Small Wars Journal

06/07/2021 News & Commentary – National Security

Mon, 06/07/2021 - 9:37am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs

1. C.I.A. Scrambles for New Approach in Afghanistan

2. The Psychic Toll of Killing With Drones

3. Are We Waiting for Everyone to Get Hacked?

4. Biden and the Afghan Translators

5. Let's educate service members on professional ethos, not just extremism

6. Supreme Court asked to review men-only draft registration law

7. The Science Suggests a Wuhan Lab Leak

8. Putin questions U.S. prosecution of Capitol rioters, saying mob carried only ‘political requests’

9. Taliban demand 'remorse' from fearful Afghan interpreters

10. Philippine Navy Plans Use of Hanjin Subic Shipyard

11. US senators took a military aircraft to Taiwan to announce vaccine donation. To Beijing, that is a major provocation

12. Biden says he will 'rally the world's democracies' this week in reset for US foreign policies

13. How Beijing shot itself in the foot with its trade war with Australia

14. EXCLUSIVE: Biden not seeking to add countries to Quad to counter China

15. ‘Do We Need to Be in Hong Kong?’ Global Companies Are Eying the Exits

16. US asks Taiwan to fill void as Confucius Institutes close

17. Opinion | Something appears to be ‘simply, simply wrong’ at the Biden Justice Department

18. Assessing U.S. Army Diversity Efforts in the Context of Great Power Competition

19. The Cost of Being an ‘Interchangeable Asian’

20.  Once a Bastion of Free Speech, the A.C.L.U. Faces an Identity Crisis

21. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion - Global SOF Foundation Imperatives

22. How the I Ching informs China’s harmonious pursuit of geopolitical strategy

23. Special Operations News Update - Monday, June 7, 2021 | SOF News


1. C.I.A. Scrambles for New Approach in Afghanistan

The New York Times · by Mark Mazzetti and Julian E. Barnes · June 6, 2021

Excerpts: “Recent C.I.A. and military intelligence reports on Afghanistan have been increasingly pessimistic. They have highlighted gains by the Taliban and other militant groups in the south and east, and warned that Kabul could fall to the Taliban within years and return to becoming a safe haven for militants bent on striking the West, according to several people familiar with the assessments.

As a result, U.S. officials see the need for a long-term intelligence-gathering presence — in addition to military and C.I.A. counterterrorism operations — in Afghanistan long after the deadline that Mr. Biden has set for troops to leave the country. But the scramble for bases illustrates how U.S. officials still lack a long-term plan to address security in a country where they have spent trillions of dollars and lost more than 2,400 troops over nearly two decades.


Some American officials said that negotiations with Pakistan had reached an impasse for now. Others have said the option remains on the table and a deal is possible.


2. The Psychic Toll of Killing With Drones

WSJ · by Wayne Phelps

Excerpt: “If the target is a high-value individual, it’s a certainty that he isn’t a boy scout. Brett Velicovich was an intelligence analyst for the Army Special Forces who used RPAs to help hunt HVIs throughout Iraq, including some top-tier targets. He wrote the book “Drone Warrior” to describe his operations. In an interview with Vox he described how it felt to watch bad people do normal things:

“You’re watching these guys and they’re totally normal. You see them dropping their kids off at school. You see them having tea or coffee at a local market. You see them doing normal things. It’s almost like People magazine or something. You always have these ‘the stars are just like us’ type of feelings. You see terrorists doing stuff that anyone else would do. It’s what they’re doing in the shadows that we’re trying to find. When you find that, then you know you’ve got him.”


3. Are We Waiting for Everyone to Get Hacked?

The New York Times · by Nicole Perlroth · June 5, 2021

Excerpts: “So, what is it going to take to keep Americans safe? It’s a big question.

The answers, though, can be small. The kindling for these digital infernos is buggy and out-of-date software nobody bothers to patch. It’s companies that don’t back up their data or have a security plan for ransomware attacks, despite their ubiquity. It’s the failure to use different passwords and turn on two-factor authentication. The hackers who tried to contaminate Florida’s drinking water exploited the fact that employees shared the same password and ran a decade-old version of Windows software. At the pipeline, it came down to the lack of multi-factor authentication on an old employee account.

It’s “cyberhygiene,” the accumulation of day in, day out investments and inconveniences by government, businesses and individuals that make hackers’ jobs harder. And some are very low tech.

Among the few high-profile organizations that was not actually hacked last year was the Democratic National Committee. Going into 2020, Bob Lord, the D.N.C.’s first chief information security officer, employed a novel approach to help ensure that hackers stayed out of D.N.C. emails this time. He posted signs over the urinals in the men’s room and on the wall in the women’s room reminding everyone to run their phone updates, use the encrypted app Signal for sensitive communications and not click on links.

Mr. Panetta, watching from afar, has his own simple solution for staying safe — and specifically making sure his internet-connected Lexus isn’t hacked. A few years ago, he fixed up his dad’s old 1951 Chevy truck, and that is what he uses to get around.

When he does drive the Lexus, he has careful instructions for his passenger: “I tell my wife, ‘Now be careful what you say.’”


4. Biden and the Afghan Translators

WSJ · by The Editorial Board

A difference between Vietnam and Afghanistan is Afghans will not have the opportunity to take to boats to escape.

Excerpts:Congress has a role to play. It likely will include legislation for more visas for the SIV program in this year’s National Defense Authorization Act. But President Biden as Commander in Chief can press Congress to simplify the visa rules or order an evacuation.


“The United States has no obligation to evacuate one, or 100,001, South Vietnamese,” then-Sen. Biden said in 1975 as the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam. The result was the exodus of the “boat people,” many of whom died in the open ocean, that was a stain on America. Mr. Biden has an opportunity—make that an obligation—to do better by thousands of Afghans.


5. Let's educate service members on professional ethos, not just extremism

The Hill · by Kelly E. Atkinson and Marybeth P. Ulrich· June 6, 2021

You cannot go wrong with a focus on the professional ethos.  

Excerpts:Civilian and military leaders alike must increase the emphasis and energy devoted to educating and training service members on the expectations of a professional ethos, in line with the oath. Cadets at the Air Force Academy have spearheaded such an effort with the founding of The Oath Project this spring, through which a dozen cadets created a comprehensive program to reinvigorate education on the oath of office. This program is a model for other military educational institutions and units to emulate.

The Department of Defense must clarify guidance and reaffirm expectations that any and all acts of extremism that threaten the constitutional order are in direct violation of our professional military ethos. We must understand the lifelong obligations that the oath asks of us: to protect and defend the Constitution; uphold democratic processes and the constitutional rights of our fellow citizens to participate in them; and refrain from partisan political activities in alignment with existing civil-military norms. If we fail to delineate, educate and train military members on clear expectations for this professional military ethos, our military institutions risk internal fracturing that may threaten the democracy they are sworn to defend.


6. Supreme Court asked to review men-only draft registration law · by Jessica Gresko· June 6, 2021

Excerpts: If the court agrees to take the case, arguments wouldn’t happen until the fall at the earliest, after the court’s summer break. The court already has high-profile cases awaiting it then. They include a major challenge to abortion rights and an appeal to expand gun rights.”


7. The Science Suggests a Wuhan Lab Leak

WSJ · by Steven Quay and Richard Muller

Conclusion: The presence of the double CGG sequence is strong evidence of gene splicing, and the absence of diversity in the public outbreak suggests gain-of-function acceleration. The scientific evidence points to the conclusion that the virus was developed in a laboratory.


8. Putin questions U.S. prosecution of Capitol rioters, saying mob carried only ‘political requests’

The Washington Post · by Isabelle Khurshudyan · June 4, 2021

The insurrectionists have Putin's support. Go figure.


9. Taliban demand 'remorse' from fearful Afghan interpreters · June 7, 2021

I fear remorse is code for confession prior to execution.


10. Philippine Navy Plans Use of Hanjin Subic Shipyard

Bloomberg · by Cecilia Yap · June 7, 2021

The US was forced to give up Subic. A Korean firm builds modern facilities. Now the Philippine Navy will lease part of the facility.


11. US senators took a military aircraft to Taiwan to announce vaccine donation. To Beijing, that is a major provocation

CNN · by Nectar Gan and Ben Westcott

Excerpts:When delivering his welcoming remarks to the US visitors on Sunday, Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu again criticized Beijing. "While we are doing our best to import vaccines, we must overcome obstacles to ensure that these lifesaving medicines are delivered free of trouble from Beijing. Taiwan is no stranger to this kind of obstruction," he said.

But the biggest poke in the eye to Beijing is perhaps not Wu's comments or the vaccine donation deal itself, but the US military aircraft parked on the runway.

The American delegation arrived at Taiwan's Songshan Airport on a US Air Force C-17 Globemaster III freighter -- a primary strategic lift aircraft for the US military.

Previously, US officials and politicians had flown to Taiwan on the C-40, a military version of the Boeing 737 commercial airliner, according to Taiwan's Central News Agency.


12. Biden says he will 'rally the world's democracies' this week in reset for US foreign policies

The Hill · by Mychael Schnell · June 6, 2021


13. How Beijing shot itself in the foot with its trade war with Australia · June 6, 2021

As Bonaparte said: never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.


14. EXCLUSIVE: Biden not seeking to add countries to Quad to counter China · by Guy Taylor

We should not be pushing countries to join the Quad. The Quad+ will be stronger if countries determine it is in their best interests for national prosperity and national security to align with it.


15. ‘Do We Need to Be in Hong Kong?’ Global Companies Are Eying the Exits

WSJ · by John Lyons and Frances Yoon

I am not nor ever have been a businessman. But I do not see how any business could afford to remain in such a politically troubled country (or city such as Hong Kong).

While Singapore would appear to be a good alternative, is Shanghai? Seems to be by going to Shanghai the CCP will benefit from its actions in Hong Kong.


16. US asks Taiwan to fill void as Confucius Institutes close · by Nick Aspinwall


17. Opinion | Something appears to be ‘simply, simply wrong’ at the Biden Justice Department

The Washington Post · by Fred Ryan · June 6, 2021

This is why we need separation of powers and checks and balances as well as a fourth estate to hold the government accountable.

Excerpt: "Unfortunately, new revelations suggest that the Biden Justice Department not only allowed these disturbing intrusions to continue — it intensified the government‘s attack on First Amendment rights before finally backing down in the face of reporting about its conduct."

Conclusion: "The inconsistency between presidential words and Justice Department deeds dictates the need for full accountability and transparency regarding the actions taken by the exiting Trump Justice Department and those of the incoming Biden administration. A full accounting should be produced and released for the American public to see."


18.  Assessing U.S. Army Diversity Efforts in the Context of Great Power Competition · by Louis Melancon · June 7, 2021

The author argues the Army needs a deliberate effort to shape heuristics to keep up with diversity initiatives.

Conclusion: “The U.S. Army has not been as effective in breaking and replacing old heuristics in conjunction with the active steps to increase diversity. Anecdotal evidence is emerging that new heuristics are naturally emerging within the force that will slow down the efforts to improve diversity; this is a result of not deliberately seeking to replace heuristics at pace with new diversity initiatives. As an example, rather than focus on matching skills needed for a position with a candidate, some units are seeking out personnel whose career trajectory closely matches previous concepts of a successful soldier. Preferring a concept of what makes a good soldier over recognized skills needed for mission success goes against what the U.S. Army desires with talent management. There is no maliciousness here, humans rely on heuristics and so older, flawed concepts are tweaked on the margins if nothing is provided to replace them. The units are seeking to do the right thing, but are limited by what the individuals within them know. Without a deliberate effort to shape heuristics that support new policies, the ones which emerge in the force will inevitably and inadvertently buttress the old biases.

Senator Cruz provided a teachable moment. His constituents will decide with the ballot if he will have to pay a price for having outdated and flawed heuristics. Were the U.S. Army to share Senator Cruz’s outlook, the price paid in both competition and conflict with peer competitors will be much higher for soldiers if the issue of heuristics is not addressed now.


19.  The Cost of Being an ‘Interchangeable Asian’

The New York Times · by Brian X. Chen · June 6, 2021

Excerpt:But as a first step, what many Asian American professionals need is simple. They want their colleagues to bother to learn their names.

Yes, it’s probably happened to all of us, no matter our identity: An acquaintance or colleague mistakes you for another person with the same hairdo or a similar name. But for people of Asian descent, it happens without question when there are a few other Asians in the office, even when they look and sound nothing alike.

In nearly two dozen conversations with professionals of Asian descent in recent weeks, and in 15 years of my own experience in the workplace, the consensus was clear: It happens again and again, from one job to the next. While the problem is prevalent in the United States, the mix-ups also frequently happen in other countries where people with Asian heritage make up a minority, like Canada. There’s even a term for it: the interchangeable Asian.


20. Once a Bastion of Free Speech, the A.C.L.U. Faces an Identity Crisis

The New York Times · by Michael Powell · June 6, 2021

Please focus on freedom of speech (press, religion, etc) . It is an American issue, not a progressive issue.


21. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion - Global SOF Foundation Imperatives


22.  How the I Ching informs China’s harmonious pursuit of geopolitical strategy

SCMP · by Lub Bun Chong · June 7, 2021

Harmony (as defined by the CCP I am sure).

How the I Ching informs China’s harmonious pursuit of geopolitical strategy

  • The Chinese dream, belt and road, Taiwan policy and vaccine diplomacy all seek to preserve harmony, a key notion in the I Ching
  • The US would do well to realise that China’s growing clout necessitates an accommodating shift, not a breakdown, in the global balance


23. Special Operations News Update - Monday, June 7, 2021 | SOF News · by SOF News · June 7, 2021




“A man who has the knowledge but lacks the power clearly to express it is no better off than if he never had any ideas at all.”

 - Thucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War


“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”

- Voltaire


" ...there was no point in seeking to convert the intellectuals. For intellectuals would never be converted and would anyway always yield to the stronger, 'and this will always be the man in the street.' Arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth was unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology...Hatred and contempt must be directed at particular individuals.   

- H. Trevor-Roper (ed), The Goebbels Diaries



06/07/2021 News & Commentary – Korea

Mon, 06/07/2021 - 9:22am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs

1.  Pro-N. Korea paper says Pyongyang continues to pursue unification of Korean Peninsula

2. Is South Korea ready to throw in its lot with Washington?

3. NorthKorea’s Capabilities for Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack

4. 'Farmland of peace' project will promote inter-Korean cooperation: unification ministry

5. Seoul court rejects slave labor claim against Japanese firms

6. Why Kim Jong-un is waging war on slang, jeans and foreign films

7. Vice FM Choi to visit U.S. this week for talks with counterpart Sherman

8. Moon orders complete overhaul of military culture

9. US Marine Corps F-35Bs to visit South Korea

10. G7 to test Korea's balancing act between US, China

11. Seoul pushes for reviving inter-Korean tour programs

12. Moon’s visit to spy headquarters brings with it pro-North symbol

13. Nuclear energy stocks surge again after Korea-US summit

14. Vaccines for Korean Soldiers Arrive from U.S.

15. S Korea under mega cyber attacks in pandemic-driven online era


1. Pro-N. Korea paper says Pyongyang continues to pursue unification of Korean Peninsula · by 고병준 · June 7, 2021

Thank you to the Propaganda and Agitation Department and the Choson Sinbo for confirming the answers to my questions:

“Do we believe that Kim Jong-un has abandoned the seven decades old strategy of subversion, coercion-extortion (blackmail diplomacy), and use of force to achieve unification dominated by the Guerrilla Dynasty and Gulag State in order to ensure the survival of the mafia like crime family cult known as Kim family regime?

In support of that strategy do we believe that Kim Jong-un has abandoned the objective to split the ROK/US Alliance and get US forces off the peninsula? Has KJU given up his divide to conquer strategy - divide the alliance to conquer the ROK?

Then again, perhaps the Choson Sinbo did not get the memo and is speaking out of school.


2. Is South Korea ready to throw in its lot with Washington? · by Soo Kim · June 6, 2021

Excerpts: “The U.S.-South Korea summit reaffirmed the countries' shared history and common security interests and primed atmospherics to facilitate future-oriented expanded cooperation beyond matters concerning the immediate edge of the Korean Peninsula. This, if implemented thoroughly and across overlapping issues and initiatives -- the Quad, for instance -- may not only enhance Washington's position in the region but strengthen Seoul's own fortitude when it comes to standing up to China's aggression and occasional pressures, as well.


South Korea's ambivalence and hesitation when it comes to articulating a clear position either way remains a significant sticking point in the allies' ability to stick together and move forward on current and emerging challenges of common concern.


Such equivocation may breed tensions in the alliance and encourage Beijing to pressure Seoul even more. In the interests of shared democratic values and protecting the international rules-based order, Seoul may wish to consider whether to make an unequivocal strategic decision regarding its bilateral relations with both Washington and Beijing.


3. NorthKorea’s Capabilities for Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack

EMP Task Force  · by Peter Vincent Pry · June 6, 2021

The 14 page report can be downloaded at this link.

Yes this is a potential real threat. However, I am much more concerned about the north’s cyber capabilities. I think there may be ways to inflict tremendous damage on our infrastructure through cyber than going through all the effort to deliver EMP effects to the US. And if the four revisionist and rogue powers ever synchronized their efforts we could be in real trouble.


4. 'Farmland of peace' project will promote inter-Korean cooperation: unification ministry · by 이원주 · June 7, 2021

A project I could get behind would be for farmers in the South to directly engage with farmers in the north to provide best practices along with fertilizer, seeds, and modern equipment. It would be ideal if this could be done on a people to people basis but I know it is a naive pipe dream as the regime would never allow it.


5. Seoul court rejects slave labor claim against Japanese firms

AP · by Kim Tong-Hyung

An interesting development. I do not know enough about South Korea law to assess whether the court is objectively judging the case or if there is political influence. However, I doubt this will be enough to change the relationship because I worry about the blowback in the South.


6. Why Kim Jong-un is waging war on slang, jeans and foreign films

BBC · by Laura Bicker

Yes we have seen this information reported quite a bit in recent weeks. Laura Bicker of the BBC provides some useful context and analysis.

Weed to execute a comprehensive and sophisticated information and influence activities campaign. Kim Jong-un is denying the human rights of the Korean people living in the north for one simple reason: to ensure he remains in power.


7. Vice FM Choi to visit U.S. this week for talks with counterpart Sherman · by 송상호 · June 7, 2021

Execution of the joint statement and information in the fact sheet from the summit is going to be very important.  I am optimistic about the sustained high level engagement while at the same time I am critical of the comments from the Moon administration regarding combined military training and sanctions relief/concessions.


8. Moon orders complete overhaul of military culture · by Lee Ji-yoon · June 7, 2021

Changing culture? Could be as hard as denuclearizing north Korea or changing the nature of war.. And I do not mean to be sarcastic or flippant. Changing military culture is not something that can be changed with the establishment of a task force.

That said the kind of misconduct described can and must be targeted and the military must do everything it can to protect military members and deal with misconduct correctly.


9. US Marine Corps F-35Bs to visit South Korea

The Korea Times ·by Kang Seung-woo · June 6, 2021

Message to Kim? The regime fears the F-35s and the US Marines so this is a double threat to the regime!


10. G7 to test Korea's balancing act between US, China

The Korea Times · by Nam Hyun-woo · June 7, 2021

Excerpts: “The South has been exercising a balancing act between the U.S. and China amid the two super powers' rivalry, although during the summit between President Moon Jae-in and his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden, Seoul showed signs of titling toward Washington. Against this backdrop, the upcoming leaders' meeting in Cornwall, the United Kingdom, will be another opportunity for Seoul to join the Washington-led initiative against Beijing, the experts said.


Recent overseas reports ― citing sources familiar with the matter ― said the G7 countries ― Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.K. and the U.S. ― plan to launch a green alternative to the BRI.


The initiative, thought to be called the "Clean Green Initiative," was initially raised by the U.S., as an alternative to the BRI. In a March phone conversation between Biden and U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the former suggested democratic countries should create an infrastructure plan to rival the BRI, and the initiative will likely see a framework suggested during the G7 summit.


11. Seoul pushes for reviving inter-Korean tour programs

The Korea Times · by Kang Seung-woo · June 7, 2021

We must remember that tourism directly benefits Kim Jong-un and his royal court economy. The royal court economy funds the nuclear program and takes care of the regime and the elite.


12. Moon’s visit to spy headquarters brings with it pro-North symbol · June 4, 2021

Excerpts: “The key purpose of the reform is to transform the NIS to become more like the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, which takes care of overseas operations and intelligence matters, while creating a new Korean version of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that oversees domestic matters.

The main opposition People Power Party has been against the reform, particularly the clause that will ban the NIS from investigating pro-North Korean activities in South Korea. “The National Assembly is trying to pass a law that would only be beneficial to North Korea, which constantly tries to make South Korea Communist,” said Rep. Lee Chul-gyu of the PPP during the filibuster session in December. “It is so South Korea will not be involved in activities that North Koreans feel burdened by and dislike, and is weakening our country’s capability [to deal with North Korea].”

The controversy:

During President Moon’s latest visit to the NIS, a ceremony was held that unveiled a stone with the agency’s new motto celebrating its 60th founding anniversary next week. It reads, “Serving Our Nation and People with Unwavering Loyalty and Devotion.” The problem with the stone is that it used a font called “Arms around each other’s shoulders” created by the late professor Shin Young-bok.

Shin is considered a liberal intellectual among South Koreans on the left, but conservatives emphasize that he was a criminal who was involved in the so-called Unification Revolutionary Party (Tonghyuk-dang) incident in 1968. The case refers to the biggest spy scandal in South Korean history.

Central to the scandal, South Korean revolutionary leftist Kim Jong-tae illegally visited North Korea four times and received funding from North Korea to form the People’s Revolutionary Party. The five main criminals involved in the plot, including Kim Jong-tae, were apprehended in South Korea and sentenced to death, and 158 others were arrested. Shin Young-bok was one of the key academic and cultural figures who were recruited by Kim Jong-tae, who planned an armed uprising and overthrow of the government.

Shin was sentenced to life in prison for violating the National Security Act. He was released in 1988 after 20 years in prison after writing a letter that declared he had undergone an ideological conversion. However, he later changed his words and said “I never changed my ideology or betrayed my comrades.”

Forest’ spirit that he emphasized is becoming a reality at next year’s anniversary event.”


13. Nuclear energy stocks surge again after Korea-US summit

The Korea Times · by Yi Whan-woo · June 6, 2021

Excerpts: “During their summit in Washington, D.C., President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Joe Biden said in their joint statement that the two allies are committed to "develop cooperation in overseas nuclear markets, including joint participation in nuclear power plant projects, while ensuring the highest standards of international nuclear safety, security, and nonproliferation are maintained."

Speaking on condition of anonymity, a KEPCO official said the Korea-U.S. nuclear cooperation will be beneficial for KEPCO E&C, which is responsible for designing, engineering, and constructing nuclear and fossil-fuel power plants.

The official added that KEPCO E&C has been participating in bids for nuclear power plant construction projects in the Czech Republic, Poland and Saudi Arabia, among others.

The firm is also developing a small modular reactor (SMR), which Gates' company, TerraPower, and Buffett's power company, PacifiCorp, seek to build in Wyoming.

The project, called "Natrium," will be built on the site of an old coal plant, with a goal of producing 500 megawatts of power during peak demand.

SMRs are considered to be more eco-friendly than traditional nuclear reactors, because they are carbon-free power sources, which President Moon has sought to put in place policy to foster their development as next-generation growth engines.


14. Vaccines for Korean Soldiers Arrive from U.S.                                       · June 7, 2021

And we have seen erroneous tweets on twitter about this saying that it is sanctions that prevent vaccines going to the north and the US is "weaponizing vaccines" such as this one:


Nodutdol | 노둣돌


US troops were the 1st in South Korea to get vaccinated


US sanctions are keeping vaccines from North Korea.


Now the US sends 1 million Syringe—for South Korean troops. The US is weaponizing vaccines as part of the unfinished Korean War





“A man who has the knowledge but lacks the power clearly to express it is no better off than if he never had any ideas at all.”

 - Thucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War


“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”

- Voltaire


" ...there was no point in seeking to convert the intellectuals. For intellectuals would never be converted and would anyway always yield to the stronger, 'and this will always be the man in the street.' Arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth was unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology...Hatred and contempt must be directed at particular individuals.   

- H. Trevor-Roper (ed), The Goebbels Diaries

Special Operations News Update – Monday, June 7, 2021

Mon, 06/07/2021 - 6:50am

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Special Operations News Update – Monday, June 7, 2021

Curated news, analysis, and commentary about special operations, national security, and conflicts around the world. Topics include ‘Little Bird’ replacement, SOF’s Bronco II, Eddie Gallagher in the news, Russia’s Spetsnaz, French SOF in Sahel, SOF and D-Day, diversity in SOF, IO, Afghanistan, videos, and podcasts.

06/06/2021 News & Commentary – National Security

Sun, 06/06/2021 - 12:57pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs

1. France marks 77-years since D-Day landings in Normandy

2. Biden's diplomacy first approach put to the test

3. U.S. will not let Taiwan stand alone: visiting senator

4. Afghan forces will be gutted without U.S. contractors to fix planes

5. Unity Will Be ‘Key Message’ in Biden’s First International Trip

6. America remains indispensable

7. China to build 435km railroad across Tibet as a 'gift' on Communist Party's 100th birthday

8. 2022 Defense Budget: The Future of the U.S. Military Is Now Clear

9. Trump Criticizes Biden Policies, Calls for Reparations From China for Covid-19

10. Strategic Training Advantage: How US Foreign Training Programs Enhance National Defense

11. Harsh weather conditions force China to rotate 90% troops deployed against India

12. Culture war on the military

13. Did the Army hire an astrologer?

14. A Leader’s Guide to Navigating Social Media in the Military

15. Facebook teams up with Asia Foundation to combat online hate

16.  Opinion | Joe Biden: My trip to Europe is about America rallying the world’s democracies

17. Communism is evolving. But the new version isn't any less toxic than the old


1. France marks 77-years since D-Day landings in Normandy · June 6, 2021

Halt, take a knee, face out, and drink some water. And remember what those who came before us did on this day. Think about the enormity of this operation and the death and destruction it wrought and the sacrifices and great men and women to bring freedom to the world.


2. Biden's diplomacy first approach put to the test

Axios · by Hans Nichols

The headline makes me think about what if a diplomacy first approach fails the test? Do we revert back to a military first approach?  

The bottom line: Practicing diplomacy is much harder than talking about diplomacy.

​It makes me think about this famous quote (from the "Friends of Edde Coyle"): “Life is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid​.​”

Foreign affairs is tough but it is even tougher without diplomacy first.​ When would we not want diplomacy first? And even if it appears to "fail" in some instances (or even in the instance in the article below) it should not mean that we abandon it for something else. For "military first politics?" 


3. U.S. will not let Taiwan stand alone: visiting senator · by Matt Yu, Sophia Yeh and Chiang Yi-ching

This senate delegation is making a lot of foreign policy during this Asia trip.


4. Afghan forces will be gutted without U.S. contractors to fix planes

NBC News · by Dan De Luce · June 6, 2021

How will contractors be secured if they remain following the US troop withdrawal?

Excerpts: "We're talking about the more or less grounding of the Afghan Air Force," said Bradley Bowman, senior director of the center on military and political power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies think tank.

Air power is arguably the Afghan government's main competitive edge in its fight with the Taliban, said Bowman, a former Army officer and Black Hawk helicopter pilot who served in Afghanistan. "If we don't help them maintain those aircraft, then the Afghan security forces will be deprived of that advantage and that could have a decisive impact on the battlefield and ultimately on the state of the Afghan government."

Under the U.S.-Taliban deal signed last year during the Trump administration, the U.S. pledged to withdraw all American and allied troops as well as all non-diplomatic staff including "trainers, advisers, and supporting services personnel."

When President Barack Obama withdrew U.S. troops from Iraq in 2011, defense contractors remained in the country.

Pentagon officials and senior military officers have told lawmakers at congressional hearings that the administration is looking at "options" for supporting the Afghan security forces from afar, possibly by repairing equipment outside the country or by providing assistance remotely. But the clock is ticking on the U.S. exit, with the withdrawal at nearly the halfway point as American troops hand over bases across the country, and Afghan officials are scrambling to find an alternative solution.

Afghan officials have yet to announce any new arrangements with outside firms to maintain U.S.-supplied aircraft and military equipment.


5. Unity Will Be ‘Key Message’ in Biden’s First International Trip · by Jacqueline Feldscher

Excerpts: “Sloat predicted that the joint statement made to press at the end of the NATO summit will note a lot of progress on efforts ranging from cybersecurity to Russia to climate, all priorities that the president will also discuss with NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg when the latter visits the White House on Monday.

“If I told you everything we were pushing and working on now, then we wouldn’t have anything interesting to announce next week,” Sloat said. “I think we’re going to have a very robust communique that is coming out of this summit.”

For the Putin meeting, Biden will seek common ground with Moscow where it’s in America’s best interest, said Eric Green, the senior Russia director and central Asia on the National Security Council. Green said the president would bring up strategic stability and nuclear weapons, while also condemning Moscow for holding American citizens captive, restricting diplomacy, and invading parts of Ukraine.

“Our goal is to restore predictability and stability in the relationship. We believe there's no substitute for leader-to-leader engagement, particularly in an engagement that is as complex as this,” he said.


6. America remains indispensable

The Korea Times by Joschka Fischer · June 6, 2021

A view from Germany.

Conclusion: “That leaves only the U.S. Despite its past foreign-policy blunders, it is the only country with both the necessary political mindset and the technological, economic, and military power to exert a moderating influence in the region. The worst outcome for the international order would be a continuing U.S. inclination toward self-isolation. Trump's presidency already proved how dangerous that can be.”


7. China to build 435km railroad across Tibet as a 'gift' on Communist Party's 100th birthday · by Ananya Varma · June 6, 2021

Be wary of gifts.


8. 2022 Defense Budget: The Future of the U.S. Military Is Now Clear

The National Interest · by Sebastien Roblin · June 6, 2021

Excerpts:Setting aside about $38 billion allocated to the defense-related programs in the Department of Energy and other agencies, the proposed budget dedicates $715 billion dollars to the Department of Defense, a 1.6 percent increase over the $703.7 billion 2020 budget, in line with inflation. That means it’s essentially a flat budget, to the dismay of left- and right-wing lawmakers for opposite reasons. The new budget, incidentally, also includes a 2.7 percent pay raise for personnel.

Republicans favored increased defense spending for military competition with a rising China. More left-leaning Democrats wanted spending cuts, arguing that U.S. spending dwarfed that of adversaries, encouraged military adventurism, and detracted from providing for the welfare of American citizens. The flat budget is thus a predictable outcome of Biden’s centrist inclinations.


9. Trump Criticizes Biden Policies, Calls for Reparations From China for Covid-19

WSJ · by Alex Leary

Reparations? Snowball. Chance. Hell.


10.  Strategic Training Advantage: How US Foreign Training Programs Enhance National Defense

The National Interest · by Christopher P. Mulder · June 3, 2021

One of the important comparative advantages over the revisionist and rogue powers.

Conclusion​: “It is imperative the U.S. takes advantage of existing foreign training programs, opportunities, and exercises by strengthening and even expanding them. New opportunities are bound to arise as allies and partners are courted by the U.S. to mitigate China and Russia’s nefarious activity. Let’s seize the advantage to “lead with diplomacy” by training alongside our allies and partners in traditional and non-traditional methods. COVID interrupted foreign training partnerships and generally strained relationships. As the world emerges from the COVID slumber, the U.S. should harness the strategic training advantage by codifying it in the next NDS. Embracing a robust foreign training program mindset, as exemplified in North Texas at ENJJPT, will widen and strengthen the strategic training advantage the US, along with its allies and partners, has over our great competitors.

We should all look for emerging opportunities to strengthen relationships, partnerships, capability, capacity, and technological interoperability; foreign training programs are a great place to star


11.  Harsh weather conditions force China to rotate 90% troops deployed against India · by Manjeet Negi · June 6, 2021


12. Culture war on the military

Washington Examiner · by Mackubin Owens · June 4, 2021

Excerpts:The suggestion that white supremacy and extremism are rampant in the military undermines the military ethos. Both political officials and senior officers owe it to the country in general and the military forces to define extremism, identify actual cases, and provide data supporting their claim that a real problem does, in fact, exist — or stop tarring the service (or allowing it to be tarred).

These sorts of issues demonstrate that contrary to Ms. Schake’s claim in her tweet to Sen. Cruz, the U.S. military is already engaged in the culture wars and, indeed, is fighting for its very survival. The military ethos is under assault both from within and without. Can the military remain a trusted and respected institution if it becomes a figure of fun, mocked as another example of wokeness?

I believe the answer is no. The U.S. military claims to be a “profession.” But instead of defending its professional ethos, the Pentagon is revealing itself to be just another failed government bureaucracy pursuing its budgetary self-interest.

The ethos of the United States military has served the republic well. The burden of proof is on those who would undermine it in the name of the prevailing concept of diversity. Responsible political leaders and military officers themselves, both active and retired, are obligated to require those who would change it to prove that those changes will not further undermine the very purpose of the military: victory on the battlefield. The battlefield mocks diversity. It will be of little consolation to us if a defeated U.S. military was diverse enough to meet the demands of progressives.


13.  Did the Army hire an astrologer? · by Sarah Sicard · June 4, 2021

:-). Did some unauthorized person get ahold of the Army's Instagram account? Or did an authorized person make unauthorized posts? Perhaps only the stars know.


14. A Leader’s Guide to Navigating Social Media in the Military · by Connor Collins · June 5, 2021


15.  Facebook teams up with Asia Foundation to combat online hate  · by Shilpa Sharma  ·  June 5, 2021

Excerpts: “The website is currently available in English and will be launched in Bengali, Thai and Urdu in the coming weeks. It will be made available in more languages in the future, the statement said.

“At Facebook, we aim to identify and remove harmful content from our platforms as quickly as possible — and we’ve made good progress in this area. But this is just one part of the solution. It’s equally important to enable constructive dialogue and encourage counter speech in order to promote social cohesion and counter offline harm,” the blog said.

In the second half of the year, ‘The Resiliency Initiative’ will work with civil society organisations in Asia Pacific to develop their social resilience campaigns to combat hate online. It will also help in expanding the reach of the programme to new communities in the region.


16. Opinion | Joe Biden: My trip to Europe is about America rallying the world’s democracies

The Washington Post · by Joe Biden · June 5, 2021  

I would also ask who opposes democracy?

Excerpts: “In my phone calls with President Putin, I have been clear and direct. The United States does not seek conflict. We want a stable and predictable relationship where we can work with Russia on issues like strategic stability and arms control. That’s why I acted immediately to extend the New START treaty for five years and bolster the security of the American people and the world.

At the same time, I have also imposed meaningful consequences for behaviors that violate U.S. sovereignty, including interference in our democratic elections. And President Putin knows that I will not hesitate to respond to future harmful activities. When we meet, I will again underscore the commitment of the United States, Europe and like-minded democracies to stand up for human rights and dignity.

This is a defining question of our time: Can democracies come together to deliver real results for our people in a rapidly changing world? Will the democratic alliances and institutions that shaped so much of the last century prove their capacity against modern-day threats and adversaries? I believe the answer is yes. And this week in Europe, we have the chance to prove it.


17.  Communism is evolving. But the new version isn't any less toxic than the old

The Telegraph · by India McTaggart

I cast my vote for democracies. :-) 

Communism is evolving. But the new version isn't any less toxic than the old

If identity politics takes over from traditional Marxism, it will be every bit as repressive and intolerant as its predecessor.




“Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely ... I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory! Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.”

- General Dwight Eisenhower, in a message to troops before Normandy


​“All that remained on the beach was some sniping and artillery fire, and the occasional startling blast of a mine geysering brown sand into the air … That plus the bodies of soldiers lying in rows covered with blankets, the toes of their shoes sticking up in a line as though on drill. And other bodies, uncollected, still sprawling grotesquely in the sand or half hidden by the high grass beyond the beach. That plus an intense, grim determination of work-weary men to get this chaotic beach organised and get all the vital supplies and the reinforcements moving more rapidly over it from the stacked-up ships standing in droves out to sea. Now that it is over it seems to me a pure miracle that we ever took the beach at all.”

- Ernie Pyle, D-Day column, excerpts from ‘Ernie’s War: The Best of Ernie Pyle’s World War II Dispatches’


To the Resistance:

“London calling with Frenchmen speaking to their countrymen… London calling with messages for our friends…” 

"Wound My Heart With Monotonous Languor" 

"John Has A Long Mustache" 

"The Chair Is Against The Wall"

“Molasses tomorrow will bring forth cognac.”


06/06/2021 News & Commentary – Korea

Sun, 06/06/2021 - 12:45pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. Putin calls for guaranteeing N. Korea's security to resolve nuclear quandary

2. Unification minister calls for 'maximum flexibility' on joint military exercises with U.S.

3. Calls intensify for Biden administration to help save former Marine's life

4. N. Korea accuses Israel of turning Gaza into 'human slaughterhouse'

5. Ex-N.K. admiral responsible for Yeonpyeong naval skirmishes dies

6. President Moon's quiet, effective leadership

7. South Korea to Accelerate Space Program, Expand U.S. Cooperation

8. Moon vows to reform military, rid it of 'backward culture'

9. Investigation into deadly helicopter crash ends without indictment (South Korea)

10. Pound-foolish procurement robs super soldiers of superpower (South Korea)

11. BTS moment for Korea-US alliance and tasks ahead


1. Putin calls for guaranteeing N. Korea's security to resolve nuclear quandary · by 김승연 · June 5, 2021

Nice thoughts Vlad, but...

But the Koreans are shrewd students of world affairs. The Kim family regime recalls the Ukraine example when, in return for giving up its nuclear weapons, Russia and the US guaranteed its security. It looks at what happened in 2014 in Crimea/Ukraine. Russian and the US both reneged on their "security guarantee" - Russia by invading/annexing Crimea and the US by not coming to the aid of Ukraine to ensure its security. This example likely made a stronger imprint on the Kim family regime mind than the "Libya model," though that example is used more often.

We should keep in mind what is a security guarantee for the Kim family regime. First and foremost it is about the security of the regime, not the security of the Korean people living in the north.

"Only by ensuring the security of its people, and with patience and a careful approach, should we be able to resolve this problem," he said.

Second, it is not about written or verbal guarantees or promises or even an end of war declaration or peace treaty. It requires physical action for the regime to trust in such a security guarantee. Unfortunately for the ROK/US alliance that physical action means an end of the ROK/US alliance, removal of US troops from Korea, and the. end to extended deterrence and the nuclear umbrella over the ROK and Japan. 

This kind of security guarantee is also required for proof the US has ended its hostile policy toward the regime. But what we really need to understand if the nature, objectives, and strategy of the regime. It is using an end of war declaration, a peace agreement, an end of the US hostile policy as part of its political warfare strategy and supported by blackmail diplomacy to create the conditions to ultimately unify the Korean peninsula under the rule of the Guerrilla Dynasty and Gulag State.  

We should not be duped by the recent announcement about the new Workers Party of Korea rules that omit that the regime no longer seeks unification through revolution.

Do we believe that Kim Jong-un has abandoned the seven decades old strategy of subversion, coercion-extortion (blackmail diplomacy), and use of force to achieve unification dominated by the Guerrilla Dynasty and Gulag State in order to ensure the survival of the mafia like crime family cult known as Kim family regime?

In support of that strategy do we believe that Kim Jong-un has abandoned the objective to split the ROK/US Alliance and get US forces off the peninsula? Has KJU given up his divide to conquer strategy - divide the alliance to conquer the ROK?

Show me the evidence to answer the above questions in the affirmative.

The answers to these questions should guide us to the strategy to solve the "Korea question" (para 60 of the Armistice) and lead to the only acceptable durable political arrangement: A secure, stable, economically vibrant, non-nuclear Korean peninsula unified under a liberal constitutional form of government with respect for individual liberty, the rule of law, and human rights, determined by the Korean people.  In short, a United Republic of Korea (UROK)

The root of all problems in Korea is the existence of the most evil mafia- like crime family cult known as the Kim family regime that has the objective of dominating the Korean Peninsula under the rule of the Guerrilla Dynasty and Gulag State. 

But I digress. Putin's proposal is simply in support of the regime's political warfare strategy and not a serious path to denuclearization. 


2. Unification minister calls for 'maximum flexibility' on joint military exercises with U.S. · by 장재순 · June 6, 2021

The Unification Minister does not understand deterrence and defense and the absolute necessity to maintain sufficient readiness to ensure the security of the ROK and protect US interests.

I have to through the BS flag on this statement:

"But one obvious thing is that combined exercises should never work in a way that causes or further escalates tensions on the Korean Peninsula," he said. "Our government should carry out a policy coordination process with maximum flexibility, and I also hope North Korea will show flexibility."

North Korea has long denounced joint military drills between the U.S. and the South as a rehearsal for invasion. In recent years, Seoul and Washington have called off or scaled back some of the drills due in part to the pandemic and also as part of efforts to give diplomacy more of a chance.

It is not the combined exercises that further escalates tensions. It is the actions and rhetoric of the Kim family regime. The Unification Minister's line of thinking is dangerous for the alliance. The Moon administration really needs to muzzle him because he is going to undo all the good that was achieved at the Biden-Moon summit.

Note the second part of the above excerpt: we have called off or scaled back exercises in the past 3 years and there has been no reciprocity from the north. In fact, during that period the north conduct more than 20 missile and rocket tests, a number of which are only intended to support the north Korea offensive by attacking what the regime calls the "fat target" of Camp Humphreys, Osan Air Base, and Cheongju Air Base (where the ROK F-35s are based). The north continues to develop offensive warfighting capabilities to support its campaign plan to unify the peninsula by force.  Failing to train the ROK/US combined military force puts the security of the ROK and US strategic interests at great risk.


3. Calls intensify for Biden administration to help save former Marine's life · by Eric Shawn

I do not know why Trump did not take care of this while he was president. Couldn't this have been covered by some kind of "pardon" that would prevent his extradition?

We should be under no illusion that if he is extradited to Spain and is tried and convicted he will be vulnerable to assassination by the north in public or in prison. And perhaps, even worse, he might be further extradited to north Korea by Spain.  

But this is the key point for our Korea team at State and the NSC:

“Assistant U.S. Attorney John J. Lulejian argued that the Warmbier's plea should have no bearing on the extradition proceedings.

"While the United States empathizes with the Warmbiers and the tragic loss of their son, it must object to any attempt to expand these court proceedings – to which North Korea is not a party -- beyond their statutorily prescribed scope," he wrote in response.

He said it is up to the State Department to deny the extradition and argued that it should not be "denied on humanitarian grounds." Lulejian disputed the claims that Ahn would be in danger in Spain, and cited treaty obligations as the reason to uphold the extradition request.

Are we going to take the right humanitarian action or are there voices trying to influence this decision by arguing that by allowing him to be extradited it will somehow contribute to denuclearization negotiations. I know no one on our Korea team believes that but I am sure there are some who would like to keep this out of the news. My recommendation is to just rip the bandage off the wound right now. It will make some headlines. The regime will spew its usual rhetoric and then it will blow over. It can actually help reinforce that we are concerned with human rights and that we will not be a victim of blackmail diplomacy. The we allow this hanging chad to persist the more the north believes that its political warfare strategy and blackmail diplomacy is working. We need to explain to our Spanish allies that going through with our extradition and their trial will only embolden the regime and make it believe it has power and influence internationally. The regime will double down on its blackmail diplomacy because it will assess nations are afraid of the regime.


4.  N. Korea accuses Israel of turning Gaza into 'human slaughterhouse'

Israel Hayom · by Neta Bar and ILH Staff · June 6, 2021

The Kim family regime thinks it can be an international player. But this is a fascinating reaction to the regime's statement. Everyone recognizes the hypocrisy of the Kim family regime.

Reactions to the post were diverse, with one user in Ramallah tweeting: "North Korea is not an ally Palestine wants or needs. I'm so confused. I don't know whether to thank North Korea for condemning Israel or feel sick by their hypocrisy in writing such a thing when they themselves are perpetrating crimes."


5.  Ex-N.K. admiral responsible for Yeonpyeong naval skirmishes dies · by 장재순 · June 6, 2021

RIP. (not!)


6. President Moon's quiet, effective leadership

The Korea Times · by Arthur I. Cyr · June 6, 2021

Hmmm.... Did Professor Cyr write this using South Korean press releases and talking points?

I mean, come on. This?

“As a youth, Moon was imprisoned for political activism. Later, he became a human rights lawyer. He also served in the Republic of Korea army special forces, and saw action in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) along the 38th Parallel.”

He might explain that as a "human rights lawyer" he has never taken any action regarding human rights for Koreans in the north. The only human rights he has focused on are connected to the democracy movement of the 1980s and shaping the narrative of that period. And saw "action" in the DMZ?  He was a support soldier in the Special Warfare Command, not an actual operator. 

But what the professor overlooks the real issue. President Moon's peace agenda and his vision that Kim Jong-un actually supports peace and reconciliation is dangerous and wrong. He is willing to give concessions to the regime which will weaken the security of the ROK and further embolden Kim Jong-un to conduct political warfare and blackmail diplomacy while developing the military capabilities to unify the peninsula by force when the conditions to do so are sufficient.


7. South Korea to Accelerate Space Program, Expand U.S. Cooperation

Bloomberg · by Jeong-Ho Lee · June 6, 2021


8. Moon vows to reform military, rid it of 'backward culture' · by Esther Chung · June 6, 2021


9. Investigation into deadly helicopter crash ends without indictment · by Michael Lee · June 6, 2021


10. Pound-foolish procurement robs super soldiers of superpower · by Park Yong-Han and Michael Lee · June 6, 2021

I wonder about the similarities between the Korean and US programs in this area. Is there any collaboration?


11. BTS moment for Korea-US alliance and tasks ahead

The Korea Times · by Kim Won-soo · June 6, 2021

A very interesting interpretation of the summit and the future of the alliance.

Here are the three reasons why I think it was a diplomatic BTS moment.

The first, B, stands for "bold." 

The second, T, stands for "tough."

The third, S, stands for "surprising."




“Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely ... I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory! Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.”

- General Dwight Eisenhower, in a message to troops before Normandy


​“All that remained on the beach was some sniping and artillery fire, and the occasional startling blast of a mine geysering brown sand into the air … That plus the bodies of soldiers lying in rows covered with blankets, the toes of their shoes sticking up in a line as though on drill. And other bodies, uncollected, still sprawling grotesquely in the sand or half hidden by the high grass beyond the beach. That plus an intense, grim determination of work-weary men to get this chaotic beach organised and get all the vital supplies and the reinforcements moving more rapidly over it from the stacked-up ships standing in droves out to sea. Now that it is over it seems to me a pure miracle that we ever took the beach at all.”

- Ernie Pyle, D-Day column, excerpts from ‘Ernie’s War: The Best of Ernie Pyle’s World War II Dispatches’

Irregular Warfare Podcast: The Daughters of Kobani - How a Group of Women brought the fight to the Islamic State

Sat, 06/05/2021 - 3:23pm

An interview with the author, Gayle Lemmon, and General (Ret.) Joseph Votel, former CENTCOM and SOCOM commander



Episode 28 of the Irregular Warfare Podcast explores the story of the Kurdish Women’s Protection Units through the lens of the New York Times best-selling book The Daughters of Kobani. Our guests discuss the impetus for US intervention in Syria, the nature of the US relationship with the Syrian Kurds, and the efficacy of an approach that capitalized on US airpower in support of local ground forces. Both of our guests draw upon extensive professional experience in Syria to contextualize the rise and fall of the Islamic State by introducing us to the YPJ, an all female militia integrated into the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, which were integral to contributing to the fall of ISIS.

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon is the award-winning author of several New York Times best sellers, to include The Daughters of Kobani:  A Story of Rebellion, Courage, and Justice, on which this discussion is based. She is an adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a frequent speaker, author, and contributor to discussion forums, media outlets, and national security organizations on policy-related to security, women, and technology.

Retired General Joseph Votel served for thirty-nine years in the United States Army, last serving as the commander of US Central Command. He preceded that assignment with service as the commander of US Special Operations Command and Joint Special Operations Command. Gen. Votel is currently president and CEO of Business Executives for National Security and is on the executive board of the Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

06/05/2021 News & Commentary – National Security

Sat, 06/05/2021 - 1:21pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. U.S. UFO Report Doesn’t Explain Mystery Sightings but Finds No Sign of Aliens

2. America's allies and enemies will take note of Biden's low-priority defense budget

3. Pentagon to keep ban on Pride, most other flags from being flown on military installations

4. FDD | Al-Qaeda Is Still in Afghanistan, and It's Fighting for Victory

5. Rome Could Be Washington's Ideal Partner on China

6. Nations in Southeast Asia want peace and trade, not war

7. Mr. Xi, policies are more important than narratives

8. Countering China’s Intimidation of Taiwan

9. Gen. Charles Flynn, brother of former national security adviser, takes reins of US Army Pacific

10. Force Structure for the Future – Key Issues for the Army

11. Xi Jinping's Tiananmen Vision for Us All

12. Taiwan's foreign minister plays down threat of war even as tensions soar

13. China: Two Key Questions

14. Rare awards show Nigerien valor in 2017 ambush of Army Green Berets

15. Iran’s Proxies in Iraq Threaten U.S. With More Sophisticated Weapons

16. **CORRECTED** Episode 0008: Guest Tamara Cofman Wittes / Human Rights & National Security (The Smell of Victory Podcast by Divergent Options)

17. Biden seeks State Department budget boost, but ambassador nominations lag

18. Can Rockets Deliver Supplies to War Zones? Space Force, Air Force Aim to Find Out

19. The Army's Legendary Little Bird Might Be Flying Away for Good

20. Afghan allies need immediate evacuation to avoid danger, lawmakers warn

21.  Tiananmen Square embodies Chinese people’s confidence, pride: Global Times editorial

22. Why the Wuhan lab theory inquiry will help Biden heal a divided America


1. U.S. UFO Report Doesn’t Explain Mystery Sightings but Finds No Sign of Aliens

WSJ · by Gordon Lubold and Nancy A. Youssef

One of the best quotes I heard on a news show from an expert is that if it looks like something a human being would imagine and construct it was probably built by a human being and not an alien.  


2. America's allies and enemies will take note of Biden's low-priority defense budget

The Hill · by Dov S. Zakheim · June 4, 2021

This is a strong critique: "America’s allies and friends will be watching carefully as Congress responds to a defense budget that, for the first time in many years, is not a top administration priority; so too, and far more ominously, will America’s enemies."


3. Pentagon to keep ban on Pride, most other flags from being flown on military installations

The Hill · by Ellen Mitchell · June 4, 2021

Policies must be consistent and enforced.

As an aside, and I do not mean this as a partisan comment, this administration is not totally rejecting everything implemented by the past administration. I recently spoke to some government officials who noted there is quite a bit of policy continuity in a number of areas (though obviously we have seen rejection of some of the more controversial and high visibility policies). While there may be new names to policies many of the policies are very much along the lines of the previous administration's.  Our career professional government officials can see the continuity.


4. FDD | Al-Qaeda Is Still in Afghanistan, and It's Fighting for Victory · by Thomas Joscelyn · June 4, 2021

A sober (or somber) assessment.

Conclusion: "America’s military presence in Afghanistan is coming to an end. Nothing written here will change that. And there’s much to criticize with respect to how this war was prosecuted. But the U.S. should understand what it is leaving behind."


5. Rome Could Be Washington's Ideal Partner on China · by James Jay Carafano and Stefano Graziosi

Excerpts: “What the United States needs is more European partners to build toward a stronger consensus. Under a new government, Italy might help tip the balance.

For starters, Rome’s relations with Beijing are frostier these days. And there are more factors at play.


6. Nations in Southeast Asia want peace and trade, not war

SCMP · by Alex Lo · June 4, 2021

I would hope so. Who wants war?

Excerpts: ““They do not want to see a heightened US-Chinese rivalry in Southeast Asia,” he wrote. “Asean countries do not want to be polarised … and see [their] cohesion undermined. [They] are hoping that the Biden administration will lower the temperature, tone, and tension … and keep the rivalry manageable.

“It is in the national interest of Asean countries to maintain good relations with both the United States and China. They all want to extract benefits from both powers.”

They understand they will be living next to China for a long, long time.


7. Mr. Xi, policies are more important than narratives · by Kuni Miyake · June 3, 2021

Or actions speak louder than words. 

Excerpts:I sincerely hope Beijing is currently wiser than Tokyo was then. History may not always repeat itself, but it does rhyme sometimes. Will you continue to let your “Wolf Warriors” bark at international institutions, further discrediting your excellency’s People’s Republic of China?

Or can you bravely modify your policies and start pursuing an exit from this fruitless advancement of hollow narratives? If you start making deals with the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden, his professional men and women will surely understand and not let China lose face.

As I told you three years ago, “The lesson Tokyo learned in 1945 is that you cannot always win by fighting, but you can win by avoiding a fight.” Ultimately, it is your choice.


8. Countering China’s Intimidation of Taiwan by Robert S. Wang

From the Foreign Service Journal.  

Key point: “There are risks to maintaining the strategy of ambiguity as Chinese military power builds up in the coming years. First, this strategy will not reduce Beijing’s increasing assertiveness toward Taiwan and the region. From my own involvement in many years of negotiations with Chinese officials, it is my view that Beijing will see a U.S. effort to hang on to this strategy simply as a sign of weakness and fear, not clever diplomacy, and will seek to exploit this weakness by increasing the pressure and pushing for concessions from both Taiwan and the United States. I believe we are seeing this play out today. In time, the lack of a clear U.S. commitment will allow Beijing to succeed in sowing doubts about U.S. credibility—not only among the people of Taiwan, but in the region and the world as a whole.

Beijing will continue to escalate its military pressure as it senses uncertainty and weakness on the part of the United States.


9. Gen. Charles Flynn, brother of former national security adviser, takes reins of US Army Pacific

Stars and Stripes · by Wyatt Olson · June 5, 2021

I wonder when the change of command will take place in Korea.

I feel bad for General Fynn. Every article about him will have a comment or tie in to his brother.

Excerpt:Flynn — the younger brother of Michael Flynn, who briefly served as national security adviser under former President Donald Trump — took the reins from Gen. Paul LaCamera, who will move on to command U.S. Forces Korea.


10. Force Structure for the Future – Key Issues for the Army · by Travis Wright

A focus on the Army National Guard.


11. Xi Jinping's Tiananmen Vision for Us All · by Claudia Rosett · June 4, 2021

Few are as critical of China as Cluadia Rosett in such blunt writing (except perhaps Gordon Chang). She pulls no punches.

Excerpts: “But you can’t have both in Xi Jinping’s China, where in order for the Communist Party to keep control, wealth and power must be constantly segregated from any “misled” impulses toward freedom, democratic choice and individual dignity. These are affronts and threats to the party, whether they arise at home or as inspiring examples abroad.


Thus did China’s communists transform Tiananmen from a place of democratic hopes in the spring of 1989, to a heavily guarded showplace where the China’s communist can entertain dignitaries and parade the tanks and missiles with which plan to shore up plans for sharing their system with the world, like it or not.


Thus do we see China’s transformation of Hong Kong’s Victoria Park, on June 4, 2021, from a place for people to honor freedom and those who died for it, to an empty reflection of the nihilist core of Xi’s grand China dream: a vacant park, walled off by police, overlooked by state security, off limits to the humanity all that massive “national security” is officially supposed to serve. Next on the list is quite likely Taiwan, though Xi has made clear it’s not just East Asia, but a global order he aspires to lead along this path of “remarkable progress.” Unless we stop it, that’s the CCP’s China Dream, coming for us all.


12. Taiwan's foreign minister plays down threat of war even as tensions soar · by Jesse Johnson  · June 5, 2021

Excerpts:However, the top Taiwanese diplomat attempted to make clear that Taipei was first and foremost “absolutely committed” to its own self-defense, while also vowing to continue to re-examine with partners any security shortcomings.

“We need to engage with the United States in security discussions … to see what is the blind side of Taiwan that we need to improve upon,” Wu said. “So far, the discussions … have been going very well.”

Still, he emphasized that Taiwan views its defense as its own responsibility.


13. China: Two Key Questions  · Sheena Chestnut Greitens · June 1, 2021

Analysis of the Biden Administration's interim National Security Strategic Guidance (NSSG) regarding China.

Excerpts: “There two key questions that this strategy will have to address in the coming months: one about how regional allies and partners will respond to this strategy, and one about how China itself is likely to respond.


Democracy commonly plays a major role in American national security strategy, and under the Biden Administration, early national security strategy documents have framed democracy both as a core value and institution to be defended, and a strategic asset to be deployed. In Asia, that has meant a considerable focus on the challenges posed by China, and behavior by the Chinese party-state that has grown increasingly repressive at home and assertive or combative abroad. The key questions facing the Biden Administration in articulating such a strategy are how it will navigate collaboration with security and economic partners who are either undemocratic or do not equally prioritize democracy as a shaping force in foreign policy, and how to address the way that this framing will interact with a national security concept on the Chinese side that sees ideological security as an important objective and assertion of democracy and human rights as a potential offensive threat to that ideological security. In the years ahead, these two questions will do much to shape the outcomes of the strategy that the Biden Administration has proposed.


14. Rare awards show Nigerien valor in 2017 ambush of Army Green Berets · by Kyle Rempfer · June 4, 2021


15. Iran’s Proxies in Iraq Threaten U.S. With More Sophisticated Weapons

The New York Times · by Jane Araf Eric Schmitt · June 4, 2021

Not so highly secretive.

Excerpts: “At least three times in the past two months, those militias have used small, explosive-laden drones that divebomb and crash into their targets in late-night attacks on Iraqi bases — including those used by the C.I.A. and U.S. Special Operations units, according to American officials.



Three days later, another drone struck just after midnight at an airfield in Harir, north of Erbil, that is used by the military’s highly secretive Joint Special Operations Command. The explosive-laden drone crashed, causing no injuries or damage, coalition officials said, but fueled the growing worries.


16. **CORRECTED** Episode 0008: Guest Tamara Cofman Wittes / Human Rights & National Security (The Smell of Victory Podcast by Divergent Options)

Divergent Options

A very interesting podcast. But I especially like the accompanying graphic on human rights. If it does not come through in the message please go to this link to view it.  


17. Biden seeks State Department budget boost, but ambassador nominations lag · by Jacqueline Feldscher · June 4, 2021

Excerpt: “One area where Biden is getting it right is consistently messaging that his top diplomats have his full trust and speak for him, said Bradley Bowman, senior director of the Center on Military and Political Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

“The trust that [the president]…demonstrates in his secretary of state is important. When Secretary Blinken shows up in this or that country, the first question that his interlocutors are going to ask is does this person have the trust and authority of the U.S. president,” Bowman said. “That matters, because that helps people decide whether they should take what Blinken says as serious and substantive.”

Still, Bowman, who spent nine years on Capitol Hill, worried about the proposed cuts to the defense budget, saying that diplomacy is at its best when it’s backed up by a strong military deterrent, especially against aggressive threats such as China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran.

“You can have the most eloquent communiques and press releases from Foggy Bottom, but if we’re learned anything over the years, it’s that Putin’s not impressed with diplomatic communiques. It takes hard power,” he said.


18. Can Rockets Deliver Supplies to War Zones? Space Force, Air Force Aim to Find Out · by Tara Copp

Now this is a logistics concept we need to get behind. Game changer would not be a strong enough description.

Excerpt: "AFRL will look at whether reusable commercial rockets that can carry up to 100 tons of cargo could be used to deliver gear to a conflict in an hour or less. The Air Force is also considering the cargo for humanitarian missions and disaster relief."


19. The Army's Legendary Little Bird Might Be Flying Away for Good

Popular Mechanics · by Kyle Mizokami · June 4, 2021

Oh no! What a great little helicopter. Can it really be replaced by something better?


20. Afghan allies need immediate evacuation to avoid danger, lawmakers warn · by Leo Shane III · June 4, 2021

A bipartisan issue (at least among Congressmen who are veterans).


21. Tiananmen Square embodies Chinese people’s confidence, pride: Global Times editorial  · June 4, 2021

Fascinating and bold propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party.

I wonder who is the target audience for this?

Unbelievable statements here: “If the incident 32 years ago has any positive effect, that is, it has inoculated the Chinese people with a political vaccine, helping us acquire immunity from being seriously misled. China underwent a "color revolution," but wasn't brought down by it. The leadership of the Communist Party of China has saved the fate of the nation at a critical juncture.



The Chinese people have the most say about this country and to define what the Tiananmen Square means. The Square nowadays is packed with visitors throughout the year. The flag-raising ceremony held here every day undoubtedly is the one that has attracted the most audiences in the world. The ceremony on October 1, the National Day, is particularly grand, and often attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators.


Tiananmen Square embodies the Chinese people's confidence and pride in the politics of the country, and it is a symbol of China's unity as well as the country's independence and increasing prosperity. The Chinese public's understanding of the incident 32 years ago has undergone a fundamental change. We laugh at those posturing "commemorative" activities and political stunts orchestrated by outside forces.


22. Why the Wuhan lab theory inquiry will help Biden heal a divided America

The Telegraph · by Leslie Vinjamuri

Excerpts:Public attitudes don’t determine China policy, but they restrict the space in which policymakers operate. Negative public attitudes towards China could make it harder for the US to achieve its purported goal to compete but also cooperate with China. A widely shared anti-China bias also means that careful stewardship is critical in securing a fact-based investigation.

The stakes couldn’t be higher, since China holds the key to tackling climate change and preventing future pandemics and US businesses remain keen to work in China.

There are other reasons to be sceptical of the significance of the US investigation. International agreement on the origins of Covid-19 will be harder to achieve on the basis of a national investigation alone, even one that UK intelligence officials are actively contributing to. The failure of the US Congress to agree to a Commission to review the Jan 6 attack on the US Capitol will not inspire international confidence in America’s commitment to independent investigation.

But the significance of a serious national investigation into the origins of the coronavirus, one that has been mired in partisan politics, is still a step forward for science and for democracy in the US.




"Democracy alone, of all forms of government, enlists the full force of men's enlightened will."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt


"Democracy, like liberty, justice and other social and political rights, is not "given", it is earned through courage, resolution and sacrifice."

- Aung San Suu Kyi


"Conflicts may be the sources of defeat, lost life and a limitation of our potentiality but they may also lead to greater depth of living and the birth of more far-reaching unities, which flourish in the tensions that engender them."

- Karl Jaspers

06/05/2021 News & Commentary – Korea

Sat, 06/05/2021 - 1:03pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. N.K. leader presides over politburo meeting in first public appearance in a month

2. NKorean leader calls for meeting to review battered economy

3. Ruling party chief to push to visit U.S. to find way for resumption of Kaesong complex

4. Upcoming joint exercise with South Korea, Japan is frequently held drill: Pentagon spokesman

5. Lifting missile curbs on S. Korea 'complementary' to U.S. regional deterrence efforts: senator

6. Scholar: North Korea is working to normalize its government

7. Korean Workers’ Party Changed Its Goals? No, It’s Terminology Confusion Tactics

8. Is North Korea Facing a Food Shortage?

9. A New Skyline Emerges in Sinuiju

10. Hwangtho Island: No More Target Practice

11. South Korea on stage


1. N.K. leader presides over politburo meeting in first public appearance in a month · by 황장진 · June 5, 2021

He's back! He remains on the pandemic work regimen: Work one day, take a month in isolation. (note attempt at humor).


2. NKorean leader calls for meeting to review battered economy

AP News · by Kim Tong-Hyung

How many times have we heard that Kim Jong un- (or Kim Jong-il or Kim Ils-sung) is going to reform the economy? Probably as many times as the regime has said it would denuclearize.


3. Ruling party chief to push to visit U.S. to find way for resumption of Kaesong complex · by 송상호 · June 5, 2021

To Mr. Song Young-gil. Please recall that our two presidents have agreed to full implementation of all relevant UN Security council Resolutions. If Kaesong is in violation of UN sanctions (or US law) you are unlikely to get support for resumption of activities at Kaesong (or in reality support for the direct transfer of funds to the Kim family regime royal court economy which is what occurs through the Kaesong Industrial Complex.) 

On the other hand, we are starting to see come Congressmen in the US embrace a number of north Korean positions from end of war declaration and end of US hostile policy to sanctions relief as they have come under the influence of some NGOs who have ties (directly and indirectly) to the United Front Department of the north.


4. Upcoming joint exercise with South Korea, Japan is frequently held drill: Pentagon spokesman

The Korea Times · June 5, 2021

This is one of the few times "no comment" is useful - though even though he says he is not going to comment - his words provide important commentary about north Korean rhetoric. We should not allow ourselves to be influenced by the north's rhetoric and we should not take action to try to avoid north Korean rhetoric. Let the blow hard Propaganda and Agitation Department sound off about our exercises and expose their rhetoric and hypocrisy 

Excerpts: "I'm not going to comment on the reaction by North Korean officials. I would simply add that this is an exercise that we conduct very frequently," the spokesman said in a press briefing.


His remarks came one day after a North Korean propaganda outlet denounced Seoul's decision to take part in the annual multinational air force Red Flag exercise to be held in Alaska.


Kirby highlighted the importance of the upcoming joint military drills as it will involve both South Korea and Japan for the first time in more than two years.

"You have heard the secretary talk about the importance of trilateral cooperation when he visited Japan and South Korea not too long ago, so this is an example of that," said the spokesman, referring to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's visits to Seoul and Tokyo in March.


5. Lifting missile curbs on S. Korea 'complementary' to U.S. regional deterrence efforts: senator · by 송상호 · June 5, 2021

Excerpts:"I think that just because we lift the cap doesn't mean that South Korea should immediately go out and throw a lot of money into developing these new long range missiles," Duckworth said.

"I think it's complementary to the work that we're doing here and I think it shows the maturity of the partnership and of the security alliance," she added.

After last month's summit between President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Joe Biden, Moon announced the lifting of the guidelines barring South Korea from developing or possessing ballistic missiles with a maximum range greater than 800 kilometers.

Speculation has since persisted that Seoul's ability to field longer-range missiles could enhance U.S. security interests in the context of an intensifying Sino-U.S. rivalry, though Seoul framed it as a restoration of "missile sovereignty."


6. Scholar: North Korea is working to normalize its government

UPI  · Thomas Maresca

Normalize its "government?" I am sure the Professor must understand the north is ruled and run by the party and not the government or the state.

But it is this kind of response from people like Professor Moon that the north is trying to engender. This is what they want us to believe. They are trying to create the conditions where we will give concessions in return got a promise to negotiate. We want to believe the north is "reforming."

Remember, the new Biden administration policy is to provide Kim the opportunity to act as a responsible member of the international community. But the key word is "act." It must take substantive actions to show its sincerity. Words are insufficient. Continued political warfare and blackmail diplomacy must end but the recent announced changes to the party rules are really an example of the regime's political warfare. There is no substance behind those words.

If the regime was ending its revolution unification strategy it would need to change its constitution. And more importantly it would have to end not only its indoctrination of the Korean people living in the north, it would have to admit to the people that its objectives and strategy for the last 7 decades were wrong. When the regime does that I will consider taking the announcement of the change in party rules seriously. Until then it is simply a continuation of the regime's political warfare with juche characteristics. And we should not be duped by it.


7. Korean Workers’ Party Changed Its Goals? No, It’s Terminology Confusion Tactics

East Asia Research · June 4, 2021

Important analysis of the regime's changes to the party rules from Dr. Tara O.

Conclusion: "In states with a communist party, and KWP is a communist party in North Korea, the party is above the state. Thus, what the Party does or says is carefully watched. The Party may make some minor adjustments, but its fundamental goals do not change. If it appears to be, consider the tactics often employed—the Terminology Confusion Tactics."


8. Is North Korea Facing a Food Shortage? · by Eli Fuhrman · June 4, 2021

If so it is because of the deliberate policy decision of Kim Jong-un. He is responsible.


9. A New Skyline Emerges in Sinuiju

38 North · by Martlyn Williams · June 4, 2021

Where does the regime get the resources for this work? How does this help the Korean people in the north?


10. Hwangtho Island: No More Target Practice

38 North · by Martlyn Williams and Peter Makowsky · June 4, 2021

Perhaps they are constructing target facilities for more advanced direct action SOF training.


11. South Korea on stage  · by Marvin Ott · June 4, 2021

Professor Ott's analysis of the Biden-Moon summit and the future of the alliance.

Conclusion: "It all adds up to an interesting and complex dynamic between Washington and Seoul. As the U.S. shifts its strategic focus and priorities to Asia, the Republic of Korea (ROK) seems certain to occupy a growing role in American thinking and policy."




"Democracy alone, of all forms of government, enlists the full force of men's enlightened will."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt


"Democracy, like liberty, justice and other social and political rights, is not "given", it is earned through courage, resolution and sacrifice."

- Aung San Suu Kyi


"Conflicts may be the sources of defeat, lost life and a limitation of our potentiality but they may also lead to greater depth of living and the birth of more far-reaching unities, which flourish in the tensions that engender them."

- Karl Jaspers

06/04/2021 News & Commentary – National Security

Fri, 06/04/2021 - 9:50am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs

1. FDD Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: Late May

2. The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19’s Origins

3. White House warns companies to step up cybersecurity

4. Terrorists will move to where they can’t be moderated

5.  The Taiwan Temptation: Why Beijing Might Resort to Force

6. A.I. Drone May Have Acted On Its Own in Attacking Fighters, U.N. Says

7. Drone Dilemma: The Risks of Washington’s Favorite Counterterrorism Tool Often Outweigh the Rewards

8. The Origin of COVID-19 and Preventing the Next Pandemic

9. Exclusive: U.S. to give ransomware hacks similar priority as terrorism

10. China Rips Off U.S. Multi-Domain Warfare Tactics

11. White House Warns Companies to Act Now on Ransomware Defenses

12. Censoring Hong Kong’s Exiles

13. Biden administration expands Trump-era order by banning U.S. investment in Chinese companies linked to the military or surveillance technology

14. Tiananmen: Hong Kong vigil organiser arrested on 32nd anniversary

15. Opinion | To compete with China, Washington must fix its own dysfunction

16.  Southeast Asian countries edging closer to the US

17. At Least 11 Junta Troops Killed as Ethnic Alliance Attacks in Northern Shan

18. Welcome To The Jungle: Myanmar Rebels Teach Coup Protesters To Make War

19. 'I thought I was going to lose my life': Capitol Police officers share their harrowing January 6 stories for the first time

20. The pitfalls of modern battleship diplomacy

21. Clarity in Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the CIA

22. Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s search for ‘woke military’ complaints draws ridicule — and war movie quotes

23. Special forces and their role in the history of warfare


1. FDD Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: Late May

FDD · June 3, 2021

Access the tracker at the link.


2. The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19’s Origins

Vanity Fair · by Katherine Eban

Excerpts: “Will we ever know the truth? Dr. David Relman of Stanford University School of Medicine has been advocating for an investigation like the 9/11 Commission to examine COVID-19’s origins. But 9/11 took place in one day, he said, whereas “this has so many different manifestations, consequences, responses across nations. All of that makes it a hundred-dimensional problem.”

The bigger problem is that so much time has gone by. “With every passing day and week, the kinds of information that might prove helpful will have a tendency to dissipate and disappear,” he said. “The world ages and things get moved, and biological signals degrade.”

China obviously bears responsibility for stonewalling investigators. Whether it did so out of sheer authoritarian habit or because it had a lab leak to hide is, and may always be, unknown.

The United States deserves a healthy share of blame as well. Thanks to their unprecedented track record of mendacity and race-baiting, Trump and his allies had less than zero credibility. And the practice of funding risky research via cutouts like EcoHealth Alliance enmeshed leading virologists in conflicts of interest at the exact moment their expertise was most desperately needed.

Now, at least, there appears to be the prospect of a level inquiry—the kind Gilles Demaneuf and Jamie Metzl had wanted from the start. “We needed to create a space where all of the hypotheses could be considered,” Metzl said.

If the lab-leak explanation proves accurate, history may credit Demaneuf and his fellow doubters for breaking the dam—not that they have any intention of stopping. They are now knee-deep in examining the WIV’s construction orders, sewage output, and cell phone traffic. The thought driving Paris Group cofounder Virginie Courtier forward is simple: “There are unanswered questions,” she says, “and a few human beings know the answers.”


3. White House warns companies to step up cybersecurity

Reuters · by Doina Chiacu


4.  Terrorists will move to where they can’t be moderated

Wired · by Adam Hadley

Excerpts: “These problems will pose awkward regulatory questions, which doesn’t bode well for governments resigned to fixing the internet with the bluntest of instruments, or not at all. Why is it that designated terrorist organisations are currently able to register their own domain names? Why are so few far-right extremist groups recognised as terrorists? Why does law enforcement have such limited funding and resources to investigate online hate speech and incitement to violence?

It’s easy to ask the tech sector to “do more”, but in practice, this is an admission of government dereliction of duty. Governments are all too prepared to blame the internet for society’s ills without putting in the groundwork to improve online governance. If individuals commit crimes online by inciting violence then they should be investigated, prosecuted and, if found guilty, sentenced: short-circuiting this judicial process will not make society safer.

Decentralised social media and file storage will likely become the norm within the next ten years. The question will become: how do we devise a decentralised content moderation mechanism that is based on consensus and prevents criminal use?


5. The Taiwan Temptation: Why Beijing Might Resort to Force

Foreign Affairs · by Oriana Skylar Mastro · June 3, 2021

Excerpts: “Unless the United States or Taiwan moves first to alter the status quo, Xi will likely consider initiating armed unification only if he is confident that his military can successfully gain control of the island. Can it?

The answer is a matter of debate, and it depends on what it would take to compel Taiwan’s capitulation. Beijing is preparing for four main campaigns that its military planners believe could be necessary to take control of the island. The first consists of joint PLA missile and airstrikes to disarm Taiwanese targets—initially military and government, then civilian—and thereby force Taipei’s submission to Chinese demands. The second is a blockade operation in which China would attempt to cut the island off from the outside world with everything from naval raids to cyberattacks. The third involves missile and airstrikes against U.S. forces deployed nearby, with the aim of making it difficult for the United States to come to Taiwan’s aid in the initial stages of the conflict. The fourth and final campaign is an island landing effort in which China would launch an amphibious assault on Taiwan—perhaps taking its offshore islands first as part of a phased invasion or carpet bombing them as the navy, the army, and the air force focused on Taiwan proper.


The most effective way to deter Chinese leaders from attacking Taiwan is also the most difficult: to convince them that armed unification would cost China its rejuvenation. And the United States cannot do this alone. Washington would need to persuade a large coalition of allies to commit to a coordinated economic, political, and military response to any Chinese aggression. And that, unfortunately, remains a remote possibility, since many countries are unwilling to risk their economic prospects, let alone a major-power war, in order to defend a small democratic island.

Ultimately, then, there is no quick and easy fix to the escalating tensions across the strait. The only way the United States can ensure Taiwan’s security is to make an invasion impossible for Beijing or to convince Chinese leaders that using force will cause them to be pariahs. For the last 25 years, however, Beijing has sought to prevent Washington from doing either. Unfortunately for Taiwan, only now is the United States waking up to the new reality.


6.  A.I. Drone May Have Acted On Its Own in Attacking Fighters, U.N. Says

The New York Times · by Maria Cramer · June 3, 2021

Hmmmm.. See bad guy. Kill bad guy.  


7. Drone Dilemma: The Risks of Washington’s Favorite Counterterrorism Tool Often Outweigh the Rewards

Foreign Affairs · by Anouk S. Rigterink · June 3, 2021

Conclusion: Any review of U.S. drone policy must grapple with this complex record. Drones have been touted as a low-cost, low-risk tool of counterterrorism. The evidence suggests that image is at best incomplete and at worst fundamentally wrong.


8.  The Origin of COVID-19 and Preventing the Next Pandemic · by Amanda Moodie · June 4, 2021

Excerpts:While it’s important to discover the origins of the pandemic, there’s a danger in taking these efforts too far. Some have argued that conclusively demonstrating the pandemic’s origins in a lab release might help nations seeking to encourage China to pay financial reparations for the global economic cost of the virus to make their case. This could be a problematic approach. Not only is there no legal precedent under international law to hold a country liable for a pandemic, but in the long run this might be an unwise road for the United States, given its own history of laboratory accidents and safety lapses. Insisting that China bears responsibility for the pandemic and should be expected to pay compensation to other countries or the families of coronavirus victims could backfire in the future if the United States finds itself attempting to mitigate the consequences from a laboratory accident. Furthermore, legal efforts to blame China could fuel additional xenophobia against Asian-Americans, or even undermine U.S. foreign policy interests.

Meanwhile, the focus on where the virus came from should not divert attention from what’s even more important — preparing for the next pandemic. Political finger-pointing might make it far more difficult for researchers to collaborate internationally on pandemic preparedness efforts. Experts are already noting the possible implications for the National Institutes of Health and other research institutions of the growing tension between the United States and China, exacerbated by the allegations and skepticism around the virus’s origins. This pandemic is far from over, despite the rollout of vaccines in the United States, and new potential pandemic diseases are already testing global health efforts elsewhere in the world. American experts therefore need to keep a laser-like focus on the real enemy: the causative agents of disease.

There will be far more blame to share if the international community becomes so fixated on the circumstances surrounding this unique case that it’s unable to see the big picture and predict or prepare for the next pandemic. There’s work we can do in that respect while maintaining agnosticism about the origins of COVID-19. Regardless of the source, we need to be better prepared to respond to the next virus.


9. Exclusive: U.S. to give ransomware hacks similar priority as terrorism

Reuters · by Christopher Bing

Excerpts: “Internal guidance sent on Thursday to U.S. attorney's offices across the country said information about ransomware investigations in the field should be centrally coordinated with a recently created task force in Washington.

"It's a specialized process to ensure we track all ransomware cases regardless of where it may be referred in this country, so you can make the connections between actors and work your way up to disrupt the whole chain," said John Carlin, principle associate deputy attorney general at the Justice Department.


10. China Rips Off U.S. Multi-Domain Warfare Tactics · by Kris Osborn

Chinese R&D: Steal to leap ahead. I recall a Chinese delegation coming to NDU when I was on the faculty there in 2010-2011. Their most pressing "concern" was to learn if we have abandon "jointness" in the US military because we had eliminated the Joint Forces Command. They thought that by eliminating it that we no longer considered jointness a priority. This was because they were working so hard to implement jointness in the Chinese military,


11. White House Warns Companies to Act Now on Ransomware Defenses

The New York Times · by David E. Sanger and Nicole Perlroth · June 3, 2021

Excerpts: “In the White House memo, titled “What We Urge You to Do Now,” Ms. Neuberger asked businesses to focus on the basics. One step is multifactor authentication, a process that forces employees to enter a second, one-time password from their phone, or a security token, when they log in from an unrecognized device.


It encouraged them to regularly back up data, and segregate those backup systems from the rest of their networks so that cybercriminals cannot easily find them. It urged companies to hire firms to conduct “penetration testing,’’ essentially dry runs in which an attack on a company’s systems is simulated, to find vulnerabilities. And Ms. Neuberger asked them to think ahead about how they would react should their networks and held hostage with ransomware.


Recorded Future, a security firm that tracks ransomware attacks, estimated that there were 65,000 successful ransomware attacks last year, or one every eight minutes. But as businesses automate their core operations, the risk of more consequential ransomware attacks only grows.


On Thursday, just as the White House was releasing its memo, new ransomware attacks surfaced, this time on Cox Media Group, which owns 57 radio and television stations across 20 American markets. Late Wednesday, the government of Mobile County, Ala., said its systems had been held hostage with ransomware.


“Ransomware attacks are only going to get worse and more pervasive into people’s lives, and they’re not disappearing anytime soon,” said Allan Liska, an intelligence analyst at Recorded Future. “There’s a line of cybercriminals waiting to conduct these ransomware attacks. Anytime one goes down, you just see another group pop up.”


12. Censoring Hong Kong’s Exiles

WSJ · by The Editorial Board

One aspect of the nature of the Chinese Communist Party exposed.

Excerpts:The incident is part of a broader trend. Last year, after a request from Chinese authorities, Zoom temporarily suspended two U.S.-based accounts of activists attempting to discuss the Tiananmen Square massacre.

The Wix episode is a reminder that Beijing intends to censor speech worldwide if it can get away with it. The U.S. and its allies will have to push back against these threats rather than let China dictate what free people around the world can say about Communist Party rule.


13. Biden administration expands Trump-era order by banning U.S. investment in Chinese companies linked to the military or surveillance technology

The Washington Post · by Jeanne Whalen and Ellen Nakashima · June 3, 2021

Excerpts: “The Biden administration officials said they expect to place additional companies on the list.

One former U.S. official said “wresting authority” from the Pentagon and moving it to Treasury amounts to a “sidelining of the Pentagon” and will undermine the effort to curb Chinese abuses.

“The Treasury Department, which has been under enormous pressure by Wall Street on the issue, at the end of the day is focused on the liquidity and depth of the capital markets and is much less inclined to sanction Chinese companies,” said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity.


14. Tiananmen: Hong Kong vigil organiser arrested on 32nd anniversary


A gutsy woman. I hope she makes it through this.


15. Opinion | To compete with China, Washington must fix its own dysfunction

The Washington Post · by Josh Rogin · June 3, 2021

Excerpts: “In a statement, Meeks defended his bill and said he remains hopeful he can strike an agreement with Republicans. “From the outset of this process, I’ve made clear that I want to address China in a bipartisan manner,” he said. “With negotiations still ongoing, that door remains wide open.”

Even if they do find a compromise, the path forward is unclear. When will the House take up the legislation? Will there be a conference negotiation between the two chambers? Nobody knows. The Biden White House is somewhat involved but not spending its own political capital to take a public leadership role. If the Democratic leadership in Congress has a legislative strategy that extends beyond next week, they are hiding it amazingly well.

There’s growing fear around Capitol Hill that this entire project could go belly up. It’s easy to imagine a scenario in which each chamber ends up passing separate bills that never become law, each patting itself on the back and blaming the other for the overall failure. That would be a clear sign that Washington is too broken to come together, even when there’s broad consensus on an urgent national security and economic issue.

The good news is that it’s not too late for our leaders to get their act together and do what everyone agrees is necessary: Put our country in a position to win the strategic competition with China. But the clock is ticking.


16. Southeast Asian countries edging closer to the US · by Richard Javad Heydarian · June 3, 2021

Lots of indicators of blowback against China. And is China's wolf diplomacy committing "own goals" or self inflicted wounds? Can we exploit Chinese mistakes?


17. At Least 11 Junta Troops Killed as Ethnic Alliance Attacks in Northern Shan · by The Irrawaddy · May 31, 2021


18. Welcome To The Jungle: Myanmar Rebels Teach Coup Protesters To Make War

Barron's · by AFP - Agence France Presse

I wonder how many private American citizens are directly or indirectly supporting this effort. We know there are many of our friends working in various capacities in Burma support the tribes and humanitarian and other efforts.


19. 'I thought I was going to lose my life': Capitol Police officers share their harrowing January 6 stories for the first time

CNN · by Whitney Wild and Jeremy Herb

This is so sad and troubling. And even more so that there are those who deny this.


20. The pitfalls of modern battleship diplomacy

Financial Times · by the editorial board · June 1, 2021

Excerpts: “The risk is that Beijing may conclude the real lesson to be drawn from such carefully calibrated deployments is that the UK and other European powers would actually stand aside — if China were ever to attempt a blockade of Taiwan.

In reality, neither Washington, Beijing, Taipei or London could be sure how such an unprecedented international crisis would unfold. It would be wise if all parties ensure that we never find out.


21. Clarity in Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the CIA · by Marc Polymeropoulos

Clarity in Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the CIA


22. Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s search for ‘woke military’ complaints draws ridicule — and war movie quotes

The Washington Post · by Alex Horton · June 3, 2021



23. Special forces and their role in the history of warfare · by Eric Sof

Ugh. How could an article like this not even mention the OSS?




"Own only what you can always carry with you: know languages, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag."

- Alexander Solzhenitsyn


"To live is to war with trolls."

- Henrik Ibsen


"Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional."

- Max Lucade

06/04/2021 News & Commentary – Korea

Fri, 06/04/2021 - 9:38am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs

1. FDD Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: Late May KOREA

2. The North Korea Threat Is Growing. U.S.-South Korea Military Training Must Press Forward.

3. HRNK Letter to Her Excellency Ms Siobhán Mullally (north Korean Human Rights)

4. Could More Powerful South Korean Ballistic Missiles Actually Help North Korea?

5. N. Korea expert says WPK turned into “Kim Jong-un party” with amendment in party rules

6. South Korea’s Military Is Shrinking and Some Say Women Must Answer the Call of Duty

7. FM meets U.S. senators, discusses alliance issues

8. Moon visits S. Korea's spy agency for briefing on its reform steps

9. Kim Jong-un’s disappearance from public view stokes speculation

10. UN may probe possible sanctions violations by South Korean firms involving oil tanker transfer to North Korea

11. North Korea places Yanggang Province village under seven-day lockdown in late May

12. North Korea's Ninth Corps lets soldiers go home on "grain leave"

13. Kim Yo-jong, Kim Jong-un's sister, likely being formally elevated in secretive N.K. regime

14. South Korea’s cultural spats with China are growing more intense

15.  An Economic Blueprint for North Korea

16. Guessing game: Will Kim’s sister become his No 2?

17. Why North Korea is facing a major food shortage that could lead to the death of millions

18. North Korea Restricts Local Markets, Pushing Sales in State-Owned Stores


1. FDD Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: Late May KOREA

FDD · by David Maxwell and Mathew Ha


2.  The North Korea Threat Is Growing. U.S.-South Korea Military Training Must Press Forward. · by David Maxwell · June 3, 2021

My latest essay. It focuses on combined training, the post summit statements from South Korea on cancelling or scaling back training, and the statements from north Korea that it no longer seeks unification by revolution. Needless to say, I take both Moon and Kim to task.


3. HRNK Letter to Her Excellency Ms Siobhán Mullally (north Korean Human Rights) 

HRNK  · by Greg Scarlatoiu, Amanda Mortwedt Oh, Rick Herssevoort, and Damian Reddy

4. Could More Powerful South Korean Ballistic Missiles Actually Help North Korea? · by A. B. Abrams · June 3, 2021

Interesting analysis.  I think the author is slightly overreaching or overthinking on alliance issues.

Excerpts:While an unrestricted South Korean ballistic missile program may initially appear to threaten the North, with which Seoul and Washington have been technically at war for over 70 years, assessing the full implications of a less restricted South Korea missile program indicates it may in fact strengthen Pyongyang’s position for multiple reasons.

First, the existing range restrictions for South Korean missiles already allow it to field munitions that can strike anywhere on the Korean Peninsula with warheads of any size – with its latest missiles deploying exceptionally large two ton warheads. This means a lifting of restrictions may not actually have any notable impact on the South’s ability to strike the North, in contrast to the previous loosening of restrictions in 2012 and 2017.


The lifting of missile restrictions notably comes as part of a growing trend toward greater autonomy for South Korea’s armed forces, with Seoul expected to gain wartime operational command over its military in 2022, when a decades-long arrangement that placed its assets under U.S. wartime command comes to an end. This trend could well lead to a reduced dependence on Washington for protection, and in turn provide Seoul with greater room to conduct policy independently. This has particularly significant implications for its relations with China and North Korea.


While Pyongyang will protest the possibility of an expanded South Korean ballistic missile deterrent, and will seek to use Washington’s green light to an expansion of Seoul’s arsenal and capabilities to highlight the double standards under which its own arsenal has been condemned, in the medium term North Korea’s position is likely to only be strengthened. The extent to which Seoul may seek to increasingly assert its independence from Washington as the country takes greater responsibility for its own defense, as trade with China becomes increasingly central to its economic interests, and as the economic benefits of potential rapprochement with Pyongyang remain alluring, is yet to be seen.


5. N. Korea expert says WPK turned into “Kim Jong-un party” with amendment in party rules

Hani · by Lee Je-hun,

This is playing right into the regime's political warfare strategy.  All the pundits are coming out with their analysis that the scorpion of the Kim family regime has been able to change its nature.  This can contribute to splitting the ROK/US alliance and will also be used as ammunition by those who believe we should appease north Korea.

Words have meaning. Omitted words may have no meaning.  No one should be duped by this or take it as gospel unless there are substantive actions to back the words (or the omissions).  The only way for me to believe this would have any credibility would be for the regime to come out and tell the Korean people in the north that it has been wrong for 70+ years and that pursuit of unification by revolution was only a pipe dream.  The regime would have to undo 70 years of indoctrination (and again admit it was wrong).  If it does not try to do that, this recent announcement about the change in party rules is not credible and is only part of its political warfare strategy and its intent is trying to generate responses such as the one below.


6. South Korea’s Military Is Shrinking and Some Say Women Must Answer the Call of Duty


I have observed many extremely competent women in the Korean Special Warfare Command.

Video here and here.

But this article covers more than just the theoretical.  It discusses very real problems that currently exist in the ROK military.


7. FM meets U.S. senators, discusses alliance issues · by 오석민 · June 4, 2021

The ROK peace agenda.  Yes, we should all want peace (I certainly do). But we should not seek it at the expense of the security of the ROK and the protection of US strategic interests.  We need to always consider the nature, objectives, and the strategy of the Kim family regime.  And we should remember the importance of deterrence and peace through strength.  

Excerpts: “He asked for the continued congressional support for Seoul's peace efforts with North Korea.


Later in the day, Defense Minister Suh Wook also met with the senators and discussed ways to cooperate for denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the establishment of a permanent peace, according to the defense ministry.

Suh said the Korea-U.S.alliance and the combined defense posture are stronger than ever before, and expressed gratitude for the congressional support and the senators vowed continued backing for peninsula peace and the alliance, the ministry said.


8. Moon visits S. Korea's spy agency for briefing on its reform steps · by 이치동 · June 4, 2021

Excerpts: The president replied that the NIS is now back as an intelligence agency for the state and the people, and called on it to become a "future-oriented" body faithful to its duty.

"The NIS will not go back to the past," Moon was quoted as saying by Cheong Wa Dae spokesperson Park Kyung-mee.

The reform measures represent the "precious fruit" of NIS officials' dedicated efforts and the government's strong will, which would serve as a brilliant milestone in its history, he added.

He recalled his previous visit to the NIS in July 2018, during which he pledged to guarantee its "political neutrality" without using it for political purposes. He said he has kept that promise.

The president expected the agency to help advance South Korea's emergence as a "pacesetting" nation via intelligence activities in the cyber and aerospace sectors.


9. Kim Jong-un’s disappearance from public view stokes speculation · by Ahn Sung-mi · June 4, 2021

I would not get too worked up about this.  We go through this periodically.  Yes we need to be observing for indicators and be ready for any contingency. However, based on past history we will see him again sooner or later.


10. UN may probe possible sanctions violations by South Korean firms involving oil tanker transfer to North Korea

The Korea Times  · by Nam Hyun-woo · June 4, 2021

Excerpts: “The allegations were raised in a June 1 report released by the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI), an arm of the Center for Strategic & International Studies, a U.S.-based think tank. The report said that Pyongyang had added two new vessels to its fleet for smuggling oil from China, which were previously owned by South Korean companies.


Of those tankers, the report said the Shin Pyong 5 was owned by Young Sung Global, a small shipper based in Busan, South Korea, before it was transferred to North Korea. The Shin Pyong 5, which is a 1,579 ton tanker, had been renamed Woojeong in 2019 when its last communication transmission was logged.


The AMTI report noted that the tankers made their way to the North via South Korean brokers to China, although the brokers "were reticent to give further information on the sales." It added that the U.N. resolutions prohibit both the "direct and indirect" transfer of sanctioned materials and assets to the North, and whether or not the South Korean brokers breached resolutions may rest on what due diligence they conducted into the China-based buyers.


11. North Korea places Yanggang Province village under seven-day lockdown in late May · June 4, 2021

The Anti-Epidemic Command.

Excerpts:What the village’s lockdown shows is that North Korea is mobilizing all possible means at its disposal to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

According to the source, animals crossing into the Sino-North Korean border’s buffer zone are typically killed and the region is locked down. “People’s lives will only get worse if these kinds of measures continue,” he added.

On Thursday, Rodong Sinmun called for efforts to secure the “perfection” of the country’s COVID-19 quarantine efforts. On Wednesday, the paper called for “thorough” organizational and political efforts to prevent even the “slightest crack” in quarantine efforts.


12. North Korea's Ninth Corps lets soldiers go home on "grain leave" · by Jeong Tae Joo · June 4, 2021

Again, this is not a new edict. 

Indicators that bear watching to determine loss of coherency within the military and potential instability.

Excerpts: “In early May, an order handed down by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un pointed out that “soldiers are in a perilous state of nutrition” and directed military units to ensure that “soldiers be given at least one bean-based meal a day [such as pureed soybeans or soy milk].”

This was essentially a warning from the country’s supreme leader that “commanders who fail to feed [soldiers] beans will be punished without mercy.” Naturally, this lit a fire under military corps commanders with woefully insufficient stores of beans.


13. Kim Yo-jong, Kim Jong-un's sister, likely being formally elevated in secretive N.K. regime · by Guy Taylor

We are still speculating on the implications of the announcements and what is really happening inside north Korea.  It will likely be some time before we can make a definitive assessment.


14. South Korea’s cultural spats with China are growing more intense

The Economist · June 3, 2021

China should be wary of upsetting the Korean people over such things as Kimchi.

Excerpts: “Young people take a particularly dim view of China, especially when compared with other neighbours and America. “I know that eating mala soup or going to shops run by Chinese-Koreans will benefit the Chinese Communist Party eventually,” says Kim Woo-jin, a 25-year-old from Seoul. Ms Kim, the polling analyst, is not surprised. Young people “don’t know as much about China as about, say, America, so they make fewer distinctions between the country, the people and the government,” she says.

The discontent is, for now, limited to the low-stakes cultural realms of food and television. Popular views of China have little bearing on the South Korean government’s carefully calibrated diplomacy, casting China as an important strategic partner while stressing the centrality of the security alliance with America. Even Chinese officials have made the occasional conciliatory noise about the origins of kimchi. Chinese shop-owners and restaurateurs in Seoul report no signs of a boycott like the one that hit Japanese brands and noodle joints during a spat two years ago.


15. An Economic Blueprint for North Korea

The National Interest · by Krishna B. Kumar · June 3, 2021

Reform is not a word in the north Korean (or more specifically, the Kim family regime) vocabulary.  Look to the history of China trying to influence the regime to implement Chinese style economic reforms.  They have had no success in doing so.

But I think we (and specifically South Korea) would be better served by planning for the economic integration during the unification process.  As long as the Kim family regime remains in power there is probably a less than zero chance of any real reform.

Excerpts: “Highlighting the mutual benefits that could accrue to a government in power and its people could even make it consider reforms unilaterally. The RAND study recommends the formalization of jangmadang, informal markets that have proliferated across North Korea since the failure of its public distribution system after the famine of the 1990s. The communist regime tolerates the existence of these market institutions out of necessity, and owners often bribe officials to ensure continued operation. Formalization could empower the shop owners while creating tax revenues for the government. The rise of the donju class of traders and businessmen willing to invest in larger enterprises makes less far-fetched the possibility of market reforms in North Korea.

Likewise, firming up dispute resolution mechanisms in special economic zones, in which much of existing foreign investment and industrial activity occurs in North Korea, easing restrictions, and protecting investment, has the potential to create much-needed jobs for North Korean workers, revenues for the government, and returns to foreign investors.

It would be simplistic to think that developing detailed blueprints for economic development could on its own cut through decades of conflict and mistrust, triggering political and economic reform. But by expanding the terms of the debate and highlighting the mutual benefits that could accrue to the various parties it might move the needle on peace by just a bit. Imagine that.


16. Guessing game: Will Kim’s sister become his No 2? · by Bradley K. Martin · June 3, 2021

Kim Yo-jong is probably the only one who could survive being "No.s 2" for any significant amount of time.  I would not want to be a "No. 2" in north Korea.


17. Why North Korea is facing a major food shortage that could lead to the death of millions

The Telegraph · by Julian Ryall

The short answer: Kim Jong-un's deliberate policy decisions to prioritize his nuclear program, the military, and support to the elite over the welfare of the Korean people living in the north.

Will China bail out the regime?

Excerpts: “Analysts say that to avoid a repeat of that tragedy, the North now has little choice but to appeal to China, its sole major ally, for food assistance, although there are no indications that Pyongyang is ready to reopen its border yet.

"The border with China must be opened and the existing controls must be relaxed to ensure that sufficient food can enter the country," the South Korean report said.

"North Korea must also request large-scale food assistance from the international community, which must be forthcoming, even in these difficult times."


18. North Korea Restricts Local Markets, Pushing Sales in State-Owned Stores  Jeong Yon Park

The regime cannot tolerate any aspect of freedom and that includes economic freedom. We have seen for the past year the regime use COVID as an excuse to further oppress the Korean people living in the north.

This is why some of us believe that if these conditions persist the people could suffer on a scale much worse than the Arduous March of the famine or 1994-1996.




"Own only what you can always carry with you: know languages, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag."

- Alexander Solzhenitsyn


"To live is to war with trolls."

- Henrik Ibsen


"Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional."

- Max Lucade