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Assad’s Fall and the Qatari Gas Pipeline: A Risky Bet or Potential Source of Relief? Image

Assad’s Fall and the Qatari Gas Pipeline: A Risky Bet or Potential Source of Relief?

02.05.2025 at 06:00am

Ukrainian Bridges are Playing a Vital Role in Both the Defense and the Offense in the Ukrainian-Russian War   

10.10.2022 at 07:06pm
the times from 20181

Why and How Russian-Occupied Crimea Can Fall to Ukraine

04.26.2022 at 10:10pm

The Use of the Russian Troll During Crimea

04.18.2022 at 10:06pm

‘Liminal or hybrid warfare is not going to result in great tank battles in the Fulda or Suwalki Gaps’

06.03.2021 at 11:27am