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Sorry, Pentathlete Wasn’t on the Syllabus

01.24.2009 at 05:30pm

Sorry, Pentathlete Wasn’t on the Syllabus

by Captain Crispin Burke, Small Wars Journal Op-Ed

Sorry, Pentathlete Wasn’t on the Syllabus (Full PDF Article)

In the last few years, the Army has been promoting the “Pentathlete” model of leadership: a leader skilled in his or her tactical field of expertise, as well as skilled in all forms of military as well as diplomatic power. Indeed, it is a reflection of the change that is needed in our officer corps, changing our personnel system and our zeitgeist from an industrial-age model to an information-age model. Unfortunately, the Pentathlete is only getting lip service at the various captains’ career courses in the Army.

Sorry, Pentathlete Wasn’t on the Syllabus (Full PDF Article)

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