Small Wars Journal

12 May SWJ Roundup

Sat, 05/12/2012 - 4:49am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Afghan Commanders Show New Defiance in Dealings with Americans - S&S

Afghan Army’s Defiance Grows - WP

Uniformed Attacker Kills US Soldier in Afghanistan - VOA

Wearing Afghan Uniform, Gunman Kills US Soldier - NYT

Man in Afghan Army Uniform Shoots Dead NATO Soldier - BBC

Attacker in Afghan Uniform Kills US Soldier  - AP

Most ‘Green on Blue’ Attacks Individually Motivated - AFPS

NATO Head Urges Pakistan to Open Transit Routes - Reuters

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



Mass Protests Across Syria, Bomb Plot Foiled - VOA

Syria Says Thwarts 1,200 kg Car Bomb in Aleppo - Reuters

Suicide Attacks in Syria Add Wild Card Element - AP

US: Too Early to Call UN-Syria Peace Plan Failure - Reuters



Nuclear Negotiator Seeks ‘Beginnings of the End’ of Iran Dispute - NYT

Iran Presses for Official to Be Next Leader of Shiites - NYT

Iran, the Next Cyberthreat - WT


Middle East / North Africa

US to Resume Arms Sales to Bahrain - WP

US Resumes Some Arms Sales to Bahrain - AP

US Resumes Arms Sales to Bahrain - BBC

Israeli Envoy to Meet Palestinian President - AP

Israeli Military Faces Culture War - WP

Hezbollah Says Able to Strike Anywhere in Israel - Reuters

Saudi Arabia: King Sacks Key Conservative - BBC

Appeals Court Revives Iraq Contractor Torture Cases - Reuters

Egyptian Campaign Focuses on Islam’s Role in Public Life - NYT

In Libya, the Captors Have Become the Captive - NYT

Ruling Party Wins Big in Algerian Elections - VOA

Algerian Election Results Draw Disbelief - NYT

Algerian Islamists Fall to Govt Party in Election - AP


Terrorism / Counter-Terrorism

Lawmakers Want Haqqani Declared a Terror Group - AP

More TSA Lies - WT editorial

The Poetry of Al Qaeda and the Taliban - NYT opinion


US Department of Defense

DOD Expands Contractor Cyber-threat Protection Program - AFPS

Pentagon Expands Cybersecurity Effort - WP

No Plans to Shrink EOD Force, Military Officials Say - S&S

Pentagon Condemns 'War on Islam' US Training Class - BBC

‘Whole-of-Government’ Focus Boosts Eucom’s Effectiveness - AFPS

Army to Study Use of 'Off Label' Drugs to Treat PTSD - S&S

Female Commandant of Drill Sergeant School Speaks Out - S&S

Real Consequences of Delaying F-35 Program - WT opinion


United States

Around World, Obama's Presidency a Disappointment - AP

Defense Chief, GOP Lawmaker at Odds - WP

Immigration Agency to Expand Fingerprint Program - NYT

Judge Rejects Effort to Open CIA Volume on Cuba - AP

Apollo Astronauts Reunite at New Navy Flight Academy - AP


United Kingdom

'Sonic Weapon' Deployed in London During Olympics - BBC


United Nations

UN Adopts Historic 'Land Grab' Guidelines - BBC

UN Says Nations Endorse Anti-land Grab Policy - AP



UN Refugees Chief: Africa Sinks Deeper Into Crisis - AP

UN 'Outrage' at Sudan's Bombing of S. Sudan - BBC

UN Official Condemns Sudan for 'Indiscriminate' Bombing - Reuters

UN: South Sudan Pulls Police Out of Disputed Abyei - AP

Uganda Warlord Kony on the Move as Manhunt Steps Up - Reuters

Congo Clashes as Deadline Expires - BBC

Clashes Resume in Congo's East - AP

Guinea Opposition Calls for More Protests - VOA

US Calls on Mali Coup Leader to Step Aside - Reuters

Somali Pirates 'Seize' Tanker Near Oman - BBC

Sierra Leone: Taylor's Lawyers Say Proposed Sentence is Vindictive - VOA



Mexico's Pena Nieto Widens Poll Lead After Debate - Reuters

Armed Men Open Fire on Newspaper Office in Mexico - AP

Venezuela’s Chavez Ends 'Successful' Cuba Cancer Treatment - BBC

Venezuela: Chavez Returns Home After Cancer Treatment in Cuba - AP

Crossword Puzzle Stirs Controversy in Venezuela - NYT


Asia Pacific / Central

Protesters Rally in China, Philippines Against S. China Sea Claim - VOA

Filipinos Rally Against China's Claim to Shoal - NYT

Philippine Protest Over China Row - BBC

Blind Chinese Activist 'Happy' With Beijing's Handling of Case - VOA

'No Progress' for China Dissident - BBC

China: In Blind Activist’s Village, Only Fear Can Enter - WP

US Says 'Eyes Wide Open' in Response to Burma Changes - Reuters

Task Force Says Papua New Guinea Riddled with Corruption - VOA



Leftist Party’s Rise Upends Greek Political Order - NYT

Greek Euro Exit No Longer Unthinkable - AP

Greece Faces Final Coalition Push - BBC

Election Impasse in Greece Could Force a New Vote - NYT

Germany Sees Increase in Crimes With Political or Racist Motives - NYT

Anti-nuke Anarchists Claim Italy Shooting - AP

Serb Mladic Defense Team Wants 'Biased' Trial Judge Replaced - BBC

A Russian Protest Leader Takes Center Stage - NYT

Russia: Putin's First Week Sees Wave of Challenges - AP

Tajikistan Looks to Russia for Lease, Security - WT

Joke is on Dictator in Belarussian Dissident Media - WT

Shoe Thrown at Defendant in Norway Mass Murder Trial - NYT

Russia’s UN Power Play - WP opinion


South Asia

Indian Intelligence Goof Irks Pakistan - WP

Pakistan: Bomb Kills Police Officer in Northwest - AP

This Week at War: Baseless

Fri, 05/11/2012 - 1:56pm

In my Foreign Policy column, I wonder what would happen to its strategy if the U.S. can't use bases in Afghanistan the way it wants.


In his May 1 speech from Bagram Air Base, where he announced a new long-term strategic partnership agreement with Afghanistan, President Barack Obama vowed that the United States "will not build permanent bases in this country." This declaration would seem to imply that the Obama administration does not envision Afghanistan becoming a permanent hub for U.S. military operations throughout Central and South Asia. Indeed, the agreement itself states that "[t]he United States further pledges not to use Afghan territory or facilities as a launching point for attacks on other countries."

Does this clause rule out using the air bases at Bagram, Kandahar, and Jalalabad for Predator drone strikes against Taliban sanctuaries in Pakistan?  Or stealth drone reconnaissance over Iran? Or even special operations raids against al Qaeda safe houses, as happened a year ago against Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan?

Ryan Crocker, the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, declared that the agreement will absolutely not constrain the United States: "There is nothing in this agreement that precludes the right of self-defense for either party and if there are attacks from the territory of any state aimed at us we have the inherent right of self-defense and will employ it," he said.

After nearly 11 years as the dominant force in a weak country, U.S. officials have become used to doing what they want from these Afghan bases. But the impending drawdown of Western troops, the strategic partnership agreement, and the U.S. interest in supporting Afghan sovereignty will lead to changes in the status and license of those U.S. troops that will remain.

Crocker and other U.S. leaders will defend cross-border operations from Afghanistan by invoking the right of self-defense. They may also note that strikes on al Qaeda and the Taliban are attacks on lawless non-state actors and not "attacks on other countries." But U.S. officials should not be surprised to learn that almost no one else in the region will agree with those views. Pakistan views the bin Laden raid, drone strikes on the Taliban in Pakistan, and cross-border clashes like the one that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers last November as clear violations of its sovereignty. Iran is now pressuring Afghanistan to abandon the new agreement with the United States, a response to both the U.S. stealth drone surveillance of its nuclear program and a general fear of growing U.S. military power in the region. Afghanistan's anti-American neighbors such as Pakistan and Iran will undoubtedly view the long-term positioning of U.S. forces in the country as a threat and will apply pressure on Kabul to neutralize that threat.

A future dispute between the United States and Afghanistan over the cross-border operations of U.S. forces would seem highly likely. Future Afghan governments, bracketed by stronger neighbors, will come under great pressure to cut off cross-border operations by U.S. forces. U.S. military planners should not assume that they will be able to use U.S. bases in Afghanistan to achieve their security objectives throughout the region.

In his Bagram speech, Obama boiled down the ultimate U.S. goal in Afghanistan to simply "destroy al Qaeda." Will the United States be able to achieve this goal over the long run in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region if its troops and aircraft in Afghanistan are not permitted to conduct operations beyond the border?

For now, there are other bases near the Persian Gulf from which the U.S. military can sustain some of these operations. But these bases have their own political and strategic vulnerabilities. The larger point is that as the distance to a target increases, the capacity of U.S. forces to sustain operations over such targets declines precipitously. The existing inventory of U.S. military aircraft is stacked heavily with relatively short-range tactical systems, with long-range systems neglected. In addition, the armed drones the United States now relies on to attack al Qaeda are not stealthy and can easily be shot down. The Pentagon's long-term aircraft procurement plan makes only modest efforts to correct these shortcomings. This neglect could result in problems not only in Afghanistan's neighborhood, but also elsewhere in the world.

The U.S. government now counts on systems like the MQ-9 Reaper drone (a successor to the MQ-1 Predator) to watch over and occasionally strike the badlands of Pakistan and Yemen. The Air Force lists the Reaper's range at 1,150 miles, a seemingly conservative estimate given the Reaper's ability to fly 27 hour missions at a cruise speed of 230 miles per hour. Operating from bases around the Persian Gulf, the U.S. military can use Reapers and maintain its drone surveillance of Pakistan.

But that plan assumes that Pakistan will not object more strongly to the U.S. drone campaign and pressure the countries around the Persian Gulf into no longer hosting U.S. drones. In addition, a future government in Pakistan might simply shoot down the non-stealthy and vulnerable Reapers. We should recall that the U.S. opted to use its stealthy RQ-170 Sentinel drone to observe Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad. It did so because it did not trust Islamabad with its suspicions over the compound or with its plans for the subsequent raid. Relations between the two countries have only worsened since then. Pakistan can end the Reaper surveillance at any time, which would leave few effective options for continuing the campaign against al Qaeda in the area.

For Iran's nuclear program, Obama is counting on ample strategic warning should Iran's leaders decide to actually assemble nuclear weapons. We can presume that much of the intelligence that would provide such warning will be provided by the RQ-170s, one of which crashed in Iran last December. The small and thus relatively short-range RQ-170 is known to operate from the busy air field at Kandahar. If it also operates from bases around the Persian Gulf near Iran, the U.S. government is managing to keep that secret better than its presence in Afghanistan. More likely these countries have prohibited such flights out of fear of antagonizing Iran. Should the RQ-170 base in Afghanistan be lost, the United States will have to take much greater risks to get the strategic warning Obama and his team are assuming. Should they lose the use of the bases in Afghanistan, U.S. commanders will need ways to operate over Iran and Pakistan with stealth and at greater range.

The Israeli government has similarly concluded that it needs to upgrade its capacity to conduct military operations at much greater range. Its military is creating a "depth corps" to execute multi-service special operations far from Israel's borders. The creation of this corps is no doubt motivated by the realization that Iran, with its long-range ballistic missiles and emerging nuclear capabilities, is now Israel's greatest threat, even though Tehran is 1,000 miles from Jerusalem. Israel's air combat power, composed of short range tactical fighter-bombers, barely has the ability to reach Iran's nuclear facilities. Israeli planners apparently envision building the capability to conduct special operations ground raids at similarly long distances. Israeli commanders will need to upgrade tactics and equipment if they are to make the "depth corps" a real capability.

Meanwhile, policymakers in Washington should ponder how they would keep a terror group like al Qaeda under surveillance and suppressed if that group is protected by a state's air defenses and operating thousands of miles from usable bases. Similarly, these policymakers will continue to demand high-quality and sustained intelligence on proliferation threats that will increasingly be protected by air defenses, better deception efforts, and perhaps great range from friendly bases. Both of these missions will require long-range stealthy drones that can survive in hostile air space, provide continuous observation, and have the ability to strike targets on short notice. This drone will not be an exotic niche capability, but an "everyday player" in what today passes for peacetime.

Regrettably, the Pentagon's latest 30-year aviation funding plan does not prioritize such a capability. The plan continues to purchase the non-stealthy and vulnerable Predator, Reaper, and Global Hawk drones, with a planned 45 percent increase to 645 of such aircraft by 2022. The short range F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will continue to be the Pentagon's most costly procurement program, even though the plane will require nearby bases to be useful. Meanwhile, Air Force and Navy plans to expand long-range reconnaissance and strike systems received a modest verbal upgrade in the latest report -- but these plans remain vague and pushed well into the next decade.

Future U.S. leaders will maintain a strong interest in suppressing terror groups and proliferation challenges. But adversaries are adapting to the current measures employed against them, such as the Reaper drone. U.S. commanders will thus find their tactics increasingly less effective. At longer ranges and protected by air defenses, adversaries could effectively reestablish sanctuaries against U.S. interference.

Pentagon officials need to do more to prepare for these changing circumstances. If they don't, they could find themselves out of options when called on by policymakers to fix these problems. Avoiding that awkward moment will mean changing some priorities inside the Pentagon's aviation funding plan. Some contractors won't like that. But they too will have to adapt.


11 May SWJ Roundup

Fri, 05/11/2012 - 2:26am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


DOD Seeks Captured Army Sergeant’s Return - AFPS

Pentagon Stresses Efforts to Recover US Soldier - NYT

Afghan Police In Spotlight After Foiling Taliban Strike - NYT

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



At Least 55 Killed in Damascus Suicide Car Bombings - VOA

Syria 'Suicide Bombs' Kill Dozens - BBC

Dozens Killed in Large Explosions in Syrian Capital - NYT

Attack in Syria Shreds UN-backed Ceasefire - WP

Twin Car Bombs in Syrian Capital Kill Dozens - AP

UN Condemns Syria Bomb Attacks - BBC

UN Security Council Condemns Syria Bombings - AP

US: Too Early to Call U.N.-Syria Peace Plan Failure - Reuters

A Shameful Impasse in Syria - WP editorial



Israel Unity Deal Unlikely to Significantly Shift Iran Strategy - VOA

Photo Shows Suspicious Activity at Iranian Military Site - WT

European Countries Seek Easing of Iranian Oil Embargo - NYT

US Official Doubts Iran Can Find Alternative to Central Bank - Reuters


Middle East / North Africa

West Should Keep Eye on Christians after Arab Spring - WT

Iraq's Fugitive VP Wants New Court in Terror Case - AP

Egyptian Candidates Clash in TV Debate, an Arab First - NYT

Egypt Poll Hopefuls in TV Debate - BBC

Rivals for President Debate in Egypt - WP

Egypt Seizes Heavy Weapons from Arms Smugglers - AP

UN Envoy: Libya Unstable but Moving to Democracy - AP

Libya Finance Minister Says to Resign Soon, Cites 'Wastage' - Reuters

Rights Group Urges Libya to Amend New Law - AP

UN Says Three Libya Prisoners Likely Tortured to Death - Reuters

Algeria Votes for New Parliament - BBC

Algerian Vote Touted as Fair, but Voters Apathetic - AP

Echoes of ‘67: Israel Unites - WP opinion

Most of Iran’s Nuclear Progress Has Come Under Obama - WP opinion

US Must Secure Israel-Egypt Peace - WPR opinion


Al Qaeda / Terrorism / Counter-Terrorism

Undercover Agent in al-Qaeda Bomb Plot 'was British' - BBC

British Played Central Role in Foiled Bomb Operation - Reuters

The CIA and Saudi Arabia Get Tight - NJ

Airplane Security Debated Anew After Latest Bombing Plot - NYT

Bomb Plot Raises Questions Over European Security - AP

Yemeni Intelligence Cooperation Improves After Saleh - VOA

Yemen Airstrikes, Raids Kill 17 Al-Qaida Militants - VOA

US Airstrike in Yemen as Details Surface About Bomb Plot - WP

Yemen Missile Strike Kills 8 Militants - VOA

India to Press Iran on February Attack - WP

Kenya Trial Briton Jermaine Grant 'Linked to 7/7 Bomber' - BBC

Russia Says it Foiled Terrorist Attacks in Sochi - AP

How Pakistan Lets Terrorism Fester - NYT opinion



NATO Summit to Focus on Afghanistan, Capabilities, Partnerships - AFPS


US Department of Defense

Obama Threatens to Veto Republican's Shield of Defense Cuts - Reuters

Panetta Chastises Lawmakers for Dodging Tough Budget Decisions - S&S

Panetta, Dempsey: DOD Budget Request Reflects Tough Choices - AFPS

Americans Favor Defense Cuts, Given Budget Data - WT

Vice Chiefs Testify on Readiness, Contingency Funding - AFPS

Marine Rotational Force Promotes Partnership, Efficiency - AFPS

V Corps Cases Colors, Perhaps for Last Time in Germany - S&S

Welsh Tapped to Replace Schwartz as Air Force Chief of Staff - S&S

Welsh Nominated to Lead Air Force - WP

Panetta, Dempsey Laud Nominee for Air Force Chief - AFP

F-22 Raptor Make Problems Public - WT

Air Force Still Searching for Cause of Sickness Among F-22 Pilots - S&S

Once Hailed as Army Pioneer, Now Battling to Stay on the Job - NYT

Panetta: Gay Ban Repeal Has Not Hurt Morale  -AP

What Does Obama's Support for Gay Marriage Mean for the Military? - S&S


United States

White House: Putin Skipping G8 Summit is Not Obama Snub - VOA

Russia’s Putin to Skip Camp David Summit - WP

Putin Postpones Meeting Obama, Analysts Seek Political Import - NYT

Putin's Reason for Skipping US Summit Puzzles - AP

US Sues ‘America’s Toughest Sheriff’ - VOA

US Sheriff Sued for 'Race Profiling' - BBC

Secret Service Interviews Prostitute at Center of Scandal - WP

Vietnam War Photographer Horst Faas Dies - BBC

Horst Faas, 79, Called ‘One of the Great Talents of Our Age’ - BBC

Obama’s Foreign Policy: Dealing from a Position of Strength - WP opinion


United Kingdom

UK Reverses Decision on US Fighter Jet Deal - AP

RAF Accused Over Voyager Contract - BBC

PM's Ex-aide Denies Hired for Murdoch Ties - AP

British PM Faces Scrutiny Over Ties to Murdoch - Reuters

Cameron Seems Unscathed After Ex-Aide’s Testimony - NYT



OPEC: Global Oil Supply Outpacing Demand - VOA



In 2 Sudans, Familiarity With Path to War - NYT

Sudan President Vows Revenge Against South Sudan - AP

PM: DR Congo Can Cut Poverty in Half by Exploiting Agriculture  - VOA

Dissident Congo Colonel Says His Men Won't Disarm - AP

UN Calls for Immediate Return of Guinea-Bissau Government - VOA

Guinea Police Tear-gas Protesters - BBC

Guinea Security Forces Clash With Protesters - Reuters

South Africa Opposition Anger Over Spy Chief Removal - BBC

Kenya Trial Briton Jermaine Grant 'Linked to 7/7 Bomber' - BBC

Burundi Ombudsman 'Finds Plot to Kill Him' -BBC



Peru Ministers Quit Over Clashes - BBC

Peru's Defense and Interior Ministers Resign - AP

Haiti UN Rape: Alleged Victim in Uruguay Court - BBC

Is Venezuela’s Chavez Preparing His Succession? - Time opinion


Asia Pacific / Central

China’s Growth Slows, and Its Political Model Shows Limits - NYT

China Inflation Rate down to 3.4% - BBC

China's Hu Could Cast Long Shadow if Top Table Trimmed - Reuters

China Internet Crackdown Continues With New Sina Weibo Guidelines - VOA

China: Relatives of Dissident Said to Face Harassment - NYT

China Tightens Restrictions on Activist's Family - AP

Ex-Official’s Drive in China Leads to Torture Inquiry - NYT

Dispute Between China and Philippines Becomes More Heated - NYT

Philippines on Alert Over Anti-China Protest, Beijing Frets- Reuters

China Suspends Trips to Philippines Amid Maritime Dispute - VOA

North Korea Outside Media Access Up - BBC

America’s Outdated View of China - WP opinion



Putin Pledges Russia's Vigilance over World Security - LAT

Russia Says it Foiled Terrorist Attacks in Sochi - AP

Germany Remains Opposed to Calls for Economic Stimulus - WP

French Leader Plans Berlin Trip After Inauguration - AP

French Left Set to Win Parliament Vote - Reuters

Greek Leaders Hold Unity Talks - BBC

Hopes Rise for Greece Power-Sharing Talks - AP

Spain’s Bank Crisis Weighs on Recovery - WP

Turkey Begins Drafting New Constitution - VOA

Norway: Breivik Survivors Relive Horrors - BBC


South Asia

India to Press Iran on February Attack - WP

India Sees Bright Future in Solar Power - WP

ICRC Suspends Most Operations in Pakistan - VOA

Red Cross Stops Work in Much of Pakistan - AP

Can India Be a Major Naval Power? - TD opinion

10 May SWJ Roundup

Thu, 05/10/2012 - 5:48am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


US-Taliban Talks Stall, Hope for Political Solution Dims - WP

Afghanistan Campaign on Track, Deputy Commander Says - AFPS

Afghanistan 'Faces Tougher Times' in Next Security Handover - Reuters

Poll: Support for Afghan War at New Low - AP

Parents of POW Reveal US Talks on Taliban Swap - NYT

Family Urges Obama to Swap Taliban for Captured Son - WP

Parents of Captured Soldier say US Tried to Trade with Taliban - AP

UN Official: Plight of Displaced Afghans 'Appalling' - VOA

Afghan Refugee Children Perish in Harsh Winter - NYT

Sipping, Not Guzzling, Fuel on Afghanistan's Frontlines - Reuters

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS

Bootmaker of Kabul's Promising Venture Losing Traction - AJ

Realism and Reality in Afghanistan - WT opinion



Blast Hits Syrian Military Escorting UN Monitors - VOA

Bomb Hits Syrians Escorting UN Team - WP

Blast Near UN Car Shows Fragility of Syria Truce - AP

Explosions Rock Syrian Capital - VOA

Deadly Blasts Hit Syrian Capital - BBC

Syria Says 40 Dead in Damascus Blasts - AP

Damascus Blasts Kill 40, Injure 170 - Reuters

Though Disparate, Syria Rebels Tenacious Against Crackdown - NYT


Middle East / North Africa

Israeli Coalition Deal Approved - BBC

First Rifts Emerge in New Israeli Coalition  - AP

Israeli Spy Flick Reimagines Dubai Killing - AP

Israel: Iran Must Commit to Stop All Uranium Enrichment - AP

Group Sees Sign of Iran Cleanup at Nuclear Site - NYT

Model West Bank City Loses a Crime Fighter - NYT

Turkey: No Plans to Extradite Iraqi VP - AP

5 Die in Attack on Home of Iraq Government Worker - AP

US Trainers, Military Cooperation Return to Yemen - AFPS

Yemen: Airstrike Kills 5 Al-Qaida Militants - AP

Egypt Court Suspends Vote, but Ruling Is Disputed - NYT

Egypt: Low Court Orders Suspension of Elections - AP

Algerians Voting in First Elections Since Arab Spring - VOA

Polls Open in Algeria Elections Amid Voter Apathy - AP

Israel: Stronger than Ever - WP opinion

The Next Arab Spring - NYT opinion


Al Qaeda / Terrorism / Counter-Terrorism

In Foiled Bomb Plot, al-Qaeda Took Saudi Bait - WP

Saudis Emerge as Key US Ally Against Terrorists - AP

Mukasey: White House Leaking Too Much Info on Terror Plots - WT

Feds Investigate Leak in Terrorism Case - AP

Intelligence Officials Reviewing Bomb Plot Leaks - Reuters

Abu Qatada European Court Deportation Appeal Rejected - BBC

White Noise Blocking 9/11 Gitmo Hearing a Mistake, Pentagon Says - S&S

FBI Chief Urges Restoration of Searches without Warrants - WT

Report: TSA Wasting Money on Screening Machines - WT

Trading Fair Trial for Vengeance - WT opinion

Spinning Iran-al-Qaeda Ties - LWJ opinion


United Nations

Panetta: US Leadership Needed in Law of the Sea Convention - AFPS

UN Chief Appoints Co-Chairs of Development Panel - AP



President Meets with NATO’s Secretary General - AFPS

Summit Will Deal With Range of Issues, NATO General Says - AFPS

NATO’s Transformation Command Reinvents Relations with US - AFPS


US Department of Defense

How US Military Snipers are Changing Warfare - S&S

Amendment Puts Spotlight on Pentagon Propaganda - S&S

Survey: Pay and Benefits Top Family Concern - S&S

HASC Amendment Would Prohibit Another BRAC Round - S&S

Officials Emphasize Commitment to Joint Strike Fighter - AFPS

Medical Official Explains F-22 Pilot-protection Efforts - AFPS

Conservative Lawmakers' Concerns over DADT Repeal Resurface - S&S

14 Sailors Implicated in Navy Drug Investigation - AP


United States

Clinton Engaging on the World Stage - WP

House Committee Backs East Coast Missile-defense Site - WT

Survey: Cyberattacks Top Americans’ Concerns - WT

Federal Reserve Approves China’s First Takeover of US Bank - VOA

US Opens Up Banking to China Firm - BBC


United Kingdom

Britain Beefs up Olympics Security Like it’s Going to War - WT

British Hacking Panel Questions Former Cameron Aide - NYT

9 Jailed in Racially Sensitive UK Sex Ring Case - AP



South Sudan Accuses Sudan of More Airstrikes - VOA

Sudan Accused of Border Attacks - BBC

UN Chief Urges Sudan, South Sudan to Resume Negotiations - VOA

DR Congo: ‘Terminator’ Arms Cache Found - BBC

Briton in Court over Kenya Terror Plot - BBC

UN Chief Urges Return of Guinea-Bissau Government - AP

Lawmaker: At Least 17 Killed in Somalia Fighting - VOA



Mutilated Bodies Found in Mexico - BBC

18 People Beheaded in Mexico, Drug Gang Suspected - Reuters

Police Find 18 Bodies Near Mexican Tourist Lake - AP

Mexican Meth Production Goes on Speed - Reuters

Mexico's Lopez Obrador Moves Into Second Place - Reuters

Journalist Kidnapped in Honduras - BBC

El Salvador Won't Extradite 1989 Slaying Suspects - AP


Asia Pacific / Central

Blind Chinese Activist Says Paperwork for US Trip Ready - VOA

China: Activist Chen Guangcheng Awaits Word on Fate - WP

China Tightens Restrictions on Activist's Family - AP

Chinese State Media Defend Expulsion of Al-Jazeera Reporter - VOA

Trade, Public Anger Sharpening China-Philippines Spat - AP

China 'Suspends Philippine Tours' - BBC

US Study Finds North Korea Info Controls Weakening - Reuters

S. Korea to File Complaints About North's Alleged GPS Jamming - VOA

S. Korean Report Details Abuses at N. Korea Prison Camps - WP

US Plans 10-Month Warship Deployment to Singapore - Reuters

Burma Government: Ballot Tampering Claims 'Groundless' - VOA

UN Rebuke over Cambodia Shootings - BBC

Singapore’s Next Frontier - WP Opinion



Europe at the Crossroads: Splinter or Unite - AP

Russia: Putin to Skip G8 Session, Delaying Meeting With Obama - NYT

Russia: Putin Will Not Attend G8 Summit - BBC

Russia: Putin Won’t Attend G8 Meeting - WT

Russia’s Victory Day Hit by Protests - WP

Russia: Protesters in Moscow Alter Approach to Avoid Arrests - NYT

Is Europe Willing to Wait on Greece? - WP

Greece Leftists Abandon Efforts to Form Government - VOA

Continuing Leadership Deadlock in Greece as Lenders Watch and Wait - NYT

Third Bid for Greece Government - BBC

Via E-Mails, Italians Give Full Voice to Frustration - NYT

Norway Gunman Asks to Confront Massacre Survivors - AP

No Hope for Europe - WT editorial


South Asia

Pakistan Says It Test-Fires Short-Range Missile - AP

Red Cross Stops Work in Pakistani Cities - AP

Betting on Economic Crisis as the Sole Route to Reform

Wed, 05/09/2012 - 10:02pm

At the Fabius Maximus blog, Doug Macgregor offers a synopsis of the state of the U.S. military and the prediction that only economic crisis will provide the impetus for reform.


Today, Chuck Spinney, Mike Sparks, along with others seeking to reform America’s military culture, all confront this old American problem in newer and more challenging forms. ...

What is clear is the disposition after January 2013 to just cut defense spending, with little attention to how we do it. If we were Germans, Japanese or Israelis we might ask how we can extract more capability for the money through reform, reorganization and a changed acquisition paradigm, but I am not sure we will ask these questions, at least not initially.

Normally, two things can change this condition either in isolation or combination: economic crisis or serious military defeat. Given the world’s disinterest in waging for just now, I am betting on an economic crisis.

9 May SWJ Roundup

Wed, 05/09/2012 - 1:05am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Afghans Lead Operation to Capture Taliban Leader - AFPS

Taliban Kill 5 Education Officials in Ambush - NYT

Afghan Leader: Airstrikes Could Undermine US Pact - AP

Afghan Opium Price Hike to Stir Violence - Reuters



Clinton Presses Pakistan to 'Do More' in Fight Against Terrorism - S&S

Ambassador to Pakistan Set to Leave Post Early - WP

Pakistan Holds Key to Security at UK Olympics - TT opinion



US Says Increasing Support to Syrian Opposition - Reuters

Red Cross: Syria's Rebels Shifting to Guerrilla Tactics - VOA

Envoy: Syrian Troops Intensify Mass Arrests - VOA

UN Envoy Says Syria Continues to Violate Cease-Fire - NYT

Specter of Civil War Looms Larger Amid Violence - LAT

Annan Warns Syria at Risk of Civil War - AP

Annan Says World Must Prevent Civil War in Syria - Reuters

Russia: Syria Situation Moving in 'Positive Direction' - Reuters

Syrian Conflict Sends Ripples Across Long-calm Frontier with Israel - WP

Weapons Being Smuggled Between Lebanon, Syria - Reuters

Obama Hits Syria with Blast of Adverbs - Bloomberg opinion



Indians Host Clinton While Also Wooing Iran - NYT

New Israel Partner Offers Moderate Voice on Iran - NYT

Nuclear Inspector Dies in Iran Crash - NYT

UN Nuclear Inspector Dies in Iran - WP

IAEA Inspector Killed in Iran Car Crash - AP

Is Isolation Pushing Iran Toward Nukes? - TH opinion

Will New Partner Restrain Bibi on Iran? - TD opinion


Israel / Palestinians

Israel Forms Unity Government, Calls Off Early Elections - VOA

Leader of Israel Centrist Party Agrees to Join Coalition - NYT

Israel: Netanyahu Emerges as Strongman with Unity Deal - AP

Master Tactician in Israel Adds Power in a Coalition Deal - NYT

Israel's Unity Deal Fuels Talk of Moderate Shift - LAT

Unity Deal Unleashes Political Storm in Israel - Haaretz

New Israel Partner Offers Moderate Voice on Iran - NYT

Palestinians Isolated and Short of Funds - Reuters

Red Cross, UN Appeal for Palestinian Hunger Strikers - Reuters

Will New Partner Restrain Bibi on Iran? - TD opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Mideast Nuclear Conference in Jeopardy - AP

Pentagon Sending Military Trainers Back into Yemen - AP

Iraq Oil Industry Boom, But Political Challenges Remain - WP

Interpol Responds to Iraq’s Call for Help in Arresting VP - NYT

Interpol Issues Arrest Notice for Fugitive Iraq VP - AP

Bahrain 'to Get Tougher' on Protest as Talks Stop - Reuters

Egypt Candidates Deride Vote Committee Suspension - Reuters

Media Watchdogs Decry Egypt Attacks on Reporters - AP

Armed Men in Libya Attack Premier’s Office - NYT

1 Killed in Clashes Outside Libyan PM's Office - AP

Libya PM Brands Attackers Outlaws - BBC

Voters Skeptical of Change in Algeria Elections - AP


Al Qaeda / Terrorism

Bomber in Plot on US Airliner Said to Be Double Agent - NYT

Informant Helped CIA Foil al-Qaeda Aircraft Plot - WP

Officials: Al-Qaida Bomber was CIA Informant - AP

Al-Qaeda Bomber 'Double Agent' - BBC

Al Qaeda Bomb Plot Foiled by Double Agent - LAT

Saudi Intelligence, CIA Infiltrated Al Qaeda in Yemen - Reuters

Bombmaker Represents CIA’s Worst Fears - WP

Wily Bomb Maker Fast in Race with Technology - WT

FBI Examines Bomb Intended for US Airliner - VOA

Security Unchanged Over 'Undetectable' Plane Bomb - AP

Al-Qaida Bomb Master: 'Brutality' and 'Novelty' - AP

Qaeda Bomber Adept at Breaching Aviation Security - Reuters

Yemen Says Unaware of Alleged Plane Bomb Plot - Reuters

The Right to Strike Hard - WP editorial

Delaying Justice at Guantánamo - NYT editorial

A Looming Threat to Air Travel - WP opinion

The Fog of Terror - FP opinion

Is al-Qaeda's Somali Branch Declining? - AEI analysis


US Department of Defense

House GOP Wants More for Pentagon - WP

Study: Most Troops Don’t Seek Military Help with PTSD - WT

Chiefs Issue Strategic Direction to Combat Sexual Assault - AFPS

NC Soldier Accused of Stealing $68K in Guns, Ammo - AP

USS The Sullivans' Armstrong is 10th CO Fired this Year - S&S

Should US Troops Fight the War on Drugs? - NYT opinion


United States

Border Patrol Targets Repeat Crossers - AP

IRS Forms Show Charity's Money Isn't Going to Disabled Vets - CNN



Serving Down Under: Australia Offers Military Jobs to US Troops - S&S


New Zealand

US, Kiwi Troops Wrap Up Large-scale Combat Training - S&S



Court Orders S. African Prosecutors to Investigate Torture in Zimbabwe - VOA

SA Ruling over Zimbabwe Torture - BBC

Judge: South Africa Must Probe Rights in Zimbabwe- AP

Gunmen Kill 2 in North Nigeria, Seize Lebanese Man - AP

Mutinous Soldiers in E. Congo Announce New Group - AP

Congo Fighters 'Sack Terminator' - BBC

UK Man 'Suspect in CAR Massacre' - BBC

The Silence in Sudan - FP opinion

Is al-Qaeda's Somali Branch Declining? - AEI analysis



Mexico: US Targets 2 Sons of Sinaloa Cartel Leader - AP

US Targets Two Sons of Mexican Drug Lord - Reuters

Colombia: ‘No Deal’ with FARC on Journalist - BBC

Tear Gas at Venezuela Prison After Gunfire Erupts - AP

Claim Says Jamaica Crook Funded Political Parties - AP


Asia Pacific / Central

Panetta: US-China Relationship One of World’s Most Critical - AFPS

Panetta, Chinese Defense Chief Tout Importance of Military Ties - S&S

US, China to Cooperate More Against Cyber Threats - VOA

China and US to Cooperate to Avoid Cyber Cold War - BBC

US, China Must Work Together on Cyber, Panetta Says - AFPS

Chinese Official Says Cyber-attacks Don't Come From His Country - S&S

US Sees China Pushed to Let Market Forces Work - Reuters

China Says Ready for 'Escalation' in Maritime Dispute With Philippines - VOA

Activist Says Chinese Authorities Are Assisting His Plans to Go to US - NYT

Al-Jazeera Says China Has Expelled Reporter - AP

Chinese Official Questioned About Al-Jazeera Reporter's Expulsion - VOA

China Expulsion of Al-Jazeera Reporter Criticized - AP

China Ignores Questions on Expelled Reporter - AP

North Korean Nuclear Weapons: How Real is the Threat? - AP

New Face of US Navy in Singapore - JT

Burma Issues Passport to Aung San Suu Kyi - VOA

Burma: Aung San Suu Kyi Given Passport - BBC

Police Beat Reporters During Vietnam Land Eviction - AP

Thai Man Jailed for Insulting King Dies in Detention - NYT

US and China Keep Finding Confrontation - Forbes opinion

Why China Expelled Al Jazeera - FP opinion

Defending the Philippines: Military Modernization and Challenges Ahead - CNAS study



New Task Force Supports Counter-trafficking in Europe - AFPS

Analysts Debate Whether Hollande Can Fix French Economy - VOA

French Cabinet Hopefuls Share Hollande’s View of Socialism - WP

Russia: Putin Strikes Back at Critical Russian Lawmakers - AP

Russia: Putin Team Taunts Demonstrators - WP

Russia: Police Keep Anti-Putin Protesters on the Run - AP

With Some Dissent, Russia’s Parliament Confirms Medvedev - NYT

Germans Getting Ahead by Getting Along - WT

Upstarts Continue to Hijack Votes in Germany - NYT

German Patience With Greece on the Euro Wears Thin - NYT

Greek Leftists Seek Coalition, Reject EU Austerity - VOA

Greek Threat to Scrap EU Bailout - BBC

Left-wing Leader Rejects Greek Austerity Pledge - WP

Greek Leftists Rule Out Coalition With Incumbents - NYT

Greece Sinks Deeper Into Crisis, Chance of Government Fades - Reuters

Germans Warns Greece: No Cuts, No Aid - Reuters

Left Makes Gains in Italy Polls - BBC

Italy Links Nuke Exec Shooting With Red Brigades - AP

Turkish Troops Kill 5 Kurdish Rebels - AP

New Greek Leaders Must Meet Euro Demands - CNN opinion

Greek Crisis Will Expose Hollande - FT opinion

What Happens Next in France - IHT opinion


South Asia

Indians Host Clinton While Also Wooing Iran - NYT

Nepal's Fierce Gurkha Soldiers Find Themselves Under Siege - LAT

Bangladesh Slams Clinton Over Grameen Comments - AP

Don't Forget India's Nukes - LAT opinion

A Discussion with Emma Sky

Tue, 05/08/2012 - 8:42pm

Global Politics' Bob Tollast posted an interview with former COIN advisor Emma Sky.  A short excerpt:

One of the main issues for us resulted from our conceptualization of non-legitimate extremists battling against legitimate government. This conceptualization led us to focus our main effort on building up the capacity of "government", particularly its security forces, and helping it to crush its opposition through force, rather than on brokering political consensus among the competing groups or helping build up the institutions or the processes to manage conflict and competition. What we are witnessing today in Iraq is in part the result of our building up the “security state” at the expense of the “democratic state”.

In both Iraq and Afghanistan, we created ‘elite bargains’ which excluded key constituents. The excluded groups refused to accept their marginalization, and turned against the Coalition as well as the new elites that we had put in power and who they did not regard as legitimate.



8 May SWJ Roundup

Tue, 05/08/2012 - 3:47am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Obama Praises Military, Highlights ‘New Chapter in Afghanistan’ - AFPS

Panetta Notes Afghanistan Progress in Wide-ranging Interview - AFPS

Panetta Notes Afghanistan Progress in Wide-ranging Interview - DEFPRO

US Frees Afghan Prisoners in Exchange for Pledges of Peace - WP

Congress' Intelligence Heads: Taliban Stronger - AP

Taliban on Their Heels, Pentagon Spokesman Says - AFPS

Insurgents’ Homemade Bombs Are Increasingly Duds - DR

Marine Corps Shifting Mission Focus in Afghanistan - MCT

US Abandons Consulate Site in Afghanistan, Citing Security Risks - WP

NATO Soldier Killed by Attacker in Afghan Army Uniform - VOA

Afghan Soldier Fires on NATO Troops, Kills 1 - AP

NATO Acknowledges Civilian Deaths in Helmand Airstrike - WP

US Confirms Afghan Airstrike Mistake - NYT

Iran Says US-Afghan Pact Will Increase Instability - AP

France's Continued Afghanistan Role Unclear After Hollande's Win - S&S

Afghan Flash Flood Kills at Least 21 in North - AP

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



US, India Call for Pakistani Terror Crackdown - AP

Clinton: Pakistan Needs to Do More to Fight Terror - AP

Clinton: Pakistan Must Not Be a Launchpad for Terrorism - Reuters

Pakistan Army Says US Scapegoating - AP

US Envoy to Pakistan Leaving, Not Extending Term - AP

Senior Pakistan Policeman Shot Dead in Quetta - BBC

Anti-Terrorism Police Officer Killed in Pakistan - AP

Taliban Kill 14 Pakistani Troops, String Up Heads - AP



Syrians Vote in Election Dismissed by Foes as a Farce - NYT

Syrians Vote in Parliamentary Elections - WP

Syrians Vote Amid Boycott Calls - BBC

Activists: Syrians Boycott 'Sham' Parliamentary Election  - VOA

Turkish Premier: Syrian Regime Weaker Every Day - AP

'Five Killed' in Aleppo Explosion - BBC

Syria a Strategic, Humanitarian Scandal - JP opinion



US and Europe Press Iran Before Next Nuclear Talks - NYT

US, EU Urge Iran to Ease World Nuclear Concerns - AP

Clinton Warns India on Iran - WP

Clinton Presses India on Iran Oil - BBC

Clinton Presses India to Cut Oil Imports from Iran - AP

US Working With India on Iran Oil Replacements - Reuters

Ahmadinejad in Iran Poll Setback - BBC

Pinched Aspirations of Iran’s Young Multitudes - NYT


Middle East / North Africa

Leader of Israel Centrist Party Agrees to Join Coalition - NYT

Israel: Netanyahu Agrees on Coalition Deal - BBC

Israeli President: Early Election Canceled - AP

Palestinian Prisoners on Mass Hunger Strike - AP

Israeli Court Rejects the Release of Hunger Strikers - NYT

Palestine's Exiles Find Family Bonds Thru Facebook - AP

Iraqi Court Acts to Free Suspect in Deadly Raid on GI’s - NYT

Discontent in Jordan Over Slow Pace of Reform - WP

Egypt Election Committee Halts Work After Criticism - Reuters

Mass Arrests After Egypt Clashes - BBC

Egypt's Extremist Islamists Flex Their Muscles - AP

Saudis to Reopen Egypt Embassy - BBC

Gulf States Can Pull Iraq Out of Iran's Orbit - TN opinion

Don't Ignore Arab World's Appalling Racism - TI opinion


Al Qaeda / Terrorism

9/11 Attack Mastermind, Co-Plotters Arraigned at Guantanamo - VOA

Arraignment Ends as Legal Teams Gird for Long 9/11 Trial - AFPS

Defendants Refuse to Respond at 9/11 Arraignment - AFPS

9/11 Hearing 'Unfair' Say Lawyers - BBC

Mohammed's Lawyers Call Guantanamo Commissions a Setup - S&S

Airstrike Kills Senior al-Qaida Leader in Yemen - VOA

Al-Qaeda Leader Killed in Yemen - AP

Airstrike Kills Senior al-Qaida Leader in Yemen - AP

Al-Qaida Video Shows US Hostage - VOA

Al-Qaida Posts Video of Kidnapped American - AP

Al-Qaeda Hostage Tells Obama: ‘My Life is in Your Hands’ - WP

Kidnapped American Makes Appeal to Obama in Qaeda Video - NYT

US: No Negotiating With al-Qaida on American Hostage - VOA

Al-Qaeda Plot to Attack Plane Foiled, US Officials Say - NYT

US 'Foils New Underwear Bomb Plot' - BBC

France Jails Physicist for Terror - BBC

Biden Scoffs at bin Laden View of VP's Leadership  - AP


US Department of Defense

Air Force General Expresses Confidence in F-22 - AFPS

Military Psychiatrists Seek New Name, Less Stigma, for PTSD - WP

Defense Department Whistleblowers Left Vulnerable to Reprisals - S&S

Army Wants to Monitor Your Computer Activity - AT


United States

GOP Budget Plan Boosts Pentagon, Cuts Social Programs - AP

Federal Court Reverses Order for VA System Overhaul - VOA

After War Room, Heading Ivy League Classroom - NYT



Airlift Plan for South Sudanese - BBC

Fighters 'Burn' Mali Saint's Tomb - BBC

Top Ministers Sacked in Tanzania - BBC

Congo 'Regains Towns from Rebels' - BBC

Pro-Al-Shabab MPs May Be Elected in Somalia - VOA

Somalia: Life Returning to Normal in Mogadishu  - VOA

Urgent Funding Needed to Stave Off Niger Food Crisis - VOA

Niger 'Worst Place to be a Mother' - BBC

Panic after Malawi Devaluation - BBC



Mexico’s Telegenic Presidential Front-Runner Survives Debate - WP

More Bodies Found in Mexico Town - BBC

Colombia: Major Drug Trafficker Surrenders to US - AP

Colombian 'Drug Lord' Surrenders - BBC

Colombia: FARC Rebels 'to Release French Reporter' - BBC

Colombia Rebels Want Media Debate for Frenchman's Release - Reuters

Venezuela's Chavez Back on the Air After Silence - AP

Chavez: Fully Governing Venezuela, Will Return Soon - Reuters

Brazil: Land Fights Up, but Fewer Activists Dead - AP

Argentine Olympic Advert Criticized by IOC - BBC


Asia Pacific / Central

Biden: US Ready to Give Visa to Chinese Activist - VOA

Biden: US 'Set to Give Chinese Activist Chen Visa' - BBC

China: Activist Crisis is US Envoy's Human Rights Moment - AP

China Criticizes US Role in Dissident Case - VOA

China: Chen’s Family, Friends Face Retribution - WP

Activist Confident China Will Allow Him to Leave - AP

China Expels Al Jazeera Channel - NYT

China: Al-Jazeera to Shut Beijing Office - BBC

A New Approach to Ridding Vietnam of Unexploded Ordnance - S&S

Grenade Blast Kills 2, Wounds 30 in Philippines - AP

Cambodia Suspends Land Concessions After Unrest - AP

China: Will Chen’s Luck Hold? - WP opinion



After Elections, Europe Focuses on Growth - NYT

Force Changes in Europe to Preserve Strategic Edge - AFPS

Austerity is a Dirty Word in Europe, But What Next? - AP

What's at Stake as 6 European Nations Vote - AP

After European Elections, a Test of Wills Looms - WP

France Elects First Socialist President in Nearly Two Decades - VOA

France's President-Elect Begins Assembling New Government - VOA

French Center-Right Assesses Two Unpalatable Paths - NYT

Hollande Sets France on New Path - BBC

Hollande Celebrates French Win - BBC

Hollande Defeats Sarkozy in French Presidency Vote - AP

France: Hollande Wants Change with Germany - WP

Change in France May Better Fit US Economic Positions - NYT

Exit Polls: Top Greek Parties Suffer Major Election Losses - VOA

Political Tumult in Greece After Uncertain Elections - NYT

Greek Coalition 'Loses Majority' - BBC

Greek Coalition Talks End in Stalemate - VOA

Greece Far-left in Cabinet Bid - BBC

Germany: Regional Poll Setback for Merkel - BBC

German Police Arrest 100 Salafist Protesters - AP

Putin Sworn In Amid Controversy Over Protest Violence - VOA

Russia: Putin Takes Helm as Police Punish Moscow Dissent - NYT

Russia: Promises and Protests Surround Putin - WP

Russian Police, Protesters Clash at Anti-Putin Rally - VOA

Russia: Moscow Protesters Arrested in March Against Putin - AP

Serbia: Milosevic Party Emerges as Kingmaker - NYT

Serb Rivals 'Facing Run-Off Vote' - BBC

Supporters of President Gain in Armenian Election - NYT

Armenia Ruling Party 'Wins Poll' - BBC

Europe after Austerity’s Fall - WP editorial

Exit Nicolas Sarkozy - NYT editorial

Putin on Borrowed Time? - WP opinion

Putin Return Spells Tough Times for Russia - DS opinion

Fallout in Europe - WP opinion


South Asia

Secretary of State Clinton Makes Kolkata Her First Stop in India - VOA

US Secretary of State Meets Key Regional Figure in Indian Politics - VOA

Clinton Warns India on Iran - WP

Clinton Presses India on Iran Oil - BBC

Clinton Presses India to Cut Oil Imports from Iran - AP

Nepal Flood Death Toll Rises to 17; 47 Missing - AP

Ten Points for the FM 3-24 Counterinsurgency Manual Conference

Mon, 05/07/2012 - 6:12pm


#1:  Context and nuance: Focus changes on updating and improving the understanding of insurgency itself.  This will put current content into a more appropriate context and nuance in general, and address the primary shortfall of the current manual.  All lessons learned on COIN are corrupted by the policies and purposes of the times they occur in, but provide insights into strategic understanding.

#2:  Define for success:  Defining key terms with an eye toward criteria that lend themselves to similar approaches for solving the problem.  Purpose for action and relationships between parties are key. Move away from definitions based on degree of violence, type of ideology, or status of parties.

#3: COIN is a domestic operation:  Limit COIN to domestic operations (unless dealing with resistance following the military defeat of some state with the intent to bring it under US governance). Casting support of someone else’s COIN as FID promotes proper roles and the enhancement of legitimacy.

#4:  Types of Insurgency matter:  It is critical to clarify the unique aspects of the three broad categories of insurgency (Revolution, Separatism, and Resistance).  Insurgencies range from war to civil emergency and often occur in a blend of types, or morph over time.  No single COIN approach works for all, but blended, evolving approaches tailored for each can be very effective (and in many ways occurred during “the surge” in Iraq, but not during “the surge” in Afghanistan, with predictable results).   The blend of perceptions of US physical and policy “presence” driving resistance against the US among populaces also feeling internal revolutionary motivations toward their own governments is central to the past 20 years of turmoil.  Al-Qaeda conducts UW to leverage this energy and cannot exist without it.

#5:  Conditions of Insurgency:  Recognize the underlying conditions of insurgency that exist in every society, how to relieve such pressure through good governance, and the critical distinction between natural stability and the artificial stability achieved through state security forces. This facilitate better prevention, greater civil responsibility, more appropriate military roles,  and less operational surprise.

#6:  Human Nature:  Appreciate how universal and timeless human nature is, and those aspects most important for understanding the strategic context of any insurgency.  These are constants in the human domain that provide keys for solving complex, adaptive problems between people and governance.

#7:  Ideology & Narrative: Clarifying the role of ideology; the role of social media (and info tech in general); and narratives. These are essential tools to initiate and facilitate action, but are not causal.

#8:  Sanctuary:  Shifting the focus on “Sanctuary” from terrain to being more about legal status and popular support.  Deny enabling status and popular support, particularly for regional groups like AQ.

#9: Causation:  Recognize that causation primarily radiates out from government, and that it is the perspective of the recipient individuals and populace groups that matter, not governmental intent.

#10:  “Winning”: Not preserving some regime or defeating some threat, but expanding the percentage of the total populace that perceives governance works to support their reasonable ambitions.