Small Wars Journal

El Centro

SWJ El Centro, or "downtown" in Spanish, is our town square for analysis and discussion of Latin America's guerilla wars and criminal insurgencies.  More about El Centro here.

Recent El Centro Journal Articles and SWJ Blog Posts:

by SWJ Editors | Wed, 01/04/2023 - 6:14pm | 2 comments
SWJ−El Centro announces its Interns for 2023
by SWJ Editors | Sun, 01/01/2023 - 6:43pm | 0 comments
These research articles represent the best of SWJ–El Centro for 2022 as selected by the SWJ–El Centro Senior Fellows.
by SWJ Editors | Wed, 12/07/2022 - 5:23pm | 3 comments
A Small Wars Journal−El Centro team just published a research article, "A Social Network Analysis of Mexico’s Dark Network Alliance Structure" at the Journal of Strategic Security.
by SWJ Editors | Thu, 08/25/2022 - 5:52pm | 2 comments
Small Wars Journal–El Centro is proud to announce that SWJ–El Centro Fellow Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera has been promoted to the rank of full professor at George Mason University’s Schar School of Public Policy and Government.
by SWJ Editors | Wed, 07/20/2022 - 10:03pm | 3 comments

Small Wars Journal-El Centro (SWJ–El Centro) is pleased to announce the addition of two new fellows to the Cadre of El Centro Fellows.

by SWJ Editors | Thu, 07/14/2022 - 5:03pm | 0 comments
Criminal Armed Groups (CAGs) in Brazil are engaged in violent competition with each other and the state. For Brazil, these conflicts not only engender high levels of violence among all participants but lead to actual and perceived insecurity that challenges perceptions of state legitimacy.
by SWJ Editors | Tue, 04/19/2022 - 4:24pm | 1 comment
Small Wars Journal−El Centro Fellow Pablo Baisotti has published a new book "New Global Cities in Latin America and Asia: Welcome to the Twenty-First Century."
by SWJ Editors | Mon, 04/11/2022 - 3:33pm | 0 comments

Small Wars Journal−El Centro researchers have published a working paper, “Mexico’s 2021 Dark Network Alliance Structure: An Exploratory Social Network Analysis of Lantia Consultores’ Illicit Network Alliance and Subgroup Data”