Small Wars Journal

25 August COIN Center Webcast

Thu, 08/18/2011 - 6:07pm

The US Army COIN Center is pleased to host Colonel Gian Gentile at the next FM 3-24 related webcast. COL Gentile is an associate professor of military history at the United States Military Academy, West Point, and has written and spoken extensively about the need to revise Army counterinsurgency doctrine (FM 3-24). He states "population-centric COIN doctrine needs fundamental revision. The Army's current fixation on COIN is a straightjacket that prevents thinking about alternative models of irregular conflict and, more importantly, encourages the atrophy of combined arms warfare skills". His brief is Thursday, 25 August 2011 at 10:00 CDT (1100 EDT, 15:00 ZULU). Those interested in attending may view the meeting online at and participate via Defense Connect Online (DCO) as a guest. Remote attendees will be able to ask questions and view the slides through the software.

America’s Lost Ally

Thu, 08/18/2011 - 5:46am

America’s Lost Ally by George Will, Washington Post opinion. BLUF:

“Since the Cold War’s end, the combined gross domestic product of NATO’s European members has grown 55 percent, yet their defense spending has declined almost 20 percent. Twenty years ago, those nations provided 33 percent of the alliance’s defense spending; today, they provide 21 percent. This is why Robert Gates, before resigning as U.S. defense secretary, warned that unless Europe’s disarmament is reversed, future U.S. leaders ‘may not consider the return on America’s investment in NATO worth the cost.’”

18 August SWJ Roundup

Thu, 08/18/2011 - 5:31am


Afghan Insurgents Step Up Deadly Attacks on Civilians - NYT

Afghan Official: 20 People Killed by Roadside Bomb - AP

Blast Kills 20, Wounds 12 in Afghanistan's Herat - Reuters

In the War Zone, Time is an Enemy - S&S

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS



Pakistan Amends Tribal Laws Said to Fuel Militancy - WP

Pakistan Says It Can Bring Haqqani to Peace Talks - AP

Violence Escalates Across Karachi - BBC

Violence in Pakistani City Kills 33 in 24 Hours - AP

Pakistan ex-MP Killed in Shooting - BBC

Gunfire, Grenade Attacks Kill 10 in Pakistan  - AP



Panetta Sees Long-term US Relationship with Iraq - AFPS

Bloodiest Day of the Year Won’t Change US Drawdown - S&S

Turkish Jets Bomb PKK Bases in Northern Iraq - VOA

Turkish Warplanes Hit 60 PKK Targets in Iraq - Reuters

Turkey Vows Retaliation for Kurdish Ambush - NYT

Turkey Vows More Strikes Against PKK Targets - AP



Assad Says Army Assault 'Stopped' - BBC

Assad Says Military Operations Ended; 9 Killed - AP

Syria's Assad Says Military Operations Halted - Reuters

Resistance Transforms a Once Mute Syrian City - NYT

Syrian Activists Report New Raids - VOA

Syria Targets Port for Fourth Day - BBC

Syrian Forces Detain Dozens in Latakia - VOA

Syrian Troops Detain Dozens, 3 Killed in North - AP

Syria Forces Hold Hundreds in Latakia Sports Stadium - Reuters

US Puts Curbs on Syrian Diplomats - WP

Curbs on Syrian Diplomats' US Travel - BBC

UN Rights Chief Likely to Act Against Syria - AP

UN Rights Council to Meet on Syria on Monday - Reuters

Turkey PM Compares Syrian Leader to Gadhafi - AP

Russia to Sell Arms to Syria, Sales Overall to Rise - Reuters

Responding to Syria – WP editorial



Libya Conflict: Beginning of the End? - BBC

Refugees Flee Oil City as Qaddafi Forces Dig In - NYT

Libyan Rebels’ Advance Stalls in Zawiyah - WP

Rebels Gain Near Tripoli, as Refugees Pour Out - WSJ

Pentagon: Rebels Advance Against Gadhafi Regime - AFPS

Pentagon: Libyan Rebel Advances ‘Significant’ - S&S

Libya's Rebels Vie for Control of Strategic City - VOA

Libya Rebels Fight for Refineries; US Sends Drones - Reuters

Battle for Key Libya Oil Refinery - BBC

Rebels Battle Libyan Forces for Zawiya Refinery - AP

Libya Rebels Battle for Refineries in East and West - Reuters

Libyan Rebels Deny Talking to Gadhafi Aides - VOA

Aid Agencies Finds Libyan Camp Conditions 'Horrific' - VOA



Egyptian Civilians Caught in Military Tribunals - VOA

US Concerned by Military Prosecution of Egyptian Activists - VOA

Young Egyptian Activists Sent to Prison - AP

Egypt to Try Ex-Mubarak Aide for Graft - Reuters



Hezbollah Members Indicted in 2005 Assassination - WP

Indictment in Hariri Assassination Is Published - NYT

Hariri Slaying Inquiry Says Calls Pointed to Hezbollah - LAT

Trial Ordered for Hariri Assassination Suspects - BBC

Tribunal Publishes Indictment in Hariri Murder - AP

Hariri Indictment Says Phones Link Suspects to Killing - Reuters

No Smoking Gun in Lebanon's Hariri Murder Case - AP

Assassination Detailed - FP

Justice for Hariri’s Killers - WP opinion


Israel / Palestinians

Israelis, Palestinians Brace for Massive Protests - LAT

Palestinian Reconciliation Stalls Over Statehood - AP

Assad Puts Hamas in Corner Over Syrian Assault - Reuters

Hamas Bans Gaza Students From Studying Abroad - AP

Official: No Israeli Apology to Turkey Over Raid - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Iranian FM: Tehran Ready to Resume Nuclear Talks - AP

Yemeni Opposition Leaders Form National Council - NYT

Saleh's Vow to Return Keeps Yemenis Guessing - Reuters

Bahrain Shiite Opposition Seeks Reform Referendum - AP

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP



Venezuela, Iran Agree to Boost Dialogue Within OPEC  - VOA


US Department of Defense

Amid Melting Ice, Navy Assesses Strategic Demands in Arctic - S&S

Robots Could Save Soldiers’ Lives, Army General Says - AFPS


United States

Charter, Cargo Airlines, Pentagon Target Pilot Safety Rule - AP


United Kingdom

Cameron Ends Bid to Hire Ex-New York Police Chief - NYT

London Police Charge 1,000th Person in Riots Probe - AP

PM Defends 'Tough' Riot Sentences - BBC

2 British Men Given Jail Time for Inciting Riots on Facebook - VOA

America’s Lost Ally - WP opinion



Britain Says 400,000 Somali Children at Risk of Death - Reuters

Muslim Nations Pledge Help for Somalia - AP

Rising Hunger in South Ethiopia Despite Lush Green - AP

US Group: Evidence Points to 3 Sudan Mass Graves - AP

South Sudan Bank Chief Sacked - BBC

Islamist Threat With Qaeda Link Grows in Nigeria - NYT

US General Sees Nigeria Terror Link - AP

Ivory Coast to Demobilize 10,000 Fighters - VOA

Uganda Police Fire Tear Gas on Opposition Rally  - VOA

Activists Question Angola on Rights - AP



5 Colombian Police Killed in FARC Ambush - AP

Peru's Government Re-evaluates Coca Eradication - AP

Venezuelan Party Picks Presidential Contender - AP

Chavez: Venezuela to Nationalize Gold Mining Industry - VOA

Corruption: Ecuador Police to Take Polygraph - BBC

Clinton Panel Announces Major New Haiti Project - AP


Asia Pacific

US Vice President on Confidence-Building Trip to China – VOA

Cooperation Emphasized as Biden Opens Talks in China - NYT

Biden in China Amid Debt Concerns - BBC

China Appeals to US to Focus on Economic Recovery - AP

Biden: US-China Relations Crucial to Economic Stability - BBC

N. Korea Threatens to Bolster Nuclear Arsenal - AP

Japan’s PM Pushes Nuclear Phaseout - WP



Gorbachev Calls for Change of Leadership in Russia - Reuters

Russia Shows Off Stealth Fighter - BBC

Germany is Fatigued by Reform - WP

Serbia-Kosovo Talks to Resume in September - AP

UN Prosecutors Seek 2 Separate Trials for Mladic - VOA

Former Kosovo Leader's War Crimes Retrial Opens - AP

Former Ukraine President Slams Ex-PM at Trial - AP

Protest as Spain Readies for Pope - BBC


South Asia

Indian PM Slams Anna Hazare - WP

Indian PM Blasts Hunger Striker - BBC

Standoff Deepens Between New Delhi and Jailed Protest Leader - NYT

Anna Hazare Ends Standoff with India Govt - LAT

India Activist Makes Release Deal - BBC

Indian Anti-Graft Crusader Agrees to 15-Day Fast - AP

India Anti-Corruption Protests Grow - BBC

Hybrid Warfare and Transnational Threats

Wed, 08/17/2011 - 10:35am

Via PR Newswire: “The Council for Emerging National Security Affairs (CENSA), a non-partisan, non-profit research organization focused on national security policy, announced today the publication of Hybrid Warfare and Transnational ThreatsWhile the expert insights and points-of-view in Hybrid Warfare and Transnational Threats often diverge, there's one point on which they agree: As recently reinforced by Deputy Secretary of Defense William J. Lynn III, future wars will be longer, deadlier, more complicated and involve more diverse enemies than at any other point in history.”

17 August SWJ Roundup

Wed, 08/17/2011 - 5:06am


Clinton, Panetta Discuss Cooperation in Afghanistan - AFPS

US and Coalition Forces Try to Build Cadre of Afghan Leaders - S&S

Escape-proof prison in Afghanistan? Inshallah - S&S

Gunman Kills Afghan Woman Working for Government - AP

Afghan Cleaner Shot Dead Inside NATO HQ - Reuters

Motorcycle Bomb Kills 8 in Southern Afghan Market - AP

ISAF Chief Apologizes for Civilian Casualty Incident - AFPS



China Rejects Report of Bin Laden Raid Copter Access - Reuters

US Drone 'Kills Four' in Pakistan - BBC

Suspected US Drone Strike Kills 4 in Pakistan - AP



Attacks in Iraq Heighten Political Tensions - NYT

Iraq's Bloodiest Day Revives Al Qaeda Fears - Reuters

7 Pulled From Iraqi Mosque, Killed Execution-Style - AP

Iraqi Military Capabilities Growing, General Says - AFPS

Arab Drama Stirs Sectarian Debate in Iraq - Reuters



Clinton Defends US Response to Crackdown in Syria - WP

Syrian Death Toll Continues to Climb - VOA

Syria Targets Port for Fourth Day - BBC

Gunfire in Syrian Coastal City; 35 Dead in 4 Days - AP

Syrian Troops Detain Dozens, 1 Dead in Northwest - AP

UN Cites Reports of Syrian Forces Shooting Defectors - WP

10,000 Palestinians 'Disappear' from Syrian Refugee Camp - VOA

Thousands Fled Assault on Palestinian Enclave in Syria - NYT

PLO Official Accuses Syria of Crimes Against Humanity - Reuters



Libyan Rebels Threaten to Isolate Tripoli - VOA

Libya Rebels Fight for Key Town - BBC

Libya's Rebels Deny Holding Talks With Gadhafi Aides - VOA

Rebels Scorn Talks With Isolated Gaddafi - Reuters

UN Envoy Meets With Both Sides of Libyan Conflict - AP

Gadhafi's Troops Use Hospital as Base, Doctors Say - AP



Yemen's President Vows to Return Soon - VOA

Yemen’s Leader Vows to Return Soon - NYT

Yemen's Saleh Vows to Return Home - BBC

Yemeni President: 'See You Soon in Sanaa' - AP


Israel / Palestinians

Mideast Quartet Alarmed by Israel Settlement Plans - Reuters

Palestinian President to Submit Statehood Proposal to UN Chief - VOA

Israeli Air Strike Hits Gaza After Rocket Fire - NYT

Israel Kills 2 Palestinians in Gaza - AP

Israel Arrests Al-Jazeera Reporter - AP



Iran's Hard-Liners Seek Payback in Next Election - AP

Iran: Russia's Nuclear Proposal Is 'Good Strategy' - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Bahrain Unrest: Rights Panel Closes After Clash - BBC

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

Justice for Hariri’s Killers Requires World’s Support - WP opinion


US Department of Defense

Panetta: Congress Must Look at Whole Federal Budget for Cuts - AFPS

Panetta: Bigger Defense Cuts Would Be Devastating - AP

DOD to Audit all DARPA Contracts, Following Nepotism Reports - S&S

Policy Forces More Marines E-5 and Below Into Barracks - S&S

Army Cyber Command Focuses on Protecting Vital Networks - AFPS

Sharing Intelligence Helps Contractors Strengthen Cyber Defenses - AFPS

Could 20-year Retirement be a Casualty - S&S

No Changes to Military Retirement Any Time Soon, Officials Say - AFPS

A Gates Team at the Pentagon - WP opinion


United States

Top Contenders Emerge in Crowded Field of Presidential Candidates - VOA

Terror Suspect Linked to Al-Shabaab Appears in US Court - VOA

New Biofuels Market to Reduce Foreign Oil Dependence - AFPS

Senator Blasts Promotions for ATF’s ‘Fast and Furious’ - WT


United Kingdom

Police 'Prevented Olympic Site Riot' - BBC

Britain Will Force Convicted Rioters to Clean Up - NYT



Canada Restores Royal Names to Navy, Air Force - AP



Somalia: Aid Agencies Face Conflict, Shortages in Mogadishu - VOA

Allegations of Food Aid Theft Resurface in Somalia - NYT

WFP Outraged Food May Have Been Stolen from Starving Somalis - VOA

Scale of Reported Somalia Food Aid Theft Implausible - TG

UN: Aid Will Still Go to Somalia Despite Fraud - AP

World Bank Says Famine in Horn of Africa Is Manmade - Reuters

UN: Ethiopia Refugee Camp Child Death Rates 'Alarming' - BBC

S. Sudan Says Troops Will Be Future Peacekeepers - AP

Zimbabwe Ex-army Boss Mujuru Dies - BBC

Zimbabwe General's Death May Prompt Power Struggle - AP

6 Die as Gunmen Storm North Nigeria Police Station - AP

Organizers Call Off Malawi Anti-Gov't Protests - AP

Ivory Coast Reopens Jail After Political Violence - AP

Eritrean Leader Afewerki in 'Peace Trip' to Uganda - BBC



Mexico’s Youth Slips into Drug Violence - PBS

Mexico's Splintering Drug Gangs Pose New Security Risk - Reuters

Violence Threatens Venezuela Vote Outcome - Reuters

First Americans in Cuba Under Easier US Travel Rules - Reuters


Asia Pacific

China Top Paper Presses US Ahead of Biden Visit - Reuters

China Feels After-effects of Economic Stimulus - LAT

China Begins Security Crackdown in Western Region - NYT

China Launches Maritime Satellite - VOA

China’s Troubled Railway Ministry Fires Spokesman - NYT

US, South Korea Naval Drills Draw Threats From North Korea - VOA

N. Korea Anger at Military Drill - BBC

Corruption Case Poses Key Test for Indonesian President - VOA

Philippines Seeks to Strengthen Anti-Terror Law - AP

Bombings in Southern Philippines Draw Attention to Peace Talks - VOA

Filipino Muslim Rebels to Disown Radical Commander - AP

Malaysia Opens Door to Changes in Electoral System - NYT

In Indonesia, Scandals Tarnish Citibank - WP



Sarkozy and Merkel Call for More Fiscal Unity in Europe - NYT

Leaders Demand 'Euro Governance' - BBC

German Economy Slows - VOA

European Economies Brace as Germany Slows - WP

Russia Still Lags on Democracy 20 Years After Coup - Reuters

Prosecution Wants to Hasten Mladic Trial - AP

Student in Spain Plotted Attack on Anti-Pope Protesters - AP

Eight Turkish Soldiers Killed in Blast - Reuters


South Asia

India Detains Anti-Corruption Activist Before Planned Hunger Strike - VOA

Hundreds Arrested in India Over Planned Protest - NYT

Indian Activist Refuses to Leave Jail - WP

India Arrests Veteran Activist Anna Hazare - WP

India Holds Hundreds of Activists - BBC

A Gates Team at the Pentagon

Wed, 08/17/2011 - 4:44am

A Gates Team at the Pentagon by David Ignatius, Washington Post opinion. BLUF:

"Leon Panetta, the new defense secretary, will lead a team that is collegial and congenial, two qualities Gates prized. The question is whether its members have the toughness to say no to Pentagon bureaucracies that excel at logrolling and political horse-trading. Gates’s secret was his ability to impose accountability, and, with his barbed wisecracks, to scare subordinates into following his orders. This skill will be hard to replicate."

16 August SWJ Roundup

Tue, 08/16/2011 - 1:55am


ISAF Operations Update - AFPS

4 Killed in Attack on Tanker Depot in Afghanistan - AP

Gunman Kills Afghan Woman Working for Government - AP

US Contracts to Get Money Away from Insurgents - WP



Security Guards, Driver of Abducted American Held - CNN

Chinese 'Saw Bin Laden Raid Helicopter' - BBC

Pakistan Let China See Crashed US 'Stealth' Copter - Reuters

Suspected US Drone Strike Kills 4 in Pakistan - AP



Dozens Killed as Wave of Violence Strikes Iraq - VOA

Wave of Attacks in Iraq Leaves at Least 68 Dead - NYT

Scores Killed in Attacks Across Iraq - WP

Attacks Raise New Concerns about US Pullout - LAT

Wave of Violence Hits Iraq Cities - BBC

Bombs Tear Through 17 Iraqi Cities, 63 Killed - AP

US Servicemembers Not Attacked, but Mission Targeted - S&S

Bombings Bear Signs of al-Qaida in Iraq, General Says - AFPS



Syrian Tanks Roll Through Port City - VOA

Syria Orders Thousands into Stadium in Latakia Crackdown - LAT

Syrian Tanks Shell Latakia as Death Toll Reaches 31 - Reuters

US Unable to Confirm Reported Syrian Naval Shelling - Reuters

Turkey Warns Syria to Stop Crackdown - NYT

Turkey: Bloodshed in Syria Must Immediately Stop - AP

Press Rap 'Arab Silence' on Syria - BBC



Libyan Interior Minister Flies to Cairo in Apparent Defection - VOA

Libya’s Security Chief Arrives in Cairo - NYT

Top Libyan Official Defects to Egypt - WP

Libyan Minister 'Lands in Egypt' - BBC

Libya Rebels in Zawiyah Threaten Supply Line to Tripoli - NYT

Gaddafi Isolated Amid Setbacks - WP

Libya Rebels Fight for Key Towns – BBC

Rebels Say Tripoli Encircled; US Says Scud Fired - Reuters

Gadhafi Forces Try to Block Libyan Rebel Advance - AP  

Rebels Say Tripoli Encircled; Gaddafi Defiant - Reuters

US Officials: Gadhafi Fires First Scud Missile - AP



Judge Adjourns Mubarak Trial, Stops Live TV Broadcasts - VOA

Judge Ends Broadcast of Mubarak at Trial - NYT

Judge in Mubarak Trial Bans TV Coverage - LAT

Trial Reopens for Caged Mubarak - WP

Judge Ends Mubarak Trial Broadcast - AP

Egypt Deploys Soldiers to North Sinai - NYT

Egypt Troops Raid Sinai Militant Hideouts, Kill 1 - AP


Israel / Palestinians

Israeli Aircraft Hit Gaza, 5 Reported Wounded - AP

Abbas Makes Arab Aid Appeal, Sees Risk to UN Bid - Reuters

UN: Palestinians Flee Refugee Camp in Syria - AP

Palestinians 'Flee Syrian Camp' - BBC

Israel Announces New Building in West Bank - WP

Israel OKs 277 New Homes in West Bank Settlement – AP

Netanyahu Faces Israeli Parliament Over Protests - Reuters



Russian Senior Official in Tehran to Discuss Nuclear Talks - VOA

Russian Official in Iran to Revive Nuclear Talks - VOA

Iran Says to Issue Verdicts on U.S. Hikers Soon - Reuters


Middle East / North Africa

Tunisia Police Battle Protesters - BBC

Tear Gas Fired on Lawyer Protest in Tunisia - AP

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - VOA


Al Qaeda

Al-Qaida Chief Urges Attacks on 'Criminal' America - AP


US Department of Defense

Iraq Medals of Honor All Posthumous - WP

Drones Descend on Washington - AP


United States

Iranian National in US Sentenced in Plot to Ship Goods to Iran - VOA

US Releases CIA Documents on Bay of Pigs Invasion - AP

Scammers Pretend to Solicit Donations for Veterans - S&S

True Cost of Afghanistan, Iraq War Anyone's Guess - McClatchy

A War Tax? It’s Still Not a Bad Idea - WP opinion



The Phantom State Menace - NYT opinion



China Pledges $55 Million in Famine Aid for Horn of Africa - VOA

Militia in Somalia Bars Food Aid, Rights Group Says - LAT

UN Food Agency on Stolen Somali Aid Allegations - AP

Crumbling Church Offers Safe Haven for Somalia's Hungry – VOA

South Sudan Offers Somalia Troops - BBC

UN Urges Inquiry Into Sudan 'War Crime' Reports - Reuters

Nigeria Police Kill 'Car Bomber' - BBC

Police Surround Uganda Opposition Leader's Home - VOA

Anger as Ivory Coast Destroys Illegal Settlements - Reuters

Cuts, New AFRICOM Focus Could Affect HIV Programs - S&S



4 Mexican Navy Personnel Kidnapped by Drug Gangs - AP

Grenade Attack in Mexico Kills 1, Wounds 3 - AP

Colombian Rebel Leader Seeking Asylum in Venezuela - AP

Venezuela: Chavez Seeks to Contain Voter Angst Over Economy - Reuters

Venezuela: Chavez Foes Reject Military's Political Meddling - AP

Argentina's Fernandez Hand Strengthened by Primary - Reuters

11 People Dead After Clash Over Land in Honduras - AP


Asia Pacific

China: Xi Jinping Called Pragmatic, Low-key - WP

Second Tibetan Monk Immolates Himself - NYT

US to Deny Taiwan New F-16 Fighters - AFT

US, South Korea to Begin Ulchi Freedom Guardian Exercise - AFPS

S. Korea, US Begin Annual Military Drill – KT

North Korea Denies South’s Hacking Claims - AP

Japan Gives Visa to Convicted Former Thai Leader - NYT

Indonesian Survivor of Mob Attack by Muslims Is Sentenced - NYT

Victim of Indonesian Mob Attack Sent to Jail - AP

Indonesia Mob Victim: No Justice for Minorities - AP

Rivals Suspected in Attack on Filipino Governor - AP



After Riots, British Leaders Offer Divergent Proposals - NYT

4 Soldiers Killed, 7 Wounded in Russia's Caucasus - AP

Alleged Military Coup Plotters Stand Trial in Turkey - DN

Turkey Signs Deal To Buy Six CH-47 Copters - DN


South Asia

Singh Promises 'Strict Action' to Fight Indian Corruption - VOA

Indian Activist Detained Ahead of Hunger Strike - AP

Former Fighter Turns Candidate in Sierra Leone Elections - Reuters

Sri Lankans Besiege Govt Office Over 'Grease Devils' - Reuters

Fear and Loathing in San Francisco: Population Control Measures and Cyber-Terror

Mon, 08/15/2011 - 10:02am

On July 3rd, 2011, a transit officer of San Francisco’s Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) service fatally shot Charles Blair Hill, a 45 year old transient who allegedly threatened the officers with a knife.  On July 22, BART officials released a video of the shooting causing uproar from several residents and civil liberties groups over the escalation of force.

 Up to this point, the story is uninteresting as it reflects the normal discourse on the intersection of citizens’ rights and the state’s responsibility to provide security.  What happened next is very serious and worthy of discussion.

On 12 August, in the wake of the London Riots and upon hearing reports of civil protests in San Francisco, BART officials implemented temporary population control measures to shut down cell phone services from 4pm to 7pm in order to deter potential mass rioting and maintain law and order.  To a counter-insurgent, these tactics seem reasonable within areas that lack control of the state, but they are highly questionable in a democratic society that treasures individual freedoms and protection.

BART’s actions, if taken to the courts, may test the limits of the state’s ability to implement population control measures when potentially threatened.  These limits, in and of themselves, are a slippery slope that must be treaded lightly.

On 14 August, the internet group “Anonymous” conducted retaliation against BART hacking into their website, changing the logo, and releasing personal contact information of hundreds of the site’s users.  This counter-attack is a direct assault on the state challenging its authority and control.

In this age of Information, are we entering a time when any individual with a grievance can shut down government services?  How and should the state react to such attacks?  The events in San Francisco over the last week may provide a good case study to test and analyze the threat of cyber-terror.

15 August SWJ Roundup

Mon, 08/15/2011 - 12:39am


Suicide Bombers Attack Governor's Compound, 22 Killed - VOA

Attack Is Latest to Jolt a Usually Quiet Afghan Area - NYT

Suicide Bombers Kill 22 in Afghanistan Raid - LAT

Deadly Assault on Afghan Compound - BBC

19 Dead in Attack on Afghan Governor’s Compound - AP

DOD Identifies Five US Troops Killed in IED Blast - S&S

A Trusted Man in Afghanistan - WP

Afghanistan's Former Spy Chief: 'Never Trust the Taliban' - TT

NATO: Raids by US Commandos Nearly Triple Since '09 - S&S

US to Keep Control of Prison, Missing Milestone - S&S

Afghan Widows Form Community on Kabul Hill - WP



US Links Pakistani Aid to Performance - WSJ

Risks for US Aid Efforts in Pakistan - CSM

US Aides Believe China Examined Stealth Copter - NYT

Paper: China Accessed US Helicopter - Reuters

Bomb Blast Kills 12 in Southwest Pakistan Hotel - VOA

Lethal Blast in Southern Pakistan - BBC

Bomb Rips Through Hotel in Southwest, Killing 12 - AP

Pakistan Interrogates Guards of Kidnapped American - VOA

Pakistan Quizzes Suspects Over Abducted American - Reuters

Pakistani Police Don't Know Who Kidnapped American - AP

Drones Alone Are Not the Answer - NYT opinion



At Least 22 Killed in Syria's Siege on Port City - VOA

Syrian Navy Ships Join Attack on Coastal City - NYT

Syrian Gunboats Join Fresh Attack Against Protesters - WP

Syria Forces Use Naval Power Against Latakia - LAT

Syrian Warships 'Shell Port City' - BBC

Syria Uses Gunboats for 1st Time to Crush Uprising - AP

Tank, Navy Attack on Syria's Latakia Kills 26 - Reuters



Libyan Rebels Capture Part of Zawiya - VOA

Libya Rebels Fight for Key Towns - BBC

Libya Rebels Threaten a Supply Line to the Capital - NYT

Rebels Fight to Cut off Kadafi's Supplies - LAT

Libyan Rebels Strike Crucial Blow as They Take Zawiyah - TT

Libyan Rebels Try to Cut Routes to Tripoli - AP

Gaddafi Defiant as Govt Said to Be Talking With Rebels - Reuters

Gaddafi Urges Libyans to Take Up Arms Against NATO - Reuters

Life Gets Easier in Libyan Rebel Capital - WP



Smuggling in North Sinai Surges as the Police Vanish - NYT

Mubarak Trial to Resume in Egypt - BBC

Egypt's Ex-President Mubarak to Return to Court - Reuters

Civilian Activist Charged by Military Prosecutor - WP

Egypt Activist Charged With Inciting Violence - AP

Egypt Blogger 'Defamed' Military - BBC

Lawyers Press Demands in Mubarak Security Head Trial - Reuters


Israel / Palestinians

Israeli Leader Vows Fiscal Reform but No Quick Fixes - NYT

Chinese Military Chief Visits Israel for 1st Time - AP

Palestinians Set for UN State Bid - BBC

U.S. Restarts Work of Aid Groups in Gaza Strip - Reuters

US Funds Restored to Aid Groups in Gaza - AP

Hamas Criticises Fatah Over Election Plan - Reuters

Abbas’s Desperate Ploy - WP opinion

Why Turkey Should Apologize to Israel - WT opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Iran's 1st Nuclear Power Station Connected in Weeks - TT

Twin Blasts Kill 5 Iraqi Army Personnel in Baghdad - AP

17 Militants, 3 Soldiers Killed in Yemen Fighting - AP

Yemen Opposition Asks West to Freeze Saleh Assets - Reuters

Jordan King Welcomes Reform Plans - BBC

Reforms to Strengthen Jordanian Parliament - Reuters

Proposed Reforms Not Enough for Jordan Protesters - AP

Many Hurt in Algeria Bomb Attack - BBC

Algerian Suicide Attack Wounds 29 - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP


US Department of Defense

New Stryker Vehicles Can Protect Troops Better - USAT

Wordsmiths Take Aim at Simplifying Acronyms for Army - S&S

Foreign Fights Need Training, Not Troops - DN


United States

US Visa Rule Will Burden Families, Lawyers Say - NYT

Hunt for Bin Laden Profits - LAT editorial


United Kingdom

Home Secretary May Defends Riot Policing Stance - BBC

Britain Debates a Plan to Turn to U.S. ‘Supercop’ - NYT

UK Police Wary of 'Supercop' Plan - BBC

Cameron Confronts Britain's 'Moral Collapse' - TT

Cameron: Riot-Hit UK Must Reverse 'Moral Collapse' - AP

UK Gangs Thrive in August Riots - AP

UK Riots Commentary - TT comments and opinions



'All Guilty' in Somalia Conflict - BBC

Terror Group Blocking Aid to 3 m Starving Somalis - USAT

More Food Aid Needed in E. Africa - VOA

WFP Expands Relief Work in Famine-Hit Somalia -AP

Somali Refugees Move to New Site in Kenya - VOA

Frustration Mounts As Somalis Wait for Famine Relief - VOA

Somali Islamists Thrive as Children Die - TT

Somalia PM Orders Aid Protection - BBC

Somalia Wants Humanitarian Force to Guard Food Convoys - Reuters

Remains of Crashed US Helicopter Still Lies in Mogadishu - VOA

Pressures Bear Down on Sudanese Strongman - WT

S. Africa: ANC's Malema Sorry over Botswana - BBC



Mexicans March Against Drug War - BBC

Police: 11 People Slain in Acapulco, Mexico - AP

Mexican Soldiers Uncover 'Narco-tunnel' to US - CNN

Argentine President Dominates Unusual Primary Vote - AP

Chavez Returns to Venezuela After Chemotherapy - CNN

Haiti, Stuck in the Mud - WP editorial


Asia Pacific

New US Envoy Reassures China - BBC

China's First Carrier Completes Initial Sea Trials - VOA

Chinese Military Chief Visits Israel for 1st Time - AP

China Moves Swiftly to Close Chemical Plant After Protests - NYT

S. Korean President Calls for Cooperation With North - AP

Japan’s Economy Slows 'Less than Expected' - BBC

Fugitive’s Return Jolts Indonesia’s Political World - NYT

Burma Opposition Leader Steps Out - CNN

Cheers in Burma as Suu Kyi Travel Tests Freedom - AP



Suspect in Norway Reconstructs Killings for Police - NYT

Norway Killer Reconstructs Shootings on Island - AP

Russia's Arctic 'Sea Grab' - CSM

Russia Arrests a Gadfly Over Some Simple Advice for Voters - NYT

Estonian Gunman Echoed Russian Propaganda - WT

Turkey: Senior PKK Rebel Denies Reports of His Arrest - Reuters

From Ataturk to Erdogan, Reshaping Turkey - WP opinion


South Asia

On the India-Pakistan Border, a Cold Peace - Reuters

Indian Leader’s Illness Prompts Questions, Restraint - NYT

Nepal’s Prime Minister Resigns, Citing a Stalemate - NYT

14 August SWJ Roundup

Sun, 08/14/2011 - 4:51am


A Trusted Man in Afghanistan - WP

Afghanistan's Former Spy Chief: 'Never Trust the Taliban' - TT

NATO: Raids by US Commandos Nearly Triple Since '09 - S&S

US to Keep Control of Prison, Missing Milestone - S&S

Abducted Afghan Officials Killed - BBC

Afghan Police Recover Bodies of 8 Security Troops – AP

Suicide Bombers Attack Afghan Governor's Compound - Reuters



US Citizen Kidnapped in Pakistan - VOA

Gunmen Abduct American in Pakistan - WP

American Kidnapped by Gunmen in Pakistan - NYT

American Abducted in Lahore - BBC

Gunmen Abduct US Man in Brazen Raid in Pakistan - AP

American Man Kidnapped by Assailants in Pakistan - Reuters

Afghan Governor's Compound Hit in Gun and Bomb Attack - BBC

Rockets Hit Base in Pakistan, Killing 3 Soldiers - AP

Seven Convicted over Rawalpindi Army HQ Attack - BBC



Syrian Forces Kill 3 in New Crackdowns - VOA

Syrian Tank, Army Sweeps Against Protesters Kill 5 - AP

Hama has Long Been in Syrian Regime's Sights - LAT

Clinton: Syria's Assad Facing 'Crescendo of Condemnation' - VOA

Israel Army Plants New Mines Along Syria Border - AP

Canada Extends Sanctions Against Syria - AP



Tribal Rifts Threaten to Undermine Libya Uprising - NYT

Libyan Forces, Rebels, Clash in Two Regions - VOA

Fierce Fighting in Key Libya Town - BBC

Heavy Clashes as Libyan Rebels Enter Zawiya - AP

Libya Rebels Control Zawiyah Center – Reuters

Gadhafi's Forces Control Oil Hub, Government Says - CNN



Egypt's Islamists Challenge Military Rulers - AP

Egypt Protesters Call for End to Military Rule - CNN

Egyptian Forces Flood into Sinai - WP

Egypt's Sinai Security Forces Say Plan Crackdown - Reuters


Israel / Palestinians

Palestinians Set for UN State Bid - BBC

Palestinians to Seek UN Statehood Vote Next Month - Reuters

Mass Economic Protests Continue in Israel - VOA

Israelis Take to Streets for 4th Week of Protests - AP


Middle East / North Africa

In Iraq, Two US Mothers with a Mission - WP

Twin Blasts Kill Iraqi Soldier in Baghdad - AP

Iran's 'Nuclear Partner' Russia Seeks to Revive Talks - Reuters

Lebanon Searching for 5 Escaped Militants - VOA

Using Bed Sheets, 5 Prisoners Escape Lebanese Jail - AP

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP


US Department of Defense

Foreign Fights Need Training, Not Troops - DN

Marine’s Gallantry Earns Highest Military Honor - AFPS


United States

An African Chief in Cabby’s Clothing - NYT

'60s-era Nuclear Cruise Ship Bides its Time in Obscurity - LAT

Hunt for Bin Laden Profits - LAT editorial


United Kingdom

After British Riots, Conflicting Answers as to ‘Why’ - NYT

Cameron: Time for Zero Tolerance Approach - TT

UK Police Wary of 'Supercop' Plan - BBC

British Police Slam Recruitment of US Police Commander - G&M

British Police Charge 2 With Killing Trio in Riots - AP

Petrol Bombs Thrown at Police After N. Irish March - Reuters

N. Ireland Police Attacked by Catholic Rioters - AP



Established Democracies Face a Summer of Despair - AP



More Food Aid Needed in E. Africa - VOA

WFP Expands Relief Work in Famine-Hit Somalia -AP

Somali Refugees Move to New Site in Kenya - VOA

Frustration Mounts As Somalis Wait for Famine Relief - VOA

Somali Islamists Thrive as Children Die - TT

Somalia PM Orders Aid Protection - BBC

Somalia Wants Humanitarian Force to Guard Food Convoys - Reuters

Remains of Crashed US Helicopter Still Lies in Mogadishu - VOA

Muslim Sect Kills Cleric in Northeast Nigeria - AP

Angola Blocks Activists Ahead of Regional Summit - AP



Mexican Soldiers Uncover 'Narco-tunnel' to US - CNN

Leaders of Colombia's Landless in New Peril - AP

Brazil: Corruption Charges Mar Recovery After Rio Floods - AP

Castro Turns 85 Quietly but Still a Force in Cuba - AP


Asia Pacific

US Economic Woes Loom Over Biden Visit to China - NYT

China Says Order Restored after Thousands Protest - AP

Japan Calls for China to Explain Aircraft Carrier - AFP

Tibetan Exiles Accuse Chinese of Cyber-Attacks - VOA

Taiwan Begins to Deal with its Amateur Spies Caught by China - LAT

Vietnamese Officials Visit US Aircraft Carrier – AP

3 Filipino Policemen Wounded Repulsing Rebel Raid - AP

Philippine Rebels Try to End Deadly Land Feud - AP

Fugitive Former Lawmaker Returns to Indonesia - AP

Cheers in Burma as Suu Kyi Travel Tests Freedom - AP



Germany Marks Construction of the Berlin Wall - AP

Germany Marks 50 Years Since Wall - BBC

Amid Multiculturalism, Dutch Confront Questions of Identity - NYT

Czech Anti-Communist Fighter Masin Dies at 81 – AP


South Asia

On the India-Pakistan Border, a Cold Peace - Reuters