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Endgame in Ukraine: Time for a Real Strategy Image

Endgame in Ukraine: Time for a Real Strategy

02.21.2025 at 06:00am

The Katanga Secession, the Five Factors Model, and Counterinsurgency (COIN) Theory

11.21.2024 at 06:01am
Mapa Colombia

The Sunset of FARC and the Execution of a Comprehensive Counterinsurgency Program

08.01.2023 at 02:07am

Helicopter Parents: Comparing the US and Soviet efforts to build the Afghan Army

06.23.2023 at 03:43pm

An Unconventional Warfare Mindset: The Philosophy of Special Forces Must be Sustained

05.29.2023 at 10:10pm

Book Review: The Complexity of Modern Asymmetric Warfare

01.08.2023 at 10:40pm

To Address the Irregular Warfare Elephant in the Room, Sacred Cattle Must First be Slain

01.07.2023 at 02:16am

When the War Came – Reexamining a Classic Account of the Afghan Wars

09.16.2022 at 08:38pm

Credible Commitments and Population Resettlement in Counterinsurgency Warfare

09.05.2022 at 07:36pm

Atreides or Harkonnen? A Literary Corollary for Self-Awareness and Host Nation Perception in Small Wars

09.04.2022 at 11:43pm

Defeating the Tigers: The Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka and How to Defeat a Successful Insurgency

08.01.2022 at 01:50pm

How to use Irregular Warfare to Support Partners and Deter Adversaries

07.31.2022 at 03:28am