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Mission Can’t-Complete

03.21.2012 at 10:43am

Ryan Evans offers a scathing indictment at Foreign Policy's Af-Pak Channel of the op-ed penned by Bruce Reidel and Michael O'Hanlon.  The below sentences sum it up, but you should read the rest found here.

The mission and objectives O'Hanlon and Riedel envision are of the never-ending variety: creating a viable, stable nation where none has previously existed. They also ignore their former, wiser caution on the future of the war. … Two years later, reading their article on "finishing the job" in Afghanistan (which recycles the same old arguments) it is clear to me that O'Hanlon has not fulfilled his promise to call for a re-assessment, and Riedel has not been frank about our lack of success. 

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