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Advancing the Art and Science of Psychological Operations

04.21.2009 at 04:56pm

Advancing the Art and Science of Psychological Operations Requires a Serious Investment

by Lieutenant Colonel Timothy D. Huening, Small Wars Journal

Advancing the Art and Science of Psychological Operations (Full PDF Article)

A pivotal question facing the Psychological Operations (PSYOP) career field over the next few years is whether PSYOP can overcome its previous Cold War paradigm and posture to become a more effective instrument of information and influence during this era of, as President Obama has stated, “Smart Power”. Smart Power is the skillful use of all of our resources, both non-military and military, to meet the challenges America faces at the start of a new century. The PSYOP career field must adapt to this paradigm shift, whereby even the application of military power must temper a hard and soft approach. The recent establishment of PSYOP as a basic Branch in the Army is a significant development, signaling clear recognition of the profession and providing a unique opportunity to implement change. However, to meet the operational expectations of the Army’s general purpose (GPF) and special operations (SOF) forces, several internal changes must be made to the PSYOP career field, force allocation, structure, training and doctrine in order to achieve the desired results.

Advancing the Art and Science of Psychological Operations (Full PDF Article)

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