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Neither Ironman nor the Hulk: Human Enhancements for Military Purposes Image

Neither Ironman nor the Hulk: Human Enhancements for Military Purposes

01.24.2025 at 06:00am
Table 1 Payan

Crime and COVID-19 in Mexico: Some Counterintuitive Results

07.23.2023 at 11:54pm

Drogas, narcotráfico y pandemia en Argentina

03.25.2022 at 10:27pm

Drugs, Drug Trafficking, and Pandemic in Argentina

03.24.2022 at 08:01am
Brasil Ovid Graves

COVID-19 is reconfiguring organized crime in Latin America and the Caribbean

03.02.2021 at 08:59pm

Criminal Distancing: Drug Cartels and the State during Covid-19

02.02.2021 at 11:24pm

Typhon’s Song: Examining Russia’s Employment of COVID-19 Disinformation to Generate Disruptive Effects

12.25.2020 at 08:47pm

Fixing the Information Faucet: Army Mission Command Systems Need Fundamental Change So Units Can See the Enemy (and Themselves)

11.03.2020 at 02:38am
Image 1

Quantifying Chaos in the Era of COVID19 – Reconceptualizing Threat Across the Western Hemisphere

10.27.2020 at 01:03am

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Counterterrorism Practitioners’ Assessments

10.23.2020 at 02:42pm

Extremism in the time of COVID-19: Excerpt from a Bussola Institute Study

10.07.2020 at 12:09am
ELN Combatant

Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 26: COVID-19, Revolutionaries and BACRIM in Colombia

06.03.2020 at 03:50am