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That pesky butterfly…

12.14.2008 at 02:13pm

We’re back after ~18 hours of darkness. Sunspots, pesky old Al Qaeda, that annoying wing beating Amazonian butterfly, and maybe a little of our technical incompetence were to blame for our big server corruption. But it appears we have fully restored and haven’t lost any existing content, just the opportunity cost of not getting that revelation that someone was going to provide in a blog comment or Council post while pondering deep thoughts on a Saturday night. Oh well. Now that it’s Sunday morning, no need to hold that thought any longer. Have a cup of coffee and let it fly. We are mission capable once again.

And while you are at it, do your last minute shopping through those little Amazon links on the top right. Free money for us, no cost to you. Clearly, we are in need of some technical help.

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