Small Wars Journal

26 April SWJ Roundup

Thu, 04/26/2012 - 5:49am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


NATO Committee Chairman Reaffirms Afghanistan Commitment - AFPS

Afghanistan Visit Leaves Dempsey Encouraged - AFPS

Commander Rates Afghan Army, Police Progress - AFPS

Pakistan, Corruption Affect South, West Afghanistan - AFPS

Three Strikes and You're Out, Government Tells Unruly Clerics - Reuters

Female Troops Find Ways to Relate to Afghan Women - S&S

Karzai Critic in Congress Is Asked to Cancel Afghanistan Visit - NYT

Afghan Official: Taliban Kill 4 Police, Abduct 16 - AP

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



Pakistan Successfully Test Fires Upgraded Missile  - VOA

Pakistan Says It Test-Fires Nuclear-Capable Missile - NYT

Pakistan Tests Missile Days After India's Launch - AP

US Envoy in Pakistan to Discuss Supply Routes - AP

Pakistan Prime Minister Convicted of Contempt - WP

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Found Guilty of Contempt - NYT

Pakistan's Top Court Convicts PM of Contempt - AP

Pakistani PM Convicted of Contempt But Spared Prison - VOA

Pakistani PM Guilty of Contempt - BBC

Pakistan Says US Not Listening: Drone Strikes Must Stop - Reuters

Pakistan Military's Grip on Foreign Policy Easing - Reuters

Guerrilla Warfare Still Vexes US Military - LAT opinion



Violence in Syria’s Capital Even With a Cease-Fire - NYT

Massive Hama Explosion 'Kills 70' - BBC

Syria Blames Rebels for Massive Blast in Hama - AP

Activists: Syrian Troops Kill 27 Civilians - VOA

Syrian Fire Targets Damascus Suburb - WP

Syria Violence Rages, France Tells UN to Hurry - Reuters

Syria is Running Out of Money - WP

Syria Government Foes Criticize UN Monitoring Mission - LAT

UN Monitors of Death - WP editorial



Israel's Military Chief: Iran's Leaders 'Rational,' Sanctions 'Bearing Fruit' - VOA

Israeli General: Iran Won’t Build Nuclear Bomb - WP

Israeli Army Chief Says He Believes Iran Won’t Build Bomb - NYT

Israel Military Chief Doesn't Think Iran Will Make Nuclear Weapon - LAT

Israeli Leaders Mixed on Iran Sanctions - AP



US to Step Up Drone Strikes Inside Yemen - NYT

White House Approves Broadened Drone Campaign in Yemen - WP

Yemen Seeks More Anti-terror Aid But Limits Drones - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Iraqi Kurd Leader Hints at Secession - AP

UN Pays Out Another $1 Billion From Iraqi Oil Fund - AP

Assassination Attempts Revive Suspicions in Lebanon - NYT

Libya Bans Faith-Based Political Parties  - BBC

Poll Bar on Egypt ex-PM Reversed - BBC

Egypt’s Chaotic Election - NYT editorial

No Easy Middle East Formula for US - WPR opinion

Israel Must Decide What It Wants to Be - TOI opinion



Motion Hearing Opens for Alleged Document Leaker - AFPS



NATO Military Leaders Meet in Brussels - AFPS

NATO Committee Chairman Reaffirms Afghanistan Commitment - AFPS

NATO General 'Cautiously Optimistic' on Afghan War - AP

NATO Reinforcements Begin Arriving in Tense Kosovo - AP


US Department of Defense

Defense Spending Skirmishes Begin - WP

Pentagon Official Signals Possible Army Layoffs - S&S

House Subcommittee Endorses 1.7 Percent Pay Raise for 2013 - S&S

New Defense Service Enhances Intelligence Capabilities - AFPS

Review of Military Schools After Class Is Told US at War With Islam - NYT

Dempsey Orders Review of Courses Dealing With Islam - AFPS

Out of Public Eye, Director of Secret Service Seethes - WP

Panetta Questioned About Another Prostitute Controversy - VOA

Marines Discharge Sergeant for Facebook Posts Critical of Obama - LAT

Guerrilla Warfare Still Vexes US Military - LAT opinion


United States

Supreme Court Takes Up Controversial Immigration Law - VOA

Justices Seem Sympathetic to Central Part of Arizona Law - NYT

Justices May Uphold Part of Arizona Immigration Law - LAT

Obama Surges in Campaign Donations from Military Members - S&S


United Kingdom

Britain Sinks Into Double-Dip Recession - VOA

Double-Dip Recession in Britain - NYT

Rupert Murdoch Returns for 2nd Day of Questioning - NYT

British Government’s Ties to Murdochs Scrutinized - NYT



Central Africa: US Supports Pushback Against Lord’s Resistance Army - AFPS

South Sudanese Leader Shortens China Trip - VOA

Top Kenyan Judges 'Unfit for Office' - BBC

Key Mali Posts Go To The Military - BBC

Ex-Liberian President to Hear Verdict of War Crimes Court - NYT

Liberia: Charles Taylor Awaits Judgment - BBC



Panetta Welcomes Brazil as World Power; Seeks Military Cooperation - VOA

Panetta: US, Brazil Partnership ‘Is the Future’ - AFPS

Panetta Urges Brazil to Buy Fighter Jets From Boeing - NYT

Mexico's President Seeks Credit for Migration Drop Across US Border - LAT

Mexico Forest Faces Fire, Armed Men, Squatters - AP

Venezuela: Chavez Back From Cuba Treatment - BBC

Venezuelan Drug Suspect Says He Paid Judge - AP

Argentina Senate Backs Oil Move - BBC

Chile Students in Fresh Protests - BBC

US Foreign Policy, Close to Home - LAT opinion


Asia Pacific / Central

China Said Unable to Protect Pyongyang After Nuclear Test - VOA

Downfall of Bo Is Linked to Wiretapping of Chinese Leader - NYT

China: Bo Xilai Remains Popular in Megacity He Once Oversaw - VOA

Bo Xilai 'Spied on China Leader' - BBC

Philippines-China Standoff Could Spin Out of Hand - AP

US Condemns North Korea Plans for Nuclear Test - S&S

North Korea Boasts of Ability to Destroy US Military in 'Single Blow' - VOA

Analysts Say North Korea's New Missiles are Fakes - AP

Japan Power Broker Acquitted in Scandal - NYT

Japan Clears Top Politician Ozawa - BBC

UN Official: Burma Can Become Asian Tiger - AP

As Burma Opens Up, Idyllic Islands Remain Unwelcoming - NYT

Vietnam Detains 20 Following Mass Land Eviction - AP

Trouble Looms on South China Sea - TD opinion

Cambodia's Looted Treasures - LAT opinion



NATO Reinforcements Begin Arriving in Tense Kosovo - AP

French Front-Runner Says He’d Renegotiate Fiscal Treaty if Elected - NYT

Anger at Sarkozy Fuels Far-Right Party in France - NYT

French Far Right Leaves Door Ajar for Sarkozy - Reuters

Politics Blamed for Rise in Muslim Hate Crimes - LAT

Confessed Norwegian Killer Insists He Is Sane - VOA

Norway: Breivik Says Insane Diagnosis Based on 'Fabrications' - AP

Norway: Breivik's Publicity at Trial Just What He Wanted - AP

Europe’s Gathering Storm - WP opinion

The Swedish Model - WP opinion


South Asia

UN Chief Ban Ki-Moon Heads to India for 3-Day Trip - AP

UN Finds Cluster Bombs in Sri Lanka - AP

Setting an Expeditionary Posture Through Mission Command

Wed, 04/25/2012 - 12:55pm

In a recent Army Magazine article, Wayne Grigsby, Jeff Witsken and I discussed the importance of the integration of a mission command Network into our forces and their operations.  This begins by understanding that the Network is the technology used to connect and enhance human networks to achieve a desired objective according to a plan and/or strategy – in other words, the Network is people enabled by technology with a shared purpose.

As war is an inherently human endeavor, imbued with all the confusion and complexity these actions entail, we cannot allow an overly technical focus to pervade how we conduct mission command – let alone how we provide leadership to our units in the field.  As the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff recently stated in his Mission Command White Paper, “Technology cannot replace the human ability to create and make intuitive judgment.”  However he also recognized that to “gain and maintain advantageous tempo [over our enemies], our leaders must be able to see, understand and rapidly exploit opportunities in both time and space” while also contributing to “the common operating assessment of context, 'co-creating it’ as operations progress and situations change.”

The mission command Network enables the commander to simultaneously gather information from above, below and laterally to create a shared understanding amongst the organization, while also providing the infrastructure to quickly disseminate the intent that is so critical in mission command.  With these two pieces of information, units at every level are able to quickly plan and execute operations to achieve the commander’s intent – no matter their distribution on the battlefield.

To fully utilize the Network’s capability, however, the commander must integrate it as any other weapon system.  Its elements must be designed for greatest effect and be employed in space and time as any other element of combat power.  Steps to achieve this include managing bandwidth as a class of supply and setting the conditions for the successful employment of the Network in the physical domains, in cyberspace, and in the electromagnetic spectrum.  In the future – in fact, in many operations today – the effective use of the Network is as powerful a determinant of unit performance as the ability to fire ballistic weapons systems or maneuver forces.

Getting this capability, both technologically and culturally, into the hands of our soldiers and their units is imperative.  For a decade we have provided the decentralized authority needed in complex operations and used various technological solutions to enable them.  We must now reinvest the knowledge and skills developed in combat to advance, share and inculcate our operations in our day to day lives.  We must not only educate our leaders to build trust and conduct mission command, as the CJCS’ white paper rightly advocates, but also make it a daily habit – a part of each unit’s daily operations.  The technological solutions that allow our soldiers to communicate and share information instantly on the battlefield must be in every unit’s headquarters and command posts.  They must use that technology every day; not only to build the technical skills required in modern technology, but to develop the systems, processes, and command style necessitated by this type of command and control.

What this paradigm shift – enabled by ever-improving technology – truly provides is the ability to be more expeditionary; physically, intellectually, and structurally.  Physically, our forces will be on the ground quickly and able to sustain themselves through communications to higher, lower and laterally.  Intellectually, our soldiers and leaders will be educated in mission command and trained with the necessary tools (used daily at home station) to not skip a beat, no matter their location.  Additionally, when our units are globally networked, from home station to forward positions to combat command posts, it increases their understanding of the operating environment, reducing their learning curve at the outset.  Structurally, when the institution is materially and psychologically prepared for a forward-positioned and expeditionary force, and our soldiers and leaders have already been provided their equipment and are using it in daily operations, there is a decreased need for refitting and retraining our units.  They have been conducting the same tasks at home station they would be employing in the field.

As the Army increases its capabilities and capacity to support the Joint Force 2020 we must develop a globally-networked force that is not only tapped into when deployed to a combat zone.  Future conflicts will not be characterized by the current ability to occupy developed infrastructure and processes seen in places like Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa.  We will be required to enter previously undeveloped theaters and bring our capabilities with us.  This requires units that have not only been provided and trained on a set of equipment tied to the Network, but have integrated it into their daily activities.  It is as much a matter of mind set as technical capability.

In the end, this challenge must be laid at the feet of every Army leader.  The Army as an institution must develop and field viable technological solutions, but each of us as leaders must take them and provide purpose and understanding within each of our organizations.  We must influence our organization’s culture – and the inherent bureaucratic fear of revolutionary technological change – to ensure we not only have a global mission command Network, but that we use it daily to link our outstanding network of people to achieve the needs of our Army, and the Nation.

U.S. Marine Corps to Assign Women to Ground Combat Element Units

Wed, 04/25/2012 - 6:19am

All Marine Message (ALMAR) 012/12 announces the "Assignment of Women to Ground Combat Units." In addition to the below excerpt, there are portions of the ALMAR on other exploration to be done at entry-level training and steps to allow volunteer females to attend the Infantry Officers Course and Infantry Training Battalion before primary MOS training.  NY Times also ran a story on this today. (ALMARs are published in all capitals in case the teletype machine makes a comeback and I don't have time to retype in normal case!)




24 April SWJ Roundup

Tue, 04/24/2012 - 6:26am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


NATO Shows Confidence in Afghan Security Forces - NYT

US-Afghan Security Pact Sends Warning to Al-Qaida - AP

A Gift That Didn’t Quite Translate - WP

US Lessons in Afghanistan Can Aid Colombian Troops - AP

Committing to Afghanistan - WP editorial



UN Observers Prove Little Deterrent to Syrian Attacks - NYT

Activists: 28 Killed in Syria as UN Monitors Check Cease-Fire - VOA

UN Says Syria Violence Continues Despite Pledges to End It - Reuters

Syria Violence Tests UN Mission - BBC

Hama Shelling Undermines Syria Truce - Reuters

US Puts Sanctions on Telecom Firms in Syria, Iran - LAT

US Sets New Sanctions Against Technology for Syria and Iran - NYT

US, EU impose new sanctions on Syria - LAT

UN Food Agency Aims to Reach 500,000 in Syria Soon - Reuters

Syria's Assad 'Finished', Tunisian Leader Says - Reuters

Syrian Group Says 3 Intelligence Officers Killed - AP

The Syrian Charade - WP opinion



In Egypt Race, Battle Is Joined on Islam’s Role - NYT

Egypt Army Backs Law on Presidential Bid Ban - Reuters

Egypt's Sinai Turning Into 'Wild West' - Reuters

Egypt: US NGOs Lose Licenses - BBC

Egypt Rejects Registration Bids From 8 U.S. Nonprofit Groups - NYT


Middle East / North Africa

Palestinian Hunger Strike Efforts Draw Attention - WP

Israel to Seek Deferral of Settler Evictions - AP

Israel Grants Legal Status to Three West Bank Outposts - Reuters

US Sets New Sanctions Against Technology for Syria and Iran - NYT

US Puts Sanctions on Telecom Firms in Syria, Iran - LAT

Key Iranian Oil Terminal 'Hacked' - BBC

Iranian Officials Disconnect Some Oil Terminals From Internet - NYT

Bahrain Deports British Journalist Attempting to Cover F1 Race - WP

5 Dead in Tribal Clashes in Southern Libya - AP

Israel: Peace Without Partners - NYT opinion



Al Qaeda Challenges With Lone Wolf Tactics - Reuters


US Department of Defense

Pentagon Creates New Espionage Unit - WP

Defense Department Plans New Intelligence Gathering Service - NYT

Pentagon Suspends Security Clearances in Scandal - NYT

Air National Guard Lobbies Successfully Against Budget Cuts - NYT



Sudan Warplanes Bomb South Sudan - WP

UN Chief Condemns Sudan Air Raid - BBC

Sudan's Bashir: No More Talks with South - VOA

Old Wounds, Ethnic Rivalries Stoke Sudan War Fever - Reuters

Bashir Wields Stick to Lead Sudan Shorn of South - Reuters

South Sudan President Seeks Support in China - AP

US Terror Attack Warning in Kenya - BBC

Mali: From Democracy Poster Child to Broken State - Reuters

War Crimes Prosecutor Warns Mali It May Look Into Rapes, Killings - Reuters

Sierra Leone: Judges Poised to Deliver Verdicts in Taylor Trial - AP

Ugandan Women Strip in Protest - BBC



Mexican Immigration to US Slowed Significantly, Report Says - NYT

Mexican Immigration in Reverse, Study Says - WP

Mexico-US Migration on the Slide - BBC

Even as It Hurts Mexican Economy, Bribery Is Taken in Stride - NYT

US Lessons in Afghanistan Can Aid Colombian Troops - AP

'No Colombia link' to White House - BBC

Venezuela: Chávez Out of Sight but Big as Life on Twitter - NYT

Venezuela: Chavez Dismisses Rumors of Death - BBC

Venezuelan Official: Ex-Judge Received Drug Money - AP


Asia Pacific / Central

Naval Exchange Stirs Troubled Waters in South China Sea - VOA

US Meeting with China to Avoid Unfolding Murder Case - WP

China’s ‘Princelings’ Turn Privilege Into Influence-Peddling Profit - WP

As Bo Xilai Rose in China, His Family’s Wealth Grew - NYT

China Leader Under Scrutiny Shows Still in Control - AP

China: Wukan Village Ex-Heads 'Punished' - BBC

China Punishes 20 Officals After Village Protests - AP

North Korea Threatens South With Military Action - NYT

North Korea Vows to Turn South's Leadership to Ashes - AP

China Pledges North Korea Friendship - BBC

US Says Raised North Korea Missile-Linked Sale With China - Reuters

UN Chief Warns North Korea - AP

European Union Suspends Most Burma Sanctions - NYT

EU Suspends Most Burma Sanctions - WP

Sanctions Lifting Could Revive Burma Industry - AP

UN Chief to Travel to Burma - VOA



European Debt Crisis Persists - WP

Call for Growth Rises to Counter German Push for Austerity - NYT

Trade Unites and Divides Germany and China - NYT

Dutch Government Falls in Crisis - BBC

Dutch Governing Coalition Resigns Over Austerity Budget - NYT

French Far Right a Challenge for Europe and Sarkozy - NYT

Russia's Medvedev Vows to Continue Modernization - AP

Amnesty Says Muslims in Europe Face Discrimination - AP

Norway: Witness Trauma at Breivik Trial - BBC

Norwegian Who Killed 77 Says He Shared in Loss - NYT

France Votes Its Discontents - NYT editorial

The Pain in Spain - WP opinion


South Asia

Pakistan's Top Court to Deliver Verdict in PM Case - AP


Empire at War: The Effects of the War on Terrorism on the American Middle Class

Mon, 04/23/2012 - 1:04pm

Editor's Note: While soldiers sometimes believe that military programs and military operations should be held in some rarefied atmosphere protected from domestic politics, there is no such world. Hard choices always have to be made and it is worth considering how different people view these choices.

As the United States prepares to wind down operations in Afghanistan, the last high profile conflict in the War on Terrorism, and seeks a so-called strategic pivot towards Asia, it is important to assess the impacts of the war at home and the prospects for engaging future national security issues. While the War on Terrorism (hereafter referred to as GWoT) did not produce the 2008 recession in the United States, it greatly exasperated the severe economic crisis already faced by the American middle class that has been brewing since the middle of the 20th century. This has led to the current financial emergency in government where radicalized ideologies harden political positions and make progress difficult on economic and national security reform.

Estimates vary about the financial costs of the War on Terrorism. One assessment suggests approximately three trillion dollars. However, if one includes the annual defense budgets, homeland security expenditures since 2001, veteran programs, and the interest on the principal borrowed for military spending, the cost balloons to an astronomical eight trillion dollars. Using 2010 census figures about the number of households in the United States, this equates to about $70,000 owed by every American family.  This is nearly double the size of the national average income. Combined with the stagnation of middle class incomes, the inflation of health, education, food, and fuel prices, and record low tax revenue from upper income families and corporations, the middle class now bears the heaviest burden of financing the war and its consequences. It is no wonder that American families are buried in debt.

Compounding the problem is the increasingly expensive and incapable military establishment. As the defense budget continues to grow, the military is less able to deliver desirable political outcomes in America’s conflicts. The high spending of the GWoT did not produce a correlating increase in American security; instead, it hastened the coming crisis facing the military. Increasingly expensive and complex weapon systems reduce the availability of military forces, and restrict their flexibility by requiring them to operate equipment and execute doctrines ill-suited for the demands of war. Last year, the Department of Defense announced that the Army alone will lose 50,000 personnel in an effort to reduce costs. Predictably, just last week, it was announced that the cost of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will increase by 20 billion dollars and that it’s lifetime cost is expected to be at least 1.45 trillion dollars. As the military continues to break its own suicide records and maintain higher-than-average domestic violence, divorce, and sexual assault rates, it decides to decrease the number of personnel available for worldwide military operations in favor of over-priced military platforms incapable of performing basic military tasks like surviving contact with the enemy.

But this problem is disingenuously framed as class warfare and therefore receives little attention. Instead, the political leadership focuses on diminishing, eliminating, or privatizing key middle class programs in order to preserve the regressive tax code and the inefficient defense budget. The high costs of the GWoT are to be paid by sacrificing middle class benefits instead of balancing the obligations of all American taxpayers. Just last week, the Republican-controlled House passed in a partisan vote Paul Ryan’s budget that effectively privatizes Medicaid, and reduces federal retirement programs, food stamps, and college tuition aid, among other programs, while increasing defense spending and expanding tax cuts for upper income-earners. At the same time, the House also rejected a two-year Senate proposal to fund transportation spending, and instead passed, in another partisan vote, a 90-day extension of current spending. This was done despite America’s failing infrastructure, which has had notable failures in New Orleans and Minnesota. The classic debate about guns vs. butter rages on, and currently the guns are winning at the expense of the American Dream.

The cost of the War on Terrorism, or even the annual defense budget, could provide all of the funding necessary for repairing America’s infrastructure, reforming its failing education system, or even providing health-care to every American citizen. Instead, the costs of the war has forced America into political deadlock, where popular and essential public programs alike are being discarded in favor of retaining decaying institutions. Now, Americans are being asked once again to pay up for expensive military programs in pursuit of confrontational policies in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. We have already toppled the regime in Libya, Syria and Iran may be next, and we are posturing for a future conflict with China. The American public should be informed by its experiences in the GWoT. War is expensive, and it has long-term consequences beyond its immediate outcomes. One of those consequences should be the realization that nation-building at home must precede nation-building or -destroying abroad.  

23 April SWJ Roundup

Mon, 04/23/2012 - 5:06am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Afghanistan, US Agree on Strategic Agreement - VOA

US, Afghanistan Agree on Relationship after Coalition Forces Leave - S&S

With Pact, US Agrees to Help Afghans for Years to Come - NYT

Afghanistan, US Reach Post-2014 Pact - WP

US and Afghanistan Ink Strategic Partnership Agreement - LAT

Afghanistan and US Agree on Strategic Pact Text - Reuters

Chairman’s Afghanistan Visit Focuses on Afghan Forces’ Progress - AFPS

Group Swiftly Gets Crucial Supplies to Troops in Afghanistan - S&S

Bomb Kills 2 NATO Servicemembers in Afghanistan - AP

Opiates Killed 8 US Troops in Afghanistan, Army Records Show - S&S

NATO Plans in Russian City Are Protested - NYT



UN Authorizes Full Syria Mission - WP

UN Monitors Tour Rebel-Held Syrian Town - NYT

Fighting in Syria Kills 17; UN Monitors Expand Visits - VOA

UN Syria Vote is 'Pivotal Moment' - BBC

In Syria: Fear of Islamist Extremism - WP

Presence of UN Monitors Helps Calm Syrian City - LAT

Syria Hotspot Enjoys Lull With UN Monitors Present - AP



Iranians Say They Took Secret Data From Drone - NYT

Iran Says Recovered Data From Captured US Drone - AP

Iran 'Building Copy of US Drone' - BBC

US Lawmaker Dismisses Iran's Claims of Building Drone Copy - VOA

Iraqi Premier Starts Talks in Iran - AP

The Iran Negotiations That Count - WS opinion

US Must Turn Iran from Enemy to Adversary - Haaretz opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Dempsey Meets With Jordan’s Defense Chief, Moves on to Afghanistan - AFPS

US, Jordan Planning Large Military Drill in May - AP

Israeli Commandoes Raid Ship Searching for Arms - AP

Vettel Wins Bahrain's Controversial Grand Prix Race - VOA

Bahrain Stages F1 Despite Protest - BBC

Bahrain Court Delays Case in Hunger Striker Appeal - AP

Militants and Politics Bedevil Yemen’s New Leaders - NYT

US Praises Yemen Crackdown on Al-Qaida - AP

Aid Official Kidnapped in Yemen - BBC

Egypt Cancels the Delivery of Gas to Israel - NYT

Egypt Scraps Gas Deal with Israel - BBC

UN Set to Renew Western Sahara Force Despite Criticism - Reuters

How Sunni Backlash Prevented Bahrain Revolt - CSM opinion

Iraq: Will Barzani Declare Kurdish Independence? - JP opinion



World Sea Piracy Drops 28 Percent in First Quarter - AP


US Department of Defense

C-27J Transport Aircraft on Chopping Block Nine Months after Debut - S&S

Vice Chairman Visits Aeromedical Staging Facility in Germany - AFPS

Army's New PTSD Guidelines Fault Madigan's Screening Tests- S&S


United States

Stolen Valor Act Could be Overturned - ST

Strategic Nuclear Arms Control - WP opinion

Reality of Immigration Law - WP opinion

How States Should Approach Immigration - NYT opinion



Threat of Violence Remains as South Sudan Withdraws from Disputed Town - VOA

Renewed Fighting on Sudan Border - BBC

Sudan Bombs South Sudan Border Area, Kills 3 - Reuters

Official: Sudan Bombs S. Sudan, Killing a Boy - AP

Mali's New Leader Says Talks with Rebels Possible - VOA

African Bank Chief Says Ready to Commit $45 Million to Malawi - Reuters



In Latin America, Radical Left Struggles - WP

General Shot Dead in Mexico City - BBC

Mexican Ex-General Accused of Narco Ties Shot Dead - LAT

Gunmen Kill 15 in Bar Attack in Northern Mexico - LAT

Colombia Seizes 'Rebel Cocaine' - BBC

Colombia: Wild Night Life Prevalent in Cartagena - WP

Mass Poisoning Hits Peru Police - BBC


Asia Pacific / Central

China, Russia Launch Joint Naval Exercises - VOA

China Needs 'Consistent Policy' on South China Sea - BBC

Vietnam Hosts Naval Exchange with US Navy - AP

China Expresses Confidence in North Korea's Leader Kim - AP

North Korea Threatens ‘Special Action’ Against South - VOA

Burmese Democracy Party to Skip Swearing In - VOA

Burma: Suu Kyi Party Boycotts Parliament - BBC

Burma Ruling Party Rejects Suu Kyi Demand to Change Oath - Reuters

Human Rights Watch Urges Kazakh Trial Suspension - AP

Punishing North Korea's People - LAT editorial



Challenger Hollande Emerges as Frontrunner in French Election - VOA

France: Sarkozy Loses First Poll Battle - BBC

French Presidential Vote Advances - WP

Hollande and Sarkozy Head to Runoff in French Race - NYT

French Socialist Hollande Will Face Sarkozy in Runoff - LAT

France: Sarkozy the Fighter in Battle of His Career - AP

French Far-Right Soars in Presidential Vote - AP

France's Far Right Eyes Parliament - Reuters

NATO Plans in Russian City Are Protested - NYT

Russia: Anti-Kremlin Protesters Go Old School - WP

Russians Show Support for Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill - LAT

As Killer Gloats in Court, Norway Shows No Anger - AP

Norway: Breivik Defends 'Barbarian Act' - BBC

Norway: First the Nightmare, Then the News - NYT opinion


South Asia

Pakistan: Muslims Accused of Kidnapping Teens to Wed - LAT

Pakistani in Court Over US Bounty - WP

India Orders Deportation of 10 French Nationals - AP

India's Nuclear Choices - TOI opinion

Disruptive Thinkers: Complacency and Isolation

Sun, 04/22/2012 - 5:15pm

Imagine an institution that keeps its members cooped up on a compound all day, offering meals, gyms, and other perks to keep them in place and at work, isolated from society and the insights interaction must bring.  A NY Times article warns against such isolation.


Sadly, this isn’t how the rest of the world works.

Most people actually have to leave their offices to get coffee. While wandering out into the real world, we unfortunates tend to do a lot with our mobile phones. We look for new restaurants, check in with location-based apps, share short pithy updates about things we’ve seen in this outside world, and take pictures of food and sunsets.

DoD of course, right?  No!  Google and Facebook.  Read here.

What Makes Heroic Strife?

Sat, 04/21/2012 - 9:02am

The Economist offers a piece about breakthroughs in modeling civil wars.  I, for one, am highly skeptical that our wunderkinder can do anything of the sort that is truly faithful to the massive complexity of human interactions.


For in the war-games rooms and think-tanks of the rich world’s military powers, bright minds are working on the problem of how to model insurrection and irregular warfare. Slowly but surely they are succeeding, and in the process they are helping politicians and armies to a better understanding of the nature of rebellion.

21 April SWJ Roundup

Sat, 04/21/2012 - 5:46am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Four US Service Members Killed in Afghanistan Helicopter Crash - AFPS

4 Americans Killed in Afghan Helicopter Crash - NYT

Copter that Crashed was Coming to Aid of Afghan Forces - S&S

Taliban Claim Responsibility for Downing Helicopter - CNN

'Huge Afghanistan Attack Foiled' - BBC

Tons of Explosives for Attack Seized in Afghanistan, Official Says - AP

Afghan Security Detain 5 Insurgents with 10,000 Kilograms of Explosives - Reuters

Would You Run Photos of US Troops Toying with Taliban Corpses? - S&S



UN Security Council Close to Agreement on Full Syria Mission - VOA

UN Weighs Up Syria Monitor Plan - BBC

UN Council Reaches Tentative Agreement on Syria - AP

Government Shelling, Deadly Blasts in Syria Despite Cease-fire - VOA

Syria Protests Cite Observers and a Truce as Faltering - NYT

In Syria, Both Sides Report Attacks - WP

Syria Street Protests Met With Force - LAT

Syrian Activists: Homs Calm as Observers Expected - AP

No Syria 'Plan B' Out of Paris Meetings - CNN

Assad’s Lies - NYT editorial

Containing Syria's Chemical Weapons - CSM editorial



Tens of Thousands Protest Military Rule in Egypt - AP

Egypt: Thousands Protest in Tahrir Square Ahead of Elections - CNN

Protesters Converge in Tahrir Square - WP

Egypt Crowds Fill Tahrir Square - BBC

Worried Egyptians Jam Tahrir Square, but Unity Is Elusive - NYT


Middle East / North Africa

Israel: Sinai Militants Plan Attack on Tourists - AP

Iraq Calls Turkey 'Hostile State' as Relations Dim - Reuters

Iraq Boosts Oil Export Capacity in Gulf - AP

Iraq Officials: Baghdad Bomb Blasts Kill 4 - AP

In Bahrain, Grand Prix Revs Up Amid Protests - VOA

Bahrain’s Formula One Gala Not Going as Planned - NYT

Why is Bahrain F1 Race Under Fire? - CNN

25 Al-Qaida Fighters Killed in Latest Yemen Clash - AP

US to Guarantee Loans to Help Tunisian Transition - Reuters

Libyan Government Takes Control of Tripoli Airport - AP

Silencing Voices in Saudi Arabia - WP opinion

Yemen: Beyond the President’s Power - WP opinion

Only Israel Can Defend Itself From Jew Hatred - JP opinion


International Monetary Fund

IMF Gets Hundreds of Billions More for Emergency Loans - VOA

IMF Adds $430 Billion in Emergency Lending Ability - NYT

IMF Raises $430 Billion, Boosting Resources for Troubled Nations - LAT


US Department of Defense

Women Sue Military Academies Over Handling of Sexual Assaults - S&S

Comptroller: Panetta Directive Pushes Audit Readiness - AFPS

Air Force Cuts Back on Air Show Demonstrations - AP

DOD Announces New Teleworking Policy - AFPS

Toss Out the All-Volunteer Military - WP opinion

Military Commanders: No Accountability - WP opinion


United States

Colombia Probes Whether Women in Sex Scandal Were Underage - S&S

Secret Service Investigation Expands in Colombia - CNN

Colombia Scandal Claims More US Jobs - BBC

Secret Service Ousts 3 More Employees in Colombia Sex Scandal - WP

Three to Quit Secret Service as Inquiries Widen Scope - NYT

US Supreme Court to Review Immigration Law - VOA

Judge Won't Toss Confession in Fort Hood Bomb Plot - AP

Failure at FBI Crime Lab - WP editorial

What's Going On With the Border Patrol? - LAT opinion

The Secret Service’s Worst Week - WP opinion



South Sudan Announces Heglig Withdrawal - VOA

Sudan Says Military Evicts South’s Army From Oil Area - NYT

South Sudan 'to Withdraw Troops' - BBC

South Sudan to Leave Disputed Town - WP

Sudan and S. Sudan Inch Back From Brink of War - LAT

Sudan-S. Sudan: On Ground in Heglig, Threat of War Persists - VOA

CAR Blames Sudan Rebels for Cross-Border Ambush - Reuters

Bakers Killed by Nigeria Gunmen - BBC

In Uganda's North, Support for Kony's 'Invisible Children' - VOA

Mali Leader Finds Refuge in Senegal After Coup - NYT



Price Controls Keep Venezuela Cupboards Bare - NYT

Venezuelan Authorities Seek Arrest of Former Judge - AP

Mexican General Once Tied to Cartels Shot Dead - AP

Mexico Volcano Spews Burning Rock - BBC

Argentina Wants Bigger Brazil Role in Oil Market - AP

Time for US to Think Big in Latin America - WPR opinion

Obama's Latin American Disconnect - RCW opinion


Asia Pacific

Panetta: China Assisted North Korea Missile Program - VOA

Suspected Sale by China Stirs Concern at White House - NYT

S. Korea Asks China About N. Korean Missile Carrier - AP

North Korea Concludes Investigation Into Failed Rocket Launch - CNN

Questions on Fate of China’s Security Chief - WP

Web Site on China Hit by Cyberattack - WP

Hacker Attack Underlines Web Role in China Scandal - AP

Did US Fumble Chance to Peer Inside China's Secretive Leadership? - Reuters

China Top Military Paper Warns of Armed Confrontation Over Seas - Reuters

China Releases 21 Vietnamese Fishermen After Month - AP

US Special Ops Craft Kills Muslim Fisherman in S. Philippines - ME

Former Treasurer Convicted of Bribery in Indonesia - NYT

At Meeting, Burma Looks To Japan for Investment - NYT

Burma Activists Say Go Slow on Easing Sanctions - AP

Asia Arms Race Harms Both Growing Giants - TN editorial

China’s Corrupt Secrets - WP opinion



Europe Crisis Returns to Danger Zone - WP

French Presidential Rivals Make Final Appeals - BBC

Cynicism Over France Presidential Race - WP

French Media Question Election Reporting Rules - NYT

In France, the Fringe Emerges as a Force - NYT

Panhard Proposes CRAB for French Scout Vehicle - DN

UK: 3 Arrested at Heathrow on Suspicions of Terrorism - NYT

Former NY Mayor Helping Serbia's Nationalists - AP

Norway: Breivik Describes Island Massacre - BBC

Norwegian Gunman Describes Hunting Down Teenagers - AP

Germany's Nuclear Power Phaseout Turns Off Environmentalists - LAT

Voting for Yesterday in France - NYT opinion

Russia Is Building Super Mega Weapons! - Time opinion


South Asia

China: India is a 'Partner, Not Rival' After Missile Launch - CNN

Pakistan Plane Crash Apparently Kills All 127 People Onboard - VOA

Pakistan Moves Against Airline After Crash - AP