Small Wars Journal

Iraq: Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Tue, 08/31/2010 - 7:19am
Via Voice of America:

"President Barack Obama will address the American people on Tuesday about the new advisory and training role for the U.S. military in Iraq. Mr. Obama's speech from the Oval Office comes after a visit with U.S. troops at Ft. Bliss, Texas and private visits at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington with soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan."

"The president is expected to explain to Americans what the U.S. has accomplished in Iraq since 2003, underscore a continuing commitment to Iraq's stability, and pay tribute to the sacrifices by American military personnel."


Obama to Address U.S. on Iraq Transition Today - Voice of America

Obama's Speech on Iraq Carries Political Pitfalls - Washington Post

Obama Must Walk Fine Line In Iraq Speech - Reuters

Tuesday Marks Formal End of U.S. Combat Mission in Iraq - Voice of America

Biden Arrives in Iraq to Mark Troop Drawdown - Voice of America

Biden to Meet with Top Iraqi Politicians - Washington Post

No Letup in Iraq for Some Military Forces - Washington Times

Iraqis Move to Protect Themselves from Violence - Washington Post

Mysterious Killings Spread Panic in Iraq - Los Angeles Times

Fearing the Future, Few Iraqis Cheer U.S. Departure - Associated Press

U.S. Ends Combat In Iraq But Instability Lingers - Reuters

Analysis: U.S. Hopes for Iraq Collided with Reality - Associated Press

Restoring Names to Iraq War's Unknown Casualties - New York Times

Embedistan: Reporting With or Without the Military - New York Times


The End of the Iraq Mission - Minnesota Public Radio interview

Iraqis Need Post-war Commitments - Washington Post editorial

Suing Mr. Rumsfeld - Washington Post editorial

Iraq's 'Milestone' - Washington Post opinion

In Korea, a Model for Iraq - New York Times opinion

A Fog of Ambiguity - Washington Post opinion

Nation Building Works - New York Times opinion

Iraq after U.S. Combat Forces Withdraw - Los Angeles Times opinion

Abandoned in Baghdad - New York Times opinion

Winding Down the Iraq War, and Avoiding Civil War - Los Angeles Times opinion

31 August SWJ Roundup

Tue, 08/31/2010 - 7:02am

Petraeus Finishes Rules for Afghan Security Transition - New York Times

Petraeus: Taliban Retain Momentum in Some Areas - Associated Press

Petraeus: International Pullout Will Be Gradual - Associated Press

NATO Chief Hopes For Nov. Afghanistan Handover Deal - Reuters

Karzai Attacks Afghan War Strategy as 'Ineffective' - Voice of America

Afghan-coalition Force Kills Taliban Leader - AFPS

4 American Troops Killed by Bomb in Afghanistan - Associated Press

U.S. Hospital in Germany Handles War Wounded - Los Angeles Times

We Owe the Troops an Exit - New York Times opinion


Navy, Marine Unit Deploys to Pakistan - AFPS

Airmen Deploy to Pakistan to Provide Flood Relief - AFPS

Pakistan's Flood Victims Frustrated With Medical Care - Reuters

Aid for Sale in Pakistan as Refugees Want Cash - Associated Press


Obama to Address U.S. on Iraq Transition Today - Voice of America

Obama's Speech on Iraq Carries Political Pitfalls - Washington Post

Obama Must Walk Fine Line In Iraq Speech - Reuters

Tuesday Marks Formal End of U.S. Combat Mission in Iraq - Voice of America

Biden Arrives in Iraq to Mark Troop Drawdown - Voice of America

Biden to Meet with Top Iraqi Politicians - Washington Post

No Letup in Iraq for Some Military Forces - Washington Times

Iraqis Move to Protect Themselves from Violence - Washington Post

Mysterious Killings Spread Panic in Iraq - Los Angeles Times

Fearing the Future, Few Iraqis Cheer U.S. Departure - Associated Press

U.S. Ends Combat In Iraq But Instability Lingers - Reuters

Restoring Names to Iraq War's Unknown Casualties - New York Times

Embedistan: Reporting With or Without the Military - New York Times

Iraqis Need Post-war Commitments - Washington Post editorial

Suing Mr. Rumsfeld - Washington Post editorial

Iraq's 'Milestone' - Washington Post opinion

In Korea, a Model for Iraq - New York Times opinion

A Fog of Ambiguity - Washington Post opinion

Nation Building Works - New York Times opinion

Iraq after U.S. Combat Forces Withdraw - Los Angeles Times opinion

Abandoned in Baghdad - New York Times opinion

Winding Down the Iraq War, and Avoiding Civil War - Los Angeles Times opinion


Iran Says It Will Make Fuel for Research Reactor - Associated Press

Mother of Slain Iranian Protester Seeks Justice - Associated Press

Iran Distances Itself From Insult to Bruni-Sarkozy - Associated Press

United States

Rights Groups Sue U.S. on Effort to Kill Cleric - New York Times

Groups Challenge U.S. Program to Target Terror Suspects - Washington Post

Guide Tells How FBI Agent Turned Suspect into Informant - Washington Post

Army Revises Training to Deal With Unfit Recruits - New York Times


Tracing DRC's Conflict Minerals a Daunting Task - Voice of America

Mortar Kills A.U. Peacekeepers in Somalia - Voice of America

Three Russian Aircrew Released In Darfur - Reuters

Americas and Caribbean

Smugglers in Mexico and U.S. Disguising Couriers in Uniforms - Washington Post

Alleged Drug Lord 'La Barbie' Captured in Mexico - Washington Post

Mexican Federal Police Capture Suspected Drug Lord - Los Angeles Times

Mexican Police Arrest Alleged Drug Kingpin - New York Times

Mexico Fires 3,200 Federal Police Officers - Los Angeles Times

Mexico Fired 10 Percent of Federal Police in 2010 - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

U.S. Announces New Sanctions Against North Korea - Washington Post

New U.S. Sanctions Aim at North Korean Elite - New York Times

Rare Conference in N. Korea Raises Succession Questions - Voice of America

China Confirms Visit by Kim Jong Il - Voice of America

Succession Likely Reason for Kim's China Trip - Associated Press

China and North Korea Deepen Ties During Kim Jong Il Visit - Los Angeles Times

Japan Says Too Early to Resume Korea Nuclear Talks - Associated Press

Appeal Made to Thai Leader for Russian in Arms Case - Associated Press

Burma Media Confirm Junta Chief Retains Power - Associated Press

Burma Reshuffle Paves Way For Army-Dominated Polls - Reuters

Philippines Promises Credible Probe Into Bus Hijack - Reuters


Two Men Arrested on 'Preparation of a Terrorist Attack' in Amsterdam - ABC News

Pair Held after Odd Items Turn Up in Luggage - Washington Post

Airline Passengers Held on Fears of Terrorist Plot - New York Times

Dutch Question 2 Men in Suspected U.S. Terror Probe - Associated Press

As Past Recedes, Germans Reconsider Draft - New York Times

French Roundup at Roma Camps Draws Ire - Washington Post

WikiLeaks Founder Questioned by Swedish Police - Associated Press

Middle East

Israel Braces for Difficult Month - Washington Times

Outlines Emerge of Future State in the West Bank - New York Times

Abbas Takes Risk with Palestinians Skeptical of Talks - Los Angeles Times

Mideast Talks Reopen Under Tough Conditions - Associated Press

Netanyahu Heads to U.S. For Peace Summit - Reuters

Armed Militias: A Quandary for Lebanon, U.S. - Associated Press

New Chance for Peace - New York Times editorial

At Least They're Talking - Los Angeles Times editorial

Echoes of 1947 - Washington Post opinion

South Asia

India Passes Nuclear Deal - New York Times

30 August SWJ Roundup

Mon, 08/30/2010 - 7:58am

Analysis: Will Battle for Kandahar Win the War? - Associated Press

Graft-Fighting Prosecutor Is Dismissed in Afghanistan - New York Times

Prosecutor Investigating Corruption Wasn't fired, Official Says - Los Angeles Times

Afghan Deputy Attorney General Forced to Retire - Associated Press

Afghan President Condemns CIA Payment Reports - Associated Press

Karzai Criticises U.S. Pullout Plan - BBC News

Documentary-maker Follows Taliban as they Attack U.S. Soldiers - Daily Mail

Afghan Fatalities Rise in Weekend Violence - New York Times

7 U.S. troops die in weekend violence in Afghanistan - Washington Post

7 U.S. Troops Killed in Latest Afghanistan Fighting - Associated Press

Coalition, Afghan Forces Repel Taliban Attacks on Bases - Voice of America

Taliban Attacks Two U.S. Bases - Washington Post

NATO Base Attacked in Eastern Afghanistan - Los Angeles Times

Insurgents Attack NATO Base - Associated Press

Gunmen Kill Afghan Election Candidate - Reuters

5 Kidnapped Afghan Campaign Workers Found Dead - Associated Press

Campaign Workers Killed as Afghan Violence Spreads - Reuters

Afghan District Chief Killed in Strike on Compound - Associated Press

Car Bomb Kills Afghan Official In East - Reuters


Senator Kerry Warns Of Instability In Pakistan - Reuters

Pakistanis Scramble to Escape Floods - New York Times

Humanitarian Needs in Flood-Stricken Pakistan Rise - Voice of America

Livestock Losses Compound Pakistan's Misery - Washington Post

Pakistan Floods Just One of Its Water Woes - Associated Press

Pakistan Floodwaters Ebb, Hunger And Disease Remain - Reuters

USAID Head Hurried Out of Pakistan Relief Camp - Washington Times

Pakistani Army Ends Hostage Drama in NW City - Voice of America

Upstarts Chip Away at Power of Feudal Pakistani Landlords - New York Times

Cricket Scandal Rocks Pakistan - New York Times

The Win-win of U.S. Relief for Pakistan - Washington Post opinion


U.S. Iraq Commander Fears Political Stalemate - New York Times

U.S. Troops Go From Shock and Awe to 'Advise and Assist' - Los Angeles Times

Iraqi PM Issues High Security Alert - Voice of America

Qaeda in Iraq Says It Was Behind Latest Attacks - New York Times

Iraq Conflict Leaves Officers Weary and Humbled - Washington Post

As US Military Bases Close, Iraqis Left Behind - Associated Press

As U.S. Withdraws, Iraqis Still Live In Crisis - Reuters

Iraqis Say War "Not Ending" Despite U.S. Drawdown - Reuters

Officer Honors Memory of a Young Interpreter - Washington Post

A U.S. 'Legacy of Waste' in Iraq - Los Angeles Times

Iraq Says Sale Of Donated U.S. Computers Legal - Reuters

Baghdad Family Shares Their Concerns for Iraq's Future - Voice of America

Obama Urges Nation to Salute Service in Iraq - AFPS


Iran Shifts Assets Out of Europe Banks - New York Times

Iran Hard-liners Skirt Sanctions - Los Angeles Times

Protesters Ask Iran to Spare Convicted Woman - Associated Press


Five Myths About Mosques - Washington Post opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

Pentagon Considers Preemptive Cyber-Defense Strikes - Washington Post

United States

Will Congress Really Cut the Budget? Top 3 Acid Tests - Christian Science Monitor

For Obama, Steep Learning Curve as Chief in Time of War - New York Times

Brewer Condemns Report to U.N. Mentioning Ariz. Law - Associated Press

Border Sweeps in North Reach Miles Into U.S. - New York Times

Glenn Beck Tells Crowd to 'Restore America' - Washington Post

At Lincoln Memorial, a Call for Religious Rebirth - New York Times

United Kingdom

Tony Blair Reemerges with Memoir - Los Angeles Times


For Arms Sales Suspect, Secrets Are Bargaining Chips - New York Times

Not Quite Superpowers - Washington Post opinion


Obama Administration Intensifies Efforts in Sudan - Washington Post

Sudan: American Aid Worker Freed in Darfur - Associated Press

Sudan Says 2 Russian Pilots Kidnapped in Darfur - Associated Press

Obama's Failure in Sudan - New York Times opinion

Kenya Defends Bashir Visit as Necessary for Regional Peace - Voice of America

Kenya: Sudan Presidential Visit 'in Our Interest' - Associated Press

Somali Militants Grow More Brazen in Attack - Washington Post

Somali Gov't Appeals for Help to Fight Militants - Associated Press

Somalia: Denmark Navy Helicopter Foils Pirates - Associated Press

U.N.: Rwanda Killings were War Crimes - Washington Post

Rwanda Contests Report on Army - Associated Press

Uganda's President Announces Bid for 4th Term - Associated Press

ICC Asks U.N. to Act Against Kenya - Voice of America

Nigeria: Vocal Supporter of President Kidnapped - Associated Press

Moroccan Police Arrest 11 Spanish Activists - Reuters

Americas and Caribbean

Mayor in Mexican Border State Killed - Associated Press

Mexico Killings Detective Missing - BBC News

Massacre in Tamaulipas - New York Times

Venezuelans Protest Against Unchecked Violence - Associated Press

Venezuela: Chavez Opponent Charged, Calls Case a Farce - Associated Press

Engineers to Attempt Speedier Rescue of Chile Miners - Voice of America

Plans and Benchmarks for Haiti - New York Times editorial

Asia Pacific

Kim Jong Il Appears to Head Home From China - Los Angeles Times

N. Korean Leader Kim Appears Headed Home From China - Associated Press

China Praises North Korea Relations - Reuters

North Korea's Kim Not Seen Heading For Retirement Yet - Reuters

Far From Withering, State Business in China Grows - New York Times

Chinese Navy to Hold Drills in Yellow Sea - Associated Press

China Announces Navy Drill Ahead Of U.S. Show Of Force - Reuters

S. Korea Premier-designate Quits - New York Times

South Korea's PM-Designate Quits Under Pressure - Reuters

New Dissent in Japan Is Loudly Anti-Foreign - New York Times

Korean Peninsula Marks 100th Anniversary of Annexation by Japan - VOA

Anger in Hong Kong Over Manila Siege - New York Times

80, 000 in Hong Kong Protest Philippine Bus Tragedy - Associated Press

Analysts See Burma Military 'Juggernaut' Heading to Elections in November - VOA

Burma Parties Complain Election Fee Too High - Associated Press

The Caucasus

19 Dead in Chechen Shootout - Voice of America

Chechen Leader's Village Is Attacked - New York Times

19 Dead in Shootout in Russia's Caucasus - Associated Press

Twelve Rebels Killed Raiding Chechen Leader's Village - Reuters


Norway 'Bomb Plot' Underscores al-Qaida Pitfalls - Associated Press

Prosecutors Say Croatia Ethnically Cleansed Serbs - Associated Press

Libyan Leader Visits Italy to Mark Improved Relations - Voice of America

Gadhafi Gives Lesson on Islam to Young Italians - Associated Press

Putin Hints Will Return to Kremlin In 2012 - Reuters

100 Russian Skinheads Attack Concertgoers - Associated Press

Oppression in Modern Russia - Washington Post editorial

The European Union is Dying - Washington Post opinion

Middle East

Early Obstacle, and Test, at Start of Mideast Talks - New York Times

Netanyahu: We Can Reach a Peace Deal to Last Generations - Ha'aretz

Many Clocks Tick as Israel, Palestinians Open Talks - Reuters

Israel PM Wants Regular Meetings With Palestinians - Associated Press

Palestinian Rivals Crack Down Harder on Opponents - Associated Press

Sermon and Actors' Protest Stoke Tensions in Israel - New York Times

Settler Leader Speaks of Holding Netanyahu to his Word - Los Angeles Times

Israel Won't Extend Settlement Freeze Ahead Of Talks - Reuters

Influential Israeli Rabbi Says Abbas Should Perish - Associated Press

State Department Condemns Israeli Rabbi's Remarks - Washington Times

In Israel, Settling for Less - New York Times opinion

Egypt: Mubarak's Health and Successor Guessing Games - Los Angeles Times

Egypt: Dissident Signs pro-Gamal Mubarak Petition - Associated Press

Egyptian Police Find Weapons Bound for Gaza - Associated Press

Lebanon Arrests 4 After Deadly Beirut Shootout - Associated Press

Qaeda Says Responsible For Killing 8 Yemen Troops - Reuters

Yemen Says al-Qaida Is Government's Main Challenge - Associated Press

Saudi Arabia Preparing Charges Against Activist - Reuters

South Asia

India Blocks China Defence Ties - BBC News

India Police Kill Maoist Leader - BBC News

India Police Say 848 Tonnes of Explosives are Missing - BBC News

David Galula: His Life and Intellectual Context

Sun, 08/29/2010 - 8:05pm
David Galula: His Life and Intellectual Context - Ann Marlowe, U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute.

This monograph is based on interviews with David Galula's surviving family and friends as well as archival research. It places Galula's two great books in the context of his exposure to Mao's doctrine of revolutionary warfare in China, the French Army's keen interest in counterinsurgency in the second half of the 1950s, and the transmission of French doctrine to the U.S. military in the early 1960s. It also discusses home-grown American counterinsurgency pioneers like General Edward Lansdale, who promoted Galula's American career and encouraged him to write a book. It details the counterinsurgency fever of President John F. Kennedy's administration, a nearly forgotten episode. Galula died in relative obscurity at the age of 49 in 1967. He had the odd historical luck of not having been a part of the counterinsurgency fever of his day, but of ours instead. Both those who think counterinsurgency has been embraced uncritically and those who think it has not been followed enough will find intellectual ammunition in Galula--and food for thought in the relationship of his ideas to his time.

Read the entire monograph at SSI.

Leadership Development, Professionalism, and Transition

Sun, 08/29/2010 - 7:28am
Professionalization of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) is the key to setting the conditions for transition of security responsibility to the Afghans. Professionalism can only be created through the development of capable leaders, and it is a vital foundation for future Afghan security and prosperity. Capable leaders are essential for long term sustainability in increased retention, decreased attrition and quality development. For these reasons, leader development has been the #1 priority of NATO Training Mission -- Afghanistan since activation late last year.

In our effort to establish and strengthen this foundation, we are working with the Ministries of Defense, Interior, and Education to develop a system based on education, training, and experience to ensure enduring leadership solutions throughout the ANSF. This system will serve as the cornerstone of professional training and education for future security in Afghanistan and the region.

This system is designed to break down barriers between the Afghan National Army, Air Force, Police, National Directorate of Security, and their respective civil services. Where friction now exists between the different security institutions, we will seek to build understanding and cooperation. Our initiative includes government input from outside of the security sector drawing on expertise within the Afghan Ministry of Education to standardize programs of instruction and increase the effectiveness of the training and education system.

Our greatest challenge is the development of mid-level leadership, non-commissioned and commissioned, which takes significant time and commitment--a process that requires time and resolve. To immediately address this issue, we have developed a 1-Uniform course, which produces direct-entry non-commissioned officers in twelve weeks, along with an Officer Candidate School that develops officers from civilians and non-commissioned officers in twenty weeks. If we want capable leaders tomorrow, we must build a leadership development foundation today.

Graduates of courses under this system will have the opportunity to learn from and work with their counterparts from throughout the security sector. We have seen in our own professional military education system how valuable interaction is between military, civilian, and international students. The U.S. Army Command and General Staff College is an example of this principle where integrating leaders from the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, foreign countries, and the interagency in every course reaps great benefits. The relationships students gain in each course foster respect, cohesion, and enduring friendship. Students in the Afghan training and education system will benefit in a similar fashion.

Successful professionalization of the ANSF begins with leader development. We must integrate the disparate areas of the government of Afghanistan's leadership and help bring leaders together in cooperation to secure and govern this nation. Our work must be done from the bottom-up in order to cooperatively break down cultural and organizational barriers through an integrated training and education system.

What steps do you think we should take to develop leaders in the Afghan National Security Force? What would be the best way for us to support breaking down the barriers between security institutions?

Lt. Gen. William B. Caldwell, IV is Commander of NATO Training Mission Afghanistan and Combined Security Transition Command Afghanistan. You can access LTG Caldwell's NTM-A / CSTC-A speeches, interviews, videos, and blog entries here.

29 August SWJ Roundup

Sun, 08/29/2010 - 7:09am

Graft-Fighting Prosecutor Is Dismissed in Afghanistan - New York Times

Afghan Deputy Attorney General Forced to Retire - Associated Press

Afghan President Condemns CIA Payment Reports - Associated Press

Karzai Criticises U.S. Pullout Plan - BBC News

Coalition, Afghan Forces Repel Taliban Attacks on Bases - Voice of America

Taliban Attacks Two U.S. Bases - Washington Post

NATO Base Attacked in Eastern Afghanistan - Los Angeles Times

Insurgents Attack NATO Base - Associated Press

7 U.S. Troops Killed in Latest Afghanistan Fighting - Associated Press

Gunmen Kill Afghan Election Candidate - Reuters

5 Kidnapped Afghan Campaign Workers Found Dead - Associated Press


Pakistanis Scramble to Escape Floods - New York Times

Humanitarian Needs in Flood-Stricken Pakistan Rise - Voice of America

Pakistan Floods Just One of Its Water Woes - Associated Press

Pakistan Floodwaters Ebb, Hunger And Disease Remain - Reuters

Pakistani Army Ends Hostage Drama in NW City - Voice of America

Upstarts Chip Away at Power of Feudal Pakistani Landlords - New York Times

The Win-win of U.S. Relief for Pakistan - Washington Post opinion


Iraqi PM Issues High Security Alert - Voice of America

Qaeda in Iraq Says It Was Behind Latest Attacks - New York Times

As US Military Bases Close, Iraqis Left Behind - Associated Press

Officer Honors Memory of a Young Interpreter - Washington Post

A U.S. 'Legacy of Waste' in Iraq - Los Angeles Times


Iran Hard-liners Skirt Sanctions - Los Angeles Times

Protesters Ask Iran to Spare Convicted Woman - Associated Press


Five Myths About Mosques - Washington Post opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

Pentagon Considers Preemptive Cyber-Defense Strikes - Washington Post

United States

For Obama, Steep Learning Curve as Chief in Time of War - New York Times

Glenn Beck Tells Crowd to 'Restore America' - Washington Post

At Lincoln Memorial, a Call for Religious Rebirth - New York Times

United Kingdom

Tony Blair Reemerges with Memoir - Los Angeles Times


Not Quite Superpowers - Washington Post opinion


Somali Militants Grow More Brazen in Attack - Washington Post

Somalia: Denmark Navy Helicopter Foils Pirates - Associated Press

U.N.: Rwanda Killings were War Crimes - Washington Post

Rwanda Contests Report on Army - Associated Press

ICC Asks U.N. to Act Against Kenya - Voice of America

Obama's Failure in Sudan - New York Times opinion

Americas and Caribbean

Mexico Killings Detective Missing - BBC News

Venezuelans Protest Against Unchecked Violence - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

N. Korean Leader Kim Appears Headed Home From China - Associated Press

North Korea's Kim Not Seen Heading For Retirement Yet - Reuters

Chinese Navy to Hold Drills in Yellow Sea - Associated Press

China Announces Navy Drill Ahead Of U.S. Show Of Force - Reuters

South Korea's PM-Designate Quits Under Pressure - Reuters

New Dissent in Japan Is Loudly Anti-Foreign - New York Times

Protests Fan Hong Kong Anger Over Manila Killings - New York Times

The Caucasus

19 Dead in Shootout in Russia's Caucasus - Associated Press


The European Union is Dying - Washington Post opinion

Middle East

Netanyahu: We Can Reach a Peace Deal to Last Generations - Ha'aretz

Many Clocks Tick as Israel, Palestinians Open Talks - Reuters

Israel PM Wants Regular Meetings With Palestinians - Associated Press

Settler Leader Speaks of Holding Netanyahu to his Word - Los Angeles Times

Influential Israeli Rabbi Says Abbas Should Perish - Associated Press

Egypt: Mubarak's Health and Successor Guessing Games - Los Angeles Times

Egyptian Police Find Weapons Bound for Gaza - Associated Press

Lebanon Arrests 4 After Deadly Beirut Shootout - Associated Press

Qaeda Says Responsible For Killing 8 Yemen Troops - Reuters

Saudi Arabia Preparing Charges Against Activist - Reuters

South Asia

India Blocks China Defence Ties - BBC News

India Police Kill Maoist Leader - BBC News

India Police Say 848 Tonnes of Explosives are Missing - BBC News


Sat, 08/28/2010 - 3:00pm
Here's the sixth edition of Small Wars Journal's Saturday Night Quote (SWJ SNQ). Kudos, once again, to Schmedlap. In the commentary section of SWJ Blog entry "President Obama: Look for a New Massoud" Schmedlap had this to say:

"The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. And that's just sad."

28 August SWJ Roundup

Sat, 08/28/2010 - 8:22am

Marines in Afghanistan Prepared for a Long Haul - Los Angeles Times

Karzai: Obama's 2011 Pullout 'Boosting Enemy Morale' - Voice of America

Special Forces Ratchet Up Fight Against Taliban - Der Spiegel

Afghan Candidate's Campaign Workers Abducted - New York Times

Insurgents Attack 2 Bases in East Afghanistan - Associated Press

NATO Forces Say Taliban Base Attacks Repelled - Reuters

Combined Forces Kill 3 Insurgents - AFPS

A Pashtun Writes - New York Times opinion


U.N.: Another Million Displaced by Pakistani Floods - Voice of America

Evacuations Continue in Southern Pakistan - New York Times

Pakistanis Too Broken to Rebuild In Flood Crisis - Reuters

Mullen Shares Concern for Aid Workers in Pakistan - AFPS

More U.S. Helicopters to Deploy for Pakistan Relief - AFPS

Captured Militants Attack Guards in NW Pakistan - Associated Press

Five Killed In U.S. Strike In Pakistan - Reuters


Obama Says Iraq War Is Ending, His Promise Is Kept - Reuters

Dangers of War Persist for Soldiers Left in Iraq - Washington Post

Iraq on Highest Alert for Terror Attacks - Associated Press

Iraqi PM Warns Of Attacks as U.S. Withdraws - Reuters

U.S.: $1.9M in Computers for Kids Missing in Iraq - Associated Press

Iraqis Arrest 10 With Suspected Terrorism Ties - AFPS

Leaving Iraq - New York Times editorial


Mullen Calls Iranian Nuclear Pursuit 'Unacceptable' - AFPS

Taiwanese Man Jailed For U.S.-Iran Embargo Violations - Reuters

U.N. Panel: Minorities in Iran Face Discrimination - Associated Press

U.N. Urges Iran to Tackle Racism - Reuters

Iran Sentences Opposition Leader's Aide to 5 Years - Associated Press

A Plea for Peace - Washington Post opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

Mullen: National Debt is a Security Threat - GovernmentExec

Engineers Seek New Edge for Warfighters - AFPS

United States

Example Set by First Military Tribunal Case Has U.S. Wary - New York Times

Administration Halts Prosecution of Alleged USS Cole Bomber - Washington Post

Iraq Drawdown, New Israel-Palestinian Talks Mark Obama's Mideast Week - VOA

U.S. Analyst Is Indicted in Leak Case - New York Times

U.S. Analyst Charged with Leak to News Reporter - Reuters

Brewer Hits U.N. Report Citing Ariz. Law - Associated Press


Attack on Somali Civilians Sparks Worries - Washington Post

Accused Somali Pirate Pleads Guilty In U.S. Court - Reuters

Sudan Leader Travels Despite Warrant - New York Times

Sudan Leader Defies Arrest Warrant, Visits Kenya - Associated Press

Sudan's Bashir Attends Kenya Constitution Ceremony - Reuters

Kenya Defends Bashir Invitation - Voice of America

Landmark Moment as New Kenyan Constitution Takes Effect - Voice of America

Jubilant Kenyans Usher In New Constitution - Reuters

Nigeria: Targeted Police Killings Raise Cult Fears - Associated Press

U.N.: Rwandan Troops May Have Committed War Crimes - Washington Post

U.N. Report Offers New View on Genocide Era - New York Times

Rwanda Says Leaked U.N. Report Malicious - Reuters

Americas and Caribbean

Massacre Sets Off New Fears in Mexico - New York Times

Mexico Massacre Investigator Missing - Los Angeles Times

Families of Massacred Migrants Couldn't Pay Ransom - Associated Press

Mexican TV Network: Car Explodes Next to Office - Associated Press

Two Car Bombs Explode In Northern Mexico; No Casualties - Reuters

Video of the Trapped Chilean Miners Stirs a Country's Emotions - New York Times

Chile: NASA Helping in Rescue of Miners - Washington Post

In Second Go-Round, Peru President Still Unpopular - New York Times

Cuba Embraces 2 Surprising Free-Market Reforms - Associated Press

Cuba Eases Property Laws, Could Open Door to Golf - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

U.S. Weighs Possibility of North Korea Engagement - New York Times

N. Korean Leader's Trip Spurs Succession Speculation - Associated Press

China Remains Silent on Possible Kim Jong Il Visit - Voice of America

China Silent on Reported Visit By North Korea's Kim - Reuters

N. Korea: Carter Arrives in Boston with Freed Prisoner - Washington Post

Japan Panel Urges Defence Changes, Wary Of China - Reuters

Taiwanese Man Jailed For U.S.-Iran Embargo Violations - Reuters

Anger Remains Over Killings of Chinese Hostages in Philippines - New York Times

Burma Junta Leaders Quit Military Posts - Reuters

Report: 4 Tibetans Fatally Shot in Mine Dispute - Associated Press

The Caucasus

Ten Rebels Die In Caucasus Clashes - Reuters


A Russian Spy Resurfaces in Provocative Photos - New York Times

Report Claims British Muslims Radicalized in Prison - Voice of America

U.K. Researchers: Prisons Breeding New Terrorists - Associated Press

Rights Panel Criticizes France Over Roma Policy - New York Times

Trial Wrapping Up for Croat Generals - Associated Press

Bosnia: Bodies of Srebrenica Victims Found at Dump - Associated Press

Hardliner Leads Turk Military In Testing Times - Reuters

Middle East

'Israel Ready to Destroy LAF in 4 Hours' - Jerusalem Post

Israel's Netanyahu Wants Talks with Abbas Every 2 Weeks - Voice of America

Netanyahu Seeks Regular Meetings With Abbas - New York Times

Bahrain Bans Reporting on Held Shiite Activists - Associated Press

South Asia

India, China Defense Row Heats Up - Associated Press

Top Police Officials Removed in Indian Kashmir - Associated Press