Small Wars Journal

U.S. Planning to Slash Iraq Embassy Staff by Up to Half

Tue, 02/07/2012 - 3:22pm

The NYT reports today that:

The expansive diplomatic operation and the $750 million embassy building, the largest of its kind in the world, were billed as necessary to nurture a postwar Iraq on its shaky path to democracy and establish normal relations between two countries linked by blood and mutual suspicion. But the Americans have been frustrated by Iraqi obstructionism and are now largely confined to the embassy because of security concerns, unable to interact enough with ordinary Iraqis to justify the $6 billion annual price tag.

7 February SWJ Roundup

Tue, 02/07/2012 - 2:38am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


UN Report on Civilian Casualties Encourages ISAF Commander - AFPS

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS

Taliban Eating Into Afghanistan's Core - AT opinion



US Sending Commander to Repair Ties With Pakistan - NYT

Court Challenges Put Spotlight on Pakistani Spy Agency - NYT

Pakistan PM Gilani in Qatar Talks - BBC



Obama Orders New Sanctions on Iran - VOA

Obama Imposes Freeze on Iran Property in US - NYT

US Tightens Sanctions on Iran - BBC

Obama: US Has 'Very Good' Intelligence on Iran - AP

Netanyahu to Israeli Cabinet: Stop 'Chitchat' About Iran - AP

Iran’s Middle Class on Edge as World Presses In - NYT

Prices Rise, Patience Thins in Sanctions-Hit Iran - AP

Iran Boosts Nuclear Work in Bunker - Reuters

UN Nuclear Talks in Tehran: Frustrated Hopes - Reuters

Naivete on Iran - WP opinion

An Unthinkable Conflict Between Iran, Israel - FT opinion

Israel and Iran on Eve of Destruction - Newsweek opinion



Syria Artillery Onslaught on Homs - BBC

Bombardment of Syria's Homs City Resumes - Reuters

US Closes Syria Embassy, Says UN Veto Emboldens Assad - VOA

US Embassy in Syria Closes as Violence Flares - NYT

US Pulls Diplomats as Crackdown on Protesters Intensifies - WP

US Closes Embassy in Syria Because of Insecurity - AP

Australia Imposes New Sanctions on Syrian Leaders - Reuters

Syrian Actions ‘Utterly Deplorable,’ Pentagon Spokesman Says - AFPS

Merkel and Sarkozy Share Anger Over Syria Stalemate - NYT

Syria's Assad Learns Lessons from Arab Spring, Recent History - VOA

China Defends its Veto of UN Resolution on Syria - VOA

Russia Rejects Criticism of Its UN Veto on Syria - NYT

Killing in Syria - NYT editorial

Who Will End the Violence in Syria? - WP opinion

We Need to Bargain With the Devil - NYT opinion

Is Assad’s Time Running Out? - NYT opinion

What Does Closure of Embassy in Syria Mean? - CNN opinion


Israel / Palestinians

Palestinian Rivals Agree to Form Unity Government - VOA

Abbas to Head Interim Palestinian Government - BBC

Abbas to Lead Joint Palestinian Government - WP

Palestinians Take Step Toward Unity - AP

Israel Condemns Fatah-Hamas Move - BBC

Palestinian Unity Deal Has Risks for Israel and Abbas - NYT



Egypt’s Military Rulers Speed Up Nominations for Presidential Election - VOA

Moussa Vision for Egypt Could Upset Military - Reuters

Plan to Charge 19 Americans Highlights Tense Relationship with Activists - WP

Nonprofits Have History of Distrust in Egypt - NYT

Egyptians Cancel Meetings With U.S. Lawmakers After Aid Warnings - Reuters


Middle East / North Africa

Russia, China Lose Credit in Arab World - Reuters

Iraq's al-Qaida Claims 2 Deadly Attacks on Shiites - AP

Election Preparations Start in Conflict-Torn Yemen - Reuters

Fight for Saudi Women’s Right to Drive Renewed - WP

Pressuring Bahrain - WP editorial


US Department of Defense

Chairman’s Corner: Strategic Direction to the Joint Force - AFPS

Top Senators Question Pentagon Move on Fighter Jet - AP

New DOD Rule Supports Independent Research, Development - AFPS

Marine's Hazing Trial Delayed After Charges Expanded - S&S

Survival Training for When a Pilot’s World Turns Upside Down -  NYT

A Leaner Fighting Machine - WP opinion


United States

Where Public Projects Meet Private Interests - WP

Defense Cuts Test Lawmakers' Resolve on Deficits - AP

Chicago Cabbie Pleads Guilty in Terrorism Case - VOA

Lawyer: Plea Deal Reached in Chicago Terror Case  - AP

Ship that Hit Ky. Bridge Has Precious NASA, DOD Space Cargo - AP

Remedies for Misconduct in War Zones - NYT editorial



Blasts Rock North Nigeria Cities - BBC

Nigeria Names Seven Behind Eni Pipeline Blast - Reuters

British Minister Restate London’s Commitment to a Peaceful Somalia - VOA

Somalia Moves to Evict Squatters - BBC

Fight Against Corruption in Kenya - WP

China Worker Found Dead in Sudan - BBC

China: Body of Missing Worker Recovered in Sudan - AP



3 Candidates Vie for Mexico Presidency - WP

Nomination Paves New Path in Mexico - NYT

Candidacy Tests Mexico's Culture of Machismo - AP

Venezuela: Suspected Kidnappers of Mexican Diplomat Arrested - AP

Colombia Fugitive 'Martin Llanos' Arrested in Venezuela - BBC

Top Colombian Warlord Arrested in Venezuela - AP

Brazil: Standoff Between Striking Police, Soldiers - AP

Troops and Police Clash in Brazil - BBC

Panama Indians Seek Release of Detained Protesters - AP


Asia Pacific

US Trip of China's Next Leader: From Obama to Iowa - AP

Canada's Harper in China Visit Focused on Energy - AP

Tibetan Exile Administration Reports More Protest Immolations - VOA

Three Tibetan Herders Self-Immolate in Protest - NYT

China Stresses Tibet Stability - BBC

China Stresses Need to Keep Tibet Stable - AP

US, Japan Mull Sending 4,700 Marines to Guam - AP

43 Killed in 6.8-Magnitude Philippines Earthquake - VOA

Deadly Quake Hits the Philippines - BBC

US to Issue Sanctions Waiver for Burma - AP

Suu Kyi Hits the Campaign Trail in Burma - AP



Europe's Big Freeze Tightens Grip - BBC

Putin: Russia Must 'Renew Democracy' But Cautiously - VOA

Russians Ignore Arctic Cold and Keep Protest Flame Burning - VOA

Europe Increases Pressure on Greece - WP

Greece to Cut Government Jobs as Debt Pressure Intensifies - VOA

Greece to Eliminate 15,000 Government Jobs - NYT

German Locals Worry About Impact of Withdrawing US Soldiers - S&S

Italy Frees Former Guantanamo Detainee - AP

French Minister's Remarks Seen as Muslim Putdown - AP

Romanian Prime Minister Resigns Amid Protests - NYT

Romania Spy Chief 'to be New PM' - BBC

Norway Mass Killer Demands Medal at Court Hearing - AP


South Asia

US Diplomats to Visit South Asia - VOA

Facebook, Google Remove Controversial Content in India - VOA

Maldives Soldiers Fire Rubber Bullets at Police - AP

Mutinying Maldives Police Take Over State Broadcaster - Reuters

6 February SWJ Roundup

Mon, 02/06/2012 - 4:20am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


US to Elevate Special Operations Forces’ Role in Afghanistan - WP

Afghanistan War Endgame’s Bumpy Start - WP

In Afghan War, Officer Becomes a Whistle-blower - NYT

Car Bomb Kills 7 Outside Police Headquarters in Kandahar - WP

Bomb Blast Outside Kandahar Police Station Kills 7 - LAT

Afghan Suicide Attack Targets Police in Kandahar - NYT

Karzai Condemns Deadly Car Bombing in Southern Afghanistan - VOA

Taliban Responsible for 77 % of Civilian Casualties - McClatchy

Taliban Eat Into Afghanistan's Core - AT opinion

Obama Made the Right Call on Afghanistan - TA opinion

The Coming Civil War in Afghanistan - FP opinion



US Said to Target Rescuers at Drone Strike Sites - NYT



Israel's Intentions Toward Iran Remain Unclear - LAT

Israeli Cabinet Mulls Response to Iran Threat - VOA

Obama: Israel Has Not Made Decision on Possible Iran Attack - VOA

Israel Is Not Preparing Iran Attack, Obama Says - NYT

Obama Says Risky to Attack Iran, Wants Diplomatic Fix - Reuters

Obama: Israel Has Not Decided on Attacking Iran - AP

When Talk of War Transcends Idle Chatter - NYT

Just a Bluff? Fears Grow of Israeli Attack on Iran - AP

Iran Attack Could Fray US-Israel Ties - PI opinion



Clinton Warns of 'Brutal Civil War' in Syria - LAT

UN Victory May Push Syria's Assad Into Unwinnable War - Reuters

Syrian Unrest After a Failure of Diplomacy - NYT

With Diplomacy Stalled, Escalation Expected - CSM

US Steps Up Pressure to Oust Assad - WSJ

Clinton Seeks Anti-Assad Coalition - VOA

Clinton Calls for Friends of Syria to Unite - AP

Anger After Russia, China Block UN Action on Syria - Reuters

After UN Veto, US Floats Coalition on Syria - AP

Beijing Defends Syria Veto at UN - BBC

China Defends Syria Veto, Doubts West's Intentions - Reuters

Russia May Seek Controlled Exit of Assad in Talks - Reuters

US and Israel 'in Unison' on Iran - BBC

Solution on Syria Remains Elusive for White House - NYT

France Plans New Syria Initiatives, Mulls More Sanctions - Reuters

In Birthplace of Uprising Fragile Military Control Reigns - WP

Activists: Syrian Troops Pound Homs Neighborhoods - AP

Activists: Syrian Forces Bombard Homs, 15 Killed - Reuters

Syria Is the New Geopolitical Fault Line - CNN opinion

How Bashar the 'Reformer' Got Stuck - JP opinion

After Assad's Fall, a Sectarian Struggle - G&M opinion

Sino-Russian Syria Veto a Realpolitik Win for West - NP opinion



Egyptians Protest for 4th Day at Interior Ministry - VOA

Egypt Defies US by Setting Trial for 19 Americans on Criminal Charges - NYT

Americans Face Prosecution as Egypt Ignores Clinton, Congress - CSM

Egypt 'to Try Foreign NGO Staff' - BBC

Egypt Says 19 Americans to Stand Trial - LAT

Move to Prosecute Americans Could Deprive Cairo of Crucial Aid - WP

Security Forces Fortify Interior Ministry Against Protesters - LAT

Walls Prove No Barrier to Clashes on Streets of Cairo - NYT

Concession Fails to Quell Violent Egypt Clashes - Reuters


Middle East / North Africa

Israel Faces Growing Mideast Threats - USAT

Abbas Considered to Lead Interim Palestinian Body - NYT

Abbas Proposed as PM in Interim Palestinian Unity Government - AP

Protesters Hurl Jeers and a Shoe at the Yemeni President - NYT

Gunmen Publish Yemen President's Photo by Force - AP

Libya Court Postpones Trial of Gaddafi Loyalists - Reuters

Sunni and Shiite Islam: Do You Know the Difference? - CSM

The Lesson of the Arab Spring - WSJ opinion


United States

Pentagon Won’t Slow 9/11 Death Penalty Filings - MH

Terror Threat Slows Flow of Iraqi Refugees Here - USAT

White House Dinner to Mark End of Iraq War - USAT

National Guard Critical to Scientific Mission in Antarctica - S&S

Congress Appears to Be Trying to Get Around Earmark Ban - NYT

Occupy Movement at Crossroads - USAT

Nuclear Tech: Shall We Call It the ‘Bronze Standard’? - NYT editorial

Military Preparedness Does Not Come Cheap - WP opinion

Who Reviews the US 'Kill List'? - LAT opinion

A Postwar Picture of Resilience - NYT opinion

Steal This Column - NYT opinion


United Kingdom

Queen Commemorates 60-year Reign - BBC

Diamond Jubilee Marks the Life of a Monarch - USAT

Queen Celebrates 60 Years on Throne - AP

UK Defends Prince's Falklands Duty - BBC

UK Lawmakers: Most Radicalism Linked to Internet - AP

Should Britain Be Worried About Argentina? - TAI opinion



Aussie PM Says She Will Lead Government to Victory - AP

Aussies Now a Key Player in US Defense - CH opinion



Cyber Weapons Growing Concern in Hyper Connected World - S&S



Qaddafi’s Weapons Reinvigorate an Insurgent Army in Mali - NYT

Oil Pipeline in Niger Delta Attacked by Militants - VOA

Militants 'Hit Nigeria Pipeline' - BBC

Nigerian Militants Attack Eni Oil Pipeline in Delta - Reuters



Mexico's PAN Picks Josefina Vazquez Mota to Run for President - LAT

Mexico’s Ruling Party Picks Female Presidential Candidate - WP

Ruling Party in Mexico Picks Woman as Candidate - NYT

Factbox: Mexico Ruling Party Picks Mota as Candidate - Reuters

Expats Lured by Thriving Brazil - WP

Brazil Crime Up as Police Strike - BBC

Former Panamanian Dictator Noriega Hospitalized - AP

Panama's Gen Noriega in Hospital - BBC

Panama Police, Indigenous Clash Over Blockade - AP


Asia Pacific

3 Tibetan Herders Self-Immolate in Anti-Chinese Protest - NYT

China Says Tibet Facing 'Urgent' Task to Maintain Stability - Reuters

Japan: US May Transfer Marines from Futenma Ahead of Base Relocation - S&S

Filipino Villagers May Have Helped Kill AS Terror Leader - AP

Burma Panel Says Suu Kyi Can Run for Parliament - AP

UN Envoy Says Burma May Allow Election Observers - AP

Tell China to Stop Slave Labor - WFP opinion



Retired Gen. Lute Could be Obama’s Pick for European Command - WP

Greece on 'Knife Edge' to Agree on Bailout - VOA

Bailout Talks to Resume in Greece - BBC

Greek Unions Plan 24-Hour Strike Against Austerity - Reuters

Greeks Struggle to Resolve Their Differences - WSJ

Putin Promises Russians Bigger Say in Politics - AP

French Far Right Say Big Parties Muzzling Democracy - Reuters

Pro-EU Niinisto Wins Finnish Presidency - Reuters

Clinton to Urge Bulgaria to Seek New Energy Sources - VOA

Georgia: Mr. Saakashvili’s Choice - WP editorial

Opposition Being Silenced in Turkey - WP opinion


South Asia

Analysis: Scandal Blow Puts Indian Government in Danger - Reuters

Graft, Politics, Militant Islam Shake Indian Ocean Island - Reuters

An Education in Occupation

Sun, 02/05/2012 - 10:57am

Hugh Gusterson, in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, argues that the destruction of the Iraqi university system played a part in de-modernizing the country.

In just 20 years, then, the Iraqi university system went from being among the best in the Middle East to one of the worst. This extraordinary act of institutional destruction was largely accomplished by American leaders who told us that the US invasion of Iraq would bring modernity, development, and women's rights. Instead, as political scientist Mark Duffield has observed, it has partly de-modernized that country. In the words of John Tirman, America's failure to acknowledge the suffering that occupation wreaked in Iraq "is a moral failing as well as a strategic blunder." Iraq represents a blind spot in our national conversation, one that impedes the cultural growth that stems from a painful recognition of error; and it hobbles the rational evaluation of foreign intervention. Is it too late to look in the mirror?

The Hard Way Out of Afghanistan

Sun, 02/05/2012 - 9:20am

Sunday's New York Times Magazine article by Luke Mogelson takes a look at the hard gains being won to buy breathing room for transition to Afghan forces.

Year after year, month after month, Helmand has ranked as the deadliest, most violent province in Afghanistan. Nowhere else comes close. ... During the coming year, the number of marines there will shrink by the thousands; as early as this summer, many Marine positions will be shuttered or handed over to the Afghan Army and the police. No one expects the insurgency to be defeated by then. The issue has long ceased to be how we can decisively expunge the Taliban — we can’t. Instead, the question is: How can we forestall its full-fledged resurgence upon our departure? Toward the end of this year’s fighting season, just before the winter rains, I spent seven weeks with marines across much of Helmand, and everywhere the answer was basically the same. First, leave behind a proficient national security force. And second, win them as much breathing room as time allows.

Counterinsurgency: A New Doctrine's Fading Allure

Sun, 02/05/2012 - 9:14am

Bing West argues that COIN as nation-building should not be a military mission at World Politics Review.

The manual’s Rousseauian outlook had its roots more in political theory than actual experience. Because 40 years had passed since the American infantry had last engaged in serious firefights in Vietnam, the generals who commanded in Iraq and Afghanistan had no combat experience at the grunt level. By Sept. 11, 2001, they had already risen to the rank of colonel or above.

So when faced with guerrilla wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, they hastily read a few history books and searched their memories for scraps of knowledge faintly recalled from long-ago lectures. They distilled these lessons learned into operational orders and field manuals to be implemented on the platoon level.

The new counterinsurgency theory was based on the mission of winning hearts and minds, so that the local population would reject the insurgents and support the government. Since the people were the center of gravity, to use an overworked military expression, our tactics were conceived so as to cause them no harm.

The emphasis reflects the vast changes in contemporary U.S. culture and ideology, compared to 1941 or even 1961. 

5 February SWJ Roundup

Sun, 02/05/2012 - 3:08am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


US Plans Shift to Elite Units as Afghan Exit Approaches - NYT

Coalition Commander Says Afghan Plan Still Intact - VOA

Qatar New Focus For Afghan Reconciliation - VOA

Military Comeback a Distant Dream for Afghan Taliban - Reuters

UN: Afghan Civilian Deaths Up for 5th Straight Year - VOA

Afghan Civilian Deaths Hit Record    - WP

UN: Civilian Deaths in Afghan War Hit Record High - AP

22 Children Killed by Afghan Winter's Cold - VOA

Afghan Officials: US Soldier Shoots Afghan Guard - AP

Army Drops Murder Charge Against Last Soldier in "Kill Team" Cases - S&S

Afghan History, Without the Wars - WP

America Rushes for the Afghan Exit - TE editorial

The Coming Civil War in Afghanistan - FP opinion



Iran Begins Naval Exercises Near Key Gulf Strait - AP

German FM: No Military Action Against Iran - AP

Chavez: Iran Sanctions Hurt Joint Auto Venture - AP



Russia, China Veto UN Resolution on Syria - VOA

Russia and China Block U.N. Action on Crisis in Syria - NYT

Russia and China Veto UN Resolution on Syria - WP

Russia, China Veto New UN Resolution on Syria - LAT

Russia, China Veto UN Resolution on Syria - AP

Russia, China Veto UN Plan for Syria - Reuters

West Deplores UN Syria Vote Veto - BBC

Syrians and Turks in Istanbul Protest Latest Syrian Show of Force - VOA

Syrians Storm Embassies After Uprising's Worst Violence - Reuters

Protesters Storm 5 of Syria's Embassies - AP

France, Partners Planning Syria Crisis Group - Reuters

Prepare for the 'Day After' in Syria - WPR opinion



Riots in Egypt Continue: At Least 12 Dead, 2,500 Injured - VOA

Cairo Clashes Over Football Anger - BBC

12 Killed in Recent Clashes in Egypt - WP

Protests Over Soccer Match Riot Continue in Egypt - NYT

US Assistance to Egypt in Peril - WP

Clinton Warns of 'Problems' With Egypt Over NGOs - Reuters

US Renews Warning to Egypt Over Aid - AP

Egypt Council Wants Earlier Presidential Vote - Reuters

Blast Hits Egypt's Gas Pipeline to Israel - Reuters

Egypt Is a Disaster - DS editorial


Middle East / North Africa

Chinese Seeks Reconstruction Role in Libya - Reuters

Libyan Sufis Mark Prophet's Birthday Despite Tension - Reuters

Hamas Gets Tight With Jordan - JP opinion



Panetta Calls for Europe, NATO Defense Investment - AFPS

NATO: Missile Shield Plans Proceed Despite Russia - AP


United States

Bush's `Evil' Trio holds Sway Over US Decade Later - AP

Who Reviews the US 'Kill List'? - LAT opinion



S. Africa: Suspension of ANC's Youth Leader Upheld - VOA

S. Africa: ANC Keeps Suspension of a Leader - NYT

Mali Says 20 Rebels Killed, Thousands Flee - Reuters



Argentines Seek Peaceful Resolution in Falklands - AP

Chavez and Allies Back Argentina on Falklands - AP

Prince William Starts Falklands Duties - BBC

Venezuela: Chavez Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Coup Attempt - AP

Venezuela: Opposition Angered as Chavez Celebrates Coup - Reuters

Murders Spike During Police Strike in Brazil - AP

Mexico 'Cartel Enforcer' Detained - BBC

5 Norteno Musicians, 4 Others Killed in Mexico - AP

Mexican Aid Lags for Starving Tarahumara Indians - AP

Cuba: Fidel Castro Launches Memoirs - BBC

Cuba: Fidel Castro Presents 2-Volume Memoir - AP


Asia Pacific

US Senator: China Cannot Avoid ‘Arab Spring’ - VOA

Report Says 3 Set Themselves on Fire in China - AP

China Fires 7 Officials After Spill - NYT

Philippine Extremist Planning Attacks When Killed - AP

S. Korea Security Law Used to Silence Dissent, Critics Say - LAT



Panetta and Clinton Seek to Reassure Europe on Defense - NYT

Panetta and Clinton Reassure Europe - WP

Europe Remains a Partner of First Resort, Clinton Says - S&S

Panetta Reassures European Allies Over Defense Cuts - Reuters

Clinton: US, Europe Must Do More Against Tyrants - AP

US Army in Europe Eyes Greater Partner Training - Reuters

Russia: Pro- and Anti-Putin Rallies Draw Mass Turnouts in Moscow - VOA

In Biting Cold, Protesters Pack the Center of Moscow - NYT

Tens of Thousands Brave Moscow Cold to Protest Putin - LAT

Russians Rally En Masse Against Putin - WP

Heavy Snow Traps Many People in Bosnia - AP

Truth on Trial in Spain - NYT editorial

Russia: Sort of, But Not Really - NYT opinion

U.S. Plans Shift to Elite Forces in Afghanistan

Sat, 02/04/2012 - 7:43pm

Thanks to Dave Maxwell for the pointer.

The New York Times' Thom Shanker and Eric Schmitt report:

The United States’ plan to wind down its combat role in Afghanistan a year earlier than expected relies on shifting responsibility to Special Operations forces that hunt insurgent leaders and train local troops, according to senior Pentagon officials and military officers. These forces could remain in the country well after the NATO mission ends in late 2014. ...

Senior Pentagon officials involved in the planning acknowledge that a military effort with a smaller force and a more focused mission could be easier to explain to Americans who have tired of the large counterinsurgency campaigns of Iraq and, previously, Afghanistan. ...

The plan first calls for creating a two-star command position overseeing the entire Special Operations effort in Afghanistan. Next, the three-star corps headquarters that currently commands the day-to-day operations of the war — and is held by an Army officer from the conventional force — would be handed over to a Special Operations officer.