COIN Center FM 3-24 Update Webcast
The US Army Counterinsurgency Center will provide an update on progress made so far with the revision of FM 3-24 (Counterinsurgency) and then discuss two issue papers, to include clear-hold-build as an approach, and force ratios. LTC John Paganini, Director of the Counterinsurgency Center will lead the discussion and moderate comments from audience members.
Three issue papers are available for downloading. Previously two drafts were were posted and one, Definitions, was discussed during the January webcast. Three papers are now finalized and the Counterinsurgency Center invites those interested to respond with comments or suggestions during the webcast or via email to [email protected]. Papers are available at the FM3-24 Revision tab on the Counterinsurgency Center public website (
The presentation is scheduled for Thursday, 16 February 2012 at 1000 CST (1100 EST, 15:00 ZULU)
Those interested in attending may view the meeting online at and participate via Defense Connect Online (DCO) as a guest. Remote attendees will be able to ask questions and view the slides through the software.