Small Wars Journal

10 November SWJ Roundup

Thu, 11/10/2011 - 7:47am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP

Happy Birthday Marines!


Afghan President, ISAF Chief Condemn Insurgent Attacks - AFPS

Taliban Driven Back from US Base - WP

Afghan Soldier Attacks Australian Trainers - NYT

UK Soldier Killed in Afghanistan - BBC

Uncertain Times for Afghan Neighbors - WT opinion



Analyst: Few Options on Iran's Nuclear Aims - VOA

Western Powers Warn of New Sanctions if Iran Ignores Nuclear Concerns - VOA

West Seeks New Iran Sanctions Over Nuclear Report - Reuters

UN Report Spurs Israeli Call for Tougher Sanctions Against Iran - VOA

Israeli Rips Europe for Iran 'Appeasement' - WT

Russia Dismisses Calls for New U.N. Sanctions on Iran - NYT

Russia Rejects New Iran Sanctions - BBC

China Says Sanctions No 'Fundamental' Answer on Iran - Reuters

Options for Iran Oil Sanctions Face Economic Risks - AP

Iran Escalates Anti-US Rhetoric Over Nuclear Report - NYT

Iran's Top Leader Warns US, Israel Against Strike - AP

Iranians Fear Sanctions, Not War, After UN Report - Reuters

UK: Iran Nuclear Standoff Enters More Dangerous Phase - Reuters

Iran Marches On - WP editorial



At Least 26 Killed in Syria - NYT

Syrian Troops Kill Eight in Damascus - Reuters

Opposition's Divisions Showing at Arab League Meeting - LAT

Syria Opposition Wants International Observers - Reuters

Arab League Finds Limits to Pressure on Syria - VOA

US Official: Syria’s Assad is Banking on Violence - WP

US: Some Arab Leaders Offered Haven for Assad - Reuters

Egg Attack on Syrians in Cairo Is Sign of Schism - AP



New Libyan PM Seeks Cash, Reassures Fighters - Reuters

Major Economic Steps by New Libya Leaders Unlikely - AP

Libyan Arms Smugglers Killed in Clash - WP

'Torture Threat' for Libya ex-PM - BBC

Niger 'Blocks Libyan Convoy' - BBC


Israel / Palestinians

Palestinians Resigned to Defeat in UN Bid - AP

Israel Police: New Attack on Palestinian Property - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Lebanese Fear Syria's Violence May Spill Over - NYT

Experts: State Dept. Unprepared to Oversee Contracting in Iraq - FT

UN Envoy to Make New Push for Yemen Power Transfer - Reuters

Blast Hits Gas Pipeline Between Egypt, Jordan, Israel - Reuters

France Is Sending North African Graduates Home - NYT

Ahead of Egypt’s Vote, Parties and Skepticism Grow - NYT


US Department of Defense

Pentagon Battle Concept Signals Cold War Posture on China - WT

Remains of War Dead Dumped in Virginia Landfill - WP

Air Force Mortuary Sent Troop Remains to Landfill - NYT

Panetta Orders Review of Dover Mortuary Operations - AFPS

Air Force Leaders Take Responsibility for Dover Errors - AFPS

DOD Monitors Supply System to Prevent Counterfeit Parts - AFPS

Annual Cost to House a Captive at Guantanamo Bay $800,000 - McClatchy

Accused Al-Qaeda Leader is Arraigned in USS Cole Bombing - NYT

USS Cole Bombing Defendant Arraigned - WP

USS Cole Suspect Faces Tribunal - BBC

Saudi Arraigned at Guantanamo in USS Cole Attack - AP

Nashiri Reserves Plea in USS Cole Bombing Case - AFPS

Inside the Ring - WT


United States

Experts: State Dept. Unprepared to Oversee Contracting in Iraq - FT

Americans Need Proof of Dead Villain - WT opinion



Rights Group, Experts Urge Careful Response to Nigeria Violence - VOA

Police: Turmoil Again Hits North Nigeria Town - AP

US Cancels Warning on Nigeria Capital Hotels - AP

Somali Lawmaker Killed in Mogadishu Shooting - NYT

UN Sees Violent Congo Election as Police Take Sides - Reuters

Unruly Election Campaign Mirrors Congo’s Political Instability - NYT

Vote Counting Underway in Liberia - VOA

8 Gbagbo Allies to Be Released in Ivory Coast - AP

Youth Leader Is Disciplined in South Africa - NYT

South Africa's ANC Suspends Its Youth Leader - AP



Activists Accuse Mexico’s Military, Police of Torture - WP

Widely Praised Mexico Marines Commit Abuses, Group Says - LAT

Report: Mexico Commits Rights Abuse in Drug War - AP

Mexico Troops 'Committing Abuses' - BBC

Mexico: Angels Rushing In Where Others Fear to Tread - NYT

Mexico City Mayor Calls Drug Policy 'Schizophrenic' - LAT

7 Bodies Found on Sports Field in Mexican Village - AP

Mexican Man Apparently Killed for Web Comments - AP

Brazil Police Nab Rio's Most-Wanted Trafficker - AP

Pope May Visit Cuba, Mexico Next Spring - AP

Clashes in Streets as Chilean Students Protest - AP

Cuban Official Says Corruption Crackdown to Go On - Reuters

Cuba: Mariela Castro and Yoani Sanchez Get into Twitter Row - WP

Castro's Daughter, Blogger in Twitter Spat - AP

Cuba's Capitalist Road - LAT editorial

Haiti Pro-Army Group Frustrated With President - AP


Asia Pacific

China Looks Across Asia and Sees New Threats - Reuters

China Will Patrol Mekong With Southeast Asian Neighbors - NYT

US and China on Brink of Trade War Over Solar Power - NYT

Renegade China Soldiers 'Killed' - BBC

Report Says Chinese Police Shoot 3 Soldiers Dead - AP

Asia Pacific Leaders to Tackle Free Trade, Tariffs - VOA

Japan: Leader’s Strategy: Talk Less to the Press - WP

Philippines Grounds OV-10’s After Crash - AP



Europe's Economic Crisis Intensifies - VOA

Eurozone's Growth 'Has Stalled' - BBC

Support for Euro Risks Splitting EU - NYT

Euro Zone Failure Could Be Vast Geopolitical Shock - Reuters

French and Germans Explore Idea of Smaller Euro Zone - Reuters

Euro Fears Spread to Italy as the Debt Crisis Deepens - NYT

Italy Pushed Closer to Financial Brink - NYT

Italian Debt Enters Danger Zone - BBC

More Commitment, Cash Needed to Rescue Italy - Reuters

Greek Leaders Resume Talks on Interim Government - NYT

Greek Government Talks Deadlocked - BBC

Spain Paying the Price of Regional Overspending - LAT

EU Poised to Overtake US as Biggest Oil Importer - NYT

EU to Tighten Web Privacy Law, Risking Trans-Atlantic Dispute - NYT

Georgia and Russia Sign Trade Deal - NYT

Russian Deal With Georgia Opens Way to WTO - Reuters

NATO Says Georgia Polls Key Tests for Membership Ambitions - Reuters

Former Moscow Mayor Returns to Russia - NYT

German-Afghan Charged With Al-Qaida Membership - AP

Serb Given 18 Years for Murder and Rape in Bosnian War - Reuters


South Asia

Indian Court Convicts 31 Over Muslim Deaths in 2002 - NYT

India Court Sentences 31 People to Life for Killing Muslims - LAT

Pakistan, India Herald New Era of Dialogue - Reuters

India PM Calls for New Chapter in Pakistan Relations - AP

Marine Corps Forces Command Blog

Wed, 11/09/2011 - 8:22pm

Marine Corps Forces Command Blog crossed the LOD today:

Welcome Aboard

Before I begin digging into specific issues, I think it useful to offer a brief explanation of why I’ve decided to start blogging in the first place.  It will help you understand where I’m coming from, and what to expect from me when you engage here.

I recently have come to appreciate blogs as a way a leader can share his thoughts while also collecting feedback from a broad group with a wide variety of perspectives.  I’ve been particularly impressed with the United States Fleet Forces Command Blog started by Admiral J.C. Harvey, and my goal here is to pursue a similar course.

I plan to use the Marine Corps Forces Command Blog to offer my perspective on a variety of issues – from topics as broad as the future of the Marine Corps, to personal observations on leadership.  At times, I will open these ruminations to comment in the interests of meaningful two-way communication.   Other times, I will not.  (It’s my blog, I can do that.)

When I do open a post for comment, what I’m looking for from you is straight-forward input that will help us all learn, grow and accomplish our assigned missions.  If you need to a guided tour of what I’m not looking for – you can find that in the ROE.

One topic you will see me posting on regularly for the next few months is the Bold Alligator (BA12) exercise, which occurs in the first two weeks of February 2012.  But my focus will not be solely on BA12, and I invite you to offer issues that you would like me to address in future posts.  If you have one, just drop it in the Amnesty Box and I’ll consider it.  I won’t get to them all, but I will offer this advice:  Thoughtful, well-intentioned input is more likely to get my attention than whining.

Semper Fidelis,


LtGen Dennis J. Hejlik, Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command


Tip 0' hat to Phil Ridderhof for the recon pull.

9 November SWJ Roundup

Wed, 11/09/2011 - 5:20am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Afghanistan Clash 'Kills Dozens of Taliban' in Paktika - BBC

Up to 60 Afghan Taliban Killed in NATO Base Attack - Reuters

Afghan Soldier Shoots 3 Diggers - ABC

Afghan Soldier Seriously Wounds 3 Australians - AP

Coalition Commander Condemns Insurgent Attacks - AFPS

Roadside Bomb Kills 11 in Western Afghanistan - NYT

With an Eye on 2014, India Steps Up Afghan Role - Reuters

They Can Do It - WS opinion



Pakistani Leader Vows Operations Against Haqqanis - AP

US Commission: Pakistan Schools Teach Hindu Hatred - AP

Pakistan Hit by Flood Cash Crisis - BBC

Aid Running Out for Pakistan Flood Victims - AP



Small Wars Journal Iran / IAEA Roundup - SWJ

IAEA Report on Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program - IAEA

UN Details Case That Iran Is at Work on Nuclear Device - NYT

UN Has ‘Serious Concerns’ on Iran’s Nuclear Weapon Program - WP

UN’s IAEA: Iran Nuclear Program Raises 'Serious Concerns - LAT

Watchdog Reveals Iran’s Nuclear Arms Work - WT

UN Links Iran to Nuclear Weapons - BBC

Red Alert Over Iran's Secret Nuke Program - USAT

UN Reports Iran Work 'Specific' to Nuke Arms - AP

UN Says Iran Worked on Nuclear Bomb Design - Reuters

IAEA's Most Alarming Findings on Iran's Nuclear Program - FP

Report Draws Muted Response From White House - NYT

Report May Complicate Denials by Iran - NYT

Iran Seeks Moscow and Beijing to Buffer Pressures - AP

China Warns of Turmoil Over Iran, Mute on Sanctions - Reuters

China Reticent on Iran Nuclear Report - AP

France Warns Iran of 'Unprecedented' Sanctions - Reuters

Ahmadinejad: Iran Won't Retreat From Nuclear Path - AP

Iran Says IAEA Report 'Politically Motivated' - Reuters

In Israel, Talk of a Strike on Iran Sparks Public Debate - LAT

Israeli Minister Stresses Military Readiness - NYT

Israeli Minister Warns Iran Strike Is Possible - AP

Israel’s Barak Plays Down Cost of Iran Strike - WP

Israel's Barak Plays Down Talk of War With Iran - Reuters

Iran Guard Says Will Retaliate if Leaders Killed - AP

Out of the Closet: Tehran’s Nukes - WT editorial

To Stop Iran, Lean On China - NYT opinion

Five Reasons Why Obama Won't Bomb Iran - RCW opinion



Death Toll in Syria Mounts as Government Assault Continues - NYT

Syria Marchers Show Support for Homs - LAT

Syria Death Toll 'Passes 3,500' - BBC

UN Says 3,500 Dead So Far in Syria Uprising - AP

Syria and the Arab League - NYT editorial



Long-Awaited Apology for Shiites, but Wounds Run Deep - NYT

Independent Kurds Can Live Within Iraq, Leader Says - WT

US Turns to More Private Contractors - WP

With Camera, Iraqi Boy Celebrates Life - WP


Israel / Palestinians

Palestinian Bid for U.N. Membership Faces Near-Certain Defeat - NYT

Report Says No Consensus on Palestinian UN Bid - AP

In Overheard Comments, Sarkozy Calls Netanyahu a ‘Liar’ - NYT

Sarkozy Called Israeli PM a 'Liar' - BBC

Report Says No Consensus on Palestinian UN Bid - AP


Middle East / North Africa

New Libya Faces Mountain of Grievances - AP

Arms Control in Libya - AP

Tunisia to Extradite Libya ex-PM - BBC

Tunisian Court Orders Ex-Libyan PM Extradited - AP

Yemeni Official: Army Kills at Least 10 Militants - AP


US Department of Defense

Dover Air Force Base Faces Mortuary Scandal - WP

Probe Finds Body Parts Mishandled at Air Force Mortuary - WSJ

Air Force Officials Disciplined Over Handling of Human Remains‎ - NYT

Air Force Morgue Lost Body Parts from War Dead - AP

Remains of US War Dead Lost at Dover Morgue - AFP

Air Force Admits Some Missteps at Dover Mortuary - CNN

Air Base 'Lost US Troop Remains' - BBC

Mishandling of Remains Sparks Anger - WP

Guantanamo Detainees Cleared for Release but Left in Limbo - WP

Cole Bombing Suspect's Guantanamo Trial to Begin - LAT

Panetta Urges Leadership in Budget Decisions - AFPS

Lawmakers: ‘Clear and Present Danger’ in Counterfeit Parts - WT

Missile Agency Guards Against Counterfeit Parts - AFPS

The Way to Respond to China - LAT opinion


United States

Holder: Fast and Furious ‘Flawed’ in Many Ways - WT

Government Fines Jailed Border Patrol Agent’s Family - WT

Immigrant Detainees Deserve Lawyers - LAT editorial

America at a Global Crossroads - WT opinion


United Kingdom

British Minister: Relaxed Border Checks Not Risky - AP



In Africa, New Radios Help Fight US-Hunted Militia - AP

Nigeria Arrests Sect Suspects After Dozens Killed - Reuters

South Sudan Oil Production Drops - BBC

Liberia Tense as Presidential Runoff Vote Starts - NYT

Liberians Vote Despite Protests - BBC

Liberian Presidential Poll Marred by Boycott - AP

Early Voting Slow in Liberia's Troubled Run-Off - Reuters

16 Wounded in Violence Ahead of Congo Election - AP



Mothers Search for Missing Migrants in Mexico - AP

Colombians Caught in War Long for Reprieve - Reuters

Nicaragua's Ortega: No Dramatic Changes in Store - AP

Bolivia Rules Out US DEA Return - BBC

Bolivia: DEA Not Welcome Back - AP

Haiti Cholera Demand Against UN - BBC

Haiti Group Demands UN Pay for Cholera Outbreak - AP

Raul Castro Names New Cuban Defense Minister - AP

Cuba: Castro Twitter Debut Sparks Spat - BBC


Asia Pacific

China Amps Up R&D Competition with US - WT

US Admiral Says He Worries Most About N. Korea - AP

South Korea Approves Sending Medical Aid to North - NYT

Philippine Talks With Maoist Rebels Hit an Impasse - AP

Thailand: Bangkok Residents Refugees in Their Own Flooded City - NYT

Brutal Prisons Complicate Burma's Reform - Reuters


Central Asia

Tajik Court Seizes Russian Planes, Convicts Pilots - Reuters



Italy’s Berlusconi Loses Majority After Ally Asks Him to Resign - NYT

Italy’s Berlusconi to Resign After Parliament Passes Bill - WP

Italy's Berlusconi to Resign After Economic Reforms Passed - LAT

Italy's Berlusconi Vows to Resign - BBC

Greek Squabbles Delay Selection of New Leader - NYT

Power-Sharing Talks in Greece Drag On - AP

Greek Leaders Strain to Agree Papademos-Led Coalition - Reuters

French Ready for Pain as Debt Reality Bites - Reuters

Russia on Verge of WTO Membership - WP

Russia Expects Progress This Week on WTO Entry - Reuters

Russians Pull Out Political Dirty Tricks - WP

UN War Crimes Prosecutor Visits Serbia - AP


South Asia

With an Eye on 2014, India Steps Up Afghan Role - Reuters

Indian Court Convicts 31 Hindus of Killing Muslims - AP

India Gujarat Rioters Convicted - BBC

Iran and the IAEA Nuclear Weapons Program Report

Tue, 11/08/2011 - 6:43pm

IAEA Official Report on Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program - IAEA

Previous reports by the Director General have identified outstanding issues related to possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme and actions required of Iran to resolve these. Since 2002, the Agency has become increasingly concerned about the possible existence in Iran of undisclosed nuclear related activities involving military related organizations, including activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile, about which the Agency has regularly received new information.

IAEA: ‘Credible’ Information Iran Worked on Nuclear Weapon Design - VOA

The International Atomic Energy Agency says it has “credible” information that Iran has engaged in activities aimed toward the development of nuclear weapons.

In a report released in Vienna Tuesday, the U.N. agency expressed “serious concern” about the information, which it says “indicates” that Iran has worked on a nuclear weapon design, including the “testing of components.”

The United States said the report confirms U.S. concerns and said it may lead the U.S. to impose additional sanctions against Iran.

The report contains the U.N. agency's strongest and most detailed allegations yet of military dimensions to Iran's nuclear program. Iran's Fars news agency says Iranian ambassador to the IAEA Ali Asghar Soltanieh rejected the report as “unbalanced” and “politically-motivated.” Iran has long insisted its nuclear program is aimed at the peaceful generation of energy.

The IAEA report says Iran appears to have carried out nuclear weapons-related activities as part of a “structured” program prior to 2003. It says Iran may still be engaged in relevant research. The IAEA based the report on intelligence forwarded by some member states and material gathered by the agency itself.


UN Details Case That Iran Is at Work on Nuclear Device - NYT

UN Has ‘Serious Concerns’ on Iran’s Nuclear Weapon Program - WP

UN Says Iran Is Working on Nuclear Arms - WSJ

UN’s IAEA: Iran Nuclear Program Raises 'Serious Concerns - LAT

Watchdog Reveals Iran’s Nuclear Arms Work - WT

Report: Iran Nuclear Weapons Work Continued Until 2009 - CSM

Red Alert Over Iran's Secret Nuke Program - USAT

UN Links Iran to Nuclear Weapons - BBC

IAEA Confirms Iran Worked on Building Nuclear Bomb - JP

Iran is Building Nuclear Arms, say UN Inspectors - TT

Report: Iran Developing Nuclear Bombs - CNN

UN: Iran Work 'Specific' to Nuke Arms - Time

Iran May Be Researching Nuclear Warhead, Claims Watchdog - TG

UN Reports Iran Work 'Specific' to Nuke Arms - AP

Iran Sought Miniaturized Design to Fit Missiles - Bloomberg

UN Says Iran Worked on Nuclear Bomb Design - Reuters

IAEA's Most Alarming Findings on Iran's Nuclear Program - FP

Report Draws Muted Response From White House - NYT

Report May Complicate Denials by Iran - NYT

Report Strengthens Suspicions Nuclear Program Not Peaceful - VOA

UN Has Been Ratcheting Up Iran Sanctions - AP

Obama Administration Readies More Iran Sanctions - AP

US: Iran Must Answer Questions Raised by UN Nuclear Report - VOA

More US Sanctions on Iran Likely But Not on Oil/Gas - Reuters

Iran Seeks Moscow and Beijing to Buffer Pressures - AP

China Warns of Turmoil Over Iran, Mute on Sanctions - Reuters

China Reticent on Iran Nuclear Report - AP

France Warns Iran of 'Unprecedented' Sanctions - Reuters

Ahmadinejad: Iran Won't Retreat From Nuclear Path - AP

Iran Accuses West of Concocting Evidence on Nuclear Program - LAT

Iran Says IAEA Report 'Politically Motivated' - Reuters

Israeli Minister Stresses Military Readiness - NYT

Israeli Minister Warns Iran Strike Is Possible - AP

Israel’s Barak Plays Down Cost of Iran Strike - WP

Israel's Barak Plays Down Talk of War With Iran - Reuters

In Israel, Talk of a Strike on Iran Sparks Public Debate - LAT

Russia Warns Israel Against Iran Attack - BBC

Russia Warns Against Military Strike on Iran - Reuters

FM: France Opposes Strike on Iran - Reuters

China Tells Iran to Show Flexibility and Sincerity - AP



Highlights in UN Report on Iran Nuclear Program - Reuters

Instant View: Reaction to IAEA Iran Report - Reuters

Q&A: Iran Nuclear Issue - BBC

Timeline of Iran's Nuclear Dispute with the IAEA - VOA


Editorials / Opinion / News Analysis

The Growing Threat of Iran’s Nuclear Program - WP

Out of the Closet: Tehran’s Nukes - WT

Iran's Relentless Pursuit of Nukes - Forbes

Five Reasons Why Obama Won't Bomb Iran - RCW

To Stop Iran, Lean On China - NYT

Now For a Real Iran Debate - WSJ

IAEA Nuclear Report Strengthens Case Against Iran - BBC

Does the IAEA Really Have the Goods? - TD

Why Iran Might Welcome a Bombing - NYP


Blogs (Includes MSM Blogs)

The Shortest Distance Between Two Points - SWJ

UN Report Cites Secret Nuclear Research by Iran - WP

UN Says Some Of Iran's Work Is 'Specific' To Nuclear Weapons - NPR

Thinking the Unthinkable on Iran - TH

Obama Aide: All Options on Table with Iran - USAT

Can Military Action Stop Tehran? - Time

Lieberman: Military Force Against Iran Must be Considered - TH

Will Iran's Nuclear Capability be an Excuse for Unjust War? - WP

Could New Report Fuel Military Rhetoric? - Time

Warning: The War with (Nuclear) Iran Is Back on the Table - Esquire

Ahmadinejad Warns Against Attack on Nuclear Facilities - VOA

Iran Looks to China, Russia to Break Out of US Sanctions - CNN

Was ElBaradei 'Too Soft' on Iran? - GP




Breathing the Fire

Tue, 11/08/2011 - 4:24pm

AP reporter (and SWJ friend and supporter) Kim Dozier is launching the paperback and e-book of Breathing the Fire this week, about recovering from a car bomb in Iraq five years ago, with her profits going to wounded warrior charities.

She worked to bring out the paperback after requests from wounded warriors, their families, and hospital caregivers for more copies, after the hardback sold out.

The book is fairly gritty and unvarnished about the hospital and recovery process, so hospital staff recommend that loved ones read it to understand what a patient is going through.

Military commanders say the blow-by-blow of the bombing also starts conversations between troops and loved ones about what they’ve seen overseas.

She also want to send a message to Americans who haven’t been in a war zone that troops -- and anyone who has served in a war zone -- are most often stronger because of that trial by fire. That’s a message that’s sometimes muddied by the media’s well-meaning attempts to raise awareness of troops left harmed by war, that obscures the fact that most come home with “post traumatic growth” -- the wisdom and experience that comes from surviving war, and its losses, and injuries.

Kim herself has returned to Afghanistan and Pakistan with The Associated Press, breaking major stories on the CIA and U.S. special operations forces.

Kim writes, “Please order a copy at, and walk in their boots for a while, like I did. It’s a rough journey, but it’s a privilege.

And yes, this weekend, thank a veteran, but even better, please hire a veteran. These are the people you want on your team!”

The shortest distance between two points

Tue, 11/08/2011 - 11:36am

The U.S. Air Force general in charge of training Iraq’s embryonic air force confirmed that Iraqi air space will be unguarded for at least two years after the United States withdraws its forces from the country. Here is an excerpt from a Stars and Stripes article on the subject:

The U.S. general in charge of training Iraq’s fledgling air force said Monday that there are no plans to have American aircraft protect the country’s airspace when U.S. forces depart next month.

The Iraqi air force is in the process of acquiring 18 F-16 fighter jets from the U.S., but the jets and pilots won’t be ready for at least two years, according to Maj. Gen. Russell J. Handy, commander of the 9th Air and Space Expeditionary Task Force-Iraq, and director of the Air Component Coordination Element-Iraq.


“The short answer is there will be a gap, and it will be up to the Iraqis on how they deal with that gap,” Handy said.


“I know of no discussions or arrangements about U.S. help,” Handy said. “We have no authorities or arrangements to defend the (Iraqi) skies.”

This is good news for officers in the Israeli Air Force (IAF) who have been tasked with planning an air campaign against Iran’s nuclear-industrial complex. Such a campaign will be challenging enough for the IAF, with required targets in Iran near the range limits of its aircraft. With the direct line between Israel and Iran left unguarded by the U.S. exit, such an Israeli air campaign, although still an extreme stretch, becomes slightly more feasible.

This situation brings to mind two considerations to ponder. First, time pressures that result from opening and closing windows of opportunity may compel decision-makers to exercise options that they wouldn’t have exercised had those options not faced an expiration date.

Second, we can all understand the political pressures in both Iraq and the United States that resulted in the removal of U.S. ground forces from Iraq. More difficult to understand (from both Iraqi and U.S. perspectives) is why the U.S. will not maintain modest or even occasional combat air patrols over Iraq, until Iraq’s new F-16s are operational. Such U.S. air patrols could have been flown from other bases in the region or by the Navy, at a very modest cost.

U.S. air patrolling over Iraq could reduce the probability of surprise attacks between Israel and Iran. U.S. policymakers are not interested in such patrols. Iraqi policymakers seem fine with this – they are apparently making no alternative arrangements to have their air space patrolled by any other air force.

What does the absence of such patrols imply (if anything) about the strategic calculations of both Iraq and the United States, especially regarding the Iranian nuclear situation?

8 November SWJ Roundup

Tue, 11/08/2011 - 4:41am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Report Says Iran Moving Closer to Nuclear Weapons - VOA

US Cautious on Report on Iran’s Nuclear Program - NYT

UN Has Been Ratcheting Up Iran Sanctions - AP

Iran Used Foreign Expertise for Atom Work - Reuters

In Israel, Talk of a Strike on Iran Sparks Public Debate - LAT

Russia Warns Israel Against Iran Attack - BBC

Russia Warns Against Military Strike on Iran - Reuters

FM: France Opposes Strike on Iran - Reuters

China Tells Iran to Show Flexibility and Sincerity - AP

GOP Field Attacks Obama Foreign Policy With Tough Talk on Iran - NYT

The Growing Threat of Iran’s Nuclear Program - WP opinion

Now For a Real Iran Debate - WSJ opinion

Does the IAEA Really Have the Goods? - TD opinion

Iran's 'Reformers' Stifle True Revolution - CSM opinion

Why Iran Might Welcome a Bombing - NYP opinion



Syrian Troops Escalate Bloody Crackdown in Homs - NYT

Syrian Forces Crush Homs Rebels - WP

Syria Army Seizes Zone, Despite Truce - WSJ

Syrian Activists Declare 'Humanitarian Disaster Area' - LAT

Syrian Forces Reenter Homs as Weekly Death Toll Tops 100 - JP

Syrian Troops Storm Homs District in New Bloodshed - AP

Syrian Opposition Makes Homs Plea - BBC

NATO's Noble Words Go for Naught - NYT opinion



Afghan Base Tests US Exit Plans - WSJ

Roadside Bomb Kills Afghan Police Chief - VOA

Roadside Bomb Kills 11 in West Afghanistan - AP

Life and war in Afghanistan: November 2011  - WP photo coverage



US Put New Restrictions on CIA Drone Strikes in Pakistan - LAT

Pakistan Trains 8,000 to Protect Nuclear Arsenal - AP



USAF General: Iraqi Air Defenses to Have Two-Year ‘Gap’ - S&S

Iraqi Governor Survives Assassination Attempt - NYT

Iraqi Governor Escapes Assassination - AP

Hajj Junket: Iraqis Stew as Officials Go to Hajj - AP

US Empties Biggest Iraq Base, Takes Saddam's Toilet - Reuters


Israel / Palestinians

Dispute Over Jerusalem Engages Court - NYT

Netanyahu Signals Plan to Raze Outposts - WSJ

Palestinians Face Steep Court Fees for “Compensation” - AP

The Last Jew in Zagare - NYT opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Clinton Defends US Stance Against Syria, Bahrain Intervention - WP

Kuwait, US Still Talking About Troop Plan - AP

Arab Spring On the Minds of Hajj Pilgrims - VOA

Yemen: 6 Al-Qaida-Linked Militants Killed in South - AP

Ennahda's Reformist Tunisian Islamism Has Strong Roots - Reuters

Islamists in Power: What Could Go Wrong? - JP opinion

Arab Spring Islamists Aren't All Alike - FP opinion

George W. Bush: Arab Spring's Forgotten Man - McClatchy opinion


US Department of Defense

Pentagon Says New bin Laden Raid Book Gets Details Wrong - S&S

Dempsey Details Vision of 2020 Military Strategy - AFPS

Cyber Chief Says Current Defenses are too Reactionary - S&S

DOD, Industry Address ‘Intense Challenge’ of Cyber Security - AFPS

Chinese Counterfeit Parts Found in US Weapons - WP

Senate Probe Traces Bogus Military Parts to China - WP

Lawmakers Say Counterfeits Flood Pentagon Supply - AP

Say Anything But the Truth - WT editorial

Gauging US Military’s Facts Behind ‘Daily Impact’ Assessment - WP opinion


United States

USAID Touts Role in Blunting Islamic Extremism - WP

Obama Unveils New Slate of Veteran Hiring Initiatives - S&S

Obama Urges Congress to Pass Veterans' Tax Credits - AP

Google Develops Job Search Engine for the US Military - Ubergizmo

Texas Man to Stand Trial on Terrorism Charges - VOA

America’s Unnecessary Secrets - NYT opinion


United Nations

Good Riddance to a Repeat UN Offender - WSJ opinion



Small Signs 'Arab Spring' is Spreading into Africa - CSM

Nigerian Security Hunts Attackers Who Killed More Than 100 - VOA

Heavy Crackdown by Nigeria Military on Muslim Sect - WP

Backlash Likely in Pursuit of Nigeria Militants - AP

Nigeria Dismisses U.S. Embassy's Hotel Bomb Warning - Reuters

Is Nigeria's Militant Group Boko Haram in it for the Cash? - CSM

Kenyan Military Targeting al-Shabab Finances - VOA

Somalis Cautiously Return to Normal Life, and the Beach - NYT

Somali Pirates Defeated by Fishing Crew - BBC

UN, AU: Gunmen Kill Peacekeeper in Sudan Attack - AP

Liberia Incumbent Seen Winning - WSJ

Pre-Election Liberia Protests Turn Violent - NYT

Liberia Poll Protest Turns Deadly - BBC

Deadly Riot Breaks Out in Liberia Day Before Vote - AP

Tanzania 'Detains Congo Soldiers' - BBC

Congo Fury Over Jail Break Threat - BBC

Why Obama Went to War in Uganda - TNR opinion

Population Growth Will Doom Africa - JT opinion



Mexico Says Key Figure in Tijuana Drug Gang Caught - AP

Mexico Apologizes for Not Protecting Slain Women - AP

Former General Wins in Guatemala; Ortega Victor in Nicaragua - WP

Cold War Fighters Win Elections in Central America - Reuters

Nicaragua's Ortega Wins in Landslide - WSJ

Nicaragua's Ortega Heads for Win - BBC

Nicaragua's Ortega Re-elected in a Landslide - AP

Ex-General Wins Guatemala Run-Off - BBC

New Guatemala Leader Faces Tests - WSJ

Bolivia, US Restore Full Diplomatic Ties - AP

Cuba Takes Lead Role in Haiti’s Cholera Fight - NYT

Jimmy Carter: Few Houses Built for Poor Haitians - AP

A 'Human Rights' Swindle in Colombia - WSJ opinion


Asia Pacific

Philippines: In Manila's Streets, Open-Air ID Mills - NYT

Thai Floods Ease in North, Still Threaten Bangkok - VOA

Floods Threaten Bangkok as North Starts to Rebuild - AP

Flood-Plagued Thai PM Cancels Trip to Summit in US - AP

China Says Protests Dalai Lama Visit to Mongolia - AP

China Calls on Japan to Quickly Resolve Fishing Boat Incident - Reuters

Anger in Burma over Chinese Dam Project - WP

Elected Burma Government Offers Taste of Change - AP

Insight-Harrowing Isolation for Activists in Burma's Prisons - Reuters

Ethnic Rioting in Papua New Guinea Leaves 6 Dead - AP

Investing in Chinese Democracy - WP editorial

How Burma Can Show It's Really Changed - WP opinion



European Finance Ministers Face New Greek, Italian Concerns - VOA

In Turmoil, Greece and Italy Deepen Euro Crisis - NYT

Greek Leaders Struggle to Form New Government - NYT

Greek Leaders Struggle to Agree on New Premier - Reuters

Interest Rates on Italian Bonds Pushed to New Levels - NYT

Italy Bond Yields Soar; Euro Zone Troubles Deepen - Reuters

Italy: Berlusconi Increasingly Pressured to Resign - VOA

Italy’s Berlusconi Teeters Amid Debt Crisis - BBC

Italy Debt Crisis Imperils Berlusconi - WP

Pressure Mounts on Italy's Berlusconi to Quit - AP

Berlusconi Dismisses Resignation Reports - NYT

France Unveils Tough Austerity Plan - VOA

French Austerity Measures Aimed at 'New Reality' - NYT

France Forced to Cut Budget Again as Election Looms - Reuters

Russia: Poll Shows Sharp Decline for Putin and His Party - Reuters

Balkans Seeking Around $700 Million for Refugees - AP

Terrorism Suspect on Trial in Germany - AP

Carlos the Jackal, Caged but Combative, on Trial - Reuters

Defiant Carlos the Jackal on Trial in France - AP


South Asia

India Party Urges Top Role for Gandhi - WSJ

The November 2011 Army Irregular Warfare Fusion Cell Newsletter

Mon, 11/07/2011 - 2:30pm

The November 2011 Army Irregular Warfare Fusion Cell Newsletter is on the streets. Notable topics include:

  • Village Stability Operations/Afghan Local Police
  • FM3-24 Revision
  • Building Partner Capacity Update
  • Security Force Assistance Update

From the Director:

The more time I spend in this job, the more I am convinced that much is gained through the regular interaction between Special Operations Forces and General Purpose Forces. SOF operations in the BCT battle space achieve far greater effect when integrated with BCT, Battalion, and Company terrain-owning units. BCT capabilities for firepower, maneuver, communications, and command and control are formidable, and when combined or synchronized with the skill-sets and opportunities of OD-As, constitute an amazing counterterrorism antidote and also counterinsurgency magnifier. Two programs that continue to develop within SOF and GPFs are VSO/ALP and FET. I would appreciate hearing what you have to say about executing operations within these programs and others. Thanks for your service.

Colonel Chadwick W. Clark


An Open Letter to the ‘Young Turks’

Mon, 11/07/2011 - 2:17pm

An Open Letter to the ‘Young Turks’ by LtGen Robert B. Neller, Marine Corps Gazette.

I want to take the opportunity to thank the Gazette for putting me in contact with Maj Peter J. Munson. As a result of his letter in the April issue and my response, we had a conversation on the phone. He also sent me his article, “Back to Our Roots,” published in the April 2011 online version of the Gazette, and we discussed that as well. As I mentioned in my commentary printed in the June Gazette in response to “The Attritionist Letters,” I believe it is better to talk and get things out in the open. Consequently, though I have not changed my view as articulated in the “Rebuttal,” I have considered the views of the good major, along with the captain (Capt Joseph Steinfels), who responded to me in the August Gazette, and many of their peers. I have personally listened to the views of these “Young Turks” in long and sometimes heated discussions over the past few years. The following paragraphs are my view of their views…

Army Seeks Input on Revision to FM 3-24

Mon, 11/07/2011 - 11:23am

Army Seeks Input on Revision to FM 3-24

Since its publication in 2006, FM 3-24/MCWP 3-33.5, Counterinsurgency, has been one of the most widely read and oft-quoted field manuals by military leaders, academic scholars, and policy-makers alike. The manual's enduring principles and fundamentals have guided the operational planning and actions, at all echelons, in our on-going conflicts worldwide.

As the Army undergoes a doctrinal review as part of Doctrine 2015, the Counterinsurgency Center has started the revision process of FM 3-24. Our goal is to produce a field manual that captures the enduring tactics and procedures to guide Army and Marine ground forces, integrated with joint, interagency, and multinational partners, conducting counterinsurgency operations, against future irregular threats, as part of our larger effort to create the conditions for favorable conflict resolution. Simply put, the revised FM 3-24, informed by the many lessons learned after a decade of sustained land combat operations, will allow US ground forces to continue to address irregular threats in an uncertain future.

The Counterinsurgency Center Wants Your Input

This is an Army and Marine Corps field manual, so, decisions on content, writing style, and format are made by the US military. However, the Counterinsurgency Center seeks to engender a collaborative environment that capitalizes on the collective experiences, intellect, and expertise of practitioners, scholars, and agency partners, to create the best doctrinal guide for our ground forces.

Please provide your informed comments by filling out our questionnaire, writing on our blog, or simply contacting us here.