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How A $125 Million Baltic Guerrilla Force Could Stop Russia: Report

05.02.2019 at 07:11am

How A $125 Million Baltic Guerrilla Force Could Stop Russia: RAND Report by Michael Peck – The National Interest

The Baltic States don’t have a chance in a conventional war with Russia. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania could be conquered in less than three days, according to some estimates.

But a guerrilla army just might make the Baltics so indigestible as to deter Moscow from invading, according to a study by U.S. thinktank RAND Corp.


The price tag? $125 million to create 1,000 combat and non-violent action cells, as part of a dual nation-in-arms strategy.


One part would be Total Defense, involving all of civil society in non-violent resistance and homeland security. The other would comprise Unconventional Warfare, which relies on special operations and guerrilla tactics. The result is a broad-spectrum resistance ranging from armed attacks by special forces and cut-off regular army troops turned guerrilla, to spreading propaganda leaflets and tweeting on social media…

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