Small Wars Journal

Strategy, The Art of Everything Else

Fri, 04/29/2011 - 8:16am
Strategy, The Art of Everything Else

by Cameron Schaefer, Capt, USAF

War does not escape the laws of our old friend Hegel. It is in a state of perpetual becoming.

-Robert Saint-Loup, 1916 in Letter to Proust

It seems to me that part of the nature of strategy is that one must come to it indirectly.

It's like the deer that you spot in the field behind your house when you're a kid. You want so badly to run right up to it, yet if you do so you'll quickly scare it away. So you begin walking, slowly, quietly...tangentially. You walk in circle that imperceptibly decreases in its diameter over time. You stalk, painstakingly aware of your own presence and all of the unintended consequences it brings to the situation, its foreignness. Your every move has the potential to shatter a fragile ecosystem. Of course, the deer inevitably runs, it always does. You step on a twig, the wind changes direction and the creature catches your scent, reality changes before you can lock the moment in time. But there is always a brief instant before the deer escapes that both of you freeze and lock eyes, the hair stands on both of your necks and you know that you've gotten closer than you were supposed to get...a little closer than the last time.

When devising strategy one is chasing after a constantly-changing reality. We live in a state of, as Boyd put it, perpetual novelty. The world around us provides us with an infinite amount of data or inputs that we must try to filter in some sort of intelligent manner. To do so we create mental models or paradigms through which we filter the world in an effort to provide a coherent narrative. "What's going on here?" is often an incredibly difficult question to answer when posed at a global or even national level. Like the deer in the field, the perfect answer to that question, or a completely perfect match to reality is impossible to pin down -- the second you try, reality changes, making some part of your strategy irrelevant. All one can hope for is to get a little closer than the last time.

Two key themes in the work of John Boyd were novelty and "the pervasive presence of uncertainty."

"If uncertainty is indeed pervasive, it is imperative for organizations to create the ability to operate comfortably in this condition: in fact, they need to embrace it and turn the capacity to their advantage by introducing uncertainty and novelty into the environment themselves" (Osinga 103).

Introduce additional uncertainty and novelty? Actually, yes. Boyd understood that it was the very presence of these mismatches with reality that served as the creative engine for science, engineering and technology. For any organization, the constant iteration of test, failure and adaptation is the vital process to growth and success. Unfortunately, in an attempt to grow, organizations often aim their focus inward, rather than outward -- narrowing their focus rather than broadening it. In doing so they unknowingly tighten the noose around their collective necks.

Last winter in a post entitled, "Science, Defence and Strategy," Adam Elkus, a student of strategy many orders of magnitude higher than myself, pointed out the dangers of this inward-oriented thinking that Boyd constantly alluded to in his writings.

In Boyd's paper "Destruction and Creation," the widely read Colonel synthesized mathematicians Kurt Gí¶del and Werner Heisenberg's insights in pointing out that inward-oriented efforts to force observed reality to mesh with internally derived concepts only increase chaos and destruction. It is impossible to determine the consistency and character of an abstract system within itself (See John R. Boyd, "Destruction and Creation," September 3, 1976). Boyd noted that this had potentially dire consequences for rigid closed systems:

"The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that all observed natural processes generate entropy. From this law it follows that entropy must increase in any closed system—or, for that matter, in any system that cannot communicate in an ordered fashion with other systems or environments external to itself. Accordingly, whenever we attempt to do work or take action inside such a system—a concept and its match-up with reality—we should anticipate an increase in entropy hence an increase in confusion and disorder. Naturally, this means we cannot determine the character or nature (consistency) of such a system within itself, since the system is moving irreversibly toward a higher, yet unknown, state of confusion and disorder. ...Furthermore, unless some kind of relief is available, we can expect confusion to increase until disorder approaches chaos— death."

An inward-oriented or single-minded approach to strategy is the equivalent of running straight at the deer. It helps people feel like a lot of work is being done, lots of motion, lots of chaos, but no real progress being made. Due to persistant novelty, the direct approach simply leaves one boxing the air.

To deal with this problem Boyd advocated looking outside the system, drawing on seemingly unrelated disciplines and fields, creating new mental models to closer match reality. Of course, they would soon need to be shattered and re-created or risk becoming increasingly irrelevant, a constant cycle of destruction and creation. Or as Elkus put it,

"We cannot escape from chaos, rather we are most successful when we embrace it by shattering the rigid mental patterns that have built up and then synthesize the new realities we observe to create a new understanding. Such a process of structuring, dissolving, restructuring, and dissolving again must be repeated endlessly."

This Boydian method of adaptation, beautifully codified in the OODA Loop, incorporated science, but more closely approximated the often chaotic, creative impulses of art. The uncertainty of the world, especially when those pesky humans are involved, makes a completely scientific or analytical approach quite incomplete.

LCDR B.J. Armstrong, USN highlighted in a recent USNI post that Boyd wasn't the only one approached strategy in this manner. Discussing the teaching philosophy of Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan, Armstrong wrote,

"In his book 'Naval Strategy: Compared and Contrasted with the Principles and Practice of Military Operations on Land,' published in 1911, Mahan compared naval officers to artists. He wrote that artists had to learn certain techniques, mediums and certain skills, but that wasn't what made their artwork great. In the end 'art, out of materials which it finds about, creates new forms in endless variety,' artists take those foundation basics and then mix and match them based on inspiration and experience to create a masterpiece. History helps us understand that frequently there are no right answers to military questions of strategy or leadership. There are only 'sound conclusions,' which are drawn from understanding basics and history."

Approaching strategy in an indirect fashion, as more of an art than science may make some uneasy, specifically those who find safe haven in the concreteness of checklists and formulas. Yet, the nature of strategy reflects the nature of the world. It is infinitely complex, it is always changing and it is filled with humans that often do irrational things. Literature (see Charles Hill) and psychology have as much of a place at the strategy table as military do mathematics, physics, political science and technology. So, when asking, "what must one study to be a great strategist?" the answer seems to be, "everything else."

Capt Cameron Schaefer, USAF, is a pilot with over 1,300 hours in the C-17 Globemaster including several hundred combat hours in support of Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. He is currently pursuing an MBA through Colorado State University and is also in the process of transitioning from the C-17 to the MQ-1 Predator. He is a 2006 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy with a degree in Management.

29 April SWJ Roundup

Fri, 04/29/2011 - 6:14am

Obama Taps Allen to Command Forces in Afghanistan - AFPS

Obama Chooses Marine Known for Swaying Sunnis in Iraq - New York Times

Allen Described as Educated, Deliberate Leader - Stars and Stripes

Karzai Considers Military Draft - Washington Post

U.S. Military Dismayed by Development Projects Delay - Washington Post

NATO: 3 Coalition Troops Killed in Fighting - Associated Press


Move to CIA Puts Petraeus in Conflict With Pakistan - New York Times

Pakistani Army Sees Opening in Tribal Region - Associated Press

Pakistan Tests Ballistic Missile - BBC News


Baath Party Members Quit; Military Defections Reported - Los Angeles Times

More Troops Deployed in Syrian Military Crackdown - Voice of America

'Day of Rage' Planned in Face of Crackdown - BBC News

Fear Stalks Streets of Syria's Deraa - Reuters

Turkey Boosts Role to End Assad's Crackdown - Washington Times

Australia Calls for Sanctions on Syria - Reuters

Britain Withdraws Syria's Royal Wedding Invitation - Reuters

President Assad's Crackdown - New York Times editorial

Libya / Operation Odyssey Dawn

Fighting Shows No Signs of Easing in Libyan City of Misrata - VOA

Libyan Fighters Battle for Checkpoint - Washington Post

Gadhafi's Troops Chase Rebels Into Tunisia - Wall Street Journal

Suspected NATO Strike Kills at Least 10 Rebels - Washington Post

NATO Airstrike Mistakenly Kills 12 Rebels - Los Angeles Times

Gadhafi Forces Shell Frontline City in West Libya - Associated Press

New Clashes Between Libyans at Tunisia Border Post - Reuters

U.S. Says Gaddafi Troops Raping, Issued Viagra - Reuters

Thousands Fleeing Qaddafi Bask in Tunisia's Hospitality - New York Times


Yemen's Opposition Warns That Violence Could Derail Transition - VOA

Armed Men Clash With Security Forces in Yemen - Associated Press


Egypt Warms to Iran and Hamas, Israel's Foes - New York Times

Egypt Shows New Signs of Assertiveness - Washington Post

Analysis: Egypt Sees Some Shifts in Foreign Policy - Fox News

CBS Reporter Recounts a 'Merciless' Assault - New York Times

CBS Reporter Lara Logan Recounts Assault in Egypt - Reuters


Bomb Strikes Moroccan Cafe, Killing Mostly Foreigners - New York Times

Blast Kills 14 in Moroccan Tourist City - Associated Press

Morocco Says Marrakesh Blast a 'Terrorist Attack' - Reuters


In Northern Iraq, Attacks Kill at Least 12 - Washington Post

12 Die as Shiite Mosque Bombed Again - New York Times

Suicide Bomber Kills 8 at Shiite Mosque in Iraq - Associated Press

Attacks in Iraq Kill 6, Including 8-Year-Old Girl - Associated Press

That Sure Sounds Like Saddam Hussein - New York Times

National Guard Brigade Commander in Relieved of Duties - Stars and Stripes


President and Supreme Leader in Rift over Minister - The Guardian

Is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad About to Resign? - The Guardian opinion


Four Protesters Sentenced to Death by Firing Squad - The Guardian

Bahrain Sentences 4 Shiite Protesters to Death - Associated Press

Bahrain Can Achieve Stability Without a King - Washington Times editorial

Israel / Palestinians

PA Seeks to Allay Fears on Fatah-Hamas Accord - Washington Post

PA Warned Aid at Stake if it Unites with Hamas - Washington Times

U.S. to Reassess Palestinian Aid After Hamas-Fatah Deal - VOA

U.S. May End Palestinian Aid if Hamas Joins Government - Associated Press

Some Palestinians Skeptical About New Reconciliation Agreement - VOA

Accord Seen as Obstacle for Peace with Israel - Washington Post

Israel Rejects Palestinian Unity Government with Hamas - BBC News

Surprise Palestinian Unity Deal Challenges Israel - Reuters

Middle East / North Africa Unrest

Assad's Neighbors Watch Worriedly - Wall Street Journal

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - Associated Press


Terrorists Discover Uses for Twitter - Washington Times

U.S. Department of Defense

Panetta Would Bring Decades of Service to Pentagon - AFPS

Mullen: DOD Must Help Solve Federal Debt Crisis - AFPS

Media Tour Prison Where WikiLeaks Suspect Held - Associated Press

PFC Manning Cleared to Leave Isolation Cell - BBC News

Army Launching New Email System - Stars and Stripes

Marines Get Trained on Accepting Gay Recruits - Associated Press

USAREUR Retires Vietnam-era 'Huey' Helicopter - Stars and Stripes

Bob Gates Leaves the Pentagon - The Economist opinion

United States

Obama Announces Cabinet, Afghanistan Changes - Voice of America

President Praises Gates, Nominates New Security Team - AFPS

Petraeus to Leave Battlefield for CIA - AFPS

Petraeus' Possible New Critic: Himself - Los Angeles Times

A New National Security Team - Washington Post editorial

Let the CIA do its Work - Washington Post opinion

Blurring Lines Between Soldiers and Spies? - New York Times opinion


Northern Sudanese Warn South Over Contested Area - New York Times

Sudan: Bashir Threatens South Over Abyei - BBC News

Voting Underway in Nigerian States Where Violence Delayed Poll - VOA

Voting Goes on Amid Ruins After Nigeria Rioting - Associated Press

Burkina Faso Police Join in Popular Unrest - New York Times

Ugandan Opposition Leader Arrested Again - Voice of America

Uganda Riots Over Besigye Arrest - BBC News

Somali Pirates Release Panama-Flagged Bulk Carrier - Reuters


Self-rule on the Rise in Mexico's Prisons - USA Today

Prisoners Take 22 Hostages at Venezuela Prison - Associated Press

Argentine Union Boss Plans Big Show of Strength - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

U.S. Envoy Sees 'Backsliding' of Human Rights in China - New York Times

Beijing 'Back-sliding on Rights' - BBC News

China Pushes Back After U.S. Criticism on Rights - Reuters

China's Union Takes Up a New Labor: Workers - Washington Post

Trying to Stir Up Popular Protest in China, From Manhattan - New York Times

China Reduces Jail Term for Korean War Expert - Associated Press

Census: China's Population Growth Has Slowed - New York Times

China's Crackdown - Washington Post opinion

Kim Prepared for North-South Summit, Carter Says - Washington Times

'Korean Wave' Set to Swamp North Korea, Academics Say - Reuters

Cambodia, Thai Commanders Reach Cease-Fire Agreement - VOA

Thai-Cambodia Clash Breaks Truce - BBC News

Thai, Cambodia Clashes Continue Despite Cease-Fire - Associated Press

Thai Soldier Dies as Ceasefire With Cambodia Breached - Reuters

Vietnam Arrests Pastor of Banned Mennonite Church - Associated Press


Putin Eclipses Medvedev in Run-up to 2012 Election - Los Angeles Times

2 Russians Guilty of Killing Rights Lawyer and Journalist - New York Times

Belgium Moves Closer to Banning Burqa in Public - Associated Press

South Asia

U.S. Loses Bids to Supply Jets to India - New York Times

U.S. Firms Rejected in India Jet Deal - Washington Post

Timothy Roemer, Top U.S. Diplomat in India, Resigns - BBC News

Why You Should Not Let the Greg Mortenson Scandal Discourage You from Supporting NGOs

Thu, 04/28/2011 - 3:29pm
Rye Barcott, featured earlier this week in an SWJ book review, describes at the Huffington Post Why you Should not let the Greg Mortenson Scandal Discourage you from supporting NGOs.

BLUF. The U.S. military is increasingly engaged in "capacity building" of local governments in war-torn nations and other parts of the world deemed to be susceptible to terrorism. But the military is not very good at this type of work because effective development requires a unique skill-set and operates on a different time-line than warfighting.

Much more at The Huffington Post

ISW / MCA COIN Event on 2 May

Thu, 04/28/2011 - 1:57pm
Field Report: The Fight to Secure Helmand Province; United States Navy Memorial, Washington, D.C., 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm, 2 May 2011. Sponsored by the Institute for the Study of War and the Marine Corps Association.

ISW and MCA cordially invite you to a conversation with Major General Richard Mills, the Commanding General of I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) and ISW's President, Dr. Kimberly Kagan. During their discussion, Major General Mills and Dr. Kagan will discuss counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan, and the recent successes and future challenges in the coalition's fight to secure southern Afghanistan.

More information and event registration may be found here.

28 April SWJ Roundup

Thu, 04/28/2011 - 6:41am

Afghan Military Pilot Guns Down 8 NATO Troops - Voice of America

U.S. Troops Killed by Afghan Pilot - BBC News

Shooting Incident in Kabul Leaves 9 Americans Dead - AFPS

Gunman Kills NATO Troops at Kabul Airport - New York Times

Afghan Pilot Opens Fire Inside Base - Washington Post

9 Americans Killed When Afghan Pilot Opens Fire - Los Angeles Times

Afghan Officer Opens Fire, Kills 9 Americans - Associated Press

Airport Attack Claimed by Taliban - Bloomberg

Shooting Raises Questions about Readiness, Loyalty - Christian Science Monitor

20 Incidents Where Afghan Forces Have 'Turned' - The Guardian

Factbox: Timeline of Afghan "Rogue" Attacks - Reuters

Afghan Jail Head Held over Escape - BBC News

Kandahar Jail Governor Detained After Mass Breakout - Reuters

Afghan Who Joined Prison Escape Gives Details - Los Angeles Times

Interpol Rebukes Allies after Afghan Prison Break - Associated Press

NATO Sending Mixed Messages about Afghan Militias - Wired

U.N. Cites Progress After Afghan Police Pay Audit - Reuters

A Beast in the Heart of Every Fighting Man - New York Times

Afghan Women Train for Olympic Boxing - Los Angeles Times

Nation-Building in Afghanistan - Natoinal Review opinion


Pakistan Urged Afghanistan to Distance From West - New York Times

Pakistan Urges Afghanistan to Seek New Allies - Washington Post

Unity Among North Waziristan Groups Crumbles - Associated Press

Bomb Hits Pakistan Navy Bus, Third This Week - Reuters


Crackdown Continues Amid Reports of Resignations - Washington Post

Syrian City at Heart of Uprising Is Under Siege - Associated Press

Syria Brings Out Military Reinforcements Despite International Outcry - VOA

Syrian Beacon Pays Price for Its Dissent - New York Times

200 Quit Syria's Ruling Party to Protest Crackdown - Associated Press

Two Hundred Baathists Resign in Syria's Deraa - Reuters

Britain Says Syria Still Has Time for Reform - New York Times

U.N., European Nations Seek End to Syria Violence - Associated Press

U.N. Fails to Agree on Condemning Syria - Associated Press

Syrian Crackdown Condemned by E.U. - BBC News

Analysis: Syria Falls Back on Fear to Quell Revolt - Associated Press

Assad Protected by Cult of Incompetence - Washington Times opinion

Libya / Operation Odyssey Dawn

Gadhafi Girds for Long Survival Battle - Wall Street Journal

NATO Strike Kills 12 Libyan Rebels in Misurata - New York Times

U.N. Quizzes Libya on Human Rights - Washington Post

U.S.: Libya Death Toll Could be as High as 30,000 - Associated Press

U.S. Gives Limited Support to Rebel Government - Los Angeles Times

Libyan Rebels Brace for Attack at Desert Outpost - Reuters

Libya's Gaddafi Trains Volunteer Army to Fight NATO - Reuters

Libyan Security Forces Protect Gas Stations - Washington Post

Aid Ship Reaches Libyan Rebel-Held Port - Voice of America

U.S. Permits Oil Deals With Libya Opposition - Reuters

Saving Lives in Libya - Washington Post editorial


Deadly Clashes Erupt in Yemen - Washington Post

At Least 11 Dead in Yemen as Thousands Protest Against Transition Plan - VOA

Protesters 'Shot Dead' in Yemen - BBC News

Gunmen Kill 10 in Yemen Anti-Government Protests - Reuters

Doctor Says 12 Protesters Killed in Yemen - Associated Press

Yemen Remains al Qaeda's Ultimate Breeding Ground - CNN News


Pipeline Blast in Sinai, Said to Be Sabotage - New York Times

Blast Cuts Egypt's Gas Supply to Israel and Jordan - Washington Post


Bomb Kills Two Algerian Gendarmes: Security Source - Reuters


Coalition Government Near in Iraq - United Press International

Iraq's Talabani to Attend Tehran Anti-Terrorism Event - Bloomberg


Iran's Ahmadinejad in Growing Rift With Top Cleric - Associated Press

Iran Steps Up Rate of Public Executions - Reuters

U.S. Urges Turkey on Iran Sanctions - Associated Press

Iran Urged to Come Clean on Cyber Virus - The Australian


Military Court Convicts Protesters, Sentences to Death - Associated Press

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Detains Bloggers Over Protest-Activists - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Fatah and Hamas Announce Outline of Deal - New York Times

Fatah and Hamas Initial Accord, Officials Say - Washington Post

Palestinian Rivals Fatah, Hamas to Share Power - Los Angeles Times

Palestinian Rivals Fatah and Hamas 'Agree to End Rift' - BBC News

Palestinian Officials: Unity Agreement Reached - Associated Press

Fatah, Hamas End Feud, Agree to Interim Government - Reuters

Netanyahu: Abbas Must Choose Between Israel, Hamas - Reuters

Israel Prepares to Stop Planned Gaza Flotilla - Voice of America

The Palestinian Revolution - Washington Post opinion

Middle East / North Africa Unrest

Embattled Leaders Decide Better to Fight Than Quit - New York Times

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - Associated Press

MAP: Track the Middle East Protests - Washington Post


Somali Pirate Pleads Not Guilty at Trial in U.S. - Stars and Stripes

U.S. National Security

Major Shake-up Coming Soon for Top Military Officers - Stars and Stripes

Obama Picks Petraeus, Panetta for New Posts - Washington Post

Panetta and Petraeus in Line for Top Security Posts - New York Times

Obama Moves to Shuffle Top Security Posts - Los Angeles Times

Panetta Tapped to Replace Gates at Pentagon - Washington Times

Panetta Expected to Replace Gates as SECDEF - Stars and Stripes

Obama sending Panetta to Pentagon, Petraeus to CIA - Associated Press

Petraeus to CIA After Panetta Moves to Pentagon - ABC News

Gates Pushed for Panetta to Be His Successor - Wall Street Journal

Gates to Leave Pentagon at End of June, Officials Say - FOX News

Push for Pentagon Cuts Tops Panetta's Agenda - Associated Press

Analysis: Implications for Afghan War - National Journal

Analysis: Obama Stresses Continuity - National Journal

Pentagon and CIA Picks Show Shift in How U.S. Fights - New York Times

Analysis: Panetta Would Apply Sharper Knife to Pentagon Budget - Reuters

A Look at Obama's New National Security Team - Associated Press

Lt. Gen. John Allen to Lead in Afghanistan - Marine Corps Times

Allen Helped Nurture Sunni Awakening in Iraq - Wall Street Journal

The Big Day: Gates Out, Panetta In - Best Defense

Cautious Optimism for Panetta's Pentagon - DoD Buzz

Challenges for New National Security Team are Huge - CNN News

Petraeus Would Helm Increasingly Militarized CIA - Washington Post

The Blurring Between Military and Intelligence - The Atlantic opinion

Rearranging the Deck Chairs - Foreign Policy opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

Hasan Defense Lawyer to Ask For No Death Penalty - Stars and Stripes

Atheists Seek Chaplain Role in the Military - New York Times

Director Follows Antiterrorism Path Set by Cole Attack - AFPS

Torture: Honoring Those Who Said No - New York Times opinion


Nigeria Considering State of Emergency if Elections Not Complete - VOA

Nigeria: Delayed Vote Looms in Northern States - Associated Press

Pro-Ouattara Forces Attack Former Ally in Ivory Coast - Voice of America

Ivory Coast Militia Leader Killed - BBC News

Renegade Warlord Killed in Ivory Coast - Associated Press

Police Arrest, Tear Gas Uganda's Opposition Leader - Associated Press

Al-Qaeda Parade French Hostages Seized in Niger - BBC News

U.K. and Malawi Diplomats Expelled - BBC News


Mass Graves Toll in Northwestern Mexico at 104 - Associated Press

Mexican Officials Recover 96 Bodies so Far in Durango - BBC News

Body Count From Mexican Mass Graves Nears 300 - Reuters

Guatemala Arrests Suspected Drug Kingpin - BBC News

Argentina Nabs 'Drug Subs Brains' - BBC News

5 Colombian Police Killed in Presumed Rebel Attack - Associated Press

FARC Blamed for Deadly Attack on Colombia Police - BBC News

Colombia: 2 Former Uribe Aides Face Charges in Spy Scandal - Associated Press

Sweden Demands Answers Over Alleged FARC Rebel - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

Tensions High as U.S., China Open Talks on Human Rights - Voice of America

Bleak Outlook for U.S.-China Talks on Human Rights - New York Times

China Media Say US Human Rights Pressure Will Fail - Associated Press

New Satellite Photos Show Construction at N. Korea Nuclear Site - VOA

Carter: N. Korean Leader Ready to Restart Talks - Reuters

Thailand, Cambodia Cease-Fire Reached After Week - Associated Press

Cambodia PM Welcomes Talks After Thai Border Clashes - Reuters

Philippine Troops Repulse Rebel Attack, Kill 1 - Associated Press


Russia: Khodorkovsky Appeal Set for May 17 - Reuters

Belarus Opposition Leader Andrei Sannikov Goes on Trial - BBC News

'Tunisian Migrants' Held in Paris - Reuters

South Asia

Soldier in Indian Kashmir Turns on Unit, Kills 4 - Associated Press

Hope, Mistrust Among Sri Lankans After U.N. Report - Associated Press

India Bids Farewell to Sai Baba - BBC News

Tibetan Exiles Elect Scholar as New Prime Minister - New York Times

Lobsang Sangay Elected Tibetan Exile Leader - BBC News

AP Sources: Panetta to Pentagon, Petraeus to CIA (Updated)

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 6:59pm
Associated Press unnamed sources say Panetta to Pentagon, Petraeus to CIA, Crocker to Kabul and Allen to ISAF.


Major Shake-up Coming Soon for Top Military Officers - Stars and Stripes

Obama Picks Petraeus, Panetta for New Posts - Washington Post

Panetta and Petraeus in Line for Top Security Posts - New York Times

Security Shuffle Keeps Team Largely Intact - Washington Post

Obama Moves to Shuffle Top Security Posts - Los Angeles Times

Panetta Tapped to Replace Gates at Pentagon - Washington Times

Panetta Expected to Replace Gates as SECDEF - Stars and Stripes

Obama sending Panetta to Pentagon, Petraeus to CIA - Associated Press

Petraeus to CIA After Panetta Moves to Pentagon - ABC News

Gates to Leave Pentagon at End of June, Officials Say - FOX News

Push for Pentagon Cuts Tops Panetta's Agenda - Associated Press

Analysis: Implications for Afghan War - National Journal

Analysis: Obama Stresses Continuity - National Journal

Pentagon and CIA Picks Show Shift in How U.S. Fights - New York Times

Director Petraeus to Face Different Culture at CIA - New York Times

Analysis: Panetta Would Apply Sharper Knife to Pentagon Budget - Reuters

A Look at Obama's New National Security Team - Associated Press

Lt. Gen. John Allen to Lead in Afghanistan - Marine Corps Times

Allen Helped Nurture Sunni Awakening in Iraq - Wall Street Journal

The Big Day: Gates Out, Panetta In - Best Defense

Cautious Optimism for Panetta's Pentagon - DoD Buzz

Challenges for New National Security Team are Huge - CNN News

Petraeus Would Helm Increasingly Militarized CIA - Washington Post

The Blurring Between Military and Intelligence - The Atlantic opinion

Rearranging the Deck Chairs - Foreign Policy opinion

LTG Caldwell on North KAIA Shooting

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 4:18pm
Via the NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan Combined Joint Public Affairs Office:

"Today NATO Training Mission Afghanistan suffered a tragic loss from an attack, which occurred this morning, resulting in the deaths of nine coalition trainers," said U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William B. Caldwell, IV, NTM-A commanding general. "On behalf of those here at NTM-A, I want to convey our heartfelt condolences to the families of our trainers that were killed today.

"Although details are still unclear, we are working closely with the Afghan Ministry of Defense to determine the facts of the incident, and as our joint investigation moves forward, we will make more information available," said Caldwell. "We remain vigilant in our efforts to continue to train and develop the Afghan National Security Force and resolute in our support for our Afghan partners."

In the News:

Afghan Military Pilot Guns Down 8 NATO Troops - Voice of America

Shooting Incident in Kabul Leaves 9 Americans Dead - AFPS

Gunman Kills NATO Troops at Kabul Airport - New York Times

9 Americans Killed When Afghan Pilot Opens Fire - Los Angeles Times

Afghan Officer Opens Fire, Kills 9 Americans - Associated Press

Airport Attack Claimed by Taliban - Bloomberg

Shooting Raises Questions about Readiness, Loyalty - Christian Science Monitor

20 Incidents Where Afghan Forces Have 'Turned' - The Guardian

Factbox: Timeline of Afghan "Rogue" Attacks - Reuters

Macgregor Defense Budget Twofer

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 9:03am
Lean, Mean Fighting Machine by Douglas Macgregor, Foreign Policy. BLUF: "How to slash the Pentagon budget? Declare victory and go home."

A Radical Plan for Cutting the Defense Budget and Reconfiguring the U.S. Military by Douglas Macgregor, Foreign Policy. BLUF: "In the spirit of spending wisely, here is my plan to reconfigure the military for the demands and threats of the 21st-century world and, in doing so, dramatically cut the Pentagon budget."