Small Wars Journal

Counterinsurgency Doctrine: In Context

Tue, 11/29/2011 - 7:23am

Dr. David Ucko, no stranger to this community as author of the highly regarded The New Counterinsurgency Era (Georgetown University Press), has the lead article in the forthcoming issue of the interagency journal PRISM.  That journal is produced by the Center for Complex Operations, located onboard National Defense University (NDU).  David is a professor at NDU’s College of International Security Affairs, an institution borne out of 9/11 and extensively devoted to research and instruction in irregular warfare, counter-terrorism, and homeland defense.

Dr. Ucko’s superb article merits serious attention in the Small Wars community and particularly among those debating the merits of and necessary refinements to counterinsurgency doctrine in the contemporary battlespace.  David calls American counterinsurgency doctrine a “concept” in crisis and in need of further debate.   Professor Ucko claims that there is widespread frustration over the attempt to use counterinsurgency doctrine to stabilize Afghanistan.  He notes the counter-narratives to the simple notion that the Army/Marine counterinsurgency theory saved Iraq (and U.S. support) from the brink of disaster in 2007 in “The Surge.”  Finally, he addresses the lack of appetite for “large-scale and protracted military operations to build nations, unify states, and establish legitimate and competent governments” as “undertakings that, even if workable, run counter to the fiscal realities facing the West today.”

Thus, as the small number of prolific critics argue, counterinsurgency doctrine “is naïve in its assumptions, unworkable in its requirements, and arrogant in its unfounded claims of prior success.”

He goes on to put the development of counterinsurgency theory and doctrine into context within the larger U.S. defense agenda.  He notes that counterinsurgency theory and principles have repeatedly helped illustrate the complexity of intrastate violence and its distinctiveness from the “conventional” types of military campaigns for which most Western armed forces are structured and trained.”  It arose not out of a desire to fix Failed States by what some called “failed thinking” but because our senior civilian and/or military leaders had to face the reality that our armed forces were myopically invested in preferences and illusions rather than the real security problems of the day.

Dr. Ucko’s book and this article show that he is an astute observer of American strategic culture.  He goes on to note how our most recent “counterinsurgency era” was motivated by a previous failure to grapple with the political complexities of war in the 1990s during the debate over the so-called Revolution in Military Affairs and subsequently, Transformation.  Echoing arguments made by LtGen Paul K. Van Riper, USMC (and subsequently by Dr. Fred Kagan and H.R. McMaster in the U.S. Army), Ucko finds that “U.S. military thinking was marked by a highly conventional and apolitical understanding of war, epitomized by the program of “defense transformation” and burdened by a “fascination with information technology and precision-strike capabilities” and “airstrikes, drones, computers, and satellites dispensing force swiftly, precisely, and decisively.”  This limited understanding of war, past and present, provided scant preparation for the real world. 

I will leave Dr. Ucko’s worthy contribution to this serious community of practitioners to debate.  Is COIN a concept or a doctrine, is it mature or in need of adaptation, or is it simply a divisive theory searching for relevance or are we once again reverting to form, searching for pristine or apolitical solutions to complex or wicked problems? 

Frank Hoffman is a retired Marine, now serving at the Institute for National Strategic Studies at NDU as a Senior Research Fellow and Director of NDU Press.

29 November SWJ Roundup

Tue, 11/29/2011 - 7:13am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Accounts of Clash Differ; Fraying Ties May Harm Exit Strategy - WP

Military Looks at Supply Routes Away from Pakistan - S&S

Postwar US-Afghanistan Ties Expected to Remain Rocky - LAT

Militants Turn to Death Squads in Afghanistan - NYT

Allen Welcomes Latest Stage of Afghanistan Transition - AFPS

40,000 Troops to Leave Afghanistan by End of 2012 - AP

Afghan $12 Billion Training Cost Will Have to Be Shared - Reuters

NATO Retrains Troops After Afghan Civilian Deaths - AP

Afghan Woman Jailed for Being Raped Aims to Change Law - Reuters

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



US Central Command to Investigate Killing of Pakistani Troops - LAT

US Central Command to Lead Pakistan Investigation - AFPS

Pakistan Strike Probe Report Due Next Month - AFP

Fatal NATO Raid in Pakistan Likely a Case of Mistaken ID - AP

Afghans Say Commando Unit was Attacked Before Airstrike - WP

Anger Builds Against US as Pakistan Mulls Action Over Attack - NYT

Pakistan PM: No More 'Business as Usual' With US - Reuters

Pakistan to Boycott Meeting Over Deadly NATO Raid - AP

Pakistan Denies Provoking Attack - BBC

NATO Raid in Pakistan Undercuts Rapprochement - AP

Kashmir: Residents See Experiment with Autonomy as 'Illusion'  - CSM

What Happened on the Border? - NYT editorial

Bordering on Defeat - WT editorial



13 Killed in Car Bombing Outside Baghdad Prison - NYT

Suicide Car Bomber Kills 19 Outside Prison in Iraq - AP

Suicide Bomber Hits Iraq Military Base, 19 Dead - Reuters

Turkey Considers Iraq as Alternative Trade Route - AP



Iran Moves Quickly to Downgrade Ties with Britain - NYT

Iran Rushes Through Law Expelling British Ambassador - Reuters

EU Preparing More Sanctions on Iran - Reuters

Mystery Explosion Rocks Iran City - TT

Sound of Blast Reported in Iran's Isfahan City - Reuters

On Pins and Needles and Missiles in Tehran - WT opinion



Voting Continues in Egypt's Landmark Elections - VOA

Egyptian Polls Enter Second Day - BBC

Voting in Historic Egyptian Elections Enters Second Day - NYT

Egyptians Crowd Polling Stations - BBC

Egyptians Head to the Polls - WP

In Egypt, Long Lines for a Vote Clouded by Army’s Role - NYT

Calm But Enthusiastic, Millions Vote in Egypt - TT

Egypt Voters Endure Long Lines at Polls - LAT

For Many Voters, Finally an Election that Matters  - CSM

Egypt: Conflicting Emotions Behind a 1st-Time Vote - AP

Egypt's Post-Mubarak Poll Peaceful, High Turnout - Reuters

Hope Glimmers in Long Lines at Polls in Cairo - NYT

In Egypt, Ultra-Islamists Make Election Debut - AP

Egypt Police: Killing Sparks Sectarian Clash - AP

Analysis: New Parliament to Shake Up Egypt Power Balance - Reuters

Egypt's Overbearing Military - LAT editorial

Democracy Denied? - WP opinion

In Bleak Cairo, a Call for Optimism - NYT opinion



UN Commission: Syrian Forces Committed 'Crimes Against Humanity' - VOA

UN Report Condemns Syria - WP

UN Panel Accuses Syria of Gross Human Rights Violations - LAT

Syria 'Committed Crimes Against Humanity' - BBC

Security Forces Have Killed at Least 256 Children - TT

UN: Syrian Forces Killed, Tortured 256 Children - AP

Syria Sanctioned and Condemned for 'Brutality' - Reuters

Germany: UN Should Endorse Syria Sanctions - AP

Turkey Raises Syria Military Option, Russia Urges Caution - Reuters

Arab League Sanctions Could Hurt Syria's Regional Standing, Economic Agenda - VOA

Syrian Government Days 'Numbered' - BBC

Syria Calls Arab League Sanctions ‘Economic War’ - NYT


Middle East / North Africa

Jordan’s King Plays Host to Israel’s President - NYT

Israeli President Makes Surprise Visit to Jordan - AP

Rockets from Lebanon Hit Israel - BBC

Military: 3 Rockets From Lebanon Strike Israel - AP

Kuwait PM Resigns after Protests - BBC

Kuwait Government Resigns - Reuters

Kuwait Government Resigns, But Stays as Caretakers - AP

Jailed UAE Activists 'Pardoned' - BBC

5 UAE Convicted Reform Activists Freed From Jail - AP

Bahrain Security Chief Replaced - BBC

Bahrain Postpones Protesters' Death Penalty Appeal - AP

UN: Libya Ex-Rebels 'Hold 7,000' - BBC

UN: Ex-Rebels Still Hold 7,000 People in Libya - AP

Libyan Clerics Back Disarmament of Ex-Rebels - AP

Libya Says Ex-Deputy PM Suspect in General's Killing - Reuters

1st Military Trial for Tunisia's Ex-Ruler Begins - AP

Tunisia's Police Protest, Demanding Fair Treatment - AP

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP


US Department of Defense

Front Lines: Life as a US Military Photographer - PopPhoto

Corps Seeks Wearable System to Power Equipment - MCT

Defense on the Chopping Block - WT opinion

Why the Defense Focus on Asia-Pacific? - WP opinion

A Flawed Way to Detain - WP opinion


United States

States Face a Crushing Economic Outlook - WP

Occupy LA Camp Shrinking, But Arrests Inevitable - LAT

LA Police Make Arrests Before Withdrawing at Occupy Protest - NYT

Survey Shows Growing Gap Between Civilians, Military - AFPS

Bail Denied for Massachusetts Terror Plot Suspect - AP

Strategic Doctrine of Silence - NYT opinion


United Kingdom

Hacking Scandal Widens to Government Secrets, Report Says - NYT

British Panel Says Bungled Police Response Factor in Riots - LAT

Tribunal Says Suspected Russian Spy Can Stay in UK - AP



EU Police, Experts to Counter Al Qaeda in Africa - Reuters

Millions Vote in Congo Despite Violence - NYT

Incidents of Unrest, Violence Mar DR Congo Elections - VOA

Partial DR Congo Vote Extension - BBC

DR Congo Votes in Tense Election - BBC

Violence and Disarray Mar Voting in Congo - WT

Violence, Late Ballots May Mar Critical Congo Vote - AP

Chaos, Arson, Violence Mar Congo Election - Reuters

Top Four Ways Congo's Instability Affects the World - CSM

UK Aims to Step Up Int'l Action on Somalia - Reuters

Somali Militants Shut Down More Aid Operations - NYT

Militants Close Somali Aid Groups - BBC

Kenyan Court Issues Arrest Order for Sudan's Bashir - Reuters

Sudan 'Dismayed' Over Kenya Al-Bashir Court Ruling - AP

Sudan to Expel Kenyan Ambassador - BBC

Zimbabwe Militants Call for Restaurants Boycott - AP



US Blacklisting Seems to Have Little Consequence in Mexico - LAT

Mexico Drug War Sends Emotionally Troubled Kids to Texas - AP

Colombia Thanks Venezuela for Capture of Drug Trafficker - LAT

Venezuela Arrests Top 'Drug Boss' - BBC

Top Colombian Drug Trafficker Captured - AP

Colombian Hostage Survivor: 'I Ran the Other Way' - AP

Former FARC Captive Recalls Colombia Jungle Horror - Reuters

Cuban Government to Contract With Private Sector - Reuters

Guyana Votes for New Government - BBC


Asia Pacific

China, Burma To Strengthen Military Cooperation - VOA

Obama, Clinton gamble on Burma - AP



US, EU Leaders Meet as Eurozone Recession Looms - VOA

Debt Fears Hang Over US-EU Summit - BBC

Obama, EU Leaders Meet Amid European Debt Concerns  - AP

Germany Resists Radical Solutions as Financial Crisis Escalates - WP

Germans Arrest Suspect in Neo-Nazi Murder Ring - AP

Medvedev: New Radar Demonstrates Russia's Might - AP

Poland Calls on Ukraine to Resolve Tymoshenko Case - VOA

2 NATO Peacekeepers Wounded in Kosovo, 23 Injured - AP

NATO Soldiers Wounded by Gunfire in Kosovo Clash - Reuters

Trial Set for Spanish Judge Over War Crimes Probe - AP

Psychiatric Evaluation of Norway Killer Completed - AP

Report: Norwegian Mass Killer Criminally Insane - Reuters


South Asia

India Postpones Border Talks With China - VOA

Books to Read on the 2011 Arab Spring

Tue, 11/29/2011 - 6:35am

The 2011 Arab Spring is one of those seminal events that could be compared to the 1968 riots, that gripped Europe and the United States, and which began to change the social consciousness of whole nations. But as events unfold there are many moving parts to the Arab Spring and this is not made any simpler by the rapid pace of Twitter™, Facebook™, and other forms of internet social media.  What is important is to immerse yourself in the intricacies and uniqueness of each country, including their leaders, despotic systems, centers of power, as well as external and internal influences before looking at regional and then geo-strategic impacts. As I write this review essay, there have been attacks on the Ba'th Party buildings by rocket propelled grenades, and in Egypt clashes between protestors and the Egyptian Army are on the rise.

Nikolaos Van Dam has written a highly sophisticated account of Syrian Ba’th regime under the Asad entitled, The Strugglle for Power in Syria: Politics and Society under Asad and the Ba’th Party, (New York: I. B. Tauris, 2011).  This 2011 edition is the fourth revised version of the book by the former Dutch Ambassador to Iraq, Egypt, Turkey and Indonesia.  Readers will understand that under the dictatorship of Syria’s Hafez al-Asad and currently of his son Bashar, the Ba’th Party is not monolithic, but has regional influences and party leaders in the Hama, Damascus, Latakia and the Ildib branches to name a few. Starting in March 1963 the book dissects a series of military coups and counter-coups balancing the points of view of Alawi (a Shiite minority sect) with non-Alawi (Sunni, Druze) officers.  By 1966, the purge of Druze officers from the Syrian Army was complete, leaving a struggle for control of Syria between the Alawis, represented by Hafez al-Asad, and Salah Jadid, a Sunni. This struggle had Jadid being undermined due to his rejection of pro-western Arab states, and Asad calling for a tahweel ishtiraki (socialist transformation) that would reintegrate Syria into the Arab world.  The book also highlights the rivalry between the Iraqi Ba’th and Syrian Ba’th with Radio Damascus referring to Saddam Hussein as “...the tribal tikriti, fascist clique!”  In the end Asad would develop a leadership cult balancing regional, sectarian, and tribal blocs using the Ba’th Party architecture to survive.  Page 145 contains an excellent bibliography of Syrian Ba’thist memoirs for the true specialist.

Steven A. Cook of the Council on Foreign Relations has published an excellent book that will help readers navigate the 2011 Egyptian Revolution.  The Struggle for Egypt: From Nasser to Tahrir Square, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012) was released early on in the revolution's timeline and provides an excellent introduction to the multi-dimensional nature of Egyptian politics. A political landscape long repressed by a series of military officers who rose to the presidency beginning with Muhammad Neguib in 1952, Nasser in 1954, Sadat in 1970, and finally Mubarak in 1981.  Readers will gain an appreciation for the leftist and liberal roots of the January 25, 2011 revolution and the events that brought this to a head.  Cook takes a multi-disciplinary approach to the revolution, discussing social, diplomatic, economic, political, and military factors that Egypt has faced since 1952. His section on the economy shows the erosion of a middle class, and a small minority of wealthy Egyptians completely isolated from the day to day suffering of the masses within Egypt. The section also highlights the rise of an alternative economy within the Egyptian military, which may control 40 percent of the country’s economy from military hardware and cell-phones to dairies and bakeries. When Sadat was President, bread riots were quelled only by the army baking bread to make up the demand.

The book contains an excellent synopsis of Gamal Mubarak, and the reasons he was let go from Bank of America for overt conflict of interest in the restructuring of Egyptian debt through Bank of America. His dismissal lead to the acquirement of commissions from his employer and the Egyptian state owned banks. Gamal Mubarak would be groomed to take over from his ailing father, a situation considered intolerable by large segments of the population including elements within the army. Cook explores the massive security apparatus of the state that has suppressed any real political and economic alternatives, leaving the perception that it is either the despotism of Mubarak or his cronies or that of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Businessmen allied with the Mubaraks would literally get away with murder, such as the 2006 sinking of the ferry Salam Boccaccio in which 1,100 people died, and the owner escaped a trial for gross negligence with the help of the regime and pay offs. The demonstrators in Tahrir Square would choose January 25th, 2011 specifically because this was Police Day, and the organizers wanted to highlight the hypocrisy of celebrating a police apparatus that tortures and humiliates its own people. Chapters in the book feature U.S.-Egyptian relations dating back from the Eisenhower all the way to the Obama administrations which correspond with Egyptian leaders from Nasser to Mubarak.  A highly recommended book.

Of note, in Spring 2012, Wael Ghonim will be publishing his account of the Egyptian Revolution in a new book, Revolution 2.0, (New York: Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt, 2012).  He is writing the book in Arabic and will be released in English on January 25, 2012, in time for the first anniversary of Tahrir Square. I look forward to reading about how the Google™ executive used technology to leverage the events of Tahrir Square and his experiences with the former Egyptian regime.

28 November SWJ Roundup

Mon, 11/28/2011 - 5:48am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Afghan President Says Second Troop Transition to Begin Soon - VOA

NATO Giving Afghans More Areas to Control - NYT

Afghan Forces will Control 18 New Areas - WP

Karzai: Afghan Forces to Take Lead in More Areas - AP

Afghans: Fire from Pakistan Led to Attack - AP

After Strike in Pakistan, Rage and Damage Control - NYT

Pakistan Warns NATO Attack Threatens Afghanistan Peace - Reuters

A Safer Afghanistan - WP opinion



In Fog of War, Rift Widens Between US and Pakistan - NYT

US, Pakistan Offer Different Versions of Attack on Border Post - McClatchy

Pakistan Warns NATO Attack Threatens Afghanistan Peace - Reuters

Afghans: Fire from Pakistan Led to Attack - AP

Pakistan Denies it Set Off Attack - BBC

Pakistan Says NATO Ignored Its Pleas During Attack - AP

After Strike in Pakistan, Rage and Damage Control - NYT

Pakistan Orders US Out of Airbase - VOA

Pakistan Permanently Closes Borders to NATO after Air Strike - TT

Deadly Airstrike Renews Focus on US-Pakistani Ties - VOA

NATO Strike 'Couldn't Come at a Worse Time' - CSM

NATO Airstrike Strains US-Pakistan Relations - WP

Rage Grips Pakistan Over NATO Attack - Reuters

Clinton, Panetta Monitor Reports of Pakistan Border Incident - AFPS

2 Key US Senators Call for Tough Line with Pakistan - AP



As US Troops Leave, What is the Legacy of 8 Years of War? - McClatchy

Iraq Emerges from War a Society Divided by Sect - AP

Car Bomb Kills 11 at Iraqi Prison - BBC

Suicide Car Bomber Kills 15 People in Iraq - AP

Bomber Hits Iraq Military Base, 11 Dead - Reuters

Shell and Iraq in New Energy Deal - BBC



Iran's Parliament Votes to Reduce Ties With Britain - VOA

Tehran Votes to Expel Britain's Ambassador - TT

Iran Parliament Votes to Downgrade Relations with UK - BBC

Iranian Lawmakers Vote to Expel British Ambassador - LAT



Long Lines Form as Egyptians Vote in Historic Election - NYT

Egypt Votes in Post-Mubarak Polls - BBC

Voting Starts in Egypt's Landmark Elections - AP

Voters Queue in Egypt's First Post-Mubarak Election - Reuters

Outside Tahrir Square, Silent Majority is Also Divided - WP

A Question of Election Timing in Egypt - WT

Egypt Vote Tests Troubled Political Transition - Reuters

How Will the Muslim Brotherhood Do? - CSM

Youth Leader Straddles Line of Revolution and Electoral Change - NYT

A Look at Major Alliances for Egypt’s Parliamentary Elections - VOA

Egypt’s Election Process - VOA



Isolating Syria, Arab League Imposes Broad Sanctions - NYT

Arab League Approves Syria Sanctions - WP

Arab League Approves Sanctions Against Syria - LAT

Arab League Sanctions for Syria - BBC

Syria Hit with New Sanctions: Will this Weaken Assad? - CSM

Arab Sanctions Tighten Noose on Syria's Assad - Reuters

In Unprecedented Step, Arab League Sanctions Syria - AP



Yemen Names Basindwa Interim PM - BBC

Yemen Independent Leader to Form Government - AP

Yemeni Shi'ite Rebels Attack Sunni Targets in North, 21 Killed - VOA


Middle East / North Africa

A Battle Is Raging for the Soul of Israeli Society - AP

UAE Activists Jailed for Criticizing Government - VOA

Kuwait Opposition Calls for All-Night Protest - AP

Islamist PJD Party Wins Morocco Poll - BBC

Moderate Islamist Party to Lead Coalition Government in Morocco - NYT

Morocco's Arab Spring Election Won by Islamists - AP

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP


US Department of Defense

Battlefield Technology Put to Test in Exercise at White Sands - S&S

UVA Student Project Aims to Allow Women in Combat - VP

Air Force Academy Adapts to Pagans, Druids, Witches and Wiccans - LAT

Top Marine Says Service Embracing Gay Ban Repeal - AP

USS Enterprise, Carrier that Changed Everything, Turns 50 - S&S


United States

Horse Sense at Border Pays Off - USAT

2 Occupy Demonstrations Face Eviction - NYT

Occupy Protesters Wear Out Welcome in LA, Philadelphia - USAT

Eviction Deadline Passes for Occupy LA - LA

Buying Off Occupy LA - LAT editorial

No Thanks to TSA - WT editorial

Detaining Terrorism Suspects - WP opinion



Electoral Commission Says DR Congo '99% Ready' for Election - VOA

Congo Votes Amid Expectations of Fraud and Fears of Violence - NYT

DR Congo Votes in Tense Election - BBC

Congo Polls Open After Weekend of Violence - AP

Congo Election Outcome All But Certain, Violence Likely - LAT

Nigeria Islamist Militants Boko Haram 'Attack Yobe' - BBC

4 Dead, Churches Burned in North Nigeria Attack - AP

Child Labor Probed in Ivory Coast's Cocoa Fields - AP



International Banks Have Aided Mexican Drug Gangs - LAT

Former Mexico Ruling Party Clears Way for Nominee - AP

Pena Nieto Starts Mexico President Campaign - BBC

Mexico Arrests 3 in Slaying of Governor's Guards - AP

Colombian Hostage on Way Home, 4 Others Killed - BBC


Asia Pacific

Hotel Bomb Kills 3, Wounds 27 in Philippines - AP

Filipino Muslim Rebel Faction Leader Falls Ill - AP

'Serious Abuses' in Burma Despite Reforms - Reuters



Euro Crisis Sapping Investors’ Confidence - WP

Russia's Putin Accepts Presidential Nomination - VOA

Russia: Putin Warns West as He Launches Presidential Bid - AP

In Russia, Evidence of Misstep by Putin - NYT

A Private Push for Public Justice in Russia - WP

German Police Remove Anti-Nuclear Protesters From Rail Track - VOA

Germany Clears Nuclear Protesters - BBC

How Did German Neo-Nazis Go Undetected? - AP

Are Germany and France Drifting Apart? - NYT opinion

Croatia, the Next Greece - WT opinion

27 November SWJ Roundup

Sun, 11/27/2011 - 3:42am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Taliban Paid £100 a Month to Stop Fighting - TT

Marines to Wind Down Afghan Combat in 2012 - AP



Pakistan: NATO Raid Kills 26 Pakistani Troops  - VOA

Pakistan Says NATO Killed Troops in Strikes - WSJ

Pakistan Says NATO Attack Kills Dozens of Soldiers - NYT

Dozens of Pakistani Troops Die in NATO Attack on Checkpost - WP

NATO Attack Allegedly Kills 24 Pakistani Troops - AP

Pakistan Halts NATO Supply Route in Anger Over Helicopter Attack - VOA

Pakistan Orders NATO and US Review after Deadly Border Strike - BBC

Pakistan Stops NATO Supplies After Raid Kills Up to 28 - Reuters

Pakistan Secretly Helps, Publicly Hits US Interests - WT

Factbox-Ties Between Pakistan and US in Crisis - Reuters



US Soldiers Assess 'Peaks and Valleys,' Prospects of Final Attack - CSM

Iraq’s Young Inherit a Nation Scarred - WP

In Iraq, Bombs Kill at Least 11 in 2 Attacks - NYT

Bomb Blasts in Baghdad Kill at Least 15 - BBC

Bombs Kill 15 In and Around Baghdad - AP

Multiple Baghdad Blasts Kill at Least 13 People - Reuters

US Military Legacy Rubs Off on Iraqi Youth - AP



Iran Threatens to Hit Turkey if US, Israel Attack - AP

Iran Says Could Target Turkey Missile Shield - Reuters

Lobbying for Iranian Exiles on Terrorist List - NYT

Iran's Parliament Says to Reduce Ties With Britain -AP



Egyptians Clash Ahead of Elections - VOA

Egypt Police Clash with Activists - BBC

Egypt Braces for Fresh Clashes - NYT

Protester Killed in Cairo Unrest - WP

Egyptian Protesters Clash With Police, 1 Dead - AP

Islamists Strong Ahead of Egypt Poll, Unrest Seen an Asset - Reuters

Egypt Protesters Demand Generals Quit - Bloomberg

Where Is the Muslim Brotherhood? - WSJ

On Eve of Egypt's Election, a Revolution Reboot - AP

Egypt Protesters Not Impressed with New PM  - CSM

Egypt's ElBaradei Ready to Head Government - AP

Egypt's ElBaradei Turns Up Heat on Ruling Generals - Reuters

3 American Students Arrested in Cairo Back in US - AP

Cairo Undone - NYT opinion



Arab League Drafts Economic Sanctions - BBC

Arab States Plan to Cut Commercial Ties With Syria - Reuters

Syria Buries Security Forces as Sanctions Loom - AP

Assad Must Go - WS opinion



New Turmoil as President Comes Back to Yemen - NYT

Yemen Sets Presidential Poll Date - BBC

Yemen Sets Date for Presidential Vote - AP

Yemen Presidential Election Set for February 21 - Reuters



Moderate Islamist Party Wins Morocco’s Elections - VOA

Morocco Islamists Win Elections - BBC

Islamist Party Takes Most Seats in Morocco Poll - AP



Urgency Grows in Divided Libya, Says Jibril - CSM

Fractured Town Shows Challenges Ahead for Libya - Reuters

Libyan Women Rally to Demand Help for Rape Victims - VOA

Libyans Recover Looted Roman Antiquities - VOA


Middle East / North Africa

Hamas: Palestinians to Skip Interim Government - AP

Bahrain Creates Panel to Study Unrest Report - AP

UAE Security Court Sentences 5 Political Activists - AP

Post-Uprising, a New Battle - NYT

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

In the Arab World, It’s the Past vs. the Future - NYT opinion


US Department of Defense

F-35 Makes Headway Amid Criticism, US Budget Crunch - Reuters

83 Plaintiffs Join Legal Action Related to Fort Hood Shootings - S&S

MARSOC Deployment Inspires Energy Drink - MCT


United States

Zeta Launched Mexico-Style Attack in Harris County Texas - HC

No Security Without Diplomacy, Development - WT opinion



Cluster Munitions Talks Reject US Proposal - AP

The End of Foreign Aid - WP opinion



Suspected Al Shabaab Rebels Raid Kenya Police Post - Reuters

Kenya Army to Probe Shooting of 4 Men at Sea - AP

Italian Cargo Ship Is Free Off Somalia - AP

Explosions, Gunshots in Northeast Nigeria City - AP

DR Congo Hit by Pre-vote Violence - BBC

Tensions Mount Ahead of Congo Vote - WP

Congo: 2 Killed in Clashes Days Ahead of Poll - AP

Police in Congo Ban Rallies on Last Day of Campaigning - VOA

Dutchman, South African, Swede Confirmed Kidnapped in Mali - Reuters

Mali: German Killed; Dutch, S. African, Swede Seized - AP

Climate Change Hits Africa's Poorest Farmers - AP

Nigeria Mourns Death of Civil War Leader - Reuters



Colombian FARC Kill Four Hostages - BBC

Colombian Official: 4 Captives of Rebels Slain - AP

Colombia Says FARC Rebels Execute 4 Military Hostages - Reuters


Asia Pacific

Frictions Rise Between China, India - WP

Huntsman's Comment Spurs Debate in China - CSM

China Says Joint Mekong Patrols Begin in December - AP

Engineer’s Return to China Leads to Jail and Limbo - NYT

Red China Remains a Threat - WS opinion

North Korean Leader Rallies Front-line Troops - AP

Philippines Phone Hacking Tied to Terrorists - NYT



Russia: Medvedev Keeps US Missile Defense Shield in Sight - CSM

Russia WTO Accession Sparks Human-Rights Debate - WT

Russia: Putin's Party Faces Losses in Elections - WSJ

Greece May Miss 2012 Selloff Target Due to EU Crisis - Reuters

German Police, Demonstrators Clash at Nuke Protest - AP

Turkey Seeks to End Kurdish Conflict - AP

Myth of Croatian Fascism - WT opinion

More Commentary on COIN is Dead

Sat, 11/26/2011 - 8:04pm

More Commentary on COIN is Dead by Mark Safranski, Zenpundit.

It is extremely difficult to free military bureaucracies, which are budget-centric, turf-conscious and institutionally track career incentives to the former, from the tyranny of either-or thinking. Bureaucracies as complex organizations are sustained and steered culturally by cherishing and reinforcing simple narratives.

Mexican Cartel Tactical Note # 7

Sat, 11/26/2011 - 10:08am

Mexican Cartel Tactical Note # 7:

Los Zetas Three Vehicle (SUV) Commando Engages in Offensive Action in Northwest Harris County, Texas: Ensuing Fire Fight with US Law Enforcement

Key Information:

Via Dane Schiller, Houston Chronicle [1]:

The mission was supposed to be a textbook “controlled delivery” - a routine trap by law enforcement officers using a secret operative posing as a truck driver to bust drug traffickers when their narcotics are delivered to a rendezvous point.

Instead, things spun out of control. Shortly before the marijuana delivery was to be made Monday afternoon, three sport-utility vehicles carrying Zetas cartel gunmen seemingly came out of nowhere and cut off the tanker truck as it rumbled through northwest Harris County, sources told the Chronicle.

They sprayed the cab with bullets, killing the civilian driver, who was secretly working with the government. A sheriff's deputy, who was driving nearby in another vehicle, was wounded, possibly by friendly fire…

Sources discussed aspects of the shoot-out on the condition that they not be identified publicly due to the sensitivity of the ongoing investigation.

A contingent of law-enforcement officers had been covertly shadowing the truck as it eased its way through the Houston area to deliver a load of marijuana fresh from the Rio Grande Valley…

As the gunmen attacked, officers quickly jumped into the fray and also opened fire on the attackers. The truck kept rolling until it careened off the roadway and came to a halt.

Dozens of law-enforcement officers descended on the scene as well as fanned out in the surrounding neighborhoods.

Four suspects, all believed to be citizens of Mexico, were arrested and charged Monday with capital murder in connection with the shooting…

…The sheriff's deputy, who has not yet been identified publicly, was hit in the knee during the melee, which involved several cars and guns…

Authorities would not discuss how the deceased driver, who in addition to being a confidential informant and holding a job as a commercial truck driver, first made contact with the traffickers….

…While some of the arrested attackers have allegedly admitted to an affiliation with the Mexico-based Zetas, authorities said they are trying to determine why such a bold and risky attack was launched over just 300 pounds of marijuana…

A 3:01 minute news video concerning the incident can be accessed via: [2].

Who: Los Zetas’ personnel (Three Mexican nationals captured—two from Neuvo Laredo; Eric De Luna, 23; Ricardo Ramirez, 35 and Rolando Resendiz, 34; one other individual— Fernando Tavera, 19).

See primary source for booking photos [1] and another source for prior convictions and charges via court documents [7]. Other Zetas’ personnel are thought to have fled the incident scene. Three SUVs (a Black Lincoln Navigator was recovered at the scene) were utilized.  

What: Planned multi-agency law enforcement ‘controlled delivery’ using a confidential informant driving a 18-wheeler tanker truck with 300 lbs of marijuana interdicted by Los Zetas’ commando with ensuing fire fight. Confidential informant killed, undercover Harris county sheriffs deputy wounded (HCSO), and four Zetas captured.

When:  Monday afternoon, 21 November 2011.

Where: On Hollister Drive near Bourgeois Road in Northwest Harris County, Texas (near Houston) [6].

Why: Unknown; theories include the targeted killing (assassination) of the confidential informant and that a rip-off crew was assembled to steal what was thought to be a much larger load of marijuana. Another possibility is that the load was targeted because it was operating on Los Zetas turf and those associated with it had not paid local protection money (plaza taxes).

Tactical Analysis: This is a significant event and represents an escalation in cross border violence. According to Javier Pena, the new head of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s Houston Division, “Everybody is surprised at the brazenness…We haven’t seen this type of violence, which concerns us.” [1].

Given that the truck cab was sprayed with bullets it can be assumed that some of Los Zetas personnel carried semi-automatic rifles. No mention of individual body armor, vehicular armor, or actual weapons carried has been disclosed. All captured Zetas had military style (short) haircuts with no tattoos evident in the booking photos so unit discipline is noted. US law enforcement presence was significant when the Los Zetas offensive action took place and was augmented with dozens of responding officers. Under other circumstances, the three vehicle (SUV) Los Zetas commando’ could have potentially overwhelmed one or two responding police units if a ‘controlled delivery’ law enforcement operation had not been taking place.

Of additional concern are three other cross border homicide incidents recently mentioned in press reports. Concerning the first incident, a federal grand jury indictment (now sealed) stated that US Border Agent Brian A. Terry was killed in Mesquite Seep, Arizona, by an offensive patrol—“with the intent to ‘intentionally and forcibly assault’ Border Patrol agents”— composed of five illegal Mexican immigrants [3].  At least two of these individuals carried AK-47 semi-automatic rifles at ready position (barrel down at 45 degree angle/gun butt in shoulder)— in a meeting engagement on 14 December 2010 at 11:15 pm. The two AK-47s have been traced back to the failed BATF ‘Fast and Furious’ operation [3]. The Peck Canyon area is a well-known human and drug smuggling route. Which Mexican cartel, or drug gang the offensive narco unit was associated with was not disclosed. The second incident took place in Hidalgo County, Texas on Sunday 30 October 2011 during a traffic stop. Deputy Hugo Rodriguez was shot by David Gonzales Perez, a Gulf cartel contractor, in the chest and abdomen. Perez and another cartel operative had kidnapped two individuals who purportedly knew where over a thousand pounds of stolen Gulf cartel marijuana had been stashed. Perez was killed in the ensuing gun battle with the wounded deputy and his partner [4]. The third incident took place on Monday 21 November 2011 about 20 miles northwest of the border city of Nogales, Texas in the Devil’s Canyon area of the Tumacacori Mountains. Three men, two of which have been identified as Mexican nationals, were found dead, shot in the head execution style. The bodies had lain in the area for up to two weeks. The executed men are suspected of being drug traffickers [5].

Taken together these four very violent incidents represent more ‘data points’ for Mexican cartel cross border incursion tracking. More importantly, at the officer safety level, two of these incidents suggest that US law enforcement officers should expect to engage Cartel foot soldiers armed with AK-47 semi-automatic rifles as standard issue weapons (at a minimum). The 7.62mm armor piercing round of the AK-47 will defeat standard issue US law enforcement body armor. Further, as in the Brian A. Terry homicide incident, the US law enforcement officers initially fired back using shotguns with less-than-lethal beanbag loads. While the agents carried fully loaded side arms (with 2 additional magazines), the AK-47s are far superior militarily (in regards to rate-of-fire, penetration, and range) than the policing weapons. Additionally, the cartel tactical units/personnel initiated offensive actions against US law enforcement personnel in three of these highlighted incidents. For this reason officer safety, and military-like force protection, training will become increasingly relevant for law enforcement personnel deployed in areas of operation (AOR) containing Mexican cartel tactical units.    

Significance: Cartel Tactics; Cross Border Incursion; Force Protection; Officer Safety  


1.  Dane Schiller, “Zeta soldiers launched Mexico-style attack in Harris County.” Houston Chronicle. Updated 11:27 p.m., Tuesday, 22 November 2011,

2. Houston (KTRK), “Sheriff's deputy shot, informant killed in undercover operation gone bad.” ABC News. Tuesday, November 22, 2011, Related videos appear at end of the news video.

3. Jerry Seper, “Armed illegals stalked Border Patrol: Mexicans were ‘patrolling’ when agent was slain, indictment says.” The Washington Times. Tuesday 22 November 2011,

4. Erika Flores, “Sheriff confirms deputy was shot in ‘spillover’ violence incident.” Valley Monday 21 October 2011, See the Action-4 2.25 minute video.

5. Reuters, “Three Killed ‘Execution Style’ at U.S.-Mexico Border.” The New York Times. Tuesday 22 November 2011,

6. Action 4 News Staff, “Valley ties reported in deadly Zetas ‘attack’ near Houston.” 23 November 2011,

7. Christopher Sherman, “4 charged with capital murder in Houston attack on drug load watched by law enforcement.” The Republic. 23 November 2011,

Background Note

Graham H. Turbiville, Jr., “Firefights, raids, and assassinations: tactical forms of cartel violence and their underpinnings.” Robert J. Bunker, ed., Narcos Over the Border. London: Routledge, 2011: 123-144.

26 November SWJ Roundup

Sat, 11/26/2011 - 6:29am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


US Aims to Speed Shift to Afghan Control of Combat Operations - S&S

Marines to Wind Down Afghan Combat in 2012 - AP

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



To Stop Afghan Insurgent Bombs, Focus on Fertilizer from Pakistan - WP

Pakistan Says NATO Helicopters Kill Dozens of Soldiers - NYT

Pakistan Accuses NATO of Cross-Border Attack - LAT

Pakistan Reports Dozens of Deaths in NATO Attack - AP

Pakistan Stops NATO Supplies After Raid Kills 28 - Reuters

India Urges Pakistan Action Against Mumbai Attackers - AP

China, Pakistan Boost Anti-Terror Cooperation - AP

'Memo' Row Tests Pakistan Cabinet - BBC

Cricket Hero a Rising Political Star in Pakistan - WP

Denying Pakistan - LAT opinion



Army General Describes Iraq Drawdown Progress - AFPS

Iraqi President Says Country Still Needs Americans - AP

US Uses an Insurgent Attack to Send a Message to Iraqis - NYT

Iraqi Police: Bombs Kill 10 In and Around Baghdad - AP



Egypt Protesters Vow to Carry On, Reject New PM Appointment - VOA

Egypt Military Wooing Public to Keep Power - NYT

Egypt Protest Against Military Rulers is Biggest Yet - LAT

Egypt's New PM Appeals to Nation - BBC

New Prime Minister Exposes Divisions in Egypt - Reuters

Officials: Egypt Protester Killed Outside Cabinet - AP

Egypt Protesters Clash With Police, One Dead - Reuters

In Egypt, Progressive Salafist a Lonely Voice - WP

White House Urges Egypt’s Military to Yield Power - NYT

Egypt's Military Under Pressure from Protests, US - AP

For US, Risks in Pressing Egypt to Speed Civilian Rule - NYT

2 of 3 Arrested US Students Leave Egypt - AP

Losing Faith in a Revolution - WP opinion



Arab League Extends Syria's Deadline - VOA

Syria Lets Arab League Deadline on Observers Pass - NYT

Syria Defies Arab League Deadline - BBC

No Agreement on Arab League Demand; Violence Persists - LAT

Arab League Prepares for Syria Sanctions - Reuters

Syria Faces Sanctions but Army Stands by Regime - AP

Activists Report Fierce Clashes in Eastern Syria - AP

Arms Smugglers Thrive on Syrian Uprising - Reuters



Morocco in First Poll to Elect PM - BBC

In Vote in Morocco, Many Stay Skeptical - NYT

Moroccans Vote in Modest Numbers for Elections - AP

Moderate Islamists Claim Moroccan Election Win - Reuters

Early Results Show Islamist Party Lead in Morocco - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Catholics, Muslims Pursue Dialogue Amid Mideast Tension - Reuters

Mysterious Explosions Pose Dilemma for Iranian Leaders - WP

Iran Quds Force Chief Defies US, Says Ready to Die - AP

Yemen Instability Stokes Terror Concerns - VOA

Yemen Opposition to Nominate Ex-Minister to Form Gov’t - Reuters

Clashes Follow Funeral in Bahrain - BBC

Analysis: Bahrain Digests Inquiry as Protests Continue - Reuters

Libya Leader, in Khartoum, Thanks Sudan for Weapons - Reuters

Technocrat 'Oil Man' Takes Charge of Libya Lifeline - Reuters

Libya's Ex-Oil Minister Criticizes New Leaders - AP

Tunisia Ex-Strongman's Nephew Gets 18 Years Prison - AP

The Saudi Wise Man - WP opinion

Israel’s Other Occupation - NYT opinion


US Department of Defense

Groundbreaking Research Looks at How Blasts Injure Brain - S&S

Study of Marines Shows Guilt is Top Cause of PTSD - S&S

Nuclear Transport Mission Rated Poor at Lewis-McChord - TNT

Three Face Courts-martial in 2010 Death of Airman in Iraq - PNJ


United States

Security Focus Created Tense Rivalry Between FBI, NYPD - WP

Money Broker Seeks Mercy in Times Square Bomb Case - AP

CIA Officers Mark Death of Mike Spann with Rare Request - AP

Ill. Pump Failure Wasn’t a Cyberattack - WP



Australia Eases Policy on Detaining Asylum Seekers - NYT

Obama's Asia Trip Underscores Australia Alliance - SH opinion



Ex-N.Y. Mafia Boss Found Dead by River in Canada - AP



Talks on Cluster Bomb Restrictions Collapse - NYT

US Defeated in Bid on Cluster Bomb Accord - Reuters

The End of Foreign Aid - WP opinion



E. Africa: Years of Detective Work Led to al-Qaida Target - AT

Kenya: Deadly Grenade Attacks Near Somalia Border - BBC

Kenya Cracks Down on Somalis - WP

1 Tourist Killed, 3 Kidnapped in Mali - VOA

Foreigners Kidnapped in Mali - BBC

Three Westerners Kidnapped in Mali, Fourth Killed - Reuters

Uganda’s Oil Could Be Gift That Becomes a Curse - NYT

Gambia President Wins Fourth Term - BBC



Mexican President Torture Probe Urged - BBC

Mexico: Group Files War-Crimes Complaint Against Calderon - AP

Video Shows Alleged Abuse by Mexican Police - AP

Bodies Identified in Mexico Mass Slaying - AP

Uribe Accuses Colombian President of 'Sacrificing Democratic Values' - LAT

War-Torn Colombian Valley Now Produces Butterflies - LAT

Venezuela Repatriates Gold Stocks - BBC

Peru Protests at Huge Gold Mine - BBC

Evangelical Leader Rises in Brazil’s Culture Wars - NYT

The Slow-Pitch Ambassadors to Cuba - NYT


Asia Pacific

China, Pakistan Boost Anti-Terror Cooperation - AP

UN Investigator Calls On N. Korea to Improve Human Rights - VOA

North Korea’s Children in Need of Food Aid, Agencies Warn - NYT

UN Report: North Korean Harvest Improves - AP

Philippines Say Arrested Hackers Funded by Saudi Group - Reuters

Cambodia: Opening Statements Conclude in KR Leaders Trial - VOA



New Fears on Europe, Italy's Borrowing Costs Jump Again - VOA

Italy Forced to Pay Record Rates - BBC

Belgium Credit Rating Downgraded - BBC

Russia to Hold Presidential Elections in March 2012 - VOA

In Quiet Part of Russia, Putin’s Party Loses Steam - NYT

Russia: Poll Predicts Putin's Party to Get Just 53 Percent - AP

Gas Deal With Belarus Gives Control of Pipeline to Russia - NYT


South Asia

India Urges Pakistan Action Against Mumbai Attackers - AP

India Opens Up to Foreign Retailers Despite Concerns Over Job Losses - VOA

Uproar Over India Retail Reform - BBC

Fury as India Opens Door to Wal-Mart, Other Big Firms - LAT

25 November SWJ Roundup

Fri, 11/25/2011 - 8:48am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


US Commander Readying Request for More Troops to Advise - LAT

Six Children Are Killed by NATO Airstrike in Afghanistan - NYT

Afghan President Condemns Killing of Seven - AP

Afghan Opium Production to Expand After Troops Exit - Reuters

Thanksgiving 2011: Troops in Afghanistan Chow Down - S&S

Top Marine Spends Thanksgiving in Afghanistan - AP

Cross Removed at Base in Afghanistan - Politico



3 Blasts Kill at Least 10 at Market in Southern Iraqi Oil Port - NYT

Triple Bombings in South Iraq Kill 19, Injure 64 - AP

Iraqi Bomb Blasts 'Leave 19 Dead' - BBC

After Nearly 9 Years of War, Too Many Widows - NYT

American Troops Celebrate Last Thanksgiving in Iraq - S&S



In Cairo, Reflection as Revolt Pivots Again - NYT

Political Islam at a Crossroads in Egypt - LAT

Protesters Dig In as Egypt’s Generals Install Politician - NYT

Mass Protest Against Egypt Army - BBC

Thousands Rally in Egypt on 'Last Chance Friday' - Reuters

Media: Kamal Ganzouri Appointed Egypt's New PM - VOA

Mubarak-Era Premier Picked to Lead Egypt's Cabinet - AP

Egypt Military 'Appoints New PM' - BBC

Egypt Military Rulers Reject Calls to Step Down - AP

Tahrir Square Looms Over Egyptian Elections - VOA

Egypt Officials Reject Delayed Elections - WP

Egypt Orders 3 American Students Released - NYT



Violence Breaks Out in Yemeni Capital - VOA

Protesters 'Shot Dead' in Sanaa - BBC

Clashes Shake Yemeni Capital Despite Deal, 2 Dead - AP

Yemen Power-Transfer Deal Fails to Stop Violence - AP



Arab League Warns Syria Could Face Sanctions - VOA

League Warns Syria to Admit Monitors or Risk Sanctions - NYT

Arab League Gives Syria One Day - WP

Syria Observer Ultimatum Passes - BBC

Arab League: Syria Misses Observer Deadline - AP

Pressure Grows on Syria but Foreign Powers Divided - Reuters

France Calls for 'Humanitarian Corridors' in Syria - LAT

Russia Says Syria Needs Dialogue, Not Sanctions - Reuters

US, Turkey Urge Their Citizens to Leave Syria - WP


Israel / Palestinians

Israeli PM: Peace with Egypt is Mutual Interest - AP

Rival Palestinian Leaders Meet but Fail to End Rift - NYT

Palestinians Abbas and Meshaal Talk Reunification - LAT

Palestinian Rivals Talk, But Fail to Resolve Rifts - AP

Why the Palestinians Might Reject US Aid - WP opinion



Moroccans Choosing New Parliament - BBC

Morocco Votes in First Ballot Since Reform of Parliament - NYT

Moroccans Choose New Parliament After Protests - AP

Morocco Votes in Test of King's Reform Drive - Reuters

A Look at Morocco and Its Parliamentary Elections - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Report: Iran Lawmaker Says 12 CIA Agents Arrested - AP

Iran Arrests 12 'CIA Spies' for Targeting Nuclear Plans - BBC

Lebanese PM Threatens to Quit Over Hariri Tribunal - AP

Libya's Ex-Oil Minister Criticizes New Leaders - AP


US Department of Defense

Troops Reach Out for Help Feeding their Families at Thanksgiving - S&S

USO Airport Volunteers Welcome Troops on Holiday - AP


United States

Growing Gap Is Found Between Civilians and Military - NYT

Americans Mark Annual Thanksgiving Day Holiday - VOA

Drug Violence at America’s Other Southern Border - WP opinion



Global Fund for World Health Halts New Programs - AP



US Intensifies its Proxy Fight Against al-Shabab in Somalia - WP

African Union Force Makes Strides Inside Somalia - NYT

Somalis Skeptical of Ethiopian Incursion - VOA

Analysis-Ethiopia Dragged Reluctantly Back Into Somalia - Reuters

Several Killed in Central Nigeria Religious Violence - Reuters

New South African Secrecy Law Sparks Outrage - VOA

Three Dead in East Kenya Attacks - BBC

Fatal Attacks Tied to Raid by Kenya - NYT

Eastern Congolese Gear Up for Election - VOA

'Unfair' Vote ends in The Gambia - BBC

Gambia Incumbent Leads in Preliminary Results - AP



At Least 20 Bodies Dumped in Guadalajara, Mexico - LAT

Mexico Police Find 20 Bodies in Cars in Guadalajara - BBC

26 Dead in Mexico’s 2nd-Largest City - WP

Mexico Catches Escapees From Island Penal Colony - AP

Gov of Drug-Plagued Mexico State Send Kids Abroad - AP

Chilean Students Clash With Police During Protest - AP

Arrests Over Trinidad PM 'Threat' - BBC


Asia Pacific

N. Korea’s Children in Need of Food Aid, Agencies Warn - NYT

North Korea Warns South on Maritime Drills - NYT

1 of 3 Kidnapped S. Koreans Freed in Philippines - AP

Burmese Press Mention 'Retired' Former Leader Than Shwe - VOA

Burma Pursued Nuclear Arms with N. Korea - WP

Undeserved Validation for Burma - WP editorial



European Leaders Discuss Eurozone Debt Crisis - VOA

German Leader Rules Out Rapid Action on the Euro - NYT

Crisis-stricken Italy Takes on Tax Evasion - WP

Foreign Investors Reconsider Balkans - AP

Russia Says US Imposes Missile Shield on Europe - Reuters

Dutch Terrorism Suspect Fights Extradition to US - AP

Norway: Tape of Mass Killer Breivik Phone Call Aired - BBC


South Asia

India Alert Over Maoist 'Killing' - BBC

Report: Senior Indian Maoist Rebel Leader Killed - AP

24 November SWJ Roundup

Thu, 11/24/2011 - 5:46am

Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


10 Years Since Death of CIA Officer Mike Spann - WP

Lawmakers, Twitter Locked in Dispute Over Taliban Tweets - LAT

UN Chief Appoints Slovakia's Kubis as Afghan Envoy - Reuters

Kyrgyzstan Sees Instability at End of Afghan Mission - NYT

Afghan President Names New Central Bank Governor - AP

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



Scandal Prompts Pakistan to Appoint New US Ambassador - VOA

Pakistan Appoints New Envoy to US - WP

Pakistan Names New Envoy to US in Wake of Scandal - AP



Egypt Slips Deeper Into Crisis on Sixth Day of Protests - NYT

Despite Concessions, Egyptians Protest - VOA

More Clashes in Egypt Despite General’s Pledge - WP

Egypt Protests Grow for Sixth Day - LAT

Cairo Street Battles Rage on Through the Night - Reuters

Generals Offer Apology for Violent Clashes in Egypt - NYT

Egyptian Military Apologizes; Truce Halts Fighting - AP

US Presses Egypt’s Leaders on Reforms - WP

UN Condemns Egypt Protest Deaths - BBC

Muslim Brotherhood Struggles to Find Its Balance - NYT

With Dream in Reach, Egypt's Brotherhood Stumbles - AP

With Eye on Egypt, Israel Prepares for the Worst - AP

American Journalist Detained by Egyptian Police - AP

Egypt’s Unfinished Revolution - NYT editorial



Yemen's President Signs Power Transfer Deal - VOA

Yemen Leader Signs Deal to Quit - BBC

Yemeni Leader Signs a Deal to End His 33-Year Rule - NYT

Yemen President Signs Pact to Cede Power - LAT

Yemeni Leader Saleh in Saudi Arabia to Sign Power Transfer Deal - AP

Obama Welcomes Transfer of Power by Yemen's Saleh - Reuters

Yemen's Saleh Was Slippery Master of Maneuvering - AP

Protesters 'Shot Dead' in Sanaa - BBC

Kidnapped French Woman, Two Yemenis Freed in Yemen - Reuters



Bahrain Rights Report Finds Government Used Excessive Force - VOA

Report Finds Excessive Force in Bahrain Crackdown - NYT

Torture, Excessive Force Used in Bahrain - WP

Bahrain Report: Excessive Force in Crackdowns - AP

No Iranian Role Found in Bahrain Unrest - AP

Bahrain Hints at Evidence of Iran Protest Links - AP

Bahrain's King Promises Reform After Torture Report - LAT

Bahrain King Vows Rights Reforms - BBC

US Urges Bahrain to Tackle Abuses, Sees Path Forward - Reuters

Bahrain’s Forgotten Revolt - NYT slideshow

Bahrain’s Road to Democracy - WP editorial



Syrian Army Defectors Raise Stakes in Uprising - AP

Syrian Tanks Bombard Defectors Near Central Town - Reuters

China Critical of UN Resolution on Syria - VOA

France Calls for Humanitarian Zone in Syria - Reuters



Libyan Tribes Protest at New Government Line-Up - Reuters

ICC Prosecutor Sees Site of Alleged Libya Killings - AP

Libya Vows to Work With ICC in Case of Gadhafi Son - AP

ICC Prosecutor Happy for Libya to Try Gaddafi Son - Reuters


Israel / Palestinians

With Eye on Egypt, Israel Prepares for the Worst - AP

Israel Halts Payments to Palestinians, Adding to Fiscal Woes - NYT

Palestinian Rivals to Hold Rare Working Meeting - AP

Momentum for Hamas Entering Talks With Fatah - NYT slideshow

Palestinians Hope for US Reverse Over UNESCO Funds - AP

Israeli Desert Plan Would Uproot 30,000 Bedouin - Reuters


Middle East / North Africa

Mideast Starts to Feel Financial Pinch - NYT

Four Militants Killed in Attack on Iraqi Town - Reuters

US Military Legacy Rubs Off on Iraqi Youth - AP

Saudi Officials: 4 Killed in Shiite Protest - AP

Saudi Says Two Killed in Gunfight in Eastern Province - Reuters

Iran: West Must Prove its Claims about Iran Nukes - AP

Report: Iran Lawmaker Says 12 CIA Agents Arrested - AP

Report: Kuwait Orders Arrests for Protest - AP

Lebanese Politicians Embrace Twitter - NYT

Hariri Tribunal: No Immediate Trials in Absentia - AP

Tunisia Security Forces Fire in Air During Protest - Reuters

Moroccan Elections Challenged by Voter Mistrust - AP

Morocco's Islamists May Bolster Next Government - AP

Morocco Told to Stop Harassing Vote Boycott Activists - Reuters

Glance of Moroccan Political Parties - AP


US Department of Defense

From a Military Wife, Words on War - NYT

Navy Blue Angels Fly Into Era of Budget Questions - AP

Do Veterans Have a Right to Free Health Care for Life? - S&S

Defense Cuts Would Make US Vulnerable - WT editorial

Another Burden for Our War Fighters - WT opinion


United States

Supercommittee Failure Could Pave Way to Deal - WP

Congress Getting Down on Itself - LAT

Report Shows a Military and a Nation Disconnected - S&S

Immigration Stance May Divide Gingrich, GOP - WP

No Proof Found of Cyberattack in Illinois - WP



Nigerian President Fires Anti-Corruption Chief - VOA

Nigeria Corruption Chief Sacked - BBC

Warplanes Strike Somali Militant Bases - Reuters

Gambia Voters Expected to Re-elect Longtime Ruler - AP



Latin Leaders Likely to Discuss Where Rebel Leaders are Hiding - LAT

24 Killed in Drug Cartel-Plagued Mexican State - AP

Mexico Finds 16 Burned Bodies in Drug Lord's Home State - Reuters

Controversy Over Military Man as Salvadoran Security Minister - LAT

French Court Approves Noriega's Extradition to Panama - VOA

French Court Approves Noriega Extradition to Panama - AP

Brazil Suspends Chevron’s Oil Drilling Activities - VOA

US Diplomat Accuses Uruguay Major of Assault - AP


Asia Pacific

General Revisits Deadly 1984 Thanksgiving Firefight at DMZ - S&S

SOFA Scrutinized After Crimes by US Troops in S. Korea - S&S

N. Korea Threatens S. Korea's Presidency Over Drills - AP

Cambodia: Defendants Slam Khmer Rouge Court - BBC

Cambodia: Ex-Khmer Rouge Leader Blames US - NYT

Cambodia: Ex-Leader Says Khmer Rouge Atrocities are 'Fairy Tale' - AP

Thai Jailed for Monarchy Insults - BBC

20-Year Sentence for Text Messages Against Thai King - NYT

Philippine Court Orders Aquino Kin to Give Up Land - AP



Russia Warns of Response to US Missile Shield - VOA

Russia Elevates Warning About US Missile-Defense in Europe - NYT

Russia Anger at US Missile Shield - BBC

Medvedev: Russia Would Target Missiles - WP

Medvedev: Russia May Target US Missile Shield - AP

US: No Change to Missile Shield Amid Russia Threat - AP

Russia: Amid Signs of Rebellion, Putin Seeks Tighter Grip - NYT

Russia: Pretrial Detention Used to Extract Bribes - WP

Weak Sale of Bonds Tests Germany’s Stature in Crisis - NYT

Germany: Merkel Admits 'Failures' in Neo-Nazi Investigation - AP

Germany Arrests Another Neo-Nazi Group Suspect - AP

Clashes Over French Nuclear Train - BBC

French Riot Police Clash With Anti-Nuke Protesters - AP

NATO in Kosovo Moves to Dismantle Serb Barricade - AP

Turkey’s Social Curbs Spark Alarm - WP

Turkey Officially Apologizes for 1930s Mass Killing of Kurds - VOA

Turkey PM Erdogan Apologizes for 1930s Kurdish Killings - BBC

Decades of Resistance: The Turkish-Kurdish Relationship - VOA


South Asia

Overlooked and Unheard, Ahead of the Mumbai Attacks - NYT

Sri Lanka Approves Committee on Postwar Reforms - AP

Sri Lanka Takes First Count of Civilian War Deaths - AP

Nepal: Majority of Ex-Rebels Seek to Join National Army - AP