A Dilegge Rant
SWJ Roundup Page Sponsored by Di Legge’s Old City Grill of the Greater Tampa Bay Area
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Since most of you don’t donate to SWJ maybe you can throw me a marketing bone (by liking and following at the links above) in my new small business (not Small Wars) start-up to help pay some bills… The roundup is time intensive (3 hours plus) and sometimes I feel foolish for maintaining it.
One of my pet peeves is, when I have to step away from the roundup, how many e-mails I get requesting it be reinstated because of how valuable it is in one’s work effort. So, let me get this straight, you make money off your profession, but expect me to spend the wee hours of the morning helping you to continue to make money and I get what, exactly? A bunch of emails from those who pay nada for the service requesting I keep at it.
Moreover, SWJ is in an overall budget crunch – we really need money to keep the lights on. You decide. Your decision to not support SWJ may make my life and those of others a whole lot easier as I, and our all-volunteer staff, could focus 100% of our efforts on numero uno.