Outgoing U.S. Special Operations General Warns of Growing Threat in Africa
Outgoing U.S. Special Operations General Warns of Growing Threat in Africa by John Vandiver – Stars & Stripes
Maj. Gen. Marcus Hicks, who led U.S. special operations troops in Africa during a tumultuous two-year tenure, warned during a change of command Friday that security conditions are deteriorating in Western Africa, a region where four U.S. troops were killed at the start of his time in command.
Brig. Gen. Dag Anderson, who previously served at U.S. Pacific Command, said during brief comments that he would build upon progress Hicks had made. Both are Air Force generals.
“We operate in a complex environment that is only becoming more complex,” Anderson said.
Hicks spoke through tears during the emotional ceremony at Special Operations Command Africa’s Stuttgart headquarters as he recounted the names of troops lost in combat operations…