Don’t Buy the Conspiracies About Jade Helm 15
Don’t Buy the Conspiracies About Jade Helm 15 by Howard Altman, Tampa Tribune
… I was really hoping to avoid writing about Jade Helm 15, which is not exactly new news, but because some people I really like keep bringing it up in all its conspiratorial glory, I feel compelled to wade in and offer my take as a professional observer of the spec ops community.
In a nutshell, and sorry to say but that is a good word for it, the conspiracy goes something like this: Jade Helm is a warm-up for U.S. Special Operations Forces, controlled by the U.N., to take away your guns and drag U.S. citizens off to FEMA camps, presumably through tunnels dug into Walmart stores, which have been mysteriously closing while they are turned into temporary holding pens.
Don’t take my word for it.
I watched a breathless report by Joe Biggs on as he discussed Jade Helm…