New ‘Black Hawk Down’ Documentary Tells Story of Soldiers Who Saved Rangers, Delta Force Troops
New ‘Black Hawk Down’ Documentary Tells Story of Soldiers Who Saved Rangers, Delta Force Troops by Todd South – Army Times
For more than a quarter century, the story of the Battle of Mogadishu, popularized by both the book and film versions of “Black Hawk Down,” has focused on the Army Rangers and Delta Force team members caught in the worst urban combat the U.S. military had seen since the Vietnam War.
A new documentary tells the story of the 10th Mountain Division soldiers who rescued those Rangers and Delta operators.
“Black Hawk Down: The Untold Story,” is a documentary made by retired Air Force Col. Randall Larsen, who also served in the Army during his 32-year military career. Larsen’s production company previously produced the documentary “Operation Whitecoat,” the story of 2,300 conscientious objectors who volunteered for biological experiments at Fort Detrick, Maryland from 1954 to 1973…