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Endgame in Ukraine: Time for a Real Strategy Image

Endgame in Ukraine: Time for a Real Strategy

02.21.2025 at 06:00am

Ancient Great Power Conflict: A Roman Counterpoint to Thucydides

02.11.2025 at 06:00am

Grand Tactics and the Modern Battlefield

07.16.2023 at 11:32pm
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Great Power Competition — China’s Use of Guerrilla Warfare and Information Power in Pursuit of Its Epochal World Order

07.02.2022 at 05:32pm

FINESSING PRIMACY – Some military considerations before subversion does us in Part Two

08.11.2021 at 03:01pm

FINESSING PRIMACY – Some military considerations before subversion does us in – Part One

08.11.2021 at 02:48pm

Small Wars Journal Book Review: The Dragons and the Snakes: How the Rest Learned to Fight the West

05.26.2021 at 08:24pm

Irregular Conflict in a Great Power World: A Word of Caution for the Marine Corps

04.06.2021 at 03:37pm

Interview: The West needs to redevelop the tools and mindset of strategic competition

04.05.2021 at 10:06am

Great Power Internet Governance: Competing with China for the Soul of the Internet

04.04.2021 at 10:48pm

The Deterrence Trap: The cost of the US military’s overwhelming conventional superiority

03.04.2021 at 01:13am
BPC and GPC Graphic

Building Partner Capacity Is Great Power Competition: The Future of 333 Funds

02.06.2021 at 07:06pm