Small Wars Journal

2 November SWJ Roundup

Wed, 11/02/2011 - 5:23am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Report Details Problems for Afghan Security Force Plan - NYT

Afghan Security Handover to Continue Despite Violence - S&S

Afghan MPs from Kandahar Against Speedy Transition - AP

Karzai Rules Out Resumption of Taliban Talks - VOA

Karzai Rules Out Early Resumption of Taliban Talks - Reuters

Turkey to Host Meeting on Afghan Security, Economy - AP

Officials: Kabul Attack Reflects Insurgents’ Desperation - AFPS

Taliban Strike Again in Kandahar, Killing 7 - McClatchy

Afghanistan and Pakistan Agree on Inquiry Into Envoy’s Murder - NYT

Afghanistan and Pakistan Agree on Rabbani Murder Probe - BBC

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



US Presses for Greater Pakistani Role in Afghan Peace Process - VOA

US Sanctions Haqqani Network Commander - WP

Afghanistan and Pakistan Agree on Inquiry Into Envoy’s Murder - NYT

Afghanistan and Pakistan Agree on Rabbani Murder Probe - BBC

Head of Taliban School Offers to Help Afghan Talks - AP

With a Friend Like This - IHT opinion



Syria Agrees to Arab League Plan to End Crackdown - VOA

Syria Says Agreed on Plan to End Deadly Crackdown - NYT

Syria Says Reaches Deal With Arab League on Unrest - Reuters

Syrian Colonel Says He Heads Armed Rebellion - LAT

Syria Plants Land Mines on Lebanese Border - AP



In Libya, Fighting May Outlast the Revolution - NYT

Libya's New PM Balances Demands of Ex-Rebels, West - AP

Libya's NTC Struggles to Stay the 'Good Guys' - Reuters

Libya Fighters in Hospital Shootout, 1 Dead - AP



Ahmadinejad Admits Impact of Sanctions on Iran - WP

Iranian Minister Survives Vote - BBC

Iran Parliament Rejects Lawmaker's Resignation - AP

Time for Latin America to Roll Up Iran Welcome Mat - WT opinion


Israel / Palestinians

UNESCO Euphoria: Palestinians Step Up UN Efforts - AP

Israel: Army Has Green Light to Stop Gaza Rockets - AP

Israel OKs New Jewish Settlements in Palestinian Territory - VOA

Israel to Rush Settler Expansion - BBC

Israel Plans to Speed Up Settlement Growth - NYT

Netanyahu Steps Up Settlement Building - WP

Israel to Build Housing to Retaliate for Palestinians' UN Moves - LAT

Israel to Speed Up Settlement Building in West Bank - Reuters

Israel Test-Fires Ballistic Missile - Reuters

'Hackers' Cut Palestinian Phone and Internet Systems - BBC

Israel Shuts Radical Seminary in West Bank - AP

Using the United Nations - LAT editorial


Middle East / North Africa

Iranian Exiles in Iraq Fear Attack from Iraqi Soldiers - WT

New Saudi Crown Prince Will Use 'All Means' to Protect Haj - Reuters

Qatar to Hold Elections in 2013 - BBC

Euphoria Turns to Discontent as Egypt’s Revolution Stalls - NYT

Hand of Egypt's Military Rulers Grows Heavier - AP



Assange to Learn Extradition Fate - BBC

As Assange Awaits Ruling, WikiLeaks Faces its Fate - AP


Cyber Security

London Hosts Cybersecurity Summit - BBC


US Department of Defense

Dempsey: Complex Threats Require Multiple Options - AFPS

Marine Corps Rushes to Develop Armed UAVs - MCT

Window Inside a Nuclear Bomb via Mathematics - WP

Lawyers Say Guantanamo Officials Reading their Mail - WP

Military Lawyers Challenge New Rules at Guantanamo - AP

Military Facing Obstacles to Suicide Prevention, Report Says - S&S

South Korea Sentences G.I. Rapist To 10 Years - NYT

Air Power’s Century of False Promises - NYT opinion


United States

A Silver Lining to America’s Waning Influence - NYT

4 Georgia Men Arrested in Terror Plot - NYT

GPS-tracking Case Could Break New Ground - USAT

Bill Gates’s Plan to Assist the World’s Poor - WP opinion

How to Feed the Hungry, Faster - NYT opinion


United Kingdom

Britain to Roll Out US-Style Anti-Gang Programs - AP


United Nations

IAEA Raises New Concerns About Iran, North Korea Nuclear Programs - VOA

UN Panel Sees 'Alarming Resurgence' of Mercenaries - Reuters

Using the United Nations - LAT editorial



Arms Flying Into Somalia for Militants, Kenya Says - NYT

Kenya Warns Somalia’s al-Shabab by Twitter - BBC

Somali Towns Warned to Expect Continuous Kenyan Attacks - LAT

Kenya Warns of 'Imminent' Strikes on Somali Towns - Reuters

South Kordofan Unrest: Sudan 'Kills Hundreds' of Rebels - BBC

Sudan Army Says It Repels Rebel Attack in South - AP

S. Sudan Rebels Say Battling Gov’t Forces in Oil State - Reuters

Ex-Pats Return to Build a New African Nation, South Sudan - WT

UK Ambassador in Sudan Keeps Blogging Despite Protest - AP

Swedish Journalists 'Wanted to Train Ethiopian Rebels' - BBC

Nigerian Court Dismisses Election Challenge - VOA

Nigeria Election Challenge Fails - BBC

Liberian Presidential Challenger Drops Boycott Threat - VOA

DR Congo Mines Guide on the Web - BBC

South Africa ex-Police Chief Appeals - BBC



Mexico: Narcos, Meet Hackers: 2 'Anonymous' Groups Spar - AP

Mexico Soldiers Seize Catapults Used to Fling Pot - AP

Honduras Troops Join Fight Against Violent Crime - BBC

Haiti Rebuilds Slowly Under New Government, Prime Minister - VOA

Chinese Navy Brings Medical Aid to Jamaica - AP

Time for Latin America to Roll Up Iran Welcome Mat - WT opinion


Asia Pacific

China Cautious on EU Rescue Plan - WP

China: Tensions Rising over Buddhism's Quiet Resurgence - USAT

China Artist Ai Weiwei Served with $2m Tax Demand - BBC

Anger Over Detained Chinese Activist Reaches Capital - Reuters

China Military Accepting Bigger Recruits, Tattoos - AP

Fight Threat Delays US-S. Korea Trade Agreement Approval - VOA

In a First Since Nuclear Disaster, a Japanese Reactor Restarts - NYT

Philippine Govt, Rebels in Standoff Over Commander - AP

Bangkok Officials Have to Choose Who Stays Dry in Floods - NYT


Central Asia

Kyrgyzstan to Close US Airbase in 2014 - VOA

US Base in Kyrgyzstan Will Be Closed, New President Says - NYT

Kyrgyz Election Winner Says US Base Poses Risk - AP



Europe Has a President, But No Leader - WP

China’s Leaders Cautious on EU Rescue - WP

Government in Greece Teeters After Move on Referendum - NYT

Greek PM’s Call for Bailout Referendum Shakes Up Europe - WP

Greek Premier Faces Revolt - WSJ

Greek Move Returns Europe to Crisis Mode - LAT

Greece PM Holds Emergency Talks - BBC

Will Greece Destroy the Euro Zone? - NYT

Greece Risks Meltdown After Bailout Vote Bombshell - Reuters

Sarkozy, Merkel to Meet Greeks on Wednesday - Reuters

Crisis Holds Both Hopes and Fears for Britain - NYT

Italian President Tightens Pressure on Berlusconi - Reuters

Turkey PM Slams Merkel Stance on EU Bid, Migrants - Reuters

Pentagon Agrees to Sell 3 Attack Helicopters to Turkey - WP

Turkey: 23 Charged Over Ties to Kurdish Rebels - AP

UN Calls Cyprus Peace Summit in January - Reuters

Fire at French Newspaper After Muhammad Issue - AP

Moldovan Man Accused of Spying Is Released - AP


South Asia

Indian Activist 'May Resume Fast' - BBC

Manipur, India: Hostilities Persist Despite Blockade's End - LAT

Final Nepal Peace Deal Agreed Upon - BBC

Nepal's Main Parties Agree to Resume Peace Process - AP

Nepal Parties Hope to Build on Deal on Ex-Rebels - AP


The Marines hit the beach – with robots?

Tue, 11/01/2011 - 6:07pm

The latest “Marine Corps” issue of Proceedings has another provocative article from Lt Col Noel Williams, USMC. The Next Wave: Assault Operations for a New Era (subscribers only) advises the Marine Corps and Navy to develop unmanned breacher vehicles (UBVs) to perform the first, most dangerous wave of an opposed amphibious assault. Earlier this year, Williams and Captain Henry Hendrix, USN controversially proposed phasing out big Nimitz and Ford-class CVNs in favor of a much greater number of America/Wasp-class LHA/LHDs. In his new essay, Williams is proposing a robotic replacement for the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV), a project that collapsed in engineering overreach.

The EFV died because the Marine Corps expected it to do too many things. The anti-ship missile threat has pushed the launch point for an amphibious assault out to at least 25 miles from the land. The Marine Corps wanted the EFV to traverse this distance in one hour. On land, the EFV was to be a late-model infantry fighting vehicle, complete with chem-bio protection, able to take on other armored vehicles, network with others, and hopefully survive IEDs. It was an impossible engineering task, at least at an affordable price.

Williams proposes to let robots breach the beach obstacles. An excerpt:

In the 2020s and beyond there will simply be no reason to place 20 Marines in a steel box and drive them through mined waters to land on an area-denied beach. An unmanned breacher vehicle (UBV), or family of unmanned systems, could clear and mark the assault lanes ahead of any manned surface movement. These UBVs could be launched from surface, subsurface, or airborne delivery means—overtly or covertly. UBVs could be given large magnetic and acoustic signatures to trigger influence mines and could be equipped with cameras, remote gun systems, plows, cutters, and/or line charges to clear beach obstacles. Additionally, it would be possible to transition the UBV to convoy reconnaissance and clearing missions once manned vehicles are ashore.

Introducing an unmanned system breaks the tyranny of the hybrid vehicle that we have found to be so costly and that inevitably results in compromises in both operating domains—afloat and ashore.

Under this concept, once the robots have cleared the beach, non-armored but high-capacity landing craft such as LCACs LCUs, and other connectors could bring ashore all of the ground-only vehicles and equipment, such as tanks, the next-generation Marine Personnel Carrier (which could very well be like the Army’s Stryker), trucks, logistics, etc.

In summary, Williams describes the following general phases for an amphibious assault:

  1. ISR
  2. Shaping fires/advance force operations
  3. Vertical (helicopter) assault of distributed teams
  4. Unmanned surface assault
  5. Surface assault
  6. General off-load as required.

Without humans aboard, unmanned breaching vehicles could take many hours or even days to swim ashore. They could launch from much farther distances in a much wider area of ocean. And DARPA and others have already demonstrated the ability of unmanned vehicles to self-navigate and to move, communicate, and shoot.

Williams concludes his essay with a discussion of the problem of achieving fire/network superiority in the wider amphibious objective area in the modern era. It was this general problem that killed the EFV and would still need to be solved in order to make any opposed amphibious assault, including one by robots, a feasible endeavor.

Williams discusses the need for the Marines and Navy to locate and target the enemy’s sensor and guided munitions network before and after the surface assault. Breaking down the enemy’s battle network is partly, or even mostly, a battle to achieve superiority over the electro-magnetic spectrum. That task would take place during the first three phases listed above. It would be a task for air and naval precision fires and those air-delivered infantry teams performing distributed operations. And it is a phase that could last weeks or even months.

In the age of long-range guided munitions and their sensors, an opposed amphibious assault will look far different than Iwo Jima. Under this concept, precision air and naval fires, supported by distributed teams of Marines ashore, would wage a long attritional campaign against the enemy’s sensors and missiles. That would clear the way for the surface assault, which, with enough preparation, would ideally be largely permissive.

The Marine Corps is searching for a cheaper replacement for the EFV and a way to keep the opposed amphibious assault viable in the age of guided missiles. Williams’ beach assault robots are a helpful idea. But the bigger problem is achieving dominance over the enemy’s sensors and the electro-magnetic spectrum. Regardless of the landing craft, the Navy and the Marine Corps need a solution and a doctrine for that problem.

1 November SWJ Roundup

Tue, 11/01/2011 - 4:06am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


A Revised Strategy in Afghanistan - WP

US Hopes Regional Talks Will Stabilize Afghanistan - Reuters

Karzai Extends Condolences on US Deaths - NYT

Afghan Success Comes At High Price For Commander - NPR

3 UN Staffers Among 5 Killed in Afghan Attack - VOA

Deadly Car Bomb Blast in Kandahar - BBC

Attack Near UN Office Kills 5 in Afghanistan - AP

1-84 Field Artillery Trade Food for Weapons in Faryab - S&S

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS

Trial Opens in Court-Martial of Soldier Tied to Afghan Killings - NYT

Soldier Admits War Trophies, Denies Part in Murder Plot - AP

SSGT Gibbs Admits Taking Fingers Off Afghans' Bodies - BBC



Deep Ties to Militant Network May Trump US Pressure - NYT

Afghans, Pakistan May Use Talks to Ease Tensions - Reuters

US Delegation to Attend ‘Water Dialogue’ in Pakistan - VOA

US Missiles Kill 4 in Pakistan - AP



Iraq Arrests More in Wake of Tip About Coup - NYT

War By Other Means - Slate opinion



Arab League Awaits Syrian Response - VOA

After Libya, Syria Warns World Powers to Stay Away - AP

Syria Accused of Kidnapping 4 in Lebanon - NYT



US-Libya Citizen Chosen as Prime Minister - WP

Libya Names an Engineer as Premier - NYT

Libya’s NTC Elects New Interim Prime Minister - VOA

Libya Appoints Academic as New PM - BBC

Abdul Al-Raheem Al-Qeeb Elected Libya's Interim PM - Reuters

Libya Struggles to Create Army Out of Militias - WP

UN Concern over Libyan Weapons - BBC

NATO Chief in Libya as 7-Month Mission Ends - VOA

NATO Formally Ends Libya Campaign - WP

NATO Ends Victorious 7-Month Libya Campaign - AP

In Tripoli, NATO Chief Hails 'Free Libya' - Reuters

UN Urges Libyan Authorities to Control Weapons - AP

Clinton: ‘America’s Leadership is Essential’ - WP

Libya Militia 'Terrorizes' pro-Gaddafi Town of Tawargha - BBC

Niger: Saif al-Islam Gadhafi Would be Transferred Over to ICC - VOA

NATO's Success in Libya - IHT opinion

Leading From Behind  - NYT opinion


Israel / Palestinians

UNESCO Grants Palestinians Full Membership - VOA

UNESCO Approves Full Membership for Palestinians - NYT

UNESCO Votes to Admit Palestine - WP

UNESCO Palestine Decision Sets Off US-UN Confrontation - LAT

US Cuts Off UNESCO Funding After Palestinian Vote - VOA

US Hits UNESCO with Funding Cut - BBC

US Cuts UNESCO Funding Over Palestinian Vote - AP

Egypt: Israel Delaying Expanding Gaza Offensive - AP

Gaza Militants Fire Rockets, Testing Truce - Reuters

Israel and the Apartheid Slander - NYT opinion

In Israel, Press Freedom Is Under Attack - NYT opinion

The UN Suicide Vest - WT editorial


Middle East / North Africa

US Will Maintain Ties, Presence in Persian Gulf - AFPS

Pentagon: Size of US Military's Presence in Gulf Uncertain - S&S

Iran Creates Unit to Defend Against Cyber Attacks - AP

Yemeni Militants Deny Death of Senior Qaeda Member - Reuters

Tunisia Testing Newfound Freedom of Expression - VOA

Tunisia Issues Warrant for Arafat's Widow - AP

Egypt to Ratify Anti-Corruption Law in Daysr - Reuters

Egyptians Protest, Anger Mounts Over Blogger Arrest - Reuters

Egyptians March to Protest Activist Arrest - AP



Government to Disclose Evidence Against PFC Manning - WT


US Department of Defense

Challenge of a Volunteer Military - WP

Burn Pit Study Inconclusive on Health Effects - S&S

Not Enough Data to Link Pollution to Ill Troops - NYT

Violence More Common Among Kids of Combat Veterans - AP


United States

Officials Bust Drug-Smuggling Ring Linked to Mexican Cartel - NYT

Agencies Team Up to Hit Drug Ring in Arizona - WT

Arizona Smashes Mexican Drug Ring - BBC

FBI Releases Video, Papers on Russian Spy Ring - AP

FBI Releases Russian Spy Videos - BBC

Russian Spies were Succeeding, FBI Says - LAT

FBI Says Russian Spies Got Close to Cabinet - WT

Condoleezza Rice’s Diplomatic Stiletto - WP


United Kingdom

'Disturbing' Cyber-Attacks on UK - BBC



UN Reports 7 Billion Humans, but Others Don’t Count on It - NYT

Seven Billion - WP web page on population growth and aging



UK Commandos Storm Somali War Zone, Snatch Tribal Leader - DM

‘Big Countries’ Are Sought to Help Fight in Somalia - NYT

Somalia Famine Refugees Joined by Others Fleeing Insecurity - VOA

5 Killed, Dozens Hurt in Somalia After Airstrike - AP

Kenya Dismisses Refugee Camp Airstrike as Rebel - Reuters

Kenya Military Claims to Kill 18 Pirates - AP

'Hundreds' Dead in Sudan Clashes - BBC

Sudan, Rebels Say Fighting in Southern Oil State - Reuters

An Exceptional Change in Zambia - NYT

Uganda Frees Opposition Leader, Threatens to Re-Arrest - Reuters

Cameroon President Begins 30th Year Amid Fraud Allegations - VOA



Anonymous Hacker Group Threatens Mexico’s Zetas Cartel - WP

Hackers Take on a Ruthless Mexican Crime Syndicate - NYT

Anonymous Eyes Mexican Cartel Attack - IW

'Hackers' Threaten Mexican Drug Cartel in YouTube Video - BBC

Colombia's President Dissolves Domestic Spy Agency - AP

Colombia Leader Scraps Spy Agency - BBC

Raucous Trial Is a Test of Haiti’s Legal System - NYT


Asia Pacific

In China, Political Outsiders Turn to Microblog Campaigns - NYT

Chinese Shenzhou Craft Launches on Key Space Mission - BBC

China Unmanned Spacecraft Launches - AP

Chinese Dragon Flexes Economic Muscles - WT opinion

Tensions Mount in Thai Capital as Floodwaters Devastate Suburbs - VOA

Tempers Flare on Front Lines of Thailand's Floods - AP


Central Asia

Former Prime Minister Set to Win Kyrgyzstan Vote - NYT

Kyrgyz Vote Draws Critical Monitor Report, Protest - AP



Greece to Hold Referendum on New Debt Deal - NYT

Bosnian Court Orders US Embassy Attacker Held in Custody - VOA

Rosen Plevneliev Elected New Bulgarian President - AP

UN's Ban to Call New Cyprus Meeting in January - Reuters


South Asia

India Challenged to Provide Jobs, Education to Young Population - VOA

India Politician 'Beaten' in Jail - BBC


31 October SWJ Roundup

Mon, 10/31/2011 - 12:04am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Deadly Attack in Kabul Gets Network’s Message Across - NYT

Deadly Attack Reflects Taliban Strategy - WP

Afghan Violence Comes During Coalition Crackdown - USAT

NATO Convoy Bomb Adds Urgency to Protecting Kabul - AP

US Had Advance Warning of Abuse at Afghan Prisons - WP

Advanced War Games Bring Afghanistan to Camp Lejeune - N&O

In Herat, the Young are Restless as War Grinds On - S&S

Blast Near UN Building in Afghan City Kandahar - Reuters

Aiming Low at Istanbul Meeting on Afghanistan - Reuters

US Changes Tack Towards Taliban - AT opinion



US Seeks Aid From Pakistan in Afghan Peace Effort - NYT

Massive Rally Caps Weekend of Demonstrations in Pakistan - WP

Political Shift Seen in Rally in Pakistan - NYT

Anti-US Pakistani Cricketer Rallies 100,000 People - AP

Suspected US Drones Kill 6 in Pakistan - AP



US Planning Troop Buildup in Gulf After Exit From Iraq - NYT

Report: US Plans Post-Iraq Buildup in Gulf - VOA

Challenges Ahead for Iraqi Forces' Counterterror Efforts - USAT

Turkey Ready to Train Iraqi Forces - KNA

Iran Praises Iraq as US Withdrawal Nears - LAT

Khamenei: Iraqi 'Resistance' Forced US Pull-out - AFP

Obama's Tragic Iraq Withdrawal - WSJ opinion

After US Forces Exit Iraq Will My Brothers Be Killed? - FOX opinion

Troop Increase in Gulf Won't Make Up for Withdrawal - Commentary opinion

Departure of Forces from Iraq Will Have Consequences - GBPG opinion



Arab League Hands Syria Plan to End Unrest - Reuters

Syria's Assad Warns West Against Intervention - AP

Syria’s Assad Warns Western Powers - BBC

Syrian President Thanks Russia for Support - AP

Danger of Civil War in Syria - TN opinion



Libyan Leader Wants Elections Sped Up - WP

Clinton Credited with Key Role in Success of NATO Air Campaign - WP

NATO Set to Finish Libya Mission - BBC

Libya Mission Ends, but NATO’s Direction Still Up in the Air - S&S

Libya's PM Confirms Presence of Chemical Weapons - AP

With Future for Saif Al-Islam Unknown, Niger Wary - Reuters

Hunt is on for Treasures Looted in Libyan Uprising - Reuters

Libya: The End of the Beginning - AE opinion


Israel / Palestinians

Truce Effort Follows Deadly Violence on Israel-Gaza Border - VOA

Islamic Jihad Announces Gaza Cease-fire - CNN

Fragile Gaza Cease-fire Off to a Rocky Start - LAT

Gaza Violence Simmers After Truce Announced - Reuters

Israel Strikes Gaza After 'Truce' - BBC

Israeli Airstrike Kills Palestinian Militant - WP

Hamas Caught in Bind as Gaza Violence Heats Up - AP

Israeli Army Whistleblower Gets 4 1/2 Years - AP



Iran Formally Complains to US Over Plot Charges - AP

Iran Parliament to Question Ahmadinejad Over Fraud - AP

Iran Says Wants Relations with US, But Not Now - Reuters



Yemeni Forces Shell Pro-Opposition District, 4 Killed - VOA

Blast at Yemen Air Base Temporarily Shuts Sana'a Airport - VOA

Airport Hit by Shells as Attacks in the Capital Widen - NYT

Yemen Airport Shut after Blasts - BBC


Middle East / North Africa

Saudi Royal Offers Bounty to Catch Israeli Soldier - AP

Saudi Arabia Jails Woman for Funding Al Qaeda - Reuters

Egypt: Mubarak Trial Postponed - BBC

Egypt Military Detains Activist Over Clashes - Reuters

No Need to Fear Decline of Western Power in Arab World - TE editorial

The Arab Intellectuals Who Didn't Roar - NYT opinion


US Department of Defense

The US Army's Rock 'N' Roll Past - NPR

Military Works on Making MREs Actually Edible - WP

Don’t Gut Defense - WP opinion


United States

Reports: Prosecutions Going Up for War Zone Crime - AP

Congress’s Chance to Rewrite Rules for Fighting Terrorism - WP editorial


United Kingdom

Armed Guards to Protect UK Ships - BBC

UK's Cameron: Armed Sailors to Combat Sea Piracy - AP

UK Military in Denial About Defeats - TI opinion



World Population Grows by 1 Billion in Only 12 Years - LAT

A Lot of People? Yes. Apocalypse? No. - LAT opinion



The Secret War: How US Hunted AQ in Africa - NT

Kenya to Stay in Somalia Until Safe From Al-Shabab Menace - VOA

Kenya Military Chief: Somalia Incursion Could be Long - LAT

Kenyan Jets Bomb Southern Somalia, 10 Dead - VOA

Kenya Kills 10 Shabaab Fighters in Air Strike - Reuters

'Civilians Dead' in Kenyan Somalia Raids - BBC

American Identified as Bomber in Attack in Somalia - NYT

Aid Can't Get Through to Many Somalia Famine Victims - LAT

Students Stage Anti-Government Protest in East Sudan - Reuters

Mali Lawmaker Tells of Threats Over Al-Qaida Talk - AP

Liberia Election Chief Resigns Ahead of November 8 Vote - Reuters



Mexico: Video Threatens to Disclose Zetas Cartel’s Allies - AP

Online Hackers Threaten to Expose Cartel's Secrets - HC

Every Day Is 'Day of the Dead' in Mexico Drug War - AP

Honduras Becomes Western Hemisphere Cocaine Hub - AP

Venezuela: Chavez Orders More Land Taken From British Firm - AP

Colombia Votes in Test for Peace Under Santos - Reuters

Colombia: Former Rebel Wins Bogota Mayor's Election - AP

Colombia Vote Comes Amid Violence, Corruption - MH opinion


Asia Pacific

Philippine Offensive Targets Key Terror Suspects - AP

Bombings, Shootings Hit Restive Southern Thailand - AP

Burma Democracy Leader Meets Again with Government Minister - VOA

Floodwalls Keep Bangkok Dry but Provinces Angry - NYT


Central Asia

Hopes for Peace as Kyrgyzstan Votes for New President - NYT

Kyrgyz Election Front-Runner Set for Crushing Win - AP

Kyrgyz PM Leads Race for Presidency in Tense Vote - Reuters



Russia 'Close' to WTO Membership - BBC

Serbian Liberals Protest Russian Involvement - AP

Bosnia US Embassy Attacker Says He Acted Alone - Reuters

Bulgaria: Conservative Likely Winner of Presidency - AP

UN's Ban Seeks Lifeline to Flagging Cyprus Talks - Reuters

Europe Will Not Offer China Concessions for Aid - Reuters

Death Toll from Turkey Earthquake Nears 600 - LAT

Panetta Orders Military Support for Turkey Earthquake Relief - AFPS

Neighbors Warily Eye Muscular Turkey - JT opinion


South Asia

Protests Awaken a Goliath in India - NYT

Wary of China, Its Neighbors Court India - YG opinion


An Open Letter to All Marines: A Response to Lieutenant General Robert B. Neller

Sun, 10/30/2011 - 2:12pm

An Open Letter to All Marines: A Response to Lieutenant General Robert B. Neller by Major Gregory A. Thiele, Marine Corps Gazette.

… In the 23 years with which I have been associated with the Marine Corps, however, I have perceived an alarming trend toward ever greater centralization, occurring in virtually every conceivable field. I also believe that anyone who has eyes can see it. I doubt that LtGen Neller would deny this. Where LtGen Neller and I almost certainly disagree is in regard to whether or not this trend toward centralization is beneficial. I believe that too much centralization is potentially disastrous, while he likely sees it as a sign of progress. It is certain that many decisions to centralize training, administration, supply, etc., have been made with the best of intentions and for good reasons (to ameliorate the impacts of faster promotions and make use of improved communications, shorter training times, diminished resources, etc.). My concern is that, when taken as a whole, these developments constitute a long-term threat to the health and effectiveness of our Corps. I can only respond to LtGen Neller that, similar to the British at Jutland, there seems to be “something wrong with our bloody” system. It is more than the predeployment training plan. There are a number of other examples one could cite that illustrate the danger that is slowly sapping the vitality of our Corps…

30 October SWJ Roundup

Sun, 10/30/2011 - 4:41am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP

Persian Gulf

US Is Planning Buildup in Gulf After Iraq Exit - NYT



Deadly Attack Reflects Taliban Strategy - WP

16 Coalition Personnel Killed in Afghanistan Attacks - AFPS

13 NATO Troops Killed in Afghanistan Suicide Attack - VOA

17 Die as Suicide Blast Hits US Bus in Afghanistan - NYT

20 Troops, Civilians Killed in 3 Attacks in Afghanistan - VOA

13 Americans Die in Taliban Bombing in Kabul - WP

Afghan Car Bomber Rams NATO Bus - BBC

Suicide Bombing of NATO Convoy Kills 17 - AP

Kabul Suicide Bomb Kills 13 Troops, Civilian Workers - Reuters

3 Australian Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan - AP

Recent Major Attacks in Afghanistan - AP

UN: Sharp Drop in Afghans Returning From Pakistan - AP



US Missiles Kill 6 Suspected Militants in Pakistan - AP



Syrian Forces Strike Homs for Second Day - VOA

'Shelling and Raids in Homs Kills Three' - BBC

Shelling in Syria Kills 3 After Deadly Day - AP

Syria's Assad Warns Western Powers - BBC

Assad: Challenge Syria and War Will 'Burn Whole Region' - TT

Syria's Assad Warns of 'Earthquake' if West Intervenes - Reuters



Libya Mission Ends, but NATO’s Direction Still Up in the Air - S&S

Score-Settling After Libya's War Casts Shadow - AP

ICC: Mercenaries Trying to Help Gadhafi's Son Flee - VOA

Gaddafi Son 'Says He is Innocent' - BBC

Niger Faces Local Anger if It Delivers Gaddafi Son - Reuters

More Than 20 Libyan War Wounded Flown to US - AP

Anger at Hinting an End to a Curb on Polygamy - NYT

After Liberation, Nowhere to Run - NYT opinion



Iraqi PM: 615 Detained in anti-Baathist Sweep - AP

Iraq PM Criticizes Autonomy Move by Local Province - Reuters


Israel / Palestinians

Palestinians Weigh Rival Strategies - WP

Israeli Airstrike in Gaza Kills at Least 5 Militants - VOA

Israeli Drone Strike Kills Militants in Southern Gaza - NYT

Airstrikes and Rockets Kill 10 in the Gaza Strip - LAT

Israel Trades Fire With Gaza's Islamic Jihad, 10 Dead - Reuters

Israel and Gaza Militants Exchange Fire, 7 Killed - AP

Militants Killed in Gaza Strikes - BBC

Israel, Militants Continue Attacks for Second Day - AP

No Sign of Truce Taking Effect Over Gaza Flare-Up - Reuters

US, EU Scramble to Delay Palestinian Bid to Join UNESCO - Haaretz

Israelis Return to Streets to Protest Prices - AP



Iran Cyber Police Cite US Threat - WP

Iranian Hero Pilot Gets Cold Shoulder - WP


Saudi Arabia

New Saudi Crown Prince Says Kingdom to Remain Stable - Reuters

Saudi Prince Backs Cleric's Bounty Offer for Israeli Soldier - Reuters

Saudi Woman Sentenced to 15 Years for Qaida Links - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Five Killed by Yemen Pro-Government Forces - Reuters

Egypt Mubarak's Trial to Be Postponed Again - Reuters

The Arab Intellectuals Who Didn’t Roar - NYT opinion



Somali Piracy: Armed Guards to Protect UK Ships - BBC


US Department of Defense

Military Works on Making MREs Actually Edible - WP

Navy Cmdr Gets Prison in Rape of 2 Female Officers - AP

Skipper Becomes 21st Fired by Navy in 2011 - S&S

The Bloated Nuclear Weapons Budget - NYT editorial


United States

US Northern Border Checks Scaled Back - AP

You Want to Track Me? Here You Go, FBI - NYT opinion


Commonwealth Summit

Commonwealth Leaders Conclude Australian Summit - AP

Human Rights Divides Commonwealth - VOA

UK PM Commonwealth Human Rights Plea - BBC

Commonwealth Agrees to be More Proactive on Human Rights - Reuters

CHOGM Ducks Two-thirds of Agenda - SMH



Kenya to Stay in Somalia Until Safe From Al-Shabab Menace - VOA

Kenya Military Chief: Somalia Incursion Could be Long - LAT

Militants Strike at Troops at Base in Somali Capital - NYT

Militants: Somali-American Bombed AU Base - AP

South Sudan Turns Toward British Heritage - NYT

South Sudanese Rebels Attack Town - BBC

S. Sudan Rebels Threaten Warrap State, Call for Evacuation - Reuters

Child Killed by Police in Congo Electoral Violence - Reuters



Online Hackers Threaten to Expose Cartel's Secrets - HC

Every Day Is 'Day of the Dead' in Mexico Drug War - AP

Mexico: Resort Town Shoppers Trapped by Gunfight - AP


Asia Pacific

China Reshuffles Top Leadership at Financial Regulators - NYT

US Embassy Air Quality Data Undercut China's Assessments - LAT

China Arrests 12,000 in Online Narcotics Crackdown - AP

Defector Floats his Rescue Socks into North Korea - LAT

Thai Soldiers Detained over Mekong River Killings - BBC

Thai Soldiers Surrender Over Killing of 13 Chinese Sailors - Reuters

Thai PM Hopeful Floods Will Spare Most of Bangkok - AP

Peak Tides Test Thai Capital's Flood Defenses - Reuters


Central Asia

Kyrgyzstan Votes for a President, Feeling the Pull of Russia - NYT

Kyrgyzstan Votes for New President - BBC

Kyrgyz Election to Test Revolutionary Reforms - Reuters



Russia Clamps Down on Opposition - WP

US Lawmakers Warn Obama Over Russia's WTO Bid - Reuters

15 Arrested After Shooting at US Embassy in Bosnia - VOA

Serbia, Bosnia Raid Islamists After US Embassy Attack - Reuters

Bosnia Raids After US Embassy Attack - AP

Panetta Orders Military Support for Turkey Earthquake Relief - AFPS

For Kurds in Turkey, a Country’s Conflict Rends Families - NYT

Suicide Bomber Strikes Turkey's Southeast - VOA

Suicide Bomber Kills 2 Amid Turkish Crackdown on Kurds - NYT

Suicide Bomber in Turkey Kills 2, Wounds 12 - AP

Ukraine Investigating ex-PM in Murder Case - AP

Higgins Elected Irish President - BBC

Higgins Voted New Irish President - AP

Conservative, Leftist Up for Bulgaria Presidency - AP

A Look at Bulgaria's Presidential Candidates - AP


South Asia

Protests Awaken a Goliath in India - NYT

Dozens Feared Dead after India Bridge Collapses - BBC

Salami Slices, Cheese Spread and Kool-Aid: A Recipe for Anorexic Organizations

Sat, 10/29/2011 - 6:57am

As the specter of serve budget reductions become reality, leaders at all levels will face tough choices; what to keep, what must go, what to cut back--what will and will not get done.  Many leaders will meet the challenge head-on; others will equivocate and ultimately decide to not decide.  This article is dedicated to the later group of leaders, to those military members in positions of authority who will hide behind a facade of equality and fairness, in order to keep from truly making a choice.  When a leader makes a choice, when they commit, they might be proven wrong or criticized.  Fiscal decisions are particularly difficult because emotions can run high when careers are on the line.  So what might we expect?  You might see some of the following meals being served.

Salami Slices

The “salami slice” is favorite technique of leaders who want to “spread the pain” evenly.  This approach avoids the hard work of prioritizing what is critical (committing) and what is not.  It also sidesteps personal culpability by taking the fairest course of action given the circumstances.  The salami slice might be fair, but it is also indiscriminate in its effects. By cutting all organizations a determined amount (5 %), all are degraded the same degree; critical functions and non-critical functions are treated the same, albeit fairly. Once the “slicing” begins, it is hard to stop.  As Daniel Goure, an analyst for the Lexington Institute, suggested in a recent Washington Times article,  “If you do what you did the last time—which is essentially salami slice, take bits and pieces from everything and everybody—then you are essentially going back to where you were after Vietnam and at the end of the Cold War drawdown.  Too many missions.  Too many deployments.  Not enough stuff.  Not enough people.”[i]  In turn, higher level commanders will slice all below them and then lower level commanders will tend to pass on the slice reductions to their own organizations.

There is an appropriate time for the Salami Slice approach. If there is excess fat in all areas of the organizational carcass, then it is an absolutely appropriate technique to trim the fat—salami slices will not sustain and organization in the long term.  Once the organization has become lean, then it is time to set priorities and makes some hard decisions.       

Cheese Spread

If predictions hold true, fiscal cuts will be severe. Budget reductions will begin small and increase over the next decade.  As moral starts to wane, leaders will espouse slogans in order to rally the troops around the fiscal realities. As a young Captain in the 1980’s, I was told that we would “fight outnumbered and win” and “we will do more with less.”  We all knew we would do less with less, but leaders seemed to feel better when they had a slogan to espouse. Those of us who did not have to make the hard decisions (but had to live by them) called this rhetoric “spreading the cheese.” It really did not help, but it was interesting to watch. My guess is that leaders, at some point, will resort to spreading cheese once again. I am sure the cheese will be of higher quality, maybe something in the vein of “we will become more efficient” or “we will leverage technology.”  While I’m sure there is waste and I know we can be more efficient; part of being efficient is determining what is important and what is not.  Even the best of cheese spreads will not compensate for massive budget cuts and poor fiscal decisions.


Organizations, military organizations included, cannot survive exclusively on salami slices and cheese spread. In fact, over time, any organization will become anorexic on such a diet.  Organizations, like people, require sound nourishment to prosper; consequently, do not drink the Kool-Aid!  If a leader cannot adequately feed (fund) an entire organization, then cuts-- real cuts-- are required.  If leaders are worth their salt, then they will make the difficult decisions, trimming away what is not required in order to feed and nourish the parts of the organizations that are critical to the core mission—unpleasant business, but absolutely essential.

 A Healthy Diet

A fiscally constrained, but healthy diet begins with a generous portion of resolve.  Leaders must resolute to establish priorities, make hard decisions, and then follow through.  Add to this organizationally healthy menu a side dish of critical thinking.  As Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta recently stated in his two-page, October 17 memo to Ashton Carter, his newly appointed Deputy Defense Secretary, “In this unprecedented fiscal and budgetary environment, we must focus on maintaining the best military in the world and avoid hollowing out our all-volunteer force, while also meeting our obligations to help get our nation’s economic house in order.”[ii]  Before priorities can be established, a critical analysis and assessment of organizational mission, activity, and resources is vital.  If activities do not directly support the organization’s mission, then they are “hollow calories” and should be placed on the table for consumption.

A dessert of “vision” tops off this culinary adventure.  People get nervous once reductions begin. It is the role of the leader to provide a vision that sends the message, just as Robert D. Cabana, Director of the John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) did in his Director’s Planning Guidance, “We have some uncertainty; nevertheless, we are moving forward on what we can control.  Drawing on our rich heritage, we are making groundbreaking decisions that are defining the next era of spaceflight.  Everything KSC has accomplished has prepared us for there we are going…So let’s accept the challenge and take the opportunity to lead, to make a difference, to achieve great things.”[iii]  Cuts, reorganization and reductions, without a vision, are a recipe for organizational indigestion.  Indigestion is this case meaning that one day you will come to work to discover an essential function is no longer viable.

The Meat of the Issue

The meat of the fiscal issue is that cheese spreads have no nutritional value; “units do not do more with less.” In fact, the ugly truth is people and organizations do less with less.  It is the role of the leader to cull the wheat from the chaff and determine what the “less” actually is. Good leaders will rise to the challenge and do more than cut.  They will become creative and find new ways to accomplish the mission; they will in effect teach their organizations to eat properly.  In lean times leaders become nutritionists; they eat their peas, avoiding salami slices, cheese spread and Kool-Aid diets. 

[i] Duane Goure as quoted in Rowan Scarborough, “Liberals see Opportunity fro Big Cuts in defense,” Washington Times, 18 July 2011. Sc

[ii] Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta as quoted by Jason Sherman, “Panetta Outlines DoD Prioroties, Issues Personal Endorsement of Carter’s Authority,”, 18 October 2011.

[iii] Robert D. Cabana, Director’s Planning Guidance 2011, 7 Oct 2011.


29 October SWJ Roundup

Sat, 10/29/2011 - 3:55am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Report Cites Security Progress in Afghanistan - AFPS

Pentagon Report: Security Improved in Afghanistan - VOA

Report: Afghanistan Security Better, but Barriers Remain - AP

NATO Commander Cites Continued Progress in Afghanistan - AFPS

US Troops to Begin Leaving Kandahar - WP

NATO: 30 Insurgents Killed in Eastern Afghanistan - AP

Afghan Flight Medics Get Training from the Ground Up - S&S

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS

US Army Sergeant to be Tried for Afghan Sport Killings -CNN



US: Insurgent Safe Havens in Pakistan Big Threat - Reuters



40 Killed Across Syria in Deadliest Friday Since May - NYT

Syrian Forces Kill 40, Protesters Urge Protection - Reuters

Syria’s Leaders Confident Amid Polarization - WP

Syrian Opposition Struggles to Unite - AP

Arab League: Syria 'Must Stop' Civilian Deaths - BBC

Arab League Sends 'Urgent Message' to End Violence - Reuters

Syria Protesters Reportedly Demand 'No Fly' Zone - LAT

Syria Protesters Urge No-fly Zone - BBC

Syrian Security Forces Fire on Rallies, Killing 30 - AP

Diplomats: Syria Nuke Probe Stalled - AP



West Sees Libya as Ripe at Last for Businesses - NYT

NATO to End Mission in Libya Next Week - VOA

ICC in Indirect Talks With Qaddafi Son, Prosecutor Says - NYT

Gaddafi Son Saif al-Islam in Contact with ICC - BBC

Mercenaries Offered to Help Kadafi's Son Flee, Court Says - LAT

ICC Warns Libya's Saif Al-Islam Against Fleeing - Reuters

Gaddafi Son 'to Prove Innocence' - BBC

Libyan Fighters to Receive US Medical Treatment - AFPS

Libyans Want Back Property Confiscated by Gadhafi - AP



Tunisia's Islamist Party Begins to Form Coalition Government  - VOA

Some Tunisians Concerned About Ruling Islamist Party's Aims - VOA

Tunisia's Islamists 'Reaffirm Commitment to Women' - BBC

Tunisian Tempers Flare in Birthplace of Arab Spring - NYT

Tunisian Islamist Leader Seeks Calm After Unrest - AP



Egypt Protesters Demand That Army Quit Power - Reuters

Activists: Prisoner Killed in Egypt - WP

Egyptian Activists Say Prisoner Tortured to Death - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Israeli Prisoner Swap May be Prelude to Attack on Iran - WT

Palestinian Leader: Arabs Erred on 1947 Partition - AP

Abbas Faults Arab Refusal of 1947 U.N. Palestine Plan - Reuters

UNESCO to Vote on Monday on Palestinian Entry - Reuters

Baghdad Bombings Toll Rises to 36 - BBC

Car Bomb in Aden Kills Yemeni Counterterrorism Chief - NYT

Car Bomb Kills Senior Yemen Policeman - Reuters

Morocco Bomber Sentenced to Die - BBC


US Department of Defense

US 5-year Defense Budget to Count $250-260 Billion in Cuts - Reuters

Dempsey: Troops Mission-focused Despite Budget Worries - AFPS

Pentagon Shifts Away from Controversial Fuel Contract -WP


United States

US Intel Spending Nears a High-Water Mark - WP

US Intelligence Agencies Tightening their Belts - AP

Witnesses Testify Russian Arms Trafficker Was Eager to Deal - VOA

Judge Orders Jail for Accused Syrian Spy from Va. - AP

Vegas Man Gets 5 Years for Iraq Weapons Conspiracy - AP

Trooper Testifies about Jihad Materials in Home - AP

Secret Stories of Very Public Men - WP opinion



Redrawing the World’s Oil Map - WP

Groups Urge G20 Not to Ignore Development Agenda - Reuters



US Denies Role in Kenya's Somalia Operation - LAT

Kenyan Sentenced to Life in Prison for Grenade Attacks - VOA

Sudanese Flee Blue Nile Aerial 'Bombing' - BBC

Rights Group Urges DRC Candidates to Stop Hate Speech - VOA



21 People Die in Series of Shootouts in Mexico - AP

10 Alleged Gunmen Killed in Mexican Army Shootout - AP

New Rules for Dictatorship Crimes in South America - AP

Haitian Lawmaker Released From Jail Amid Protests - AP


Asia Pacific

US, S. Korea to Increase Defense Posture Against N. Korea - VOA

US, South Korean Defense Chiefs Cite Strategic Progress - AFPS

China Unveils Supercomputer Based on Its Own Chips - NYT

China Defines Terrorism to Win Global Support - AP

Thai Floodwaters Enter Bangkok’s Grand Palace - VOA

Thailand: Floodwaters Menace Bangkok’s Grand Palace - NYT

Thailand: Bangkok Flood Defenses Put to Test -USAT

Burma's Suu Kyi Could Seek Parliament Seat - Reuters



Europe Seeks Investment From China in Rescue of Euro - NYT

In Greece, Anger at Germany and EU - NYT

Sarkozy Warns France of New Economic Reality - NYT

Spain's Former Colonies Now 'Part of the Solution' - AP

Russia Hears an Argument for Web Freedom - WP

Russia Successfully Tests Bulava Ballistic Missile - AP

Peace Deal With Basque Separatists Still Tentative - NYT

Bosnia: Gunman Fires at US Embassy in Sarajevo - NYT

Terrorist Attack Outside US Embassy in Bosnia - AP

Turkey's Post-Quake Relief Races Against Winter - Reuters

US Military Provides Aid to Turkey - AP

Labour Candidate Ahead in Irish Vote - NYT