Small Wars Journal

Ukraine WAR BULLETIN As of March 2, 10.00 a.m. (EST)

Wed, 03/02/2022 - 12:45pm



As of March 2, 10.00 a.m. (EST)


Many Ukrainian cities and villages are suffering from Russian terror, but most of all - Kharkiv, Mariupol and Kherson. Bombs, rockets and shells hit homes and civilian infrastructure.

Russian forces target hospitals and kill medics.

The enemy viciously fired on peaceful Zhytomyr.

New bayraktars have already arrived in Ukraine. There will be more Stingers and Javelins.

The Government of Ukraine is in close constant contact with diplomatic missions and consulates of foreign countries to ensure that their citizens are safe and able to return to their countries as soon as possible.

President: Uman was brutally bombed, millions of Jews around the world do not remain silent.

MFA established an emergency hotline for foreign students wishing to leave Ukraine because of the Russian armed aggression.




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total estimated losses of the Russian occupying forces from 24.02 to 02.03:

Personnel - 5840

Aircraft – 30,

Helicopters – 31,

Tanks ‒ up to 211,

APV ‒ 862,

Artillery systems– 85,

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 9,

MLRS - 40,

Fuel tanks - 60,

UAV operational and tactical level - 3,

Light speedboats – 2,

Vehicles - 355.

Data is being updated. The calculation is complicated by the high intensity of hostilities.



The Armed Forces of Ukraine are beginning to seize the initiative of the Russian occupiers in some areas. The enemy is trying to keep the fighting capacity of their units, realizing that the "easy walk" did not work. He is trying to avoid direct clashes not only with the Ukrainian army but also with civilians blocking the movement of his columns. Russian propaganda ceases to operate in Ukraine and the "liberators" realize that no one was waiting for them here.

In the Volyn direction, the enemy has lost the initiative and is not taking active action.

In the Polissya direction, the Russian occupiers continue to advance in the direction of Makariv - Brusyliv - Fastiv, and a part of the forces - to Kyiv.

On the routes to Malyn and Irpin, the aggressor lost its offensive pace, suffered significant losses, and stopped at unfavorable borders.

In the Chernobyl direction, the enemy tried to develop an offensive toward Demidov and Irpin but having lost the offensive potential, stopped.

In the Zhytomyr region, Russian forces were trying to deploy advanced units in the areas of the settlements of Horenychy, Shpytky, and Petrushky.

At the same time, the enemy is deploying field and logistics camps in the areas of Borodyanka, Katyuzhanka, and Gavronshchyna.

In the Seversky direction, the enemy of the 1st Tank Army and the 20th Combined Army of the Russian Armed Forces, which launched offensive operations in the direction of Krasnograd and Izyum to create conditions to encircle the combined forces, suffered losses and was stopped at the borders of Bohodukhiv, Chuguiv, and Shevchenkove.

The enemy was stopped in the Chernihiv direction.

The movement toward Nova Basan, Kozelets was noted in the Nizhyn direction.

In the Donetsk direction the enemy focused its efforts with the 1st, 2nd and 8th armies on reaching the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. He didn't reach this goal and couldn't block Mariupol.

In the south, the enemy tried to continue the offensive in the direction of Zaporizhzhia, part of the forces - in Mariupol.

In the Black Sea Operational Zone, the Russian occupiers continue preparations for a naval landing operation on the Black Sea coast of Ukraine (Zatoka, Odesa districts). The deployment of naval fleet groups on the high seas was noted. 

The enemy is demoralized and continues to suffer losses in personnel and equipment.

For the safety of civil navigation, the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine restricted navigation in the north-western part of the Black Sea. At the same time, the Russian Black Sea Fleet continues the tactics of Russian ground forces trying to hide behind civilian lives.

For example, on March 2, 2022, the Russian side requires the civilian ship HELT to enter the dangerous zone of the Black Sea so that the occupiers can cover themselves with a civilian ship as a human shield, otherwise Russian warships would open fire on the ship HELT. This is nothing but 21st century piracy.

It will be recalled that during the full-scale invasion on February 24, the Russian fleet had already fired on 2 civilian ships and captured 2 ships of the Russian occupiers (including the search and rescue ship Sapphire having been sailed on a humanitarian mission).


The Russian Navy is a pirate of the 21st century

For the safety of civil navigation, the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine closed navigation in the north-western part of the Black Sea. At the same time, the Russian Black Sea Fleet continues the tactics of Russian ground forces trying to hide behind civilian lives.

Thus, as of March 2, 2022, Russian ships require the civilian ship HELT to enter the dangerous zone of the Black Sea so that the occupiers can cover themselves with a civilian ship as a human shield, otherwise Russian ships will open fire on the ship HELT. This is nothing but 21st century piracy.

During the full-scale invasion on February 24, the Russian fleet had already fired on 2 civilian ships and captured 2 ships of the Russian occupiers (including the Sapphire search and rescue ship on a humanitarian mission).



Minister of Defence of Ukraine

147 hours of defenсe. The nature of events is changing. The Russian occupiers are trying to somehow maintain the combat effectiveness of their units. But it is getting worse and worse. This is evidenced by the repeated facts of the capture of groups of Russian soldiers and officers. As well as refusal to continue the offensive.

The enemy was afraid of direct contact with Ukrainian defenders. Therefore, it turned to the criminal tactics of long-range shelling of peaceful cities. Air and missile strikes from Russia and Belarus on residential buildings and schools, shelling of maternity hospitals - this is coward behavior of those who have no honor. These are not military - they are terrorists, representatives of the terrorist state.

The enemy viciously fired on peaceful Zhytomyr. This is an attempt to take revenge for the successful completion of the 95th Brigade task. The occupiers aimed at the brigade #39’s barracks and at nearby houses.

Many of our cities and villages are now suffering from Russian terror, but most of all - Kharkiv, Mariupol and Kherson.

Yesterday I had a long conversation with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Even the experienced American military was astonished by the professionalism of our defenders and the resilience of our people. The amount of help we receive is increasing. The number of countries that provide this assistance is growing.

New bayraktars have already arrived in Ukraine and are on combat duty.

There will be more Stingers and Javelins. Europe is becoming our rear and supplying what is critical for defense. We are at the forefront of the free world.


Prosecutor’s General Office of Ukraine

Two civilians were killed in a car near Konotop in the Sumy region - an investigation has been launched. According to the investigative reports, on February 28, 2022, when leaving the village of Sloboda in Konotop district, the Russian military opened fire on the car. Two men were killed.


The State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES)

In Zhytomyr residential buildings and the Regional Perinatal Center were affected.


During March 1 to March 2, the enemy continued air strikes and artillery fire on residential areas of Kharkiv city and Kharkiv region. Bombs, rockets and shells hit homes and civilian infrastructure. As a result, there were constant fires and destruction, killing and injuring people.

At around 8 am, enemy missiles hit the Kharkiv Regional State Administration building, destroying the building and killing at least 7 people. 24 people were injured, 11 of whom are in critical condition. Among the injured 1 child. Rescuers assisted in rescuing the victims, dismantling the debris and retrieving the victims and the bodies from the rubble. Сonstant shelling and the threat of new air strikes prevent further works on dismantling the structures.

During March 1, Kharkiv department of SES performed 58 rescue raids to extinguish fires.

Pyrotechnic units constantly demine and remove explosive devices. Rescuers received about 200 reports of unexploded ordnance.


In Kharkiv - missile strike hit the building of the Security Service of Ukraine in Kharkiv region, the building of National Police in the Kharkiv region and the building of the Kharkiv National University named after V. Karazin. Preliminary information - 3 people injured.

90 people and 21 vehicles were involved in SES rescue measures.


In Irpin near Kyiv Russian invaders bombed, attacked residential areas and destroyed a high-rise building.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The streets of Bucha town are all covered with destroyed military vehicles of Russian occupiers.




President of Ukraine

It is the 7 day of war, and Ukrainians have shown the unprecedented unity that we never had before, even in 30 years of Ukraine’s independence. The President continued:

“Yesterday morning on the Svobody square we were all residents of Kharkiv, later the enemy destroyed us by striking at residential buildings in Borodianka, we were all bombed in Kyiv last night. And we all died again in Babyn Yar – from a missile strike. Although the whole world promises constrantly – never again.

For every normal person who know history, Babyn Yar is a special part of Kyiv and Europe, a place for prayer and remembrance for the hundred thousand people killed by the Nazis. The place of old Kyiv cemeteries. Who should you be to make it a target for missiles? You are killing Holocaust victims for the second time. During the Soviet era times, a Soviet era, a TV center was built on the bones there and also a sports complex, outbuildings, and a park to erase true history of Babyn Yar. But why was it bombed? This is beyond humanity. Such a missile strike shows that for many people in Russia, our Kyiv is completely foreign. They know nothing about our capital, about our history, but they have an order to erase our history, our country and all of us.

On the first day of war, Uman was brutally bombed, where hundreds of thousands of Jews come every year to pray.  Then – Babyn Yar, where hundreds of thousands of Jews were executed. I am addressing all the Jews of the world – don’t you see what is happening? That is why it is very important that millions of Jews around the world do not remain silent right now, as Nazism is born in silence. So shout about the killing of civilians, the killings of Ukrainians”.

The President also informed about the continued shelling of the Ukrainian cities with bombs, missiles, artillery, machine guns targeting at civilians and residential areas. Mariupol, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Zhytomyr and other cities became targets. President Zelenskyy also wondered whether other sacred places such as Lavra and Sofiia Kyivska would be targeted, too.

The President highlighted that the standing ovation the European Parliament yesterday was an assessment to the Ukrainian efforts and unity, which became a powerful impetus for the European Union to start a special accelerated accession procedure for Ukraine.

Ukrainian diplomats and our partners around the world work for the sake of Ukraine and peace. Neutral Switzerland has aligned the EU sanctions against Russian oligarchs, officials, the state and enterprises. Many new countries, on which Russia relied before, have joined the anti-war coalition. “You can’t stay neutral right now!”, - said the President.

The sanctions Russia faced include restrictions in sport competitions, in popular culture, Russian goods are being banned, Russian banks are switched off from SWIFT. Its citizens are losing their savings and prospects. Russian mothers are losing their children in an absolutely foreign country to them - almost 6000 Russian soldiers died in 6 days (not counting the losses of the enemy last night) of a pointless war for them.

Cabinet of Ministers

It is the 7th day of the national liberation war against Russia. Our troops are fighting like lions in all directions and holding defence firmly. The enemy is getting exhausted, and in some areas is forced to retreat tactically.

At the same time, tens of thousands of reservists are joining our army. Weapons are coming to Ukraine from all over the world. Most importantly is that confusion and fear that many people had experienced in the first two days of the war have changed into concentration and valour.

Everyone understands that we are waging a liberation war for our land and for our future. And we will not forgive the enemy for the committed crimes. Not only the perpetrators but also the architects of this inhumane plan will incur punishment in the Hague for missile salvos against the Ukrainian cities of Kharkiv, Kyiv, Zhytomyr, and others..

The Iron Curtain is increasingly falling over the aggressor. Global companies are leaving Russia, as they do not want to soil their hands on blood-stained money. Russia is near default. Most civilized countries have closed their skies from Russia.

At the same time, Ukraine is getting stronger. The European Parliament has accepted Ukraine's application to join the EU.

Ukraine is connecting to the European power grid ENTSO-E.

Rallies in support of our nation are taking place all over the world. Ukraine is now the centre of the world’s struggle for freedom.

The Government team is working together with the President of Ukraine in Kyiv and in the determined under martial law places. We are not going anywhere and will never surrender to the enemy.

Yesterday we simplified the state budget’s contingency drawdown procedure during martial law, which will allow us to quickly make decisions to allocate funds for the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The Government has also decided that humanitarian and technical assistance will be received with no delay and exempt from customs control procedures on the basis of a summary declaration.

The Government is now actively developing mechanisms for reliable supplies of food, medications and essential commodities throughout the country.

The Coordination Centre for Food, Medicine, Drinking Water and Fuel Supplies is fully operational and led by the First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko.

The Humanitarian Aid Coordination Centre is working under the leadership of Olha Stefanishyna, Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration.

The whole Government and the whole state machinery are working hard to ensure stability of the country in this time.

Moreover, yesterday, on March 1, the first war bond auction took place. More than UAH 8 billion was raised. These funds will be used to support Ukrainian defenders and finance the state budget.

I thank every Ukrainian and every company that supports the state.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has established an emergency hotline for foreign students wishing to leave Ukraine because of the Russian armed aggression.

Those who require assistance can call, Viber or Telegram the following number: +380 93418 56 84.

The questionnaire has also been created for collecting basic information about students and their whereabouts in order to advise them on the means available for their departure:

The Government of Ukraine is in close constant contact with diplomatic missions and consulates of foreign countries to ensure that their citizens are safe and able to return to their countries as soon as possible.

The Ukrainian border guards in cooperation with colleagues from neighboring EU countries and Moldova are doing everything possible to speed up the passage of all citizens from Ukraine and have never created obstacles that would hinder this.

The Ministry wishes to advise that all checkpoints on the western border are open 24 hours a day. Checks and check-in operations have been simplified as much as possible and the list of necessary documents has been minimized.

In Ukraine, there is no discrimination based on race, skin color or nationality, including when it comes to the crossing of the state border by foreign citizens. The first come first served approach applies to all nationalities.

In accordance with international humanitarian law, priority is given to women and children. All men, both Ukrainian nationals and foreign citizens, pass checks and check-in operations after women, children and elderly people.

All people at the border are asked to comply with law and order and to act responsibly in light of the challenging situation. This will allow the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to speed up the border crossing process. Those who are crossing are asked to have documents ready and to be as organized as possible. In addition, we ask that those crossing show mutual respect and understanding to everyone at the border during this extremely difficult time. Border guard personnel are working around the clock on both sides, in difficult conditions, to make the crossing as fast and and as straight-forward as possible.

We would like to reiterate that the ongoing severe humanitarian situation in Ukraine, including the situation at the western border of Ukraine, was caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Russia bears full responsibility for the killing and injuring of innocent people, destruction of civilian infrastructure, and creating obstacles for the safe departure of foreign citizens.

Ukraine calls on all foreign governments to demand from President Putin that he immediately stops his war in Ukraine. This will allow us to stabilize the situation and focus more on the safety and security of the population, including foreign students.


Appeal of the Parliament Commissioner for  Human Rights in Ukraine Lyudmyla Denysova

In carrying out an aggressive attack on Ukraine, the troops of the Russian Federation are carrying out targeted shelling of medical facilities and medical transport, violating the right to life and health of Ukrainians.

Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949, Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces of 12 August 1949, Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts), strict requirements for the protection of medical personnel, medical vehicles and medical institutions.

International humanitarian law prohibits attacks on medical personnel and facilities during armed conflict.

But the enemy insidiously targets hospitals and kills medics. Near Kyiv, the occupiers shot doctor M. Kalabina, who was trying to save a child injured by them.

The artillery fired at Hospital 3 in Kharkiv, Vasylivka Hospital in Zaporizhia Oblast, a military hospital near Kyiv, and maternity hospitals in mm. Zhytomyr and Mariupol and many other institutions.

At the same time, the occupier refuses to establish "green corridors" for the removal of the wounded and civilians and the delivery of medicines. Leaving both Ukrainians and their own military to their deaths.

Such actions of the interventionist are another evidence of the genocide of the Ukrainian people and should be taken into account by the criminal court in The Hague.

I appeal to the Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine, as part of my mandate, to promote the establishment of "green corridors" for the evacuation of civilians and the wounded from active combat areas and the provision of appropriate humanitarian assistance.


Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

28.5 million dollars was collected for the Ukrainian army. Such an amount was collected today at the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation. Namely:

  • The “Diia” app has already raised UAH 62,243,637 (over $2 million).
  • The portal also has just over $2 million (and that's the amount in almost half a day since donations were launched).
  • About $24,5 million was raised in cryptocurrency.


Administrative services centres provide help for internally displaced persons, soldiers and territorial defence to get essentials and find a temporary home. Help is already provided in 8 regions of Ukraine: Ivano-Frankivsk, Cherkasy, Vinnytsia, Volyn, Lviv, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk, Khmelnytsky. New centres are constantly joining the Initiative.


Vice-Prime-Minister - Minister for Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov informed that Apple also stopped working in Russia.


Ajax Systems developed an "Air Alarm” application. It will promptly inform about the beginning and end of the alarm. It will also send users the loudest critical notifications about air, chemical, man-made or other types of civil defense alarms, even in silent or sleep mode of the smartphone. New application can be downloaded at Google Play Market and AppStore. 




National Bank of Ukraine

The National Bank of Ukraine has relaxed a number of bans on foreign exchange transactions. Thus, from 1 March 2022, instead of a complete ban on the issuance of cash from the client's account in foreign currency, a limit of up to 30 thousand UAH per day was established.

In addition, the NBU determined that:

  • without restrictions, cash foreign currency will be withdrawn from the accounts of enterprises and institutions that ensure the implementation of government mobilization plans (tasks) and on the basis of separate permits of the NBU;
  • withdrawal of cash currency in branches of banks located in territories threatened by Russian occupation will be carried out within the balance of funds on the account, subject to their availability. The decision on the issuance of funds will be made by the head of the branch or bank branch.

In addition, the National Bank provided for the possibility of using payment cards abroad for payments and cash, adding them to the list of exceptions to the ban on cross-border transfers of currency values ​​from Ukraine on behalf of customers. At the same time, NBU emphasizes that since the introduction of Martial Law, the NBU has not imposed any restrictions on non-cash payments, including abroad.

The National Bank also forbade crediting funds to the accounts of individual customers on transfers initiated using electronic means of payment issued by members of international payment systems operating in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. It is also prohibited to accept in Ukraine electronic means of payment (including transfers, settlements and cash withdrawals) issued by members of the relevant international payment systems.





We keep protecting our underground gas storage facilities from enemies and diversionists. Yesterday night, thanks to professional work and vigilance of the area defence of Olyshivka village, that is a kilometre from the Olyshivka UGS, it became possible to reveal and apprehend two diversionists.

The perpetrators were quickly apprehended and handed over to police officers. They will further face the charges for the crime committed.

As of today, the Olyshivka UGS is under enhanced security. Security checkpoints are installed at all the access roads to the storage facilities. At the same time, local defenders assist our colleagues in intense patrolling and investigation of well stock day and night.

Gas is being withdrawn from the Ukrainian UGS as normal.

LLC “Gas supply company “Naftogaz Trading” consistently provides large consumers with natural gas. In the past 24 hours, there were no disorders in dispatch centre operation. The company is performing all financial liabilities to the counterparties and the state. During February, LLC “Gas supply company “Naftogaz Trading” transferred taxes and fees in the amount exceeding UAH 1.6 bn to the budgets of all levels.

Combat activities continue within the area of PJSC Donetskoblgaz. As of today, our colleagues had to preemptively cut off Donske u.t.s. From gas supply in order to prevent potential accident. Number of subscribers cut off makes 4,680.

Novoyavorivsk and Novyi Rozdil CHPs are operating as normal. Heat and hot water are supplied to all consumers. However, allowing for the circumstance, we are ready for any scenarios. That is why employees of Novyi Rozdil CHP are preparing road tankers to provide citizens with water shall the town be cut off from water supply. Branches of Novoyavorivsk power grids and Novyi Rozdil power grids are uninterruptedly supplying electricity to all consumers.

All digital services and site of LLC “Gas Supply Company “Naftogaz of Ukraine” are sustainably and flawless.

JSC Ukrtransnafta keeps operating as normal.

OJSC “Kirovohradgaz” is operating as normal.

JSC Ukrspectransgaz is operating meeting all the requirements of martial law status.

JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya keeps producing gas at all its facilities, except for those located near the contact line.


JSC Donetskoblgaz continues to stand up for its customers despite extremely difficult conditions. During the night, Kostiantynivka was shelled, which resulted in damages of the gas infrastructure. Currently, the emergency repair team has already carried out the necessary work to restore gas supply. 

Unfortunately, due to numerous damages to the gas pipelines, the subscribers from the village of Bohoyavlenka, Volnovakha district of Donetsk region were disconnected. It is about 407 subscribers. At present, it is impossible to resume supplies to the village. In total, 5,087 subscribers are left without gas.

Employees of Novyi Rozdil CHP strengthen the approaches to the heating plant with sandbags. CHP of Novyi Rozdil and Novoyavorivsk operate as usual. Heat and hot water are supplied uninterruptedly. Branches “Novoyavorivsk Electric Networks” and “Novyi Rozdil Electric Networks” supply electricity to all consumers.

LLC “Gas supply company “Naftogaz Trading” provides full supply of natural gas to large consumers in full. No violations have been registered. The company asks its partners to promptly report risks and problematic issues to be taken into account in its work. Ensuring a sustainable gas supply, in particular for industry, heat and electricity producers for households, is critical, especially in times of military aggression, and is a shared responsibility of all stakeholders.

JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya keeps producing gas at all its facilities, except for those located near the contact line.

JSC Ukrtransgaz and JSC Ukrtransnafta keep operating as normal. Gas is being withdrawn from the Ukrainian UGS in the required volumes.

All digital services and site of LLC “Gas Supply Company “Naftogaz of Ukraine” are sustainably and are in constant contact with customers.

JSC Ukrspectransgaz is operating meeting all the requirements of martial law status.

OJSC “Kirovohradgaz” is operating as normal.


As of 8:00 on March 2, 2022, Ukraine's nuclear power plants are operating safely and in a stable way.

The current capacity of all four Ukrainian NPPs provides electricity for the country.

Under martial law and full-scale aggression of Russia, Energoatom strengthens control and determines the exceptional effectiveness of nuclear safety issues over everything else.

There are no violated conditions of safe operation. Radiation, fire and environmental conditions at NPPs and adjacent areas have not changed and are within current standards.

The main equipment of the reactor compartments of power units, premises and buildings of power plants, the perimeters of protected areas and adjacent territories, as well as particularly important NPP facilities outside their protected areas are under strict supervision and control.


Gas TSO of Ukraine

Operative information as of March 2, 2022: administrative buildings of the Linear Production Units in Mykolaiv and Kharkiv were damaged by shelling.

As a result of the shelling, the administrative building of the main gas pipelines unit in Mykolaiv and one gas distribution station were damaged. Employees are being evacuated to safe locations. According to preliminary information, there are no victims or casualties.

In Kharkiv, the facade of the control building was damaged due to the hostilities.

As of 12:00, Gas TSO of Ukraine continues to meet the needs of Ukrainian consumers, energy and industry, despite the hostilities. Yesterday, on March 1, we transported 73.4 million cubic meters of gas to the operators of gas distribution networks.

Though the gas transmission infrastructure works without critical damages, 7 gas distribution stations on the line of the military operations remain disconnected. Due to the hostilities, it is not possible to resume gas supply to the operators of gas distribution networks because of the risk of fire.

3/2/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 03/02/2022 - 10:20am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

3. Opinion | Ukraine’s stirring self-defense is no accident
4. Remarks of President Joe Biden – State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery
5. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: March
6. Why John Mearsheimer Blames the U.S. for the Crisis in Ukraine
7. Zelensky assassination plot foiled, Ukrainian authorities say
8. Exxon to exit Russia, leaving $4 billion in assets, Sakhalin LNG project in doubt
9.  Ukraine Conflict Update - March 2, 2022 | SOF News
10. Russian Troop Deaths Expose a Potential Weakness of Putin’s Strategy
11. What the West should do now to help Ukrainians on the battlefield
12. Volunteers flock to fight for Ukraine in pacifist Japan
13. Perspective | President Zelensky’s leadership of Ukraine’s resistance is a testament to democracy
14. Ukrainian brewery switches from beer to Molotov cocktails
15. The history of molotov cocktails, from the Spanish Civil War to Ukraine
16. Answer to Putin's Invasion of Ukraine Could Be NATO Expansion
17. Ukrainians say they are fighting on in southern city of Kherson
18. Biden rallies Congress behind Ukraine, says Putin has 'no idea what's coming'
19. What happened to Russia's Air Force? U.S. officials, experts stumped
20. Russia, Ukraine and the West’s grand delusion of freedom
21. Five Lessons Learned From Sanctions on Iran for the Ukraine Crisis
22. Five Reasons Why Russia is Struggling in Ukraine
23. What a Russian soldier’s panicked text home reveals about Ukraine’s information war
24. The Impossible Suddenly Became Possible
25. Japan’s Possible Acquisition of Long-Range Land-Attack Missiles and the Implications for the U.S.-Japan Alliance
26. Russia-Ukraine war gives a glimpse of China’s new world order, and of Beijing’s faltering reputation
27. Sugio Takahashi, Pitfalls in Deterring a Taiwan Strait Conflict: “Unpreparable War,”. 
28. Here's Why a Ukraine No-Fly Zone's a No-Go
29. Ukraine’s drone strikes reveal Russian planning failures, expert says
30. "Oh So Social" Conversation: Dr. Robert Gates and Dr. Michael Vickers

Korean News Content:

1. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: March (KOREA)
2. Human rights crises in N. Korea and others require international attention: Blinken
3. Presidential candidates condemn Russia, vow support for Ukraine during meetings with Kyiv envoy
4. External pressure alone will not denuclearize N. Korea: former USFK chief
5. N.K. ambassador to U.N. denounces U.S. over Russia's Ukraine invasion
6. South Korea risks becoming ‘Ukraine of Asia’ in event of conflict, presidential candidate says
7. S.Korea's Reluctance over Russia Sanctions Damages U.S. Alliance
8. Biden remains silent on N. Korea amid Russian invasion of Ukraine
9.  Korean citizens pitch in to help support Ukraine
10. Seoul turns hawkish toward Pyeongyang amid pressure for Russia sanctions
11. Belated, lukewarm move
12. Two Koreas clash over Ukraine crisis at UN 
13. South Pyongan Province mines recently scrambled to send coal to Nampo Port
14. North Korea conducts sweeping ideological reviews of important party and state officials
15. Daughter of high-ranking N. Korean cadre executed for watching and distributing S. Korean videos

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: March

Tue, 03/01/2022 - 9:24pm

Access the tracker HERE

March 1, 2022 | FDD Tracker: February 2, 2022-March 1, 2022

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: March


Trend Overview

Edited by David Adesnik

Welcome back to the Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker. Once a month, we ask FDD’s experts and scholars to assess the administration’s foreign policy. They provide trendlines of very positive, positive, neutral, negative, or very negative for the areas they watch.

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, ending what hope remained that Washington and Moscow could “build a stable and predictable relationship,” as President Joe Biden initially proposed. As Russian forces advanced toward Kyiv, Western sanctions against Russia and arms transfers to Ukraine went much further than Washington and its allies threatened while attempting to deter the invasion. Had their readiness to do so been clear from the outset, perhaps Russian President Vladimir Putin might have hesitated to invade. An even less pleasant surprise for Putin has been the resilience of Ukrainian forces in the first days of the war; whether they can keep playing David to the Kremlin’s Goliath is open to considerable doubt, even as Western arms and materiel begin to flow freely.

Despite Moscow’s aggression, the Biden administration continued working with Russia to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, with signs of a possible agreement in early March despite Tehran’s continued obstruction of UN nuclear inspections. Putin waited patiently for the Winter Games to wrap up in Beijing before launching his invasion, letting the Chinese government finish its celebration of impunity for the atrocities it continues to commit against its citizens.

“The triumph of democracy and liberalism over fascism and autocracy created the free world,” Biden wrote during his presidential campaign, warning that “this contest does not just define our past. It will define our future, as well.” Will the president now take those words to heart?

Trending Positive


By Carrie Filipetti and Emanuele Ottolenghi

Trending Neutral


By Craig Singleton


By RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery and Annie Fixler


By Bradley Bowman


By John Hardie


By Richard Goldberg


By David May

Trending Negative


By Anthony Ruggiero and Andrea Stricker


By Hussain Abdul-Hussain


By Craig Singleton


By David Maxwell


By John Hardie


By Bill Roggio


By David Adesnik


By Aykan Erdemir

Trending Very Negative


By Behnam Ben Taleblu and Richard Goldberg


By Tony Badran

WAR BULLETIN 14 March 1, 2022, 07.00 p.m. (EST) (Ukraine)

Tue, 03/01/2022 - 9:06pm
From the Ukraine MInistry of Information.


March 1, 2022, 07.00 p.m. (EST)


At the EU Parliament Zelenskyy expressed appreciation of the fact of unification of all Europe around Ukraine that pays significant price for it.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly condemns the barbaric attacks by the Russian Federation of residential areas and civilian infrastructure across Ukrainian cities.

The Minister of Foreign affairs addressed international community to spread information about Russian war crimes.

Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine called humanitarian organizations for action despite the concern for their staff.

The Republic of Belarus, as a satellite of the Russian Federation, provides assistance in the deployment of troops and weapons of the enemy on its territory.

Air strikes in Zhytomyr, Mariupol. A rocket strike was launched on the TV tower of Kyiv.




Operative information

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine

Air strikes in Zhytomyr damaged 10 private homes (3 of them caught fire) and damaged windows in the city hospital building.

Two people were killed and three were injured. People are probably in the rubble of damaged private houses.



The police department of Donetsk Oblast

Russian air strikes hit the center of Mariupol - police recorded Russian military crime!

According to the prior data, one person died, three people were injured.

Several buildings and school №16 were destroyed. Civilian buildings of the Left-bank district and public enterprise "Comunalnyk" were under the aggressor's shelling again.

The new bombardment of the city began around 5:30 pm. The number of injured people is being estimated.

The police department of Donetsk Oblast opened the criminal proceeding due to Article 438 (violation of the laws and traditions of war) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.


General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russia is preparing a deliberate provocation to justify the introduction of Belarusian troops

According to available intelligence, there are now about 300 Belarusian tanks near the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

The convoy has not yet crossed the border and is waiting on the route Pinsk - Ivanovo - Drahichyn (approximately 30 km from the State Border of Ukraine).

Russia is expected to carry out a deliberate provocation to justify the preplanned attack by Belarusian troops.

MLRS strikes "Tornado", bombing of residential neighborhoods, ballistic missile attacks on the central square and the city administration - got into the smartphones of eyewitnesses. Putin`s regime war crimes in Kharkiv are much larger.

Yesterday, February 28, a strategic bomber-missile carrier Tu-22m3, without crossing the state border, struck at PEACEFUL RESIDENTIAL QUARTERS of Kharkiv HIGH-EXACT WEAPONS - air-to-surface missiles. The bomber took four measures at the rate of n.p. Besedino (Kursk region) - Belgorod, firing about 16 missiles on the defenseless city.

The horrific consequences of the missiles attack were recorded by local residents. High-rise buildings, schools, kindergartens and other infrastructure of the city was destroyed. According to preliminary data, dozens of Kharkiv residents were killed in the airstrikes, including children.

 ️The Air Force recorded this crime against humanity between 19.07 and 19.51 on 28 February 2022. The materials will be sent to the International Criminal Court - ICC, the Hague in due course.

Unfortunately, in the current situation, it is extremely difficult for the Air Force to cover the skies in this region, as part of the country's air defense system was destroyed by the Russian ballistic and cruise missiles.

The occupiers do not dare to storm the city, because they are guaranteed to be killed, so they resorted to air terrorism, killing civilians in Kharkiv.


The Republic of Belarus, as a satellite of the Russian Federation, provides assistance in the deployment of troops and weapons of the enemy on its territory. In the future, it is likely to be able to support the Russian invaders in the Russian-Ukrainian war and help achieve the goals of the occupiers.

Thus, from February 24, 2022, missile strikes on military and civilian facilities have been systematically launched from the territory of Belarus. Today it is noted that the Belarusian troops are in combat readiness and are in areas of concentration as close as possible to the state border of Ukraine. During the current day, according to intelligence, significant activity of aircraft was recorded. In addition, the movement of convoys of vehicles with food and ammunition in the area of settlements Baranovychi, Lyakhovychi and Pinsk is helpful.

According to available data, the Russian occupiers are preparing to launch a large-scale information and psychological operation in the near future.

Its goal is to break the resistance of the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian army with the help of lies. Using tactics of total disinformation and intimidation of the civilian population, the enemy will try to sow panic and chaos.

during hostilities.

Groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are defending certain borders and inflicting a devastating defeat on the enemy in all directions.

During the fierce fighting in the Chernobyl direction, the Chief of Staff of the 36th Army of the Eastern Military District was wounded and the commander of 11 separate airborne assault brigades of the Russian Air Force was killed in the Siversky Operational District.

Due to the fact that the enemy fails to achieve its goals, due to the significant resistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the resistance of the patriotic civilian population, he moved to the destruction of information infrastructure and critical government facilities. Thus, the occupying forces, as they move deeper into the territory of Ukraine, destroy the relay towers of cellular communication. On March 1, 2022, a rocket strike was launched on the TV tower of Kyiv.

The enemy continues to cynically disregard the norms of international humanitarian law.

Kyiv TV tower was shelled.

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine informs that five people died as a result of the shelling of TV tower in Kyiv. Five others were injured.

More info:


MFA Crisis Center

The Kirovohrad regional state administration reports, that the occupants have shelled the airdrome of Kanatovo.

The head of Kharkiv regional state administration Oleh Syniehubov informed that in the morning of March 1st the Russians have shelled Kharkiv, using the multiple rocket launchers “Grad” and the cruising missiles.

Upon the preliminary information of the State Emergency Service, 6 people were injured, among them - 1 child. The number of the casualties is to be confirmed.

In the aftermath of the shelling of Kharkiv by Russian forces, at least 10 persons died (number is to be confirmed), more than 20 injured, roughly 10 people are saved from under the debris by the rescuers and the volunteers. According to the local authorities there were two hits. Most of the building, including the mayor's office, were destroyed (the Mayor was away). At the time of the explosions, personnel of Territorial Defense Forces, soldiers and volunteers were in the building.


Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine

“Russia is extensively shelling the centers of the cities, carrying out the missile and artillery strikes against the residential blocks and government agencies. The aim of the Russian Federation is clear - widespread turmoil, casualties among the civil population, destroying the infrastructure. Ukraine is fighting back with dignity”.


Advisor of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Ukrainian defenders shot down two helicopters of the Russian occupants near Kyiv.


Kyiv City Administration

According to preliminary data, 5 civilians were killed when two missiles hit the TV tower in Kyiv.

Specialists are working on restoring the TV tower broadcasting at its full capacity. Digital broadcasting was already partially restored. TV channels are available in cable networks, satellite, and online broadcasting.





President of Ukraine

During his speech at the EU Parliament Zelenskyy expressed appreciation of the fact of unification of all Europe around Ukraine. The President underlined that the events that brought Europe together came at a high price for Ukraine. 

“I believe that we are sacrificing our best, strongest Ukrainian people for our values, for liberty, simply for our desire to be equal, same as you. Often, we like to say that we will win. I am very glad that now, you are not only saying but also seeing it. There is a saying, “Ukraine’s European choice.” This is what Ukraine aspires. Today, I would like to hear from you, in turn, about Europe’s aspiration for Ukraine.” stressed Zelenskyy.

To the PM`s attention was brought another war crime executed by Russian forces. As of this morning two cruise missiles were launched at Kharkiv by the Russian occupation forces. The missiles were launched right at Freedom Square in the very center of the city. Number of victims is still to be determined.

“We want our children to live. I think that this is more than justified, yet yesterday, 16 children were killed. And again, President Putin will say that this is just a “military operation” and that Russian army is targeting “only Ukraine’s military infrastructure.” Where are our children? Did they work at military factories? Were they at the missile launch facilities? Were they riding inside the tanks? You have killed 16 children.” Said Zelenskyy.

Ukrainians are highly motivated people. Fighting for survival is the main aspiration of Ukraine. In addition to that, the country is also fighting to be equal member of the EU. The President had no doubt that Ukraine will make the EU stronger. Without Europeans, Ukraine will be on its own. Zelenskyy called for the EU to support Ukrainians.



Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister for Reintegration of Temporary Occupied Territories

Armed Forces of Ukraine are staying strong despite increased attacks by Russian military. The recent increase of severity of shelling and bombardments caused humanitarian crisis: power outage, limited or no access to water, constant hiding in cellars. Russian invaders do not leave a chance for creation of humanitarian corridor, which is the violation of international law. Ukraine expected more international humanitarian organizations, especially Red Cross, the UN, and OSCE, to cooperate to help with security of Ukrainian civilians. Vereschuk called humanitarian organizations for action despite the concern for their staff. International law protects personnel allowing opportunities to intervene directly at the front line, not remotely from Lviv. If work of those organizations is impossible due to level of risks caused by Russian attacks, they have to make a very specific public statement about it worldwide. If the lack of performance due to those reasons remains, Ukraine asks for help with transportation vehicles. It is also imperative to create humanitarian corridors for women, children, elderly, and handicapped in Donbas region. Ukraine needs your assistance in Kyiv region due to awareness about enemy’s plans in the region. Red Cross, UN, and OSCE, where called for to protect Ukrainian civil population while Ukrainian army defends the country.



Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Briefing

Despite the fact that Putin attacked Ukraine with the entire Russian army, Ukraine did not give up and did not fall impressing the whole world.

Recent events shifts the tide of the confrontation with Russia to a new level. The missile attacks in Kharkiv, Kyiv, other Ukrainian cities, the murder of children, the suffering of children in hospitals and basements allow Ukrainians to launch a clear message around the world: Russian means barbaric.

The minister addressed international community to use all opportunities, all contacts, so that everyone in the world gets to know about Russian war crimes.

Ukraine was the first to overcome Putin`s psychological barrier. Through struggle, Ukraine have shown the world that Putin can and should be beaten for his crimes. Punishment should also be inflicted on everyone around the Russian leader, who in recent years by means of business and politics helped him create the illusion that he is strong enough to destroy Ukraine and throw the world into the darkness of war.

The world has changed. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ukrainian diplomacy led by the President Zelenskyy and everyone who became a weapon in defense of Ukraine shifted the perception of Russia in the world.

Everything points to the fact that Putin is still looking for a military solution to the problems he is facing in Ukraine. Every new attack Russia sends larger number of troops and military equipment. Armed Forces of Russia are receiving commands to shoot at civilians. Ukraine will hold Russia accountable for this atrocities in international courts.



Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly condemns the barbaric missile attacks and indiscriminate shelling by the Russian Federation of residential areas and civilian infrastructure across Ukrainian cities. 

We express our sincere condolences to the families who lost their loved ones because of the devastating war President Putin has unleashed against the Ukrainian people.

Ukraine deeply regrets that a student from India has become a victim of the shelling by the Russian armed forces in Kharkiv. The Ministry offers its deepest sympathies to the Government of India and the relatives of the deceased. We stand ready to provide the Indian Embassy with the required assistance in order to repatriate the body of an Indian citizen.

The Chinese citizen was also injured in another Ukrainian city because of Russia’s deadly attacks.

The Ukrainian and foreign citizens have become hostages of the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine.

We call on all foreign governments to demand from President Putin that he immediately stops his war in Ukraine. This will allow us to stabilize the situation and focus more on the safety and security of the population, including foreign students.

The Ministry wishes to reiterate that there is no discrimination based on the race or nationality, including when it comes to the crossing of the state border by foreign citizens. Given the extreme security conditions, the first come first served approach applies to all nationalities, with certain humanitarian exceptions allowed for women and children.

We are working closely with the relevant agencies of Ukraine to step up support to foreign citizens, including students, wishing to return to their home countries or move to third countries due to the Russian military invasion. (


10 хв.


WAR BULLETIN March 1, 2022, 09.00 a.m. (EST) WAR ROOM (Ukraine)

Tue, 03/01/2022 - 12:09pm
Some fascinating information from Ukraine. In response to my query on dissemination and citing a source I received the following message. I am now on their distribution list.
This covers the range of enemy KIA/POW and equipment destroyed to Russian population and resources control measures in occupied areas to cyber to policy actions by Ukraine.  
Yes, for dissemination. Factually, it is collected, reviewed, and finalized by Ukraine officials. As to citing source: UA (Ukraine) Information Service.
March 1, 2022, 09.00 a.m. (EST)


General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine
Total estimated losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 01.03 as of 06:00 were: :
Personnel - 5710
Prisoners - 200
Destroyed and damaged:
aircraft – 29,
helicopters – 29,
tanks‒ 198,
APV ‒ 846,
artillery systems– 77,
Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 7,
MLRS - 24,
fuel tanks - 60,
UAV operational and tactical level - 3,
Boats – 2 ,
vehicles - 305.

From the beginning of the day, the enemy regrouped troops and fired missiles and bombs from the air. It attempted to land tactical landings. Widely used sabotage and reconnaissance teams to attack civilian and military infrastructure.
Defensive battles continue in the Siverskyi region in order to prevent the enemy from advancing to the capital from the north-eastern direction.

In the suburbs of Chernihiv, the appearance of separate enemy DRGs was noted, which, with the support of armored vehicles, tried to break into the city, but were destroyed by Ukrainian defenders.

In other areas, tank and mechanized units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with the support of aircraft and artillery, continue to conduct defensive battles on the occupied borders. Fire defeat of the enemy by all available means is carried out.

In Slobozhanshchyna, mechanized brigades and BTGs of Airborne Assault Troops from the operational group are destroying the manpower and military equipment of the Russian occupiers, who are trying to get in and restore the position on the first line of defense.

The Kyiv Defense Forces continue to defend the city, maintain the outer borders of the defense and critical state infrastructure, preventing the occupation units from approaching the suburbs of the capital. Active measures are being taken to identify and destroy the DRG of the enemy, who, ignoring the norms of international humanitarian law, disguises himself in the military uniform of the Armed Forces, National Guard, and National Police of Ukraine to infiltrate Kyiv through the battle formations of our troops.

The steady defense of our troops rapidly lowers the morale of the enemy and his will to win. Cases of desertion and voluntary captivity by entire units have been reported.

Thank you for the work of our Air Force. On the last day alone, they destroyed 5 planes of the Russian aggressor. About the total losses of the enemy a little later.

Losses inflicted on the Russian occupiers during the day 28.02.22 by the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

During a defiant air raid by the occupiers on Vasylkiv and Brovary, Ukrainian fighter pilots intercepted and shot down two Russian planes.

The work of Ukrainian fighters was completed by anti-aircraft missile divisions S-300, hitting three planes of the occupiers. So the Air Force shot down five fighters. According to preliminary data, these are Su-30 and Su-35.

An anti-aircraft missile system Buk M-1 shot down a cruise missile and an enemy helicopter near Kyiv.

Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft worked in units and pairs and fired several missile and bomb strikes at columns of armored vehicles and enemy manpower in Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions.

Bomber aircraft also worked successfully. The Su-24m of the Air Force inflicted at least four devastating bombings on tank columns, columns of mechanized equipment, motor convoys with fuel, and lubricants in the Chernihiv region and near Berdyansk.

Well, traditionally, once again we celebrate the jewelry work of the crews of Bayraktar TB2. This time - three targets - an enemy tank and two anti-aircraft missile systems "Buk" occupiers!

The Russian occupier has reduced the pace of the offensive but is still trying to develop the pace of the offensive in certain areas in the offensive against Ukraine.

The sixth day of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine continues.

Columns of armored vehicles of the russian aggressors slowed down the pace of the offensive and have problems with security in Ukraine. Enemy troops are deprived of a systematic supply of fuel and ammunition.

Unsuccessful in capturing the oblasts centers of Kharkiv and Chernihiv, the occupiers fired rockets at residential areas of these cities.

In addition, the russian occupiers continue to surround the Ukrainian cities of Sumy, Lebedyn and Okhtyrka, the enemy is regrouping in order to continue the offensive in the direction of Kyiv.

In the Donetsk region, enemy troops with forces 1, 2 Army Corps units 8 Army of the Armed Forces of russian federation with the artillery support of the rf Armed Forces focused their efforts on capturing the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, to no avail. The goal of reaching the administrative borders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions was not achieved.
In the Tavriya direction, the enemy reached the border with the available forces in the areas of the settlements of Skadovsk, Hola Prystan, Kherson, and Nova Kakhovka. After regrouping the offensive in the direction of Mykolayiv continues.

There were cases of robberies and looting by the occupiers in the areas of Bucha, Gostomel, Novy Basaniv.

Despite the fact that the russian federation is a state party to the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War, its armed forces and the terrorist groups it supports continue to systematically and defiantly violate the norms of international humanitarian law in Ukraine.
Having lost offensive capabilities, the enemy concentrated on the encirclement of the city of Kyiv.

Despite the fact that the enemy is losing offensive potential, it continues to inflict fire on military and civilian targets and continues to conduct reconnaissance aircraft of the CAF of the RF Armed Forces, including using the airspace of the Republic of Belarus. Given that the enemy does not abandon the aspirations to achieve its goal, and its own offensive potential is almost exhausted, plans to join the most trained military units of the Republic of Belarus, completing the concentration along the State Border of Ukraine.

The situation around Kyiv remains tense. In Polissya, the enemy continues to try to resume the offensive in the direction of the capital. Russian occupation forces are using tactics to destroy infrastructure and launch missile and bomb strikes on settlements, disregarding international humanitarian law. In the Black Sea, due to adverse weather conditions, a naval landing operation in the coming days is unlikely. Most of the Black Sea Fleet's naval group is based. In all directions, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the support of artillery and UAVs "Bayraktar TV2" maintain certain boundaries. The enemy did not succeed in any of the areas.

Office of the Prosecutor General

In the rocket fire of Kyiv Region the occupants killed 4 civilians, destroyed houses - an investigation has been launched.
Under the procedural guidance of the Kyiv Region Prosecutor's Office, a pre-trial investigation is underway into the facts of rocket attacks on residential area in the region by the Russian troops. The actions of the aggressor country are qualified as a violation of the laws and customs of war (Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, the servicemen of the Russian Federation are conducting massive shelling in residential areas of the settlements of Kyiv Region. Thus, in the evening of February 28, enemy missiles hit a five-story dormitory in Vasylkiv and a three-story dormitory in Bila Tserkva. Three residential buildings were destroyed due to the shelling in the village in Kalynivka, Fastiv district. Damage to the maternity hospital building was recorded in the Region.

Because of the shelling, the infrastructure of the cities was destroyed, five civilians were injured and four were killed.

National Police of Ukraine

During the day, the aggressor's troops regrouped and accumulated armored vehicles and missile and artillery weapons in certain areas, primarily to surround and capture Kyiv and major cities of Ukraine, including Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Odesa, Kherson and Mariupol.

A significant part of military equipment comes from the territory of Belarus and through the occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Some units of the most combat-ready units of the Armed Forces of Belarus have begun moving to the State Border of Ukraine in the Volyn direction. In addition, the territory of Belarus continues to be used for combat sorties of army, operational, tactical and special aircraft of the RF Armed Forces to perform tasks on the territory of our country.

The planes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation resumed conducting air reconnaissance of objects on the territory of Ukraine from the airspace of the Republic of Belarus.

The enemy, losing offensive potential, loses with him and the human face. Numerous cases of violations of the laws of war and international humanitarian law by the Russian aggressor have been recorded along the entire offensive line.

The most common war crimes of the Russian occupiers: the use of weapons against civilians, bombing, rocket and artillery shelling of residential areas, which led to the destruction of civilian infrastructure. The enemy, for cover, uses state symbols and uniforms of the Armed Forces, the National Guard and the National Police of Ukraine.
Some Russian military columns are using Ukrainian flags. Such cases have been observed in the settlements of Peremoha, Nova Basan, Kyiv region, and on the Krasnostav-Nizhyn highway in the Chernihiv region.

During the advance of a line of tanks and armored personnel carriers, the aggressor fired on the homes of local residents in the Chernihiv region, from Talalaivka to Nizhyn.

Tanks from the Russian occupation forces on their way through the village of Borodyanka, on the orders of their commanders, began to deliberately destroy infrastructure and housing, and a separate group of tanks opened chaotic fire on high-rise buildings.

In addition, there have been cases where the enemy hangs a white flag on the vehicle, ostensibly to surrender. However, after approaching the Ukrainian positions, the occupiers began to open fire.

According to the available information, the commanders of the Russian tactical groups received an order to destroy the mobile communication towers in the course of advancing deep into the territory of Ukraine.

All this indicates that the Russian occupiers are terrified, because they did not receive any bread and salt promised by the propagandists. They received only the hatred and contempt of the civilian population and a worthy repulse of the Ukrainian army.

Rocket attack on Kharkiv

State Emergency Service
Video of the attack:
Russian forces no longer hide that their air strikes are carried out on the civilian population.

Now, the enemy is cynically and demonstratively hitting with rockets the central part of Kharkiv. According to preliminary information, there are hits in the buildings of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, the Opera House, the Philharmonic and part of the residential area (mostly 4-5 storey residential buildings).

“Hybrid” actions of Russia in the course of its military against Ukraine

During the day of March 1 the following was observed:

the use of civilians as a “human shield” during the movement of enemy military convoys;

The enemy strives to boost the offensive on KYIV in three directions and to complicate opening of fire by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in order to decrease casualties among its own personnel;
enemy tries to spread panic among civilian population of large cities and influence on the moral of Ukrainian troops via launching missile, aviation and artillery strikes on residential buildings and civilian infrastructure, restriction of access to food for civilians.

In BORODIANKA the enemy has destroyed two supermarkets in result of deliberate shelling.
In BERDIANSK (Zaporizhia Oblast) the enemy has destroyed a television tower.
At the same time, such attempts in CHERNIHIV were unsuccessful. Mentioned acts are carried out in order to restrict an access to actual and truthful information for local population;
In KHARKIV the enemy shelled residential areas with MLRS BM-30 “Smerch”.
enemy’s attempts to disrupt the work of Ukrainian military-civilian authorities with the use of cyber warfare means.

In Odesa Oblast the enemy sent messages to the state authority mail boxes with appeals for evacuation under the guise of Security Service of Ukraine. Such messages contain a virus which gives an access for mail boxes of local authorities;
concealment of human losses by Russia and cremation of its dead servicemen in order to destruct the evidences of their involvement in the war
on the territory of Ukraine.

Absence of possibility to identify the dead bodies of Russian militaries will allow Kremlin to manipulate the data on combat losses via creating the lists of “missing persons” and “deserters”.

enemy’s measures against civilian people who conduct reconnaissance of movements and actions of Russian troops;

In Zaporizhia and Chernihiv Oblasts the occupiers carry out raids on residential buildings and confiscate cell phones from the locals. Moreover, the Russian militaries received orders to destroy cell towers for preventing leaks of information about their activities. At the same time, they started to use EW systems for jamming cell communication;
deception measures against our troops by using Ukrainian flags or white flags on enemy’s combat vehicles;

The enemy groups mounted white flags on its materiel under the pretext of surrender but after approaching to Ukrainian positions, they open a shoot-to-kill fire;
involvement of special combat groups in order to kill Ukrainian high-level officials.

The group consists of professionally prepared persons, active servicemen of the State Emergence Service of Ukraine or different law enforcement bodies of Ukraine from Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. The first detained member of such group was
a police officer from SLOVIANSK.


President of Ukraine
A cruise missile from Belgorod this morning hit the largest square in Europe - The Freedom Square in Kharkiv. It resulted in dozens of civilian victims. No military targets are located in the places at which Russian military was aiming.  We are calling on all world leaders to respond to this war crime and declare that Russia is committing state terrorism for which it should be held responsible in international courts.

Kharkiv and Kyiv are now the main targets for Russia.

Kyiv in particular is strategically important target in the heart of Ukraine, and its defense is our key priority. General Mykola Zhernov, a professional military person, has been appointed as the Head of Kyiv City Military Administration for the duration of the war. Vitalii Klitschko remains the Mayor of Kyiv.

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on the opening by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court of an investigation into the Situation in Ukraine

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Mr Karim A.A. Khan QC, has decided to proceed with opening a formal investigation into the Situation in Ukraine.

The events of recent days, in particular, the unprovoked escalation of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, give reason to believe that crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC continue to be committed on the territory of Ukraine.

Along with the situation in the Crimea and the Donbas, recent events suggest that the aggressor's troops continue to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Despite the fact that Ukraine is not a Party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the state has accepted its jurisdiction on the basis of declarations lodged earlier.

Yes, Ukraine has lodged two declarations with the International Criminal Court. The first declaration concerned the events that took place in Ukraine in the period from 21 November 2013 to 22 February 2014, and the second one concerned the continuation of crimes committed in the period from 20 February 2014 onwards. The analysis of these two declarations gave the Office of the Prosecutor every reason to assert that war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed.

Russia's top military and political leadership is bound to appear before the International Criminal Court and be held accountable for every crime committed.

This will be the Nuremberg trial of the 21st century.

Appeal of the Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights in Ukraine Lyudmyla Denysova

In 1949, as a result of the devastating World War II, European countries adopted the most important instrument of international humanitarian law - the four Geneva Conventions. With the ratification of which the countries of the civilized world have confirmed their intention never to allow such a tragedy again.

At the heart of these conventions and their protocols is the prohibition of killing and ill-treatment of civilians, the destruction of civilian infrastructure and the use of weapons that cause undue damage or unnecessary suffering.

In the best traditions of the Hitlerite Empire, the military forces of the Russian Federation fire mostly on the civilian population and civilian infrastructure, taking lives every hour and leveling entire cities and villages. Using weapons prohibited by the Geneva Conventions and a number of international treaties.

The city of Kharkiv is shelled by cluster bombs filled with "petal" mines that are recognized as illegal weapons under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Cluster Munitions and on Their Destruction.

Enemy anti-personnel mines were found near residential buildings in Berdyansk, Zaporizhia Oblast, which are not permitted under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction.

The use of such weapons by enemy troops against civilians is a crime against humanity and a violation of all four 1949 Geneva Conventions.

Russia's war against Ukraine is not an armed conflict, not an absurd phrase "special operation", it is the genocide of the Ukrainian people with special cruelty!

I appeal to the international community to impose sanctions on Russia that are commensurate with the crimes of a terrorist state! The future of the whole civilized world is being decided now on Ukrainian soil! Ukraine needs your help!

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
9:28 CET
Mastercard and Visa blocked access to the payment system by Russian banks

Earlier the Ukrainian president asked Mastercard and Visa to block Russia's payment systems.

The cards issued by these banks stop working abroad and in foreign online stores.  They will work only in Russia. This should be provided by the National Payment Card System.

Kyiv City Administration

The night of March 1 in the capital and on the outskirts of the city passed quietly, there were several clashes between territorial defence fighters and saboteurs.

The first deputy chairman of the City Administration Nikolay Povoroznyk reported.

City services are currently equipping protective structures at the entrances to the capital. The city’s infrastructure is working, with light, heat and water. Hospitals work in an intensive mode and are provided with everything necessary.

The city authorities urge Kyiv residents not to leave their homes and not to move around the city unnecessarily.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

There is a humanitarian tragedy in the cities of Ukraine after the Russian attacks.

Volnovakha, Sartana, Talakivka settlements are destroyed. For several days the State Emergency Service of Ukraine have been trying to organize a corridor to evacuate people who currently have neither electricity nor heating in their homes.
Ukraine is desperately trying to attract the Red Cross forces.

The situation is the same in Bucha, Kyiv region. The State Emergency Service is trying to help people there, but from time to time fighting resumes as this is one of the main areas of attack on Kyiv.


Ministry for Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Vice-Prime-Minister - Minister for Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov reported that the first consignment of StarLink satellite Internet stations has arrived in Ukraine.

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

In 3 days since the launch of the IT army we have achieved a number of victories:
·     Laid down Russia's website “Gosuslugi”;
·     Took down the Moscow Stock Exchange, Sberbank and BestChange:
·     Downed the websites of the Federal Security Service, Roskomnadzor, the RF President, the RF Government, the State Duma, the Federation Council, and a number of others;
·     The website of the National Bank of Belarus went down, as did dozens of other strategic web resources;
·      Hacked Russia's largest media outlets: TASS, Kommersant and Fontanka;
·      Blocked the occupiers' website with propaganda merchandise
·      Disseminated the truth about the war in Ukraine on digital television in Russia.

State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine
Ukrainian operators have cut off communications to the occupiers by blocking access of telephones with Russian numbers to their networks.

There are messages on the Internet that Russian occupation forces plan to cut off Ukrainian mobile communications and the Internet to replace it with a much higher signal, which will be connected to the phones of Ukrainian users. This is a disinformation as enemy troops can cut off communications only on occupied territories by disabling or destroying base stations. The State Special Communications Service stays in constant contact with operators and ensures that Ukrainians will have access to calls and Internet. Any damage to telecommunications networks is restored in the shortest period of time.

3/1/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 03/01/2022 - 10:05am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

3. Special donation accounts with the National Bank of Ukraine and humanitarian organizations in Ukraine
4. Analysis | The Russian invasion has some logistical problems. That doesn’t mean it’s doomed.
5. Russia pummels Ukraine's No. 2 city and convoy nears Kyiv
6. Reading Putin: Unbalanced or cagily preying on West's fears?
7. A Team Of American And British Special Forces Veterans Are Preparing To Join Ukraine’s Fight Against Russia
8. Putin Accidentally Revitalized the West’s Liberal Order
9. Western Military Observers Shocked at How Badly Russia's Military Is Doing
10. The Russian People May Be Starting to Think Putin Is Insane
11. The solace for young Russians like me is that Putin is also digging his own grave in Ukraine
12. Ukraine Conflict Update - March 1, 2022 | SOF News
13. Biden Says Americans Shouldn't Worry About Possibility of Nuclear War
14. ‘Yes, He Would’: Fiona Hill on Putin and Nukes
15. How Russia built its new narrative of war
16. The Return of Containment
17. The Ukraine Invasion: What Lessons Is China Learning?
18. U.S. delegation arrives in Taiwan as China denounces visit
19. Intelligence Disclosures in the Ukraine Crisis and Beyond
20. FDD | Vladimir the Terrible
21. FDD | Putin Just Pushed the World Into an Even Bigger Energy Crisis
22. February Meeting Confirms Palestinian Leadership Needs an Israeli Bailout
23. Opinion | A Syrian rebel commander’s advice to Ukrainians on how to fight Russian invaders
24. Kyiv and Moscow Hold Talks as Ukrainian Troops Repel Russian Attacks
25. The West Is Winning, Russia Is Losing, and Biden Is Doing a Good Job
26. Danger zone: Putin’s nuclear threat and what it means
27. RT: Go F*** Yourself
28. Twisted Sister frontman on Ukrainians using hit song as battle cry: 'I absolutely approve'
29.  U.S. Looks to Make China Pay For Close Ties to Russia in Ukraine Crisis 
30. All Strategies Short of War: Getting the Most Out of the Gray Zone
31. Kremlin propaganda machine struggles to conceal Putin’s Ukraine war
32. The rouble’s collapse compounds Russia’s isolation
33. How U.S. Special Forces Can Fight Putin Without Starting World War III

Korean News Content:

1. U.S.South Korea Relations Updated
2. U.S. and 9 other UNSC members condemn N. Korean missile launch, urge Pyongyang to engage
3. . S. Korea to end transactions with major Russian banks under U.S. sanctions
4. N.K. propaganda machine calls for strong armed forces on uprising anniversary
5.  Moon voices concern about 'new Cold War,' urges Japan to squarely face history
6. N.K. leader urges 'devoted march for people'
7. North Korea says it tested cameras for spy satellite
8. N. Korea blames U.S. 'hegemonic policy' for Ukraine crisis
9. N. Korea slams U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy as anti-China 'document of confrontation'
10. Experts paint dark outlook for inter-Korean relations this year
11. Yoon says N. Korea's lifting of moratorium 'matter of time'
12.  Ukraine crisis worries South Koreans who fear Kim Jong-un could pull same move as Russia’s Putin, as North resumes missile tests
13. N. Korea launches ballistic missile amid Ukraine invasion (OPED)
14. Moon says door remains open for dialogue with Japan
15. North Korea still claims zero cases of COVID-19
16. Russians in Korea unite against Putin's war on Ukraine
17. Case for South Korean sanctions on Russia

Special donation accounts with the National Bank of Ukraine and humanitarian organizations in Ukraine:

Mon, 02/28/2022 - 11:18pm


Special donation accounts with the National Bank of Ukraine and humanitarian organizations in Ukraine


From: Ukraine’s Office of the President


(Note: This is provided with the permission and at the request of Ukraine's Office of the President for those who would like to help.)

Account information

For UAH remittances:

Bank: National Bank of Ukraine MFO 300001

Account No. UA843000010000000047330992708 EDRPOU Code 00032106

Payee: National Bank of Ukraine



For USD remittances:



Account: 400807238

383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10179, USA

Funds will be wired into account No. UA843000010000000047330992708



For GBP remittances:


Bank of England, London SWIFT Code: BKENGB2L

Account: 40000982

Threadneedle Street, London EC2R 8AH, UK

Funds will be wired into account No. UA843000010000000047330992708



For EUR remittances:


Account: 5040040066

IBAN DE05504000005040040066

Wilhelm-Epsteinn-Strabe 14, 60431 Frankfurt Am Main,Germany

Funds will be wired into account No. UA843000010000000047330992708


For CHF remittances CHF:


IBAN CH32 0070 0070 0012 2757 2

Josefstrasse 222, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland

Funds will be wired into account No. UA843000010000000047330992708



For AUD remittances:


Account: 81753-2

GPO Box 3947, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

Funds will be wired into account No. UA843000010000000047330992708


For CNY remittances:



GPO Box 21, Hong Kong

Funds will be wired into account No. UA843000010000000047330992708



For CAD remittances:

SWIFT Code NBU: NBUA UA UX BANK OF MONTREAL, Toronto SWIFT Code: BOFMCAM2 Account: 3144-1044-166

100 King Street West, 24th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M5X 1A1, Canada

Funds will be wired into account No. UA843000010000000047330992708


For JPY remittances:



Account: 653-0430048

1-2-3, Nihombashi HONGOKU-CHO, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 1003 -0021 Japan Funds will be wired into account No. UA843000010000000047330992708


Here are the contacts of trusted organizations:

Revived Soldiers Ukraine -

Come back alive  (works directly with the command and personnel of military units, purchasing infrared thermal imaging cameras, night vision goggles, hemostatics etc)

Army SOS –  (manages purchases of necessary ammunition, shields, intercommunication and reconnaissance facilities, etc. and delivers all goods directly)

Hospitallers (works directly on the frontline)

Phoenix Wings – ( the appropriate equipment & uniform, personal non-lethal protection (vests, helmets), required treatment of the wounded soldiers, and repair of the buildings used by the army)

Ukrainian Women Veteran Movement –   (a consolidation of female veterans, amongst other things organizes preparation for actions in case of emergencies and defense situations.

Vostok SOS –  (raising funds for various needs of the army)


Please share widely among the members of your community!

Urban warfare expert offers Ukrainians tips on battling Russians in close combat ZFTWARNING Mon, 02/28/2022 - 3:59pm
Global Counterterrorism in (and After) a Pandemic ZFTWARNING Mon, 02/28/2022 - 3:52pm

A Team Of American And British Special Forces Veterans Are Preparing To Join Ukraine’s Fight Against Russia

Mon, 02/28/2022 - 2:30pm

A Team Of American And British Special Forces Veterans Are Preparing To Join Ukraine’s Fight Against Russia

by Christopher Miller

The 10 NATO-trained war veterans are taking up President Volodymyr Zelensky’s offer for people to join a new unit of foreign fighters for Ukraine.

KYIV — A group of 10 special operations forces veterans are staging in Poland and preparing to cross into Ukraine, where they plan to take up President Volodymyr Zelensky on his offer to “join the defense of Ukraine, Europe, and the world,” according to a US Army veteran arranging their passage.

The group, composed of six US citizens, three Brits, and a German, are NATO-trained and experienced in close combat and counterterrorism. They want to be among the first to officially join the new International Legion of the Territorial Defense of Ukraine that Zelensky announced Sunday, according to text messages reviewed by BuzzFeed News. Two former American infantry officers are also making plans to come to Ukraine to provide “leadership” for the group, the Army veteran recruiter said.

Continued here: