Small Wars Journal

Can Petraeus Handle CIA’s Skepticism on Afghanistan?

Thu, 09/01/2011 - 6:28pm

Can Petraeus Handle the CIA’s Skepticism on Afghanistan? - Washington Post opinion piece by David Ignatius. BLUF:

When Gen. David Petraeus takes over as CIA director next week, he will confront a tricky problem: CIA analysts who will be working for him concluded in a recent assessment that the war in Afghanistan is heading toward a “stalemate” - a view with which Petraeus disagrees.

US Army COIN Center Webcast With Dr. Christopher Paul

Thu, 09/01/2011 - 4:16pm

The US Army COIN Center will be hosting Dr. Christopher Paul for a webcast briefing on 8 September.  Paul is a social scientist at the RAND Corporation, and is the lead author of a significant study on COIN, considering 30 insurgency cases, published as Victory Has a Thousand Fathers: Sources of Success in Counterinsurgency.

In his 2011 article in Joint Force Quarterly, Evidentiary Validation of FM 3–24: Counterinsurgency Worldwide, 1978–2008, he argues that the weight of recent historical evidence strongly supports the principles espoused in current COIN doctrine, finding “a remarkably strong correlation between the application of FM 3–24 principles and success in COIN.”

The briefing is scheduled for Thursday, 8 September 2011, at 1000 CDT (1100 EDT, 15:00 ZULU).

Those interested in attending may view and participate in the meeting via Defense Connect Online (DCO), where they will be able to interact with the briefer. Visit https://

Beyond the Tenth Year: The Afghan National Security Force

Thu, 09/01/2011 - 4:05pm

Beyond the Tenth Year: The Afghan National Security Force

Foreign Policy Research Institute Webcast/Teleconference

Featuring an Interview with LTG William B. Caldwell, IV
Commander, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan

Tuesday, September 13
11:00 - 11:45 a.m. Eastern Time

This briefing will be available exclusively through audio webcast and teleconference.

Questions may be submitted online or by telephone during the webcast or in advance by emailing: Register for webcast/teleconference here.

As commander of NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan, LTG Caldwell will provide an update on the Afghan military and police. He will consider the evolution of Afghan forces during his nearly two years in Kabul and highlight future challenges for creating an enduring force.

For additional information and updates can be found here.

Counterinsurgency: History, Theory, and Practice

Thu, 09/01/2011 - 3:55pm

Via e-mail from Hannah Gurman, Clinical Assistant Professor, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, New York University:

The Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University would like to invite you to “Counterinsurgency: History, Theory, and Practice,” a day-long symposium on the military doctrine that has officially guided the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2007.

The symposium will take place on September 22nd at Gallatin. More details about the event can be found here.

The event is free and open to the public. Please note that attendees must RSVP here so that we may ensure there is enough seating for everyone.

1 September SWJ Roundup

Thu, 09/01/2011 - 5:45am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI


US, Europe Rule Out Key Postwar Role in Libya - LAT

Tripoli’s Rapid Fall Reveals Regime’s Hollow Core - WP

Libya Standoff Spurs Worries - WSJ

Islamists' Evolving Role in Libya - USAT

Russia Recognizes Rebels as World Leaders Meet - NYT

World Leaders Gather for Summit as 'Scramble for Oil' Begins - TT

Leaders Gather in Paris for Libya Summit - BBC

World Powers, New Libya Leaders to Map Out Rebuilding - Reuters

China Says It Will Attend Libya Meeting in Paris - AP

Western Diplomats Step Up a Gear - BBC

Gaddafi Spokesman Rejects Rebel Demand to Surrender - WP

Son Denies Rebels’ Claim That Qaddafi Is Cornered - NYT

Gadhafi Son Vows Fight Until Death - VOA

Defiant Gaddafi Son Vows to Fight - BBC

Gaddafi Sons Broadcast Confusion as Battle Looms - Reuters

One Gadhafi Son Set to Surrender, Rebels Say - WT

NATO Keeps Bombing pro-Kadafi Forces in Libya - LAT

Rebels Claim Gadhafi Foreign Minister Caught - AP

Libyans Mark Eid with Optimism, Sadness - VOA

EU Expected to Lift Libya Oil Sanctions - VOA

France Unblocks Libya Cash,' Unaware' of Oil - AP

Documents Shed Light on Gaddafi Lobbying - WP

Intel Papers Link US Diplomat to Gadhafi Propaganda - WT

What to Do With Qaddafi - NYT opinion

‘Thank You, America!’ - NYT opinion



Syrian Activists: Tanks, Troops Raid Hama, Make Arrests - VOA

Syria Hunts for Leaders of Protests in Hama - NYT

Top Official 'Resigns Over Mass Execution in Hama' - TT

Syrian Forces Raid Hama, Official Resigns in Protest - Reuters

US Calls Syrian Foreign Minister Assad's 'Shameless Tool' - AP

Activists: Syrian Attorney General Resigns - AP

Syria Official Rails at Killings - BBC

Isolating Assad - NYT editorial



US Seizes 'Moment' to Flip Taliban - USAT

Afghan Police Casualties Soar - WP

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS



Pakistan, US Struggle to Define Their Relationship - AP

Pakistan Power Shortages Keep Growth Prospects Dim - LAT

Pakistani Fertilizer Fuels Afghan Bombs - AP

Deadly Blast Strikes Near Mosque in SW Pakistan - NYT



War Marks First Month With No US Military Deaths - NYT

Police: Car Bomb Kills 5 in Baghdad - AP

Car Bomb Kills Three, Wounds 20 in Iraq - Reuters

The Forgotten Battlefield - WP opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Israel Girds for Palestinian UN Bid - WP

New Egypt Troops in Sinai a Gamble for Israel - LAT

Activists Aim to Revitalize Israeli Protests - NYT

Iran Concerned West Will Benefit From Arab Uprisings - NYT

Iran Leader: West Cannot `Confiscate' Arab Spring - AP

Three Soldiers, Six Militants Killed in South Yemen - AP

Boy 'Killed at Bahrain Protest' - BBC

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP


Al Qaeda

Documentary Highlights Last-Minute Doubts on OBL Raid - S&S



WikiLeaks Prompts New Diplomatic Uproar - NYT



Praising NATO, and France’s Place in It - NYT


US Department of Defense

Military Retirement of GEN David Petraeus - SWJ roundup

Petraeus Warns Against Defense Cuts - WP

Petraeus Retires, with a Warning - NYT

Pentagon Ponders Budget Cuts in Face of 'Perfect Storm' - WT

Pentagon Personnel Chief Criticized - WP

Report: Up to $60 Billion Wasted in Iraq, Afghanistan - VOA

DOD Works to Improve War Zone Contracting - AFPS

Official Outlines Special Operations Needs - AFPS

DOD Groups Speed Equipment to Warfighters - AFPS

Active, Reserve Components on Target for Recruiting - AFPS

Guardsmen Heckled After Driving, Stalling, in Floodwaters - S&S w/ video

The Military and the Death Penalty - NYT editorial

Budget Crisis Threatens Defense - WT opinion


United States

Veterans Discover Allure of Jobs in Western Wilderness - NYT

Obama: ‘Will Not Balance Budget on Backs of Veterans’ - S&S

Details of Secret CIA Rendition Flights Revealed - WP

US Aviation Dispute Lifts Lid on CIA Rendition Flights - TT

Security Improvements Remain Incomplete - WT

US Security Intensifying as Sept. 11 Date Nears - AP

Suspicious-Package Reports Swamp Authorities - USAT

Ex-Cop Found Guilty of Helping Drug Dealers in PR - AP

Pricey Homeland Security - LAT editorial

Political Games Diminish the ATF - WP editorial

ATF: Plenty of Blame to Go Around - NYT editorial



Nigeria: al-Qaida-Linked Man Involved in UN Bombing - VOA

Al-Qaeda 'Linked' to Nigeria Bomb - BBC

Kenya Election Violence Suspects Face ICC Hearing - VOA



Mexican Casino Massacre May Be Rooted in Corruption - WP

Mexico Govt Opens Corruption Probe in Deadly Fire - AP

Colombia's Defense Minister Resigns as Violence Surges - LAT

Colombia ex-Minister Found Guilty in Murder Charge - BBC

Panama Officials Quit After Foreign Minister Fired - Reuters

Jamaica Drug Kingpin Admits US Charges - BBC

Bill Clinton Aide Named as Haiti's 3rd Pick for PM - AP


Asia Pacific

China Says Carrier Met Targets in First Sea Trial - AP

China: Attacks Thwarted in Xinjiang, Details Few - AP

Philippines, China Seek South China Sea Code of Conduct - Reuters

N. Korea Ghost Town Reflects Deeper Woes as It Woos Chinese - Reuters



Germany: Suspect Admits in Court to Killing US Airmen - AP

Kosovan Confesses to Shooting US Airmen in Germany - Reuters

Germany: Alarm Over Ex-Rapper’s New Message: Jihad - NYT

Croatian ex-PM Charged Over Loan - BBC


South Asia

India Measures Itself Against a China That Doesn’t Notice - NYT

Indian Anti-Corruption Campaigner Goes Back Home - BBC

New Sri Lanka 'Anti-Terror' Laws - BBC

Sri Lanka Imposes New Laws to Hold Terror Suspects - AP

General David H. Petraeus (USA, Ret.)

Wed, 08/31/2011 - 5:55pm

Petraeus Garners Praise at Retirement Ceremony

By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

FORT MYER, Va., Aug. 31, 2011 – The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff praised Army Gen. David H. Petraeus for his 37 years in uniform, noting the four-star general ranks among the great military leaders in U.S. history.

Army Gen. David H. Petraeus delivers remarks at his retirement ceremony and official farewell on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Va., Aug. 31, 2011. DOD photo by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley.

Navy Adm. Mike Mullen hosted Petraeus’ Joint Service Retirement Ceremony here today. Mullen said Petraeus set the “gold standard for command in wartime.”

Petraeus is one of the most well-known generals of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He commanded the 101st Airborne Division at the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the Multinational Security Transition Command—Iraq, Multinational Forces—Iraq, U.S. Central Command and NATO’s International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.

Petraeus is retiring from the Army to become the director of the CIA.

“You’ve run the race well, swifter and surer than the rest, and you now stand among the giants not just in our time but of all time, joining the likes of Grant and Pershing and Marshall and Eisenhower as one of the great battle captains of American history,” Mullen said to Petraeus. “You’ve expanded our view of the possible, inspiring our military on to historic achievements during some of the most trying times America has ever known. And today you depart our ranks with the sincere thanks of a grateful nation.”

Petraeus was extraordinarily effective as both a combat leader and a strategist, Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III said during the ceremony.

The strategies Petraeus employed in two theaters of war were developed quickly to confront new types of foes, Lynn said.

“In Iraq and Afghanistan, our forces fought on battlefields different than we had faced before, different than we had trained for and different than we had equipped for,” the deputy secretary said.

Petraeus was instrumental in developing the counterinsurgency strategy and putting it into practice in Iraq and Afghanistan. That strategy is built “around the adaptability and ingenuity of the 9/11 generation,” Lynn said. “That strategy enabled the world’s most remarkable military to wage a new kind of war.

“Iraq and Afghanistan have tested our men and women in uniform,” the deputy secretary continued. “They have tested the resilience and agility of our institutional military, and they have tested our nation’s resolve. But by acting on his belief that the most powerful weapon and most powerful tool any soldier carries is not his weapon but his mind, General Petraeus has redefined how America fought those wars.”

Petraeus’ strategies and tactics worked, Lynn said, delivering Iraq from the clutches of sectarian violence, and giving the people of Afghanistan a fighting chance.

Petraeus was commissioned after graduating from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. in 1974. U.S. involvement in Vietnam had essentially ended, and the military was changing as the draft ended and an all-volunteer force came into being.

At his retirement ceremony today, Petraeus paid tribute to all those who stuck by the military and steered it through the “hollow force” era. He thanked the noncommissioned officers who stood with him as he went up the ranks. And he thanked his family for the many moves and long separations they have endured.

Petraeus also looked to the future and said the military is entering a difficult period.

“The future requirements include maintaining pressure on al-Qaida, continuing to draw down in Iraq and commencing reductions in Afghanistan -- all while sustaining our hard-fought, hard-won, but still-fragile progress in those areas,” he said. “This will be done, of course, against a backdrop of ongoing change in the Middle East and difficult budget decisions here at home.”

All of the decisions leaders make must be made with the people of the force foremost in their minds, he said.

“The essence, the core of our military is and always will be its people: men and women who raise their right hands and recite the oath of enlistment, even though they know that act may result in them deploying to a combat zone where they will be asked once again to put it all on the line, day after day, in crushing heat and numbing cold, under body armor and Kevlar, against resilient, tough, often barbaric enemies; never knowing, as they go outside the wire, whether they’ll be greeted with a hand grenade or a handshake, but being ready and capable of responding appropriately to either,” the general said.

Additional News and Commentary Links:

Petraeus Says US Must Maintain Military Versatility - VOA

Petraeus Retires, With a Warning - NYT

Petraeus Warns Against Military Cuts - WP

General Petraeus Hangs Up Uniform, Warns on Budget - LAT

Petraeus Ends 'Historic' Military Career to Lead CIA – CNN

Petraeus Leaving Army After 37 Years to Lead CIA - FOX

Gen. Petraeus Honored in Retirement Ceremony - NJ

Petraeus Retires From US Military - BBC

Petraeus: Budget Cuts Must Not Impair Military - AP

General Petraeus Retires From Military Service - UPI

Petraeus Retires, Warns Against Military Cuts - ABC

Petraeus Retires, Warns Against Budget Cuts - Reuters

Petraeus Bids Farewell to Military, Not to Washington - S&S

General Petraeus Hangs Up Uniform for CIA Job - AFP

Mullen Lauds Petraeus the Author at Army Retirement Ceremony - TA

Petraeus Officially Retires from Army - Politico

In The End, Petraeus Really Was That Good - Wired

The Impact of Gen. David Petraeus, in Four Takes - WP

31 August SWJ Roundup

Wed, 08/31/2011 - 7:20am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI


Tripoli Divided as Rebels Jostle to Fill Power Vacuum - NYT

Libya Rejects UN Military Forces - BBC

Documents, Declarations Highlight Concerns About Islamists - WP

Libya's Rebels Give Deadline to Gadhafi Forces - VOA

Libyan Rebels Give Foes Ultimatum - WSJ

Rebels Give Gaddafi Loyalists Deadline - WP

Qaddafi Loyalists Reject Rebel Ultimatum - NYT

Rebel Council Gives Ultimatum to Sirte - WP

Rebels Poised for Final Push on Qaddafi's Hometown - CSM

Hunt for Gadhafi: Saddam All Over Again? - AP

NATO Vows to Keep Pressure on Gadhafi Remnants - VOA

NATO Officials: Work Still Remains in Libya - AFPS

UN Agrees to Unfreeze Libyan Funds Held in UK - AP

Mayhem in Martyrs' Square as Celebrations Boil Over - TT

Libya's Rebels Learn to Patrol Loyalist Territory - AP

No Gadhafi to Celebrate Anniversary of His Coup - VOA

Tripoli Celebrates Holiday, Gadhafi's Ouster - AP

Libyans Mark Feast Without Gaddafi, but War Not Over - Reuters

Kadafi Compound Becomes a Big Attraction - LAT



Assad Loyalists Mob US Envoy to Syria - WP video

At Least 7 Killed in Syria Protests - VOA

Syrian Security Forces Fire on Worshipers as Ramadan Ends - NYT
Syrian Forces Kill at Least 7 as Ramadan Ends - WP

Syria Forces Kill Boy, 6 Others, Activists Say - LAT

Syrian Security Forces Kill 7 as Holy Month Ends - AP

Syria Accused of Killing Detained - BBC

US Sanctions Syrian Foreign Minister, Two Others - Reuters



Admiral Defends Use of Elite Unit in Calamitous Raid - NYT

August Deadliest for US Troops in Afghan War - USAT

'Deadliest Month' in Afghan War - BBC

Mattis Discusses Afghan Transition at Marine Symposium - AFPS

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS

UK Memo Welcomes Karzai Plan to Step Down in 2014 - Reuters

Obama’s Afghan Failure – WT editorial



Zardari Seeks to Allay Chinese Concerns on Terrorism - Reuters

Suicide Car Bomb Kills 10 in Southwest Pakistan - AP

Bomb Attack Kills 11 in Pakistan - BBC

Suspected Suicide Bombing Kills 10 in Pakistan - Reuters


Middle East / North Africa

Israel Intensifies Training of Settler Security Teams - NYT

Israel: Jewish Settlers Get Army Training - BBC

Calls to Raise Israel-Egypt Treaty Troop Limits - AP

Khamenei Warns of Security Risk for Iran Elections - Reuters

Iran Sending 2 Ships to Region's Seas - AP

Yemen, Amid Political Turmoil, Is Embracing a Holiday - NYT

Yemen Defense Minister's Convoy Hit by Blast - AP

In Egypt, Foreign Policy Not Just for Diplomats - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World’s Unrest - AP


Al Qaeda / Terrorism

Rice: 9/11 Showed Threats Come From Failed States - AP

Holes Remain in Flight School Scrutiny After 9/11 - AP



US Condemns Latest WikiLeaks Release - VOA

More Headaches for US with New WikiLeaks Releases - AP

WikiLeaks Says Website Was Target of Cyber Attack - Reuters


US Department of Defense

Panetta Discusses Shift from Spy Chief to Caretaker - S&S

Special Ops Forces Will Remain Essential, Official Says - AFPS

‘Dot-edu’ Migration Promotes Language Training - AFPS

End of DADT Means Decision Time for Gay Troops - S&S


United States

Obama Salutes Vets for Bearing 'Extraordinary Burden' - AP

ATF Chief Out Amid Gun-Trafficking Probe - WP

ATF Chief Removed Over Border Gun Scandal - LAT

Shake-up Follows Flawed ATF Anti-Cartel Project - USAT

Obama Shakes Up Gun Agency Over Botched Mexico Sting - Reuters

Report Card on Post-Sept. 11 Reforms - WP

Post-9/11 Assessment Sees Major Security Gaps - LAT

Seeking Cooperation, But Also Terror Convictions - WP

Still Packing a Punch, Cheney Tells His Story - USAT

Most US Muslims Feel Targeted by Terror Policies - AP / PEW

Northern Command Continues to Aid Relief Efforts - AFPS

How a Special Ops Impersonator Duped the FBI - CSM

Special Forces Impersonator in Md. Gets 21 Months - AP

Intelligence vs Evidence-Gathering - WT opinion


United Kingdom

RAF and Army Personnel to Receive Notices - BBC

RAF Crews Face Sack as Libya Campaign Rages - TT

Hundreds Of RAF Staff To Lose Their Jobs‎ - Sky



Nigeria: Al Qaeda Link Feared in UN Building Blast - WT

World Bank Millions to Help Kenya Withstand Drought - VOA

ICC Rejects Kenya Violence Appeal - BBC

Former Sudan Territory Inciting Violence at Border - NYT

Sudan Takes Border Clashes to UN - BBC

Sudan Sends Complaint Against South to UN Council - Reuters

S. Africa: ANC Youth League Supporters Protest Violently - VOA



Mexico: 7 More Suspects Wanted in Casino Arson - AP

Editor of Venezuelan Weekly Paper Turns Self In - AP

Ex-Military Chiefs Convicted for Bolivia Crackdown - AP

Cuba Dissidents Ask Church to Stop Harassment by State - Reuters

Good Will Fades for Haitian Refugees - NYT

In Haiti, Sexual Violence, Healthcare Neglect - LAT

Haitian Police Free Kidnapped American Citizen - AP


Asia Pacific

Filipino Militant Warns of Post-Ramadan Attacks - AP

Philippines Slams Ex-US Envoy Over Cable Remarks - AP

Philippine Leader Urges China to Boost Investment - AP

Vietnam Sentences 6 to Death for Drug Trafficking - AP

South Korea's President Replaces Point Man on North - AP

China, Russia Rush to Rebuild N. Korea's Transport Links - Reuters

China Ramps Up Security for Expo in Troubled West - AP

China Plans to Boost Secret Detention Powers - Reuters

Tibetan Monks Get Stiff Prison Terms in Burning Death - LAT

Breaking China? - WP editorial

Testing Japan's New Leader - LAT editorial



Kosovan on Trial in Germany for Shooting US Airmen - Reuters

Germany: Shooting Suspect Admits Killing 2 US Airmen - AP

Islamist Admits US German Attack - BBC

NATO Shelves Kosovo Troop Reduction - AP

EU Police Launch Operation in Kosovo's Tense North - AP

Exxon Reaches Arctic Oil Deal With Russians - NYT

Moscow Office Raid Deals BP New Blow in Russia - Reuters

Bomb Blasts Rock Capital of Chechnya; 8 Killed - NYT

8 Dead in Chechnya Suicide Bombings - AP

Police Say Three Bombers Behind Chechnya Attack - Reuters


South Asia

Sri Lanka to Lift State of Emergency - VOA

The Adventures Of Abu Muqawama

Tue, 08/30/2011 - 9:45pm

You might need a translator for this interview.

The Adventures Of Abu Muqawama

Syrian Air Force Intelligence claims Abu Muqawama is in charge of inciting sectarian strife from Aegypt to Aleppo in an effort to divy and conquer a distracted Arab League. How of much of a role did you play in igniting that flaming hot Arab Spring?

"Well, like a lot of people who claim to know something about the region, I actually never saw this one coming. A few voices out there – my friends Shadi Hamid and Steve McInerney come to mind – have been warning of the instability of Arab autocracies for years now. But most political scientists working on the region have, as Greg Gause points out, neglected to carefully study Arab state militaries over the past few decades and have thus missed a lot of the signs that might have pointed toward regime collapse." 

"I myself am just happy to have been able to spend some time in Cairo in the days following the collapse of the Mubarak regime. The environment there, as well as in Little Satan during the 6 August protests, was intoxicating. No wonder so many journalists and other observers are getting swept up in the excitement."


The Adventures Of Abu Muqawama