Small Wars Journal

27 April SWJ Roundup (Updated)

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 1:04am

Detainees' Lawyers Can't Click on Leaked Documents - New York Times

U.S. Cables Likened Pakistan's ISI to Taliban, al-Qaeda - BBC News

'Al-Qaeda Assassin Worked for MI6' - BBC News

Secret Case Against Detainee Crumbles - New York Times

Mohammed Beheaded U.S. Reporter Despite Warnings - Los Angeles Times

Eight Guantánamo Detainees Testified Against 255 - Miami Herald

German Foundation Paid WikiLeaks $585,000 in 2010 - Associated Press


Diplomat Ryan Crocker Top Pick for Afghan Post - Associated Press

Taliban 'Had Inside Help' for Jailbreak - BBC News

Afghans Try to Limit Damage From Prison Break - New York Times

Recaptured Afghan Insurgents Tell of Tunnel Escape - Reuters

Afghan Official Blames Forces for Prison Break - Los Angeles Times

Justice Minister Says Mass Jail Escape Had Inside Help - Reuters

65 Escaped Prisoners Recaptured in Afghanistan - Voice of America

Afghan Forces Recapture 71 from Kandahar Jailbreak - Associated Press

Al-Qaeda 'Afghan Number Two Killed' - BBC News

Top Insurgent in Afghanistan Killed, Coalition Confirms - CNN News

Strike Kills No. 2 Insurgent in Afghanistan - AFPS

Afghan Officer Fires on NATO Troops, Killing Some - Associated Press

Several Casualties in Kabul Airport Shooting - Reuters

Officials: Afghan, Pakistan Border Forces Clash - Associated Press

Military, Afghan Leaders Mark Orphanage Opening - AFPS

Upending Obama's Reelection Strategy - Washington Post opinion

Obama Faces Critical Decision on Withdrawal - Los Angeles Times opinion


U.S. Charges 4 Pakistanis in 2008 Mumbai Attack Plot - Voice of America

Bombs Target Pakistani Navy Buses - Voice of America

4 Killed in Bus Bombings in Pakistan - New York Times

Pakistan Navy Buses Hit by Twin Blasts in Karachi - BBC News


International Outcry Grows Over Syria Crackdown - New York Times

Syria in Chaos Sends Shivers in Region - Los Angeles Times

Global Condemnation But No Action Against Syria - Washington Post

U.N. Chief Condemns Syrian Violence - Associated Press

European Leaders Threaten Syria with Sanctions - Washington Post

Diplomats Seek Ways to Stop Syria Crackdown - Associated Press

Syria Steps Up Military Efforts to End Protests - Voice of America

Syrian Forces Deploy in Damascus Douma Suburb - Reuters

Syria Opposition Demands Reform, Vows Protests - Associated Press

Syria Expands Military Siege Causing International Backlash - Voice of America

Hundreds Detained After Bloody Syrian Crackdown - Associated Press

Libya / Operation Odyssey Dawn

NATO Says It Is Stepping Up Attacks on Libya Targets - New York Times

NATO Widens Air War, Targeting Key Sites - Los Angeles Times

Analysis: NATO Initiatives Not Seen Decisive in Libya War - Reuters

Gaddafi's Forces Attack Misurata Again - Washington Post

Fighting Rages in Western Libya; Diplomacy Falters - Voice of America

NATO Sees Momentum Gain in Protecting Libyans - AFPS

Britain, U.S. See Limits to Foreign Role in Syria - Reuters

Libya Rebels Try to Impose Order, Boost Credibility - Reuters

Gaddafi Forces Try to Cut Off Misrata From Port - Reuters

Gadhafi's Grip on Western Libya May be Slipping - Associated Press

Government Forces Bombard Libyan Port - Associated Press

Gates Hints at Bombing Risk to Gadhafi - Associated Press

Putin: Libya Coalition Has No Right to Kill Gaddafi - Reuters

A Glimpse Inside the Qaddafi Bunker - New York Times

U.N. Team to Probe Abuses in Libya - BBC News

Europeans Urge Sanctions on Syria - BBC News

E.U. Discussing Possible Sanctions on Syria - Reuters

Venezuela's Chavez Meets Libyans - BBC News

Gadhafi Seeks Venezuela's Help in Ending Conflict - Associated Press

Chavez Says Gaddafi Officials in Venezuela - Reuters


Yemen's Cities Heed Civil Disobedience Call - Associated Press

Saleh Resignation Deal to be Signed - BBC News

Yemen Opposition to Approve Gulf Mediation Deal - Associated Press


Egyptians Find Their Voice After Years of Repression - Reuters

Mubarak Ally Habib el-Adly on Trial over Deaths - BBC News

Egypt Adjourns Trial of Former Interior Minister - Reuters


Maliki: Help Needed to Protect Borders After U.S. Withdrawal - VOA

PM: Country Needs Help Protecting Borders - Associated Press

Maliki: Iraq's Air Force Needs Help Beyond This Year - Reuters

Text Messages Proliferate as Threats in Iraq - New York Times


Americans Held in Tehran Get Court Date - New York Times

Iran Wants Shourd to Return From U.S. for Trial - Reuters


Bahrain Expels Iranian Diplomat over 'Spy Ring' - BBC News

Bahrain Expels Iranian Diplomat - Reuters

United Arab Emirates

UAE Quiet on Streets but Web Reformers Face Heat - Associated Press

Israel / Palestinians

Activists Prepare New 15-boat Flotilla to Gaza - Associated Press

Middle East / North Africa Unrest

Syria in Chaos Sends Shivers in Region - Los Angeles Times

Updates on the Tumult in Syria and Libya - New York Times

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - Associated Press

Tom Donilon's Arab Spring Challenge - Washington Post opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

Major Shake-up Coming for Top Military Officers - Stars and Stripes

Lynn: Defense-Energy Team Leads National Effort - AFPS

Teen Succeeds, Army Fails in Recording Arlington Graves - Los Angeles Times

United States

National Security Shake-up Expected - Washington Post

U.S. Indicts 4 in Mumbai Attacks - Washington Post

Four Pakistanis Charged by U.S. over Mumbai Attacks - BBC News

Liberians Get Nearly 12 Years for Theft of U.S. Aid - Associated Press

No Prosecution Seen for Official in NSA Leak - New York Times

No Charges for Man who Leaked Surveillance Program - Associated Press


U.S. Air Force COS: Expand Ties with Africa - Voice of America

Polling Underway in Nigeria - Voice of America

Gunfire, Ballot Thefts Plague Nigeria State Races - Associated Press

Official: Militia Leader in South Sudan Surrenders - Assoicated Press

Congo a Country of Rape and Ruin - Washington Post

Ivory Coast Launches Gbagbo Investigation - BBC News

Ivory Coast General Pledges Allegiance to Ouattara - Associated Press

Niger: Al Qaeda Releases Tape From French Hostages - Reuters


More Bodies but Few Answers in Mexico - Washington Post

6 More Bodies in Mexican Border Pits; Total at 183 - Associated Press

Mexican Police Free 51 Workers Taken Hostage - BBC News

Suspected Gang Members Kill Salvadoran Journalist - Associated Press

Venezuela Oil Tax to Net Billions Before Chavez Vote - Reuters

Venezuela's Chavez Promotes New Regional Group - Associated Press

Paraguay's President Says He Could Run Again - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

U.S., China Set to Meet on Human Rights - Voice of America

China, U.S. Begin Human Rights Talks Amid Crackdown - Associated Press

China Warns U.S. Not to Interfere on Human Rights - Associated Press

Chinese Databases Exposed to Hackers - Washington Times

China Military Chief of General Staff to Visit U.S. - Associated Press

In Japan's Insular Nuclear Nexus, Safety Is Left Out - New York Times

Chinese Diplomat, International Statesmen Visit Seoul - Voice of America

Carter, Other Ex-Leaders Meet North Korean FM - Associated Press

Balloon Messages to N. Korea Have Detractors - New York Times

Thai-Cambodia Fighting Flares Again as Talks Collapse - Reuters

Thai-Cambodia Clashes Continue for 6th Day - Associated Press

Thai-Cambodia Clashes Spread East - BBC News

Clashes Along Thai-Cambodia Border Spread East - Associated Press

Philippine Rebels Seek to Speed Up Peace Process - Associated Press


France and Italy Seek Tighter Border Controls - New York Times

France and Italy Push for Reform of Schengen Treaty - BBC News

Turkey: Bosnia and Serbia Should Join NATO, E.U. - Associated Press

South Asia

Sri Lanka: U.N. Says Army Shelling Killed Civilians - BBC News

India Pledges New Plant will be Safe - Washington Post

Commonwealth Games Probe Triggers Indian Anger - Associated Press

'Follow the Bear' in Afghanistan -- crazy or clever?

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 5:09pm
I always find it interesting when two sets of researchers look at the same data and arrive at completely different conclusions.

Earlier this week, Dave posted an essay on U.S. strategy in Afghanistan from the Foreign Policy Research Institute. Written by Larry Goodson and Thomas Johnson (professors at the Army War College and Naval Postgraduate School, respectively), the essay asserts that the United States is mimicking Soviet practices in Afghanistan and will thus suffer the same disastrous fate.

Goodson and Johnson believe that a population-centric security strategy is inappropriate for largely rural Afghanistan, that the Afghan government is too unpopular to achieve legitimacy, and that it is unrealistic to build useful Afghan security forces within a relevant period of time. According to Goodson and Johnson, the U.S. will do no better than the USSR at implementing these practices. Small Wars Journal readers have already engaged in a vigorous discussion of this essay, which I recommend.

But was the Soviet strategy, which Goodson and Johnson blame the U.S. for following, really a failure? In "Follow the Bear," an essay published in February 2010 by Proceedings, four field-grade U.S. officers (three of whom served in Afghanistan) claim that the Soviets improved their tactics around 1986 and by the end were implementing many practices now found in FM 3-24. The authors assert that the Soviet end-game exceeded expectations, that the Soviets departed Afghanistan on their own terms, and that they left behind a friendly government that had the potential to last -- and did in fact outlast the Soviet Union itself (I have cited "Follow the Bear" elsewhere). They conclude that "following the Bear" is a good idea.

Here they are, one set of facts of the Soviet end-game in Afghanistan, two sets of analysts, and two different conclusions. I encourage readers to compare and contrast the two and to discuss their findings in the comments. Policymakers formulating the American end-game in Afghanistan might benefit from the discussion.

Parallels with the Past--How the Soviets Lost in Afghanistan, How the Americans are Losing

Follow the Bear

Comprehensive National Security Review

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 3:16pm
Comprehensive National Security Review Unlikely To Produce Significant Changes To The Military by Dr. Daniel Goure, Lexington Institute's Early Warning Blog.

"... the President announced that the defense cuts would be based on a comprehensive review of national security."

"It would be remarkable, actually unlikely to the point of implausibility, for the review to produce a significant change in the roles, missions, structure or posture of U.S. Armed Forces..."

Comprehensive National Security Review Unlikely To Produce Significant Changes To The Military

26 April SWJ Roundup

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 6:41am

Dossier Shows Push for More Post-9/11 Terror Attacks - New York Times

Details on Whereabouts of al-Qaeda Leaders on 9/11 - Washington Post

Confessed 9/11 Chief, Others Tell Tales of Terror - Los Angeles Times

Guantanamo Documents Revive Debate - Washington Post

Many Freed Inmates Join Terrorists, Files Say - Los Angeles Times

The Guantánamo Papers - New York Times editorial


Taliban Breaks Hundreds Out of Jail - Washington Post

Taliban Breach Afghan Prison; Hundreds Free - New York Times

Hundreds Escape from Kandahar Prison - BBC News

Taliban Free Hundreds in Brazen Afghan Jailbreak - Reuters

Prison Break May Lead to Military and Political Setback - New York Times

Taliban Jailbreak Rattles Afghan South - Wall Street Journal

Prison Break Shows Serious Security Flaws - Los Angeles Times

NATO: Key Al-Qaida Figure Killed in Afghanistan - Associated Press

NATO: Senior Qaeda Leader in Afghanistan Killed - Reuters

Combined Force Captures Haqqani Leader - AFPS

Expert: No Evidence Machine Gun Killed Afghan - Associated Press

The Taliban Jailbreak and Afghanistan's Future - New York Times opinion


Wikileaks Docs May Inflame U.S.-Pakistan Tensions - Los Angeles Times

A Test of Women's Rights - Washington Post

NATO Supplies Resume After Rally - BBC News

Bus Bombings Kill 4 in Pakistan's Biggest City - Associated Press

Two Bombs Hit Pakistan Navy Buses in Karachi, 4 Dead - Reuters


Syria Crackdown May Signal Brutal New Phase - New York Times

Syria Escalates Deadly Crackdown - Washington Post

Syria Escalates Crackdown as Tanks Go to Restive City - New York Times

Syria Steps Up Violence - Wall Street Journal

Obama Presses Assad; Syrian Violence Rises - Washington Times

Syrian Tanks Roll Into Cities as Security Crackdown Kills At Least 18 - VOA

Syrian Army 'Attacks Protest City of Deraa' - BBC News

Rights Group: Scores Detained Across Syria - Associated Press

Residents Tell Grim Story of Assault on Syrian City - Reuters

U.S. Faces a Challenge in Trying to Punish Syria - New York Times

U.S. Prepares to Impose Sanctions on Syria - Los Angeles Times

U.S. Treads Warily in Syria, Considers Sanctions - Associated Press

U.S. Mulling Sanctions on Syrian Officials - Reuters

U.S. Orders Some Embassy Staff to Leave Syria - Reuters

Campaign to Bar Syria From U.N. Human Rights Body - Associated Press

Libya / Operation Odyssey Dawn

Fears of a Military Stalemate in Libya Grow - USA Today

NATO Strikes Qaddafi Compound - New York Times

Libya Accuses NATO of Trying to Assassinate Gaddafi - Washington Post

Libya Says Airstrikes Targeting Compound as Assassination Attempt - VOA

NATO Strike on Gadhafi HQ Raises Pressure on Him - Associated Press

Shells Rain on Misurata Neighborhood - Los Angeles Times

Bodies Scattered in Misrata Streets After Battle - Reuters

Libyan Mountain Refugees Tell of Fearsome Assault - Reuters

Italy 'to Join Attacks in Libya' - BBC News

Italy Says Air Force Can Bomb Libya Military Targets - Reuters

Russia Warns Over New U.N. Resolution on Libya - Associated Press

Libya Conflict Has Displaced 550,000 People - Voice of America

The U.S. Must Finish the Job - New York Times opinion


Yemen's Opposition Accepts Deal for Transfer of Power - New York Times

Yemen Protesters Accept Deal - Wall Street Journal

Yemen's Opposition Backs GCC Plan - BBC News


Poll: Egyptians Skeptical About U.S. - Washington Post

Poll Finds Egyptians Full of Hope About the Future - New York Times

Help for Egypt - Washington Post editorial


Reopening of Blackwater Case Confuses Iraqi Victims - New York Times

Ministry: More than 14,000 Iraqis Missing - Agence France-Presse


Iran Discovers New Cyberattack - New York Times

Iran 'Uncovers Stars Espionage Virus' - BBC News


Bahrain Expels Iranian Diplomat as Ties Worsen - Associated Press

Bahrain Expels Iran Diplomat, Iran Warns of Response - Reuters

Middle East / North Africa Unrest

The Arab Gyre - New York Times opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

Military Sees High Recruiting, Retention - AFPS

Network Would Link Defense Functions, People - AFPS


After Hundreds Die, Nigeria Prepares for Last Vote - Associated Press

Deadly Bombings in North Nigeria - BBC News

Instability Is Worsening in Southern Sudan - New York Times

Chad Votes as Opposition Boycotts - BBC News

Peace Threatened by Feuding Ivory Coast Warlords - Associated Press

Mauritania Protesters Tear-gassed - BBC News


U.S. Extends Mexico Travel Warning Over Drug Mayhem - Reuters

Police Rescues 51 Migrants in Mexican Border City - Associated Press

Chavez Aids in Capture of Colombian Rebel Leader - Los Angeles Times

Alleged FARC Rebel Deported by Venezuela - Associated Press

Venezuela: Hugo Chavez Orders Big Minimum Wage Hike - Reuters

Ex-Brazilian Cop Sentenced in Muslim Attire Case - Associated Press

Haiti Election Results Postponed - BBC News

Haiti Delays Certification of 19 Legislative Races - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

China and U.S. Plan Economic Talks Amid Rising Tensions - BBC News

Australia's Gillard Woos China, Presses on Human Rights - Reuters

China Says Aid to Africa Not Aimed at Resources - Associated Press

In Show of Openness, China Prints Jet Photos - New York Times

Jimmy Carter and Other Ex- Leaders to Travel to N. Korea - New York Times

Carter Hopes to Break Stalemate Between Koreas - Stars and Stripes

Carter Arrives in North Korea on Peace-Building Mission - Reuters

Fresh Thai-Cambodia Clashes Erupt - BBC News

Clashes Along Thai-Cambodia Border Spread East - Associated Press

Thai-Cambodia Troops Exchange Fire Near Ancient Temple - Reuters

Philippine Ex-President Faces Plunder Case - Associated Press


France and Italy Meet on Migrants - BBC News

South Asia

Head of India's Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee Arrested - VOA

India Arrests Former Chief of Commonwealth Games - New York Times

Indian Politicians Pay Last Respects to Hindu Guru - Associated Press

U.N.: Sri Lanka 'Killed Civilians' - BBC News

U.N. Chief Says Can't Order Probe Into Sri Lanka War - Reuters

Time for a Grand Strategy Board?

Mon, 04/25/2011 - 10:32pm
Time for a Grand Strategy Board? By Mark Safranski at Zenpundit.

"It would be a useful corrective for the better conception and execution of US policy, for the President and the Congress to create a special board for grand strategy that could give presidents and key officials frank assessments and confidential guidance to help weave their policy ideas into a durable and overarching national strategy. One that might last beyond a few days' headlines in The New York Times."

Time for a Grand Strategy Board?

The Sarposa Prison Break (2008)

Mon, 04/25/2011 - 7:45pm
The Sarposa Prison Break (Kandahar, Afghanistan, 2008) by Captain Nils N. French, Canadian Army, Canadian Army Journal, Summer 2008.

"Prison breaks have been used as an insurgent tactic on other occasions. Examples from the last few years include the release of 23 prisoners from a jail in Yemen in February of 2006, 33 prisoners from a prison in Muqdadiyah, Iraq in March of 2006, 49 prisoners from a prison in Cotabato, Philippines in February of 2007, and 300 freed from a facility in Chattisgarh, India in December, 2007."

The Sarposa Prison Break (Kandahar, Afghanistan, 2008)

Small Wars Journal once again on BBC Radio

Mon, 04/25/2011 - 3:06pm
The BBC interviewed me again for its "The World Today" program. I discussed the financial cost of the war in Libya. In the interview, I got one figure wrong; I said the Pentagon's Fiscal Year 2012 budget request for overseas contingency operations was $112 billion. The DoD actually requested $117.8 billion for FY2012.

The discussion begins at 10:40 and runs to 14:20.

Click here to access.

25 April SWJ Roundup

Mon, 04/25/2011 - 6:19am

Classified Files Offer New Insights Into Detainees - New York Times

Documents Reveal al-Qaeda's Post-9/11 Moves - Washington Post

Guantanamo Bay Terrorist Secrets Revealed - Daily Telegraph

Leaks Lift Lid on World's Most Controversial Prison - The Guardian

WikiLeaks Unveils Details on Inmates at Guantanamo - Los Angeles Times

Many at Guantanamo 'Not Dangerous' - BBC News

Judging Detainees' Risk, Often With Flawed Evidence - New York Times

As Acts of War or Despair, Suicides Rattle a Prison - New York Times


Taliban Help Hundreds Tunnel Out of Prison - New York Times

Hundreds Escape from Prison, NATO Says - Los Angeles Times

Hundreds Escape from Kandahar Prison - BBC News

Taliban Break More than 450 Inmates Out of Prison - Associated Press

Insurgents Tunnel Into Kandahar Jail, Freeing Nearly 500 - Reuters

Afghan Police Seek to Stop Illicit Trade in Uniforms - New York Times

Marines Turn Tide in 'Fallujah of Afghanistan' - San Diego Union-Tribune

In an Afghan Village, Living in Fear of Both Sides - New York Times

Taliban Killer Speaks to the BBC of His 'Appalling Crime' - BBC News

Blasts Kill 3 NATO Troops, Joint Forces Kill 3 Top Insurgents - VOA

Roadside Bomb Kills 2 NATO Soldiers - Los Angeles Times

The Mirage of an Afghanistan Exit - Washington Post opinion

Police Force Creating Accidental Guerillas - The Independent opinion


Pakistanis, Angered by US Drone Strikes, Block NATO Supply Route - VOA

Pakistani Drones Protest Keeps NATO Trucks at Bay - Associated Press

Why Pakistan will Betray Us - Washington Times opinion


U.S. Seeks to Raise Heat on Syria - Wall Street Journal

More Syrians Missing, Hinting at Wider Crackdown - New York Times

'New Deaths' as Dissidents are Seized - BBC News

Syrian Forces Raid Pro-Democracy Campaigners - Voice of America

Syrian Army 'Attacks Protest City of Deraa' - BBC News

Syria Targets Activists in Pinpoint Raids - Associated Press

U.S. Senators Urge Non-Military Intervention in Syria - VOA

Syrian Crisis Tests Mettle of Its Autocratic Ruler - New York Times

Shameful Inaction on Syria - Washington Post editorial

Assad Must Change Course, Fast - Daily Star editorial

Freedom Movement Comes to Syria - Wall Street Journal opinion

Libya / Operation Odyssey Dawn

McCain Raises Specter of Libyan Stalemate - New York Times

Gaddafi Shells Misurata; NATO Hits Complex in Tripoli - Washington Post

U.S. Drones Hit Targets in Libya - Wall Street Journal

Libyan Rebels Say They Have Control of Misurata - New York Times

Misrata Firing Despite Army 'Halt to Operations' - BBC News

Gadhafi Unleashes Rocket Barrage on Rebel City - Associated Press

NATO Jets Strike Inside Gaddafi Compound - Reuters

Libyan Shifts From Detainee to Rebel, U.S. Ally of Sorts - New York Times

Drones May Provide Psychological Edge in Libya - Los Angeles Times

Libya's Rebel Council Says Gets $177 Million From Kuwait - Reuters

Berber Rebels in West Face Long Odds Against Qaddafi - New York Times

Rap Music Inspires Libyan Rebels to Defeat Gadhafi - Associated Press

Lockerbie Shuns Limelight as Libya Unravels - Associated Press

Lost in Libya - Los Angeles Times editorial

In Libya, 'Mission Creep' Sets In - Los Angeles Times opinion


Protests Continue in Yemen After Saleh Accepts Exit Plan - VOA

Protesters Distrust Deal for Leader to Quit - New York Times

President Ali Abdullah Saleh Defiant Over Exit - BBC News

Opponents of Yemen's President Divided Over Deal - Associated Press

Protesters Vow Escalation as Saleh Promises to Quit - Reuters


Egypt Secular Parties in Race for Credibility - Reuters

Mubarak to be Moved to Cairo Military Hospital - BBC News

Move Mubarak to Prison Hospital, Prosecutor Says - Reuters


Moroccan Cities See New Political Protests - Associated Press

Thousands of Protesters Demand 'A New Morocco' - Reuters


U.S. Military Officials Want to Keep 10,000 Troops - Associated Press

Iraqis Rally Against Extending U.S. Troops Presence - Reuters

Iraqi Cleric's Followers Demand U.S. Troops Leave - Reuters

Bomb Explodes Outside Catholic Church in Baghdad - BBC News

7 Wounded in Easter Bombing Outside Baghdad Church - Associated Press

Christians Mark a Restrained Easter - Christian Science Monitor

Iraqi Christians Resilient on Easter - Reuters

Iraq Fires Up New Power Plant in Baghdad - Reuters


Iranian Leader Asserts Power Over President - New York Times

Iran on Edge as Ally Syria Fights for Survival - Associated Press

Iran, Iraq Sign Agreements on Iranian Opposition - Associated Press

Education of an Iranian Revolutionary - Wall Street Journal opinion


Iraqi Shi'ites Want Saudis to Withdraw From Bahrain - Reuters

Shiite Mosques Demolished in Bahrain Crackdown - Associated Press

Bahrain Crown Prince Declines Royal Wedding Invite - Associated Press

Israel / Palestinians

Israeli Is Killed by Palestinian Police in West Bank - New York Times

West Bank: Israeli Killed in Joseph's Tomb Shooting - BBC News

Obama and the Peace Process - New York Times editorial

Middle East / North Africa Unrest

Arab Spring Turns Violent, Democracy's Challenges - Wall Street Journal

Gadhafi Forces Shell Misrata; Further Unrest in Yemen, Syria - VOA

U.S. Lawmakers: More Pressure on Gadhafi, Encourage Syrian Opposition - VOA

Obama's Middle East Head Spin - The Daily Beast opinion

Lies and Videotape - New York Times opinion

Reforms Arab Monarchies Cannot Avoid - Washington Post opinion

The Arab World's Next Battle - The Guardian opinion

What the Arab Springs Means to America - Foreign Policy opinion


Are Drones a Technological Tipping Point in Warfare? - Washington Post

U.S. Department of Defense

The Mission for the New Defense Chief - National Journal

The New Army Chief's Challenges - Army Times

Female Soldiers Say They're Up For Battle - Associated Press

Undersecretary, Chairman Visit Deployed Troops - AFPS

2 Navy Officers Relieved of Command - Stars and Stripes

United States

U.S. Coast Guard Cites Transocean Lapses in Gulf Spill - Reuters

The Peacenik Hypocrites - Washington Times editorial

What the World Sees in America - Wall Street Journal opinion


At Least 55 Killed in South Sudan Fighting - Voice of America

South Sudan Clashes Between Army and Militia Kill 57 - BBC News

Clashes in Southern Sudan Leave Scores Dead - Associated Press

Sudan: Darfur Referendum Set for July 1 - Reuters

Election Fuels Deadly Clashes in Nigeria - New York Times

Nigeria Radical Muslim Sect Vows to Keep Fighting - Associated Press

Nigeria Election Violence 'Left More than 500 Dead' - BBC News

Group: At Least 500 Dead in Nigeria Election Riots - Associated Press

Ethiopia Declines to Respond to U.S. Rights Charges - Voice of America

Strongman's Fate Indicator for Ivory Coast Future - Associated Press

Somalia Postpones Vote to 2012 Amid Security Crisis - Reuters

War of Attrition in Zimbabwe - Irish Times opinion


Mexico Deaths Stir Fears Drug Gangs Control State - San Francisco Chronicle

Mexico: Police, Bus Companies Failed to Act - Los Angeles Times

Body Parts Found in Upscale Mexico City District - Associated Press

Mexican Brothers Face Death in Malaysia Drug Trial - Associated Press

Leftist Leads Poll on Peru's Presidential Runoff - Associated Press

Raul Castro's Domain is Same Old Cuba - Washington Post editorial

Asia Pacific

China Detains Dozens of Underground Church Members - Voice of America

China Detains Church Members at Easter Services - New York Times

China Detains Protestant Shouwang Devotees - BBC News

Cambodia and Thailand Clash, Killing at Least 10 - New York Times

Thai-Cambodian Border Fighting Enters 3rd Day - Washington Times

U.N.'s Ban Ki-moon Calls for Thailand-Cambodia Ceasefire - BBC News

Jimmy Carter, Other Former Leaders to Visit N. Korea - Associated Press

Carter Says Hopes to Meet North Korea Leader and Son - Reuters


France and Italy Bid to Defuse African Migration Row - Reuters

Serbia's Opposition Leader Ends Hunger Strike - Associated Press

Man Who Tried to Hijack Italian Plane Overpowered - Reuters

South Asia

Mourners Gather for Indian Guru - BBC News

Thousands in India Line Up to See Sai Baba's Body - Associated Press

Do Drones Make Warfare Too Easy?

Mon, 04/25/2011 - 5:06am
Are Drones a Technological Tipping Point in Warfare? by Walter Pincus, Washington Post.

"Debates are growing at home and abroad over the increasing use of remotely piloted, armed drones, with a new study by the British Defense Ministry questioning whether advances in their capabilities will lead future decision-makers to 'resort to war as a policy option far sooner than previously.'"

Are Drones a Technological Tipping Point in Warfare?.