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What Constitutes Terrorist Network Resiliency?

05.31.2011 at 05:21pm

What Constitutes Terrorist Network Resiliency?

by David N. Santos

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Since the devastating attacks of September 11, 2001 there have been numerous discussions on the issue of terrorism and terrorist networks, such as al Qaeda, within the media and the intelligence community. At times these discussions have created an image of the terrorist phenomenon as one of a monolithic and unstoppable menace continuing to spread around the world unabated. Lost in these discussions is a basic understanding of what any organization needs to continue to exist. What are its basic needs? What are its sources of strength and resiliency? Most organizations, whether terrorist or not, rely on some basic essential elements that are used to help define, guide and maintain the organization. These elements allow an organization to develop strength in its structure as well as its cause in order to maintain a resilient mindset. These elements of strength and resiliency enable the organization to experience periods of adversity, look critically at the outcomes of those experiences and take the lessons learned to improve the organization’s performance.

Download the Full Article: What Constitutes Terrorist Network Resiliency?

Major David N. Santos is an active duty Army Intelligence Officer currently attending the U.S. Army Command & General Staff College.

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