Small Wars Journal

NATO’s military chairman sees the alliance continuing to adapt

Wed, 02/29/2012 - 2:31pm

This morning, I interviewed Danish Gen. Knud Bartels, Chairman of NATO’s Military Committee. Gen. Bartels discussed the outlook for NATO’s transition plan in Afghanistan, NATO’s role after Afghanistan, and what NATO learned from last year’s operation in Libya.

The NATO Military Committee that Bartels chairs is composed of the chiefs of defense of the alliance’s 28 member countries and provides the North Atlantic Council, NATO’s top political and decision-making body, with military advice. The Military Committee is roughly equivalent to the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, which makes Bartels NATO’s top military officer (Supreme Allied Commander, Europe – Adm. James Stavridis, USN – is NATO’s top operational field commander).

Bartels has been in the Danish army since 1972 and rose to become Denmark’s chief of defense. He served on the inter-German border during the Cold War, in the Balkans in the 1990s, and in Afghanistan. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army War College.

Transition in Afghanistan. Bartels asserted that the plan to turn over all security to Afghan security forces by the end of 2014 was feasible, but cautioned about “bumps in the road” along the way. Regarding the recent Koran-burning riots and green-on-blue murders, Bartels expected that NATO’s soldiers in Afghanistan would stay focused on ISAF’s mission. He noted that Afghan security forces have complete responsibility for crowd control in the cities and in his view are doing a good job.

Regarding the search for policymaking balance between “events on the ground” and strict timelines, Bartels advised policymakers to take both into account. In his view, Afghans will benefit from a hard deadline, which will force them to accept responsibility for their security.

NATO’s role in Afghanistan after 2014. Bartels stated that ISAF and its mission will end in 2014. Come 2015, there will likely be a new NATO mission in Afghanistan, concentrating on training, advising, mentoring, and support, with NATO quick reaction forces also present. The size and composition of this new mission is still under development and will be discussed at the NATO heads-of-government summit this May in Chicago.

NATO’s future after Afghanistan. Bartels stated that NATO’s future will be guided by enduring principles from its past, namely the shared cultural values of its members and the continuing advantages of collective defense. He was not concerned about the loudly-declared U.S. “pivot” to the Asia-Pacific region; while acknowledging U.S. interests in the region and its relationships with Japan, Australia, and South Korea, Bartels asserted that NATO has provided the United States with its most loyal and capable military allies and will continue to do so in the future, a feature U.S. policymakers will value.

Bartels recommends that after Afghanistan, NATO return its training programs back to basic military skills. For Bartels, last year’s operation in Libya showed that surprise is inevitable. He stated that NATO could prepare for surprise by maintaining a mix of capabilities, enhancing NATO’s intelligence-gathering and processing, and developing rapidly mobile and deployable ground forces.

Bartels noted that the alliance has been adapting and transforming over virtually his entire military career, a process that he expects to continue. He also suggested that NATO’s permanent relationships might someday extend into the Asia-Pacific region, noting the close cooperation NATO already has in Afghanistan with Australia, New Zealand, and others from Asia.

The Better War that Never Was

Wed, 02/29/2012 - 6:06am

SWJ-regular Gian Gentile reviews Lewis Sorley's Westmoreland at The National Interest​, attacking Sorely's support of the "better war thesis."

Did General Westmoreland lose Vietnam? The answer is no. But he did lose the war over the memory of the Vietnam War. He lost it to military historian Lewis Sorley, among others. In his recent biography of William C. Westmoreland, Sorley posits what might be called “the better-war thesis”—that a better war leading to American victory was available to the United States if only the right general had been in charge. The problem, however, is that this so-called better war exists mostly in the minds of misguided historians and agenda-driven pundits. ...

Westmoreland’s failure, like so many others during that tragic war, was his inability to see that the war could not be won at a cost that was acceptable to the American people. Just like the American generals of today’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Westmoreland in the end put too much faith in the efficacy of American military power when he should have discerned its limits.

29 February SWJ Roundup

Wed, 02/29/2012 - 5:08am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


NATO Chief: Troops Show ‘Remarkable Restraint’ in Afghanistan - VOA

Clinton Defends US Mission in Afghanistan - AP

UN Staff Leaves an Afghan Office - NYT

The Afghan Strategy is Worth Saving - WP editorial



Wikileaks Publishes Claim about Pakistani Knowledge of Bin Laden - LAT



Syria’s Sectarian Fears Keep Region on Edge - NYT

UN: Assad's Crackdown Has Killed 'Well Over 7,500' People - VOA

Syria Toll Passes 7,500, UN Says - BBC

Dozens Killed in Syria as UN Calls for Cease-Fire - VOA

13 Syrians Die in Bid to Rescue Journalists - WP

Wounded British Journalist Smuggled From Syria - AP

Syrian Army Attacks Rebel Stronghold in Homs - Reuters

Diplomats Warn Syria of Consequences for Violent Crackdown - NYT

UN Rights Group Slams Syrian Government - VOA

US Slams Syria over UN Rights Meeting Walkout - AP

Syria 'Humanitarian' Vote Pressed - BBC

Syria's Nonviolent Activists Face Uphill Battle for Democracy - LAT

Venezuela Shipping Fuel to Aid Syrian Regime - AP

Hamas Political Chiefs Exit Syria - BBC



US Sees Iran Attacks as Likely if Israel Strikes - NYT

Israel Wouldn't Warn US on Iran Strike - AP

Obama Likely to Resist Pressure to Further Toughen Iran Stance - LAT

Clinton: Internal Power Struggle in Iran Over Nuclear Weapons - VOA

Iran FM Calls for More Talks on Nuclear Issue - AP

Iran Accuses West of Double Standard on Nuclear Weapons - VOA

Dubai's Noor Islamic Ended Business With Iran Banks in Dec - Reuters

UAE Says US Targeted Only One Bank Over Iran - Reuters

Iran to Accept Payment in Gold From Trading Partners - Reuters

British Arms-to-Iran Suspect in US Court - BBC

British Arms-to-Iran Suspect Plans to Seek Release - AP

BBC Persian TV Audience Doubles - BBC



US and Egypt in Talks to End Prosecution of Americans - NYT

Egypt: Judges Withdraw From Trial of 16 Americans - AP

Egypt Upper House Elects Islamist - BBC

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Extends its Reach - WP


Middle East

Palestinians Invite Security Council to Visit - AP

Israel Raids Private Palestinian Television Station - Reuters

Iraqi Officials: Car Bomb Kills 4 in Baghdad - AP

Young Woman in Yemen Among New Breed of Citizen Journalists - VOA

There Be Dragons - NYT opinion



NATO Head Discusses Afghan Violence, Syria, Chicago Summit - AFPS

Official: NATO Investment Critical Despite Fiscal Challenge - AFPS


US Department of Defense

Army Weighs Missions in Face of Drawdown - AT

Gitmo Prisoner Emerges From Shadows for Plea Deal - AP

US-Raised Captive Set to Plead Guilty at Guantanamo - Reuters

Guantanamo Prisoners Who Have Been Convicted - AP

Panel Recommends Changes at Dover Mortuary - AFPS

Improvements Ongoing at Dover, Air Force Officials Say - AFPS

Pentagon: 9/11 Victim Remains Sent to Landfill - VOA

Dover Report: Cremated Remains of 9/11 Victims Dumped in Landfill - S&S

Remains of 9/11 Victims Dumped in a Landfill, Defense Dept. Says - WP

Modern Wars Changing the Way PTSD is Diagnosed - S&S

Medical Officials Investigate Europe Facilities after PTSD Complaint - S&S

Guam Not Ready for Okinawa's Marines, Officials Say - S&S

NCO Earns Soldier's Medal for Valor During Bank Robbery - VOA

As Social Media Expands, Military Bloggers Find More Outlets - NYT


United States

Obama Orders Waivers to New Rules on Detaining Terror Suspects - WP

Obama Issues Waivers on Military Terrorist Trials - NYT

State Dept. Budget Request Too High, Senators Tell Clinton - WP

Panetta Urges Congress to Put All Federal Spending on Table - AFPS



Anonymous Hackers: Police Arrest 25 in Four Countries - BBC

25 Suspected Hackers Arrested in International Raids - AP



Sudan, China Discuss Oil Dispute - VOA

Senegal Election Observers Await Possible 2nd Vote - VOA

Wade Accepts Senegal Poll Run-off - BBC

Somali Gunmen Murder Journalist - BBC

Denmark: 2 Hostages Dead in Anti-Piracy Operation - AP

Two Dead in Denmark Piracy Raid - BBC



Central America Drug Threat Grows - BBC

Colombia's Chief Prosecutor Unseated by Court - AP

Argentina 'Urges UK Import Ban' - BBC

Venezuela: Chavez 'has Cuba Cancer Surgery' - BBC

Venezuela: Chavez in Good Condition After Surgery - AP

The First Google Maps War - NYT opinion


Asia Pacific

Asia-Pacific Shift Will Improve Relations, Commander Says - AFPS

Deadly Riots in China’s Troubled Xinjiang Region - VOA

China: Twelve Dead in Xinjiang Violence - BBC

China Says at Least 12 Killed in Xinjiang Riot - AP

China Village Election Fever Tests Bounds of Democracy - Reuters

US Seeks N. Korea Nuclear Concessions for Food Aid - VOA

US 'Ties N. Korea Aid to Change' - BBC

US Sees 'More of the Same' From New N. Korea Leader - Reuters

Amid Tensions, U-2 Spy Planes Keep Watch on N. Korea - NYT

US Ship in N. Korea to Prepare for Remains Hunt - AP

Japan Says May Cancel Lockheed F-35 if Price Rises - Reuters

China, Philippines Argue Over Planned Oil Search - AP

Prosecutors Rest Case in Bid to Remove Chief Justice of Philippines - NYT



UK call for European Human Rights Court Change - BBC

Russia: Critics Say Putin Assassination Plot Tied to Sunday Vote - VOA

EU Pulls Ambassadors Out of Belarus - VOA

Europe Delays Debt Talks After Signs of Uncertain Support - NYT

Ireland a Test for EU Crisis Remedy - WP

Germany: Merkel's Popularity Highest in Over 2 Years - AP

French Council Strikes Down Bill on Armenian Genocide Denial - NYT


South Asia

India Charges 'Anti-Nuclear' NGOs - BBC

Military Bloggers Find More Outlets

Wed, 02/29/2012 - 4:30am

SWJ and Wings Over Iraq blogger Major Crispin Burke takes a look at “the state of Milblogging” at the New York Times’ At War blog.

... Despite the risks, social media remains an important tool for service members. And today, it is more important than ever. After 10 years of war, service members have begun to feel isolated from American society; not just physically — due to long, repetitive deployments — but often emotionally as well. But in the online world, you can follow and friend just about anyone. Service members can now stay connected, not just to each other, but to the rest of the nation that they serve.

Cordesman Announces Death of a Strategy in Afghanistan

Tue, 02/28/2012 - 7:52pm

CSIS's Anthony Cordesman argues that the strategy embarked upon by Gen Stanley McChrystal is now dead and that the U.S. and its allies must construct and resource a strategy to transition to an Afghan "muddle through" that doesn't greatly jeopardize U.S. interests.  While I'm not sure that there has ever been a strategy in Afghanistan, or how to state it, Cordesman argues that four threats have been killing any such strategy from the beginning. (h/t Nathan Finney)

The key reasons shaping uncertainty as to whether the mission could be accomplished—whether it would be possible to create an Afghanistan that could largely stand on its own and be free of any major enclaves of terrorists or violent extremists—went far beyond the problems created by the insurgents.

It was clear that there were four roughly equal threats to success, of which the Afghan Taliban, Haqqani, and Hekmatyar were only the first. The second was the corruption and incompetence of the Afghan government. The third was the role of Pakistan and its tolerance and support of insurgent sanctuaries. The fourth was the United States and its allies.

I highly recommend that you also see Jim Sleeper's "How the Debacle in Afghanistan Disgraced its Cheerleaders" at the Huffington Post, h/t anonymous you know who you are.

28 February SWJ Roundup

Tue, 02/28/2012 - 5:49am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Pentagon: Protests Will Not Alter Afghan Mission - VOA

Officials Reaffirm Commitment to Afghan Strategy - AFPS

Pentagon Stands by its Afghanistan Strategy - WP

Riots Renew Debate on Drawdown Timetable - LAT

US Murders at Heart of Afghan Ministry Raise Questions - Reuters

Violence in Afghanistan Disrupts Campaign Trail - NYT

Sprawling Air Base Reflects Hopes, Perils of Massive Buildup - S&S

Taliban Looks for Gain in Continuing Afghanistan Violence - S&S

Suicide Attack Kills 9 Amid Protests in Afghanistan - VOA

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS

The Taliban Speaks - WP opinion



Gunmen Ambush Bus in Pakistan, Killing at Least 18 - NYT

Bus Ambush in Pakistan 'Kills 18' - BBC

Police: Gunmen Kill 18 Bus Passengers in Pakistan - AP

Country’s First Oscar Victory Gives Pakistanis Reason to Celebrate - NYT



Syria Says Voters Back New Constitution, Fresh Violence Kills 10 - VOA

Syrians Said to Approve Charter as Battles Go On - NYT

Syria Says Constitution Approved; Scores of Deaths Reported - LAT

Activist Group: 144 Dead Across Syria - AP

Syrian Activists Say 62 Bodies Recovered Near Homs - Reuters

Syria Tops Agenda at UN Rights Council - VOA

UN Rights Forum to Condemn Syria for Fourth Time - Reuters

Red Crescent Evacuates Three Wounded Syrians from Homs - VOA

Homs Journalists Rescue Bid Fails - BBC

Elite Syrian Troops Sent to Embattled Homs - Reuters

Wounded French Journalist Safe in Lebanon - Reuters

The Perils of Reporting in Syria - LAT

Venezuela Stands by Syria Diesel Supplies - Reuters

Arm Syria’s Rebels - NYT opinion



Yemen President Saleh Formally Steps Down - BBC

Competing Views Weaken Yemen Revolt - WP

Protesters Set New Goal: Fixing Yemen’s Military - NYT

Goodbye to Yemen’s Strongman - WP editorial


Middle East / North Africa

Iraq’s Prime Minister Gains More Power After Political Crisis - NYT

Iran May Be 'Struggling' With New Nuclear Machines - Reuters

Amnesty: Iran Quadrupled Rate of Public Executions - AP

Catholics Ask Israeli Leader to Help End Attacks - AP

Israeli Border Patrol Kills Infiltrator From Egypt - AP

UN Says South Libya Tense After Tribal Warfare - AP



WikiLeaks Publishes Intelligence Firm’s E-Mails - NYT


US Department of Defense

The Pace of Modernizing US Nuclear Weapons - WP

Soldier’s Family Still Wants justice for 'Friendly Fire' Death in Iraq - S&S

Military Trial in Peace Corps Rape Case Begins - AP


United States

NSA Thwarted on Cybersecurity Role Because of Privacy Concerns - WP

Report: Internet Radicalizes US Muslims Quickly - WT

FBI: Iraqi in Ky. Terror Case Bragged About Past - AP

Hearing for British Arms-to-Iran Suspect Delayed - AP

Suicidal Vet Won't be Jailed for Making Gun - S&S

US Sues Alabama over Military, Overseas Ballots - MA


United Kingdom

Occupy London Protesters Evicted - BBC

Bailiffs in London Dismantle St. Paul’s Occupy Camp - NYT



Kenyan Airstrikes Drive al-Shabab from Somalia Strongholds - WT

Sudan Rebels Say Behind Attack on Sudanese Army - Reuters

Christian Youths Kill 2 Muslims In Nigeria Church Bombing Revenge - VOA

Nigeria Ex-Governor 'Stole Millions' - BBC

Nigerian Ex-Governor Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering - LAT

Senegal is 'Set for Vote Runoff' - BBC

Senegal Fears Violence as it Prepares for Runoff Vote - LAT



US Denies Mexico Drug War Failure - BBC

Napolitano Defends US Drug War in Face of Legalization Debate - Reuters

Venezuela Anxiously Awaits News of Chavez's Health - AP

Argentines Deny Entry to Cruise Ships over Falklands Dispute - AP

Peru Shining Path Leader Charged - BBC

Peru: Charges Filed Against Captured Shining Path Chief - AP

President of Ecuador to Pardon Four in Libel Case - NYT

Ecuador's Correa Pardons Paper - BBC

Bus Stranglers Kill 2 Radio Journalists in Bolivia - AP


Asia Pacific

Nuclear Crisis Set Off Fears Over Tokyo, Report Says - NYT

Probe Finds Japan Hid Dangers of Nuclear Disaster - AP

North Korea: Ready to Go to War with US, South Korea - CNN

S. Korea in Resolution on N. Korea Refugees - BBC

Restructuring Fundamental for China’s Growth, Report Says - WP

A Call for China to Loosen Its Grip on the Economic Reins - NYT

World Bank: China Needs Reform to Support Growth - AP

Chinese Internet Users Flood Obama's Google Plus Web Page - VOA

Burma Relaxes Grip on Media, Vows End to Censors - AP

Thai Red Shirt Jailed for Insulting Monarchy - AP



Confidence Grows in Euro Zone Economy, but Still Fragile - Reuters

Russia: After Vote, Putin Promises to Stand Up to West - VOA

Russia: Chechen Plot Against Putin Foiled - WP

Russia, Ukraine Foiled Plot to Kill Putin, Report Says - LAT

Germany Approves Greek Bailout - WP

Germany Backs Greece Aid, but at a Cost to Merkel - NYT

France Tries 3 in Absentia Over 1988 Ship Attack - AP


South Asia

Italy, India Disagree on Marines Held in Shooting - AP

India Workers in General Strike - BC

Sri Lanka Rejects Need for UN War Crime Resolution - Reuters

Bomb in Front of Nepal Oil Importer Office Kills 3 - AP

The Insurgent's Playbook

Mon, 02/27/2012 - 9:43pm

At Slate, Fred Kaplan argues that the killing of 2 officers in Afghanistan is a classic insurgent tactic... and it's working.

Once again, we find ourselves way in over our heads in Afghanistan, and at the worst possible time ...

We don’t yet know the precise motive of the man who killed two American officers in a highly secure area of the Afghan interior ministry’s headquarters over the weekend. But the incident should not be surprising; it’s a classic case of insurgency tactics ...

Of the 58 NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan so far this year, 10 have been at the hands of Afghan personnel whom they’d been training. 


If the insurgents demonstrate that not even American officers are safe, not even in the most secure corridors of the Afghan interior ministry, it... reinforces the theme that the government and its protectors can’t protect the Afghan people, ... sows distrust between the government and its protectors, ... [and]  severely weakens the government.

Read the whole short, but excellent article at Slate.  Hat tip to @GregJaffe and @smsaideman for the Tweet.

27 February SWJ Roundup

Mon, 02/27/2012 - 2:14am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Violent Uproar in Afghanistan Casts Shadow on US Pullout - NYT

Violence after Koran Incident Fuels US Doubts - WP

White House Vows to Stay Involved in Afghanistan - WT

Ambassador Crocker: US Shouldn't Speed Up Afghanistan Pull Out - Reuters

Afghanistan Hunts for Suspect in Kabul Killings, Karzai Calls for Calm - VOA

Afghanistan Rioters Injure 7 US Soldiers - LAT

Blast Wounds at Least 6 Americans in Afghanistan - NYT

Deadly Bombing at Jalalabad Airport - BBC

Nine Killed in Afghan Airport Bomb, NATO Base Attacked - Reuters

Afghan Protesters Hurl Grenades at US Base - AP

Taliban Say Airport Attack Is 'Revenge' for Koran Burnings - Reuters

International Military Personnel Recalled from Afghan Ministries - VOA

France and Germany Withdraw Civilian Staff - BBC

France Prepares to Move Staff From Afghanistan - Reuters

Afghan Ministers Cancel Trip to Washington - AP

Santorum: No Apology Needed for Quran Burning - AP

Analysis: Quran Crisis Reveals Lack of Awareness - S&S



Pakistan School Strives to Beat the Taliban Trap - AP

Osama Bin Laden Site Demolished - BBC

Pakistan Razes Bin Laden's Home, Erasing Memories - AP



Syrians Vote on New Constitution as Death Toll Mounts - VOA

Syria Holds Vote Despite Violence - BBC

West Dismisses Syria Constitution Vote as 'Farce' - AP

Rift Develops in Syrian Opposition Group - Reuters

Clinton Appeals for All Syrians to Abandon Assad - AP

No Clear Successor to Assad's 'Coup-Proof' Rule in Syria - Reuters

Syria Awaits Referendum Result; Putin Warns West - Reuters

Hamas Out of Syria, Leader Says - AP

Three Protesters Killed in Damascus - Reuters



Israel: Iran to Top Agenda at White House Summit - VOA

US General: Missile Defense on Track - AP

Israel Inks $1.6 Billion Arms Deal with Azerbaijan - AP

Iran Election Campaigners Seek Refuge in Islamic Rhetoric - Reuters

Pastor Yousef: Convert or Die - WT editorial



Trial of US Nonprofit Workers in Egypt Is Abruptly Put Off - NYT

Egypt Court Adjourns US Activists' Trial to April - Reuters

Clinton Says Weighing Response to Egypt Activist Trial - Reuters

Egypt to Select Constitutional Panel March 3 - AP

Egypt Parliament to Meet to Elect Constitution Body - Reuters


Middle East / North Africa

Netanyahu, Abbas Trade Barbs Over Jerusalem - Reuters

Israeli PM Slams Palestinian Leader's Speech - AP

UN: 1.3 Million Still Homeless from Iraq Conflict - AP

Niger Warns Against Travel to Libya as Tensions Rise - Reuters

Efforts to Free TV Crew in Libya - BBC

Algerian Islamists Agree on Alliance Ahead of Vote - AP


US Department of Defense

Army Identifies Remains of Last Missing Soldier in Iraq - S&S

G.I.’s Remains Are Recovered From Iraq - AP

A Warship Returns, With the Family in Tow - NYT


United States

Pressure Builds for Civilian Drone Flights at Home - AP

‘Act of Valor’ Accomplishes Mission of Educating Public - WT

Across Arizona, Illegal Immigration Is on Back Burner - NYT

Bribing Foreign Officials - WP editorial

Onward Online Privacy - LAT editorial

Proud to Work for Uncle Sam - WP opinion



Australia's Gillard Survives Challenge - BBC

Aussie PM Defeats Predecessor, Hangs On to Job - AP

Australian PM Gillard Wins Leadership Ballot - Reuters



Three People Killed, 38 Wounded In Nigeria Suicide Car Bombing - VOA

Suicide Attack on Nigerian Church - BBC

Suicide Bomber Kills 3 in Nigeria - AP

Sudan: Taste of Hope Sends Refugees Back to Darfur - NYT

Clashes Break Out in Sudan's South Kordofan - Reuters

Senegal Votes Calmly in Contentious Poll - VOA

'Tight Race' in Senegal Election - BBC

Discontented Senegalese Vote for President - NYT

Senegalese President Booed on Election Day - AP

France Opposed to Military Solution in Mali - AP

S. Africa: Mandela Discharged from Hospital - BBC



Colombia: FARC Says Will Stop Kidnapping, Promise to Release Victims - WP

Colombia Rebels in Hostage Pledge - BBC

Colombia's FARC Announces Halt to Kidnapping - AP

Venezuela: Chavez Surgery Gives Rival an Opening Before Vote - AP

Chileans See Political Aftershocks From 2010 Quake - AP


Asia Pacific

US and South Korea in Joint Drill - BBC

N. Korean Leader Threatens ‘Retaliatory Strike’ Against South - NYT

'Chinese' Bombard Obama Webpage - BBC

Burma: Preliminary Peace Deal With Mon Rebels - AP



G20 Seeks Eurozone Bail-out Boost - BBC

Europeans Agree to Review Size of Firewall Fund - NYT

Russia’s Democracy Movement Forms a Human Chain Around Kremlin - VOA

Russia: Putin Foes Encircle Center of Moscow - WP

Russia, Ukraine Agents Foil Anti-Putin Plot - AP

France: Low in Polls, Sarkozy Stakes All on Campaign Verve - Reuters

Explosive Device Found on Empty Athens Subway Train - Reuters

Support Democracy in Hungary - WP opinion

Will Scotland Go Its Own Way? - NYT opinion


South Asia

India 'Not to Succumb to Italy Pressure' - BBC

SWJ's New El Centro Section

Sun, 02/26/2012 - 8:45am

The below preamble is taken from SWJ's new El Centro page.  This is a new addition to SWJ to highlight security studies of our southern neighbors.  While we have focused on small wars far afield over the last decade, significant security challenges are plaguing the states in our own backyard.  This site feature will develop over the coming weeks and months to add new features, including Spanish-language resources.  This initiative has been created and will be handled by a group of El Centro Fellows, with more details linked below.

El Centro is SWJ's focus on small wars in Latin America. The elephant in the hemispheric room is clearly the epidemic criminal, cartel and gang threat, fueled by a drug and migration economy, rising to the level of local and national criminal insurgencies and a significant U.S. national security risk. El Centro explores those and other issues across the US Southern Border Zone, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America to develop a better understanding of the national and regional challenges underlying past, present, and future small wars.

El Centro presents relevant Small Wars Journal articles and SWJ Blog posts, and adds a preliminary reading list and research links of external works. We do link to some Spanish language resources but, for the moment, we are only operating in English. We look forward to being able to roll out El Centro, en Español, dentro de poco.

The El Centro Fellows are a group of professionals with expertise in and commitment to the region who support SWJ's approach to advancing our field and have generously agreed to join us in our El Centro endeavor. With their help and with continued development on our site's news and library sections, we look forward to providing more El Centro-relevant SWJ original material and more useful access to other important works and resources in the future.

26 February SWJ Roundup

Sun, 02/26/2012 - 3:41am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Anger over Koran Burning an Emblem of Nation's Culture War - LAT

Gunman Kills 2 US Officers in Afghanistan - VOA

NATO Personnel Pulled from Ministries after 2 Americans Killed - WP

2 US Officers Slain; Advisers to Exit Kabul Ministries - NYT

US Commander Pulls Back Advisors from Afghan Ministries - LAT

NATO Staff Quit Afghan Ministries - BBC

2 US Troops Shot in Kabul; NATO Pulls Workers - AP

US Urges Afghanistan to Protect NATO Forces - Reuters

Afghan Police Officer Sought over Kabul NATO Killings - BBC

Panetta Supports ISAF Personnel Recall After Kabul Murders - AFPS

Obama Backs NATO Security Steps After Deadly Afghan Attack - Reuters

Obama Offers Condolences for US Deaths in Afghanistan - AFPS

Afghanistan Braces for Tough Spring - LMD opinion



New Light on Drone War's Death Toll - AP

AP Investigation of US Drone Strikes in Pakistan - AP

Taliban Militants Say They Shot Down US Drone - Reuters

Pakistan Razing House Where Bin Laden Lived - NYT

Pakistan Begins Demolition of bin Laden's Compound - AP

Bin Laden Site Being Demolished - BBC

Pakistani Film Chronicles Acid Attacks - WP



Syrian Conflict Poses the Risk of Wider Strife - NYT

Constitutional Referendum Starts, Violence Doesn't Stop - CNN

Death Toll Mounts as Syria Holds Referendum - Reuters

Syria Holds Vote on Constitution - BBC

Violence Across Syria as Constitution Vote Begins - AP

Many Syrians Still Back Assad - WP

ICRC Negotiating Medical Evacuations From Syria's Homs - VOA

Aid Agencies Unable to Evacuate Wounded from Homs - LAT

Syria Condemns Meeting With Opposition in Tunis - Reuters

Growing Concern in Turkey Over Bloodshed in Syria - VOA

China: US, Europe Have Hegemonistic Goals in Syria - AP

Which Values Will Prevail in Syria? - CSM editorial

America's Alibis for Not Helping Syria - WSJ opinion

The New Cold War Has Started in Syria - TI opinion



Israeli Attack on Iran Might Pull US into New War  - AP

Iran: Attack will Lead to Israel's Collapse - AP

IAEA Faults Iran for Not Answering Key Questions - LAT

UN Nuclear Agency Rebukes Iran for Lack of Cooperation - S&S

IAEA: Iran Uranium 'Discrepancy' Still Unresolved - Reuters

Elections in Iran Illustrate Disconnect - WP

Time for Iran to Come Clean to the World - GN editorial

What Two Enemies Share - NYT opinion

Iran and Israel: Who's the Bigger Threat? - LAT opinion

What Would John Adams Do About Iran? - FP opinion



Car Bomb Detonates, Kills 26 as Yemen Swears in President - VOA

Yemen Swears In New President to the Sound of Applause, Violence - NYT

Suspected Al Qaeda Attack Welcomes Yemen's New President - LAT

Car Bomb Kills 25 in Yemen - WP

Yemen: Car Bomb Kills 25 in Southern City - AP

Obama Hails Yemen 'New Beginning' - BBC

Obama Welcomes New Yemen Leader, Pushes for Reform, Election - Reuters



Islamists Dominate in Egypt's Upper House Vote - AP

Scramble Is on to Find Deal for 16 Americans in Egypt - NYT

Egypt Presses Ahead With NGO Trial of Americans - AP

US Democracy Activists to Go on Trial in Egypt - Reuters

US Seeks End to Egypt NGO Case in Days - AP

Activists Set for Trial in Egypt - BBC

Egyptian Activist Faces Prosecution - WP


Middle East / North Africa

Syria, Iran and the Obama Doctrine - NYT

Libya and France Boost Military Cooperation - Reuters

Libya Urges Neighbors to Hand Over Gaddafi Supporters - Reuters

In Tunisia, Clinton Cites Promise of Arab Spring - AP

Israel Always Ready to Fight the Next War - Haaretz opinion

Libya Is a Long Way from Being a State - GN opinion


US Department of Defense

A Pet Project: Dogs Help Troops Ease into Therapy - S&S


United Nations

Researchers Push to Open UN Archive on War Crimes - AP



200 Years Later, War of 1812 Rouses Canada - LAT



Why Are So Many Journalists Dying in War? - FT editorial



In Nigeria, a Deadly Group’s Rage Has Local Roots - NYT

Al Shabaab Says Extends Reach Into Somalia's Puntland - Reuters

AU/ECOWAS Call for Compromise in Senegal Presidential Vote - VOA

Senegal Holds Controversial Poll - BBC

Senegal Braces for Violence after Presidential Election - LAT

Senegalese to Vote in Test of Nation's Stability - Reuters

Zimbabwe's Mugabe Says Ready for Polls, Slams Violence - Reuters

S. Africa: Chronic Illness Puts Mandela in the Hospital - NYT

Battling Sudan’s Bombs With Videos - NYT opinion

What Africa's Amazing Rise Can Teach Us - TA opinion



Mexico's Economy Motors On - AJ

22 Tourists Robbed in Mexico Bus Assault - AP

Haitian Premier Says Loss of Support Led Him to Quit - NYT


Asia Pacific

N. Korea Vows 'Sacred War' in Response to US-S. Korea Joint Drills - VOA

N. Korea's Kim Issues Threat Before S. Korea-US Drills - AP

North Korea Stance on Nuclear Plan Unchanged - NYT

From Virginia Suburb, Dissident Chinese Writer Continues Mission - NYT

2 Rebels, 2 Children Killed in Philippine Clash - AP

Thai Lawmakers Take First Step to Charter Change - AP

How China Can Disrupt Obama's Asia Pivot - TD opinion



G-20 Meeting Focuses on Euro Firewall Fund - NYT

Pressure on Europe Grows at Mexico G-20 Meeting - AP

Scotland Moves Toward Vote on Independence - WP

Italy: Berlusconi Bribe Case Thrown Out - BBC

Italian Court Throws Out Case Against Berlusconi - NYT

Serbia Reaches Seal over Kosovo - BBC

The Kremlin’s Not Laughing Now - NYT opinion