Small Wars Journal

2/3/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 02/03/2023 - 9:27am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. What Ukraine Needs to Liberate Crimea
3. Aid to Ukraine: Much More Than Tanks
4. Why does Ukraine want Western jets—and will it get them?
5. Biden Aims to Deter China With Greater U.S. Military Presence in Philippines
6. DoD Statement on High-Altitude Surveillance Balloon
7. U.S. Tracking High-Altitude Surveillance Balloon
8. Suspected Chinese spy balloon found over northern U.S.
9. Ukraine Proves U.S. Troops Need Quick Access to Commercial Technology
10. The Pentagon must make a culture shift to embrace innovation
11. Blind Sided: A New Playbook for Information Operations – Irregular Warfare Center
12. Ukraine can’t retake Crimea soon, Pentagon tells lawmakers in classified briefing
13. Is the U.S. Military Capable of Learning From the War in Ukraine?
14. Xi set to host Blinken in signal of China-U.S. detente
15. Ukraine’s Coming Electricity Crisis
16. China says it's looking into report of spy balloon over US
17. Along Ukraine-Belarus border, a war of nerves — and drones
18. China and Russia are as close as ever, and that's a problem for the US
19. Soaring Death Toll Gives Grim Insight Into Russian Tactics
20. How the US is boosting military alliances to counter China
21. Ukraine War Drives Rapid Growth in South Korea’s Arms Exports
22. Tanking Up: Understanding the Materiel—and Moral—Implications of the New Armor Heading to Ukraine
23. Is China poised to help other unaligned powers usurp the dollar?
24. What is an OSINT Tool - Best OSINT Tools 2023

Korean News Content:

1. Yoon's state visit to U.S. under discussion: source |
2. N. Korea adopts law on protection of 'state secret'
3. Defector Thae Yong-ho: South Korea should have its own nukes
4. Ukraine War Drives Rapid Growth in South Korea’s Arms Exports
5. South Korea’s Nuclear Moment
6. [Q/A] ROK-US alliance evolves into global strategic partnership
7. South Korea still refuses to send arms to Ukraine
8. US-NK summit is unlikely in 2023: Korea Society
9. U.S. Stealth Fighters Join Air Drills with S.Korea
10.Britain's trade with N. Korea more than doubles last year: report
11. North Korea Accuses U.S. of Raising Tensions
12. North Korea students get frostbite after 'patriotic' subzero mountain march
13. North Korea likely to celebrate Feb. 8 Army Day anniversary with nighttime event
14. North Korea Still Owes Sweden for 1,000 Volvos Ordered in the 1970s
15. Seoul’s Nuclear Temptations and the U.S.-South Korean Alliance

Recovering from Urban Disasters, Post Three (Post 11 of 14)

Fri, 02/03/2023 - 3:26am

Recovering from Urban Disasters, Post three of six (Post 11 of 14)

Russell W. Glenn

The eleventh of a series of blog posts on Urban Disasters: Readiness, Response, and Recovery by Russ Glenn.

EQ Tsunami

2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami Reconstruction,

ILO Asia-Pacific (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Our key points provided to date:

Key Point #1: Preparation for any urban disaster helps to prepare an urban area for catastrophes regardless of cause or type.

Key Point #2:  Urban disasters are more alike than different.

Key Point #3: Rehearsing/exercising plans—even in so simple a form as talking through challenges—is essential.

Key Point #4: Plans must be executable.

Key Point #5: No plan will survive contact with the disaster.

Key Point #6: Information is the currency of success

Key Point #7: Urban residents are key to successful disaster response. It follows that they are key to successful disaster preparation.

Key Point #8: The plagues of bureaucracy, poor delineation of responsibilities, and criminality are remoras on any disaster…except the relationship isn’t symbiotic.

Key Point #9: Look backward to look forward.

Key Point #10: Maintaining or improving post-disaster social infrastructure will often be harder than doing so for an urban area’s physical infrastructure.

Key Point #11: Plan for the end, then the now.

Key Point #12: What happens in urban areas doesn’t stay in urban areas…Las Vegas included.

Key Point #13: Not all is what it seems in a city.

Supporting Key Point #13A: Don’t trust appearances.

Key Point #14: Expect the unexpected.

Key Point #15: Common sense sometimes isn’t common.

Key Point #16: Command, leadership, and management are fundamental to disaster response success.

Key Point #17: Getting the response structure right is vital.

Key Point #18: Leadership is important, but who should lead when?

Key Point #19: Effective communications are essential to effective leadership.

Key Point #20: Data counts

Key Point #21: The hurt is different in an urban disaster

Key Point #22: Urban underground locations can be a boon or deathtrap.

Key Point #23: Transition to recovery began yesterday.

Key Point #24: As with targeting during urban combat and judgments when responding, it is important to consider both the short and longer-term implications of decisions and actions throughout urban disaster recovery.

Key Point #25: Recovery is a system comprised of sub-systems interacting with other systems

The wisdom of taking a systems approach to urban undertakings would seem a given. Yet addressing challenges in terms of separate components is too frequently the norm. The reasons are many. At times they have some modicum of legitimacy. That is more often not the case. Politics, competition for resources, organizational jealousy, and self-interest are only a few among the many less justifiable reasons.

Previous divisiveness between the NYPD and FDNY in New York City and lack of cooperation between police, military, and other elements responsible for portions of Tokyo’s security tell us even the most notable and influential of world cities have areas in need of improvement. The same less-than-desirable recognition and exercise of interdependency characterize other urban functional, social, economic, and additional sectors as well. A city is a symbiotic entity. It is far greater than the sum of its parts. The same is true of an urban area’s relationships beyond its borders.

The tangled web of interconnections within and between urban areas—and their immediate and more distant surrounds—means the tremors of decisions made during recovery and rebuilding will reach far in terms of time and numbers affected. Those decisions and resulting actions are rocks cast into a pond. Appropriate ones cause mere ripples that little disrupt the surface, pleasurably rocking canoes and gently shifting sands to more favorable locations. A more appropriate metaphor when the urban area is a megacity is many separate ponds, each representing not only nearby rural areas, close-by towns, or small regional cities but much of its country and world beyond given these cities extraordinary influence.

Let’s consider economics for a moment. Dangers of post-disaster inflation are real and often realized. In keeping with our understanding of cities as systems and components of larger systems, these dangers can be urban-area wide, limited to only some communities or sectors of its economy, or reverberate well beyond the city itself. Too much money injected too fast or into some segments of the population and not others drives prices and emotions up. The first makes money worth less and thus can waste and diminish the value of aid. The second can deepen existing social divides or undermine backing from previously supportive communities. Such disaster-spawned impacts are larger stones cast into the above ponds, disrupting smooth sailing and scarring shorelines. That the consequences of disasters are so great and influences so many means specific second- and higher-order effects can be particularly hard to forecast.

Social mores in urban areas can also be notably hard to determine. First, the city might be in country with which an outside aid provider has limited experience. Secondly, larger cities tend to have more heterogeneous populations, the result being social expectations and practices that differ between communities and even individual households. Melding outsiders’ knowledge with those who can improve their awareness of local customs helps an international partner to determine how best to handle corpses, for example. While some diseases such as cholera and hemorrhagic fever favor rapid cremation or burial, risk of infection from the dead is overall generally low. Rapid burial makes later identification difficult and can deny families cultural obligations in treating their deceased.[1] Aid providers will other times have to find ways of working around potentially deadly practices such as sharing a last meal with the deceased as was the case with highly contagious Ebola in 2014 West Africa.

Deciding who to rely on for accurate information can be more challenging than one might think. Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) leaders arriving on Guadalcanal in mid-2003 were aware that the island country’s population did not trust local officials. Locals were happy to deal with Australian and other military representatives as well as coalition police but not with their own law enforcement due to corruption and factional infighting. Only over time—and after purging many of the police on the force at the time of RAMSI’s arrival—did the situation improve.[2]

Knowing what local expectations are and who amongst the local population will significantly influence those perceptions is important when deciding on what projects and other initiatives should have priority. Smaller projects with impact in a matter of days or weeks are the smart move when expectations of recovery include immediate results. Yet the case of purchasing diesel generators in 2003 Basra, Iraq (that in a country that was a net importer of diesel) demonstrates that those initiatives must consider the sought-after end goals just as should any other actions. Blindly addressing today’s needs without considering how they might support longer-term efforts or be integrated into larger projects with completion dates of months or even years down the line risks financial, political, and coalition support. A desirable state of affairs worth pursuing: integrating smaller, shorter-term projects into larger ones as fingers fit into a glove.

Expectations should not be taken as a given. US Army Corps of Engineers representative Lieutenant General Carl A. Strock found Iraqis unrealistically believed the coalition could quickly bring them 24-hour power despite the years of neglect Baghdad had practiced in that sector. Strock soon came to realize that the Iraqis weren’t asking for immediate all-day power. Eventually perhaps, but in the short run they wanted predictability so that they knew when they would have power and could adjust their schedules accordingly.[3] (This same “Can you just tell me when I’ll have power” was a source of frustration in post-WWII Berlin, one that has plagued many other post-disaster populations since.) Early tensions in Iraq might have been mitigated with an information campaign explaining coalition plans to restore—even improve—various services and what role members of the population might take to assist. Difficult it will surely be, but incorporating the goal of predicable power availability into disaster planning and recovery is a worthy enterprise.

Expectations and assumptions on the part of outsiders also require scrutiny. Other projects in Iraq saw $18.4 billion dollars committed to building 147 Iraqi medical facilities. The structures were completed and filled with state-of-the-art equipment. Unfortunately, there were not enough people in nearby communities who knew how to maintain the equipment. Elsewhere there were no staff to train the personnel who would have to run the facilities.[4] Costly in terms of money? Surely. Also in terms of the coalition’s reputation for good judgment? Very likely.

Key Point #26: There is always a need for centralized and effective anti-corruption oversight.

There is money—lots of money—to be made in disaster’s wake. There will never be an absence of the unsavory wanting to take advantage of that truth. Potential abusers include—but are by no means limited to—members of government, local and international NGOs (or those posing as NGOs), and contractors. Money is sticky; a bit (or more) stays in the hands of the unscrupulous at every level it passes through. Savvy donors may refuse to accept a local government manager for setting procedures and distributing money if they believe the cost of getting aid to those in need comes at too high a price. Making the problem even worse: some of the waylaid funds can be routed to those causing an urban disaster (terrorists or warring factions, for example) or result in key power brokers actively seeking to perpetuate crises given the profits to be made.

Decisions made to contain the worst of corruption can be very difficult ones. Refusing, limiting, or terminating aid can harm innocents, to include deaths. Yet blindly providing funds can worsen the injury, to include numbers of innocent dead. Outsiders seeking to assist Ukraine’s recovery will confront this unfortunate reality if they are not doing so already. The example of the Azovstal factory in Ukraine’s port city of Mariupol provides insight into the challenges. It was one of the biggest steel plants in Europe at the time of Russia’s invasion on February 24, 2022. Its 11,000 workers previously poured more than 4 million tons of steel a year. Azovstal lay in ruins three months later. It was but one reason the country’s physical damage came to $104 billion by the end of May according to the Kyiv School of Economics. Estimates of the total cost to the Ukrainian economy range from $200 billion to $500 billion or more. Restoration of Ukraine’s steel manufacturing is certainly desirable. But can Ukraine handle the funds necessary to address that and other recovery needs? Ukraine has historically lagged only Russia on Transparency International’s corruption perceptions index for European nations. It may have improved since a new government replaced that of 2014, but donors would be foolish to think there are not many ready to direct recovery funding for personal gain. Relying on (and monitoring) foreign contractors with proven records in managing large infrastructure projects might help, but anti-corruption authorities will need to be vigilant regardless.[5]

Only an international problem? Certainly not. Post-9/11 and Hurricane Katrina spending saw private interests seize on cash flows to provide new high-end residences, office space, and other commercial buildings. Anxiousness (arguably over-anxiousness) to hasten recovery saw federal monitoring and fund allocations waived such that requirements for “public oversight,” “means testing,” and “public benefit” fell by the wayside.[6] A scandal involving a high-profile former National Football League star seeking to direct recovery funds to pet athletic projects is gaining attention at the time of my writing these lines.

Part of the challenge in seeking to contain the worst of corruption’s abuses is harder when the environment is an urban one. Urban complexity means there are innumerable ways of making a buck or otherwise twisting the system to one’s own use. Some post-9/11 landlords in NYC obtained recovery grants, raised rents on their properties as allowed by the grants, and then refused to renew leases for low-income renters who could not pay the increased amount, thereby opening the properties to those who could.[7]

Our bugaboo of ineffective bureaucracy can hamstring urban recovery as well. Once the Department of Homeland Security assumed responsibility for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, a disproportionate percentage of funding for local preparedness went to terrorism-related challenges to the extent of $2 billion allocated to anti-terrorism grants and only $180 million for natural disaster readiness.[8] The consequences for recovery effectiveness are obvious.

Key Point #27: Some problems will be unavoidable even with excellent planning, clear policies, and a brilliant disaster response. Identifying them pre-event when possible opens the way to finding solutions or mitigating negative impacts.

Who owns a plot of land in Los Angeles is seldom in question. Such is the case in most of the United States. This clarity meant knowing who was responsible for making recovery-related decisions for a given property was generally straightforward after the 1994 Northridge tremors. The physical nature of lots in the Los Angeles area and throughout most of the United States also simplifies recovery. Individual home properties tend to be somewhat large with significant space between adjacent structures in many urban areas. Even where they are not, access from a reasonably wide street or condominium agreements help in allowing admittance or specifying permissions needed. Authorization to access a property in such cases relies only on owners or cooperative owner agreements. Unlike the case of the 1994 Northridge quake, property issues were less clear when Osaka-Kobe was badly shaken a year later. Greater building densities, laws allowing overlapping responsibilities for a given plot of land or structure, and competing levels of influence meant healing was more complicated.[9] Similar trials can arise when multiple authorities share rights to a piece of land or the strata below and above ground.

Mega-disasters in major urban areas could leave tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions homeless (think Tokyo and surrounding areas had the Fukushima radiation cloud not drifted eastward out over the Pacific). For lesser contingencies, authorities might address this challenge by:

  1. Putting policies in place that allow use of long-term unoccupied residential properties to house those rendered homeless post-disaster, perhaps encouraging pre-disaster agreements with property owners via tax or other breaks and assurances of post-recovery reimbursement for needed restoration/repairs once “tenants” have left (with exercise of eminent domain being a fallback when insufficient volunteer properties are available).
  2. Maintaining a frequently updated list of such vacant (often investment) residential spaces, under-utilized hotel spaces, and the like with additional relevant information such as the number of individuals or families that might be accommodated. (As of 2018, almost a third of Midtown Manhattan apartments between Fifth Avenue and Park Avenue and 49th and 70th streets were vacant for ten or more months a year. Hong Kong and London are likewise popular with wealthy real estate investors. COVID may have opened additional space, to include commercial spaces now vacant or underutilized.)[10]

Such potential residences would complement those owned by friends, relatives, and volunteers willing to house those in need (to include Airbnb property owners, as has fortunately happened during recent disasters). The millions of dollars that would otherwise be needed for tents, trailers, toilet facilities, feeding stations, and other support could be put toward reimbursing those allowing use of their properties. It won’t be easy. Real estate companies and politicians will join property owners in screaming foul when proposals for regulations requiring sharing come under consideration. The form of urban government will influence the ease of employing such initiatives. New York City mayors have powers not usually found in other major urban areas while the government of Los Angeles disperses power across county officials, a city council, and a major.[11]


[1] D. Sanderson, Clarke P. Knox, and L. Campbell, “Responding to urban disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations,” ALNAP lessons paper, 2012, (accessed September 23, 2018).

[2] Russell W. Glenn, Counterinsurgency in a Test Tube: Analyzing the Success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI), Santa Monica, CA, 2007, p. 127.

[3] Carl A. Strock (LTG, US Army, ret.) interview with Dr. Russell W. Glenn and Dave Dilegge, Frederick, MD, July 29, 2011.

[4] Peter Chiarelli (General, US Army), interview with Dr. Russell W. Glenn, Pentagon, Washington, DC, November 9, 2011 as appears in Russell W. Glenn, Core Counterinsurgency Asset: Lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan for United States Army Corps of Engineers Leaders, study sponsored by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, May 31, 2012 (revised December 8, 2016), pp. 273-281.

[5] “The $500bn question: Rebuilding Ukraine,” The Economist 443 (June 18, 2022): pp. 45–46.

[6] Kevin Fox Gotham and Miriam Greenberg, Crisis Cities: Disaster and Redevelopment in New York and New Orleans,” Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. ix.

[7] Gotham and Greenberg, Crisis Cities, p. 116.

[8] Gotham and Greenberg, Crisis Cities, p. 67.

[9] Robert B. Olshansky, et al., “Opportunity in Chaos: Rebuilding After the 1994 Northridge and 1995 Kobe Earthquakes,” Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Illinois paper, March 2011.

[10] Kevin Baker, “The Death of a Once Great City: The fall of New York and the urban crisis of affluence,” Harper’s Magazine, July 8, 2018, (accessed July 19, 2018).

[11]  “Hey, big spender: California primaries,” The Economist 443, June 4, 2022.p.  21.

The previous installation of this series “Responding to Urban Disasters, Post Two (Post 10 of 14),” appeared on 01 February 2023.

2/2/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 02/02/2023 - 9:40am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: February
3. Philippines grants U.S. greater access to bases amid China concerns
4. The Overlooked Irregular Warfare Expert the Pentagon Should Study Today
5. Let's Bring Greater Transparency to Foreign Influence on Policy Making
6. Austin Visit to Philippine Base Highlights Benefits of U.S-Philippine Alliance
7. Hard Drinking and Murky Finances: How an American Veterans Group Imploded in Ukraine
8. Influencers, Returnships, and Reimagined Career Progression: Creative Solutions for the Army’s Recruitment Crisis
9. Gen-Z Will Fight: But First, They Need to Know Why
10. An “Unprecedented” Recruitment Crisis
11. Pray the President resists the US push for bases
12. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on February 2, 2023 (US base access in the Philippines)
13. Viewpoint: Emerging ‘Offset-X’ Strategy Addresses Chinese Threat
14. Navy Ends 'Gruesome' Testing on Sheep After PETA Protests
16. Opinion | We Already Have 18 Intelligence Agencies. We Still Need 1 More.
17. #Reviewing Military Alliances in the Twenty-First Century
18. The Case for Caution on Crimea
19. This is why the SCAR Mk16 rifle never became a special operations weapon
20. We asked the new AI to do some simple rocket science. It crashed and burned
21.  Defeat in Afghanistan: An Autopsy by Joseph J. Collins
22. DARPA Awards Contracts for Long-Range ‘Liberty Lifter’ Flying Boat Design
23. US opens embassy in Solomon Islands after 30-year absence to counter China
24. 431. Your Adversary is Rational, Just Not the Way You Want Them to Be (Army Mad Scientist Blog)
25. Is Russia’s Wagner Group recruiting US veterans to fight in Ukraine?

Korean News Content:

1. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: February- Korea
2.  Press Statement of Spokesperson for DPRK Foreign Ministry Issued ("U.S. is now working hard to "demonize" the DPRK")
3. N. Korea warns of 'toughest reaction' to U.S. military drills with S. Korea
4. Families of S. Koreans detained in N. Korea urge U.N. efforts for repatriation
5. North Korea says U.S. drills threaten to turn region into 'critical war zone'
6. S. Korea's top diplomat, U.N. chief discuss concerns over N. Korea's possible nuke test
7. Asked about sending weapons to Ukraine, South Korea doesn’t say no
8. US Nomination of North Korea Rights Envoy Revives Hope for Divided Families
9. Crypto hacks stole record $3.8 billion in 2022, led by North Korea groups - report
10. Why South Korea is debating a nuclear weapons program
11.  DP vows to look into allegations of fortune teller's involvement in presidential office relocation
12. Foreign Minister could meet with Japanese counterpart in Munich
13. U.S. extends olive branch after North's 'nuke-for-nuke' comment
14. [EXCLUSIVE] South may place sanctions on North hacking groups
15. 4 South Korean activists arrested for alleged anti-gov't activities upon North Korean orders
16. [INTERVIEW] 'Extended deterrence is best option to ensure peace on Korean Peninsula'

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: February

Wed, 02/01/2023 - 8:02pm

Access the foreign policy tracker HERE.


February 1, 2023 | FDD Tracker: January 1-31, 2023

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: February

David Adesnik

Senior Fellow and Director of Research

John Hardie

Russia Program Deputy Director


Trend Overview

By David Adesnik and John Hardie

Welcome back to the Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker. Once a month, we ask FDD’s experts and scholars to assess the administration’s foreign policy. They provide trendlines of very positive, positive, neutral, negative, or very negative for the areas they watch. This is our first monthly tracker since the special year-end edition we published before the holidays.

The big story in January was Berlin’s refusal to send Ukraine Leopard tanks or even to let other NATO members give their German-made Leopards to Kyiv. As the war reaches a pivotal phase, the impasse threatened to undermine what has thus far been impressive transatlantic unity. But the Biden administration persuaded Berlin to cooperate by pledging to provide Ukraine with Abrams tanks. Washington is also sending Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and Stryker armored personnel carriers for the first time. This is all good news, yet the White House still refuses to send Kyiv ATACMS missiles, which would maximize Ukraine’s chances of victory and help hasten the war’s conclusion.

Another difficult question for the administration is why its envoy for nuclear negotiations with Iran held unpublicized talks with Tehran, which a foreign media outlet later revealed. The White House says it will not push for a nuclear deal while Tehran is crushing protests at home, yet it seems unwilling to give its full support to demonstrators marching under the banner of “Woman, Life, Freedom.”

Check back with us next month to see if NATO remains united behind Ukraine and if the White House clarifies its priorities for U.S policy toward Iran.


2/1/23 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 02/01/2023 - 8:51am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. To Solve a Problem, You Need to Define It…Accurately
2. Preparing for strategic competition: The need for irregular warfare professional military education
3. Record Defense Budget Flunks the China Test
5. DOJ Reveals New Iran-backed Assassination Attempt on Iranian American Journalist
6. Pentagon launches management reform institute to address challenges
7. Is the Ukraine War moving toward a ‘Korea solution’?
8. I used to work in a secure facility and here's the ugly truth about how Congress handles classified documents
9. Over-Classification Undermines Democracy, US Intelligence Director Says
10. Why Military Leaders Need to Rethink Battlefield Intelligence in a Smartphone Era
11. U.S. funds not misused in Ukraine, U.S. Treasury says amid corruption crackdown
12. How will the Russia-Ukraine war end?
13. How America Would Be Screwed if China Invades Taiwan
14. Getting Serious About Responsible Defense Spending
15. The Cod Wars and Lessons for Maritime Counterinsurgency
16. America should reach out to children of Russia’s elites
17. Taiwan scrambles fighter jets amid Chinese air and navy manoeuvres
18. Is Washington’s arms control theology finally on the verge of collapse?
19. Former Wagner commander describes brutality and incompetence on the frontline
20. Psychology wins wars

Korean News Content:

1. U.S. ambassador tries to allay S. Koreans' anxiety about 'extended deterrence' commitment
2. US to increase weapons deployment to counter North Korea
3. #ROK: #NATO: Stoltenberg in Seoul and South Korea's Yoon welcoming common purpose. David Maxwell, FDD
4. U.S., S. Korea agree to expand joint military drills, take strong steps against N. Korean provocations
5. Pentagon chief stresses 'unwavering' security commitment to S. Korea, reassures full 'extended deterrence'
6. S. Korea may test-fire new 'high-power' Hyunmoo ballistic missile in near future: source
7. Atlantic Council launches new Indo-Pacific Security Initiative, names Markus Garlauskas as director
8. U.S., South Korea to Step Up Nuclear Deterrence Efforts Against North Korea
9. Chinese agent exposed by FT investigation into North Korea oil trade arrested
10. US bill introduced to honor Korean War hero
11. U.S., South Korea Want Peace in Indo-Pacific
12. [Column] Don’t abandon North Korea
13. Japan sticks to its story over use of Korean forced labor
14. Seoul, Washington team up to stop NK's cryptocurrency theft

Recovering from Urban Disasters, Post Two (Post 10 of 14)

Wed, 02/01/2023 - 3:18am

Recovering from Urban Disasters, Post Two (Post 10 of 14)

Russell W. Glenn

The tenth of a series of blog posts on Urban Disasters: Readiness, Response, and Recovery by Russ Glenn.


New Zealand and Japanese Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Teams 2011 Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Efforts, 2 March 2011. Source: New Zealand Defence Force (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 NZ)

No change to our list of key points here as the first recovery post focused on background for the five to follow. Our key points to date:

Key Point #1: Preparation for any urban disaster helps to prepare an urban area for catastrophes regardless of cause or type.

Key Point #2:  Urban disasters are more alike than different.

Key Point #3: Rehearsing/exercising plans—even in so simple a form as talking through challenges—is essential.

Key Point #4: Plans must be executable.

Key Point #5: No plan will survive contact with the disaster.

Key Point #6: Information is the currency of success

Key Point #7: Urban residents are key to successful disaster response. It follows that they are key to successful disaster preparation.

Key Point #8: The plagues of bureaucracy, poor delineation of responsibilities, and criminality are remoras on any disaster…except the relationship isn’t symbiotic.

Key Point #9: Look backward to look forward.

Key Point #10: Maintaining or improving post-disaster social infrastructure will often be harder than doing so for an urban area’s physical infrastructure.

Key Point #11: Plan for the end, then the now.

Key Point #12: What happens in urban areas doesn’t stay in urban areas…Las Vegas included.

Key Point #13: Not all is what it seems in a city.

Supporting Key Point #13A: Don’t trust appearances.

Key Point #14: Expect the unexpected.

Key Point #15: Common sense sometimes isn’t common.

Key Point #16: Command, leadership, and management are fundamental to disaster response success.

Key Point #17: Getting the response structure right is vital.

Key Point #18: Leadership is important, but who should lead when?

Key Point #19: Effective communications are essential to effective leadership.

Key Point #20: Data counts

Key Point #21: The hurt is different in an urban disaster

Key Point #22: Urban underground locations can be a boon or deathtrap.

Key Point #23: Transition to recovery began yesterday.

Key Point #24: As with targeting during urban combat and judgments when responding, it is important to consider both the short and longer-term implications of decisions and actions throughout urban disaster recovery.

It might seem like we are beating a dead horse with this repeated emphasis on keeping a mindset that is looking well forward in time at every step of preparing for, responding to, and recovering from urban disaster. Like some of my teachers in years past, let the repetition serve the same purpose as their foot stomps when discussing an upcoming test: This is important stuff.

Warsaw in the immediate aftermath of WWII reflects many of the observations made in the previous post. The Polish capital suffered greatly during the conflict. The tragedy of the Jewish ghetto has been well documented by other authors. Less known is the August 1944 uprising during which Polish patriots sought to liberate their city from Nazi occupiers. A reported twenty thousand Nazi troops were killed or wounded, but as seems inevitable when war visits a city, it was the noncombatants who suffered most. Ground combat and aerial bombardment would leave 150,000 of them dead. Retributive punishment meted out by the occupiers sought to level the capital. Over 85 percent of the historic center lay in ruins before the Germans departed.[1] (The parallels with Russian “sour grapes” attacks on urban areas retaken by the Ukrainian army are obvious.)

As mentioned in our first recovery blog and again seen in post-war Warsaw, debates ebbed and flowed regarding how to recover, some favoring leaving vast expanses of the city untouched as a memorial and relocating the capital. Varsovians (Warsaw residents) chose instead to reconstruct. They turned to the cityscapes of Venetian painter Bernardo Bellotto (1722-1780, also referred to as Canaletto after a more renowned uncle) as a reference. Portions of the rubble became materials for the rebuilding; surviving fragments of historical buildings found renewed life in their ancestors’ reconstruction. It was common men, women, and children who aided in resurrecting their city as they worked alongside construction workers and other specialists (though to call them “common” seems to under-appreciate their grit). Material from nearby punished cities joined that native to Warsaw when existing rubble did not suffice. Author Daryl Mersom wrote, “‘The entire nation builds its capital’ became the city’s rallying cry.”

The question of whether to rebuild or repair is one faced at the level of individual structures as well as entire cities. Landlords will often favor starting tearing down and starting from scratch; it can be cheaper and quicker to simply remove what is left of a previous structure. The result often displaces former residents; new structure rents may be too expensive for previous occupants. Repair offers the alternative of letting the displaced live in those portions of buildings damaged but still habitable, maintaining community cohesion, and suppressing construction costs. No differently than in preparing for or dealing with an in-progress disaster, keeping an eye on the big picture and overarching systems effects in its aftermath increases the chances of ultimate success. Just as taking a breath before forging ahead during recovery helps balance short- and longer-term city needs, avoiding undue haste in awarding building contracts aids in sidestepping poorly advised construction.[2]

Returning to our example of Tokyo and the 1923 Great Kantō Earthquake aids in further understanding the challenges inherent in urban disaster recovery. We know the destruction was vast; nearly 13 square miles (33 million square meters) of homes, shops, government buildings, and more lay in ruins. Recall Gotō Shinpei, former mayor of Tokyo who became Home Minister the day after the quake. Gotō believed Tokyo should seize the day and build a brand new city. Showing a bit more restraint in his passions than did Konstanty Gutschow (quoted in the previous post), Gotō nonetheless sent a message but hours after assuming office, sharing with his predecessor that “now is our best chance to completely remodel and reconstruct Tokyo.”[3] Warned that both economics and politics would throw obstacles in his path, Gotō demonstrated an optimism that our earlier discussions demonstrate was unrealistic. “I will get as much money as I need,” he declared. Within three months he came to realize such was not to be.

As in Warsaw, others also desired to forge ahead and impose a new Tokyo on residents, one that

would allow the state to better manage its subjects on social, ideological, economic, and political levels. These individuals believed that new Tokyo’s urban space and state facilities would reflect and reinforce values that the government and its reform-minded allies sought to instill among it subjects. They included health, hygiene and physical fitness, frugality, sacrifice, diligence, temperance, orderliness, and community.[4]

Such bold plans by others failed because of an insensitivity to local opinion and the tug of history and tradition in addition to economic factors.[5] (Recall our Key Point #7: “Urban residents are key to successful disaster response. It follows that they are key to successful disaster preparation.” It applies no less to recovering from a calamity.) Unlike in post-WWII Germany, initiatives to deliberately extend the extent of destruction by removing surviving structures failed to gain traction in Tokyo. Public opinion favored quick rebuilding to meet housing and other needs. In-place property rights and the always present financial considerations also impeded such overly bold proposals. More successful propositions saw the need to incorporate residents’ perspectives and what were recognized as needs (or desirables) before the disaster. Those pre-war shortfalls included requirements for more open space (to include parks), wider streets, and sidewalks, all of which would both enhance quality of urban life and serve as firebreaks in a city where devastating fires were only a matter of when. Contemplating Tokyo’s post-disaster evolutions, academic Carola Hein observed, “though buildings disappear easily, lifestyles have changed only gradually, and they keep traditional Japanese building elements alive.”[6]


[1] Daryl Mersom, “Story of cities #28: how postwar Warsaw was rebuilt using 18th century paintings,” The Guardian, April 22, 2016, (accessed August 10, 2011). This and following discussion of Warsaw draws heavily on Mersom.

[2] Gilbert M. Gaul, “The Homes in Dorian’s Path Are in a High-Risk Area. Why Do They Cost So Much?” New York Times, September 3, 2019, (accessed October 21, 2019).

[3] “The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923,” (accessed August 10, 2022). Other material regarding Tokyo herein also draws on this resource unless otherwise noted.

[4] “The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923.”

[5] Carola Hein, “Resilient Tokyo: Disaster and Transformation in the Japanese City,” in Lawrence J. Vale and Thomas J. Campanella, eds., The Resilient City: How Modern Cities Recover from Disaster, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 226 (uncorrected advance reading copy). This paragraph draws on insights from Hein’s offering.

[6] Hein, “Resilient Tokyo, p. 230.”

The previous installation of this series “Responding to Urban Disasters, Post One (Post 9 of 14),” appeared on 30 January 2023.

Preparing for strategic competition: The need for irregular warfare professional military education

Tue, 01/31/2023 - 7:54pm

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Preparing for strategic competition: The need for irregular warfare professional military education


The Department of Defense (DOD) does not provide the irregular warfare (IW) professional military education necessary for success in competition and conflict in the 21st century. This is a not a new problem, but it is one that may deserve new attention from the Congress and the Pentagon.

More than 30 years ago, the late Ambassador Michael Sheehan, who also served as the assistant secretary of defense responsible for irregular warfare, observed that IW had “lost its significance as a separate type of conflict that requires different doctrine and training.” Sheehan concluded that a consequence was that the United States lacked the “operational level and campaign planning” necessary for irregular warfare above the tactical level.

Congress — reflecting on the findings from the Skelton Panel in the 21st century — has affirmed that “the primary purpose of [professional military education] is to develop military officers, throughout their careers, for the rigorous intellectual demands of complex contingencies and major conflicts.” It is perhaps unsurprising that the United States was unable to assemble high-level irregular-warfare-proficient campaign headquarters in either Afghanistan or Iraq — which may provide a critical vulnerability as U.S. adversaries are increasingly turning to irregular approaches to undermine U.S. conventional supremacy.

Access the remainder of the article at The Hill HERE.