Iran Goes Nuclear
Iran Goes Nuclear:
An Analysis of the Bushehr Nuclear Plant and Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks
by Renanah Miles
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Iran won’t swerve first and Russia will do as Russia pleases are, perhaps, the intended takeaways from Sunday’s ceremony opening the Bushehr nuclear power plant. The event itself was uncharacteristically subdued, factual, just one more tick on the clock counting down to Iran going nuclear. But in light of Bushehr, it’s a very different announcement made two days prior that is most worth considering: Resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks next month. Progress in the talks is critical to buying Israel, America and wary Arab states strategic room to maneuver with Iran.
With impeccable timing, the news preempted the spotlight from Bushehr, and will likely do so again in September. The planned start date for the talks — September 2 — is purportedly linked to the expiration date of the Israeli settlement freeze in the West Bank at the end of September, an incendiary issue that if resumed would likely burn bridges to negotiation yet again. If talks start on time though, it will handily refocus attention off another Iranian milestone the same weekend — Bushehr is scheduled to become operational Sunday, September 5.
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Renanah Miles is a student in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University. From 2007-2008, she deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The views in this article are her own. They do not reflect the official views of the United States Government.