Small Wars Journal

This Week at War #21

Fri, 06/19/2009 - 5:53pm
Click here to see the latest edition of my column at Foreign Policy.

Topics include:

1) Is counterinsurgency a woman's job?

2) Mexico is struggling with more than just drug cartels.

I welcome your feedback in the comments and at Small Wars Council.



Fri, 06/19/2009 - 7:59pm

Women are typically far more perceptive and empathetic to peoples' true emotions and feelings than men are. If I'm not mistaken, there are actually a number of studies that show that women are more capable of detecting a liar than men as well. These traits would, of course, prove helpful in a COIN environment where human intelligence is so critical.

My question is whether or not being in Muslim nations places women at a disadvantage (the article seems to think not).