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Esper’s Pledge to Trim Pointless Programs Will Test His Political Clout

08.31.2019 at 04:04am

Esper’s Pledge to Trim Pointless Programs Will Test His Political Clout by Joe Gould – Defense News

As U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper launches a comprehensive review that promises to cut costs and target legacy programs that drain money from next-generation capabilities, he ought to gird himself for fights with lawmakers, defense industry lobbyists and perhaps the White House.

“The idea is to take a hard look at our activities so that everything we do drives towards our strategic objectives, which are designed to achieve our policy aims,” Esper said this week in describing the scope of the effort. “If something doesn’t, then we ask ourselves, ‘Why are we doing it?’ and ‘What should we be doing instead?’ “

While Esper is likely to find broad agreement that the Pentagon should take bold action in competing with Russia and China, he will almost definitely be fought on the specifics, as there are potentially billions of dollars in revenue for defense firms as well as local jobs on the line. Defense News interviewed several analysts and observers about the political challenges and how Esper might navigate them…

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