Small Wars Journal, Vol 7, No. 4
Vol. 7, No. 4 is now available.
Click here for the
full issue, or directly on these titles for single articles. In this issue:
Iraq’s Hard-Won Lessons for Future Transitions in the Middle East by Peter
J. Munson
Sandals and Robes to Business Suits and Gulf Streams: Warfare in the 21st Century
by MG Michael T. Flynn
Iraq: The Whole Thing Was Much Harder Than It Needed To Be by Robert Tollast
The Pacification of Zaganiyah (Part One): Fighting for Intelligence to Overcome
the Information Gap by James Michael Few
The Philosophy behind the Iraq Surge: An Interview with General Jack Keane
by Octavian Manea
Book Review: The Ayatollah’s Democracy: An Iranian Challenge by Commander
Youssef Aboul-Enein
The index of all articles published in April begins on
issue. Please review that listing or our
monthly or
title archives
for any you may have missed as they fired past during the month.
This entry is closed for comment. Please make any comments directly on the individual
articles via the links above.
This should be the last of our "revenge issues" published and numbered at the
end of the month with mostly look-back reprints presents. We’ll start publishing
mostly new articles (like Peter Munson’s in this issue) and actually putting out
the month’s issue at the beginning of the month — brace for our time warp on or
about June 1.