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Tell Me How to Do This Thing Called Design!

04.09.2011 at 12:49am

Tell Me How to Do This Thing Called Design!

Practical Application of Complexity Theory to Military Operations

by Grant Martin

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Since first being introduced to “Design,” I, like many others, have felt that there was an awful lot of theory and not enough practical application. Naturally, therefore, I feel sympathetic towards those who clamor for less background theory and more operational “how to” instructions. We are an Army of action, and there is little room, patience, or cultural tradition for too much time thinking about things. And, honestly, too much time hesitating, thinking, or theorizing many times will cede the initiative to those who act boldly. ‘”Okay”, you say: “I’ll trust your theory (or I’m just not interested in all that mumbo-jumbo), just give me what to do!!” If that quote is something that resonates with you, then this article was written with you in mind.

Download The Full Article: Tell Me How to Do This Thing Called Design!

Grant Martin is a U.S. Army Special Forces Major assigned to the U.S. Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School (Airborne).

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