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Recent DoD Blogger Roundtables

02.25.2008 at 01:05am

Transcripts from 6 – 15 February 2008 Department of Defense Blogger Roundtables.

U.S. Army Colonel Stephen K. Scott on U.S. forces ensuring Iraqi Army will have enough equipment and weapons to defend itself.

U.S. Army Colonel Terry R. Ferrell on Coalition forces, Iraqi troops, and “Sons of Iraq” security volunteers working together to rebuild areas south of Arab Jabour, Iraq.

U.S. Army Colonel James J. Galvin, Jr. on creating online communities for soldiers to exchange information through candid digital conversations.

Mr. Joseph A. Benkert, PDASD, Global Security Affairs on how a proposed arms-control treaty that bans the use of cluster munitions and aid to countries that use them could affect U.S. operations with NATO allies.

U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Thomas W. Hartmann on the Defense Department announcing it has sworn criminal charges and is seeking the death penalty against six detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The detainees charged include the alleged mastermind behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

U.S. Air Force Colonel Donald Bacon on U.S. troops finding a diary belonging to an al Qaeda in Iraq leader that has Coalition forces believing the terrorist organization is “on its heels”.

U.S. Air Force Colonel Donald Bacon on Al Qaeda in Iraq increasingly exploiting children, making videos depicting boys training as terrorists and kidnapping other children to raise ransom money for their activities.

More: Audio, biographies and related DoD news articles.

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