Small Wars Journal

11/01/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

Sun, 11/01/2020 - 1:13pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. New social distancing system will have 5 tiers (South Korea)

2. [US elections and Korea] Trump vs. Biden: Key advisers give clues on future foreign policy

3. New virus cases above 100 for 5th day on cluster infections

4. N. Korea criticizes S. Korea for its killing of S. Korean official

5. Kim Jong-un's former lover sparks wild speculation

6. Biden's Korea Policy Brings No New Ideas, Experts Say

7. N.K. leader sends congratulatory message to pro-North Korean residents in Japan

8. If Joe Biden beats Donald Trump in the US election, what does that mean for North Korea and Kim Jong-un?

9. Commentary: Trump created a different playbook with North Korea and this should continue

10. New North Korea ICBM Looks Bigger, But...

11. Japan to lift entry ban on China, S. Korea, 6 other nations, Taiwan

12. Military service required for presidency (South Korea)

13. Japan urges South Korea to present solution to wartime labor row

14. Moon admin. should head toward future leaving behind era of punishment

15. Nongovernmental inter-Korean exchanges frozen

16. S. Korean Marines announce first female chopper pilot

17. Nuclear Power Trio Release "A Clear and Present Rager"


1. New social distancing system will have 5 tiers (South Korea)· by Lee Sung-Eun and Kim Min-Wook

Can we learn anything from this?  South Korea never locked down the country.


2. [US elections and Korea] Trump vs. Biden: Key advisers give clues on future foreign policy · by Ahn Sung-mi Korea Herald · November 1, 2020

A summary of some key positions.


3. New virus cases above 100 for 5th day on cluster infections · by 김광태 · November 1, 2020


4. N. Korea criticizes S. Korea for its killing of S. Korean official· October 31, 2020

Audacity is right.  I hope policy makers in South Korea take a step back and consider what the regime is doing here.  This is not the statement of a responsible member of the international community (of course the brutal murder is also not something a responsible member would commit).


5. Kim Jong-un's former lover sparks wild speculation  · November 1, 2020

More tabloid stuff about Kim Jong-un. I am betting he likes this!  But since he likes a (relatively) older woman I would say he might have mommy issues.


6. Biden's Korea Policy Brings No New Ideas, Experts Say · by Jack Beyrer · October 30, 2020

Just as an aside I wonder what it is we have not tried with north Korea?  Are there any "new ideas" for dealing with the mafia-like crime family cult known as the Kim family regime.  The problem is not our Presidents (or Presidential candidates) but it is the existence of Kim Jong-un.


7. N.K. leader sends congratulatory message to pro-North Korean residents in Japan · by 이원주 · November 1, 2020

A key part of north Korean strategy is subversion, not only in South Korea but also Japan and the US and around the world (re: Korean Friendship Associations). This is just one small indicator.  Beware the Chongryon or Chosen Soren.


8. If Joe Biden beats Donald Trump in the US election, what does that mean for North Korea and Kim Jong-un? · October 31, 2020

 Long survey of many issues from Korea watchers in Korea and the US from an Australian media outlet.  The only prediction I will make is that regardless of who wins the election Kim Jong-un will be a continuing problem that will not be easily solved as long as he remains in power.


9. Commentary: Trump created a different playbook with North Korea and this should continue · by Khang Vu

The playbook is unconventional, experimental, top-down, pen-pal diplomacy.


“Yet the dynamics on the peninsular have undoubtedly changed under Trump. A return to a policy of "strategic patience" that marked the pre-Trump era would likely fail.

While it is understandable from a partisan standpoint for Biden to criticize Trump's North Korea policy in its entirety, Biden should pick up the diplomatic momentum Trump has created, work with North Korea based on the diplomatic framework signed in Singapore, and, if necessary, embrace Kim on a personal level.”

“Such a move would not only stabilize the US-North Korea relationship, but also keep intact South Korea's plan to engage the North diplomatically.”


10. New North Korea ICBM Looks Bigger, But... · by Ralph Savelsberg

Analysis from Dutch professor and missile expert.  A lot to digest here.

Key excerpts: 

“This all points to a missile that can potentially carry a much larger payload to the same ranges as the Hwasong-15. However, other than the gross size envelope, the uncertainties preclude appropriate assessment of the system's capabilities and military characteristics. The missile has not flown and it is unclear which engines power it. Given its increased mass, the Hwasong-15's twin engines do not have enough thrust to lift the larger missile off the ground. Building larger engines or a larger cluster of smaller ones is difficult. The Soviet Union spent years testing and tuning to perfect their use of clusters of similar engines on the R-36 / SS-9.”

“The large fairing appears to have significant volume, leading to an expectation of room for multiple re-entry vehicles. Since much of the technology for defense penetration (tailored to the Moscow defenses of the day) has been published by the UK Government (from the Chevaline project) it seems that the DPRK seeks to gain sufficient payload capacity to utilize a 'bus' and penetration aids to significantly challenge the US BMD system with each missile. In that case, rather than one target per missile, a missile defense system would have to deal with multiple targets, compounding the difficulties. However, the idea that the DPRK could go from a single successful flight of the Hwasong-15 with an untested re-entry vehicle to a much larger ICBM with multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles, in a single step, beggars’ belief.”


11. Japan to lift entry ban on China, S. Korea, 6 other nations, Taiwan 


12. Military service required for presidency (South Korea)

The Korea Times· by Chang Se-moon · November 1, 2020

But he also mentions the US.  I do not agree with him that our all volunteer military is doing more harm than good. I do not believe conscription would solve all the ills its proponents think it will. I of course strongly recommend that people volunteer to serve.


13. Japan urges South Korea to present solution to wartime labor row · October 30, 2020

The solution is President Moon and Prime Minister Suga have to make the politically tough decision to place national security and national prosperity ahead of historical issues.


14. Moon admin. should head toward future leaving behind era of punishment· October 39, 2020

The treatment of former Presidents Lee and Park is simply shameful and a severe blackmark on the reputation of South Korea.  But what goes around comes around.  What might happen to future former presidents?


15. Nongovernmental inter-Korean exchanges frozen

The Korea Times · November 1, 2020

Why are they "frozen?"  It is not for lack of South Korean effort.  It is because Kim Jong-un fears engagement, opening, and information getting to the Korean people living in the north.  The biggest "threat" to Kim Jong-un is the existence and example of South Korea and the alternative it offers as the counterpoint to the most despotic and brutal regime in the modern era.


16. S. Korean Marines announce first female chopper pilot · by 이원주 · November 1, 2020

An army "hooah"to add to the Marine "oorah" for the young Lieutenant.  But I am surprised it has taken this long to reach this "first' in Korea.


17. Nuclear Power Trio Release "A Clear and Present Rager" · by Kevin Johnson · October 31, 2020

Okay.  This is very irreverent satire. But the song is entertaining and the 3 minute video is funny.  No partisan statement is intended by sending this.

I cannot believe this band actually made a CD with these 5 songs. The music on this song is pretty good.  All three are talented musicians and both Trump and Putin really shred the guitar and the bass and Kim look pretty good on the drums.

The video (and song) can be accessed here. The comments on YouTube are pretty hilarious as well.




"All politics is based on the indifference of the majority."

- James "Scotty" Reston


"No man has the right to be ignorant. In a country like this, ignorance is a crime. If a man is going to vote, if he's going to take part in his country and his government, then it's up to him to understand."

- Louis L'Amour 


"Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners"

 - Laurence Sterne


11/01/2020 News & Commentary – National Security

Sun, 11/01/2020 - 1:11pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. The Chinese View of WESTPAC

2. An Ancient Hill and Forgotten Dead: Afghanistan's Haunted Outpost

3.  What really drives the South China Sea conflict

4. A Navy SEAL, a Quadcopter, and a Quest to Save Lives in Combat

5. Drone wars: U.S. military maneuvers to defeat enemy unmanned aircraft

6. Bitter dispute sees US-Japan navy play war games against China's Coast Guard

7. Opinion: U.S. obsession with military hegemony threatens world peace

8. Will Pompeo's Asia trip help arrest China influence? It's not a one-day match, say experts

9. US Cyber Command exposes new Russian malware

10. With China, India Has Revealed a Blind Faith in Diplomacy

11. "The Talk" | Defense360 (Structural Racism essay related to national security and foreign policy)

12. What Americans Can Do to Address Bias and Structural Racism in the U.S. Foreign Affairs and National Security Workforce

13. Cubans lose access to vital dollar remittances after latest US sanctions

14. The Pandemic Is in Uncharted Territory

15. How the Best Forecasters Predict Events Such as Election Outcomes

16. How Conflict Shaped Us (Book Review)

17. Rebuilding Marawi: Too Early for Congratulations

18. 90% of NPA cadres recruited from schools: ex-commie (Philippines)

19. At Over 1,000 Strong, the Army's Delta Force Can't Be Taken Lightly

20. Stakeknife: unmasking the infamous IRA mole


1. The Chinese View of WESTPAC

USNI · CDR Salamander

Excellent graphic in the blog post. 


2. An Ancient Hill and Forgotten Dead: Afghanistan's Haunted Outpost

The New York Times · by Thomas Gibbons-Neff · November 1, 2020


3. What really drives the South China Sea conflict · by Mark J. Valencia · November 1, 2020

Is it really that simple?  Are we trying to maintain hegemony?  Or is it the clash of ideologies? (This is in the Asia Times and not the Global Times or Xinhua).


“At base is a clash of political systems - authoritarian communism versus democratic capitalism - and their underlying ideology and values. Although the US hoped that China's values and system would become more like its own, that is now recognized as unlikely, and probably always was. This dialectic is driving the Americans' desire to dominate Southeast Asia and, in particular, the South China Sea.”

“China's motives are primarily self-defense and what it views as the rightful restoration of its sphere of influence. The US wants to maintain its hegemony and the "international order" it helped build and now leads to its asymmetric benefit.”

“As kinetic conflict looms, the US needs to decide what it really wants and why, what it is willing to pay to get it, and if it is too much, re-evaluate and adjust its goals. Is it willing to spend blood and increasingly dwindling treasure to continue to dominate militarily a sea and region that are not directly critical to its national security? Will its populace support yet another pursuit of vague goals in a foreign conflict halfway around the world?”


4. A Navy SEAL, a Quadcopter, and a Quest to Save Lives in Combat

Wired · by Elliott Ackerman

Interesting innovation.


5. Drone wars: U.S. military maneuvers to defeat enemy unmanned aircraft · by Ben Wolfgang

We led the way in UAS (drone) development and employment.  We need to lead the way in UAS defense.


6. Bitter dispute sees US-Japan navy play war games against China's Coast Guard

Excerpt: " It's part of exercise Keen Sword 21. Its mission is "to deliver combat troops to defend the Senkakus or respond to other crises or contingencies".


7. Opinion: U.S. obsession with military hegemony threatens world peace · November 1, 2020

CCP Propaganda.


8. Will Pompeo's Asia trip help arrest China influence? It's not a one-day match, say experts · November 1, 2020


9. US Cyber Command exposes new Russian malware

ZDNet · by Catalin Cimpanu

There should be no doubt this is part of Russian political warfare.


10. With China, India Has Revealed a Blind Faith in Diplomacy · by Ashok K. Mehta

Interesting analysis from India.

Quite a dilemma here:

“The LAC standoff will see Chinese border guards and PLA and Indian Army and Indo-Tibetan Border Police battle it out in winter for survival. But even now India has left door to diplomacy open as part of its policy of engagement and containment. After November 15, India will not be able to pull back its troops from LAC as passes will have closed.

The PLA has no such problem. As India has bipartisan support in US, presidential election results on November 3, will not alter the foundation of the relationship though the pre-election rhetoric on China will moderate. Especially a Trump return, if it is gentle on Beijing, invoking his affection for 'very, very, very good friend Xi' could upset the apple cart of India's perceived pressure points.”


11. "The Talk" | Defense360 (Structural Racism essay related to national security and foreign policy) · by Anthony "Tony" Johnson · October 26, 2020


In 1857, Frederick Douglass delivered a speech in which he said: "[people] may lie down until [they] ha[ve] sense enough to stand up," and "power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." Americans of color must be full participants in the dialogue about where, when, and how the United States acts abroad. Our perspectives should be integral to U.S. foreign policy and national decision making at every level of government, from the White House Situation Room to the halls of Congress to the E ring of the Pentagon. Our perspectives ensure that U.S. security policy is not blind to the cultural factors and nuances that influence foreign relations. Without multicultural perspectives and advice, our leaders will make important decisions about American foreign policy through a mirror darkly.


12. What Americans Can Do to Address Bias and Structural Racism in the U.S. Foreign Affairs and National Security Workforce · October 30, 2020

A follow-up to the previous essay. This requires reflection.  I know Tony.  He is a good man and a great American.


13. Cubans lose access to vital dollar remittances after latest US sanctions

The Guardian · by Ed Augustin · November 1, 2020

All actions have second and third effects.


14. The Pandemic Is in Uncharted Territory

Scientific American · by Pavel Atanasov · October 20, 2020

Key Points:

Testing accessibility and in-hospital patient care have improved, so it seems unlikely that we'll return to the case-fatality rates of the spring. The lower death rates from COVID-19, however, are predicated on stable and functioning health-care systems. As this outbreak continues to grow in so many urban and rural communities, public-health officials have brought back the "Flatten the curve" mantra of the spring. Each fall, hospitals prepare for an increase in patients requiring respiratory support due to influenza season.

What was true in the spring is true now: If hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients, they cannot provide the quality of care that has reduced the number of Americans who die from this disease, and from other health emergencies. And local reporting suggests that communities from El Paso to Green Bay are in danger of letting the virus grow beyond the capacity of health-care workers to contain the damage.


16.  How Conflict Shaped Us (Book Review) · by Joshua Huminski


17. Rebuilding Marawi: Too Early for Congratulations· by Gus Miclat · October 30, 2020

Can the conditions be changed?


18.  90% of NPA cadres recruited from schools: ex-commie (Philippines) · by Marita Moaje · October 31, 2020


“Ka Eric also called on House Speaker Lord Allan Velasco to let him and other former cadres speak at the Congress and face the Makabayan bloc representatives, and for Senate President Tito Sotto to conduct a Senate inquiry into his revelations.”

"This is going to be war, a war of information, a war of decision for standing up for the truth and war to side with the people," he added.


19. At Over 1,000 Strong, the Army's Delta Force Can't Be Taken Lightly

The National Interest · by Joseph Trevithick · October 31, 2020


20. Stakeknife: unmasking the infamous IRA mole

GQ · by James Harkin

More fascinating history.




"All politics is based on the indifference of the majority."

- James "Scotty" Reston


"No man has the right to be ignorant. In a country like this, ignorance is a crime.If a man is going to vote, if he's going to take part in his country and his government, then it's up to him to understand."

- Louis L'Amour 

"Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners"

 - Laurence Sterne

10/31/2020 News & Commentary - National Security

Sat, 10/31/2020 - 11:08am

News and Commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and Published by Riley Murray.


1. Opinion | There’s Chinese interference on both sides of the 2020 election

2. Venezuela coup plotters met at Trump Doral. Central figure says U.S officials knew of plan

3. Esper’s Curious Partners-and-Allies Initiative

4. Esper’s Curious Partners-and-Allies Initiative

5. US special operations forces behind al-Baghdadi raid awarded Presidential Unit Citation

6. Trump meets special forces team behind Baghdadi raid to award top unit citation

7. The reputation of Australia’s special forces is beyond repair - it’s time for them to be disbanded

8. Five big questions as America votes: China

9.  China’s vaccine diplomacy jabs US in SE Asia

10. Air Force Reproves Senate Candidate Doug Collins on Campaign Ads in Uniform

11. TERRORISM FUTURES: Evolving Technology and TTPs Use

12. Taiwan ex-general says soldiers lack weapons for China war - "Are they supposed to fight with brooms?"

13. The PLA’s New Push for Military Technology Innovation

14.  China and the US risk accidental war over Taiwan

15. Statement by Jonathan Hoffman, Chief Pentagon Spokesman, on Hostage Rescue Operation in Northern Nigeria

16. American hostage rescued in West Africa by SEAL Team 6 in daring raid

17. US Forces conduct operation in Africa to rescue American citizen held in Nigeria

18. Air Force Moves Forward with Plan to Turn Giant Cargo Planes into Bomb Trucks

19. How a teenager with a Cessna helped topple the Soviet Union

20. Coming Storms: The Return of Great-Power War

21. The Answer to Extremism Isn’t More Extremism


1. Opinion | There’s Chinese interference on both sides of the 2020 election

The Washington Post – Josh Rogin - October 29, 2020

I bet the Chinese and Russians still cannot believe their good fortune.  The truth is neither country is trying to make one candidate win over the other.  They just want to sow discord.  It should be a no brainer for the us as American citizens - we should be absolutely united against these external threats. But instead we argue about which candidates our enemies are supporting.  We are playing right into their hands.  These influence operations will be studied for years to come.  But the reason for their success is not the sophistication of the operations it is because they were sowing seeds on fertile ground - we made their job easy because of the political divide between the extreme left and the extreme right.   But I digress.

This guy Guo Wengui is an interesting character. What is he really up to?


2. Venezuela coup plotters met at Trump Doral. Central figure says U.S officials knew of plan – by Antonio Maria Delgado

More on the Green Berets who have embarrassed the Regiment.  This story is unbelievable and if any of these allegations are true then we are truly the keystone cops.

If you go to this link the website has video and copies of "evidence"


3. Esper’s Curious Partners-and-Allies Initiative · by Bilal Y. Saab

Very interesting initiative.  


Philosophically speaking, not much is new about GDAP. GDAP is the result of security cooperation reforms and processes in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy that have been maturing for at least the past 3 years. So to call it, as Esper said, a “brand new” initiative is probably inaccurate.

That said, there is something different about GDAP, and that is the way the Pentagon is now prioritizing the allocation of security cooperation funds under Title 10 of the U.S. Code of Law. In other words, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Capabilities and his staff have now chosen to have a stronger say over who gets what in that global U.S. network of alliances and partnerships. Until a few days ago, the Geographic Combatant Commands (GCCs) were the ones who were effectively in the driver’s seat in this prioritization process. They used to communicate their preferred security cooperation plans and initiatives with various countries in their respective areas of operation to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and those were rarely challenged. The GCCs were considered the center of gravity of security cooperation planning.


5. US special operations forces behind al-Baghdadi raid awarded Presidential Unit Citation · by Jared Keller


6. Trump meets special forces team behind Baghdadi raid to award top unit citation · by Ryan Morgan · October 30, 2020


7. The reputation of Australia’s special forces is beyond repair - it’s time for them to be disbanded · by Christopher Elliott

It pains me to read this. There are so many great Australian soldiers.


8. Five big questions as America votes: China · October 29, 2020


9. China’s vaccine diplomacy jabs US in SE Asia · by Richard Javad Heydarian · October 30, 2020

Hmmm, vaccines to bust up coalitions,

But there is a general lack of trust of Chinese vaccines.


Growing resentment against China has also coincided with intensified scrutiny of its vaccine diplomacy drive and emerging concerns over the safety of Chinese-made vaccines amid quality control concerns about its pharmaceutical industry.

Pandu Riono, a leading Indonesian epidemiologist, has warned of premature reliance on Chinese-made vaccines. He called on the Widodo administration not “to jump to do a deal and decide with China only. We should wait and seriously work with the WHO.”

Meanwhile, the US is moving amid trial hic-cups and intense regulatory scrutiny to develop at least three vaccines in the coming months. Unlike China, US pharmaceutical companies enjoy credibility and trust worldwide, including in Southeast Asia where they have decades of experience.


10. Air Force Reproves Senate Candidate Doug Collins on Campaign Ads in Uniform · by Richard Sisk · October 30, 2020

You would think a Lieutenant Colonel would know the rules.


11. TERRORISM FUTURES: Evolving Technology and TTPs Use

Small Wars Journal – by Dr. Robert J. Bunker


12. Taiwan ex-general says soldiers lack weapons for China war - "Are they supposed to fight with brooms?"

Newsweek · by John Feng · October 30, 2020

Blunt criticism.


13. The PLA’s New Push for Military Technology Innovation – by Marcus Clay -  October 31, 2020

Conclusion:  "But intentions matter in competitions. The PLA’s intentions are clear: accelerate change or lose, with Chinese characteristics. When disruptive mechanisms are introduced into an existing structure, and people who have new mindsets are positioned to lead and implement the intended changes, cultural change will take place. As Brown declared, “we must be able to account for the interactive nature of competition and continuously assess ourselves relative to our adversaries’ adaptations.” The U.S. military should keep a close eye on the PLA’s new initiatives and continue to fine-tune its own S&T RD&A processes accordingly."


14. China and the US risk accidental war over Taiwan – by Minxin Pei – 29 October 2020

Key excerpts:

To be sure, China will continue to close the defense spending gap as it invests more resources toward increasing the odds of a successful military operation targeting Taiwan. But any medium term military activities will be limited by the logic of strategic deterrence.

As China expands its gray-zone of coercion -- military acts short of war -- the U.S. will feel compelled to launch its own acts of counter-deterrence, which each side will need to escalate in order to prove its resolve. In practical terms, Chinese acts of military intimidation will have to seem bigger and more dangerous, while America will have to be seen to respond with more vigorous counter measures. A good example is the increased frequency of American warships transiting through the Taiwan Strait.


15. Statement by Jonathan Hoffman, Chief Pentagon Spokesman, on Hostage Rescue Operation in Northern Nigeria – 31 October 2020

Good news.


16. American hostage rescued in West Africa by SEAL Team 6 in daring raid · by Lucas Tomlinson

Fox reports ST 6.  The DOD statement specified no unit.  Who is speaking out of school to the press?


17.  US Forces conduct operation in Africa to rescue American citizen held in Nigeria

CNN · by Barbara Starr

Unit not named in this report. Emphasis only on support of partners from the official statement.


18. Air Force Moves Forward with Plan to Turn Giant Cargo Planes into Bomb Trucks · by Oriana Pawlyk · October 30, 2020

Arsenal planes to complement arsenal ships?

As an aside I have to compliment the our creative service members for creating such practical acronyms: "The AMC experiment was similar to Air Force Special Operations Command's Cargo Launch Expendable Air Vehicles with Extended Range, or CLEAVER, test earlier this year, except the CLEAVER's pallet drop came off an MC-130J Commando II, which is already configured to airdrop weapons."


19. How a teenager with a Cessna helped topple the Soviet Union · by Alex Hollings · October 30, 2020

Some history to recall.  Photos at the link if they do not come through in this message.

Conclusion: Rust would never sit behind the stick of an aircraft again, but would go down in history as the only pilot to defeat the entirety of the Soviet military using a rented, single prop, trainer plane. Unfortunately, Rust’s seemingly heroic stunt has been overshadowed by the troubled man’s continued run-ins with the law. In the early 90s", he received another prison sentence for assaulting a woman that refused his romantic advances. In 2005, he was again convicted of a crime–this time for fraud. Today he describes himself an analyst for an investment bank, seemingly keen to leave his high-flying theatrics behind him."


20. Coming Storms: The Return of Great-Power War

Foreign Affairs · by Christopher Layne · October 30, 2020

Great power competition does not have to mean great power war in my humble opinion.

Is this a true statement? "If Washington does not cede its dominance in East Asia it is on the fast track to war."

Conclusion: "Whether the United States can, or will, peacefully cede its dominance in East Asia and acknowledge China’s standing as its great-power equal is an open question. If Washington does not do so, however, it is on the fast track to war - one that might make the military disasters of Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq pale in comparison.


21. The Answer to Extremism Isn’t More Extremism

The Atlantic · by Anne Applebaum · October 30, 2020

Whether on the radical or extreme left or the radical or extreme right, anyone who seeks to overthrow our government is wrong.  We should not make this a left versus right conflict but those who oppose our federal democratic republic with force and violence and those of us who believe in supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States and know that Democrats, Republicans, and Independents believe in that common cause.  to say or believe otherwise marks such a person on the extreme left or extreme right  - not the left or right - we need to make the distinction and call out the extremes not those with different opinions and views..  We should welcome and applaud criticism and protest from both sides but once they call for violence against our nation they must be stopped and the full force of the law must be brought to bear on them.


“Keep constant guard over your perceptions, for it is no small thing you are protecting, but your respect, trustworthiness and steadiness, peace of mind, freedom from pain and fear, in a word your freedom. For what would you sell these things?”

- Epictetus, Discourses, 4.3.6b–8


"Whenever men in their arrogance and pride set themselves up as absolute, they will be beaten to the ground."

- Benjamin E. Mays


“Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”

- Ruth Bader Ginsberg

10/31/2020 News & Commentary - Korea

Sat, 10/31/2020 - 10:54am

News and Commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and Published by Riley Murray.


1. N.K. propaganda outlet claims U.S. imperialists started Korean War

2. Pyonghattanite [평해트나이트] - New Videos about north Korea

3. North Korea’s Yongbyon Complex: Activity Picks Up

4.  FDD | U.S. Issues Timely Alert on Another North Korean Hacking Group

5. U.S. Amb. Harris says S. Korea, U.S. fought 'side by side against invasion from the north'

6. 'US President Trump may go for summit with Kim Jong-un right after re-election'

7. Russia and China Undermine U.N. Reporting on North Korea Sanction Dodging, Analysis Finds

8. North Korean Community Leaders Granted Right to Sell Sewage as Fertilizer for Farms

9. Where do Biden and Trump Voters Stand on U.S.-Korea relations?

10. A Korean news agency publishes an op-ed from Biden.

11. ICAS Strategy poll - Korean Issues

12. VOA: Washington Talk - Korean Peninsula Issues

13. U.N. panel says N. Korean mortar apparently used in terrorist attack in Somalia

14. Pompeo skips stop in South Korea yet again

15. N. Korea criticizes S. Korea for its killing of S. Korean official

16. U.S. bucks consensus and backs Yoo for WTO top spot

17. Nigeria reaches out to US, Korea to back WTO candidate


1. N.K. propaganda outlet claims U.S. imperialists started Korean War · by 고병준 · October 30, 2020

One of my soldiers who went on a remains recovery mission in north Korea brought me a book from the war museum in Pyongyang in english by the same title as this article: "U.S. imperialists started Korean War"


2.  Pyonghattanite [평해트나이트] - New Videos about north Korea

Below are three videos from my friends Lee Hyun-Seung and Lee Seo-Hyun.  They are escapees from north Korea.  They provide some very unique and important insights in their 10 minute videos.

I recommend subscribing to their YouTube channel to receive their new videos.

[한글자막] Undisclosed Facts from the Historic Trump-Kim Negotiation.

[한글자막] Shocking Campus Life At The Most Prestigious University In North Korea

[한글자막] Undeniable Proof : North Korea Builds TEL With Chinese Help.


3. North Korea’s Yongbyon Complex: Activity Picks Up · by Frank Pabian, Peter Makowsky, and Jack Liu · October 30, 2020

I will leave it to the nuclear experts to assess.  What is the smoke or gas come from the site?


4. FDD | U.S. Issues Timely Alert on Another North Korean Hacking Group · by Mathew Ha · October 30, 2020

Important analysis from my colleague Mathew Ha.


5. U.S. Amb. Harris says S. Korea, U.S. fought 'side by side against invasion from the north' · by 송상호 · October 30, 2020


6. 'US President Trump may go for summit with Kim Jong-un right after re-election'

The Korea Times · October 30, 2020

Interesting speculation (and there is more to this article than the headline).  But I would counsel that the President should not ever again meet with Kim until substantive working level negotiations have taken place and the negotiators can bring an agreement to Kim and the President for approval.  I also do not think Kim will come to a summit unless he receives some guarantees that there will be some level of sanctions relief.


7. Russia and China Undermine U.N. Reporting on North Korea Sanction Dodging, Analysis Finds · by Jack Beyrer · October 30, 2020

As my colleague Andrea Stricker has written Russia and China are not only complicit in north Korean sanctions evasion, but they are also working to prevent accurate reporting by the UN Panel of Experts.


8. North Korean Community Leaders Granted Right to Sell Sewage as Fertilizer for Farms – 30 October 2020

Do what you must to survive.


The inminban, or neighborhood watch units, are small, regimented community organizations that serve as the eyes and ears of the state to ensure the people stay in line. Membership and participation in the inminban are mandatory.

“Giving the inminban leaders the privilege to sell human manure from the apartments is like an implicit instruction to further strengthen control over residents,” said the source, who requested anonymity for security reasons.

“Human manure is sold in sealed 500-kilogram sealed barrels brought by ox cart by the private farmers [1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds]. A barrel can go for about as much as 50 kilograms of napa cabbage,” the source said, referring to the vegetable most commonly used to make kimchi.

North Korean Community Leaders Granted Right to Sell Sewage as Fertilizer for Farms


9. Where do Biden and Trump Voters Stand on U.S.-Korea relations? – by Juni Kim - October 29, 2020

Some interesting data.  What is interesting is the similar levels of agreement among voters from across the spectrum on certain Korea issues (4 out of the 5 questions).


10. A Korean news agency publishes an op-ed from Biden.

The New York Times · by Neil Vigdor and Choe Sang-Hun · October 30, 2020

I think his OpEd was unprecedented.  Perhaps it has something to do with the data from KEI ( that shows most voters across the political spectrum support Korean alliance issues.


11. ICAS Strategy poll - Korean Issues – 26 October 2020

Some interesting data covering issues that are not in the mainstream news.


12. VOA: Washington Talk - Korean Peninsula Issues

Thanks to Kim Young Gyo and VOA for hosting Mark Fitzpatrick and me to discuss Korean issues. The target audience for this show is the elite in Pyongyang. I hope they are paying attention to our themes and messages in this broadcast. (note this is in English with Korean subtitles)


13. U.N. panel says N. Korean mortar apparently used in terrorist attack in Somalia · by 김광태 · October 31, 2020

No surprise to anyone who follows Dr. Bruce Bechtol's research on north Korean proliferation. 

I recommend his book:

But this foreign Affairs article provides a good summary:


14. Pompeo skips stop in South Korea yet again – 30 October 2020

The Koreans are sensitive to these types of apparent slights even though I am sure this was not intentional on SECSTATE's part.


15. N. Korea criticizes S. Korea for its killing of S. Korean official – 31 October 2020

They may as well just say "you should not have made me kill your citizen."  north Korea is the theater of the absurd.


16. U.S. bucks consensus and backs Yoo for WTO top spot

I believe the US rationale is that she is more qualified.


17. Nigeria reaches out to US, Korea to back WTO candidate

The Korea Times · October 31, 2020

And Nigeria just supported a US hostage rescue operation overnight.  Any politics involved?


“Keep constant guard over your perceptions, for it is no small thing you are protecting, but your respect, trustworthiness and steadiness, peace of mind, freedom from pain and fear, in a word your freedom. For what would you sell these things?”

- Epictetus, Discourses, 4.3.6b–8


"Whenever men in their arrogance and pride set themselves up as absolute, they will be beaten to the ground."

- Benjamin E. Mays


“Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”

- Ruth Bader Ginsberg

10/30/2020 News & Commentary - National Security

Fri, 10/30/2020 - 1:03pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Duncan Moore.

1. If you play videogames, China may be spying on you

2. Top officials were briefed on active threat against Pentagon leaders

3. As the West stumbles, ‘helmsman’ Xi pushes an ambitious plan for China

4. How the US and India became brothers in arms

5. Preserve America’s strategic autonomy in the Taiwan Strait

6. Philippines taking aim at China’s sea militias

7. Germany is ready to offer America a new deal

8. China's hopeless Twitter influence operations

9. US, China militaries talk "crisis communications" as they trade warnings before Nov. 3 election

10. Is China getting ready to start a war over Taiwan?

11. Behind China’s threat to support insurgency in India

12. Pics/Video: US launches ballistic missile 4,200 miles into the Pacific Ocean in new test

13. The United States doesn't want to reform the WTO. It wants to destroy it

14. After covering civil war overseas, journalist examines U.S. militia movement

15. Twitter bots promote right-wing conspiracies, paper shows

16. Americans hate each other. But we aren’t headed for civil war.

17. The Army repeatedly screwed this combat veteran. Now he’s being kicked out of the service – again


1. If you play videogames, China may be spying on you

Wall Street Journal · Dave Aitel & Jordan Schneider · October 28, 2020

This may be one reason why China is dominating the online games market. Another reason may be to control the narrative. Since most of the people reading my commentary do not play video games (like me), we do not see the narratives that are being disseminated through video games, namely that China is good, strong, and respected. The online gaming market is huge and reaches so many young people. China's intent is to shape subtly their views of China.


2. Top officials were briefed on active threat against Pentagon leaders

NBC News · Courtney Kube & Carol E. Lee · October 29, 2020

A very significant development if true. It would be quite an operation to be able to attack senior US military leaders on US soil.


3. As the West stumbles, ‘helmsman’ Xi pushes an ambitious plan for China

New York Times · Chris Buckley & Steven Lee Myers · October 30, 2020


4. How the US and India became brothers in arms

Asia Times · Jagannath Panda · October 28, 2020

Are we really brothers in arms? I think there may be a ways to go.


5. Preserve America’s strategic autonomy in the Taiwan Strait

War On the Rocks · Walter Lohman & Frank Jannuzi · October 29, 2020

Interesting co-authors. The Heritage Foundation and the Mansfield Foundation are not often ideologically aligned. And Frank Januzzi was a long-term foreign policy advisor to then Senator Biden.


6. Philippines taking aim at China’s sea militias

Asia Times · Richard Javad Heydarian · October 29, 2020

I think China and the Philippines are about to conduct a form of naval irregular warfare.


7. Germany is ready to offer America a new deal

Yahoo News · Andreas Kluth · October 29, 2020

Interesting proposal.


8. China's hopeless Twitter influence operations

China Talk · Jordan Schneider · October 29, 2020

Long read and a lot of data. The author's key point: China has no idea how to run a Twitter network and does not do a good job amplifying its message with insincere state-run accounts.


9. US, China militaries talk "crisis communications" as they trade warnings before Nov. 3 election

Newsweek · Tom O'Connor · October 29, 2020

Better to jaw jaw than war war.


10. Is China getting ready to start a war over Taiwan?

National Interest · Dan Blumenthal · October 29, 2020

I hope not.


11. Behind China’s threat to support insurgency in India

Asia Times · Bertil Lintner · October 30, 2020

Chinese irregular warfare. Will China overextend itself?


12. Pics/Video: US launches ballistic missile 4,200 miles into the Pacific Ocean in new test

American Military News · Ryan Morgan · October 29, 2020

Kim Jong-un: this one's for you.


13. The United States doesn't want to reform the WTO. It wants to destroy it

National Interest · Inu Manak · October 30, 2020

Really? Cut off our nose to spite our face?


14. After covering civil war overseas, journalist examines U.S. militia movement

KPCW · Terry Gross · October 28, 2020

Ughh... please do not drag Special Forces into this.


15. Twitter bots promote right-wing conspiracies, paper shows

Defense One · Patrick Tucker · October 29, 2020

Only 13%? That means 87% are real people endorsing conspiracy theories.


16. Americans hate each other. But we aren’t headed for civil war.

Washington Post · Richard Hanania · October 29, 2020

Why can't we all just get along???

We need to overcome this hatred of our fellow Americans.


17. The Army repeatedly screwed this combat veteran. Now he’s being kicked out of the service - again

Task & Purpose · Haley Britzky · October 29, 2020

A depressing story.


“No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”

- James Madison

A thought: “So long as we remain amateurs in the critical field of political warfare, the billions of dollars we annually spend on defense and foreign aid will provide us with a diminishing measure of protection.”

- Senator Mundt, 1961

Anybody can be angry, but to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, that is not easy. 

- Aristotle