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Army IW Fusion Center Webcast Invitation

11.16.2012 at 07:47pm

The US Army Irregular Warfare Fusion Center is hosting a public webcast conducted by LTC Ben Eiser. LTC Eiser, who led a 46 man Security Force Assistance Team in Kandahar Province, will provide his analysis on how his team advised 2nd Brigade, Afghan National Civil Order Police and also how his mission was nested within the 2nd HBCT, 4th Infantry Division campaign plan.
This brief is Monday, 26 November 2012 at 1030 CST (1130 EST, 16:30 ZULU).

Those interested in attending may view the meeting online at and participate via Defense Connect Online (DCO) as a guest. Remote attendees will be able to ask questions and view the slides through the software.

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