved to Egypt Army Hospital - Reuters


Algeria Leader Bouteflika Pledges Constitutional Reform - BBC News


Dueling Protests in Yemen Remain Peaceful - New York Times

President Ali Abdullah Saleh Defiant in Sanaa - BBC News

Yemen's Largest Tribes Press President to Leave - Associated Press


Syria Opposition Groups Rally Despite Concessions - Voice of America

Syria Protests Swell as Tens of Thousands Turn Out - Los Angeles Times

Syrians Renew Protests Despite Concessions - New York Times

Syrian Day of Protest Called Largest Yet - Washington Post

Clashes at Mass Damascus Protest - BBC News

Syria Protests Sweep Into Capital, Defying Assad - Reuters

Syria: Policeman Beaten to Death by Protesters - Associated Press


U.N. Rights Chief Urges Probe of Deaths at Iraqi Camp - Reuters

Iraq Uncovers 'Saddam Hussein-era' Grave of 800 Bodies - BBC News


Iran, Saudi Arabia: The New Cold War - Wall Street Journal

Clinton Says Iran Trying to Hijack Mideast Revolts - Associated Press


Bahrain Backs Away From Opposition Party Ban - Voice of America

Bahrain 'Defers' Shia Party Ban Pending Unrest Probe - BBC News


Islamists Clash With Supporters of Jordan's King - New York Times

Salafist Clash Wounds Dozens in Zarqa - BBC News

Israel / Palestinians

African Migrants Pose Test for Israel - Washington Post

Abducted Italian Activist Slain in Gaza - Washington Post

Body of Kidnapped Activist Found in Gaza City - Los Angeles Times

Hamas Condemns Murder of Italian Activist in Gaza - BBC News

Killing of Italian Activist Deals a Blow to Hamas - New York Times

Palestinians Want Quartet Deal - Associated Press

Israel Strikes Hamas Targets After Rocket Fire - Reuters

Middle East / North Africa Unrest

Gates: U.S. Help for Activists Tempered by Security Interests - VOA

Unrest Engulfs Parts of the Middle East After Friday Prayers - VOA

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - Associated Press

U.S. Department of Defense

Overmanned Navy will ax 3,000 Mid-career Sailors - Stars and Stripes

United States

The Next National Security Team - Washington Post opinion


Nigerians to Vote in Presidential Polls - Voice of America

Nigerians Turn Out in Force for Presidential Vote - Reuters

Nigeria Votes on Whether to Keep Accidental Leader - Associated Press

Some Fear over Nigeria Presidential Vote - Los Angeles Times

Explosion Hits Police Station in Northeast Nigeria - Reuters

U.N. Says Ivory Coast's Gbagbo Has Been Well Treated - Reuters

Burkina Faso's President Dissolves Government - New York Times

Burkina Faso's President Sacks His Government - BBC News

Somali Pirates Release Some Prisoners - New York Times

Somali Pirates Keep Indian Hostages Despite Ransom - Associated Press

Somalia Pirates Release Panama-Flagged Bitumen Cargo Ship - Reuters


At Mexico Morgue, Families of Missing Seek Clues - New York Times

13 Bodies Found in House in Northern Mexican State - Associated Press

Bolivia Protests Challenge Evo Morales - BBC News

Rights Watchdog: Activists Harassed in Venezuela - Associated Press

Cuba Marks Bay of Pigs, Opens Pivotal Party Summit - Associated Press

Haitians to Wait 4 More Days for Election Results - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

Clinton Arrives Seoul, Nuclear Talks Top Agenda - Associated Press

Nuclear Company to Compensate Evacuees in Japan - New York Times

Indonesian Police Rush to Identify Suicide Bomber - Associated Press

Philippine Troops Kill 2 Militants in Clash - Associated Press


U.N. Court Convicts Two Croatian Generals of War Crimes - New York Times

Croat Generals Jailed for War Crimes in Krajina - BBC News

Metro Bomb: Belarus Shows 'Bomber' on CCTV - BBC News

Bosses Pressed Russian Judge, Official Says - New York Times

South Asia

Bail for Indian Social Activist - BBC News