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Southern European Task Force Transformation Ceremony

12.10.2008 at 11:28pm

Southern European Task Force Transformation Ceremony

by Major General William B. Garrett III

Southern European Task Force Transformation Ceremony (Full PDF Article)

On behalf of the entire SETAF team, I would like to thank the leadership at U.S. Africa Command and U.S. Army Europe, who have been instrumental in helping us transform to assume our new role.

We are honored and privileged to be the first members of U.S. Army Africa. This is a huge responsibility, as our decisions and actions will establish the foundation that others will build upon in the years ahead.

In Africa, we face a set of security challenges that may be unprecedented in complexity and scope — presenting dilemmas that do not lend themselves to a simple choice between use of force or diplomacy.

Members of the international community have long asked for increased global attention to African issues — particularly since genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, acts of terror, and crimes against humanity have come to symbolize modern conflict in Africa.

The creation of Africa Command, and now U.S. Army Africa, reflects our Nation’s determination to commit to a lasting security relationship with Africa — a long neglected continent whose impoverished people remain vulnerable to the ideology of violent extremism.

Southern European Task Force Transformation Ceremony (Full PDF Article)

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