Small Wars Journal

Lost in Libya: The U.K. Does Not Understand Strategy

Wed, 04/06/2011 - 9:17am
Lost in Libya: The U.K. Does Not Understand Strategy by Dr. Patrick Porter, Infinity Journal (free registration required). BLUF: "The limited war of 2011 would refuse to be quarantined. After all other options were exhausted, it could culminate in a land war against Tripoli. Distressingly, we would shoulder the burden of invading, pacifying and administering this country. Occupation would probably lead to resistance -- and Libya propelled more foreign-born jihadi volunteers into Iraq than any other nation. A new front in the War on Terror would open up. Idealists now calling for humanitarian rescue would discover that all along they opposed Western imperial hubris."

6 April SWJ Roundup

Wed, 04/06/2011 - 1:01am

Top Afghan Official Confirms Talks With Taliban - New York Times

Al Qaeda Makes Afghan Comeback - Wall Street Journal

Taliban Has Strengthened Along Pakistan's Border - Washington Post

Taliban Exploit Tensions Seething in Afghan Society - New York Times

Afghans Protest Quran Burning for Fifth Day - Voice of America

Taliban Turn Cell Phones Back On in South - Associated Press

Detainees OK'd for Release Still Held at Bagram - Associated Press

Officials OK Afghan Detainee Vocational Program - AFPS

ISAF Operations Roundup - American Forces Press Service


White House Assails Pakistan Effort on Militants - New York Times

U.S. Doubts Pakistan's Plan to Defeat Taliban - Reuters

Libya / Operation Odyssey Dawn

Libyan Rebels Again Lose Hold on Key Oil Town - Voice of America

Under Heavy Assault, Libyan Rebels Flee Brega - New York Times

Rebel Leader Demands More of NATO - Los Angeles Times

Fear, Hunger Grip Tripoli as Gadhafi Cracks Down - Washington Times

Rebels Hoping for One State, Prepare for Two - Washington Post

NATO Changes Libya Tactics Due to Human Shields - Reuters

Libyan Rebel Leader Says NATO Isn't Doing Enough - Associated Press

Rebel Leader Accuses NATO of Failing Civilians - BBC News

Libyan Rebels Condemn NATO Over Gaddafi Advance - Reuters

Rebels Insist They're No Fans of Al Qaeda - Los Angeles Times

U.S. Envoy Arrives in Libya to Help Opposition - Washington Post

Airstrikes Destroy 30 Percent of Gadhafi's Weapons - Associated Press

Air Force Spending $4 million a Day for Libya War - Associated Press

Al Qaeda Bolstering Presence in Libya, Algeria Says - Reuters

CIA Secretly at Work Inside Libya - Voice of America

Photos Found in Libya Show Abuses Under Qaddafi - New York Times

Envoys Dangle Financial Offer to Key Gadhafi Aides - Associated Press

Libyan Rebels Preparing to Export Oil - Voice of America

Time's Up, Qaddafi - New York Times opinion


Islamists Look for Gains in Egypt's Freer Politics - Associated Press


Ousting Ruler Easier than Reforming, Tunisians Learn - Washington Times

Italy Makes Migrant Deal With Tunisia - Associated Press


Yemeni President Agrees to Meet Opposition in Saudi Arabia - VOA

Gunfire Erupts During New Clashes in Yemen - New York Times

Yemen Unrest: Three Die in Sanaa Clashes - BBC News

Tribe of Yemen President Clashes With Army, 3 Dead - Associated Press

Clashes Between Yemen Troops, Loyalist Tribesmen Kill 3 - Voice of America


Through Political Prism, Iraqis Grieve - New York Times

Iraq Suffers from Heavy Legacy of Unexploded Mines - Associated Press


Iran Makes Inroads in Latin American - Associated Press

U.S. General Concerned over Iran-Venezuela Ties - Agence France-Presse

Iran Touts Islamic Republic as Model for New Arab Regimes - Bloomberg

Iran Arrests Militants in Restive Province - Reuters


Syrian Rights Groups Raise Toll From Unrest - New York Times

More Bloodshed in Syria - Voice of America editorial


Bahrain Deports 2 Reporters of Opposition Paper - Associated Press


Security Storms Lebanese Prison After Riot, Fire - Associated Press

Israel / Palestinians

Israel Invites U.N. War Crimes Envoy Amid Gaza Furor - BBC News

Head of Gaza Inquiry Is Said to Plan Israel Trip - New York Times

Palestinians Mourn Israeli Mentor - Washington Post

Israel Approves 942 Jewish Homes in Gilo Settlement - BBC News

Middle East / North Africa Unrest

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - Associated Press

Japan Earthquake / Tsunami

U.S. Sees Array of New Threats at Nuclear Plant - New York Times

Japan Defends Release of Radioactive Water - Voice of America

Japan Sets Radiation Standards for Fish - New York Times

Release of Irradiated Water Is Stopped - Wall Street Journal

Ocean Radiation Hits 7.5 million Times Legal Limit - Los Angeles Times

Japan Nuclear Plant Plugs Highly Radioactive Leak - Associated Press

Japan Stops Leaks From Nuclear Plant - Reuters

Sea Radiation Is Another Blow to Japan's Fishermen - Associated Press

Radiation Errors Erode Confidence in Power Company - New York Times

Officials: Japan Plant No Risk to U.S. - Washington Post

U.S. Military Plays Key Role in Post-Tsunami Clean-up - Voice of America

USS Ronald Reagan Ends Mission - Stars and Stripes

U.S. Department of Defense

Military Jury May Deny 9/11 Suspect's Martyrdom Wish - Los Angeles Times

Govt Shutdown Looming, Pentagon Plans Still in Flux - Stars and Stripes

Republicans Keeping Tabs on Plans to End 'DADT' - Washington Post

U.K. to Press U.S. over Treatment of WikiLeaks Suspect - Associated Press

United States

Government Shutdown Nears - Washington Post

Budget Talks Head to Brink - Wall Street Journal

Budget Stances Harden as Deadline Nears for Shutdown - New York TImes

Petraeus Considered as Next CIA Chief - Stars and Stripes

United Kingdom

Britain Arrests 2 in Phone-Hacking Case - New York Times

United Nations

Recent U.N. Actions Show Policy Shift, Analysts Say - New York Times


Opposition Forces Move on Ivory Coast Strongman - New York Times

Ivory Coast Leader Swayed by Force, Considers Exit - New York Times

Ivory Coast: Gbagbo Increasingly Alone - Washington Post

Ivory Coast: A.U. Says Gbagbo Ready to Step Down - VOA

Ivory Coast: Laurent Gbagbo 'Negotiating Surrender' - BBC News

Gbagbo Negotiating Exit from Ivory Coast - Reuters

In Bunker, Ivory's Coast's Gbagbo Plays Final Hand - Associated Press

Ivory Coast: France Wants Gbagbo to Sign Promise to Cede Power - VOA

Ivory Coast: Obama Says Gbagbo Must 'Stand Down' Immediately - VOA

Ivory Coast's Defiant Strongman Denies Stepping Down - USA Today

U.N. Refugee Chief: Ivory Coast Conflict Could Spillover to Liberia - VOA

Intl Court Prosecutor Wants Ivory Coast Probe - Associated Press

Analysis: After Gbagbo, Ivory Coast Faces Many Worries - Reuters

Endgame in Ivory Coast on YouTube - New York Times

2 UN Peacekeepers Killed in Sudan's Darfur Region - Voice of America

Sudan: Air Strike Kills Two in Port Sudan - BBC News

Sudan Agency: 'Foreign' Plane Attacks Car, 2 Dead - Associated Press

Mystery Strike on Car Kills Two in Port Sudan - Reuters

Rights Official: Kenya Leaders Preaching Hate - Associated Press


DEA Chief: Mexico Cartels' Reach Affects the World - Associated Press

Mexico Arrests Another Suspect in ICE Agent Slaying - Associated Press

Authorities Confirm 2 Americans Killed in Mexico - Associated Press

5 Tortured Bodies Found in Empty Lot in Mexico - Associated Press

Ecuador Expels U.S. Ambassador - Los Angeles Times

Ecuador Expels U.S. Ambassador Over WikiLeaks Cable - New York Times

Ecuador Expels U.S. Ambassador over Wikileaks Cable - BBC News

Reuters Rejects Cuba's Spy Claim - Associated Press

Haiti Pins Its Hopes on a Pop-Star President - Associated Press

Jamaica Ruling Party Wins By-Election - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

Philippine Rebels, U.N. to Talk on Child Soldiers - Associated Press


France Displays More Muscular Foreign Policy - New York Times

France Makes Big Bets in Libya, Ivory Coast - Associated Press

French Panel Debates Secularism And Islam - New York Times

Islam Debate in France Sparks Controversy - BBC News

Spain and U.S. Near Accord on Atomic Cleanup - New York Times

Germany Arrests 6 in Euro Fraud Ring - New York Times

Italy: Berlusconi Trial Starts but Is Adjourned - New York Times

COIN Center Web Cast 15 April

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 4:49pm
The US Army COIN Center is pleased to host Dr. Sarah Sewall for an online web cast on 15 April 2011 at 10:00 CDT (1100 EST, 15:00 ZULU). The subject of the web cast is civilian casualties and their mission effect. Dr. Sewall teaches international affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, where she also directs the Program on National Security and Human Rights. Dr. Sewall is the founder and faculty director of the Mass Atrocity Response Operations (MARO) Project and is currently leading a study on civilian casualties with the United States Military.

Those interested in attending may view the meeting online at and participate via Defense Connect Online (DCO) as a guest. Remote attendees will be able to ask questions and view the slides through the software.

Is America Addicted to War?

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 8:50am
Is America Addicted to War? By Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy. BLUF: "The top 5 reasons why we keep getting into foolish fights... Because We Can... The U.S. Has No Serious Enemies... The All-Volunteer Force... It's the Establishment, Stupid... Congress Has Checked Out... ... no doubt that one could add more items to this list (e.g., the passive press, the military-industrial complex, etc.), but the items already noted go a long way to explaining why the supposedly peace-loving United States keeps finding itself in all these small but draining wars."

5 April SWJ Roundup

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 1:01am

Karzai's Role in Koran Burning Protests Raises Questions - Washington Post

Afghans Continue Protests Over U.S. Quran Burning - Voice of America

Students Gather in Kabul on Fifth Day of Afghan Protests - Reuters

Karzai Orders Koran Protest Probe - BBC News

Afghan Officer Turns Against U.S. Soldiers, Killing 2 - New York Times

Afghan Policeman Kills 2 U.S. Soldiers - Los Angeles Times

Two U.S. Troops Slain in Northern Afghanistan - Associated Press

Afghan 'Policeman' Kills 2 NATO Soldiers - BBC News

Raid Nets Taliban Leader in Kandahar Province - AFPS

No 'Causal Relation' Between Army Commander, Killings - Washington Post

Explaining the Inexplicable: Murder at Mazar - Foreign Policy opinion

This Attack is Different - U.N. Dispatch opinion


British PM to Call for 'Fresh Start' With Pakistan - Associated Press

Britain's Cameron in Pakistan Seeking 'Fresh Start' - Reuters

Pakistan Blast 'Kills Seven' at Bus Station - BBC News

'Construction of New GHQ Underway' - International Herald Tribune

Libya / Operation Odyssey Dawn

Rebel Leader Criticizes NATO Effort in Libya - New York Times

Libyan Rebels Get Diplomatic, Military Boost - Washington Post

Gadhafi's Inner Circle Beginning to Crack - Washington Times

Italy Recognizes Libyan Rebel Government - Washington Post

Greek PM to Unveil Libya Peace Plan - Washington Times

U.S. to Withdraw Strike Jets From Libya Mission - Associated Press

Britain Sends Telecoms Equipment to Libyan Rebels - Associated Press

Pro-Gadhafi Forces Pound Libyan Cities, Rebels - Voice of America

Rebels Move on Brega as Gaddafi Aide Holds Talks - BBC News

Libya Says Gaddafi Stays, Wounded Relate Siege Hell - Reuters

Libyan Rebels Reject Role for Gadhafi Sons - Associated Press

Sanctions Are Dropped Against Libyan Defector - New York Times

U.S. Lifts Sanctions on Libya's Ex-Foreign Minister - Reuters

Gates Tells Truth on Libya, Anybody Listening? - FOX News opinion


Egypt's Military Says No to Extremists Taking Over - Associated Press

Crime Wave Grips Egypt, Absence of Police Blamed - Associated Press

Egypt Ready to Re-establish Iran Diplomatic Ties - Reuters


Tunis to Allow Italy to Help Patrol Coast - New York Times


Unrest in Yemen Seen as Opening to Qaeda Branch - New York Times

Yemen Accepts Call for Talks, Opposition Silent - Reuters

Clashes Escalate in Yemen; at Least 12 Killed - New York Times

Security Forces Kill at Least 12 Protesters - Washington Post

More Protesters Killed in Fresh Wave of Bloodshed - Los Angeles Times

Security Forces Open Fire During Protests in Yemen City - Reuters

Yemen Unrest: Troops Fire on Taiz Protesters - BBC News

Troops Fire on Yemen Protest; U.S. Seeks Saleh Exit - Associated Press

Yemen Toll Rises as U.S. Seen Pressing Saleh to Go - Reuters

U.S. Calls Violence Against Protesters 'Appalling' - Voice of America

Yemen Opposition Appeals for International Help - Associated Press

The Dangerous U.S. Game in Yemen - The Nation opinion


Baghdad Area Erupts with Violence on a Bloody Monday - CNN News

Iraqi Police: Gunmen Kill 6 Near Al-Qaida Den - Associated Press

Iraq Security Forces Under Scrutiny As Violence Rises - NPR

2 Clerics Who Urged Protests Arrested - Associated Press

Protesters Demand Resignation of Kurdish Government - Reuters

Iraq's Future Hangs in the Balance - Washington Times opinion


Iran Says U.S. Fomenting Unrest to Save Israel - Reuters


West's Response to Syria Blasted - Wall Street Journal

Assad Says Panel Will Review Law - U.S. News and World Report

Syria Promises to Unveil Road Map - Daily Telegraph


Man Arrested After Threat to Islamic Group in Jordan - New York Times


Bahrain Opposition Paper Resumes Under New Editor - Reuters

Saudi Arabia

Indonesia Condemns Saudi Maid Abuse Acquittal - BBC News

Israel / Palestinians

Prominent Israelis Will Propose a Peace Plan - New York Times

Cycle of Violence Continues on Israel-Gaza Border - Voice of America

Israel Scours Palestinian Village in Hunt for Killers - New York Times

Israel Announces More Housing Construction - New York Times

'Abducted' Palestinian Dirar Abu Sisi on Hamas Charges - BBC News

Israeli Arab Actor Killed in West Bank - Associated Press

How to Break Mideast Deadlock - International Herald Tribune opinion

Middle East / North Africa Unrest

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - Associated Press

Japan Earthquake / Tsunami

U.N.: World Must Learn Safety Lessons from Japan Accident - VOA

Japan Releases Low-Level Radioactive Water Into Ocean - New York Times

Tepco Releases Radioactive Water - Wall Street Journal

Japan Seeks Russian Help to End Nuclear Crisis - Reuters

Business Confidence Sags in Japan - New York Times

Japanese Defense Minister Thanks U.S. Service Members - AFPS

U.S. Department of Defense

For DoD Budgets, Do or Die Time - Defense News

Retiring Casey Leaves an Army in Transition - Army Times

Pay, Recognition Up Combat Instructor Appeal - Marine Corps Times

New Training Tests Skills of 'Warrior-Airmen' - Air Force Times

The $1 Million Soldier: What's Wrong - CNN News opinion

U.S. Department of State

State Dept. Firewall on Internet Freedom - Washington Post opinion

United States

U.S. Reverses on 9/11 Trials - Wall Street Journal

9/11 Suspects to be Tried by Military Panels - Washington Post

9/11 Plotter to Be Tried by Military Panel - New York Times

Holder: Military Tribunals for 9/11 Suspects - Washington Times

No Guantanamo Suspects will Get Civilian Trials - Los Angeles Times

Holder Refers 9/11 Co-conspirators to Military Tribunal - AFPS

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Faces Guantanamo Trial for 9/11 - BBC News

Holder: 9/11 Suspects to Face Military Tribunals - Associated Press

Cowardice Blocks the 9/11 Trial - New York Times editorial

Right Call on Sept. 11 Defendants, Military Trials - Washington Post editorial

High Court Nixes New Appeals from Gitmo Detainees - Associated Press

The Dawn of a Foreign Policy Doctrine? - Christian Science Monitor

Obama Opens Bid for New Term, No Longer Outsider - Associated Press

United Kingdom

Lawmakers: U.K. Misjudged Middle East Arms Sales - Associated Press

Leaders Decry IRA Dissidents' 'War Against Peace' - Associated Press


Ivory Coast Leader Cornered After U.N. and France Strike - New York Times

Final Battle Rages in Ivory Coast, Forces Prepare - Associated Press

Ivory Coast Braces for Violent Showdown - Voice of America

Gbagbo Negotiating Surrender, Says Ouattara Ally - Associated Press

U.N. and France Strike Leader's Forces in Ivory Coast - New York Times

U.N., France Strike at Forces of Ivory Coast Leader - Washington Post

U.N., France Strike Military Bases in Ivory Coast - Los Angeles Times

Ivory Coast: U.N. Forces Fire on pro-Gbagbo Camp - BBC News

Ivory Coast: U.N. Helicopter Fires on Renegade Leader's Forces - Associated Press

Battle Rages in Ivory Coast, U.N. Fires on Gbagbo Bases - Reuters

Final Battle Rages in Ivory Coast - Associated Press

France Says Its Army Joins U.N. Action in Ivory Coast - Reuters

Zambia Drops Case of Shooting by Chinese Mine Bosses - New York Times

Fatal U.N. Plane Crash at DR Congo's Kinshasa Airport - BBC News

Dutch Marines Kill Somali Pirates, Iranian Boat Freed - BBC News


2 Americans Killed at Tijuana Border Crossing - Associated Press

9 Killed as Gunmen, Authorities Clash in Mexico - Associated Press

Mexican Border Police Deny Role in Disappearances - Associated Press

Mexico Sets Rewards for Reporting Money Laundering - Associated Press

Tijuana Newspaper Excels at Drug War Coverage - Forbes

Singer Elected Haiti's President, Official Says - New York Times

Martelly Elected Haiti's President - Washington Post

Haiti: Michel Martelly Defeats Mirlande Manigat in Vote - BBC News

Michel 'Sweet Micky' Martelly Wins Haiti Election - Associated Press

Outsider Martelly Sweeps Haiti's Presidential Election - Reuters

Haiti's Pop-Star President Knows Politics - Associated Press

Colombia Investigates Military Jail 'Special Treatment' - BBC News

Guatemala Massacre Suspect Wanted in Spain - Associated Press

Nicaragua Proposes Former FM for U.N. Post - Associated Press

Cuba Claims Ex-Reuters Boss Helped CIA - Associated Press

Guyana Governing Party Sets Presidential Candidate - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

U.S. 'Deeply Concerned' About Detentions in China - Associated Press

China Artist's Detention Tests Depth of Crackdown - Reuters

China: Rights Group Says Tibetan Monk Dies After Torture - Associated Press

Leading Vietnamese Dissident Sentenced to Prison - New York Times

Vietnamese Dissident Lawyer Gets 7 Years in Prison - Associated Press

U.S. Concern over Vietnam Activist - BBC News

U.S., Philippine Forces to Kick Off Annual Exercise - AFPS

Central Asia

Monitors Fault Voting in Kazakh Election - New York Times

Kazakh President Wins Vote at Home, Not Observers - Washington Post


German Chancellor's Deputy Westerwelle Quits - BBC News

Lithuanians Turn Against Nuclear Energy - Associated Press


Opposition in Azerbaijan Vows to Step Up Protests - New York Times

South Asia

India State Elections: Assam Holds First Phase of Polls - BBC News

India Telecoms Corruption Probe Questioning Begins - BBC News

Police Dispel Bangladesh Protest - BBC News

Negotiating Peace in Afghanistan?

Mon, 04/04/2011 - 8:20pm
Negotiating Peace in Afghanistan? Sorry, But We Can't All Just Get Along. Guest post at Registan by Tim Mathews. BLUF: "Too much emphasis has been placed on the use of negotiation as a solution at the strategic level. The only thing that can solve our problem at the strategic level is a sound strategy. Negotiation is one means available in the implementation of a strategy, not a way to bypass development of a sound strategy."

Kilcullen on Libya: U.S. Should be 'Air Referee'

Mon, 04/04/2011 - 6:35pm

Former Petraeus Adviser Kilcullen: U.S. Should be 'Air Referee,' Avoid Arming Rebels, in Libya by Rick Klein, ABC News. BLUF: "Kilcullen, an author and former adviser to Gen. David Petraeus, said the U.S. should think about its role as 'kind of like the air referee. Oversee what's going on on the ground from the air and ensure that nobody, regardless of what their political orientation is, takes it out on civilians...'"

4 April SWJ Roundup

Mon, 04/04/2011 - 1:01am

Third Day of Afghan Protests Begin - Voice of America

Afghans Protest Koran Burning for Third Day - New York Times

Koran Burning Protests Continue for Third Straight Day - Washington Post

9 More Killed in Protests over Koran-burning - Los Angeles Times

Koran Protests in Kandahar and Jalalabad - BBC News

Quran Protests Spread to Turbulent Afghan East - Associated Press

More Violence Rattles Afghanistan after U.N. Killings - Reuters

Petraeus Says Quran Burning Endangers War Effort - Wall Street Journal

Petraeus Condemns Quran Burning as Protests Rage On - CNN News

22 Killed in Protests over Quran Burning - Christian Science Monitor

Inside the Massacre at Afghan Compound - Wall Street Journal

U.N. Staff Were Hunted Down and Slaughtered - Daily Telegraph

Taliban Exploits Afghan Riots - Los Angeles Times

2 American Soldiers Killed by Afghan Police - New York Times

NATO: 2 Service Members Killed in Inside Attack - Associated Press

Military Spends Billions on ISR Gear in Afghanistan - TG Daily

New Black Hawk Helicopters to Accompany 82nd - Fayetteville Observer

Press Yawns at Story Worse than Abu Ghraib - Washington Times opinion


Bombs Kill 42 at Shrine in Pakistan - Los Angeles Times

Pakistan Sufi Shrine Suicide Attack 'Kills 41' - BBC News

Taliban Twin Bombers Kill 42 at Pakistani Shrine - Associated Press

Suicide Blasts at Sufi Shrine in Pakistan Kill 41 - Reuters

Libya / Operation Odyssey Dawn

2 Qaddafi Sons Said to Offer Plan to Push Father Out - New York Times

Gaddafi Emissary Meets Greek Leader in Athens - Washngton Post

Rebel Leadership in Libya Shows Strain - New York Times

Rebels Just Learning How to Use their Guns - Los Angeles Times

Libyan Rebels Fight Gadhafi Forces in East - Voice of America

Fighting Resumes in Key Cities - BBC News

Gaddafi Envoy in Europe as Turkey Rescues Wounded - Reuters

Italy Says Gadhafi Must Leave Power - Associated Press

A Big Brother World in Tripoli - Washington Post

Obama's Selective Outrage - Washington Times opinion

Bombing by International Consensus - National Review opinion


U.S. Shifts to Seek Removal of Leader, an Ally - New York Times

Yemen Toll Rises as U.S. Said to Press Saleh to Go - Reuters

Yemen Police Fire on Protesters in South - Voice of America

Police Open Fire on Protesters in Taiz - BBC News

At Least 12 Protesters Killed by Gunfire in Yemen's Taiz - Reuters

Activists: Yemeni Police Attack Women With Sticks - Associated Press

Yemen Protesters Clash With Police, 409 Wounded - Reuters

Troops Fire on Yemen Protest, 6 Killed, 30 Wounded - Associated Press


Tense Calm as Latest Crackdown Victims Buried - New York Times

Thousands Gather in Damascus for Funerals - Daily Telegraph

Syria Gets New Government as Demonstrations Continue - VOA

Minister to Form Cabinet as Douma Buries Dead - BBC News

Syrian Ex-Minister to Form Government - Associated Press


Is Iraq the New Forgotten War? - Stars and Stripes

Republicans Slam Obama's Strategy of Contractors - Washington Times

Two U.S. Troops Killed in Iraq - United Press International

2 Dead, 20 Wounded in Separate Attacks - CNN News

U.S. Works To Help Iraq's Air Force Take Off - NPR

Time Runs Out in Iraq - Washington Post editorial

Iraq Remains in State of Paralysis - Gulf News opinion


Gulf Bloc Strongly Condemns Iran Over Bahrain - Associated Press

Gulf Arabs States Reject Iran 'Interference' - Reuters


Bahrain Says Suspends Opposition Paper Over 'Lies' - Reuters

Editors Quit to Save Bahraini Newspaper From Ban - Associated Press


Libyan Intervention May Be a Turning Point - New York Times

Israel / Palestinians

Gaza Report Author Softens Conclusions - Los Angeles Times

Israel Grapples With Retraction on U.N. Report - New York Times

Israel Lauds War Crimes Investigator's Reversal - Associated Press

Israel Panel to Approve New East Jerusalem Flats - Associated Press

Israel at the Mercy of Multilateralism - The National opinion

Middle East / North Africa Unrest

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - Associated Press

Middle East: After the Uprising - The New Yorker opinion

Japan Earthquake / Tsunami

Efforts to Plug Japanese Reactor Leak Failing - New York Times

Long-term Radiation Release Predicted - Washington Post

Nuclear Plant Continues Radioactive Spill into Ocean - Los Angeles Times

Fukushima Plant Could Leak Radiation for Months - Voice of America

Japanese Nuclear Crisis Could Go on for Months - The Guardian

Engineers Pin Hopes on Polymer to Stop Nuke Leak - Associated Press

Another Bid to Stop Radioactive Leak Fails - United Press International

Japan to Release Radioactive Water Into the Sea - Reuters

At Chernobyl, a Model and Warning for Japan - Washington Post

United States

Deadline Looms for Federal Budget - Washington Post

President Intervenes in Budget Standoff - Los Angeles Times

GOP Asks for Troops to Remain at Border - Washington Times

House Subpoenas ATF Documents in Agent's Death - Washington Times

Fake Medals: Free Speech? - Christian Science Monitor


Ivory Coast Prepares for Another Day of Battles - Voice of America

U.N. Alarm at Ivory Coast Massacre - BBC News

France Takes Control of Airport in Ivory Coast - New York Times

Ivory Coast: French Forces Take over Abidjan Airport - BBC News

Armed and Ready, Ouattara Forces Await Ivory Coast End Game - Reuters

Ivory Coast: Abidjan Holds Its Breath, Awaiting Final Battle - Associated Press

Ivory Coast Calm as Rivals Hold Positions - Reuters

U.N. to Relocate Ivory Coast Staff - Washington Post

U.N. Evacuates Staff After Attacks in Ivory Coast - Reuters

Army Chief for Ivory Coast Strongman Leaves Refuge - Associated Press

Last-minute Halt to Nigeria Polls - BBC News

Nigeria Further Postpones Elections Over Problems - Associated Press

Somalia Creates New State, Azania - Associated Press

Allied Somali Forces Seize Town Near Kenya - Associated Press

Dutch Marines Kill 2 Pirates Off Somali Coast - Associated Press


Mexico City Street Gangs Mimic Cartel Violence - Associated Press

Mexican Police Catch Man Who Planted 'Whisky Bomb' - Associated Press

Venezuela Touts Agreements Signed on Chavez Tour - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

China: Dissident Artist Held as Crackdown Spreads - New York Times

Chinese Artist Arrested in Crackdown - Washington Post

Generation Change in N. Korean Army - Chosun Ilbo

Destination DMZ: Tourist Spot Offers Close-up Look - Stars and Stripes

Wide Support for Democracy Activist in Vietnam - New York Times

Vietnamese Dissident Lawyer Gets 7 Years in Prison - Associated Press

Clash Between Filipino Rebels, Rivals Kills 11 - Associated Press

Central Asia

Nazarbayev Wins Landslide Victory in Kazakhstan - New York Times

Kazakh Hails Win, OSCE Urges More Reform - Reuters

International Monitors Slam Kazakh Vote - Associated Press


Defense Officials Discuss Black Sea Security - Associated Press

N. Ireland Leaders Seek Plan to Stop IRA Dissidents - Associated Press

German Foreign Minister to Quit Party Post - Associated Press

Italy: Berlusconi Faces Trial Battles as Ruby Case Looms - Reuters

South Asia

Cricket Victory Brings Relief From Scandal in India - New York Times

Bangladesh Protest Against Women's Rights Left One Dead - BBC News

DOD to Drop Social Security Numbers from ID Cards

Sun, 04/03/2011 - 11:51am
Jim Garamone reports that DOD to Drop Social Security Numbers from ID Cards

"Beginning June 1, Social Security numbers on military identification cards will begin to disappear, said Air Force Maj. Monica M. Matoush, a Pentagon spokeswoman. The effort is part of a larger plan to protect service members and other DOD identification card holders from identity theft," officials said.

This change is one of the first offered towards comprehensive reform by Gregory Conti, Dominic Larkin, David Raymond, and Edward Sobiesk in SWJ's The Military's Cultural Disregard for Personal Information and the NYT's Service Members Face New Threat: Identity Theft.