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Have We Stormed Our Last Beach?

06.05.2010 at 09:07pm

While these pages have seen more than a fair share of debate concerning the future of the US Army, little attention has been given concerning their “ground force” brethren in arms – the US Marine Corps.

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has challenged the Marine Corps to define its future – and this is especially important as the Corps’ Commandant, General James Conway, is nearing retirement.

Gates has been quoted as unsure just where Marines would be asked to storm a beach in the future – especially as “potential foes continue fielding more and more advanced weapons”. He has also been critical of the Marine’s Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) stating the need “to take a hard look” at the practicality of such expensive acquisition efforts.

But Gates said that America “will always have a Marine Corps,” and “we will need some amount of amphibious capability.”

What say you?

The Marine Corps answered yesterday by conducting the largest amphibious landing exercise 1st Marine Expeditionary Force and the Navy’s 3rd Fleet have staged since before 11 September 2001.

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