Small Wars Journal

02/26/2021 News & Commentary – National Security

Fri, 02/26/2021 - 10:36am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. Intel Panel Chair: Retool Spec Ops for China Conflict

2.  Uniting against authoritarianism: a blueprint for the Quad

3. A House Divided: A Look at SOF Values

4.  A Reporter Looks Back: Remembering George Schultz

5. China’s Campaign to Crush Democracy in Hong Kong Is Working

6. China Gave US Diplomats Anal COVID Tests ‘In Error,’ American Officials Say

7. Ex-CIA Chief Gives JFK Assassination Some QAnon-Style Spin

8. How Starlink Is About To Disrupt The Telecommunications Sector

9. Founder Of Chinese Front Group Spoke At CIA Nominee’s Think Tank Amid Beijing Propaganda Push

10. In no region is China’s influence felt more strongly than in South-East Asia

11. Esper’s end-around on Trump harmed civil-military relations

12. Pentagon brands Russia "existential" threat as Joe Biden condemns nation's "recklessness"

13. Exclusive: US counterterrorism operations touched 85 countries in the last 3 years alone

14. Global defense spending, led by US and China, hits new high

15. China’s Waning Rare Earths Advantage


1. Intel Panel Chair: Retool Spec Ops for China Conflict · by Jeff Stein

Well this new committee is off to an interesting start. I think the chairman needs a thorough briefing on the roles and missions of SOF. The SOF community may be in for tough times ahead with this Congressman as the chairman of the intelligence and Special Operations Subcommittee of the HASC.


“He also thinks U.S. Green Berets, Navy SEALs and other spec ops units need to be withdrawn from some regions and assignments and get ready for “some kind of conflict with China should the balloon go up.”


Meanwhile, Gallego says, U.S. special operations troops need a break from foreign deployments and training missions.

“They're stretched too thin,” he said. “It causes a lot of family problems. These guys are special forces, but they're not super human.”

“We are basically overusing them to the point where I think a lot of our special forces are really just, absolutely just tired,” he added. “Not only that, but because they're already being used on CT missions in, for example, CENTCOM (the U.S. Central Command, responsible for the Middle East), their skill set is only really focused on that.” They need to be retooled, he says, as an adjunct to main force units in a bigger, head-on conflict.


Nevertheless, he says, the Pentagon should start drawing down special ops troops from joint training operations in places like Africa and the Arctic and retooling them for a future conflict in Asia. They could be replaced in most cases , he says, by regular active duty and National Guard units. NATO members’ special ops troops could pick up the slack for foreign counterterror and training missions.

Rather than thinking about preparing for SOF for a war with China (and I assume he means a war in China where he would advocate deploying SOF) perhaps we ought to think about a more effective use of SOF in the political warfare domain of Great Power Competition where we can employ the comparative advantages of SOF to meet US strategic objectives short of war. The Chairman should be asking how to employ SOF in irregular warfare in support of a US national level effort of political warfare in great power competition.

What is an example of how SOF contributes to IW ? - through "unconventional deterrence" (H/T to Bob Jones)- helping to harden populations and militaries of friends, partners, and allies to resist the malign influence of revisionist, rogue, and revolutionary powers and violent extremist organizations. This is exemplified by the Resistance Operating Concept pioneered by SOCEUR to counter Russian malign influence in Europe. This model has application around the world especially if adapted for countries targeted by China's One Belt One Road initiative or in countries such as Taiwan.

•What is the "resistance potential" against OBOR?

•Is it supportable and exploitable?

•How to develop a supporting campaign plan to support the new US Strategic Approach to China;

•Promoting American Prosperity

•Advancing American Influence

•Preserving Peace Through Strength.

US Strategic Approach to China

State Department Plays a Key Role in New US China Strategy

•How to Support the GEC?

•Information and Influence Activities

•How to Support State?

•Blue Dot Network

•Economic Prosperity Network

•Is there a role for the 2 SOF “trinities?”

•Irregular Warfare, Unconventional Warfare, Support to Political Warfare

•The Comparative advantage of SOF: Governance, Influence, Support to indigenous forces and populations

(while maintaining exquisite capabilities for the no fail CT and CP national missions)

Lastly, if you withdraw SOF from around the world and replace them with conventional forces and National Guard troops so they can sit at home station to prepare for the balloon going up with China, you will break the entire special operations community doing greater damage than through the perceived "overuse" of SOF. SOF retention and recruiting will drop to zero.

I hope the Chairman gets a briefing from ASD SO/LIC and USSOCOM and gets brought up to speed about the nature and capabilities of SOF.


2. Uniting against authoritarianism: a blueprint for the Quad · by John Garrick · February 26, 2021

We need more than the Quad.


“The Quad will need to be involved in developing a cybersecurity strategy that recognises the varied nature of evolving threats and the importance of ensuring the security and resilience of alliance members’ networks. Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is seeking to secure the technological future by fostering the ‘Quad Tech Network’.


Some argue that the Quad won’t work because the histories and agendas of the four partners are too different. However, this views the Quad narrowly as a military alliance. It can be and is much more. In an encouraging sign, the Quad has already engaged with South Korea, Vietnam and New Zealand (the ‘Quad-plus’) on collective responses to the pandemic.

As Quad members, the US and Australia may encourage the inclusion of Japan in the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing network along with Canada, New Zealand and the UK. The British government has also floated the idea of a ‘Democracy 10’ (including the Quad countries) to tackle issues, such as the development of standards for 5G and emerging technologies, that affect the collective interests of the democratic nations.”


3. A House Divided: A Look at SOF Values

A House Divided: A Look at SOF Values· by Dan Pace


“Over time, the development and integration of this code into the regiment could significantly improve operators’ ability to make ethical, operationally effective decisions. In addition to the obvious benefits of increased decision making quality, the regiment could enjoy numerous other benefits. Deeper understanding of the specifics of an operator’s actions improves leadership’s ability to capitalize on them through information operations and enables them to be more easily synchronized with other efforts. This understanding also ensures any operational missteps are recognized early and can be mitigated more effectively. From a force preservation perspective, this ethical code could result in a reduction in the number and severity of moral injuries to the force. Operators that understand why they are doing what they do, and that their actions are condoned by higher will be better equipped to deal with the mental fallout such actions can cause. Finally, implementation of this code improves the discipline and reputation of the regiment by helping avoid the disreputable publicity that comes from scandal.  The changes will not be felt immediately, but over time, they could have significant impact on the well-being and effectiveness of the force.            

As the regiment looks at solutions to the problem of SOF misconduct, it needs to ensure it isn’t making any false assumptions. Improving leadership assessment and selection, reducing strain on the force, and strengthening SOF’s identity are necessary, but if they rest on a weak moral foundation, they will not be sufficient.”


4. A Reporter Looks Back: Remembering George Schultz· by Dan Southerland

I do hope we can continue to learn from Secretary Schultz and that his passing will cause us to reflect and learn.


5. China’s Campaign to Crush Democracy in Hong Kong Is Working

WSJ · by Wenxin Fan


“Hong Kong can be governed only by “patriots” who aren’t opposed to the Communist Party’s leadership, Xia Baolong, the chief of Beijing’s office on Hong Kong affairs, said in a policy speech this week in Beijing. “Those who violate Hong Kong’s national security law aren’t patriots.”

Chinese government officials have foreshadowed further steps they believe are necessary in a city where resistance to Communist Party rule remains widespread and people still enjoy many more freedoms than those on the mainland.

Officials see a need to use the law’s broad provisions more firmly to tame critical media, revamp education and tighten internet controls, fashioning the liberal financial center in the authoritarian mold of China’s other cities. Pressure is mounting to change Hong Kong’s vaunted judicial system—for instance, Chinese officials are annoyed that judges often let activists go free on bail after they’re charged—even though any erosion of international legal standards may alarm foreign businesses in the city.“


6. China Gave US Diplomats Anal COVID Tests ‘In Error,’ American Officials Say

Vice · by Viola Zhou

I just cannot see US personnel submitting to this (if this is a real report). I thought this was from the Opinion or Duffel Blog or Babylon Bee but it is from VICE, ...sigh

China Gave US Diplomats Anal COVID Tests ‘In Error,’ American Officials Say


7. Ex-CIA Chief Gives JFK Assassination Some QAnon-Style Spin

The Daily Beast · by Guy Russo · February 26, 2021

Well it is Friday and I guess time for unusual reports.


8. How Starlink Is About To Disrupt The Telecommunications Sector

Forbes · by Enrique Dans · February 23, 2021


“Starlink also raises many other issues in a market that has traditionally tended to be highly regulated: what happens to the amortization of frequency operating licenses or the amortization of infrastructure, in many cases resold to other companies, if competitors using satellite technologies appear that are able to offer a competitive service in any market? And what happens in markets where governments seek to maintain oversight of operators’ connectivity offers, taking advantage of them to exercise some form of censorship? Are governments such as Russia really going to start harassing those who connect in this way?

Will we soon see competitive Starlink offerings in rural areas in your country? That was a science fiction scenario until recently, but now seems to be, contrary to what usually happens with Elon Musk’s announcements, about to meet its deadline. The announced disruption seems to be arriving according to plan. Will this year see the arrival of vastly more competitive telecommunications?”


9. Founder Of Chinese Front Group Spoke At CIA Nominee’s Think Tank Amid Beijing Propaganda Push

The Daily Caller



10. In no region is China’s influence felt more strongly than in South-East Asia

The Economist· February 25, 2021

Yes it is a complex relationship when you have the 600 pound gorilla breathing down your neck.

The "Milk Tea Alliance" is an interesting phenomena.


11. Esper’s end-around on Trump harmed civil-military relations

Defense News · by Jud Crane · February 25, 2021


“My concern is what comes next. Further politicization of appointments could lead to a Pentagon that games appointments in the fourth year of an administration or selects separate slates of general officers according to the anticipated preferences of the winning candidate. To that end, general officers may begin aligning themselves with anticipated preferences of the incoming party. As civil-military relations scholar Risa Brooks wrote that “when political criteria become paramount in appointments and promotions, it can undermine the quality of the officer corps.”

We are fortunate that the United States has a trusted, professional, apolitical military. An apolitical military, if you can keep it.”


12.  Pentagon brands Russia "existential" threat as Joe Biden condemns nation's "recklessness"

Newsweek · by David Brennan · February 25, 2021

Are we making Russia 10 feet tall? As a brilliant national security expert I know once said: "Amazing that this declining power with a GDP the size of Texas can create all this mischief and the rest of the world seems helpless in either stopping it or preventing these acts of mischief from taking place."


13.  Exclusive: US counterterrorism operations touched 85 countries in the last 3 years alone

USA Today · by George Petras, Karina Zaiets and Veronica Bravo

800 overseas bases? This is mentioned at the end of the article.

There is a link to an excel spreadsheet with a description of "bases" and a list all the bases.

The excel spreadsheet can be downloaded here.

To cite the data here is a link to the author's information.


14.  Global defense spending, led by US and China, hits new high

Stars and Stripes· by John Vandiver · February 25, 2021

Excerpt: After the U.S. and China, the top spenders were India, Britain and Russia.

Global defense spending, led by US and China, hits new high


15.  China’s Waning Rare Earths Advantage · by Phillip Orchard


“Over the longer term, it also portends a decline in Chinese exports that has nothing to do with Beijing weaponizing its industry dominance. Chinese domestic demand for rare earths is already exploding. If Beijing is going to deliver on any of its many technological moonshots – such as making the vast majority of its vehicle fleet electric by 2035, reaching 1,000 gigawatts of wind power generation by 2050, and building out the missile, submarine and air power capabilities needed to reach military parity with the U.S. – it will need to hoard most of its rare earths for itself. Chinese exports have already declined as a result, including a 24 percent drop in 2020 from the previous year. Indeed, Chinese demand has outpaced Chinese mining production for the past five years, forcing China to import increasing amounts of raw material from Myanmar, Vietnam and even the U.S. This, more than any desire to ease global concern about a potential embargo, is the main reason behind Friday’s expansion of production quotas.

Deng Xiaoping may have been correct that rare earths, like data and semiconductors, are the “new oil.” The thing about oil is that the strategic value of having a lot of it has often been overstated, especially once it became cheap and easy to move around the globe. Supply disruptions from major producers, of course, can still cause enough short-term pain to make importers leery of doing anything that might provoke them. And, if backed into a corner, China may very well think it has little to lose by rocking the global rare earths market with an export ban. But any benefits of such a move would be short-lived and expensive, and it would quickly bring about a future where production of the elements outside of China is anything but rare.”




"Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity. Those who clearly recognize the voice of their own conscience usually recognize also the voice of justice."

- Alexander Solzhenitsyn


"I think the SOF community (SOCCOM?) needs to present a convincing briefing to Congress and JCS for that matter, that someone is in control of the SOF community (all aspects and all services), because rightly or wrongly, the impression to the public, and I suspect within the military, is that too many SOF elements are cowboys without adult supervision…." - a National Security Expert


“We have war when at least one of the parties to a conflict wants something more than it wants peace.” 

- Jeane Kirkpatrick

02/26/2021 News & Commentary – Korea

Fri, 02/26/2021 - 10:34am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. 12-year-old U.S. resident identified as suspect of terror threat against Incheon airport

2.  Teenage boy caught watching pornography exiled to countryside with family

3. US Court Orders N. Korea to Pay $2.3 Billion to Crew Members of USS Pueblo

4. Reports: North Korean enterprise filed first known lawsuit in the South

5. North Korea: Russian diplomats leave by hand-pushed trolley

6. Opinion | The clock is ticking on North Korea. Biden should make the first move.

7. South Korea wavers on North Korea human rights abuses

8. North Korea in Africa: Historical Solidarity, China’s Role, and Sanctions Evasion

9. Games of war and peace

10.  Republic of Korea Quo Vadis?


1. 12-year-old U.S. resident identified as suspect of terror threat against Incheon airport · by 김나영 · February 26, 2021

False alarm on the terrorist attack.


2. Teenage boy caught watching pornography exiled to countryside with family· by Jang Seul Gi · February 25, 2021

This is the nature of the Kim family regime and the rule by law.


“The teenager was watching a pornographic video late at night when his parents were not at home. He was caught during a surprise inspection by a task force created to monitor “deviant” behavior.

According to the explanatory material for the “anti-reactionary thought law” obtained exclusively by Daily NK, Article 29 of the law calls for sentences of five to 15 years of correctional labor for consumption or possession of pornographic videos or books, photos or drawings that “preach superstition.” Individuals who produce, import or distribute such materials may get life sentences of correctional labor or even the death penalty, depending on the quantity of the material.

However, it appears that because the “anti-reactionary thought law” does not prescribe punishment regulations for adolescents, the punishment was set to deportation instead of correctional labor.

Articles 34-38 of the law stipulate fines of KPW 100,000 to 200,000 if a reactionary thought crime occurs due to the irresponsible education of children and orders the entire family to move to the countryside as punishment for the parents.”


3. US Court Orders N. Korea to Pay $2.3 Billion to Crew Members of USS Pueblo · by VOA News

This is an interesting development. Obviously the plaintiffs will never collect from the regime. But perhaps this is another avenue to try to attack the resources of the regime.


4. Reports: North Korean enterprise filed first known lawsuit in the South· by Elizabeth Shim · February 25, 2021

Another interesting, and in this case, historic action. Perhaps the regime is going to practice its own form of Chinese "lawfare" with juche characteristics. 


5. North Korea: Russian diplomats leave by hand-pushed trolley


Tough times in Pyongyang even for diplomats. This is quite the "NEO" (noncombatant evacuation order).  I wonder if we could incorporate "hand trolleys" into the NEO plans for South Korea.

See the photos at the link.


6. Opinion | The clock is ticking on North Korea. Biden should make the first move.

The Washington Post · February 25, 2021

Patience. Oh that is such a bad word to use in connection with north Korea.

We can make the first move but what happens when north Korea does not pick up the phone or answer the email?

I do not think Kim is ready to engage. I do not think he can engage at this time due to the significant internal pressure he is under.

The only way he might come to the table sooner than later is if we offered sanctions relief. We would have to make a huge commitment to lift sanctions (which would require UNSC and Congressional approval) and only then would he might to the table. But then what will happen at that table?

Kim Jong-un will then work to capitalize on such appeasement which will be perceived as the success of his political warfare strategy . He will then double down on his blackmail diplomacy line of effort.

But most importantly I believe the Biden administration is right to focus on getting our alliances in the region right before we work on north Korea. We cannot be successful with north Korea without the foundation built on our linchpin and cornerstone alliances.

The bottom line is a new strategy must be built on deterrence, defense, denuclearization, and resolution of the "Korea question" (para 60 of the Armistice Agreement) by employing a superior form of political warfare.  It should consist of 5 lines of effort: comprehensive diplomacy, resolute alliance military strength, pressure through enforced sanctions, cyber defense and offensive operations, and information and influence activities to target the regime elite, the second-tier leadership, and the population to undermine the legitimacy of the regime and separate the Kim family regime from the elite and the 2d tier leadership as well as to prepare the population for unification. Just saying.


7.  South Korea wavers on North Korea human rights abuses· by Elizabeth Shim · February 25, 2021

This is an alliance issue. We need a united front focused on north Korean human rights. The Biden administration must address this with the Moon administration.


8.  North Korea in Africa: Historical Solidarity, China’s Role, and Sanctions Evasion· by Benjamin R. Young· February 24, 2021

The 20 page report can be downloaded here.

We must take a global view of the north Korean threat.

Much of this is covered in greater detail in Dr. Bruce Bechtol's book:  North Korean Military Proliferation in the Middle East and Africa: Enabling Violence and Instability (which is cited in the author's report).


9. Games of war and peace

The Korea Times· by Donald Kirk · February 25, 2021

An interesting take on Korea from the always pithy and irreverent Don Kirk.

But I have to take issue with this except. We need multi-echelon training and at certain echelons we need aggressive field training while at other echelons computer simulation training is far more effective and important than field exercises. The ROK/US CFC HQ and the component HQ benefit more from computer simulation training than "field training" exercises. The computer simulation versus field training is an apples to oranges argument because the multiple echelons are apples, oranges, and cabbages (kimchi!).


“It's not enough to conduct computer-driven exercises fine-tuning the ability of Americans and Koreans to communicate and respond on keyboards and screens. Soldiers, they say, should also share the difficulties and hazards of working together for real, in maneuvers once conducted regularly in vast stretches below the Demilitarized Zone. Since Donald Trump, in one of the more idiotic moves of his presidency, called off joint exercises after his summit in Singapore with North Korea's Kim Jong-un in June 2018, U.S. and Korean troops have hardly gotten to know each other.

It takes simulated combat conditions, not just computer games, say officers with experience in conflicts in the Middle East, for allies to gain the rapport needed to face a common enemy. That element has been missing since the last on-the-ground extensive war games involving U.S. and South Korean forces were conducted four years ago.

As an aside, given the challenges of the ROK military on the DMZ I would recommend a return to patrolling of the DMZ with US forces. However, rather than the old days of the American sector around the JSA I would integrate US forces with ROK forces in each of the frontline corps areas of responsibility. This would contribute to the defense along the DMZ, improve interoperability, and keep US tactical infantry forces primed for combat operations at the small unit level. There is no better small unit training for infantry units than the preparation for conducting actual reconnaissance and live ambush patrols on the DMZ. I have been recommending this for some years but there is no stomach for this.”


10. Republic of Korea Quo Vadis?

The Korea Times · by Park Moo-jong  · February 25, 2021

An interesting take on South Korean domestic politics:

“Before the April by-elections, the government, under Moon's initiative, is expected to release about 20 trillion won (about $18 billion) as "disaster relief funding" to help people battling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Quite naturally, the Moon administration's spending spree, backed by the magnificent force of Moon's Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) on the floor, is flatly adding to the sharp increase in the national debt, which the next governments ― whichever they are ― will have to pay back.

While the ruling camp is wielding its mighty power on the floor, the opposition People Power Party (PPP)is literally incompetent, showing no clear signs yet of making an effort to put up a "unified candidate" from all the opposition forces in the by-election for Seoul mayor, which is certainly to play an important role in their skirmishing.

The PPP is helpless to check the ruling party and its government, only engaging in verbal wars through social media, in particular, as a weak minority party. Actually, many people worry over the "interim" leadership of Kim Chong-in, who was the top election campaigner and a lawmaker of the then opposition DPK in 2016.”




"Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity. Those who clearly recognize the voice of their own conscience usually recognize also the voice of justice."

- Alexander Solzhenitsyn


"I think the SOF community (SOCCOM?) needs to present a convincing briefing to Congress and JCS for that matter, that someone is in control of the SOF community (all aspects and all services), because rightly or wrongly, the impression to the public, and I suspect within the military, is that too many SOF elements are cowboys without adult supervision…." - a National Security Expert


“We have war when at least one of the parties to a conflict wants something more than it wants peace.” 

- Jeane Kirkpatrick



02/25/2021 News & Commentary – Korea

Thu, 02/25/2021 - 10:11am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics

2.  Empowering Congress on the Korean Peninsula

3. NK leader presides over key party meeting to discuss discipline among military officials

4. Upcoming military exercise with U.S. should be postponed or halted: expert

5. There was another ranking North Korean defector from Kuwait before Ryu: source

6. Madrid embassy raid suspect says it was all a ruse

7. Human Rights are Critical to North Korean Policy Agenda

8. U.S. experts stress need to address human rights issues in normalization talks with N. Korea

9. S. Korea yet to finalize position on U.N. resolution on N.K. human rights: ministry

10. North Korea enslaved South Korean prisoners of war in coal mines

11. Police investigate terror threat against Incheon Airport ahead of March 1 holiday

12. France & Japan Continue North Korean Surveillance Ops Into March

13. Unification minister renews calls for individual tourism to N.K.

14. How to Vaccinate A Rogue State Like North Korea Against Coronavirus

15. 'US needs to use China in North Korean nuclear issue'

16. What is Wrong with the Anti-Leafleting Law?

17. Upgraded US-Japan alliance raises need for practicality in Seoul's diplomacy


1. Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics

More than 700 economists and academics have signed this letter. You can see all the signatories here


2. Empowering Congress on the Korean Peninsula · by Clint Work

The 23 page report can be downloaded here:

EXSUM is in the link. 


3. NK leader presides over key party meeting to discuss discipline among military officials · by The Korea Herald · February 25, 2021

Note the focus on the younger generation.  

"revolutionary moral discipline"

"Kim also called for intensified education and control to ensure that the commanding officers of the "new generation have the proper political consciousness and moral point of view."

NK leader presides over key party meeting to discuss discipline among military officials


4. Upcoming military exercise with U.S. should be postponed or halted: expert · by 이원주 · February 25, 2021

The Ministry of Unification and the Korean Institute of National Unification are spouting some dangerous and troubling recommendations. They are going to cause damage to the alliance and put the security of the ROK at risk. They need to stay in their lane and focus on unification planning and preparation and stop meddling in alliance and military issues. The recommendation on human rights is morally bankrupt.


"It is necessary to postpone the combined exercises in March to restart inter-Korean dialogue and to review the idea of forming a joint military committee with the North to discuss the issue of military exercise and arms buildup," the expert said.


The expert also called on the need for Seoul to keep consulting with Washington so that North Korea's human rights issue does not pose as an obstacle to nuclear talks.”


5. There was another ranking North Korean defector from Kuwait before Ryu: source

The Korea Times· by Yi Whan-woo · February 25, 2021

This is an interesting development. This is another anecdote that adds to what my senior escapee friends tell me. There are many among the elite from north Korea who wish to escape if only they had the opportunity. Some wish to come to the US. But the ROK and the US should develop policies that will encourage escapes by the elite and other government agencies should work to professionally facilitate escapes and not have them rely on organizations like Free Joseon (see the new "revelation" about the embassy "raid" in Spain).

I would like to see a take down of the leadership of Office or Department 39 by targeting the senior members of the illicit activities organization in each country. Provide them incentives for escape and then exploit their knowledge. Some of the recent defectors who have been affiliated with Office 39 as well as others from the past have been instrumental in providing information on sanctions evasion and north Korean illicit activities.


6. Madrid embassy raid suspect says it was all a ruse· by Shim Kyu-Seok

The ROK and US need to be better than this. We cannot rely on organizations like Free Joseon for such important work. I am not saying the ROK or US intelligence services were using Free Joseon for this work but I am just pointing out this is a course of action we should not consider if we are going to get involved with helping Koreans from the north escape.


7. Human Rights are Critical to North Korean Policy Agenda· by Terrence Matsuo · February 23, 2021

Human rights is a moral imperative and a national security issue. We need to take a human rights upfront approach to north Korea. As we heard from our escapee friend Hyun Seung Lee last evening at the conference Free and Unified Korea Framework - Options for the New U.S. Administration (, you cannot separate human rights from the nuclear issue.


8. U.S. experts stress need to address human rights issues in normalization talks with N. Korea · by 송상호 · February 25, 2021

Excellent remarks on human rights from Victor Cha last evening.

I was extremely disappointed in Ambassador Gallucci's remarks really dismissing the idea of unification. That is really troubling to hear from a senior diplomat. He is also ready to lift sanctions and I guess return to the policy of "Lucy and Charlie Brown's football" - oops I mean a Sunshine Policy reprise. For all those who say that we should lift sanctions because they have not achieved denuclearization I would ask this question: Which sanctions would you like to lift and which malign behavior from north Korea are you willing to condone and publicly state that you are good with allowing the regime to continue without any accountability?

Continued nuclear and missile development?

Proliferation of weapons to conflict areas?

Global illicit activities from counterfeiting US hundred dollar bills to drug trafficking to raise money for the regime and nuclear development?

Global cyber attacks to conduct espionage, infrastructure attacks, influence operations, cyber enabled economic warfare, and theft to provide funds for the regime and nuclear development?

Human rights atrocities in north Korea that the US has determined are the worst crimes against humanity since WWII?

Overseas slave labor?

So when you advocate for sanctions relief, please also state which malign activity you wish to associate yourself with and condone.


9.  S. Korea yet to finalize position on U.N. resolution on N.K. human rights: ministry · by 김승연 · February 25, 2021

Simply a troubling stance by the Moon administration. The idea that by not fully and decisively condemning north Korean human rights abuses and crimes against humanity somehow the regime will become favorably disposed to South Korean engagement is one of the worst examples of misguided thinking about the mafia-like crime family cult of the Kim family regime.


10.  North Korea enslaved South Korean prisoners of war in coal mines

BBC · by Laura Bicker

Just another sad story that illustrates the evil nature of the Kim family regime and how it has rule the Guerrilla Dynasty and Gulag State causing immense suffering of Koreans from the north and the South.

Is there anyone who advocates overlooking these atrocities in return for nuclear negotiations?

North Korea enslaved South Korean prisoners of war in coal mines


11. Police investigate terror threat against Incheon Airport ahead of March 1 holiday · by 우재연 · February 25, 2021

If this was not a hoax it is a surprising and troubling development. But Incheon Airport is one of the best in the world so perhaps they think it would be a useful target. Does AQ really track the significance of the March 1st Holiday (the Samil Movement)? Would that have positive international effects for AQ?


12. France & Japan Continue North Korean Surveillance Ops Into March · by Mark Buckton · February 25, 2021

We need a strong international effort to counter north Korean sanctions evasion and proliferation activities.


13. Unification minister renews calls for individual tourism to N.K. · by 이원주 · February 25, 2021

north Korea would like tourism because traditionally the revenue generated is fed directly into the regime's "royal court economy" that directly supports the regime elite and funds the nuclear and missile programs. What would be the MOU's plan to ensure the tourism funds are not used to directly benefit KJU and the nuclear program?


14. How to Vaccinate A Rogue State Like North Korea Against Coronavirus

The National Interest · by Troy Stangarone · February 24, 2021

An interesting thought piece from Troy. I think we have to take a global perspective on the pandemic and all countries need access to vaccinations regardless of whether they are led by despotic regimes. It is in all of our interests to ensure there are worldwide vaccinations.

I am all for assisting north Korea directly or indirectly because it is the right thing to do. But we should be under no illusions that providing vaccine aid to north Korea will in any way contribute to a change in regime behavior or a decision to negotiate denuclearization.


15.  'US needs to use China in North Korean nuclear issue'

The Korea Times · February 25, 2021

Yes, China will be part of a process on the Korean peninsula. But we should be under no illusion that China will help solve ROK and US security issues with the north Korea without some quid pro quo. China is happy to see the US distracted and bogged down with north Korea issues that hopefully (from their perspective and the north's) contribute to alliance friction and erosion. China will be pleased to see continued problems for the US as long as the north does not go to war or become unstable and collapse. China 's interests are best served by maintaining the status quo for as long as possible.


16. What is Wrong with the Anti-Leafleting Law? · by Committee for Human Rights in North Korea · February 24, 2021

This is one of the major human rights issues and points of friction in the ROK/US alliance


17. Upgraded US-Japan alliance raises need for practicality in Seoul's diplomacy · February 24, 2021

Has there really been an "upgrade" in the US japan alliance or is that only Korea's paranoid perspective? But maybe this perception will have a positive effect and help the ROK and US to develop sufficiently aligned assumptions regarding the nature and objectives of the Kim family regime. I think the US and Japan are much more aligned in this respect. 




“Words can destroy. What we call each other ultimately becomes what we think of each other, and it matters.” 

- Jeane Kirkpatrick


“The Nation, which indulges towards another an habitual hatred, or an habitual fondness, is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. ... The Nation, prompted by ill-will and resentment, sometimes impels to war the Government, contrary to the best calculations of policy. The Government sometimes participates in the national propensity, and adopts through passion what reason would reject; at other times, it makes the animosity of the nation subservient to projects of hostility instigated by pride, ambition, and other sinister and pernicious motives. The peace often, sometimes perhaps the liberty, of Nations has been the victim.”

- George Washington, George Washington's Farewell Address


"War does not belong in the realm of arts and sciences; rather it is part of man's social existence…Politics, moreover, is the womb in which war develops."

- Carl von Clausewitz

02/25/2021 News & Commentary – National Security

Thu, 02/25/2021 - 10:09am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. Austin eyes rolling back Trump-era policy on special operations

2. How the National Cyber Director Position Is Going to Work: Frequently Asked Questions

3. 'Bouquet-throwing contest:' Biden's CIA nominee William Burns gets rave reviews in hearing

4. George Shultz’s Enduring Wisdom Can Guide Diplomacy Today

5. New Hicks Memo Sets Acquisition, Force Posture 2022 Budget Priorities

6. DoD policy pick faces ‘critical’ confirmation hearing, says Reed

7. ‘Great Power Competition’ Is a Dangerously Simple Frame

8. Senate Armed Services chair expects 'some extension' of troops in Afghanistan

9. Pentagon report reveals disturbing details about White supremacists in the ranks

10. Navy sends another guided-missile destroyer through contentious Taiwan Strait

11. 'A reckoning is near': America has a vast overseas military empire. Does it still need it?

12. Disrupting the “Chinese Dream” – Eight Insights on how to win the Competition with China

13. FDD | IAEA Weakens Iran Nuclear Safeguards

14. FDD | What’s wrong with appeasement?

15. Can Biden Fix the U.N. Human Rights Council?

16. Flag Officer Announcements

17. General Officer Announcements (Air Force)

18. China Wants Your Data — And May Already Have It

19. Desert Storm - SF Team Fights to Survive Behind Enemy Lines | SOF News

20. Military helped Darren Raley discover his potential

21. Austin Praises 'Whole-of-Government, All-of-Nation' Effort Against COVID-19


1. Austin eyes rolling back Trump-era policy on special operations

Politico· February 24, 2021

What this article does not discuss is how the SECDEF plans to comply with the NDAA (Section 922 specifically) and Congress' intent for greater and more effective civilian oversight of SOF.  We are going to return to the custom of the Pentagon and services and USSOCOM stiff-arming any attempt to move SOF from service-like responsibilities to having the requisite service authorities with proper civilian oversight to improve the effectiveness of special operations.


2. How the National Cyber Director Position Is Going to Work: Frequently Asked Questions· by John Costello and Mark Montogomery · February 24, 2021


“The NCD was never intended to spring fully formed from the minds of the multi-stakeholder commission that recommended it or the Congress and the pages of statute that gave birth to it. It will take time and considerable effort to find its way among the dynamic environment of the White House and the fray of the interagency. The creation of the deputy national security adviser for cyber and emerging technologies is a positive development and will need to be accounted for. The NCD is not and likely will not remain static. The president holds preeminence in delegating authority to the position through executive order. And Congress maintains its prerogative to empower the position further and in response to, and support of, how the president manages the position. It is an iterative dynamic that will lend itself well to evolving needs of cybersecurity and the demands of the office.

But the fundamental argument for the establishment of the position remains the same: The U.S. government needs vision, leadership, and unity of effort in cyberspace. This is true irrespective of political party or administration—though the Biden administration is off to a good start. That said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. The NCD position changes the institutional dynamic and is a marked step forward in ensuring enduring leadership and accountability. It will need to evolve, certainly, but as it stands the position is a good start. It is up to the Biden administration to make it successful.”


3. 'Bouquet-throwing contest:' Biden's CIA nominee William Burns gets rave reviews in hearing

USA Today · by Deirdre Shesgreen and Bart Jansen


Warner has previously said that Burns' status as an apolitical diplomat could help restore confidence and morale at the CIA after four years of attacks by Trump. Trump repeatedly cast doubt on the intelligence community's work, particularly when it came to conclusions about Russia's attacks on the 2016 and 2020 elections.

"As a career diplomat under Democratic and Republican presidents, (Burns) has established himself as a smart and tested public servant who is free from political interference," Warner said in response to Burns' nomination. "Now more than ever, our intelligence and defense communities deserve leaders who will not politicize our national security institutions."


4. George Shultz’s Enduring Wisdom Can Guide Diplomacy Today

The National Interest · by Earl Anthony Wayne · February 24, 2021


“George Shultz’ counsel is vital for America today—invest in building trust abroad and at home. Be true to America’s interests and values and know those of your friends and rivals. Work with patience to create and sustain close partnerships. Forge trust-based understandings with competitors using the range of U.S. levers. Invest heavily in strengthening U.S. diplomacy and its diplomats to rebuild America’s role in the world. The Biden team’s initial weeks appear to reflect this spirit. Let’s fully incorporate Shultz’ wisdom into U.S. diplomacy for the years ahead.


5. New Hicks Memo Sets Acquisition, Force Posture 2022 Budget Priorities · by Paul McLeary


“The need to focus on key areas and prioritize certain modernization plans was underscored this morning by Sen. Jack Reed, the new chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Speaking with reporters virtually, Reed acknowledged that there will have to be tradeoffs in upcoming Pentagon budgets.

“The top line number might not be the best guide of how we’re getting value for money, and that’s what we’re gonna try to look for — what are the systems that provide real advantages going forward, and what programs and policies to make us stronger as a nation.”

New Hicks Memo Sets Acquisition, Force Posture 2022 Budget Priorities

DepSecDef Hicks writes that “due to the limited amount of time available before the Department must submit its FY 2022 President's Budget request, the process to re-evaluate existing decisions will focus on a very small number of issues with direct impact on FY 2022 and of critical importance to the President and the Secretary.”


6. DoD policy pick faces ‘critical’ confirmation hearing, says Reed

Defense News · by Joe Gould · February 24, 2021

Someone mentioned to me that there must be a "sacrificial lamb" so the confirmation process will not be all smooth sailing for certain nominees while others have a more difficult time. 


7. ‘Great Power Competition’ Is a Dangerously Simple Frame · by C. Anthony Pfaff · February 24, 2021

A useful critique that hopefully generates discussion.


“Therefore, where adversaries prefer conflict to cooperation or concession, the U.S. should privilege armed conflict and commit credible and capable combat forces to the region. Where the opposite preference holds, the U.S. should privilege competitive activities below the threshold of war — assuring allies, boosting their resilience to adversary political pressure, disincentivizing adversary provocations. Where preferences are unclear, it may make sense to privilege a more dynamic force posture, rotating smaller forces in the regions to assure allies and test adversary preferences and resolve.

Successful deterrence depends on getting the terms of engagement right. To the extent adversary aggression and provocation is driven by a sense that they are disadvantaged in the current order, they will be incentivized to continually challenge it. Thus, posture decisions should be integrated into a larger approach that employs political, economic, and other means to create the most inclusive order possible. Of course, it is not likely, for a variety of reasons, that revisionist powers like China and Russia, or rogues like Iran and North Korea, will prefer any order that the United States and its partners would also accept. However, promoting a more inclusive order than its adversaries will facilitate U.S. influence and maximize the effect its global posture will have.”


8. Senate Armed Services chair expects 'some extension' of troops in Afghanistan

The Hill · by Rebecca Kheel · February 24, 2021


9. Pentagon report reveals disturbing details about White supremacists in the ranks

CNN · by Ellie Kaufman and Oren Liebermann, CNN


10. Navy sends another guided-missile destroyer through contentious Taiwan Strait

Stars and Stripes· by Caitlin Doornbos · February 25, 2021

An interesting statistic here:

“Before this month, the most recent Taiwan Strait transit happened on Dec. 31, marking the Navy's 13th passage through the waterway in 2020. That trip broke the service's prior record, set in 2016, of 12 Taiwan Strait transits in a single year.”


11. 'A reckoning is near': America has a vast overseas military empire. Does it still need it?

USA Today · by Kim Hjelmgaard· February 25, 2021

The headline foretells this article's biased agenda.  As do the subtitles:

  • Sea change in security threats
  • How big is the US military investment?
  • COVID-19 kills and costs more
  • Climate chaos leading to social chaos
  • China and cyberattacks: How the US compares regarding its greatest foes
  • 'Physics is physics'
  • After 9/11, 'so much blood and treasure'
  • Drone warfare and questions of accountability
  • In Washington, old habits die hard
  • 'Mini Americas,' mini resentments

I think the fundamental question to ask is how to best (optimally) organize and position our military capabilities to best serve US interests, deter war, react to contingencies, and protect American values. A point by point counter to this article is necessary.


12. Disrupting the “Chinese Dream” – Eight Insights on how to win the Competition with China · February 25, 2021

The TRADOC G2's "mad scientist" project has been extremely productive in generating critical thought on a wide range of key national security issues.


13. FDD | IAEA Weakens Iran Nuclear Safeguards · by Anthony Ruggiero · February 24, 2021

From my FDD colleague Anthony Rugerrio who just returned from his service on the NSC in the Trump administration.


14. FDD | What’s wrong with appeasement? · by Clifford D. May · February 24, 2021

In a word: everything.

Appeasement does not work - certainly not with north Korea.


“Unlike Chamberlain, Mr. Biden has alternatives to appeasement. The least bad would be a policy of “peace through strength.” Were he to embrace that approach, he would refrain from alleviating economic pressure on Iran’s rulers so long as they are actively engaged in terrorism – including unleashing militias to attack Americans in Iraq as recently last week – hostage-taking-and-holding, illicit nuclear weapons and missile development, and both threatening and assaulting their neighbors.

A peace-through-strength policy also would mean ending our reliance on China’s rulers for strategic commodities and, as a matter of morality, not buying from them anything produced by workers deprived of basic human rights. Sen. Tom Cotton has just released a report on “Targeted Decoupling and the Economic Long War” with Beijing. It should be required reading within the Biden administration.

Most essential: Peace through strength implies no diminishment of the American military power needed to deter despots. Deterrence makes shooting wars less likely. It’s puzzling that so many Western leaders find the logic behind that aphorism difficult to comprehend.

These days, there are those on both the right and the left – I’d call them isolationists, they prefer to be called “restrainers” – who are determined to “end endless wars.”

It’s a nice bumper sticker. In reality, there’s a distinction between wars and long-duration, low-intensity conflicts in which American forces train, advise and assist foreign partners as part of what should be a broader strategy to defeat or at least contain common enemies.”


15.  Can Biden Fix the U.N. Human Rights Council?

Foreign Policy · by Richard Goldberg · February 24, 2021

We must try for the sake of the victims of human rights abuses around the world.

I am reminded of President Reagan who championed human rights while taking on the the strategic adversary of the USSR. We must work to prevent the UN Human Rights Council from being a cover for despotic regimes around the world.  We have to successfully compete in the domain of international organizations.

I cannot emphasize this statement enough: China seeks to export its authoritarian political system around the world in order to dominate regions, co-opt or coerce international organizations, create economic conditions favorable to China alone, and displace democratic institutions.

And this excerpt illustrates the above statement:

“Shaping the Human Rights Council is a primary objective of China’s larger strategy to exploit the U.N. system.

Most egregious, of course, is China’s election to the council amid what Blinken calls a genocide in Xinjiang. In true Orwellian fashion, China was previously appointed to a panel within the council that evaluates experts on religious discrimination—presumably including those who might have looked at China’s horrific human rights abuses against its Muslim citizens.

So, what is the Biden administration’s plan to achieve reform where its predecessors tried and failed? In her confirmation hearing last month, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield pledged to confront China inside the U.N. system and combat the double standards applying to Israel. Now is the time to make good on that pledge.

Shaping the Human Rights Council is a primary objective of China’s larger strategy to exploit the U.N. system. While running candidates to take control of standards-making bodies and U.N. agencies that can be used to support Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative—such as the International Telecommunication Union, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the Industrial Development Organization—China’s growing influence over the council serves to whitewash its human rights record while putting the United States and its allies on the defensive.”


16.  Flag Officer Announcements

A lot of flag officer changes.


17. General Officer Announcements (Air Force)

We are getting through the one and two star moves in the Army, Navy, and here for the AirForce. Have not seen the Marine Corps moves yet. I expect perhaps in the coming weeks we will see the three and four star moves.


18. China Wants Your Data — And May Already Have It

NPR · by Greg Myre · February 24, 2021

Not surprising but still troubling.


“U.S. officials add that DNA collection by Chinese companies, even when done openly and legally, should be seen as part of a comprehensive effort to vacuum up millions and millions of records on U.S. citizens. And many Chinese efforts violate U.S. law, the officials say.

"Most Americans have probably had their data compromised by the cyber intelligence units of the Chinese government and Chinese military intelligence," said April Falcon Doss who worked at the National Security Agency and wrote the book Cyber Privacy:Who Has Your Data And Why You Should Care.

Falcon Doss said China is collecting detailed personal information on a massive scale for multiple reasons: to boost its economy, advance its technology and to support its espionage efforts.”


19. Desert Storm - SF Team Fights to Survive Behind Enemy Lines | SOF News · by John Friberg · February 24, 2021

Excerpt:  "The team was supported with air strikes that kept the Iraqi troops from overrunning the team’s position."

I recall being at CGSC in 1994 when one of the F-16 pilots was awarded, I think, a DFC for staying on station and defending this team.  They brought most of the members of the ODA from Ft Campbell to Ft Leavenworth for the presentation.  I remember one of the team guys telling the story of calling in the first air strike and when he saw the casing of the cluster bombs falling away he thought they were malfunctioning and griped that this was typical crap built for the military by the lowest bidder. He had never seen a live cluster bomb dropped until that point. But he quickly changed his mind when he saw the effects from the multiple explosions on the ground and what it did to the enemy. 

But here is the ethical dilemma for the team.  For those who argue the team should have held the children until after the operation or worse, permanently silenced them, the counter argument to that is the adults would have come looking for the missing children anyway and they would have been compromised regardless.


20. Military helped Darren Raley discover his potential · by Catherine Kohn

A nice human interest story and what the military and Special Forces did for someone.


21. Austin Praises 'Whole-of-Government, All-of-Nation' Effort Against COVID-19 · by Jim Garamone




“Words can destroy. What we call each other ultimately becomes what we think of each other, and it matters.” 

- Jeane Kirkpatrick


“The Nation, which indulges towards another an habitual hatred, or an habitual fondness, is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. ... The Nation, prompted by ill-will and resentment, sometimes impels to war the Government, contrary to the best calculations of policy. The Government sometimes participates in the national propensity, and adopts through passion what reason would reject; at other times, it makes the animosity of the nation subservient to projects of hostility instigated by pride, ambition, and other sinister and pernicious motives. The peace often, sometimes perhaps the liberty, of Nations has been the victim.”

-  George Washington, George Washington's Farewell Address


"War does not belong in the realm of arts and sciences; rather it is part of man's social existence…Politics, moreover, is the womb in which war develops."

- Carl von Clausewitz

02/24/2021 News & Commentary – Korea

Wed, 02/24/2021 - 10:07am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. VOA – US DoD “Coordination with the US-Korea Combined Training”… Former Commander Brooks “training should be conducted quietly”

2. U.S. working closely with S. Korea to maintain joint defense readiness: Pentagon official

3.  U.S. general says missile defense is focused on threats from North

4. Washington to review N. Korea’s egregious human rights records

5. South Korea raises wartime sex slavery issue at UN

6. Joe Biden Should Embrace Arms Control with North Korea

7. Unlock critical, urgent aspects of North Korea's nuclear program

8. Why North Korea replaced its ambassador to China after 11 years

9. Military Force Must Remain an Option With North Korea

10. U.S., S. Korea may discuss Iran sanctions but no money transferred yet: State Dept.

11. North Korea and Iran teaming up again as US weighs Iran nuclear deal

12. Analysts: Biden administration should engage with North Korea soon

13. N.K. paper warns against relying on outside help to achieve five-year economic plan

14. Military Sinks into Morass of Incompetence (South Korea)

15. North Korea to begin new school year on Mar. 1 with home-based classes

16. Czech Republic puts break on operations in North amid economic hardship

17. North Korea recently hacked Pfizer to steal vaccine development-related secrets


1.  VOA – US DoD “Coordination with the US-Korea Combined Training”… Former Commander Brooks “training should be conducted quietly” · by Donghyun Kim ·  February 23, 2021

Comments from General Brooks, Lt Gen Gregson, and me.


2. U.S. working closely with S. Korea to maintain joint defense readiness: Pentagon official · by Byun Duk-kun · February 22, 2021

Combined readiness. Just saying.

Regardless of what we say or do north Korea will complain about combined ROK/US training. We need to just get over it and make sure we understand that by scaling back, postponing, or cancelling training to appease north Korea will only cause the regime to assess the success of its blackmail diplomacy and that it will double down on its political warfare strategy.


3. U.S. general says missile defense is focused on threats from North· by Shim Kyu-Seok

We need comprehensive and integrated missile defense in the region and the homeland.


4. Washington to review N. Korea’s egregious human rights records· February 24, 2021

And hopefully soon appoint a special envoy for north Koran human rights.

But this first paragraph illustrates a fundamental problem in the alliance. Minister Lee's views illustrate the naïve and erroneous assumptions under which he and the Moon administration operate. The bottom line is Minister Lee thinks appeasement works with north Korea. We all know nothing could be further from the truth.

I am gratified to see State push back on Minster Lee's remarks. This is going to be the most challenging friction point in the alliance - more so than SAM and OPCON transition.

Excerpt: “The U.S. State Department made opposing comments about the remarks of South Korean Unification Minister Lee In-young, who called for easing sanctions against North Korea and scaling down ROK-U.S. joint military exercises. Experts say the comments reflect Washington’s uncomfortable feelings about Minister Lee’s remarks.”


5. South Korea raises wartime sex slavery issue at UN

The Korea Times · February 24, 2021

I wish South Korea would push as hard for the human rights of the Korean people living in the north.


6. Joe Biden Should Embrace Arms Control with North Korea · by ByDaniel DePetris · February 23, 2021

Yes, this is exactly what Kim Jong-un wants. It plays right into his political warfare strategy. This will ensure he keeps his nuclear weapons and enhances his standing as a nuclear power that will allow him to better execute his political warfare strategy.


7. Unlock critical, urgent aspects of North Korea's nuclear program

The Korea Times  · by Stephen Costello  · February 24, 2021

A call to negotiate as if it is 1999 (or party like it's 1999 as the song does) and pick up where the Clinton administration left off.  Another call to lift sanctions. Note the claim that sanctions are "illegal." 


Unlock critical, urgent aspects of North Korea's nuclear program


8. Why North Korea replaced its ambassador to China after 11 years · by Lee Ji-yoon · February 24, 2021

It's the economy, stupid????


“Still, he is a rare case as an economic official to become the ambassador to all-important China in the North.

“Ri may have little experience in foreign affairs but is highly credited with developing trade with China. His appointment as a top envoy reflects how much emphasis the North is putting on resuming trade with China,” said Hong Min, a senior researcher at the state-run Korea Institute for National Unification.

Hong added that Ri boasts extensive connections with economic officials in China.

“He can communicate with the Chinese authorities more directly, more quickly,” he said.


9. Military Force Must Remain an Option With North Korea

Bloomberg · by John Bolton · February 23, 2021

Of course this will be panned because it is from Ambassador Bolton. Those who think military force should be off the table should realize by saying that they are undermining the administration's ability to conduct "principled diplomacy." Without a credible force capability you undermine deterrence and diplomacy. And the military must always be planning to be able to provide options to the commander-in-chief and that must include the use of force.. Yes it may sound cliche, but the best way to prevent war is to thoroughly prepare for it.

That said I think Ambassador Bolton's fears that there will be a return to an Obama era of Korean diplomacy are unfounded. I am confident the Biden Administration sees how drastically conditions have changed. When its policy review is complete, I do not think it will be a reprise of the Obama era policies.


10. U.S., S. Korea may discuss Iran sanctions but no money transferred yet: State Dept. · by 변덕근 · February 24, 2021

Do you think Iran is trying to contribute to the Chinese and north Korea objective to drive a wedge in the ROK/US alliance? Or does the regime in Iran think it is can just conduct its own form of blackmail diplomacy the way north Korea does?

Good statement from the State Department spokesperson.


“Price refused to confirm any ongoing consultations between Seoul and Washington, but said Seoul is one of the closest U.S. allies and partners when it comes to sanctions enforcement.

"The Republic of Korea -- a key ally, key treaty ally -- is very much a partner when it comes to sanctions enforcement across the board," said the department spokesman.

"So it wouldn't be a surprise, wouldn't come as a shock, I am sure, to hear you say that we do discuss these issues broadly with the South Koreans," he added.


11. North Korea and Iran teaming up again as US weighs Iran nuclear deal · by Eric Shawn


I guess we need to get some of the home depot vests for Kim Jong-un. That would make for some good memes.


12. Analysts: Biden administration should engage with North Korea soon · by Thomas Maresca · February 24, 2021

I am sure the Biden administration would engage in working level talks immediately. However, I do not think Kim Jong-un is ready for any engagement, regardless of the US offer to talk, due to internal north Korean pressures.. The only way Kim Jong-un might negotiate would be in return for immediate sanctions relief. And the relief would have to come before or at least simultaneously with such talks. This would of course be a strategy of appeasement and would allow Kim to assess his political warfare strategy successfully which would then cause him to double down on blackmail diplomacy. And we will get nowhere in terms of denuclearization of the north.


13. N.K. paper warns against relying on outside help to achieve five-year economic plan · by 이원주 · February 24, 2021

Juche, self-reliance - Do not allow the pure north Korea to be contaminated by outside influence.


14.  Military Sinks into Morass of Incompetence (South Korea)

The ROK military is taking a lot of criticism. We have to understand that defending the border (and the coastlines) is manpower intensive. It is hard work and takes boots on the ground patrolling 24/7. Technology can be an important supplement but it is no replacement for the human that must be on the ground.


15. North Korea to begin new school year on Mar. 1 with home-based classes · by Ha Yoon Ah · February 24, 2021

This must be an indication of how threatened the regime is with COVID. The regime does not appear to have sufficiently mitigated the threat.


16.  Czech Republic puts break on operations in North amid economic hardship · by Shim Kyu-Seok

Another indicator of how bad is the situation inside the north. Even the Joongang ilbo is describing the regime's population and resources control measures as "draconian."


17. North Korea recently hacked Pfizer to steal vaccine development-related secrets · by Jang Seul Gi · February 24, 2021

Reporting on this issue from inside north Korea.




“I think that Ronald Reagan wanted to hear other people's views, and he always listened carefully, and from time to time he changed his own mind about a position. And especially he took pains to listen carefully to foreign leaders with whom he was dealing.” 

-Jeane Kirkpatrick


"It is not because the truth is too difficult to see that we make mistakes... we make mistakes because the easiest and most comfortable course for us is to seek insight where it accords with our emotions - especially selfish ones." 

- Alexander Solzhenitsyn


“Get beyond love and grief: exist for the good of Man.” 

-  Miyamoto Musashi, A Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy

02/24/2021 News & Commentary – National Security

Wed, 02/24/2021 - 8:39am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. Lack of Pentagon nominees could be harbinger of slow process

2. This video of 10th Mountain soldiers shows exactly what not to do when clearing a room

3. From Citizen Soldier to Secular Saint: The Societal Implications of Military Exceptionalism

4. What Can the Pentagon Realistically Get from Its Advisory Boards?

5. Experts Tell Congress How To Turn Innovation Into Reality

6. Cybersecurity and your water: Hacker attempted to poison Florida city's water supply

7. The Asia-Pacific is Biden’s Top Security Priority

8. The World Health Organization Must Be Made to Change

9. Lessons for the States on Energy Security

10. FDD | Oberlin 'professor of peace' called for destruction of Israel in 1989 speech

11. Army switches up cyber leadership

12. General Officer Assignments (Army)

13. Hackers Tied to Russia's GRU Targeted the US Grid for Years

14. Nuclear warfare or cyber warfare: which is the bigger threat?

15. The Mysterious Origins of the Secretary of Defense ‘Exclusion’ Clause: Truman, Hoffman, and the Chowder Marines

16. SecDef Austin to Troops: If You've Seen Extremism in the Ranks, Tell Your Commander

17. Twitter reveals state-backed influence operations from Armenia, Iran and Russia

18. Putting Human Rights at the Center of U.S. Foreign Policy

19. Feast to Famine: Nine Recommendations for Maintaining American Military Primacy with Reduced Funding

20. Biden Wants to Compete With China. Here’s How.

21.Women linked to Abu Sayyaf suicide bombings arrested in Sulu

22. A U.S. strategy paper on China draws a tepid response in Beijing


1. Lack of Pentagon nominees could be harbinger of slow process

Defense News · by Aaron Mehta · February 23, 2021

Not good news.  I thought we would be able to do better during this administration.


2. This video of 10th Mountain soldiers shows exactly what not to do when clearing a room · by Paul Szoldra · February 23, 2021

It is one helluva terrible video. You can see it at the link.  However, what you also must watch is how the Command Sergeant Major Mario Terenas responded using social media on Instagram.  He owns the problem.  The CSM's actions and message should be a lesson for all leaders and Public Affairs professionals.  His response should be shown in all leadership courses in PME and at DINFOS.  I have great respect for the CSM.  I am sure the leaders of these terribly trained soldiers in the video are going to get their due from the CSM.


3. From Citizen Soldier to Secular Saint: The Societal Implications of Military Exceptionalism · by Susan Bryant · February 23, 2021

Please go to the link to view this in proper format since it will not come through in the message.  This is an essay that should be discussed not only in PME institutions but in civilian graduate schools that focus on national security as well.

4. What Can the Pentagon Realistically Get from Its Advisory Boards? · by Eliahu Niewood


“Unfortunately, the ability to bring the right subject matter expertise to bear has been hindered by the ever-growing timelines for getting consultants and members approved for studies and membership. If the current review results in cutting that timeline down from many months to a small number of weeks, the agility and applicability of all the boards would be greatly improved.

As well, the Board was often called on to assess ideas that purported to be 10X. Far more often than not, they turned out to be physically infeasible, impractical, or of little real impact.

If the current review identifies best practices like these and helps spread them across the various DoD advisory boards while articulating the benefits they provide, the pause in board activities to make that happen will be well worth it.

What Can the Pentagon Realistically Get from Its Advisory Boards?

A former chair says the boards provide a lot, could do better — and help weed out impractical or oversold ideas.

The recently mandated zero-baseline review of the Department of Defense’s advisory boards was partially motivated by controversial recent changes to the membership of specific boards. Setting politics aside, however, the review is a great opportunity to review the effectiveness and impact of these boards. Do they serve a useful purpose? What does the Pentagon get from them?

Steve Blank, Raj Shah, and Joe Felter recently argued in Defense One that these boards should be restructured to produce ideas with revolutionary, “10X” impact. This is certainly an admirable goal, but it is probably worthwhile to incorporate into the review both a better sense for where those 10X ideas come from and the other benefits that DoD gets from those boards.

10X ideas in the national security space are rare, but the ones that have come along and really changed warfare—like nuclear weapons, ICBMs, stealth, GPS, precision munitions, and satellite-based sensing—came not from “crazy outsiders” or insiders versed in processes and politics. Rather, they arose from efforts to bring together people who understood the national security mission gaps with people who knew the limits of technology and what it took to make it real.”


5. Experts Tell Congress How To Turn Innovation Into Reality · by Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.


“To get innovators on board, Kitchen added, “the Pentagon’s also going to have to reconsider its one-size-fits-all approach to intellectual property.” Innovative private-sector software firms live or die by their trade secrets, making them deeply reluctant to hand them over to the Defense Department to the extent traditional contracting arrangements often require.

You also need to help innovative firms – especially smaller ones – protect their IP against espionage, Fox said. The Pentagon should provide “a mechanism to plug in securely,” she argued, probably through some kind of high-security cloud computing architecture.

Once you’re properly focused on software over hardware, Fox argued, you can make your program much more flexible, adaptable, and easy to upgrade over time. You do that, she said, by making them “modular… from the very beginning.” This approach, known more formally as modular open systems architecture, is basically the Lego approach to weapons system design. You establish strict technical standards for how different subsystems (modules) fit together, but as long as companies meet those standards, they can innovate however they want, allowing you to plug-and-play a wide range of different components as new technologies become available.

Experts Tell Congress How To Turn Innovation Into Reality

Emphasizing venture capital, modular open architecture, and software development will help turn neat ideas into battle-ready weapons, acquisition gurus told Congress. But having separate bureaucracies for Research & Engineering and Acquisition & Sustainment may be a problem.”


6. Cybersecurity and your water: Hacker attempted to poison Florida city's water supply

The Hill · by Mark Montgomery and Annie Fixler · February 23, 2021

From my FDD colleagues.


“The United States has more than 148,000 public water systems and more than 70,000 water and wastewater utilities. Many of these facilities “lack the required technical and financial capabilities to address all emerging risks, such as cyber risks,” according to a 2016 National Infrastructure Advisory Council Report.

The situation has not improved over the past five years.

The Cyberspace Solarium Commission concluded in March 2020 that “water utilities remain largely ill-prepared to defend their networks from cyber-enabled disruption.” In fact, the former chief technology officer for the state of New Jersey called water and wastewater “probably the least mature sector [of 16] from a cybersecurity standpoint.”

As the sector-specific agency (SSA) and risk manager for the water and wastewater industry, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for identifying and assessing cyber risks to the industry. The EPA’s cybersecurity budget, however, is a fraction of that of the Department of Energy, the SSA for the closest comparable lifeline sector.”


7. The Asia-Pacific is Biden’s Top Security Priority · by Steven Stashwick · February 23, 2021

We also have to be careful about prioritizing based on geographic locations.  Our four major revisionist (China and Russia) and rogue/revolutionary (Iran and north Korea) powers operate on a global basis. Prioritizing resources based on geographic locations may not necessarily be the most effective way to compete and counter our adversaries.  We will need a global force posture to compete globally.


8. The World Health Organization Must Be Made to Change

WSJ· by Craig Singleton · Feb. 23, 2021

An  important critique of the WHO from my FDD colleague.


9. Lessons for the States on Energy Security · by Dr. Brenda Shaffer

We have to get our houses in order in the states.  From one of our senior advisors at FDD.


10. FDD | Oberlin 'professor of peace' called for destruction of Israel in 1989 speech · by Benjamin Weinthal Research Fellow · February 23, 2021

From my FDD colleague.

Excerpt (truth in advertising: Rabbi Cooper is a fellow board member on the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea)


11. Army switches up cyber leadership · by Mark Pomerleau · February 23, 2021


“Leaders have said this tighter synergy allows for greater advancements in cyber policy, doctrine and capabilities because doctrine writers can sit alongside operations on mission. It also allows operators and commanders to easily transition lessons learned to the schoolhouse to update curricula.

Army Cyber Command is in the midst of a multiyear effort to transition from just cyberspace operations to an “information advantage,” which seeks to fold in the larger information domain to include electromagnetic spectrum operations and information operations.”


12.  General Officer Assignments (Army)

Despite the Administration and DOD transition the Army keeps rolling along. A lot of changes are coming.  Note a "power couple" departing from Korea.


13. Hackers Tied to Russia's GRU Targeted the US Grid for Years

Wired · by Andy Greenberg

It is only a matter of time.


“While none among the ever-growing list of hacker groups targeting industrial control systems around the world appears to have used those control systems to trigger actual disruptive effects in 2020, Dragos warns that the sheer number of those groups represents a disturbing trend. Caltagirone points to a rare but relatively crude intrusion targeting a small water treatment plant in Oldsmar, Florida earlier this month, in which a still-unidentified hacker attempted to vastly increase the levels of caustic lye in the 15,000-person city's water. Given the lack of protections on those sorts of small infrastructure targets, a group like Kamacite, Caltagirone argues, could easily trigger widespread, harmful effects even without the industrial-control system expertise of a partner group like Electrum.

That means the rise in even relatively unskilled groups poses a real threat, Caltagirone says. The number of groups targeting industrial control systems has been continually growing, he adds, ever since Stuxnet showed at the beginning of the last decade that industrial hacking with physical effects is possible. "A lot of groups are appearing, and there are not a lot going away," says Caltagirone. "In three to four years, I feel like we're going to reach a peak, and it will be an absolute catastrophe."


14. Nuclear warfare or cyber warfare: which is the bigger threat? · by John Powers · February 24, 2021

It is not either/or, it is both/and - both can be catastrophic in their own ways though one might be much more likely that the other.  One can likely be deterred better than the other was well.

I will quibble a little with this excerpt.  Our adversaries view politics as war by other means.


15. The Mysterious Origins of the Secretary of Defense ‘Exclusion’ Clause: Truman, Hoffman, and the Chowder Marines · by Paula Thornhill · February 24, 2021

Some interesting history here.


16. SecDef Austin to Troops: If You've Seen Extremism in the Ranks, Tell Your Commander · by Stephen Losey · February 23, 2021

I cannot emphasize this enough:  We have to be careful not to play into the narrative of the extremist organizations.   Yes, we must root out extremism.  But an overreaction by military leaders is what the extremists would like to see happen as it will not only generate more sympathizers, if not recruits, it will undermine the good order and discipline of the military.


17. Twitter reveals state-backed influence operations from Armenia, Iran and Russia · by Ryan Lovelace

18. Putting Human Rights at the Center of U.S. Foreign Policy · by Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State

Hear, hear.


19.  Feast to Famine: Nine Recommendations for Maintaining American Military Primacy with Reduced Funding · by Charles Dvorak · February 24, 2021


“Collectively, these recommendations point to two overarching requirements that will emerge in the face of substantial budget cuts: reducing personnel and systems while also increasing flexibility. These recommendations are not made lightly; implementing them would mean major, even transformational, changes for the US military. However, if the Department of Defense does not begin conceptualizing ways of redefining the role and capabilities of the US military, budgetary pressures will likely force that decision in the long run. It will be in America’s interest to shape that process now rather than in the throes of economic upheaval, the challenges of a future war, or both.”

An interesting recommendation here.  I have seen this proposed elsewhere:


20. Biden Wants to Compete With China. Here’s How.

Foreign Policy · by Elise Labott · February 22, 2021

To borrow from the Clinton era, "its values, stupid."

Conclusion: Biden, in his inaugural address, urged the United States to “lead not merely by the example of our power but by the power of our example.” That starts by strengthening withered institutions and restoring the rule of law, the pillars of U.S. democracy, and the soft power that did once—and can again—give the United States a competitive edge.


21. Women linked to Abu Sayyaf suicide bombings arrested in Sulu

Al Jazeera English

Not a good sign for the Philippines.  But good job in preventing potential bombings.


“But Western Mindanao Command chief Lieutenant General Corleto Vinluan later told reporters that the women had undergone an “orientation” programme on suicide bombing and were assembling explosives in their homes.

“They are using wives and widows now because they are having a hard time recruiting men, and it is more difficult to identify and detect the female suicide bombers,” Vinluan was quoted by news reports as saying.

Earlier this month, at least four Abu Sayyaf members surrendered to authorities, the military said, bringing to almost 100 the number of fighters who have turned themselves in over the last year.”


22. A U.S. strategy paper on China draws a tepid response in Beijing

CNBC · by Evelyn Cheng · February 24, 2021

Which should not be surprising to anyone.


“Scattered online commentary about "The Longer Telegram" have remained dismissive.

In a roughly 30-minute video from Feb. 5 that has more than 900,000 views, Fudan University professor Shen Yi dismissed as a joke the paper's attempt to replicate Kennan's efforts.

An online article from Feb. 7 by Zhongnan University of Economics and Law professor Qiao Xinsheng said in an online article the strategy paper fails to accurately analyze the Soviet Union's own difficulties and that the U.S. should not expect China to "disintegrate."




“I think that Ronald Reagan wanted to hear other people's views, and he always listened carefully, and from time to time he changed his own mind about a position. And especially he took pains to listen carefully to foreign leaders with whom he was dealing.” 

-Jeane Kirkpatrick


"It is not because the truth is too difficult to see that we make mistakes... we make mistakes because the easiest and most comfortable course for us is to seek insight where it accords with our emotions - especially selfish ones." 

- Alexander Solzhenitsyn


“Get beyond love and grief: exist for the good of Man.” 

-  Miyamoto Musashi, A Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy

02/23/2021 News & Commentary – National Security

Tue, 02/23/2021 - 10:19am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1.  How China’s Digital Silk Road Is Leading Countries Away from the United States

2.  Who Should Lead Paramilitary Operations? – Picking the Right Fight

3. U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF): Background and Issues for Congress Updated February 22, 2021

4. Pressure mounts on Beijing in the South China Sea

5. Get More Americans Working at the United Nations

6. Can the US under Biden change the UNHRC? - opinion

7. China’s Weaponization of Rare Earths Is Bound to Backfire

8. Secretary Blinken: Remarks at the High-Level Segment of the Conference on Disarmament

9. George Kennan and the Long Telegram - 75th Anniversary

10. Pentagon Gives A Glimpse Of Special Forces’ Secret Hand-Launched Jammer Drone

11. Why the Kremlin’s Anti-Navalny Strategy Just Might Work

12. Don’t Knock Yourself Out: How America Can Turn the Tables on China by Giving Up the Fight for Command of the Seas

13. A New African Counter-Terrorism Strategy: An Opportunity For Biden Administration

14. The Burning City Upon a Hill

15. Four Flashpoints in the China-U.S. Cold War

16. German special forces mistaken for terrorists after training mix-up in Arizona

17. Pentagon budget must prioritize the Navy, Air Force and cyber, lawmakers say

18. Elements of first HIMARS long-range rocket launcher arrived in Romania

19. The One Area Where the US COVID-19 Strategy Seems to Be Working

20. A Simple Way to Reduce Polarization: Learn the Other Side Thinks of You in Surprisingly Positive Ways

21. Americans' Lust To 'Cancel' One Another Should Spark Soul Searching


1.  How China’s Digital Silk Road Is Leading Countries Away from the United States · by Patrick Tucker

I hate to beat a dead horse but this article seems to illustrate much of this statement: China seeks to export its authoritarian political system around the world in order to dominate regions, co-opt or coerce international organizations, create economic conditions favorable to China alone, and displace democratic institutions.

How China’s Digital Silk Road Is Leading Countries Away from the United States


2. Who Should Lead Paramilitary Operations? – Picking the Right Fight

Small Wars Journal · Ian McConnell


3. U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF): Background and Issues for Congress Updated February 22, 2021

Small Wars Journal· February 22, 2021


4. Pressure mounts on Beijing in the South China Sea · by Richard Javad Heydarian · February 23, 2021


“Beijing’s new maritime law has provoked outrage among US’ allies in Asia, since it calls on China’s massive fleet of coast guard forces, along with auxiliary paramilitary vessels, to use “all means necessary,” including shooting at “intruders,” across the contested waters.

The latest moves by the US in the contested area came on the heels of US President Joe Biden’s characterization of the Asian powerhouse as America’s “most serious competitor” because of its allegedly direct assault on the post-World War II “global governance” structures established under Washington’s leadership.

Though expressing his openness to “work with China when it benefits the American people,” the new US president has largely adopted the former Trump administration’s agency.’


5. Get More Americans Working at the United Nations · by Morgan Lorraine Viña

I do think it would be good to have more Americans working at the UN in the right capacities of course.

But keep in mind the UN oath:

“As UN staff members, the UN Charter calls on us to uphold the highest levels of efficiency, competence and integrity. This commitment is reflected in the Oath of Office we all took when we began our UN careers:

I solemnly declare and promise to exercise in all loyalty, discretion and conscience the functions entrusted to me as an international civil servant of the United Nations, to discharge these functions and regulate my conduct with the interests of the United Nations only in view, and not to seek or accept instructions in regard to the performance of my duties from any Government or other source external to the Organization. I also solemnly declare and promise to respect the obligations incumbent upon me as set out in the Staff Regulations and Rules.”


6. Can the US under Biden change the UNHRC? - opinion

Jerusalem Post· by Itzhak Levanon · February 22, 2021

This Is the key question: can we do more from the inside or more by withdrawing not only our participation but our funding as well?


“Two steps, if taken, will allow both the US and Israel to live in peace with the council. The first is to annul the article which singles Israel out for criticism. Israel shall be equal to all members of the UNHRC. Like all others, Israel will face the scrutiny of the council – fairly.

The second step would be to change the process of the election of members of the council for three years. Today this election takes place on a regional basis. Instead, the countries should be elected on their merits, their performance in regard to human rights. That way, we will put an end to the farce that rogue countries such as Syria, Iran, Cuba and others sit without impunity on the stage of the council.”


7.  China’s Weaponization of Rare Earths Is Bound to Backfire

Bloomberg · by David Fickling · February 22, 2021

"That which does not kill me makes me stronger."


8. Secretary Blinken: Remarks at the High-Level Segment of the Conference on Disarmament · by U.S. Mission Geneva


9. George Kennan and the Long Telegram - 75th Anniversary · February 22, 2021

Yesterday was the anniversary.


10. Pentagon Gives A Glimpse Of Special Forces’ Secret Hand-Launched Jammer Drone

Forbes · by David Hambling · February 18, 2021


11. Why the Kremlin’s Anti-Navalny Strategy Just Might Work

The Moscow Times · by Alexander Baunov · February 18, 2021

Published in the Moscow Times.


12. Don’t Knock Yourself Out: How America Can Turn the Tables on China by Giving Up the Fight for Command of the Seas · by Paul van Hooft · February 23, 2021

Interesting thesis and conclusion:

“Finally, if the United States continues to want to actively uphold deterrence and reassurance in the Western Pacific, it should prepare for a war of attrition. The United States needs more shooters rather than more ships. Some of the proposed measures in the tri-service strategy go in that direction, specifically putting “greater numbers of distributable capabilities over fewer exquisite platforms,” relying more on unmanned vehicles, and investing in sealift and logistics. Yet, stand-off weapons alone will not suffice to reassure without a simultaneous land-based physical presence to address the asymmetry in stakes. The United States would need to accept its vulnerability over a prolonged period of time to demonstrate its willingness to incur costs, or simply to ensure it has enough forces and materiel in the region. Indeed, the new defense secretary seems to believe that more bases are required. Dispersion across more locations within the region, as well as mobile launchers, would increase the survivability of U.S. forces without lowering the American stake in the region. However, it remains unclear whether the American public would or should accept such risks.

In short, the United States should not trap itself by framing the rise of China as an existential struggle between two titans that depends on the United States retaining command of the Western Pacific. Continuing on the current path allows China to focus all of its capabilities in its backyard, while the alternative forces China into solving multiple problems. In any case, the United States should avoid placing all its bets on a decisive confrontation or one where escalation is unpredictable. Against a near-peer competitor that can bring both its land- and sea-based assets to bear, this is unnecessary and too great a risk. The American ship would be a fool to fight a Chinese fort.”


13. A New African Counter-Terrorism Strategy: An Opportunity For Biden Administration · by Murielle Delaporte


“The Biden Administration could increase its support for the G5 Joint Force in Sahel, a fully-owned African solution that demonstrates how Western and African forces can work together to not only contain, but eradicate terrorist violence and control illegal trafficking. Western boots on the ground could simply lead to another endless war; ending Western engagement in the region would only fuel terrorism in Africa, Europe and beyond.

As the new administration reviews its military footprint under Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin supervision (including probably the consolidation of U.S. Army Europe and U.S. Army Africa into a new command called U.S. Army Europe and Africa – USAREUR-AF – announced last November and planned for the end of 2022), the lessons learned from relying on local forces who have the best knowledge of the contingencies they face on territories they know intimately should be brought to light.

Supporting a toolset such as the G5 Joint Force in Sahel constitutes in that sense a genuine springboard for future transnational stability, accountability and peace, as its main focus is cross-border operations coordination, the key to defeating the terrorist group’s current strategy.”


14.  The Burning City Upon a Hill · by Hilde Eliassen Restad · February 23, 2021

Quite provocative.


“The United States is neither John Winthrop’s “city upon a hill” nor Reagan’s “shining city.” Rather, it is a burning city on a hill. While that was always the case to some extent at home, rarely did the fire spread to U.S. foreign policy. The bipartisan foreign policy consensus that characterized much of post-World War II U.S. foreign policy lies now in ashes. While it was probably time to end this historical era of U.S. foreign policy, the question becomes: Now what? By the time the United States figures out how to build back a better foreign policy, the rest of the world may have moved on.”


15.  Four Flashpoints in the China-U.S. Cold War

Bloomberg · by Hal Brands · February 22, 2021

An interesting grouping.

A sobering conclusion:

“Finally, the U.S. faces a harder road in this contest than many Americans realize. China’s global favorability ratings have taken a swan dive due to its role in the Covid-19 epidemic and the brutish tendencies of the Communist regime. But Beijing wields a combination of economic carrots and coercive sticks more impressive than anything the Soviet Union commanded; it has made inroads not simply with developing countries but with some of America’s key allies.

“We are in the midst of a fundamental debate about the future direction of our world,” Joe Biden declared at last week's Munich Security Conference, between rival superpowers that represent rival systems of government. For generations, America has been an unbeatable competitor because it leads a free-world posse that gives it a preponderance of global power. Yet if Washington can’t keep the pivotal states onside in the coming years, it may get a bitter education in what it is like to lose a great-power rivalry.”


16. German special forces mistaken for terrorists after training mix-up in Arizona · by Justin Huggler · February 22, 2021

Oops.  But at least people are being vigilant.


17. Pentagon budget must prioritize the Navy, Air Force and cyber, lawmakers say

Defense News · by Joe Gould, David Larter · February 22, 2021


18. Elements of first HIMARS long-range rocket launcher arrived in Romania · by ACTMedia - Romanian Business News· February 22, 2021


"Having in view the diversity of situations in which the Romanian Army must participate with troops, both on the national territory and particularly abroad, equipping the structures of the Land Forces Staff with high-performance enhanced-capability support means specific to both classical and unconventional warfare is a must. The long-range multiple rocket launching system is capable of providing combat support both during the participation of the forces in military actions, as well as during the training process. The multiple rocket launcher systems, which are an important part of the ground artillery system, will act independently or integrated with the other systems for the accomplishment of the missions," the National Defense Ministry states.”


19. The One Area Where the US COVID-19 Strategy Seems to Be Working · by Olga Khazan · February 22, 2021


20. A Simple Way to Reduce Polarization: Learn the Other Side Thinks of You in Surprisingly Positive Ways· by Rolf Hendriks · February 22, 2021

A public service announcement!


21. Americans' Lust To 'Cancel' One Another Should Spark Soul Searching

Reason · by Liia Galimzianova · February 19, 2021




"Americans need to face the truth about themselves, no matter how pleasant it is."

- Jeane Kirkpatrick


"I disapprove of what you say,

but I will defend to the death your right to say it." 

- S.G. Tallentyre


"You didn't wait six months for a feasibility study to prove that an idea could work. You gambled that it might work. You didn't tie up the organization with red tape designed mostly to cover somebody's ass. You took the initiative and the responsibility. You went around end, you went over somebody's head if you had to. But you acted. That's what drove the regular military and the State Department chair-warmers crazy about the OSS.” 

- William Casey on the OSS

02/23/2021 News & Commentary – Korea

Tue, 02/23/2021 - 9:43am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. US remains focused on NK denuclearization: Blinken

2. A Principled US Diplomatic Strategy Toward North Korea

Small Wars Journal3. Record 40.4% in Japan see ties with South Korea as 'not important'

4. Unification minister renews calls for inter-Korean response system against infectious diseases

5. N.K. man caught on coastal CCTV cameras 10 times, military failed to respond

6. FDD | Biden Administration Should Not Provide Sanctions Relief for Terrorism

7. Gov't to Push Ahead with Light Aircraft Carrier Project

8. [Column] Hopes and fears about Biden’s North Korean policy

9. Seoul says unfreezing Iranian fund in Korea requires US approval first

10. S. Korea, Tehran Agree 'Proposals' On Oil Billions: Seoul

11. North Korean women get 240 days of childbirth leave: report

12. US leadership crucial for regional peace

13. UN World Food Programme warns could suspend work in N. Korea

14. North Korean defector Ji Seong-ho honored with human rights award

15. North Korea Orders State Firms to Raise Rabbits For Public Meat Stocks At Their Expense

16. Report: North Korea's trade with China declined 80% in 2020

17. Jill Biden's Majordomo Gina Lee Speaks out


1. US remains focused on NK denuclearization: Blinken · by Kim So-hyun · February 23, 2021

He reads (and follows) his boss' guidance:

“Words matter -- and a president's words matter even more. As President, I'll stand with South Korea, strengthening our alliance to safeguard peace in East Asia and beyond, rather than extorting Seoul with reckless threats to remove our troops. I'll engage in principled diplomacy and keep pressing toward a denuclearized North Korea and a unified Korean Peninsula, while working to reunite Korean Americans separated from loved ones in North Korea for decades.” (Yonhap, October 30, 2020,

Everyone speculates about the new Korea policy. They should start here:

Strong alliance

Principled diplomacy

Denuclearization of the north

reuniting separate families 

Unified Korea peninsula

In short: strong ROK/US alliance, diplomacy, denuclearization (of the north), human rights, unification.


2. A Principled US Diplomatic Strategy Toward North Korea · by 38 North · February 22, 2021

38 North is the first I have seen to acknowledge President Biden's guidance.

Now the question is the interpretation of the guidance and the implementation policy and strategy. What I find lacking in this prescriptive policy list is an accounting for the nature and objectives of the Kim family regime. This is an outline of principled diplomacy in the eyes of 38 North and will be very appealing to many - to include Kim Jong-un who likely views this as a target of opportunity for further execution of his political warfare strategy. But it also does not go far enough to implement the President's guidance to achieve the acceptable durable political arrangement that will protect, serve, and advance US and ROK/US alliance interests on the peninsula and in the region, namely, unification.


3. Record 40.4% in Japan see ties with South Korea as 'not important' · February 20, 2021

Not surprising, but of course not helpful either.


4. Unification minister renews calls for inter-Korean response system against infectious diseases · by 이원주 · February 23, 2021

I think the regime would view this as internal meddling and they would accuse the South of espionage as they tried to collect information on infectious diseases. The regime does not want the outside world to know too much about what is happening inside the north.


5. N.K. man caught on coastal CCTV cameras 10 times, military failed to respond · by 오석민 · February 23, 2021

Boots on the ground. Patrolling, use technology to supplement and enhance but not replace the critical human component of defense.


6. FDD | Biden Administration Should Not Provide Sanctions Relief for Terrorism · by Matthew Zweig, Alireza Nader, and Richard Goldberg · February 22, 2021


“It is also important to recall that Democratic and Republican administrations have determined that for over a decade, Tehran has “allowed [al-Qaeda] facilitators to operate a core facilitation pipeline through” Iranian territory, “enabling [al-Qaeda] to move funds and fighters to South Asia and Syria.”

The large body of publicly available evidence that the CBI has played key a role in financing terrorism warrants its designation as an SDGT. The Biden administration could significantly, if not fatally, undermine the credibility of U.S. terrorism sanctions if it were to lift or waive terrorism designations against the CBI or other Iranian entities based on a desire to provide Iran JCPOA-related sanctions relief, rather than based on evidence that those entities have verifiably ceased financing or facilitating terrorism.

For the safety and security of all Americans, there should be no “tradeoff” when it comes to terrorism directed, sponsored, and/or supported by Iran and a limited, temporary, and flawed nuclear agreement with Tehran.”


7. Gov't to Push Ahead with Light Aircraft Carrier Project· February 22, 2021

I would much rather have South Korea build a light aircraft carrier than a nuclear powered submarine.


8. [Column] Hopes and fears about Biden’s North Korean policy

Hani · Moon Chung-in

Note this excerpt:

To borrow a phrase from Harvard University Professor Joseph Nye, it’s time we gained some “contextual intelligence” about North Korea. It hardly needs to be said that the South Korean government is the Biden administration’s most critical partner for gaining that intelligence.

We need to understand the nature and objectives of the Kim family regime. The South's strategic assumptions are dangerous to the security of the ROK - Moon Chung-in and the Moon administration assume Kim Jong-un wants peace and shares in the peace and reconciliation and peaceful coexistence vision. This is a dangerous assumption and is contrary to the history, culture, and political statements by the regime. With all due respect to the extensive expertise that exists in South Korea about the north (most all of which is not part of the current administration), it would be a strategic error to turn to the Moon administration for "contextual intelligence.' 


9.Seoul says unfreezing Iranian fund in Korea requires US approval first · by Ahn Sung-mi · February 23, 2021

Seoul says unfreezing Iranian fund in Korea requires US approval first


10. S. Korea, Tehran Agree 'Proposals' On Oil Billions: Seoul

Barron's · by AFP - Agence France Presse


11. North Korean women get 240 days of childbirth leave: report

The Korea Times · February 23, 2021

In addition, as a measure to encourage having children I think this might also be part of the campaign to make the north appear more normal. In addition this could also be perceived as a human rights issue and they ar showing they are concerned with the welfare of families. The north is threatened by human rights criticism and this might be one way to demonstrate (in the regime' calculation) a concern for human rights.


12. US leadership crucial for regional peace

The Korea Times · by Kim Won-soo · February 23, 2021

I think the headline is 100%correct.

An interesting recommendation here:

“All of these require U.S. leadership. The first step is to appoint a high level focal point in the U.S. administration. The role played by the former Secretary of Defense William Perry as a senior coordinator on the Korean peninsula issues can be taken into account.”


13. UN World Food Programme warns could suspend work in N. Korea · February 23, 2021

Again, it is the policy decision by Kim Jong-un that is responsible for the suffering of the Korean people.


14.  North Korean defector Ji Seong-ho honored with human rights award · Elizabeth Shim· February 23, 2021

Much deserved. Ji Seong-ho is an inspiration. 


15. North Korea Orders State Firms to Raise Rabbits For Public Meat Stocks At Their Expense · Hyemin Son

The north has gone down this rabbit hole before.


16.  Report: North Korea's trade with China declined 80% in 2020 · Elizabeth Shim · February 22, 2021

This Is the result of KimJong-un's policy decisions.


17. Jill Biden's Majordomo Gina Lee Speaks out · February 22, 2021




"Americans need to face the truth about themselves, no matter how pleasant it is."

- Jeane Kirkpatrick


"I disapprove of what you say,

but I will defend to the death your right to say it." 

- S.G. Tallentyre


"You didn't wait six months for a feasibility study to prove that an idea could work. You gambled that it might work. You didn't tie up the organization with red tape designed mostly to cover somebody's ass. You took the initiative and the responsibility. You went around end, you went over somebody's head if you had to. But you acted. That's what drove the regular military and the State Department chair-warmers crazy about the OSS.” 

- William Casey on the OSS

U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF): Background and Issues for Congress Updated February 22, 2021

Tue, 02/23/2021 - 6:31am

U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF): Background and Issues for Congress Updated February 22, 2021

Access the 13 page report HERE 

(Editor's Note: Important discussions on civilian oversight of SOF and the review of the MOA on SOF support to the CIA, to include support to paramilitary activities)

Background ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Overview................................................................................................................................... 1
Command Structures and Components..................................................................................... 1
Theater Special Operations Commands (TSOCs) .............................................................. 1
Additional USSOCOM Responsibilities................................................................................... 2
Army Special Operations Command......................................................................................... 3
Air Force Special Operations Command .................................................................................. 4
Naval Special Warfare Command ............................................................................................. 5
U.S. Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC).................................... 5
MARSOC to Consolidate at Camp Lejeune, NC................................................................ 6
Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)............................................................................. 6
Civilian Oversight of USSOCOM .................................................................................................. 6
Acting Secretary of Defense Miller Announces Implementation of Section 922,
FY2017 National Defense Authorization Act (P.L. 114-328) ................................................ 7
DOD Review of DOD and USSOCOM Support to the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA)...................................................................................................................................... 8
Potential Issues for Congress........................................................................................................... 8
Acting Secretary of Defense Miller’s Decision on the Status of ASD (SOLIC)....................... 8
DOD Review of DOD and USSOCOM Support to the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA)...................................................................................................................................... 9
Author Information.......................................................................................................................... 9