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US War Decisions Rightfully Belong to Elected Civilian Leaders, Not the Military

09.13.2013 at 01:21am

U.S. War Decisions Rightfully Belong to Elected Civilian Leaders, Not the Military by LTG David Barno (USA Ret.), Washington Post.

The Sept. 6 commentary by retired Maj. Gen. Robert H. Scales [“A war the Pentagon doesn’t want,” Washington Forum] marks a dangerous breach of the fundamental civilian-military relationship in the United States. It’s corrosive premise – that our civilian leadership is not up to the task of deciding the nation’s course in war – must be addressed before our military begins to believe that it should have the biggest say in decisions to go to war.

Scales, a military historian and former commandant of the U.S. Army War College (from which I graduated), is a powerful voice among the Army’s retired generals. His words are all the more dangerous because they carry such weight…

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