Small Wars Journal

Announcement: Boyd & Beyond 2012 Conference

Wed, 05/30/2012 - 6:02am

Boyd & Beyond 2012 is the third annual meeting that honors the teachings and strategies of the late Colonel John Boyd. This diverse group gathers every year to exercise their minds and keep the vitality that was John Boyd alive. Their goal is to perpetuate and build on COL Boyd's ideas, theories, and work.

When: 12 & 13 October 2012

Where: USMC Command & Staff College, Quantico, VA

Admission is free, but you must RSVP to attend.

For more information:

  • contact Stan Coerr at

"People, ideas, hardware; in that order!"

            --  John R. Boyd, COL, USAF, Ret. (1937-1997)

30 May SWJ Roundup

Wed, 05/30/2012 - 5:54am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP



Unit in Remote Province Hopes Village Will Side With Govt - S&S

Afghanistan Airstrike Kills Senior Al-Qaida Leader - VOA

US Says 2 Slain in Raid Were Qaeda - NYT

Saudi Militant 'Dies in Afghanistan' - BBC

Bomb Kills NATO Service Member - AP

Official: 160 Girls Poisoned at Afghan School - CNN

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



Pakistan’s Legal System Under Scrutiny - WP

UN: Pakistan Judges Pressured to Use Blasphemy Law - AP

Pakistani Doctor in Bin Laden Hunt Rejected US Escape - Reuters

Pakistan Doctor Guilty of Militancy, Not CIA Links - AP

For Pakistani Truckers, NATO Route Row Is All About the Money - Reuters



Envoy Annan Calls for 'Bold Steps Now' in Syria - VOA

Annan Tells Assad-Halt Violence, Syria at 'Tipping Point' - Reuters

UN Council Plans Special Session on Syria Massacre - AP

US Remains Opposed to Military Action in Syria - AP

France: Military Intervention in Syria Cannot Be Ruled Out - Reuters

US and Other Nations Expel Syrian Envoys over Massacre - NYT

Nations Expel Syrian Diplomats over Massacre - WP

Syrian Diplomats to be Expelled by Western Nations - BBC

Western Nations Expel Syrian Envoys over Massacre - AP

France to Push Russia on Syria Sanctions, Expels Envoy - Reuters

Japan to Expel Syrian Ambassador in Protest at Massacre - Reuters

Romney Calls for Action on Syria, but His Party Is Divided - NYT

Israel’s Defense Minister Calls for More Action Against Assad - NYT

China Restates Opposition to Military Intervention in Syria - Reuters

Syria Massacre Unlikely to Break UN Deadlock - Reuters

The Massacre at Houla - NYT editorial

Who Will Save Syria? - WP editorial

More Failures for Obama's Syria Policy - AI opinion

Killing Time - NL opinion

Time to Put More Pressure on Syria - NR opinion

Putin and Syria: Now or Never - WP opinion

Can a War-Weary World Save Syria? - TNY opinion

For Syria, Diplomacy Still Beats Bombs - FT opinion

Why Russia Changed Tack on Syria - TG opinion



Iran Confirms Attack by New Virus That Mines Data - NYT

Iran Acknowledges Virus Infected Computers Nationwide - WP

Iran, Other Mideast States Hit by Computer Virus - AP

Iran Says It Can Destroy Data-Stealing Virus - VOA

Iran 'Finds Flame Malware Fix' - BBC

Israeli Premier: World Powers Too Soft on Iran - AP

Israel Pours Cold Water on Big-Power Talks with Iran - Reuters



Al-Qaida Threatens Yemen's Transition to Democracy - AP

Yemen Army Outflanks Rebel-Held Jaar - Reuters

Yemen: Airstrike, Shelling Kills 10 Militants - AP

In Yemen, US Airstrikes Breed Anger - WP



Egyptians Outraged Over Presidential Poll Results - VOA

Islamist Promises Inclusive Egypt - BBC

Egypt Islamist Candidate Vows Break With Old Ways - AP

Egypt Should Embrace Secularism - CSM opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Israel Frees Palestinian Activist - BBC

Israel to Aid Wider Range Of Rabbis - NYT

Israel to Fund Non-Orthodox Rabbis for 1st Time - AP

Recent Large-Scale Killings in the Middle East - AP

Qatar Orders Arrests After Deadly Mall Fire - AP

Libya's Other Oil Economy - VOA

BP to Resume Operations in Libya - BBC

Tunisia Judges Start Indefinite Strike Over Purge - Reuters

Nudging Bahrain, Without Pushing It Away - NYT opinion


United States

Obama to Award Highest Civilian Honor to 13 Recipients - VOA

Obama Honors Medal of Freedom Recipients - VOA

Chinese-American Recalls WWII POW Past - VOA

Justices Reject Appeal Seeking Payments for Ex-Iran Hostages - NYT

Suspended GSA Executive Back on the Job - WT

Our War Dead: Heroes or Dupes? - WT editorial

A CIA Gambit Backfires - WP opinion

Zero Nuclear Sense - WT opinion

Eviscerating American Defense - WT opinion


United Kingdom

British Court Clears Way for Assange’s Extradition - NYT

UK Top Court Backs Extradition of WikiLeaks Boss - AP

Britain Launches Fight Against Sexual Violence During War - VOA

Spain, UK Urge Solution to Gibraltar Fisherman Spat - Reuters

Ex-Cameron Aide Arrested Over Alleged Perjury - AP



Quebec Protesters, Government Continue Talks - AP

Police Say Severed Foot Mailed to Conservative Party Headquarters - AP



Vatican Spokesman: Pope Pained by Deepening Scandal - VOA

Pope, Beset by Scandal, Speaks of Personal Suffering - Reuters



S. Sudan Questions Khartoum's Sincerity as Peace Talks Resume - VOA

Sudan Pulls Troops From Oil-Rich Region - AP

Kenyan PM: Nairobi Blast an Act of Terrorism - VOA

Kenya Blast Thought to be Work of al-Qaida-linked Shabab Insurgents - AP

Mali Rebels Say They Will Create Moderate Islamic State - VOA

Mali Rebels Split Over Sharia in New State - Reuters

Somalia President Survives Attack - VOA

Somali President Convoy Ambushed - BBC

Ex-Liberian President Faces Sentencing - CNN

Concern over Africa Adoption Rise - BBC

Taylor War Crimes Sentence Could Set Precedent - Reuters



Mexico Presidential Front-Runner Suffers Poll Setback - Reuters

Mexico Protects PepsiCo Subsidiary After Attacks - AP

Fugitive Venezuela Judge Helps Elite US Anti-Drugs Unit - Reuters

UN Group Urges Release of American in Nicaraguan Prison - Reuters

Brazilian Indigenous in Protest - BBC

Top Judge Accuses Brazil Ex-President of Pressure - AP

Mining Protest Leader Arrested in Peru - AP

Repsol to Stop Oil Drilling in Cuba - BBC


Asia Pacific / Central

Panetta Calls on Navy Grads to Focus on Asia-Pacific - AFPS

Panetta Exhorts Navy Grads to Lead, be Wary of China - WP

Panetta: Asia is 'Project' for New Naval Academy Grads - AP

US Denies N. Korea Commando Operation - WP

Chinese Man Pleads Guilty to NY Fed Cyber Theft - Reuters

China: Ex-Beijing Mayor Regrets Tiananmen - WP

Taiwan’s Opposition Leader Seeks Flexible Ties with China - VOA

Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi Starts Landmark Bangkok Visit - VOA

Amid Disorganization, Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi Visits Thailand - NYT

Burma’s Suu Kyi in Historic Foreign Trip - BBC

Philippines Chief Justice Removed Over Finances - NYT

Philippine Top Judge Faces Sack - BBC

Thai Webmaster Sentenced in Free Speech Case - AP

China: The Myths Chen Shattered - WP opinion

How China Flouts Its Laws - NYT opinion



Russia Criticizes US Envoy for Accusation - VOA

Russia Warns of Reprisals over US Ban - WP

Putin Aide Seeks to Calm Worries Over Russia-US Ties - Reuters

US Ambassador Surprised by Russian Criticism - AP

Corruption Turns Russians Radical - WP

Eastern Europe Rising Up Against Politicians on Take - WT

European Official Calls for Economic Road Map to Calm Fears - NYT

Spain’s Economic Troubles Mount - WP

Powerful Earthquake in Italy Kills 15 - VOA

Deadly Earthquake Hits Northern Italy - NYT

Searchers Sift Rubble in Italy - BBC

Women's Rights Looking up in France - VOA

Nobel Laureate Discusses Writing About Dictatorships - Reuters


South Asia

India’s Economy Slows, With Global Implications - NYT

Kashmir Rebel Attack Wounds 7 Indian Soldiers - AP

Nepal's Opposition Vows Protests to Topple PM - AP

7 June Counterinsurgency Center Webcast

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 2:55pm

The US Army Counterinsurgency Center will provide a summary of results from the FM3-24/MCWP 3-33.5 Counterinsurgency Revision Conference (8-11 May) to include:

  • Primary outcomes of the revision conference
  • Key recommendations for the revised manual
  • Structure of the revised manual
  • Timeline
  • Opportunities for input

LTC John Paganini, Director of the Counterinsurgency Center will lead the discussion and moderate comments from audience members. This presentation is Thursday, 7 June 2012 at 1000 CDT (1100 EDT, 15:00 ZULU).

The Counterinsurgency Center is still collecting ideas for how to improve doctrine. If you have not done so already, go to the FM3-24 Revision tab on the Counterinsurgency Center public website ( and fill out the questionnaire.  Send your comments to

Those interested in attending may view the meeting online at and participate via Defense Connect Online (DCO) as a guest. Remote attendees will be able to ask questions and view the slides through the software.

29 May SWJ Roundup

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 5:31am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP



Obama Administration Defends Afghanistan Withdrawal Timeline - VOA

NATO Kills Senior al-Qaida Leader in Afghanistan - AP

Senior Qaeda Leader Killed in Afghanistan - Reuters

Helicopter Crash Kills 2 NATO Soldiers in Afghanistan - VOA

Tending to Bodies Near the Breaking Point - NYT

Afghan Insurgents Target Safest Province Bamiyan - Reuters



Pakistani Spy Chief Puts Off US Visit - WP

Brother of Jailed Pakistani Doctor Urges New Trial - VOA

Family of Doctor in bin Laden Hunt Slams Trial - AP

'Bin Laden Doctor' Appeal Urged - BBC

Pakistan Doctor in Bin Laden Case Called Corrupt, Womanizer - Reuters

Pakistan Court Shuts Plants, Angers US Investor - AP

Just Say No to Pakistan's Extortion - Fox opinion



International Pressure on Syria Grows After Killings - NYT

Assad Faces New International Pressure After Massacre - Reuters

Envoy Kofi Annan in Syria Amid More Violence - VOA

Annan Holds Crucial Assad Talks - BBC

Annan, in Syria, Denounces Killings - WP

UN Envoy Discusses Peace Plan With Syrian Leader - AP

'All the World Should Look at This' - CNN

China Condemns Civilian Deaths in Syria - VOA

Russia Condemns Ally Syria over Massacre of 108 - AP

Australia Expels 2 Syrian Diplomats Over Massacre - AP

Obama's Paralysis on Syria a Disgrace - WP opinion

Why Is No One Helping Syria? - AJ opinion

Only Russia, China Can Stop Carnage in Syria - CNN opinion



Iran Downplays Report Showing Higher Uranium Enrichment - VOA

Iran Urges West to Drop 'Illogical' Uranium Demand - AP

Iran Says Sanctions Threat Jeopardizes Nuclear Talks - Reuters

Israel Pours Cold Water on Big-Power Talks With Iran - Reuters

Russian Firm: Iran Victim of Another Cyberattack - AP



Islamist, Oldliner Confirmed for Egypt's Presidential Run-off  - VOA

Commission Confirms Results of Egyptian Presidential Vote - LAT

Runoff Set for Egypt's Presidential Election - CNN

New Turmoil in Egypt as Official Results Confirm Stark Choice - WP

Egyptians Torch Shafiq Headquarters as Vote Triggers Violence - Reuters

Violence Flares After Egypt Election Results - AP

Candidate’s Offices Burn Amid Egypt Demonstrations - NYT

Egypt Candidate Shafiq HQ Stormed - BBC

Egypt's Brotherhood Scrambling to Broaden Support - AP

Timeline : Egypt Since Revolt Against Hosni Mubarak - Reuters

Muslim Brotherhood's Demise Exaggerated - NR opinion

Egypt Election a Temporary Defeat for Islamists - PJM opinion

Turnout Reflects Egyptians' Mixed Feelings - TN opinion


Middle East

Hamas Takes Step Toward Palestinian Unity Government - NYT

UN Official: Israel Slow to Relax Gaza Blockade - AP

Israel Gas Finds Launch Navy Into Troubled Waters - Reuters

Turkish Court Indicts 4 Israeli Military Leaders - NYT

Yemen: US Drone Strike Kills 5 Militants - AP

Bahrain Activist 'to End Fast' - BBC

Fire Kills 19, Mostly Children, in Upscale Qatar Mall - Reuters

A Look at al-Qaeda in Yemen - WP opinion

New Mideast or Old Israel-Hatred? - JP opinion


US Department of Defense

Senate Committee Again Blocks Funds for Marines' Move off Okinawa - S&S

Army Seeks to Replace Combat Vehicles, But it Won't be Easy - S&S

Former AFRICOM Chief Ward Still on Active Duty Pending Probe - S&S


United States

US Marks Memorial Day to Honor Fallen Troops - VOA

Obama Honors Fallen Troops at Arlington Cemetery - AP

Obama Honors Veterans, Vows End to Afghan War - WT

Obama: All Americans Must Help Shoulder Burden of War - AFPS

Obama Praises Vietnam Vets at War's Anniversary - AFPS

Obama Begins Commemoration of Vietnam Era - NYT

Panetta Urges Nation to Remember Fallen Troops on Memorial Day - AFPS

Dempsey Reminds Americans to Remember Meaning of Memorial Day - AFPS

Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Will and Principles - NYT

Treaty on the Seas is in Rough Senate Waters - WP


United Kingdom

Antiwar Protester Disrupts Inquiry as Blair Testifies - NYT

Tony Blair Says He Ducked Fight With UK Media - AP

UK Politicians 'Bowed' Before Murdoch - Reuters

1 Arrest in Protest at London's Globe Theater - AP



Making Farming Better in Developing Countries - VOA

Computer Virus, Used for Spying, is 20 Times Size of Stuxnet - WP



Vatican Allows That Butler Scandal Is Hurting Trust - NYT

Pope's Butler Vows to Help Vatican Scandal Probe - AP



Kenyan PM: Nairobi Blast an Act of Terrorism - VOA

Kenya: Huge Nairobi Blast 'May be Bomb' - BBC

FBI Joins Investigation Into Kenyan Bomb Blast - AP

Analysis: Nigeria Oil Bill Waters Down Its Reforms - Reuters

UN Report Says Rwandans Recruited to Fight in Congo - NYT

Sudan Army 'to Quit' Border Area - BBC

Benin: American Kidnapped in West Africa - CNN

Somali Authorities Arrest 11 Pirates in Puntland - VOA

Malawi's Banda Moves Quickly on Economy - VOA

ECOWAS Marks 37 Years Since its Founding - VOA



Mexico: Virtual Therapy Helps Residents of Shellshocked City - NYT

Mexico: Life Stirs Anew in ‘Murder Capital’ Juarez - WT

Drug War Victims' Families Blast Mexican Candidates - Reuters

Peru Anti-mine Protest Crackdown - BBC

Peru Declares Emergency After 2 Killed in Protest - AP

Brazil: Rio Slum Dwellers Join Peace Run - BBC

Colombia: First Images of Abducted Reporter - BBC

Inside Honduras’ Prison Bazaar - WP

Haiti to Pay Benefits via Mobile - BBC


Asia Pacific / Central

Economic Slowdown Challenge to China's Leadership - VOA

Tibetan Capital Sees First Self-Immolations - NYT

China Cracks Down Following Tibetan Immolations - VOA

Crackdown on Chinese Bloggers Who Fight the Censors With Puns - NYT

China Microblogging Site Boosts Content Control - AP

Chinese Man Kills Himself to Protest Son’s Death in Tiananmen Sq. - NYT

Taiwan Deploys Anti-China Missiles - DN

N. Korean Farmers Cite Grave Drought; Aid Unlikely - AP

Curtains Open Wide in Burma, a Crack in N. Korea - AP

Suu Kyi, in Burma Since 1988, Starts World Tour - AP

Japan’s Former Leader Condemns Nuclear Power - NYT

Japan's ex-PM: I was Frightened by Nuclear Crisis - AP

Kazakhstan Police Imprisoned - BBC



Euro Isn’t Loved, but Few Want to Drop It, Poll Says - NYT

Spanish Bank Bailout Heightens Pressure on Madrid - VOA

Greek Voters Tilt to Right, but Many Urge Caution - NYT

Danish Police Arrest 2 Men in Terror Plot - AP

Denmark Arrests in 'Terror Plot' - BBC

US Plans to Arm Italy's Drones - WSJ

Serbia Rivals Agree to Cooperate on New Government - AP

Greece, In or Out? - WP editorial

Lessons for Europe’s Disunion - WP opinion


South Asia

India PM Meets Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi - BBC

Nepal Fails to Adopt Blueprint, Braces for Turmoil - AP

Paul Fussell's War

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 10:09am

Historian and critic Paul Fussell died this week at 88. His 1982 essay, "My War: How I Got Irony in the Infantry" is worth your time today.

My war is virtually synonymous with my life. I entered the war when I was nineteen, and I have been in it ever since. ...

We were in “combat.” I find the word embarrassing, carrying as it does false chivalric overtones (as in “single combat”). But synonyms are worse... “Combat” will have to do, and my first hours of it I recall daily, even now. They fueled, and they still fuel, my view of things. ...

My adolescent illusions, largely intact to that moment, fell away all at once, and I suddenly knew I was not and never would be in a world that was reasonable or just. ... To transform guiltless boys into cold marble after passing them through unbearable fear and humiliation and pain and contempt seemed to do them an interesting injustice. ...

[A month away from the line recuperating from pneumonia] had renewed my interest in survival, and I was psychologically and morally ill prepared to lead my platoon in the great Seventh Army attack of March 15, 1945. But lead it I did, or rather push it, staying as far in the rear as was barely decent. And before the day was over I had been severely rebuked by a sharp-eyed lieutenant-colonel who threatened court martial if I didn’t pull myself together. Before that day was over I was sprayed with the contents of a soldier’s torso when I was lying behind him and he knelt to fire at a machine gun holding us up: he was struck in the heart, and out of the holes in the back of his field jacket flew little clouds of tissue, blood, and powdered cloth. Near him another man raised himself to fire, but the machine gun caught him in the mouth, and as he fell he looked back at me with surprise, blood and teeth dribbling out onto the leaves. He was one to whom early on I had given the Silver Star for heroism, and he didn’t want to let me down.

As if in retribution for my cowardice, in the late afternoon, near Ingwiller, Alsace, clearing a woods full of Germans cleverly dug in, my platoon was raked by shells from an .88, and I was hit in the back and leg by shell fragments. They felt like red-hot knives going in, but I was as interested in the few quiet moans, like those of a hurt child drifting off to sleep, of my thirty-seven-year-old platoon sergeant—we’d been together since Camp Howze—killed instantly by the same shell. We were lying together, and his immediate neighbor on the other side, a lieutenant in charge of a section of heavy machine guns, was killed instantly too. My platoon was virtually wiped away. I was in disgrace, I was hurt, I was clearly expendable—while I lay there the supply sergeant removed my issue wristwatch to pass on to my replacement—and I was twenty years old.

Read it all here.

28 May SWJ Roundup

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 7:13am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP



Obama Administration Defends Withdrawal Timeline - VOA

Afghan Authorities Say Airstrike Kills Civilians - VOA

NATO Strike 'Kills Afghan Family' - BBC

Inquiry Ordered Into Deaths of Afghan Family - NYT

NATO Sees No Evidence of Civilian Casualties - AP

Taliban Deny Poison Attacks on Girls' Schools - BBC



Frustrations Grow as US and Pakistan Fail to Mend Ties - NYT

Pakistan’s Power Crisis May Eclipse Terrorist Threat - WP

Panetta: Pakistan’s Jailing of Doctor ‘Unhelpful’ to US Relations - AFPS

Pakistan: US Missiles Kill 5 Militants in NW - AP



UN Security Council Issues Condemnation of Syria Attack - NYT

UN Security Council Blames Syria Massacre Partly on Govt - VOA

Security Council Blames Syrian Govt in Civilian Massacre - WP

Syria Massacre Toll Passes 100 - BBC

Syrian Government Denies Blame for Houla Massacre  - VOA

Syria Denies Responsibility for Deadly Attack - WP

Rebel Syrian Army Calls for Retaliation - CNN

UN Observer Chief Stresses Suffering of Syrians - AP

Diplomacy on Syria Gathers Pace - BBC

Egypt's Brotherhood Urges Foreign Action in Syria - Reuters

McCain: Don't Count on Russia to Force Out Assad - AP

Russian FM: Both Sides in Syria to Blame - AP

UK’s Hague: Syria 'Risks Civil War' - BBC

Massacre May Spark Civil War in Syria - Independent opinion



Iran Will Continue Enriching Uranium to Higher Grade - NYT

US Officials Among Targets of Iran-linked Assassination Plots - WP

Iran Rejects Link to Alleged Coup Plots in Bahrain - AP

Iran Parliament Re-elects Conservative as Speaker - AP



Egypt to Announce Presidential Poll Result on Monday - Reuters

Top Egyptian Vote-Winners Stress Cooperation - VOA

Egyptian Is Counting on Worries of Elites - NYT

Brotherhood's Success in Egypt Polls Masks Setback - Reuters

Corrupt Mubarak Aide Imprisoned - BBC

Egypt’s Step Toward Democracy - WP editorial

Egypt's Election Hands Liberals a Pivotal Voice - TN editorial


Middle East / North Africa

Ex-Israeli Intel Chief Says Peace Talks are Doomed - WT

Turkish Court Charges Israeli Military Members  - AP

Yemen: Army Retakes Most of Al-Qaida Stronghold - AP

Millions in Global Aid for Iraq Sits Unspent - AP

Mass Protests Held in Morocco - BBC


US Department of Defense

Panetta Warns of ‘Disastrous’ Automatic Defense Cuts in January - S&S

Panetta: Looming Cuts Would be ‘Disastrous’ - WT

Ex-Obama Aide’s Think Tank Hits Defense Budget - WT

West Point Is Divided on a War Doctrine’s Fate - NYT


United States

Obama to Honor Fallen Troops on Memorial Day - AP

Almost Half of New Veterans Seeking Disability Benefits - AP

Rolling Thunder Still On Mission for POW/MIA Remembrance - WT

Rolling Thunder on Parade - WP photos

This Memorial Day - NYT editorial

Remembering War’s Casualties - WP editorial

How Should the U.S. Support Returning Veterans? - NYT opinion

The VA’s Shameful Betrayal - NYT opinion


New Zealand

US, New Zealand Mending Frayed Military Ties  - AP



Vatican Confirms Pope's Butler's Arrest - VOA



African Union Troops Secure Somali Aid Corridor - Reuters

Rwanda 'Backing DR Congo Mutiny' - BBC

Mali Tuareg and Islamist Rebels Agree on Islamist State - BBC

Blast Rocks Kenyan Capital - Reuters



Q&A: Mexico’s Presidential Election - WP

Colombia's FARC Rebels to Free Frenchman on Wednesday - BBC

Lies, Damned Lies and Cuban 'Diplomacy' - MH editorial


Asia Pacific / Central

Brother of Blind Chinese Dissident Returns Home - VOA

Dissident Concerned for Brother After Return to Chinese Village - NYT

Watching Dissidents Is a Booming Business in China - AP

Another Ousted China Party Chief Challenges Case Against Him - Reuters

'China's Twitter' Adopts New Code - BBC

Tibetan Men in 'First Self-immolations in Lhasa' - BBC

Tibet Capital Sees First Anti-China Self-Immolations - Reuters

North Korea Says Severe Drought Threatens Crops - AP

How China Can Change - WP opinion

US on a Collision Course with China? - CT opinion



Opposition in Huge Georgia Rally - BBC

Merkel's Lead Over German Opposition Slumps - Reuters

Shares in Spain's Bankia Plunge on Bailout Plan - AP

Greek Journalists on Strike to Protest Pay Cuts - AP

Fresh From Defeat, Serbia's Tadic Poised for PM - Reuters

A Bank Run Europe Cannot Stop - TE editorial


South Asia

India PM in Historic Burma Visit - BBC

Sri Lanka North 'Not Just For Tamils' - BBC

Bangladesh Indicts Islamic Leaders for War Crimes - AP

Legislature in Nepal Disbands in Failure - NYT

Nepal PM Announces New Elections - BBC

Nepal Fails to Adopt Blueprint, Braces for Turmoil - AP

Almost Half of New Veterans Seeking Disability Benefits

Sun, 05/27/2012 - 6:45pm

The Associated Press reports that 45 percent of the 1.6 million veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are now seeking compensation for injuries they say are service-related.  (Source: Stars and Stripes)

That is more than double the estimated 21 percent who filed such claims after the Gulf War in the early 1990s, top government officials told the AP.

These new veterans are claiming eight to nine ailments on average, and the most recent ones over the last year are claiming 11 to 14. By comparison, Vietnam veterans are currently receiving compensation for fewer than four, on average, and those from World War II and Korea, just two.

27 May SWJ Roundup

Sun, 05/27/2012 - 2:22am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP



Afghan Parliament Approves US Partnership - VOA

Afghan Parliament Approves US Partnership - AP

No End to Drug Traffic in Sight as US Nears Afghanistan Exit - NYT

US Troops Beating Taliban's IEDs - WT

4 NATO Service Members Killed in Afghanistan - AP

France Outlines Early Afghanistan Pullout - VOA

France: Hollande Defends Afghan Exit Plan - BBC

UK: Miliband Fears for Afghan Future - BBC

Munitions at Bagram Air Field Range Killing, Maiming Villagers - WP

Afghan Market Flourishing with Coalition Goods - S&S

Afghan Collapse Is Not Inevitable - CSM opinion



Jailed Doctor Case Strains US- Pakistan Ties - VOA

US Drone Strike Kills 3 Suspected Militants in Pakistan - VOA

Four Die in Pakistan Drone Strike - BBC

Pakistan: US Missile Attack Kills 4 in Northwest - AP

Pakistan Is Turning into Afghanistan - TS opinion



Dozens of Children Die in Brutal Attack on Syrian Town - NYT

Dozens of Children Killed in New Syria Attack - AP

Syria Child Massacre Confirmed by UN - BBC

UN: 32 Children, 60 Adults Killed in Syria Attack - AP

Activists: 90 Killed in Syrian Government Shelling - VOA

Outrage Grows Over Syria Massacre - BBC

Outrage Grows Over Syrian Massacre - CNN

US Hopes Assad Can Be Eased Out With Russia’s Aid - NYT

Strife in Syria Ripples Into Lebanon's Sectarian Divide - VOA



UN Report: Iran Gaining Ground with Controversial Uranium Plant - WP

Iran Enrichment 'at Higher Level' - BBC

Iran Downplays Report Showing Higher Uranium Enrichment - VOA

Iran: Enriched Uranium Traces a 'Technical Issue' - AP

Iran's Hard Bargain - WP editorial

Can US and Iran Get to 'Yes' on a Nuclear Deal? - WPR opinion

Iran and the West's Taxi Meter - TD opinion



Top Egyptian Vote-Winners Stress Cooperation - VOA

Egypt's Top Candidates Try to Broaden Support - AP

Islamist and Ex-PM Vie for Mantle of Egypt's Revolt - Reuters

Egypt's Presidential Race Heading Toward Runoff? - CNN

Losing Candidates in Egypt Allege Fraud  -WP

Some Disdain Both Options in Egypt’s Narrowed Race - NYT

Egyptian Candidate Vows Not to Re-Create Old Regime - VOA

Egypt's Shafiq Vows to Guard Revolution's Gains - Reuters

Leftist Seeks Egypt Vote Recount - BBC

Egypt's Brotherhood Would Keep Israel Treaty - Reuters

In Cairo's City of the Dead, Election Brings Hope - AP

Carter Says Minor Violations in Egypt's Vote - AP

Egypt: Surprise, But Not Catastrophe - TG editorial


Middle East / North Africa

Israel 'Denies Migrants' Rights' - BBC

Israeli Immigration Protest Turns Violent - CNN

Palestinian Shot, Wounded in Settler Attack - AP

Iraqi President Calls for Dialogue to Solve Crisis - AP

Yemeni Army Fights to Retake Town - Reuters

Salafists Clash in Tunisian Town - BBC

Tunisia Salafis Riot to Protest an Arrest - AP

Hardline Islamists Seed Terror in Tunisian Town - AP

Islamists Walk Out of Algeria Parliament in Protest - Reuters

Algerian Lawmakers Stage Walkout - BBC

Religion is Not the Real Issue - WP opinion

Israel About to Lose Its Best Arab Friend? - FP opinion

Yemen Must Not Become Another Somalia - FP opinion



Pope’s Butler Formally Charged With Leaks - NYT

Pope's Butler Charged Over Leaks - BBC

Vatican in Chaos After Butler Arrested for Leaks - AP


US Department of Defense

Army General Retracts Remarks Calling Suicide 'Absolutely Selfish' - S&S

Biden Tells West Point Cadets: Prepare for New Threats - Reuters

2 Reservists Sue Over Army’s Ban on Women in Combat - AP

A Disservice to Disabled Troops - NYT editorial


United States

Birthplace of Memorial Day? That Depends Where You’re From - NYT

'The Thing About Remembering is That You Don't Forget' - CNN

Obama Honors Veterans During Memorial Day Weekend - AP

CIA Remembers Those Lost in Covert War on Terror - AP

ISS Astronauts Inspect, Praise SpaceX Dragon - VOA

For Many Illegal Entrants, a Particularly Inhospitable First Stop - NYT

No More War-hero Presidents? - WP opinion

The Many Uses of Police Drones -NYT opinion

US Plods Forward, Much of World Slows - WS opinion

Romney Foreign Policy: Year One - FP opinion



Hunger Returns to Africa, Stalking 1M Children - AP

Key Somali Militant Town 'Taken' - BBC

Lift Zimbabwe Sanctions, UN Urges - BBC

BBC Presenter Held in Zimbabwe - BBC

Ethiopia Detains, Quizzes VOA Journalist - Reuters

Ethiopia Releases VOA Correspondent, Drops Charges - VOA

Ethiopian Diaspora Media Compete Over Message - VOA

Mali Rebels Agree to Sharia State - BBC

Islamic State Declared in Northern Mali - AP

Lesotho Votes in General Election - VOA



Center of Oil World Shifts to Americas - WP

Leftist Lopez Obrador Tries Again in Mexico - WP

Mexico's Former Ruling Party Suspends Ex-Governor - AP

Colombia Troops Jailed for Murder - BBC

Peru Forced to Confront Deep Scars of Civil War - NYT

Chile Mine Destroys Peruvian Car - BBC


Asia Pacific / Central

Japan Ups Estimate of Fukushima Radiation Release - CNN

Spent Fuel Rods Drive Growing Fear Over Plant in Japan - NYT

In China, a Recoil Against Xenophobia - WP

In China, a Black Hood and 81 Captive Days - NYT

Chinese Urged to Spend More, Save Less - WP

Chinese Ex-Official Allegedly Raped Over 10 Girls - AP

China Hits Back on US Human Rights - CNN

Singapore's Ruling Party Loses By-Election - AP

Can China Escape the Low-Wage Trap? - NYT opinion



Medvedev Elected Chief of Russia's Ruling Party - VOA

Russia: Medvedev Named Ruling Party Chief - BBC

Putin Puts Medvedev in Charge of Russia's Ruling Party - Reuters

UK Plans for EU Immigration Rise - BBC

PKK Says It Carried Out Turkey Suicide Car Bomb - Reuters

Serbian Tells Putin He Will Not Trade Kosovo for EU - Reuters

Rooftop Gunman Kills 2 and Wounds 7 in Finland - AP

Finland Gunman in Deadly Rampage - BBC

Did Serbia Vote for War? - WT opinion


South Asia

Indian Prime Minister Heads to Burma to Strengthen Ties - VOA

India Seeks Stronger Burma Ties as PM Visits - Reuters

India's Female Infanticide Crisis - TA opinion

Memorial Day 2012

Sun, 05/27/2012 - 1:24am



I. The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet church-yard in the land. In this observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit.

We are organized, comrades, as our regulations tell us, for the purpose among other things, "of preserving and strengthening those kind and fraternal feelings which have bound together the soldiers, sailors, and marines who united to suppress the late rebellion." What can aid more to assure this result than cherishing tenderly the memory of our heroic dead, who made their breasts a barricade between our country and its foes? Their soldier lives were the reveille of freedom to a race in chains, and their deaths the tattoo of rebellious tyranny in arms. We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. All that the consecrated wealth and taste of the nation can add to their adornment and security is but a fitting tribute to the memory of her slain defenders. Let no wanton foot tread rudely on such hallowed grounds. Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.

If our eyes grow dull, other hands slack, and other hearts cold in the solemn trust, ours shall keep it well as long as the light and warmth of life remain to us. Let us, then, at the time appointed gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with the choicest flowers of spring-time; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor; let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us a sacred charge upon a nation's gratitude, the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan.

II. It is the purpose of the Commander-in-Chief to inaugurate this observance with the hope that it will be kept up from year to year, while a survivor of the war remains to honor the memory of his departed comrades. He earnestly desires the public press to lend its friendly aid in bringing to the notice of comrades in all parts of the country in time for simultaneous compliance therewith.

III. Department commanders will use efforts to make this order effective.

By order of JOHN A. LOGAN,

Commander-in-Chief N.P. CHIPMAN,

Adjutant General Official: WM. T. COLLINS, A.A.G.